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by AspiringAuthorA..M.


Devoted to Truth
Inspired by fellowship to the King
Spending time in prayer
Caring for fellow brothers and sisters,
Inspiring the fallen to stand again,
Preaching the Word of Truth
Loving thy neighbor as yourself
Eternally faithful to the LORD

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Fri Jun 10, 2011 8:10 pm
AspiringAuthorA..M. says...

Thanks, y'all. As for the "I" what if before the first one I end the line with "and"? Wow. I am glad I can at least do acrostics, because I have done quite a number of them. It was how I started doing poetry. Being a disciple? Every day, and everywhere, be s light to the nations. Because He who lives in me is the Word Himself. :) It is an easy life? By no means. But with God, anything is possible.

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Reviews: 182

Fri Jun 10, 2011 7:56 pm
shiney1 wrote a review...

Hey, shiney1 here!

You are the ONLY person I have seen on this site that does acrostics like me, in other words, does not murder the word and makes the poem flow well.
I love this very much! You captured what a disciple should be, and your poem was understandable and not stressed like so many other acrostics I have read.
The "I" seems okay to me, it's just a shorter sentence, I guess. But the poem still flows pretty well there in my opinion.

Keep on doing acrostics, you are good at them!

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Points: 367
Reviews: 165

Fri Jun 10, 2011 5:42 pm
Sassykat says...

I just have one thing to say: The "I" seems a little off. It's the only one that is a continuous sentance. It should follow the pattern of the rest of the poem.

Excellent job.

Obsessing over what you regret won't get you anywhere.
— Steggy