
Young Writers Society

18+ Language Violence Mature Content

Tristesse: Chapter 1

by zafae0333

Warning: This work has been rated 18+ for language, violence, and mature content.


So, this text has gone through a few changes after listening to the feedback I got from my actual first two chapters. First of all is a lot smaller than it was. I basically divided the original chapter into 2 or 3 parts so it's easier to read; also I'll post more often. 

I do apologize about the whole 'space at the beggining of certain paragraphs to aid the reading', since I couldn't include them; no matter what I did. But I believe I cleared a bit more who was speaking and such.

There shouldn't be any major gramatical error and I hope you all enjoy the work I managed to present. So, start reading please!! :3

....Okay, I stand corrected regarding the grammar errors, but I've just corrected those and a couple others and I think it should be good to go ( there may be more of them, but it'll try to be on the lookout for those). I hope you all enjoy the story!

 Chapter 1

 Finding himself running through the hallway, Leo wondered just how many of those things were inside already, ready to jump and quite beautifully murder them in record time. Many, without even finishing the question he knew; he felt it -and the creepy growls helped. There was no need to recall the ironic tales related to the topic -nor the ones which had, actually, been written. When you picture an apocalyptic scenery, well, normally you don't start in a high school.

"Leo, get your ass over here!" his friend's call woke him up from the trance; the burning red eyes that haunted his memory suddenly vanishing as he forced himself to focus on the present. Right, it wasn't the time to allow his thoughts to wander. He hurried beside him.

"Don't order me around." he answered. It was the very first time he had seen him snap, even if just a little; the always composed Chester now seemed like he was forcing himself to be that way, and to play the part- the fact that he kept turning nervously from time to time did help to prove it. Nevertheless even in the state he was, that friend of his, surprised him quite a bit; not every day creatures of the like threatened your life. In such a situation most people would at the very least have their footsteps grow heavier.

"As you wish, honey-bunny." he mocked. Leo's glare proved rather effective though, at silencing his partner. But ignoring the daggers being thrown at him, he decided to actually ask the intended question."Where are we going?"

"Nothing's changed. We'll stick to the plan," was his answer; rather he pointed it out, matter of factly. He did notice a thin brow raising in disapproval as one of the group probably wondered the kind of convenience this 'plan' had in store for him. He didn't care what those who were following thought about what he intended to do, but, he couldn't ignore the fact that Chess was also troubled; who wouldn't, actually? Most of them had their own thoughts about the past flow of events, probably for the first time in their lives they were actually thinking a bit.

"You sure? I don't think they'll follow." He stopped, the hallway had reached an end. Above the gate in front of them hung by the remaining nail an old neon 'exit' sign that hadn't been turned on in decades and happened to be there simply because it seemed to give a somewhat nostalgic feeling to the room -where no one really came through; the small flickering light that allowed them to look around in the middle of that darkened room apparently couldn't decide whether it would turn off or not. Involuntarily, Leo turned towards the disgraced sight of the group of teenagers who insisted on following him. Bitten nails, bloody costumes -the youth of these days, huh; they were actually doing quite well, for a bunch of rich boys. Not that he had anything against them, their wealthy kind, or those awfully degrading painted nails of theirs - sadly, that included the guys as well; it seemed like the glowing base was actually quite popular among males these days. But no, they were simply annoying.

The ones who kept running stopped, trying to listen to the conversation.

“That's right.” began Samuel, who was considered a self-centered smart ass who thought nothing of his fellow comrades -in his defense, it wasn't like it was his fault; having his head up his own backside all the time had to cloud his judgment, even if slightly. “We have been talking among ourselves, and we've come to a simple conclusion.”

Suddenly a harsh growl was heard even over the angry rain, a bit too close for their comfort, making Samuel's remark to suddenly loose importance. For a single second, they all felt a pair of red hollow eyes on their backs. Panic? Yes, they feared what they knew was hunting them delighted, but still it shook the were they stood even if just a bit for some of them.

Samuel knew that, if not thanks to the latest of this day's events, he probably would be pointed out jealously- being that the normal kind of affection he received from his so called 'pairs'. Nevertheless, today they needed him, and he planned on taking advantage of it to escape unharmed; if by any chance it turned out one of these nobles managed to escape by his side, taking the honorable and vast recognition wouldn't be difficult. The mere idea made him shiver with excitement: The hero,'Samuel the survivor'; it would be glorious and pleasant enough. But, for now, surviving was his priority, and to survive, he didn't care how many of these useless insects he had to step on.

Yet as he was about to rephrase his previous statement, an annoying little voice stopped him right on his tracks before he could open his mouth

“Y-yeah! Not because we ended up in this group together, it automatically makes you the leader!” almost yelled a clearly troubled teenager, his voice had broken so many times it made it impossible to recognize his identity by simply hearing his, so eloquent, commentary. He then silenced himself -before anyone else was able to-, realizing what he had just done. Yelling was not really a good idea at the time.

After a few seconds of peaceful silence, he resumed his puny attempt of conversation. “ Who died and made you king? You're not even noble!” not without a nervous chuckle, he emphasized the exclamation, recalling it was not wise at all to scream.

Leo sighed, this was way too much trouble for one little precaution, but it wasn't that much of a bad idea. Cleaning a few people up may prove the best course of action since he didn't like taking the chances of traveling in large groups. He had to be cautious, and he normally was -at least when his dearest was involved. Should he throw them a motivational speech or something? Nah..

“ I did not 'reclute' anyone, if that's what you're implying, but this idiot over here.” after the appropriate gesture was made known, he continued “ Even if I were to actually choose someone else, wouldn't I be able of doing better than, well," and yes, dramatic pauses are cool -and a must sometimes " you, for instance?”

Chester smiled at his friend's comment, it was always amusing to be by his side; he knew the feeling was mutual. Momentarily he forgot what seemed to have become a tick for him, and turned nervously to stare at the back of hallway they had just went through. After staring for a few seconds at the blinking darkness, he allowed himself to relax once again and continue his own train of thought. Of course, his friend had saved the trouble to explain that as he had not troubled himself by arranging this group of disrespectful adolescents, he did not require anyone's presence; they never had to follow his commands to begin with, but he'd leave that to their minds.

The not-so-brilliant teen had, by now, recovered most of the control over his own voice. Carefully trying not to reveal he was about to ruin his highly expensive trousers, he stepped forward to remark the fact that the lowly peasant in front of him had no right to command any of them.

Samuel stepped forward first though, preventing the kid from any further embarrassment from his part. A ridiculed situation, if not imposed carefully by himself, would do nothing more than trouble the planned development of events. “I must agree, you are in no place to order us around, Leonidas. You're not close enough to nobility, and you'd do well to remember that” he finished it harshly. It was lame, but it was needed for him to agree ; all part of his plan. By giving the reason to another one, he'd suggest a change in power, and by showing his own ideas, he'd steal that authority for himself. It was actually convenient that the one who talked first was, like himself, the son of a baron of the north; political power somehow had always played a role in the change of power as well as in fooling the clueless crowds.

“As you wish, your highness.” was all Leo said before mockingly bowing low enough so that he could rise his gaze at the reaction his 'irrespective' behavior caused. Upsetting these kind of people was so easy he had actually laughed slightly as he set in motion the continuation of the delayed plan, trying to hurry up -time was not on their side. Yet another precaution, and by now, these were getting almost as annoying as the people that surrounded him.

The sight was intolerable, this lowly peasant had actually made fun of a them? It could not be. That wasn't possible! But, as the son of a baron, it was his duty to set the example, wasn't it? Of course, it was. Philip, the aryan member of the future aristocracy stepped forward, carefully surrounding Samuel before he could stop another of his just accusations. “You dare mock us? A less than human garbage dares to mock us?” not able of remaining in control of his own temper, he exclaimed with all the power and authority he could summon -apparently unaware of his trembling limbs and still cracky voice. “Now your place!” he managed to blurt out as he waved harshly his hand towards the insolent commoner in front of him, ready to state his determination, and make justice. It didn't matter the situation they were in, there was an order for things: Nobles ruled over filthy scum that was lucky enough of having someone so pure to guide them; but, here it was a foolish enough commoner that had forgotten his place. He was about to remember it.

Leonidas saw the hand drawing closer to him. Too slow. The petite attempt of an aristocrat was decades too early to draw such an attack effectively against him; no, it was not him being cocky, but it was the actual reality. With ease, he caught the hand in middle of the swing. “ I don't think so” was his answer as he gently twisted his wrist inwards. Although he did so as painless as he could, the boy cried so loudly and despairingly as if his whole arm had been ripped off in a swift motion. “ As we both appear to be displeased with each others company, why don't we separate?” lowly, yet not whispering, he spoke at his ear after pulling him close, knowingly increasing the pain he exerted. “ There's the door, help yourself,” he quickly glanced at his friend who was holding back a laugh, and winked slightly, just enough for him to understand. Then, added “You can't miss it.”

As Leonidas released Philip from his grip, Samuel closed in towards him, grabbing the boy as he stumbled towards the floor. “ What have you done, peasant?” He helped him to his feet. “Have you gone mad? You must have. Attacking a noble is no small accusation.” A twisted smile drew all over his features, recognized only by Leonidas and his friend, properly, as all the other students where simply enjoying the show from what appeared to be a safe distance behind Samuel. “You may even loose your head, thanks to this foolish action.”

Samuel turned towards his clueless classmate, helping him as he dusted his apparently ruined uniform. He had to admit he had underestimated this fellow; to attack a noble was indeed a secure way of throwing ones life to a pit -he had to be either suicidal or mad. He clearly was aware of what he was doing; for without a second thought he had aggressively taken hold of a noble, of a baron's son! He had to be mad. But Samuel knew better: he was as dangerous as he, himself, was -maybe even more. Even so he had to be sure.“But, I'm a gentle man, a kind one. Beg for your life, recognize your mistake and apologize for your rudeness, then maybe -and only maybe- I may turn blindly at this incident.”

Philip now stood at his full height. Forgiving him? Giving mercy to a peasant that had ruined his suit, that had ruined his pride! As a noble he was not going to let that slid. But, he trusted in Samuel's wisdom, and he recognized that only by humiliating this excuse of a commoner, he would take his pride back. Small steps in the road for his particular vendetta. He'd make him pay, sooner or later.

Chester, unable to restrain his enjoyment, broke to laugh so loudly that even Leonidas glanced back, without much interest, at his friend. This was miles away from simple entertainment; it was hilarious! He felt tears come and lay over his eyes. He'd never seen something like this before, and for someone who considered the outside world a highly dull place, this was as close as he could get to compliment another being. He'd always thought that the world was filled with boring, predictable people; how wrong had he been. And, after his 20 years of life, he had yet to found something that brought him so close to being alive-until that very day; oh, that dreary day, he had had a prediction, a peek at the future. He knew his life would change the moment he met Leo; but, at that moment he realized just how much.

He shivered as both nobles stared at them intently. What would they say? What would they do? The anticipation hit him so hard he had to bite his inner lip, knowing he'd burst to laugh one more time if done otherwise. “Leo,” was all he said, remembering him they had a time limit and returning to his usual more composed self.

“I know.” his dark haired friend answered, his face a frozen mask as he turned towards the group who had, awkwardly, maintained silence as they stood there, doing nothing more than listening at the conversation; his arms crossed in front of his chest, modest musculature making itself more evident “I must insist, please go. I believe we have been wasting precious time, " once again he paused, just for the sake of enjoying the moment a bit " and I don't know you, but I happen to have a tight schedule for the day”

That stated it: he was more dangerous than he was. Even though the thought hurt Samuel, not even he would go against someone in a higher position than himself; he valued his life strongly and had no interested in tempting death. He needed to get out of there, as far as he could before those beasts- no, those things- could regroup; he knew it'll then be the end of everyone who was inside their sight range; it'll be the end of everything.

“Lets actually forget about everything that has happened in these last minutes. We should join forces and think this thoroughly; only that way we'll survive.” he asked. He begged.

“No way in hell,” he answered, pausing between each word as if enjoying to defile his pride any further. “I'm quite rancorous, you know. But, I do will make a small proposition: The one who does not desire to follow ponytail over there, may come with me and not face death as soon as he will” he finished just for the sake of a laugh, and yes, 'one' was meant as a singular.

Was that a threat? It sounded like one. Without noticing he stepped away once, then twice. He was scared, scared of this fellow who was probably even younger than he was. There was simply something in his eyes, perhaps the absolute confidence he seemed to posses, that, made him shiver to his bones; almost as if he knew what was going to happen, and how to deal with it. It was almost a premonition: 'Come with me', he remembered; would that be true? Would he live if he followed him? No. He could not do that; leaving aside his pride and all sense of arrogance he previously had had, he simply could not follow this man. He was too afraid to be by his side.

“I'm shocked,” he decided to continue, glancing at every noble around him- Chester was an exception since he was apparently siding with Leonidas. “ but I'm afraid our lives are in danger, and we must escape. Leave this foolish child to his own devices;" then turning to try and glare at the man standing in front of him, he finally said " let him die on his own accord.” he spoke, not caring any more about appearances, delicacy or precaution. He had to flee! Before it was truly too late; but, he'd do so with the little authority he managed to keep “Leonidas, my rude friend, I wish you nothing more than the best of luck. You'll need it. If you plan on surviving, that is.”

As the noble began to walk away, followed by the rest of the group, he heard Leonidas speak his answer, although he knew it already. “It isn't mutual, my annoying ex-classmate.” and that was all he said before the door was opened, and those who followed the annoying Baron's son, ventured into the blinding portal. The door closed at his back.

Silence! Finally silence. What a glorious thing was to be able of hearing ones very own thoughts without annoying interruptions. It almost felt as if some kind of weigh had been lifted from his shoulders to continue it's own path, in the same irritating way.

Not a second later, Chester touched his shoulder, calling him; his other hand avoiding his laugh to be more noticeable, but it was there, and Leo wondered what was so amusing that he was trying so hard to conceal that laugh of his. As he glanced over his friend's shoulder, he realized the reason.

"I think you shouldn't have said that, bunny dear. She seems to have taken it by heart" his friend said, glancing himself at the petite lady that happened to have stayed.

Ignoring the previous reference to his pet name, Leonidas turned his attention to the girl that was almost cowering behind Chester. Had he actually said too much? It may be. He didn't really think someone would actually listen to his offer- even more surprisingly take on it, and stay. It had been for simple sake of mocking Samuel further.

Curiosity picked up, and he simply had to ask. " You lost, little one?"

She denied it with a swift, but delicate, gesture. " I," Her voice broke slightly. Was she nervous? "I want to stay." she managed to state. Not once she raised her sight at Leo, who was, at the moment, considering possibilities, discarding foolish ironies that came to mind.

"Any particular reason?" he contained the sutil interrogation.

"I don't like him" her voice was no more than a whisper. He turned towards Chester, wondering his opinion. As long a she proved not to be a nuisance, he didn't mind- no, he didn't care.

"Works for me" was all his friend said, smiling; no longer laughing, but still amused. Chess seemed to have picked an interest on the girl; and that was not small feat.

"Then it's settled" he approached prudently, trying to have a better look. She was not that tall, about 5 or 6 feet he'd say, yet the fact that she just wouldn't look up made her look smaller; demilong dark-brown hair fell to her shoulders, where it gracefully combed slightly, taking the shape of her tiny shoulders; she seemed to be in shape -meaning she wouldn't delay them any further. Yes, he had no excuse for the moment; he'd give her a chance, then. " Welcome aboard," he finally added " The party hat will have to wait till we get out of here."

She did not show any reaction at joke; no sense of humor, huh. Perhaps she simply feared Leonidas to change his decition. But he wouldn't; not unless she gave him a reason to do so.

Chester glanced at the door. " Isn't about time?" a slight light still buried deep into his eyes.

"Wait for it" his friend answered. Exactly 12 seconds afterward-yes, he did count them, second by second-, screams, clearly of heartbreaking pain, broke through the silence. Bingo. Leonidas quickly broke at his right, jogging towards the circular stairs that raised stunningly before him; they quickly reached the bridge that connected the males' and females' buildings.

Oh, yeah, he had forgotten to tell them the door was not a viable option. His guessing had been right, his precautions justified. With all the noise they had previously managed to produce, they must have had attracted the attention of every Hound in a considerable distance-the beasts had a particularly neat sense of hearing. And although he wasn't exactly happy of having lead them to their - previously possible, but now certain- deaths, he didn't mind if it bought them just a bit more of time.

Now, all he had to do was reach the music class. She always went there to play the piano when trouble, and this definitely counted as such situation; plus, her period ended half an hour earlier than theirs, and they usually went there after school and pulled out a duet or two before her brother returned from his club's activities to check if they were alive.

"Empty" Chester pointed out his friend's matching thought. The hallway would be completely clean if not for a few blood stains on the floor and one or two in the walls. In such kind of situation, it wasn't an actual wonder; but, blood stains and not dead bodies by their side? Odd. Besides, the amount of blood meant not a mortal wound but a minor mishap, perhaps due to conflict in this crisis. That meant one thing: hounds were not involved. The sight did not troubled him at all; he was used to it-even to bloodier ones, but these last were slightly more unusual to see.

If he stopped to think about it, in a short while everything had changed drastically; and though he had been prepared for this particular situation, not everything went as he planned. But wasn't what made it all the more interesting?

It all began in that very day, on that very f*ing day...

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81 Reviews

Points: 9485
Reviews: 81

Thu Jul 31, 2014 5:26 pm
Masquerade wrote a review...

It seems like you've got the start of an interesting story, but to be honest, this was very difficult to read. There are still a ton of weird grammar mistakes in here. I noticed a lot of incomplete sentences and sentences that were so long that by the time I got to the end of the tangle of words I couldn't even remember what the sentence was about. Sometimes these didn't even feel like one sentence, but rather three or four that have been smashed together through abuse of dashes and semi colons. This needs to be simplified. You have a very peculiar way of structuring your sentences that somehow makes it very confusing. The language seems to trip over itself. It feels like you were trying too hard or something. There are just a lot of unnecessary words crammed into the sentences that sometimes don't really make sense there ore just work to clutter the writing. I found this all frustrating because I wanted to be able to read and enjoy the story you've created, but wasn't able to because of the language. The story itself seems fine, but I'd really work on the writing. Perhaps leave it alone for a while and then come back to it and read it aloud to yourself. I find that's a good way to find rough spots in my writing that I hadn't even noticed before.

Good luck!


zafae0333 says...

Thanks! Regarding that, Im thinking about dividing more the sentences; break them more. And space it more, like hitting enter every three or four sentences...
Do you think it would help? Would it be visually more appealing and easier to read this way?

And thanks for the tips!

zafae0333 says...

Thanks! Regarding that, Im thinking about dividing more the sentences; break them more. And space it more, like hitting enter every three or four sentences...
Do you think it would help? Would it be visually more appealing and easier to read this way?

And thanks for the tips!

zafae0333 says...

Thanks! Regarding that, Im thinking about dividing more the sentences; break them more. And space it more, like hitting enter every three or four sentences...
Do you think it would help? Would it be visually more appealing and easier to read this way?

And thanks for the tips!

zafae0333 says...

OMG....Sorry for the triple post!! I answered from my cellphone so maybe something weird happened!...Anyway, I'm so sorry :/

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18 Reviews

Points: 1711
Reviews: 18

Mon Jul 28, 2014 1:29 pm
Vari wrote a review...

Hello Zafea,

I'm going to be dreadfully honest with you and say that I didn't make it through more than a quarter of your story. There were so many mistakes that it was completely putting me off. I couldn't read more than a few sentences at a time without finding something that bothered me (some of which I've listed below). I suggest you take another long look at your work or find someone else to read through it as a beta-reader.

- The first paragraph is intriguing but I can't help but wonder if it could be a little stronger if some of the comma's and dashes were moved around a bit.

- The past tense of 'wake' is actually 'woke'.

- "the burning red eyes that haunted his memory suddenly vanishing as he forced himself to focus on the present"

From the first paragraph I kind of assume that our hero has never seen these creatures before. By saying 'haunted', in my mind, you're implying a longer period of time.

- "He hurried besides him."
Who is he and who is him? 'Besides' can be used either as a proposition or an adverb and both mean something along the lines of 'in addition to' or 'as well'. In this context, where someone is running along next to someone else, 'beside' would be the better term.

- 'Every day' vs 'everyday'. Are you trying to say they weren't attacked by normal creatures? Or that it wasn't every day that they were attacked by creatures? One means normal or commonplace, where the other means 'each day'.

- 'Hanged' and 'hung' are both correct as the paste tense of 'hang' with the exception that if you're talking about execution, you should use 'hanged'. In any other situation 'hung' is preferable as a sizable proportion of readers prefer this, mostly because most believe that 'hanged' is incorrect.

- 'disapprovement' should be disapproving or disapproval. And 'backsit' should probably be 'backside'. 'Attemp' should be 'attempt'.

Good luck!


zafae0333 says...

My god thanks... And I do am srry. Somehow I seem to miss details such as those and I get to fixing that up.
Thanks for the review and I hope you'll read my work again sometime in the future :3

zafae0333 says...

It's simply silly that to see erros in my reply (-.-).
Sorry about that, I answered back in the middle of a civic event at high school ...and from my cellphone... Anyway, no excuses, just apologies.
And I've just corrected the mistakes you told me about and found a couple more laying around so thanks for that!

I'll be more careful with my next chapters! :3

We're just all nosy little busybodies.
— SirenCymbaline the Kiwi