
Young Writers Society

The Sun Children V - The Princess' Crown - Chapter Seven

by TheSunChildren

Chapter Seven

The Breakout


The westward road was long and swerved down the large hill on which Nyshtare stood aflame.

The clouds of smoke that bellowed from its fiery ruins hung over the sky and drifted across the faint moonlight which seeped through gaps in the trees above the road.

Sapphire looked up into the canopies at mere darkness. Many stars dully glimmered through the spreading cloud and she could of help but think of all the many years that had passed in the world. Never had her lands been cast into shadow so greatly since the age of Atharniak in the days of Elegardin.

Fehrnire still trotted along atop his horse besides her and she looked unto him in deep thought. With her parents dead it was now up to her and her brother to cast light back into the skies above Nyshuhr.

There was sadness about the Nyshuhrians headed southwards now from the western road. Many of their homes and their loved ones were left behind in a city they could not go back to.

Fennok rode level with the prince. He looked into the vast downward slopes escaping the capital. The western path still continued to twist down the hill yet the southern path travelled along the ridge. Far in the distance a glittering lake could be seen. The moon yet managed to dapple the calm waters with tranquillity as it hung over the distant mountains.

Before the travelling refugees now lay a crossroad once again. Either way looked identical.

“Which way?” Fehrnire asked. He then looked at his quiet sister taking the southernmost path.

Fennok then pointed to Sapphire from high up,,

“The princess is already going the right way your highness” he answered.

Those many who followed behind now took the same route. The royal cavalry rode before the others but behind Sapphire who now stood at the top of a fairly long slope down the hill and into a grassy basin at the bottom. For one last time she looked behind at the skies. They hung with an orange glow that came from the burning capital.


Amidst the rubble of the northern gates of Nyshtare stepped a masked figure. His form was tall and was draped in black robes of spike-ridden gold patterns. They fell from under golden armour most noticeable of all was his mask. Three ridges ran vertically up its height and stood above his head with the eye slits between them.

He looked about at the burning street with a hidden smile as men of red armour gathered around him.

“Milord, the king and queen of Nyshuhr are dead; the city is at your mercy. What now happens?” asked a General who stood besides the tall figure.

“And what of the sun child?” he asked in a deep and cutting voice.

“Milord she was too powerful for our forces to withhold, she and many others escaped to where we do not know, but we presume they are headed southwards to Nyrsu Gara”

“So, the princess abandoned her people who still linger in your control, it looks as if we won’t be needing them then, does it?” the lord looked over at a group of civilians stood shuddering by the side of the road in manacles.

He faced his hand downwards and his men moved in and stabbed the innocent people of Nyshtare to the ground. The black lord then spoke in a metallic voice that echoed through slits in his golden mask,

“It has then begun. Find the sun child. Kill her and drag her body to my feet”


Sapphire had now led her people downhill into the grassy basin where the bare green hills climbed again the other side under clear moonlight. The grass was long and rippled gently in night winds as she stepped slowly through it.

“Does my sister even known where she is headed?” Fehnrire asked Fennok besides him.

“Do you, your highness?” he answered critically.

“In the time I have spent alone in the forsaken walls of the palace I have had time to do many a thing. One of which was learn to use the moon’s whereabouts to orientate my own whereabouts”

Sapphire interrupted, standing amidst the knoll with her hair caught in the breeze. She then turned to walk up the hill and came to its peak where she overlooked a great valley. Lakes, rivers and great forests rolled away into darkness which spread unto the base of mountainous silhouettes in the moonlight.

“The Knollands of Uraha – I am unsure of which way to go from here” said the princess. Fennok and Fehrnire reached her either side and the General took a long look over the tranquil lands below.

“You see that river which flows nearest?” he asked. “That is the River Ahrn. It is the river which borders Rhunahr from the southern realm of Hahnar. We follow its flow past the mountains which will take us to Nyrsu Gara and beyond that the great lake of Ahrndorn”

In due time the Nyshuhrians had trekked the hill and began to delve into the valley of the knolls and forests fed by the great river of Ahrn. the trees of the Garanar forest began to pass by either side and the view of the distant mountains disappeared behind tall trees in thick green leaf.

For an hour or so the refugees wondered into the rustling trees. On the other side the great river flowed by and upon the opposite banks were ridges of rock which overhung the water where grass draped into the flow. The ridges climbed steadily into the distance and above them the peaks of the border mountains were seen.

“The people are tired General, what shall we do?” asked Sapphire.

“We shall rest here for the night your highness. Prince Fehrnire, you are the heir to this country’s throne now, perhaps it is best you address your people” Fennok suggested.

The prince turned around nervously and looked at the refugees close to collapsing in tire, as were the silver men walking by their side. He could not find the words to say.

“Your highness?” the General asked again.

“Brother, what is the matter?”

Fehrnire stood still and with each question came more pressure which caused him to struggle. He then saw his sister’s hand on his shaking arm and spoke,

“Don’t worry brother, I shall talk to them” she said. She then walked towards her slowing subjects and held her head high,

“Good people, you may rest, we shall sleep upon the river banks for the night and set off in the morning. May Atharniak calm your minds of all evil whilst you rest”

Many began to whisper about Sapphire’s recurring notion of the ancient deity but through exhaustion her words were quickly forgotten and her people spread out to lay against trees, but also upon the leaf layered floor and soft green river banks.

“There Fehrnire, come, rest, you look as if you need it” the princess said, pulling her brother away from the spot where he still stood.

“Look, someone has already been here!” said a red knight to Fennok. Vahil edged closer and bowed to him.

“General, I believe these may be the tracks of the other refugees of Nyshtare, myself and the other lower city captains escorted many out of the western gate to make their way to Nyrsu Gara.”

“There were others?” asked Fennok, looking up with hope upon his wrinkled face.

“Atleast a thousand others General, it was only the upper city people and the high houses of the Regal Road which we could not reach. The Argarians were too many!” explained Vahil.

“Well, get your rest Captain, you will need it. At least we can sleep knowing many more are safe”

The horses were roped to trees for the night as their riders settled down amidst a small campfire.

Sapphire sat alone against a tree and stared at her father’s sword. Its light shone in the reflection of the fire. She kept her thoughts to herself and said nothing until her brother came over and stood at his sister’s feet.

“Sapphire?” he said. She slowly looked unto him with tired and tearful eyes.

“Can I ask something?” The Prince continued.

“That would depend on what it is you wish to ask”

“Ok” said Fehrnire, and he sat next to his sister.

“Did you see our parent’s killed?”

“I – I did”

“And what were their last words? May I ask?”

Sapphire then stared at her father’s golden sword again and thought of what he said of Fehrnire. He knew the prince did not possess the qualities of a true leader as she did, and now she had begun to see why.

“They said that the fate of this country now lay in our hands and that you were to lead Nyshuhr to a new age of peace” she answered, but she lied for her own reluctance to having to lead.

“M – me? Father wanted I to restore peace?“ the prince sat up better and turned to his sister with a troubled mind.

“Sapphire, you must understand what I now say. I may have acted as father wished, the perfect son who took his armies into battle at Shanyr. Who earned the respect a royal should when he performs such heroic deeds. The truth is I watched as our people fell into the marshes, the Inari kept coming from the fog that lingered and it was General Fennok who had to lead the royal unit into the hidden lands. I merely crumbled in fear.”

Sapphire did not know how to reply. She had never seen a weak side to her brother, only when their father became angry and raised his voice, mainly at her for using her abilities, accidentally at first, and then purposely.

“I wish I could say you are doing well, brother. But the truth is, if father was counting on you as his firstborn heir, you need to step up to the throne. That can only be done by gaining the loyalty of your people”

“But Sapphire, you already have their loyalty, the enemy would quake in opposition to your reign”

Sapphire then sighed and looked down at the leaves on the floor.

“You know what happened the last time a sun child ruled Nyshuhr. Rhandyr killed many of his own and slain the ones he loved in his own wrath. Power consumed him and he died a bitter, evil and corrupt man of who was hated by the masses” she whispered. “I do not wish to see our lands burn in my fires any more”

“Sapphire, I told you in Nyshtare, you are not weak. You can control your abilities and desires and use them to take a stance as the one who can take our armies into battle!”

“No! I will not lead anyone into battle. I will fight for and alongside our people, but I will not lead an army into death with a mind of fire at my mercy!” the princess shouted. Across the trees the campfire where sat the red knights erupted into a high flame at raised voices before dying down again.

“The sun child has become powerful. Can we trust her with such destructive abilities?” asked one knight to another.

“She has not failed us yet, she tore apart her city in a cloud of low fire to keep her people safe, from what I hear” another replied.

Shortly after the camp fell silent. It was replaced by the breathing of the Nyshuhrian people amidst the trees by the river. Fehrnire rest against a tree opposite Sapphire but he did not stir. She on the other hand still sat half awake in the darkness, though I was not long before she too fell into the realms of sleep.

Her eyes were woken the next morning by the crunching of vegetation and the soft breezes passing through the forest. She did not get much sleep, but had gotten enough to carry on.

There was much talking between the knights and people of Nyshtare. The fires were dowsed and the horses untied from the trees. A few leaves fell from the trees above and lay in Sapphire’s path as she approached Fennok. He and the other red royal knights were loading their belongings onto their horses’ saddle. Fehrnire was not far behind, though he did not say much. He instead went and stood by the riverbank and overlooked the soft water. Sapphire saw her brother keeping to himself and wondered what was on his mind. However, she now turned to Fennok to speak.

“General, how long will it take us to reach Nyrsu Gara?” she asked.

“Two days and nights, but we should arrive amidst the red trees the following morning” he answered.

“Good morning your highness!” said Vahil with a smile as he passed.

“Good morning Captain” she replied.

Sapphire bowed to Fennok in acknowledgement and went to stand next to Fehrnire a short distance away. There was moments of silence between them before either one said anything whilst the world seemingly moved behind them.

“You won’t tell anyone, will you Sapphire, about my reluctance? I will however, make it no secret that I feel that you are in fact the one destined to take our country’s throne.”

“Brother, I told you I will not rule Nyshuhr, not until there is no other to take the throne! But yes, I will keep your secret with me. Attitudes such as yours could rupture the hopes of our people, but you will get over them, in time. You’re the natural heir to our bloodline; I am not, now I suggest you put this behind you and let us carry on in our travels to be with our people.”

“I do not expect welcome in Nyrsu Gara, I do not want such admiration” Fehrnire muttered as his sister began to walk back to the trees where her royal knights began to mount their horses. Upon hearing the remark she turned around and spoke across the distance between them.

“Like it or not Fehrnire, people will look to you for leadership. They will expect action to be taken against Argar and want you to take them to their call of vengeance!”

The princess then tightened the scabbard which her father’s sword lay in and turned around. Fehrnire watched the golden hilt poke from his sister’s side and then a thought came to him. If Sapphire carried the sword of the king, then was her claim to deny coronation true? If Fehrnire was to become king, then the sword should belong to him, or so he thought. Nonetheless he went and followed his sister, mounting his horse and following his wise General back into a path in the trees with the many tired citizens and knights behind them.

The next day passed in the great woodlands of the country. Upon the third morning a sun lit mist entered the trees and engulfed the foreseeable distance in a glimmering due. Sapphire stepped onto a path of twigs and moss which trailed through the forest. Above her the trees were tall and their canopies were hidden amidst the bright sun light that shone brightly between each and through gaps in the branches.

Just then she took another step onto a section of the path where ancient stone could be seen beneath the undergrowth. She looked up at the path ahead and saw that it crossed into a white fade where nothing could be seen the other side. Something then moved above. Birds flew from tree to tree, singing as they sat on branches watching the refugees below. Leaves of red and gold colours began to rain down upon the princess and she caught one in her hand. At the touch of her gentle palm the leaf burnt to cinders and she crushed her hand together before opening it to let the fragments fly away in a passing breeze.

“We are here” said Fennok.


Silence had gravely befallen upon ringing ears, yet something stirred and a breeze blew across the face. A warm breeze as it was, and it felt thick as if something were in it. A sound rumbled into the ears. A sound of thudding and galloping, grinding and hammering metal. The cavalry burst through onto Ringwater Bridge with a speed unstoppable by Larinian’s men. Sharla looked to her side and saw the river flowing around the island and then looked forwards unto the high fire lit beacon which stood in the centre of the opening.

The horses split around the plinth on which the beacon stood and from either side a swarm of soldiers emerged. They ran into the street to try and stop the escaping companions, but the mighty will of the horses had become too great and they moved aside in fear of death.

Beyond the opening was the old marketplace, an area of the city Sharla was very familiar with. In the road which was narrower with stalls and overhanging buildings, visibility became worse and soon a cloud of smoke passed through the centre from one alleyway to the next. Sharla then heard something behind her, as did the others. They turned and saw another unit of horsemen chasing after them.

“We can do this Anaril; I know you won’t let me down!” Sharla whispered to her horse. Hanron also cracked the reins on his creature and the others followed in example.

Suddenly the companions broke into the thick cloud of smoke. Sharla then removed one hand from the reins and scooped it under her helmet. With a single move she tore it from her hair and threw it to the floor. She saw the others infront of her as she came out of the smoke. Only Karnon had taken his helmet off likewise. Theran rode alongside his friend and gave her a comforting nod as he turned to face the oncoming hordes who were quickly gaining ground.

The darkness of the marketplace passed by and a wider street came into view. Then, from many side roads ran even more of Larinian’s servants. They wore soot covered silver attire and looked tiredly at the passing cavalry and those who chased them. Many shouted in defiance to the traitors yet many stood helplessly.

The air was then torn open once again when Ringwater’s dark bells rung and echoed across the lands. The burst of the low tone caught Ember’s ears and suddenly she opened her eyes. Below her she saw the ground moving under her, cobbles and tiles and bricks, flying by. Anaril’s main was caught in the winds and blew backwards into her hands. What was happening?

Ember lifted her head and saw between Anaril’s ears the other companions galloping forth down the long road. She felt an arm pressing against either of hers and they gripped the reins intensely.

“Hold on Em, we’re almost there!” said an up-spirited Sharla.

The bells rung again and Theran nearly fell from his horse. He saw the other four infront of him quivering with each blast of Ringwater’s noise. He looked across at Sharla who had a slight smile on her face at the sight of her awakened sister. Her smile soon went when Theran told her to look behind. She did, and she saw that the pursuing unit of horsemen were now riding closer than ever with three almost upon reaching distance. Hanron also looked to Ember and those who gathered behind Anaril. A sudden shiver hit him and he took action.

“Master Valan, fall back to Sharla, she’s going to need your help in a moment!” he ordered. The silent yet strong man pulled his reins and slowed his horse down until he came to Sharla’s opposite side to Theran. He unstrapped his pike from his saddle and held it in one hand whilst controlling his creature with the other. Sharla nodded in understanding and moved to Ember’s ear.

“Sis, hold the reins steady for a moment!” she requested. Without question Ember took the leather straps and felt the power of Anaril galloping beneath her.

Sharla held out her bow and loaded an arrow into the string. She pulled her wrist back and let go. The arrow sliced through the armour of one of the close men and he fell from his horse. Another horseman rode over the trampled body of his fallen ally. Before he had a chance to touch Sharla he was impaled upon Valan’s pike. Sharla fired

More arrows were drawn and more men fell, each time Sharla’s hand shook less as enemies fell behind her. Many realised that she was not a helpless little girl, and that she was actually very well defended.

“Sharla, are you ok?” asked Ember above the clattering of hooves. She could feel her sister’s quick breathing against her and a shuddering in her body.

“Em, don’t worry, they’re backing away. I won’t let them touch you sis!”

Sharla lowered her bow and slid it back into the holster on her back. She then took the reins back off of her sister and held one arm around her sister for it had been so long since she had had the chance.

Theran and Valan gazed behind to see the withdrawing horsemen; it seemed as if they had given up.

The last view of Ringwater castle perished behind smoke and only ahead was the city gate. It stood amidst the city wall and orange glowing sky. A tower stood either side and atop each was a fire-lit beacon. It did not seem as if Larinian’s men could stop them now. But then a shout came from infront.

“Horsemen, both sides, keep narrow and fast, we’re almost there!” yelled Hanron.

“Narrow and fast!” repeated Karnon.

“We’re going to make it Karnon! So long have we dreamt about this and the gates to freedom are before us!” Dialar said to his tall friend. Karnon was riding besides Dialar, but upon Hanron’s orders he rode ahead and fell into a single line.

“Make sure Sharla and her sister are ok!” asked Karnon. Dialar nodded and looked behind him. He saw fear on Ember’s face, but even more on Sharla’s as she feared for Ember’s life.

Horsemen poured into the street from either side and caused the companions to ride in a single formation by natural fear.

“Sharla, stay by me, I fear this may get a bit rough!” requested Theran who kept one hand close to the sword at his side.

Ever more the city gates were getting nearer and now the group rode through the opening where Hal had kept Ember captive until she lashed out. It came as a shock as the cavalry rode in for many soldiers still roamed the opening, and many had to dive out of the way of the mighty creatures.

Suddenly from the street ahead rode even more horsemen. Hanron’s eyes opened wide as he manoeuvred between them and looked behind to make sure the other were alright. Karnon punched one rider in the face when he came too close whilst Dialar kicked another from the saddle. Valan and Theran kept either side of Sharla and Ember and held their weapons ready to defend them.

“Valan, we’re going to need to form a line, they’re closing in from either side and soon we won’t be able to hold them off! I’ll ride affront, you ride behind!” Theran insisted. Valan nodded and quickly pulled his reigns slightly as Theran cracked his. The three horses quickly formed a line one after the next and as a line they swerved through the lines of Larinian’s men sent to kill them. The further to the city gate they got the more there seemed to be.

Ringwater’s bells rung out once again and echoed far across the lands again. They made Ember jump slightly as she had grown to fear the sound.

“Make sure the sun child doesn’t escape!” shouted one lead horseman, through he soon fell as Valan’s pike ripped into his flesh.

Sharla still looked behind her at those chasing and then she looked over her big sister’s shoulder unto the sight of Arzutare’s burning walls and large gates which were guarded by an entire unit of foot soldiers. The other companions saw it too, their way was shut and there was no way that the horses could barge these gates open.

“General, what are we going to do about the gate!?” asked Dialar loudly.

“I didn’t think about the gate!” he answered.

“We’re too late, we will never get these gates open in time!” said one archer atop the wall to his leader. Their tone was hush as many of Larinian’s own still stood amongst them.

“Yes we will, we must do it now, Hanron and the sun child are still a fair distance. Men, take the winches!” shouted Larnkor

His men then pulled daggers from under their cloaks and thrusted them into the backs of all those who were not of Larnkor’s unit. The archers then ran along the wall to great metal wheels embedded in the towers either side where a walkway went between them. One man looked through the small slit window in the grey stone wall and saw six horses riding quickly down the street with no less than thirty behind them and many more on foot.

The loud clanking of moving gears filled the tower and the great wooden poles attached to each gate began to turn.

Ember and Sharla watched with the others as the two giant doors began to open. A widening gap of darkens appeared between them and the starry night sky filled the darkness.

“Be strong Em, it looks like we’re dragging Larinian’s forces into the beyond.” Sharla said to her sister

“And whatever is beyond Shar, we will both stay strong, we have to now!”

As Hanron passed through the doors he gazed upwards at Larnkor standing atop the walkway and he gave a final salute.

Larnkor then watched as Ember passed through with her sister and rushed to the other side to see them into the fields beyond the walls. He had finally seen the sun child. However, a great rumbling and rattling stormed along the road as all thirty odd horsemen stampeded out of the city in pursuit.

“General Larnkor! There are men approaching the wall from either side, they say we are traitors and that we are to die! What are we to do?” asked one out of breath soldier who approached Larnkor, who still stood over watching the fields beyond the city.

“So many of my men have already died today through sacrifice for the sun child’s life. We shall honour them by matching their bravery and going down as martyrs!” he replied and he drew his bow from his back and as he did he also pulled a long blade from his side and attached it to the end of the wooden bow.

He followed the man back into the tower where he could already see Larinian’s forces rushing onto the high wall. He was ready to die for what he hoped for, for now he had lived to see its awakening.

In the distance now a great high mound of earth could be sighted, a grey hill that lined the horizon, and before it were endless plains of fields, trees, bushes and streams. The companions were now headed into the rural areas of Arzuritan, as were those chasing closely behind them.

The stone road led out into the country and went straight into the distance between an avenue of trees. Hanron looked behind him once again and realised that unless action was taken, he and the others were likely to be killed.

By now the six horses travelled in two rows as to keep closer together.

One of the riders behind launched a spear from his hand and it flew with an Arzurian flag waving from the pole. It landed noisily at Anaril’s feet and skidded long until it stopped at a bump in the cobbles which still went from the city’s streets.

Anaril dodged the attack but by doing so he had veered from the path and cut between two trees to the side. He took the sisters into the fields around the road, down a bank and across plains of long grass with hedges and lines of trees bordering the fields. Sharla did not know what to do and her sister could only watch as they went further and further away from the others.

Theran saw his best friend disappearing into the darkness and began to panic.

“General, what are we going to do about Sharla and Ember?!” he asked.

Hanron looked into the passing trees and could only just see Anaril. Dialar then turned to face behind and saw that half of Larinian’s men had gone, and then as he looked through the trees also, he could see a line of horsemen chasing after into the fields.

“Sharla and her sister need our help; they won’t be able to survive so many chasing after them!” he shouted.

“Master Karnon, Master Valan, go after them, we’ll take the other half!” Hanron ordered.

“Bring them back safely!” Theran insisted with a great look of worry in his eyes.

Valan nodded and followed Karnon by falling out of formation to cross through the line of trees and began riding into the long grass that stroked the horses’ stomachs. Together they cut into the back end of the line chasing the sisters and pulled the men from the horses.

“Ember, what are we going to do!?” screamed Sharla.

“Just keep us away from the enemy whilst I think of something, I trust you Shar!” she replied.

“Valan, split up, ride up either side and catch up with the sisters!” Karnon requested. Suddenly both men stood up in their stirrups and rode faster up the line which was spread out across the fields.

The sisters rode into the moonlit fields with the grass waving gently around them, but breaking upon Anaril’s legs like waves upon a rock.

As Ember was about to say something she looked behind at the sound of approaching hooves and saw that three horsemen had gotten very close all of a sudden.

“Shar, watch yourself!” she said.

Before Sharla could do anything, a horseman had ridden to her side and grabbed her roughly by the waist. Ember turned back and saw her sister was in trouble and threw her fist into the rider’s face. he did not lose grip, but did not expect the attack.

Ember then looked ahead again and saw a high hedge coming and knew that she had to free her sister quickly. She punched the rider again and again until finally he lost grip and fell away, causing the other two to fall back slightly.

Anaril then jumped the hedge and Ember felt herself lift from the saddle. But upon landing on the other side she saw that Sharla had gone. Then she saw her. She was lying huddled in the grass having fallen from Anaril. The other horsemen still chased after Ember and she maintained her speed.

Then she had an idea to get to her sister, but it was dangerous, very dangerous.

Meanwhile Hanron, Dialar and Theran had stopped running and instead all three had split in separate directions so that equal amounts of men followed them. The group chasing Hanron came hammering along the soft ground away from the road.

Dialar needed a quick way to rid himself of all following him and so turned about and rode at Hanron.

He managed to clip across the path of Kanron’s speeding horsemen, but he also took his own into the same path. Both groups of horsemen collided at speed and many were killed violently as the horses crashed into one another and the men were crushed under the impact and weight. Few were left alive, but lay crippled in a bloody pile.

“I could have taken them!” Hanron shouted.

“The quicker we kill them the better!” Dialar shouted. Now they were both free of their troubles they looked to Theran as he was cutting down his last enemy with the blade attached to his bow.

They then rode up to him and together the three of them rode back to the road. They looked through the trees upon the bank and into the fields. They could not see any trance of any movement in the long grass. Then however, a great burst of fire erupted from a fair distance away.

Karnon and Valan saw it infront of their path as they cut through the front of the line chasing the sisters. The flames collapsed into a cloud of smoke and drifted into their faces as they rode through.

On the other side there was no sign of the sisters, just an empty saddled Anaril still riding at speed away from the men.

What none knew was that this was Ember’s smokescreen, used so that she could jump from Anaril and begin heading back towards the hedge.

Sharla dragged her bruised body into the hedge and lay under it as hooves leaped overhead. They landed with a force so strong that the ground shuddered a little and they rode off into the grass, suspecting she and Ember were still running.

Ember had to dodge the horses as she ran through the grass. She kept low for the grass was almost her own height. She saw Karnon pas by but knew that if he saw her he would likely stop and give away her whereabouts. She waited until the horsemen had passed before she began to search the grass, wading back towards the hedge in the darkness.

Then, trough a trail of trampled grass Ember saw her huddled sister under the hedge and began to run towards her.

“Sharla!” she cried.

She lifted her head and smiled graciously, never had she been so happy to see her older sister.

She cuddled her tightly as it was the first time they’d been alone since they were in their bedroom the day of Sharla’s abduction.

“Thank goodness you’re alright Shar!” said Ember.

“And you Em! But the same cannot be said for mother”

“I know sis…”

“You do?” asked Sharla in confusion.

“Yes - I watched her die and I was powerless to stop her pain…I didn’t even get to say goodbye to her! I should have done something!” Ember began to sob. Sharla held her sister close and whispered.

“Now is not the time to weep Em, we must first get away from here. We will not forget mother, not until we join her and father. We are orphans now, the army has killed both our parents, and we shall avenge them, you and I!” ”

The sisters tightened their hug and heard something.

There was a sound of hooves galloping about nearby, louder and louder, closer and closer until Ember wondered if it was one of the companions. She stood up wearily to look. The sight before her through the grass however was one she did not wish to see. A soldier came into view with his blade lowered, skimming through the grass with a blade in its moonlight glimmer.

The rider saw Ember and suddenly he picked up speed. He galloped at speed towards the hedge and Ember was lucky to dodge quickly enough for the rider to jump overhead with the metallic whirring of his blade simmering past Ember’s ear.

Sharla gasped as her sister was nearly killed and stood up to face the horseman who had begun to turn around. She picked her bow up from the floor and levelled it with the rider, pulling the arrow back in the string. With a swift shot she took the rider down and he fell heavily into the grass. His horse, scared of the girl, reared away and ran into the darkness of the plains.

“Are you ok Em!?” asked Sharla, hurrying back.

“Yes, are you?”

“I am now I have killed another of Larinian’s thugs. I feel no remorse now for those I have killed, that moment has passed.”

There were shouting beyond, and Ember looked through the hedge at the sight of a burning Arzuritan and through the grass appeared many men holding spears. They were talking to one another and searching for anyone they could find left. They had expected that their outnumbering force would have outmatched the companions.

“Stay low Shar! We can’t take on all of them!”

“No Em, but we can run!” she replied.

“And you think you’ll be ok to do that, you injured your leg didn’t you?”

“I’ll be fine. If we don’t move, we’re as good as dead. Are you ready?”

Ember took a deep breath and took her sister’s hand.

“Ok, let’s go!” she quickly whispered.

Together the two sisters leapt forwards into the tall rustling grass which glimmered in the moonlight.

Sharla limped a little, but she was helped along by Ember. Ember looked behind but could see no sign of the men she had heard before.


The other companions watched as Karnon and Valan returned without the sisters. Theran’s face was a look of horror and he began to shake with nerves.

“Where are they?” asked Hanron.

“We lost them through a cloud of smoke; their horse ran off towards the east but without them atop. They must be in the grass somewhere. We came back because we will need more than just ourselves to find them with Arzuritan’s forces still out there” Karnon answered.

“Isn’t that more of a reason to go back!?” argued Theran.

“I suggest we go and find them before it’s too late, the sun child is our only hope of stopping Larinian, if she falls, nothing will change and Larinian will grow stronger” Dialar added.

“Right, let’s go now them!” Theran insisted, already tugging the reins of his horse. He led the others off the road but Hanron soon took over and led them through the high grass. By now the sisters were still a fair distance away.


“Come on Shar, they’re right behind us!” said Ember. The men which she had heard had now seen the two of them and were racing through the grass with their swords and spears piercing their way through the vegetation.

Together they managed to go on, but they began to slow and the shouts behind grew louder.

“Em, I – I’m so tired, what…” Sharla began, but she ended quickly when her injured foot caught a snag in the ground and tripped her up. She subsequently pulled Ember with her and by the time Ember had helped her sister up, the soldiers were almost upon them.

“Em, it is useless, we’re going to need to fight them, and hope for the best.”

“I suppose if we run we will die anyway, so our best chance is to stand and defend ourselves”

“I don’t want to die Em!”

“I will not let that happen to you Sharla, I would happily see myself dead first before seeing you in such a place!” Ember declared, hugging her sister quickly and tightly before pulling away to face the danger approaching.

Then, another sound arose and it came in the form of galloping. Ember became partially optimistic that it may be the others come to rescue them, but she was mistaken. Two horsemen came stampeding through the grass and passed the foot soldiers.

Ember watched as one came first, he held a sword in one hand and another hung upon the saddle.

Sharla pulled out her bow and attached a blade to the end from a strap around her thigh.

Ember ducked quickly as the sword came overhead and as she did she turned about and reached her hand forwards for the speeding horse. She drew the free sword from the scabbard and her eyes followed the rider as he moved by, only to fall victim to Sharla’s blade. He fell into the grass with a thud and his creature rode away into the darkness.

“We can do this sis!” she said.

The shouts grew louder from closer by. The other horseman then rode forth and was taken down by a blade in either side of his rib cage by both sisters.

The unit of men suddenly ran into view and formed a ring around them.

“We are here by the orders of Lord Larinian. You, sun child, are to come with us, or die if you refuse. And you, treacherous girl, are to die for your mutiny!” one man growled from under his heavy helmet. The metal casing around his head then rolled along the earthy floor as he fell lifelessly into the grass. Ember lifted her sword from his flesh and stated’

“I will not have anyone threaten my sister! And I will not meet your so called ‘lord’!”

“So be it.” answered another,

Ember turned and saw one of the men try to stab Sharla with a spear, yet she managed to swing her blade down and slice apart the wooden shaft, and then his armour too.

Both of them waited for something to happen, the first blow. When it came the sisters moved quickly to counter the attacks and strike back when they could.


“Can you hear that?” asked Dialar. Through the gentle night breezes and rustling he could hear the clashing of blades as the sound echoed through the plains.

“They’re out there somewhere” said Karnon.

“We can’t lose the sun child again” Hanron muttered to himself with a sigh.

“Well what are we waiting here for? They’ve been found by Larinian’s men!” shouted Theran. Once again he was first to ride off and the others quickly followed.


“Sharla, watch out!” Ember cried. She pulled her sister out of the way of a blade she couldn’t see and drove her own sword into its wielder.

For what seemed like hours they both battled on through the night and neither of them faltered, the sound of their clashing metal echoed across the fields.

Ember had begun to grow tired and her sister even more so. They had moved away into the field and were nearing another hedge where they stood and made their final stand.

Sharla’s moves had begun to get weaker and soon she felt the burning pain of a blade as its edge cut through part of her leather shoulder blades and grazed her skin. Even such a small injury caused her to fall in pain. She dropped her bow and crumbled at Ember’s feet. She watched in horror as her little sister was on the brink of death and now she could feel something dark and strong building inside her. Something more than anger building up inside her and through her backpack she could feel the unrelenting power of the crown growing on her.

Something stirred in the air, it grew warmer, and the passing breeze pulled the heat into the faces of the men attacking the Galinorn sisters .they did not seem to notice, but upon the eventual turning of Ember’s eyes from green to a fiery orange they knew they had crossed the line.

Vapours of fire began to appear in the skies and in a moments notice the grass surrounding the sisters and soldiers burst into a high flame, burning high into the night and with its rotating fury it singed the grass which it swept over and left those who attacked Sharla nowhere to run.

As the flames cleared the men were given the chance to run. They disappeared into the smouldering vegetation, but their retreat was countered by an unexpected arrival. The six horses of the companions and the desperate riders atop rumbled into the near and drove down upon the evaders.

“Sharla, Ember, are you two alright!?” Theran shouted whilst dismounting his horse. Sharla lifted herself up and saw Ember only just regaining consciousness next to her. She too had fell when the fire had taken over her mind.

Sharla hugged him, much to Ember’s surprise, but she stood and looked at the others gathering around them. She seemed weary of them for they still wore the armour of Larinian’s army and slowly she backed into her sister.

Sharla turned and saw that she was nervous and held her hand.

“Em, it’s ok, they came to rescue us, they’re going to help us south across the land!”

“Shar, you’re hurt” said Ember, lifting up his friends shoulder plate and seeing the bleeding cut.

“Shar, what happened?” asked Theran

“She was hurt by one of those soldiers you killed!” Ember replied.

“Well, good riddance, they deserved what they got!” Theran answered

“Oh, Em, this is Theran; he has made life bearable in Koren. Without him we would not have been able to rescue you” said Sharla.

Hanron dismounted his horse and bowed to Ember.

“Miss Ember, it is an honour to be in your presence once again, but the time is not on our side, we must get away from here as quickly as we can!” he declared.

“Please, do not bow, I’m no monarch or deity, but if what you say is true then we must go”

Karnon, Dialar and Valan came forwards and greeted Ember. They introduced themselves quickly as the matter of escape was a pressing one.

“Before we go Miss Ember, I must ask, did you see any other archers in your escape any that helped you?” asked Hanron.

“Yes, but they were all killed by a thuggish man named Hal!”

The look on Hanron’s face turned to one if disbelief and anger, but he quickly let his emotions disappear and he thanked Ember for her answer.

“We should get back to the road” said Dialar.

“Yes, we should, that leads us to our only way out of the ‘ring-fields’” Hanron answered.

“That is that?” asked Karnon.

Hanron gave a sigh before answering.

“They are the fields that lay within the ring of ancient hills where great walls once stood atop defending the city. It was once the coastal stronghold of the first age, but Arzuritan was built in its place”

For the next half hour the companions walked through the grass and even those who had horses pulled their creatures through by the reins. The walk was long and quiet as no one really said a word. Not until something stirred in the grass ahead.

“What was that?” Sharla whispered.

Valan then crept forwards. He was silent enough, but his footsteps barely made a sound as he delved into the tall grass.

The stirring grew louder and then Valan emerged from the grass with his back to everyone. He was pulling at a set of reins around a horse’s neck.

“Anaril!” Sharla cried running and stroking the creature’s nose.

“Thank you Valan” she said softly.

He nodded and went to stand by Karnon.

Together the companions mounted their horses and sat high upon the saddles, grabbing the reins.

“Miss Ember, I am sorry to hear about your mother, but at least we have got you out safely” said Hanron.

“But was my life really worth so many?” Ember asked.

“It is, if you intend to use your life for the cause of, you are the sun child Ember, you know you are the one who, more than any, can dismantle the corrupted order in these lands. ”

Ember sat before her sister once again and took one last look at the silent rustling plains in the moonlight, and behind where Arzuritan smouldered in an orange glow.

“Where are we going now?” asked Karnon.

“East, obviously!” Dialar answered sarcastically.

“Yes, we move eastwards now towards the River Carnemur where we head south to Erivania” said Hanron.

He pulled the reins of his horse and began to move into the plains once more. The others followed him in haste and as a group they began to sweep through into the darkness of a creeping mist which bathed the grass.


The gates to Arzuritan were still left open from Larnkor and his men’s efforts. They now lay dead amongst a heap of others by the side of the road.

A lone soldier wandered into the city, his steps shaky and his figure slouched. He used half a broken spear pole to hold him up and the other soldiers in the city stared in horror at his armour. It was no longer grey, but black, and there was a great slash down the chest. His face was burnt as were his hands and he fell to the floor in pain.

Other rushed to help him and placed him on a empty cart nearby drawn by a horse. He was taken through the capital and towards Ringwater. He crossed over the bridge and saw the burnt tree branches pass overhead before he was plunged into the darkness of the Lord’s court.

Great chatter turned to silence upon emerging through the other side into the courtyard. Many men, Generals, foot soldiers and cavalry alike were gathered around the upper levels in the eastern section of the inner court. They were crowded around a stone table which had been brought to the centre where Larinian stood overlooking a carved map of Arzuria with his most trusted men beside him. Hal stood near, still with scratch marks down his plate armour.

The injured man on the cart had since died. His injuries and pain had taken a turn for the worst. However, rather than seeing this as a tragic loss, Larinian saw it as an advantage, a piece of persuasion.

“My loyal men, this man were killed by the sun child. You see closely now what destructive capacity she already can muster. How many more will fall before we finally bring her down? How many cities will burn before we lay waste to her being? How many countries will decay into cinders before the fires of evil are extinguished?!” he shouted and with each point he grew louder.

His speech was met with thunderous applause from his followers. He did not feel sad for the man that fell, for he was told long ago by his grandfather that a true hero returns from battle alive.

“What are we to do now milord?” asked a shaken General Tara from aside.

“Ah, Tara, one of your men is with that rebellious group escorting the sun child out of our clutches. What would you have us do?” he asked in return.

“I would have them killed!” he replied

“I say we throw all those to the ground who so much as think of helping the sun child!” said Hal, stepping forwards in a moment of confidence.

“Throw them to the floor? Just as the sun child did to you? A mere girl! You are a General for a reason, act as one!” Larinian shouted. His voice made Hal quiver in fear and repent to where he stood.

“My Generals will stay with me to plan our next move, all others, return to your barracks and prepare for battle. Our swords, spears and arrows will taste western blood, and the sun child shall lie dead upon this very courtyard as soon as we have brought her to justice!”

Many seemed enthused and passionate with such a plan, but there were others who had seen Hal’s humiliation and understood that this was no ordinary teenage girl they were dealing with.

Hal looked upon the flags of Arzuria caught in the orange skies above and smiled to himself for he was knew it would not be long before the most feared being in history would soon be dead.


By now the early morning skies had begun to drift in and they were a lighter blue than before. Birds flew swiftly overhead from trees which stood either side of the road. The air was chilly and the grass around rustled slightly. Ahead lay a large mound, high as Arzuritan’s wall. It stretched for miles into the distance as it curved around north and south. They had reached ‘Ringhill’ or ‘Ronarl’ as it was known in the ancient language. The grassy knoll which once held the gate towered above the companions as they moved under them slowly. Their horses had begun to grow tired.

Ahead was a clear plain wherein a forest lay and at its furthest side it began to climb the slope of two opposite hills. A gust of wind blew across the way as the seven riders finally moved out of Arzuritan’s shadow and into the outer lands beyond.

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39 Reviews

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Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:36 am
laylaflame wrote a review...

Hello! :D
(Before I begin, I should mention I haven't read the other chapters.)

This was a fantastic story, and I admire your determination to have written such a lengthy chapter, as most people tend to only write a few pages at most (myself included). The world was very thoughtout and sounded like it should have a pretty map to go with it. However the discription in the begining was lacking, and needed to be smoother.

Honestly, at the beginning the writing was not as easy to read, but I think I got used to your style a few paragraphs in. Unfortunately you have some little grammar errors and sometimes your words dont make as much sense as they should.

Your paragraphing style, specifically in the dialog was odd. I have never seen it set out like that before. It did help indicate speech but formed a sense of division in the writing. Not sure if your going for that or not, but combining the speech into the main body can help the flow of a story.

The actual plot however was very dramatic and entertaining to read. You communicate the action scene very well and gave a sense of excitement and danger. The whole thing actually knid if reminded me of a movie. :)

The names, for both people and places, appeared well thoughtout, adding to the great world you have created. The language or diction of the people was also well done, though in some place seemed a little over the top and too formal, but that is personal opinion really.

The characters did not seem to have personalities as such in this chapter, but all definately had a strong presense.

Here are just some of the errors I noted, but there were many more that I suggest you go back and edit through.

* he could see a line of horsemen chasing after into the field.
- 'chasing after' does not make sense, I believe putting in a 'them' should fix it.

* They landed with a force so strong that the ground shuddered a little and they ran off into the grass, suspecting she and Ember were still running.
- Personally, I would word this: They landed with a force so strong that the ground trembled/ shuddered, and they then ran off into the grass, suspecting she and Ember were still running.

*Exclamation marks!
-You need to consider were you are placing them, as sometimes they don't suit the speech and sometimes they would, but arn't there.

* they did not seem to notice.
Simple typing error. Needs a capital. This was just over 3/4 in if you wish to fix.

* "Shar, your hurt" said Ember, lifting up his friends shoulder plate and seeing the bleeding cut.
- First, add a comma after the speech marks, so it looks like this: "Shar, your hurt", said Ember ...
-Second, I think the 'his' is mean't to be 'her', and friends needs a possession apostrophy ( ' ) to become friend's.

* "That is that?" asked Karnon.
- Should be 'What is that' I'm assuming.

* "It is, if you intended to use your life for the cause of, you are the sun child Ember, you know you are ... "
- This doesn't make sense either. 'use you life for the cause of'? Cause of what? Or do you just mean cause? Anyway, I would make this two sentences: "It is, if you intend to use your life for the cause. You are the sun child Ember, you know you are ...

* "What are we to do milord?"
- Is that mean't to be my Lord, or m'Lord? Or if its a name, it needs a capital.

*I would have them killed!" he replied
- Needs a fullsptop and capital for 'he', though I think you may mean 'she' here (referring to Tara, which I assume is a girl, I may be wrong) :)

Basically there's just lots of simple little errors, capitals, jumbled words, and punctuation. This does need to be edited. I suggest fix errors such as the ones above, and perhaps try adding in more similes or metaphors into the discription. Especially pay attention to the beginning, as I think there are more mistakes there, and your writing noticably improves by the end.

Overall, create idea you have here, and a great dramatic piece of writing!

I’ll paraphrase Thoreau here... Rather than love, than money, than faith, than fame, than fairness, give me truth.
— Christopher Johnson McCandless