
Young Writers Society

12+ Language

Daisy Painted Glasses

by LadySpark

Her apartment was how he'd imagined it, bright and cheerful and just a tad bit messy.

Standing awkwardly in her living room, Jamie looked around smiling at the smell of chocolate chip cookies that seemed to flow through the room. The walls were a pale green, with a cream trim and they were covered in framed pictures of her and her friends. The piano against the wall was piled with sheet music and books, notebooks and pencils, and a few pictures that had fallen down. The couch looked delightfully comfortable, a brown leather one, covered in green and blue stripped pillows. On the coffee table were two mugs that were empty and a plate that had obviously once held cookies. There were at least four books upside down on the table, marked at different places. Blankets were in a pile on the floor, and a little poodle was laying fast asleep on them.

This room was her. A little bit scatter brained, just a touch of messy and homey. He could see himself settling in comfortably. "Have a seat!" came her voice from the other room. Jamie sat down on the couch, pleased to see it was as comfortable as he had guessed. The dog woke up and looked at him, a grumpy look on its curly face. "Hi there," Jamie whispered, looking back. In answer, the dog padded over and lay it's head down on his legs, looking at him as if to say 'um, why aren't you petting me?' Jamie grinned and started stroking the soft black fur. The dog hopped into his lap and settled down with a little sigh.


When Katherine walked into the room, she felt her heart do a double take. Jamie was sitting on her couch, fast asleep, her dog in his lap. An overwhelming feeling of home flowed through her, and she wanted to cuddle against him and read a book and drink a cup of tea with warm sugary cookies nearby. She didn't though. He'd made it quite clear he only wanted to be friends, and she was only making him dinner because he didn't have any power right now. She went back into the kitchen, opening the oven and checking on her blueberry pie.

The fact that Jamie Lyttle was sitting in her living room was making her heart race and her face redden, and make her even more determined for it to be a wonderful meal. Marinated chicken with mushrooms and asparagus, warm buttery rolls and iced tea. She started pulling glasses out of the cupboard, her favorites with the little white daises painted on them. Humming softly, she sat the table with her head in the clouds.This could be what happens every night... He could sit in the living room watching TV and I could cook. she thought as she put the chicken in a dish, her hums slowing to a stop. After she was done setting the table, she hesitated. She almost didn't want to wake him from his nap in her living room, wanted to leave him there and hope that his power never came back on. Before she could decide whether to leave him sleeping or wake him, the kitchen door swung open, and he leaned against the door frame, his wide brown eyes still foggy from sleep.

"Hello, Sleepy head." Katherine whispered, fixing him with an intense stare that made him stand up a little straighter.
"Hi," he mumbled, looking at the table, the steaming food looking perfect. "Is it time to eat?"
"Mhmm," she nodded and sat down.
"Well, this is way nicer than I expected it to be," Jamie mumbled, trying not to look at her. She looked so delectable, with her curls falling down and frizzy, a bit of flour from who knows where on her nose, and her big blue eyes staring out from behind thick rimmed glasses. As they ate, there was hardly any conversation, and Jamie took the time to look around her kitchen. This room was painted a pale blue, and was just as calming as the green in the living room. There were daises everywhere, in pictures, in a vase on the window sill, a couple of magnets on the fridge... It was so light and airy, Jamie wanted to just sit there and watch the clouds float by.

Katherine watched him as he looked around, hoping he liked her kitchen. The kitchen was her favorite place to be, with it's pretty blue and white curtains, and the white furniture. Even though, just like the rest of her apartment, it was just a little bit messy, with a few dishes in the sink and some tea stains on the table, she still loved her kitchen. Standing up to get the salt, Katherine tripped and fell against the stove, catching herself before her head hit the sharp edge. She cursed under her breath, struggling to stand as her heart stopped racing. Jamie was by her side, asking if she was alright, and poking her to make sure she didn't have any wounds. "I'm fine, Jamie. Don't worry."
Jamie smiled despite himself, and then burst out laughing. "Oh, Katherine."
She glared, settling herself back in her chair and putting her elbows on the table, her ears pink from embarrassed. "What?"
"You're so clumsy, and I can decide whether it's funny or endearing."

The pink of her ears spread to her cheeks, but she managed to maintain her dignified expression. "I take offense to your very existence," She stood up again, to get the salt she'd forgotten, and managed to get back to the table without tripping over the air again. He grinned like the Cheshire Cat when she sat back down, and patted her hand. "You know I think your clumsiness is cute, right?" She blushed again, and tried not to look to pleased.

Jamie had to admit, he liked making her blush. Her cheeks turned such a soft pink, and in the glow from the sun that was peeking in through the curtains, she looked like an angel embodied to sit in front of him. I could just tell her how I feel, he thought, his mind racing. Look at the way she blushes, she has to feel the same way.
But what if she didn't? The fear of being turned down by the person that meant the world to him was so scary, he didn't want to face it. But wouldn't it be better to know where he stood? His brain was running in a thousand different directions, and it was quite distracted by the way her red bangs fell from behind her ear to hang by her face when she bent down to retrieve the napkin she'd dropped in the floor. The way her little nose with it's freckles crinkled when she looked at him sideways, and he grinned widely, and she smiled back. All these little things were so overwhelming to him, sitting in her kitchen, eating the food she'd cooked. But he wouldn't say anything. He sat and ate the food she'd made, and then helped her wash the dishes, splashing her with water and then trying to look innocent when she fixed him with an angry stare.


The heat in the apartment seemed to be turned on to full blast to Katherine, who's face felt permanently hot from her cheeks reddening every time he teased her. They were standing by the sink, washing the dishes, his hip only inches from hers. He washed while she dried, and every time he'd splash her 'on accident', she'd slap him with the towel, and try not to look more pleased than a person should when a friend who you only have platonic feelings for, splashes you with warm water. She was very aware of how it felt to be standing so close to him, and she closed her eyes, trying to block out all thoughts except the ones that weren't dangerous. Like how pretty the sunset looked, and wondering whether his power would be back on anytime soon. It was easier to ignore the feelings, right? She wasn't going to tell him how she felt and then be rejected. She'd just have to revel in the feelings of overwhelmed defeat.


Jamie sat beside her on the couch, as close as he could possibly be without touching her. What would she do if I put my arm around her? He thought distractedly, ignoring the movie they'd chosen, instead watching her out of the corner of his eye. What would she do if I grabbed her hand and held it while we're sitting here? It was just mindless wondering though, because he knew he'd never do it, no matter if she hinted at it or not. In fact, her hand was sitting between them on the couch cushions, just inviting him to pick it up and kiss it, but he didn't, because well, what kind of a person would that make him?

Just ask her out on a date, he told himself, shaking his head slightly. If you ask her out on a date, the worst she can do is say no. But he didn't, he continued to sit there, and though he could never tire of watching her, her bright blue eyes laughing at something that had just happened in the movie, he tried for his sanity, to turn his attention to the TV, and away from the beauty sitting beside him, her knee barely touching his.


Katherine was watching Jamie out of the corner of her eye, trying to gage what he was thinking from his expression. He seemed content, but was that because he'd just been fed good food and now was watching the movie he'd chosen, or was it because he was enjoying being in her company? The only reason he was here was because his power was out, and she knew that, but it still made her heart skip that he was sitting on her couch, her dog's head in his lap, absentmindedly petting the soft hairs on the top of the animal's head. She decided she was reading more into this then there actually was, and looked away. The movie was still going, but she had been distracted so long by her thoughts, she didn't even know what was happening anymore.


Jamie glanced at the clock, dreading the time, hoping it wasn't too late. She'd be yawning for half an hour, ever since they'd put another movie into the DVD player. She had eventually curled up on the couch beside him, her head resting on the arm, and her feet only an inch away from his side. Her little feet were encased with blue socks that had kittens stitched on them. According to the clock, it was almost one in the morning, and he winced. When was an appropriate time to duck out gracefully? Two a.m.? One? Never? Shaking his head, he tried to rid himself from such thoughts. You'll start getting ready to leave in ten minutes, he told himself, turning from the clock on the wall and directing his attention to the movie.
Fifteen minutes later, he was still sitting on the couch, and hadn't said a word about leaving. She'd gotten up and came back with a blanket, and now looked so cozy wrapped up in her cocoon of warmth. She'd have to get up to see me to the door, and I don't want to disturb her. He thought, refusing to look at the clock. It was past one now, and the guilt would rise into his throat if he even thought he was over staying his welcome.


Katherine pulled the blanket tight, and continued to focus so hard on the movie, her eyes might have been squinting just a little. Superstitiously glancing at the clock, she raised her eyebrows at the time. She was dreading the moment he decided it was time to leave, and walked out. You could just invite him to sleep on your couch, she thought. His power is out, you'd just be doing him a favor.
But she knew she wasn't daring enough to be so forward, even if it was something as simple as a friend sleeping on a couch. If it was her friend Eric, she wouldn't think twice, and he probably wouldn't either, inviting himself on her couch before she had a chance too. But Jamie wasn't Eric. Jamie was something scary that hovered on the edge of oblivion, something she didn't understand, someone that drove her so wonderfully mad that she didn't know which way was up, and which was down. And she loved that, she really did. But it was still so daunting to look at him, sitting on her couch, and think of waking up and stumbling into the living room, to be greeted by the sight of a handsome man with curly hair that really needed cut sleeping on her couch. She'd just keep her mouth shut. It was for the best.


Only ten more minutes, Jamie promised himself, when he looked at the clock and saw that yet another hour had passed. Ten more minutes won't hurt. He glanced at Katherine, and grinned to himself. She looked peaceful, just like her dog that had settled down to sleep along the foot of the couch. He'd hate to disturb them. It'd be sacrilege at the very least to wake up her dog. But it was almost two thirty, and he knew the longer he made these excuses, the harder it would be to pull away. So he steeled himself and stood up. She sat straight up, and looked at him. "Do you want some cookies and milk before you leave?"
"That," he said, hating and loving himself at the same time, "would be lovely."
And so he followed her into the kitchen, and she pulled out a plate and heaped chocolate chip cookies on it, and then two glasses, that had white daises painted on them. "I hope you don't mind soy milk, regular milk gives me a stomach ache."
"Soy milk is fine," didn't she know he'd drink mud if she offered it to him? She turned around and smiled, pulling the carton out and pouring soy milk into the first glass. As she moved to hand it to him, she knocked the other one into the floor, and groaned at the shattering of glass. Jamie grinned. "At least there was no milk in it."
She glared in reply, and pulled a broom and dustpan out from under her sink. He bent down to help her sweep it up, picking up the larger pieces of the glass and putting them carefully in the trash. "Thanks," she said, sweeping up the little crystals that were scattered across the linoleum.
"No--youch!" Jamie jumped back from the piece he'd went to pick up, dropping it onto the floor, blood rushed to the cut the jagged edge had made, and he lifted his finger to his mouth to suck on it, drawing his eyebrows together.
"What happened?" Katherine looked up from her sweeping, to be greeted by a look of pain. "Oh, Jamie." the giggles escaped on accident, and she shook her head. "Come on, we'll get you a band aid." He stood up and followed her into the tiny bathroom, and she climbed up on top of the counter to reach the box where she kept her bandages. "I could have--"
"Oh, be quiet and let me work my nursing magic on you." she said, shaking her head and pulling his finger towards her.
"Nurse away," he barely breathed, blushing at the feeling of heat that rose in his stomach. She opened the plastic box, and pulled out antibacterial creme, and a band aid. Smearing the creme on his finger, she made a face. "You poor thing, this is kind of deep!"
"It's fine," he mumbled, shaking his head and looking down at the floor to avoid thinking about how close they were. They had to be, it was a small bathroom. So he continued to look at the floor while she administered to his wounds.


Katherine's face, not for the first time that night, felt as hot as lava, standing so close to him in the tiny bathroom. She didn't look at him, just stared at his cut, taking the hello kitty band aid out of it's wrapper and placing it softly around his finger. She patted it, and then chanced a look up, smiling. "There you go."


Jamie knew he had to look up from the floor when she spoke, so he did, and found himself unable to say a word. It wasn't like he'd never seen her before, but standing in that tiny bathroom, inches away from her, he suddenly felt his heart fly up into his chest. He was going to kiss her. There was no question of it, there was no hemming or hawing, he was just going to do it, and when he did, well, he'd worry about the consequences of his actions then. So, he met her eyes, and paused, before leaning in, ever so slowly till their noses were touching.
"I'm going to kiss you," she breathed, and he grinned. "No, I'm going to kiss you." And then, there lips touched, and her's were so soft, and he wondered if maybe this is what heaven felt like. Jamie lifted his arms, wrapping them around her waist, pulling her as close as he dared, and her own arms wound round his neck. He broke the kiss, and leaned his forehead against hers. She was gasping for breath, and her eyes were still shut, her little eyelashes brushing her cheeks. She didn't open them, and when he opened his mouth to say something, she moved one hand from is neck and pressed her finger to his lips. "Shush, Jamie. Just stand here a minute with me." And he did, stood in her tiny little bathroom, his arms still around her waist, holding onto her like a shipwrecked passenger might cling to a life saver in the middle of the sea.


Later, she was standing in the kitchen, trying again to get some cookies and milk for them. He was sitting at the table, and she could feel his eyes on her, but she ignored them. Things weren't awkward exactly, but she did wonder how to go about telling this guy that was sitting in her kitchen at two a.m. how much she liked him. She poured the milk into glasses, and then sat his in front of him. A plate of cookies between them. "Katherine, I--"
"Jamie, I think I--"
"Like you," they both said together, and broke into nervous laughter. Katherine's stomach was swooping from one side to another, like a pirate ship ride at a amusement park. "Really?" he whispered.
"Oh," he leaned back, and she worried that maybe he looked just a little pale.
"Is that okay?"
"More than okay, sweetie. I just, I never thought you would."
She had to stop herself from rolling her eyes at that. "I've liked you since the moment I met you."
He blushed, and reached for her hand that was sitting on the table. "Well, I can honestly say 'ditto.'"
She laughed, relief, excitement ringing. "I'm so glad, I really am."
"As am I," Jamie looked at her, grinning at her, his eyes crinkling. "I think I might like to kiss you again," he said, looking at her more seriously.
"I won't argue," she hoped she didn't sound as breathless as she felt. He leaned forward, his lips brushing hers softly, then latching on in an actual kiss. She released his hand, moving to reach around his neck, slowly, as though she'd frighten him away. As he leaned forward to deepen the kiss, there was a clink, and then he jumped up, glaring at the table. And Katherine laughed, because when he leaned forward, he'd knocked over a glass with his elbow, so milk was no dribbling from it. "Damn things," he mumbled, still glaring. She jumped up and wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him into a kiss, still laughing. "Oh, Darling."
And he started to laugh too, as he bent his head to meet her lips.

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37 Reviews

Points: 731
Reviews: 37

Sun Feb 17, 2013 11:47 pm
Rarity wrote a review...

I really haven't been having the best day today, and reading this just made me feel happy. So thank you for improving my mood. I must first compliment you on your imagery. While I was reading it, I could envision the scene perfectly. Brownie points for good word choice! I also appreciate the fact that you spereated the two points of view with a line, it saved confusion. Every now and then I noticed a grammatical mistake, but nothing serious. In the last paragraph in line 5, I noticed it should probably be 'now' instead of no. I really love how real this is. This is real love with real people in real situations. True love is simply wanting to be together, and that's how I think Katherine and Jamie feel. Great job!


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11 Reviews

Points: 516
Reviews: 11

Tue Feb 12, 2013 8:27 pm
InvertedClock wrote a review...

I really enjoyed reading this.

You really captured that feeling of an unrequited love. I love the sense of imagery that was used and the way you described things. It made it feel as if you were telling a true story between two people. I also like how you didn't rush anything between the characters but let things develop. That really gives it that realistic feel.

In all, i can't really say anything bad about this story. It was sweet and adorable. Great write and well done.

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— Aristotle