
Young Writers Society

The Killers: A RPG

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Points: 890
Reviews: 115
Sun Sep 18, 2005 8:20 pm
Icaruss says...

"Wait... What the fuck was I talking about?"
"I was listening to the radio..."
"Wait... I said something about..."
"Rats, motherfucker, rats. You said your apartment was full of rats. And that you shot one the other day."
"Yeah, well, ok. So my friekin' apartment is full of damned rats, alright? And they show up everywhere..."
"Like... when you're eating...? They just crawl around all day?"
"No... yeah... yeah, yeah. They're everywhere, you know, in the sink, in the commode, in my bed, under my bed..."
"You sleep with them? Now that's totally fucked up, dude..."
"Well, yeah. Yeah, I know. So one day, I'm totally fucking fed up with those rats, alright. And I catch one, eating cereal, out of the damn box."
"It was in the box?"
"-- Soundgarden. Now comes Jane's Addiction, with "Been Caught Stealing"--"
"... Yeah, it was in the box... well, not all in, you know, I could see the tail... but... you know--"
"It was eatin' the motherfuckin' cereal, Joe, ok?"
"Yeah, alright..."
"So now I'm totally fuckin' pissed, right? Cause I had paid for the damn thing, and it was barely eaten, alright? So I go to my bed-- I mean, to my... ehh... my..."
"Yeah. I take out my 9mm, and shoot at the motherfucker."
"Did you hit the rat...?"
"Yes, you dick, I hit the rat. What's the point of the damn tale if I didn't hit the rat?"
"Maybe you didn't hit the rat. Maybe you are just guessing you did."
"Motherfucker. I'm not guessing I hit the rat, I know I hit the rat, ok? There was cereal and rat juice all over the fuckin' floor."
"You did that? With a 9mm? You positive?"
"Yes, I'm positive. Jesus Christ, dude. I'm fucking positive, I got a better accuracy than you do, Sam."
"You wish, nigger."
"Yeah, he's right, Sammuel. He does have a better accuracy than you do."
"You know what? Fuck you, Joe. You ain--"
"Hey, did you just see that, man? He just... he just stared at us and run away..."
"So? So follow! Follow, Joe! Follow, follow, follow! Jesus Christ..."
"Calm down, alright. I am--"
"That's him. That's the guy."
"What the fuck? George said he was on his apartment!"
"I told you George was an asshole!"
"Follow the motherfucker, Joe! Wait, don't stop-- don't..."
"Fuck! Can't you pass the red light! You're a criminal, you dick! Criminals don't stop at the damn red lights"
"What the fuck, dude?"
"What? Why can't I stop? He's right there, no? Right there!"
"Oh, that's great, he turned. We lost him. Could you... would that be... I think that's fuckin' enough, Joe. Follow him."
"No. I'll get a ticket, the policeman's right there."
"He's not even-- Motherfucker... I will blow your fuckin' brains out."
"Don't point that at me, Sam."
"Then drive, foo'!"
"You happy now, eh? We're all happy about Joe now?"
"Shut the hell up, and drive."
"Fuck you, man!"
"Go, nigger, go, there he is."
"Crash against him."
"Yeah, I know, asshole."
"Then go faster!"
"Go, go, go, go, go, go!"
"Whatch out for that bench-- shit, now, go!"
"-- that's it for today, in the Rock Mornings. The winners of the Audioslave CDs are George Kerl and... Stephanie.... Stephanie... Stephanie what? "
"Nice driving, man."
"Shit... heh..."
"OK, just keep going. Just keep driving, man. See? No-one even noticed..."
"What? We just run over a man in broad daylight, motherfucker, everybody noticed."
"Shut up, people! Shut it. I just--"
"--You promised me today that you'd quit your boyfriend
I'd be the next one to ease on in
"Could you turn off the radio?"
"Just keep driving!"
"Turn off the goddamn radio."


There were three of them in the car: Joe, the driver, Sammuel, the black man, and Max. Maxwell, really. But he didn't like that name. That's why he insisted on being called "Komodo". But nobody ever did. Nobody other than his work buddies. But among the real people... he was Max. Max was a cool sounding name, on his ranks. It was short, snappy... but Maxwell wasn't, and, hence, he didn't like Max either. He had been thinking on changing his name. To something like Fred. Nothing interesting, nothing snappy, or pretty. Just Fred. It was easy to say, easy to remember. It was a good, solid name. But forget about that Freddy bullshit. He wanted none of that. Freddy sucked, just like Maxwell did.

Fred. That was the way to go.

He hadn't thought about his name that much until the sudden carreer change. When he was a writer, he could be Maxwell. People would understand Maxwell. But writing wasn't going that well, and after talking to some people, he ended up killing some And he was still a Maxwell. You see, Joe and Sam, were good names for contract killers. Maxwell was a good name for writing. And he hadn't written for over a year now, and he was becoming pretty good at the killing part. He doubted he would ever quit the life. I mean, soon he would be sent to do solo jobs. Big killings. Where the big cash was. And the best part was, that he would only have to put up with folks like Joe and Sammuel, until then. It wasn't that he was somekind of anti-social maniac. He just liked to be alone. Hence, he liked to kill alone. Well, he didn't like to kill, that was a fact. But he prefered to kill alone. But he definately didn't like to kill. It was just a job. And although the nature of the job, usually, he was just this easy going guy; except in occassions like this one. In occassions like this one... he was furious. That little fucker. George had misled them. Told them wrong information. He had told them the guy would be at his apartment, at six o'clock, in the morning. But they had ended up running over the guy at five-thirty. In broad daylight. Thousands of people to see their motherfucking license plate. In a car which could barely start up. And he was pretty fucking sure that Tony would take the car's cost from their paycheck. He cursed. He had told the other two guys to wait outside. That he wanted to talk alone with this one. Sam and Joe had agreed. He would've gone alone anyways...

So now, after the banging in his door, George had opened the door for him, clueless that a very angry Irish American man waited on the other side. It was pretty obvious that he had just woken up. There he was, staring at Komodo, in awe. The hitman smiled.
"Good morning, George. Have some breakfast." said that, he punched him in the face. George screamed in pain, as he grabbed his nose, which started to bleed bleeding. It was broken. The assasin entered the building, and looked around. In the table, there was breakfast, that is: some pizza and a coffee. "Oh, I'm sorry. Did I hurt you? Here, have some coffee." He said, while he grabbed the mug and pured the liquid in George's face. The boy squeeled.
"What the fuck, man?! SHIT!"
"What, what was that? You're sorry? I'm hearing a lot of things, but I'm not hearin' sorry, George!" Komodo asked, grabbing him from the neck, and dragging him towards the window. "Now tell me! What are you sorry for?!"
"I don't know!"
"So you ain't sorry!" Max raised the body and slammed it against the window, breaking it. He grabbed George by the t-shirt, and half of his body was left hanging.
"Yes! YES! I AM!"
"For what, George?" Max asked, tilting him even more.
"For... for..."
"'For... for...' for fucking lying!" he yelled. "Say it with me!"
"Fuh... for... For lying!" Maxlet go of the t-shirt, and grabbed it in a split second. George was crying now.
"No. 'For fucking lying to you'. Now say it!"
"For... for fucking lying to you..."
"I can't hear shit!"
"For fucking lying to you, man! Please!" Max pulled him up, and threw him to the ground. He was pretty strong for his body. He was short, and skinny. With black, short hair, a goatee, and a huge forehead. George kneeled, panting, in pain.
"Good, George. Now, if you ever give me wrong information again, I will come and shoot you, do you understand?"
"Right. Thomas Hefferman wasn't on his building this morning, he was getting away. Why?"
"I don't know." Komodo kicked him in the jaw, making him fall flat to the ground.
"Because I told him you were coming!"
"Right. Good boy. All I want you to do, is answer the question, alright?"
"... alright..."
"Why would anyone be so stupid to fuck with Tony Barone?"
"Your boss, motherfucker. Why would you back-stab him like that?"
"I didn't... I..." He was kicked.
"Yes you did, George, yes you did. You gotta, at least, gimmie me that." The look in the boy's eye was mixed with pain, fear, and regret. Max was loving this. "And you weren't even gonna stay, now, were you? You were gonna split, right? Just like you told your buddy to do, right?" Max walked around the boy, and then pinned him to the ground with his foot. "Right?" Komodo took his gun out, and pointed it at him.
"... yes... I'm sorry... please..."
"Please isn't enough, bitch. You gotta say, 'I'm sorry I tried to fuck my boss' Now, say it!"
"I'm sorry I tried to fuck my boss!"
"And... 'And that I tried to fuck you too.' Say it."
"And... auh... and that I tried to fuck you too..." George was whimpering in the ground, trying to look above him. Max cocked his gun.
"'But my boss don't likes to be fucked with... and I don't deserve forgiveness...'"
"No! Please... please..."
"Say the goddamn words!"
"But... but my boss..."
"... don't likes to be..."
"... to be fucked with... and I don't deserve...."
"... forgiveness." Komodo licked his lip. "Now do you deserve forgiveness?"
"No... no... please... please!" George was trying to move, but he couldn't. Max was too strong. "NO! PLEASE!
"So that's a no?"
"Sorry. I thought you were just stupid, but you turned out to be a rat, now, ain't ya?"
"No! Please!"
"AIN'T YA?!"
"We are very concerned."



OK. So here's the deal, this is an RPG about hired assasins. I don't want profiles, introduce yourself by describing a hit you have done. When at least three people have entered, the plot will start. But first, kill somebody. It's kinda fun. It doesn't have to be this long.

I'm guessing this can go here, but if there's a problem let me now. I really don't understand WHY don't we have a RPG Board with all the writers in the community. It's fun. I assure you, give it a go. If somebody isn't sure what to do, I have some great tutorials you could check out:

http://legendaryfrog.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4791 (Though I'm not sure if you can enter that without being a member of the usergroup)

http://forums.rpgchat.com/showthread.php?t=31037 (Not that good. But just basic)

I'd make one myself but... eh... Ahem. I'm too busy. Yeah.

Anyways, here are the rules:

- Godmodding is not allowed. But you can make a character answer, or say something. But if you make him look stupid, or loose the escence of him, you're gone.
- More than three sentence posting.
- Don't try to act like a "cool", "mysterious guy", by giving monologues about... the blood. These are contract killers, but that don't necessary mean they're psychopaths. Think of it as a "Pulp Fiction" RPG.
- No, really, I mean it. This IS a Pulp Fiction RPG.
- Don't change the plot drastically. Unless you're me... which... eh... you aren't. This means that you can't be the lost son of somebody looking for revenge. And don't steal the spotlight, in other words, don't try to make yourself the main character. We all are.
- We're all human beings, we bleed, and we CAN be hurt. That means that you're no Terminator, you can get wounded. You MUST get wounded.
- This is a serious RP, so try to keep it like that. But most of all...
- Have fun :cool:

... man... that was just corny...
there are many problems in our times
but none of them are mine

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115 Reviews

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Points: 890
Reviews: 115
Sun Sep 18, 2005 8:42 pm
Icaruss says...

Here's the tutorial, for anybody who cares. The link doesn't work, and I'm too lazy to delete it.

azdb7 from The Legendary LilyPad wrote:Because of the debacle that was the RPG and Games section from a long time ago, we're severely cracking down on what does and does not happen in this section so that it will not be taken away again. Therefore, make sure you read these rules in detail (and check back in when things are updated) so that you are not removed from the group for breaking them.


1. Post Length.
No less than four lines will be tolerated. If you need help doing this, try describing your setting, the sounds or sights your character can see or hear. Perhaps describe their thoughts in detail.

BAD: Reyna stared out the window. The sun was bright. She liked the sun.
GOOD: Reyna stared out the window at the rapidly setting sun, trying desperately to extract a ray of hope from the fading beams. There was no one to comfort her solace now that he was gone. Were things different, she might have been able to stop him from doing something so rash, but now....such thoughts of the past were foolhardy. Nothing she could do now would bring him back.
GOOD: (OOC: Could anyone give me a summary of what I've missed? -or- Is it all right if I take this liberty with your character's description?)
NOTE: OOC parts of post do not count towards the four-line limit. Also, please avoid having posts that are only OOC. Use PMs instead.

2. No godmodding or godmothering of another character.
This will not be tolerated. You have your character, so you can control them. DO NOT try to control another's character. It is theirs, not yours. If you would like to do something with that character, always talk to its owner first and make sure that anything you propose is cleared.

3. Follow and read other posts.
Too many times have I seen this disregarded and someone get way off track because they didn't read what was done by others. Read what others post, so you have an idea of what's going on.

4. Follow the plot.
There is nothing wrong with making plot twists or minor plots within an RP, but do not take away from the original story. Make sure you are always working towards the goal of the RP and tie your twists into that. If you do wish to introduce something major, PM the maker of the RP and pitch your idea to them.

Originally, the RPG and Games forum was for RPs and other forms of writing as well as little text games you could do with your free time. These literary classics, such as "Guess What Time It Is" and "Am I Wearing Pants," eventually led to the section getting shut down as people abused the hell out of it. Notice that Games is no longer included in this section; it is ONLY for RPing. Any topics to the contrary will get you removed in a hurry.


Q: What is RP?
A: RP or Role Play is the act of creating a person or character and then playing the role that you've decided for them to have in a particular story or Role Play. The RPs themselves are the stories that people have chosen to make and allow others to participate in. When you participate in an RP you do not have to be yourself; you can make a totally new character, your polar opposite, or someone loosely based on yourself.

With RPGs like Tales of Symphonia, Baldur's Gate, or the Final Fantasy series, you're taking a character that has already been created for you and then taking them through an overarching plot, making decisions that will affect the story of the game/characters that they have set out for you. Written RP is somewhat similar, except the plot can change at any time and you create the characters yourself. Also, there's no random battles and no characters with gigantic swords who are compensating for something else. Then again, with a few characters I've RPed with...

Q: What is OOC?
A: OOC is Out Of Character. All Out OOC thoughts or actions (things that you're posting as Yourself and not your Character) are put in double parentheses, brackets, or are labeled as "OOC:" in some way.

Q: What about grammar and spelling and such?
A: We're not going to be grammar Nazis around here, but we do expect your posts to be readable. Easily readable. That means using some punctuation, spelling words right (come on, Word's got a spellchecker), and always sticking to the plot. How about some examples?
BAD: HAI ASL??? my, name, is. Scott??//!111!!z
VERY, VERY BAD: i a tack u & ur arm falls on 2 teh fl00r
GOOD: Personally, he couldn't understand why she stuck by him all the time. All Domonch did was treat her like she was nothing, and she kept coming back for more.

Kae put it best by saying, "We don't come here to read license plates." In one way or another, all of you speak English. Try to at least speak it at a fifth-grade level so you don't look foolish.

Q: Am I done reading yet?
A: No, no you're not.

Q: What about creating a story for others to join in?
A: You're free to do that if you would like to, but a few things to consider:
-Don't start more than 2 at a time. It's tedious trying to keep up with all of the plots and such at the same time, and you're not likely to get as many participants.
-Make sure you at least have an idea what direction you want the plot to go, even if there's room for interpretation. Posting just a character profile is not a way to start an RP; you'll need an introduction and maybe some ground rules specific to your story.
-Be prepared to get PMs from your participants for questions or ideas, and try and answer them in a timely fashion.
-From Glad: If you want to make an RPG in full-paragraph mode, with no character sheets, you are free to.
-If there's already a couple of vampire-related RPs out there, don't make another one. Wait until one finishes so that the place isn't overloaded with one genre.
-If an RP is inactive or poorly made, the mods reserve the right to lock it at any time so that another can take its place.

Q: Should I use paragraph or script form? Or are both allowed?
A: Both are allowed, but you MUST stay consistent. If not in the same RP, certainly in the same post. Do not switch between the two. Paragraph has been used in the "good" examples above. Script is something like this:
Reyna: Do you think he'll ever come back?
She brushed aside a lock of hair from her eyes subconsciously, almost as though she were trying to see the intangible more clearly.
Old Woman: No, he hates you.

Creating a character is rather simple. Most elements that all RPs require in their profiles are:

You can go beyond just these simple things. You can go as far as their personality, mind-set, personal goals, everything they've learned (magic, hand-to-hand combat, ect) and you can continue to use the information you create for your character, and update them. It's even pretty simple to adapt your character to be other races.

Characters can be based off of anything. You can make a character like your favorite actor, cartoon, villain or superhero, or you can look to pictures for inspiration. It may be easier to base their personality off of a trait that you have, so that it's easier to get into character. Once you're more familiar with RPing, you can then branch off and take on roles that are nothing like you at all, if you so choose.

Let's start with names. Names are pretty easy (for some) to come up with. Going to school and living in the world we live in there are many [human] names to pick and choose from. Frank, Earl, Bernie, Kevin, Sally, Katie, Amber, Billy-Bob-Joe, etc. However, for most [fantasy] RPs these names simply will not do. You should want your character's name to reflect their personality or their overall look. For some RPers, they combine names of other characters or look up words in other languages.

While your characters name doesn't have to mean anything specifically it should mean something to you, and perhaps tie in with part of their personality or physical description. You should create a name for your character that you can remember, and maybe be remembered by others.

As for age, pick a number, any number (so long as it pertains well to your character). Hell, you could even pick your favorite number; just be prepared to tweak the age of your character for RPs that you join. If you're a vampire, pick a number that sounds good. Don't always strive to be the oldest and most ancient one, but pick a decent number that will give your character the time to have the strength, memories, and story lines that he/she has. As a suggestion, anything under the age of 2 is probably a bad idea. Please don't do this. Believe me, seeing some Superbaby kill off all of your enemies is extremely depressing.

Race: (If given the option) Pick a race that you enjoy RPing and that you know you can RP well. Don't necessarily pick the most "popular one." You can even be daring and make up your own race, so long as you are also willing to tweak here as well. It may be helpful when starting out to stick with a human character, but don't restrict your imagination.

Description: Use pictures to help inspire you if you feel low on imagination. Give your character a look that is unique to them and will be easy to deal with if they are in battle. If you find yourself unable to properly describe your character, just give a link to the picture that inspires you. Otherwise, describe, describe, describe until your eyeballs fall out. Basically, describe body type: thin, fat, average, strength (how strong is the character, do they even look strong?) Traits they might have based upon their race, skin (or fur) color, eye color, hair color. Any unique scars they might possess. The clothes they wear (if not for most of the RP, of the first post). Anything that makes your character stand out, tell us. But don't just use your profile to tell us what your character looks like. While you're RPing and posting remind us of the hair and eye color; describe to us the way your character looks in action. The more descriptive your character, the easier it will be for everyone, including yourself.



Skin Color:
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Markings: (Tattoos/scars)
Other Features: (piercings, any physical feature not applicable in the other fields)


Bio: (No specific length is needed)

Other Info: (anything that didn’t fit elsewhere)


Eyes and Hair:
Height and Weight:
Clothing and Armour:
Weapons and Equipment:


(( This was taken, in parts, from http://www.zenhex.com/ and also borrowed from KaeAlexandria's interpretation ))


-Godmodding is not restricted to simply taking control of another person's character. It can also include things like having a character that never takes damage or falters in any way, or making posts that steer the plot in a direction that others (esp. the creator) don't want to take.
-If you're joining in an RP late (which some creators may not even allow), don't ask for a summary without at least trying to catch up on older posts in the story. Even if you get a summary of plot, you'll miss all the character development and interaction that has gone on.
-Try to find one character (possibly more) that you think is really solid and might be usable in more than one style of RP. This is particularly useful if you can build relationship with other people's characters and have them carry over.
-Creation of NPCs is generally allowed (townspeople, small enemy troops, other token characters). Don't abuse it, though. Your innkeeper cannot supply you with the key to the secret chamber in the castle, and that low-ranking enemy soldier will not be assassinating your king just so that your character can be driven into a violent fury. For new people, also remember that taking creative liberties with your family can help develop your own character's personality.
-While using existing characters (from movies and games and such) as ideas to start your character is fine, completely copying them and then changing one part of them (a personality trait or their name) is not. We're going to know if you just ripped off Goku and gave him green hair. And we're going to hate you.
there are many problems in our times
but none of them are mine

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Sun Sep 18, 2005 10:42 pm
sabradan says...

sweet. (OOC: My character is going to be a boodock-saints type vigilante, okay?)

Sean stood outside the building, smoking. As he took in a drag, he glanced to his left and his right. The information he found said he always comes to this bar at 8pm, and leaves about 11pm. It was 11:15. He took off his sunglasses to see better in the dark. As he pulled on another drag, sure as rain, the fat bastard came stumbling out of the bar.
"And stay out you fat fuck!" the bartender yelled after him. The man who had stumbled out had yelled something obscene in Russian. Yes, this was the fat fuck Russian mob goon who was his hit. The goon stumbled past him going down an alley. Sean let him get a little head start, so as not to seem he was following him, and then he followed after him. He saw was going into another seedy business establishment, called "The dancing Russian" it was a restaurant and brothel. Sean went in the employee entrance, and saw where he went. He was at the bar, and ordered a fifth of vodka.
"What, you're not drunk enough, you fat ugly fuck?" Sean whispered to no one in particular. He put on his sunglasses, and walked up to the Russian goon. He tapped him on the shoulder, and spoke in Russian,
"Excuse me, Ivan, but we have some business to attend to. Would you come with me in the back room?"
The drunk Russian came with him.
"G-d, can this get any easier?" He thought to himself. In the back room, Sean went to the bar and poured to glasses of vodka. He handed one to the Russian, Ivan his name was. He brought the bottle with him.
He took his shot, and refilled both glasses.
"You know Ivan, many people are angry at you. You're lucky you're still alive" Sean said, pleasantly.
"Who sent you?" Ivan asked.
"Ah ah ah, Ivan, I will do the talking," Sean said, forcefully. He continued, "You have been very bad in many people's eyes. Why do you sell 14 year old girls as hookers, Ivan? You know thats a sin, right?"
"I was never very religious. This pays my bills." Ivan replied.
"Pays the bills...mhmmm...have you ever considered working for wal-mart?" Sean asked.
"This pays better," Ivan said. "What the fuck is this about?" he asked.
Sean slammed the vodka bottle on Ivans fat bald head, shattering it, and cutting him and burning his eyes with alcohol.
"I'LL DO THE TALKING, MOTHER FUCKER!" Sean said. He then knocked his temples, hard. Ivan went out, cold.
Sean then tied him to the stripper pole, for they were in the V.I.P. room, on his knees, as if he were praying. When he woke up, Sean said to him
"Like I was saying, what you are doing is a sin. I am here to exact the Lords retribution. I hope you have made peace with the Lord," he said smugly. He placed his .45 pistol to the front of his fat, ugly head and cocked it, ready to fire. Sean continued, "The Lord is my shephard. I shall not want. He makes me wander in green pastures, he lyeth me down near still waters. He has set me a table amongst mine enemies, my cup overflows."
"Nyet, nyet, nyet, PLEASE! I HAVE TWO CHILDREN, NO PLEASE!" Ivan kept pleading over the prayer.
"Amen," Sean concluded, crossing himself.
Ivan, the Russian Mafia goon had met his fate.

Sean then doused the body in alcohol, and lit it ablaze. He walked out of the bar, and went home, feeling as if he had done the work of god.
"He who takes a life...it is as if he has destroyed an entire world....but he who saves one life, it is as if he has saved the world entire" Talmud Sanhedrin 4:5

!Hasta la victoria siempre! (Always, until Victory!)
-Ernesto "Che" Guevarra

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Mon Sep 19, 2005 5:47 pm
Rincewind says...

(OOC) - My guys a 18 year old kid who started off taking hits for people at school. (Teachers, bullies, principles etc.) It's from a story I've wanted to write for a long time but have battled with how to deliver such a gritty idea, but keep people viewing the hitmen as good people. This will help.
TUESDAY. 8:30 am. The Bus Ramps.

A cacophony of yellow busses and swarming high school students fills Simon's vision. He watches them with a disgusted eye. He views them as sheep with no real idea who they are, or what they are capable of. Simon found out quite early just what eh was capable of...

Murder for one thing. Though he preferred to use the word inhume. It was both more elegant, and less threatening sounding. The words conclude, or annul also sufficed for Simon.

In any case, he got a certain thrill from the act of concluding another person's life, and had not only done a lot of it, but succeeded in becoming wickedly efficient at it. And getting away with it.

Simon had always been a methodical thinker, and adapting his step-by-step approach of analysing situations to the act of killing seemed only natural to him. He took careful means to ensure that each of his inhumations were in every aspect completely different than any he had previously done. This meant constantly coming up with new strategies, and tools (some would say weapons), and even more clever ways to cover his footsteps.

At a young age Simon was told on several occasions that he would be wise to pursue a carreer in the field of private investigation, but Simon thought it much more appealing to orchestrate crimes which could not be solved. He was not just an assassin, or a hired man, he was a prodigal genius mastermind.

And at this moment he stood on the roof of his high-school, twirling a wrench in one hand, and finishing off an apple in the other. He looked at his watch, and threw the core over the edge of the roof. His face was stolid and unmoving, but if any feeling was to be taken from it; it would be radiating the feeling of self-satisfying accomplishment. Even before the job had actually been finished, Simon knew it would go off without a hitch, and that all he had to do know was wait.

In fact, there wouldn't be much fo that left to be done.

Simon heard a blood curdling scream and the slightest smirk creased his face. A wave of students that was working its way into the doors of the school came running back out pushign one another and yelling incomprehensibly. Then he saw a teacher run up and grab one of the screaming students by both arms.

"What's going on here?" The Teacher yelled at the student, her eyes ablaze.
"It was Trisha Quinten!" The girl began, sobbing. "The roof! It...Fell! It fell right onto her! There were pipes and electricity and stuff and everything! It all fell! She's dead!"

This was all Simon needed to hear. He turned away from the edge and walked over to the middle of the roof where he had set his tool box. He opened it up revealing several small saws, screwdrivers, wire cutters, and threw the wrench back in atop the mess. He picked up the box and walked casually, and very confidently to the stairwell, whistling as he went.

(OOC): So the plot can start now, aye?
~The bandit’s body slumped to the ground, knees hitting first,followed by the rest.His dead weight pushed dust into the air in a swirling cloud.The blood flowed from his head,splicing like river canals,delaying slightly on pebbles before flowing on through the street.~

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Mon Sep 19, 2005 8:51 pm
sabradan says...

((OOC: I like that last sentence, Racewind.))
"He who takes a life...it is as if he has destroyed an entire world....but he who saves one life, it is as if he has saved the world entire" Talmud Sanhedrin 4:5

!Hasta la victoria siempre! (Always, until Victory!)
-Ernesto "Che" Guevarra

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Mon Sep 19, 2005 10:15 pm
Rincewind says...

(OOC: Thank ya Sabradan. Mucho Apreciato. Umm, I'm bored and I'm gonna write another quick hit.)

(IN Context:)> Simon sat with his friends eating lunch in the cafeteria. As usual, most of the talking was coming from his obnoxious friends, and Simon sat around and took in what they were talking about, paying close attention to what the kids called "gossip", but what he called "leads".

A pale, bespectacled boy with brown hair sat across from Simon, and chattered enthusastically with a taller, healthier looking young man. "He took the money and spent it all on booze, I heard!" He said to his friend.
"I heard he spent it all on clothes and crap, and flaunts it around like he's something special."
"Wait, what are you guys talking about?" A red hedded girl butted into the conversation.
"Troy," The kid in glasses began. "And the money he stole Mike Holstien's bed room."
"He broke right into his house?" The girl asked.
"Yeah, but no one knows for sure what he spent the money on." The taller boy answered her.
"Probobly drugs," She said.

The bell rang and everyone bustled to gather up their papers and lunch scraps. Only the pale boy in glasses waved goodbye to Simon, who smiled, winked and nodded in return. After most of the cafeteria cleared out, Simon looked at his watch, and made a beeline for the emergency exit. He had rigged it long ago so that the alarm wouldn't sound, and slipped out the back completely unnoticed.

He negotiated a path around the school to reach the classroom he knew Troy was in that period. Something else Simon had picked up from his friends lunchtime chats, was that Troy smoked like a chimney and was known to slip out at least once during class on bathrooms breaks to have a smoke. Simon hoped to catch him in the process.

He crouched underneath the window and reached inside his jacket. He retrieved a small leather case, which he unzipped to show several slender metal pieces and one large circular piece. He took them all out, and methodically screwed together his mirror on a stick. He stood the mirror up and laid on an angle which allowed him to see inside. Sure enough, there was Troy, his hand already up and already doing the dance of a well seasoned pee-faker. Simon watched as the teacher asked what he wanted and allowed him to go to the washroom.

Simon smiled, and quickly packed the mirror back up and with only a whisper in the wind scaled the side of the school and perched on the edge, over the door he knew Troy would come out of. As if by clockwork, only a few seconds after Simon had secured his posistion, Troy stepped out of the door, lighting the cigarette before he was even over the threshold.

He watched as Troy took a few drags, and reached into his jacket again. This time he brought out an elastic band, a few tooth picks, and a screw with no head. He reached down and grabbed a fist full of pebbles from the roof, and heaved them off the roof. The effect was that Troy, upon seeing and hearing the pebbles fall, jerked around and looked up to the roof, where he assumed they came from.

Of course, Simon had ducked back down and was busily constructing a small device out of the things from his pocket. He used the tooth picks and elastic band for a makeshift slingshot and rigged the screw onto the side of the roofs ledge so that when the elastic band slipped off of the headless screw, it would launch more pebbles over the edge. Simon knew it would take about ten seconds for the elastic to slip after placing it, and that was just how much time he needed to scoot down from the roof at the moment Troy looked up for the second time from the pebbles, and be there right in front of him when he turned back around.

This all went to plan, and as soon as Troy turned around - slightly frusterated by the prankster with the pebbles - he was hit in the head with a small but very hard black metal club.

There was another whisper, and it could be assumed that Simon was back up on the roof and minutes later, far far away.
~The bandit’s body slumped to the ground, knees hitting first,followed by the rest.His dead weight pushed dust into the air in a swirling cloud.The blood flowed from his head,splicing like river canals,delaying slightly on pebbles before flowing on through the street.~

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147 Reviews

Gender: Male
Points: 840
Reviews: 147
Mon Sep 19, 2005 11:49 pm
sabradan says...

((Can we get the plot going, please? Anybody have any ideas who I should hit next?))

((Oh, also, join the Star Wars RP))
"He who takes a life...it is as if he has destroyed an entire world....but he who saves one life, it is as if he has saved the world entire" Talmud Sanhedrin 4:5

!Hasta la victoria siempre! (Always, until Victory!)
-Ernesto "Che" Guevarra

You can't blame the writer for what the characters say.
— Truman Capote