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Halloween’s Trick Or Treat

by 22Midnight

Darkness creeps over, like a gust of poison;

threatening to kill the innocent

it steals them from their beds, and leaves them lifeless,

like they were just dolls to start with;

(ghosts are now coming) and swarming over their dead bodies,

and creating fake images of them,

while taking over their names.

An angel may receive sweets and treasures;

while a demon would receive know such gift,

and if a vampire came to see you its only wish would be

to give you (blood thirsty nightmares) for the rest of your life,

yes these are things that haunt each house;

when a child plays the game of trick or treat.

Be careful what you dress as,

for a witch comes with tricks and endless pain;

but a fairy comes with only treats and love.

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1403 Reviews

Points: 56
Reviews: 1403

Fri Oct 18, 2024 12:14 pm
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vampricone6783 wrote a review...

Hello there, human! I'm reviewing using the YWS S'more Method today!

Shalt we commence with the possessed S’more?

Top Graham Cracker - This is a poem about the scares and spooks of Halloween, all of the creepy corners in every spot. It’s full of mystery and magic, all of which are intriguing!

Slightly Burnt Marshmallow - I think that you meant to say “no” for the demon part, but that’s just one little thing.

Chocolate Bar - I love how the poem seems to be scary and spooky, breaking up the different parts of Halloween. You can give it a higher rating if you want but I don’t think that you need to. The beginning starts off with fright but ends with delight! I think that my favorite parts would be the mention of a witch and a fairy, on how differently they will act on Halloween.

Closing Graham Cracker - The ghosts are lurking in the air, the ghouls are hiding in every corner. The night is riddled with magic that can curse or gift anyone outside (and even inside). Halloween is alive this night and nobody can run! With that, I wish you…

A spooktacular day/night! ^v^

22Midnight says...

Thank you so much for the review, I'm glad you liked it :)
sending happy Halloween vibes!!!

I exist as I am, that is enough
— Walt Whitman