
Young Writers Society

Avatar: the other last air bender.

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Wed Jun 09, 2010 8:08 pm
Bloo says...

Yay. Just one note, Matt. If Takki is 17, Aang would have died 17 years ago. And because Sabbi is 16, Aang couldn't have died years before she was born. Other than that all good :D
That User Who Changed Their Name A Dozen Times And So No One Ever Knew Who They Were Half the Time and When They Did Only Used Bolt.

The tragic tale of losing all #Brand for nothing in return.

The Take Away Is You Probably Know Me As Bolt

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Wed Jun 09, 2010 10:42 pm
kidashka says...

Also, pregnancy is nine months?! How could a father die years before?!

I'm going to read this SB when it starts :smt003
Elizabeth: "There will come a moment when you will have a chance to show it. To do the right thing."
Jack: "I love those moments. I like to wave at them as they pass by."

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Thu Jun 10, 2010 12:56 am
Bloo says...

And now we can begin

Caution- The following post contains broken English so bad, you will beg for chat speak in it. You have been warned. If it's too confusing, I'll edit it into normal words.

Takki| 1:00pm, Thursday| Ba Sing Se, middle class region, allies.

“Co’on, take a risk, you mit win big, ho knows? Na one is who!” The young man wore cream-and-emerald robes and sat hidden in the shadows, dealing around a deck of cards. “Hey you, you look like your pans are a ikkle light, why not try and ‘ave em’ fall down!….No? Your lose! How about you oung man, aybe you can get ya’ sweet heart somethin nice, bet she would love some flowa!…oh com on, somminy? Anibodi? Your lose! Great fun, great chances!”

“I’ll take a chance,” a man walked confidently up. The only thing off were his eyes, which gazed into nothing. Dull, almost dead. Blind.

“Ya sah’?” Takki, smirking to himself. Perfect situation: cocky dude, with no chances. A dream situation for a scammer.

“Yeah, but not with the cards, you have any other games?”

“Mhmm, I goh tones and tons of activities. How about this, sorry, the ol’ ball en cup gam’. Take a guess, no less chance than anyone else. Thiy’ percen, goo odds, goo odds.” The blind man was obviously tired of the scammers broken English. All part of his act though made him seem dumb, not smart enough to really scam.

"Oka’ all sed up, ready to go?” He didn’t wait for him to say so, and started the movements. Middle, left, right, right, middle, left, middle, right, left, left, left, right, move the ball into the sleeve and jumble it up.

“It’s in the middle,” the participant said cockily.

“Aw, sory ki’…what the heck? How did you do that? I know I put it in my sleeve…I men, I kow….Eh acts up, here, take your money and go-” He was gone in a second.

“Hey, you owe me money you punk!” the blind man screamed, and took off after Takki. He somehow was able to know exactly where he was going, as if he had eyes…just not physical ones. Takki didn’t think about it though, and charged on.

“If you want it, come and get it,” Takki screamed, as he jumped into the air. He dove right about a vendor; he was a young kid, probably in his twenties, pushing around a cart of cabbage. “My father’s cabbage!” Takki grabbed one, ready to chuck it at his pursuer.

“What the heck, twinkle toes, at least run like a man!” Tak gave a confused look at the guy, who seemed to doubt himself, as he ran towards Tak. It was at that point he knew what he had to do. He didn’t have the time to do it though. “You have a meeting with my friends. Come on.” Tak could only moan, as the blind boy dragged his limp body, incased in stone.
That User Who Changed Their Name A Dozen Times And So No One Ever Knew Who They Were Half the Time and When They Did Only Used Bolt.

The tragic tale of losing all #Brand for nothing in return.

The Take Away Is You Probably Know Me As Bolt

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Thu Jun 10, 2010 3:38 am
Octave says...

Devdan - 4PM, Thursday, Ba Sing Se Palace West Wing (Is there another name for it? >>")

Footsteps pattered down the hallway towards him. No, not just any footsteps. Dev knew that particular cocky spring in the step. It was so similar to the sound of his own footsteps.


A small smile crawled onto his face when the door burst open, banging so loudly the entire room shook in fear.

"What was that back there?" Toph demanded.

Dev stood up, stretched his arms out and yawned. "What was what?"

"The avatar's scared out of his wits! What the hell did you do to him?" She stood in the doorway, as if she could block his escape by simply doing that. Heh. He could always bend the earth underneath him to make a tunnel. Not that it would deter Toph. She was, after all, an Earthbender too.

"What avatar? I only played a little joke on this scammer -" Dev began. Wrong move. He sensed Toph's anger and before he even had the chance to react, a rock - probably her bracelet- was chucked at his head. He dodged it by an inch and glared at Toph. Well, he would have anyway.

"Like it or not, the moron's what Aang left us."

Hold on. That scammer was what Avatar Aang left the world in his stead? Dev would have laughed, but Toph wasn't showing any signs of joking. Or lying, for that matter. He focused all his attention on Toph, checking if she was just great at lying or truly telling the truth. "...What?"

"He chose the same toys Aang did."

Nope. No signs of lying. No quickened heartbeat, no slight weight shift, nothing. Toph only crossed her arms and the rustle of clothes confirmed Dev's thoughts. She was annoyed with him, but definitely not lying.

"That creep's too old for toys," Dev finally said. And it was true. Even now he heard the scammer's faint yells from the eastern wing of the palace, followed by the coaxing words of several guards whose voices he recognized.

"Tell me about it. But an avatar's an avatar. He's the right age, to boot. It explains why we couldn't find him. We never bothered to look among crooks." She leaned against the doorframe and Devdan felt a tingle run up his spine. She was about to ask something of him, he just knew it.

She sighed loudly and shook her head. "He can't bend."



A loud yelp from the scammer in the other end of the palace.

More silence.

"What do you mean he can't bend?" Dev blurted out. "He's supposed to wipe out Azula's rebellion, and he's the avatar. He can't NOT bend."

Toph shrugged. "I know. They're planning to send him on a journey."

Dev couldn't help but snicker. Toph was so going to get dragged on this mission. He just knew it. Whenever someone important - or some student showed great promise - they always tried to wheedle Toph into going with him or her. And secretly, a warm ball of pride settled itself in Dev. She always refused students, and yet she chose him.

That had to mean something. She'd only trained about three people so far - Aang, Dev and some kid she gave up on.

"I'm not going, if that's what you're thinking. So stop laughing at me. They've already found a waterbender and a firebender willing to help. Plus, the airbender's no problem - Sabi is more than willing to help. All that's missing is a good earthbender."

Right. Which meant whether or not she liked it Toph was going to get dragged into the mission because she was part of the original team. The only reason Zuko wouldn't be the one going was because he was the fire lord and he needed to look after his nation. Katara would probably have been asked too, if she wasn't so depressed all the time.

Toph, on the other hand, had no reason to skip out on this.

"G'luck teaching a talentless avatar," Dev said.

"I said I wasn't going. Pay attention," she snapped. "I volunteered you in my place."

Dev froze. "What? I haven't taught anyone. I can't be -"

"I never taught anyone before Aang either."

"That guy is a creep. There's no way I'm going to -"


The floor between them split into two and Dev swore he heard the metals in the walls wail. He covered his ears and winced.

"Dev. You're going to drag this guy to the Northern Air temple, the southern temple, the water tribes, the fire nation - wherever he needs to go to get his bending skills back. I don't want to hear any more questions. Understand?"

He didn't have a choice, did he? "...Understood."


Devdan - 4:26 PM, Ba Sing Se Palace - King's Court

"This is crazy, okay? I won't go trying to teach some dude who can't even bend how to bend. That doesn't even make sense!"

Dev heard the whining far before he even entered the room. From the light footsteps there in he could tell Sabi was already here, and true enough she called to him as he stepped into the room. They'd met once. Or twice. He didn't really remember. Aside from Sabi and the whining kid, there was one more figure in the room who stayed in the shadows, steady and unmoving.

"Hey Dev. I heard you're coming too."

"I just want to go home, all right? So let's get this over with. Where's that so-called avatar?"

And the one complaining, from the aggressive movements, had to be a firebender. Automatically Dev nicknamed him Whiner, for simpler reference.

The vast expanse of the room gave Dev chills. It was so wide and so perfect for earthbending. He almost felt compelled to make fun of the firebender by trapping him in a block of stone. Or metal. Whichever worked better. Just to have a bit of fun.

"Oh shut up already," entered the unknown figure.

Suddenly Dev heard water splashing into the air and distinctly sensed it heading for the firebender. Looked like somebody already began the fun.

Dev automatically shifted to a stronger stance and put up a wall around himself as the firebender tensed and began throwing fire into the air - punch, kick, punch agian. Before Dev could send out an attack of his own to squash the little fight, Sabi squeaked beside him and Toph walked into the room, sending out a wave of earth columns towards the two fighting benders and knocking them both off the ground. She sent one towards Dev as well, but he parried it and it stopped in its tracks.


All the bending ceased. Dev, however, didn't let down his wall.

"The avatar is coming. You guys might as well get along. You're going to be stuck with each other a long time."

Then, her footsteps walked out of the room.

Dev massaged his forehead. This was going to be fun. He already heard the scammer's protests growing louder, coming close towards him. He should arrive at any minute now.

...What was he supposed to do for an avatar that couldn't bend anyway? Train a non-bender to bend. Feh. Crazy mission. That loser with the terrible fake broken english was more of an unbender than an avatar.

Hm. Unbender. Dev rather liked that word better than scammer. Then the doors opened again and guards marched into the room, dragging the unbender with them. Dev took a deep breath. Here went nothing.
"The moral of this story, is that if I cause a stranger to choke to death for my amusement, what do you think I’ll do to you if you don’t tell me who ordered you to kill Colosimo?“

-Boardwalk Empire

Love, get out of my way.

Dulcinea: 2,500/50,000

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Thu Jun 10, 2010 6:19 pm
cheeb says...

If Takki is 17, Aang would have died 17 years ago. And because Sabbi is 16, Aang couldn't have died years before she was born.

Kind of the reason for the whole "gods rewarded Katara" legend, but if it's too big an issue I'll edit it after I post this.

What have I gotten into!? Sabi thought frantically as she pushed a volley of air out from the bottom of her feet to shoot herself out of the path of the earthbending elder's attack. She landed gracefully on one of the jagged earth pillars and slid down as Toph shouted at them.
"... might as well get along. You're going to be stuck with each other for a long time."
The water- and fire-benders had already instilled sheer terror in her, but at least she already knew Dev, if only barely. Toph left to retrieve the new Avatar, the one who would take over from Sabi's father, and in Toph's absence the air was almost as thick as the earth pillars that remained.

After what seemed like an eternity, the elder returned, flanked by a pair of guards that were dragging a teenage-looking boy between them. The boy was struggling and shouting, but no one was paying the slightest bit of attention. Toph cleared her throat.
"Tutors, this is Takki. The Avatar."
No one answered. The boy was now glaring at each of them in turn. Sabi hesitated, then stepped forward.
"Hi, Takki! I'm Sabi, and I'll be teaching you how to bend air." She demonstrated by whipping up a small whirlwind that picked up rocks and sand from the floor, surrounding herself with them impressively. She let it die down after a few seconds. "It's fun!"

Had she not forced cheerfulness on herself for her whole life, she might have been deterred by the look Takki was giving her now.
the user formerly known as chibibo

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Fri Jun 11, 2010 1:57 am
Bloo says...

Takki| 4:20pm, Ba Sing Se Palace, Kings Court

The meeting finally had started. There was a delay from a Water Tribe war chef, Sokka, who had to come. Takki didn't wait to scream. "Look, I can't bend. I can;t be the freaking avatar!"

"But you are. You were born at the the correct time, your mother was from the water tribe, and you choose the symbols of the Avatar."

"What symbols?" Takki was raging. "You mean those stupid toys I took from you guys? I thought they would be worth a coin or two. They aren't worth jack!"

"That is irrelevant. Every Avatar has been decided because of those "toys" each one has choose those four out of nearly one hundred."

"So...you decided the biggest thing, like, ever, because of some-" Dev cut Takki off.

"Look, this dude can't even Bend. He doesn't want to help us. I say why bother?" Dev was smiling cockily, though he was staring into no where.

"He's right," the war chef got up, and pulled out his sword. "We're better off killing him."

"What?!?!" Takki was too shocked to move.

"If you really are the Avatar, there will be another one after you. If not, we will know you weren't. No lose."

"YES A LOSE!" Takki jumped up. "I don;t want to die! I'll try, I swear, just don;t kill me! Please! Anything but that!"

Sokka smiled as he seethed his blade. "I knew that would work."

"I was serious," Dev said. "We can;t teach him to bend. He doesn't have the ability."

"Neither did I." Everyone's heads spun to Toph. She had been silent, like a rock. "The badger moles taught me when I was young. I didn't know how till then. He can learn. Every Bender started as a non bender."

"That is very true. The Sky Bison taught the Airbenders. The Dragons taught Firebenders. The moon taught Waterbenders. and you know the Badgermoles." A random monk said.

"So.....you are going to throw us all into a pit and fill ti with those things?" Takki said with a chuckle.

"No," Sokka said. "We will send you on a journey around the world. Maybe if you go the homes of other Avatars you will remember how too. You will start at the Southern Air Temple, Aang's home, and then the rest. You leave in the morning." Sokka signaled for guards to come. "They will escort you to your home, pack your bags." Takki shock his head.

"I don;t have anything but some rags in a cardboard box. I'll just stay here for the night." With that he walked away, the guards following him closely. It was going to be a long, sleepless night.
That User Who Changed Their Name A Dozen Times And So No One Ever Knew Who They Were Half the Time and When They Did Only Used Bolt.

The tragic tale of losing all #Brand for nothing in return.

The Take Away Is You Probably Know Me As Bolt

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Fri Jun 11, 2010 4:16 am
PhoenixBishop says...

Tala- 4:26 PM, Ba Sing Se Palace - King's Court

Tala didn’t like the idea of working with others to train the avatar but joining the avatar would be her best bet when it came to squashing the fire benders and their rebellion. She stopped outside the door and sighed before entering.

"I just want to go home, all right? So let's get this over with. Where's that so-called avatar?" A guy said when she entered. She recognized him to be a fire bender immediately. He sat there winning while letting flames dance on his fingertips like candles.

Tala couldn’t suppress her disgust. "Oh shut up already.”She popped open a gourd she carried on her hip. She sent the water through the air at the fire bender to put out his flames. He met the water with a blast of fire and she prepared for another attack but Toph stepped in and broke up the fight by knocking the two benders on their butts.

"The avatar is coming. You guys might as well get along. You're going to be stuck with each other a long time,” she said.

Tala scowled. There was no way she was going to get along with a fire bender, especially not a whinny brat like the one that stood before her. The others hadn’t bothered her yet but she would give it time they’d annoy her eventually she was sure. As for the Avatar the idea that he couldn’t bend made her job much more difficult. She side and closed up her gourd.

When the dragged in the avatar she became even more sure that he would make her life difficult. As the meeting started Tala avoided talking too much as it was decided what would be done with the Avatar. She honestly wanted them to kill him and start over. She wanted to fight fire benders not protect a whelp from them.

Tala got up when the meeting was over and it was decided that they would be revisiting the homes of all the previous Avatars in the hopes of jogging Takki’s bending. She sighed as she thought about how the benders put on this mission were nothing but bodyguards for a toddler going on a field trip.
This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.


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Sat Jun 12, 2010 2:05 am
Kale says...

Chen - Ba Sing Se Palace - King's Court

Chen was most displeased. He had actually taken the effort to tie his hair up properly and dress immaculately, only for that crazy waterbender (What was her problem anyway?) to start a fight, which messed up his perfect hair. And then that blind old lady sent him falling flat on his arse in a most undignified manner, dirtying his immaculate clothing. So, basically, he'd taken all that effort to get properly dressed for nothing. No wonder he rarely bothered; it was effort so easily wasted.

As the meeting dragged on, Chen sat sulkily, staring at nothing in particular as he payed no heed to the proceedings. The Avatar couldn't bend. Teaching him to bend was a hopeless cause. Ergo, being sent on this mission was a waste of time. End of story.

"We're better off killing him."

Now there was an idea. Chen looked up, his attention piqued, as the Avatar freaked out.

"If you really are the Avatar," said Sokka, "there will be another one after you. If not, we will know you weren't. No loss."

Not to mention that it would take years for the new Avatar to grow up, and no one could possibly expect him (or anyone else) to put their lives on hold for so long, right? He'd be free of this inconvenient charge.

Alas, it was too good to be true, and so Chen went back to his sulking, resigned to following the non-bending Avatar around as he bumbled along on his quest to learn how to bend. Oh well. At least he wouldn't have to do any actual work, like teaching.

Besides, it would get his own teacher off his back. That alone made this crazy quest worthwhile.
Secretly a Kyllorac, sometimes a Murtle.
There are no chickens in Hyrule.
Princessence: A LMS Project

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Sun Jun 13, 2010 10:23 pm
Bloo says...

Takki|Ba Sing Se Palace|Roof Top

"All ready?" Toph asked. She was standing, a bit dizzily, as was Devdan, at the roof top entrance, holding tight to the railing, so tight there was a slow groan as she crushed with her metal bending.

"I believe so, Sabi there is a map with directions on how to get to the first few locations we think you should go to, after that send us a letter via messenger hawk, Takki has it, and we will send you more," Sokka was standing next to a beast like creature, with graying white fur, an arrow was some what visible within the mess. "And don;t worry, I will make sure you;re mother is alright while you're gone."

Chen strode in, he was covered in a puffed mess of bed head, his stride slowed by his wrinkled robes. "Are there half decent beds on there?" He gave a big yawn before collapsing on the beast's tail.

"Oh suck it up," Tala was on the sky bison's saddle, tying down their supplies. Chen was about to blast her, then he saw Toph raise a fist. He wasn't in the mood to get chucked thirty stories into the air. "Where is the Avatar, any way?"

"He's on his way, I could hear the brats stomping a mile away," Devdan said, he seemed nervous to be taking into the air, away from the earth, his eyes.

"And I can hear your cocky remarks from ten," Takki climbed up, two guards standing behind him to stop any escape plans. A hawk was perched on his shoulder, nipping at a piece of toast. "Let's just go, the farther I can get away from this hell hole the better. The faster too."

Sokka gave him a strange look, only a few hours ago he wanted to stay here, and was against leaving, but now he seemed excited to leave. "Well, then hop on Appa, you're headed for the southern air temple, the last Avatar's birthplace, strongest connection. So say the monks."

Takki climbed onto the sky bison, Appa, though he probably ticked it off by pulling a clump of hair out first. Devdan was next, he tried to climb on his own, but a soon as his feet left the ground he fell in surprise, Tala helped him up. And after an awkward Chen was tossed up onto the saddle they were off.
That User Who Changed Their Name A Dozen Times And So No One Ever Knew Who They Were Half the Time and When They Did Only Used Bolt.

The tragic tale of losing all #Brand for nothing in return.

The Take Away Is You Probably Know Me As Bolt

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Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:02 pm
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cheeb says...

No idea what time it is
Somewhere in the sky

So, there hadn't been much for Sabi to do on this flight.

Look, it sounded like a fun journey. They would be travelling all over the world, visiting the past Avatars' birthplaces, teaching the new Avatar how to bend. And even though she knew she'd miss her mother, Sabi knew Uncle Sokka would take good care of her. And it was really good to see him again.
But right now, the group was seemingly all alone, even though they were together. The waterbender and firebender were sitting on opposite sides of the saddle, staring away from one another and only barely recognising the presence of anyone else. Devlan, whom she had been sure she'd be able to chat with, was huddled in a corner of the saddle, unable to "see" as he did with his feet, as they were up in the air. And Takki... she'd seen what he was like in the hall. For once Sabi figured keeping quiet was the way to go for now.

"Hey, uh... Aang's kid. Air-bend'r? Um... Sagg-ee?"
Sabi giggled loudly as she crawled over to where Takki was sitting on Appa's head, pleasantly surprised. "It's Sabi."
"Y' looked bored."
"I was." Sabi looked down over the beast's horns and watched the land slowly drift past. "So you really took to this, huh? Back in the hall you'd have given anything to be out of there."
"Yeah, well." Takki shrugged as he stretched out across the furry rug. "Figg'red it was bett'r th'n scammin' folks on the street fer the rest'f time. Plus, that guy with th' sword was gonna kill me if I refused."
Sabi laughed. "Uncle Sokka wouldn't really hurt you. He just has... interesting methods of persuasion. Not to mention highly effective."
Takki shrugged. "Sure got me up here. Only thing th't still c'n-serns me is where we're gettin' food from."
"I can cook." Sabi smiled. "You wait till we get to the Southern Air Temple. I've got the ingredients for a nice meaty soup." Takki licked his lips and fell silent. Sabi watched as her toes slowly disappeared in a flurry of bison hair.

Not five minutes had gone by before a distant roar was heard from far below. "What the hell was that?" Devlan shouted. The water- and fire-benders looked over the edge, though they remained seated. Sabi pulled the map out of her pocket and scanned it.
"No!" she shouted. "We were supposed to detour around Serpent's Pass!"
the user formerly known as chibibo

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Mon Jun 21, 2010 12:43 am
Kale says...

Chen - In the Sky - On a Flying Carpet

"Gah!" Chen flailed for a handhold as the roar woke him from his nap, prompting the firebender to sit up from his mostly (but not quite fully) comfortable lounging position and look over the side.

"No!" shouted the airbender from her seat on the flying furry-thing's head. "We were supposed to detour around Serpent's Pass!"

Chen leapt to his feet. "Wait, what? Okay, who was steering this thing? I'm going to give them a piece of my mind!" Chen glared at the other four.

Devdan huddled in his corner, looking more than slightly queasy. The crazy water bitch just glared at him across the saddle in her imperious, icy way. Up front, Takki looked clueless and panicked while Sabi sat near him, looking abashed, the map in her hand flapping loudly in the wind.

"No one was steering?" Chen asked, dumbfounded, just before Appa swerved sharply, sending the firebender tumbling flat onto his face. "Stupid flying carpet-- OW!"

"Shut up, get up, and start fighting. Avatar, please get in the saddle. Sabi, steer. You--" Tala glanced at where Devdan sat, clinging to the edges for dear life. "--stay out of the way. Now move it!"

Chen sat up, rubbing his head where the domineering waterbender had kicked him, as she turned away to begin fighting the serpent. As everyone else scurried to do her bidding, Chen wondered who'd given Ms. Crazy Icicle-Permanently-Up-Her-Ass a mandate? She was insane if she thought they actually stood a chance against the serpent of Serpent's Pass. Especially since those two guys huddling in the corners were useless.

"We are so going to die," he moaned.

Really, he should have know the day would be a bad one. As if being woken up at an insane hour of the night-which-some-crazy-people-claimed-was-morning wasn't bad enough, the flying furball should have been a dead giveaway that the day could only get worse. Flying bison, his ass. That thing did not look anything like a bison. And now, for some reason, he was punching fireballs at the serpent of Serpent's Pass while the giant carpet beneath him kept swerving.

To his left, Chen heard the sound of retching. He glanced over just in time to see Devdan's breakfast (or was it dinner?) hit the serpent smack in the face.

Oh yeah. They were so going to die.
Secretly a Kyllorac, sometimes a Murtle.
There are no chickens in Hyrule.
Princessence: A LMS Project

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Tue Jun 22, 2010 2:41 am
Bloo says...

Takki| Serpents Pass| Flying over a monster.

"I got this," Takki says.

Takki is not the kind of guy you say to sit still and do nothing. He doesn't take kindly to being bossed around. While he may not be a bender he has his own skills sets. Blasting a fire ball is cool and all, but a sword can be just as lethal and five times as cool. IN the right hands. And Takki's hands were close enough to work.

Chen let out a chuckle, it seemed like he tried to hold it back but, in the end, he did not have the will power. Takki shrugged it off. He needed to find his weapons. Before they left he had made sure to sneak out. He may of said he had nothing to take but he needed to get a few things.

He dove for the side of the best and tried to get underneath the saddle. A cold blade finally found its way to Takki's hand and his mission was half way through. "See ya, losers."

Takki took a step backwards and kicked off from Appa. The serpent was still close behind them, so it was not too difficult for Takki to make his way towards it. His plan was simple, and awesome, use his sword like a board, stab the serpent and ride down the serpent. By the end it could be halved.

Takki never came close to this. As soon as he left Appa he was headed straight into a pit of darkness. Slowly the dark abyss covered all he could see, and he was helpless to avoid it. He was about to be engulfed by the dark. Be eaten by the serpent.

To put it simply, Takki went nuts. Flailing around in the air, trying to swim his way back to Appa. His sword stabbed at everything, anywhere, everywhere. He was desperate to try and live. "This was a bad move." That was all that was going through his head. That and "OH GOD, I DON"T WANT TO DIE WITH A FULL BLADDER!"

Takki landed on the flat of the serpents tooth. One more second of life for Takki. The slimy, dirty and trash covered fangs were not a good place to be. Slowly he slide down, heading further down. At least one good thing happened, he would not die with a full bladder. Takki fell out of consciousness at this moment.

His limp body half fell and half slid down it's throat. the sword still in his grip. Then, with a final piece of luck the sword wedged into the uvula and kept Takki afloat for another second

A grotesque wrenching noise suddenly filled the entire lake. A putrid aroma filled the air in an instant. A dark shadow sovered the entire area. Rain fell. Putrid rain. Rotted fish, wooden planks, rocks and more fell everywhere. Takki flung into the air on the stream, landing in the water with a splash. Still alive. Smelling like a corpse, but not a real one.

The monster serpent fell back into the ocean, still vomiting, too sick to eat. Its days were numbered.
That User Who Changed Their Name A Dozen Times And So No One Ever Knew Who They Were Half the Time and When They Did Only Used Bolt.

The tragic tale of losing all #Brand for nothing in return.

The Take Away Is You Probably Know Me As Bolt

I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train.
— Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest