
Young Writers Society


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Sun Jun 21, 2009 3:21 am
Penelope Cross says...


I'm new, which is obvious.

I have a feeling I'll get briefed on some rules, so:

The 2:1 ratio is an ingenious plan, I love grammar more than my mother, rating a thread is also a helpful tool I wish I could put on my forum, I don't really swear that much in forums, when ready to review, just go to the writing tab at the top (can't wait, I love reviewing poetry). Greeters blue, Mods dark green, junior mods green, instructors purple, Distinguished members orange, and admins red.

Did I get it all?

All things Bivium:

I'm a big fan of writing, over the years collect a few short stories and more poetry than I need for a portfolio, not too big on sharing, due to the fact that my work is mediocre at best, but I do love giving constructive criticism.

So, pardon my bluntness, but I tend to read the rules, and feel a little irked at redundancy.

That sounded rude, didn't it?

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Sun Jun 21, 2009 11:57 am
*writewatiwant* says...

Great! You saved me a whole lot of time xD

As you already know, I'm a Greeter. You can call me Kat ^_^

Welcome to YWS! *throws confetti* We're so very happy to have you here with us!

It didn't sound rude at all. I'm glad you read them. That way, you won't have the Mods on your tail.

I love grammar more than my mother


just go to the writing tab at the top (can't wait, I love reviewing poetry)

Actually, it's the writing thingy at the end, like if you scroll this page down you'll see a small white spot where you can write. That's where you review ;)
Also, I'm a poetry person myself. So, if you ever want something to review or a review just PM me! :D
Or anything else, just PM me xD

See you around!
Piglet: How do you spell love?
Pooh: You don't spell it. You feel it.

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Sun Jun 21, 2009 12:53 pm
WaterVyper says...

Welcome to YWS, Penelope! And no, that wasn't rude at all. I'm glad you read the rules already.

So, since you know already, mind if I ask you about yourself? You like poetry, so do you like structured or freeverse poetry better? With your stories, do some of them revolve around a theme? What are your hobbies? Favorite color, food, animal, sport? What are your interests in movies or music? Is there anything else you want to share with others?

I'm sure your work isn't that bad. Trust me, mine was horrid before I came upon YWS, and I had a high opinion of my work then. I'm sure you'll enjoy it here on YWS. So, if you ever need anything, or if you'd like to talk, then you can PM me. I hope to see you around sometime, Penelope! See ya!
There once was a cat.
He wasn’t particularly fat.
Fuzzy was his favorite mat.
And really, that was that.

Oh, but did you really think so?
Keep reading, it’s just the start of the show!
And as for how far this tale will go…
Well, even the cat doesn’t know.

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11 Reviews

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Reviews: 11
Sun Jun 21, 2009 2:06 pm
Penelope Cross says...

Even though I'm new, this site seems to have the nicest users.

My poetry preferences, I am torn, I like both, but the ambiguity of freeverse is really what I love. I tend to write very abstract things, and I love poetry that follows that same style. It's really hard for me to like poetry that's set and rhymed because so many people try to write it and can't. Rhyming is hard though, especially when you're wanting to achieve a flow. Some of my stories do have a theme, some are just ideas I happened to type up. My hobbies are pretty much writing and reading, but I love Idina Menzel so much that if she were to walk into this thread and asked me to marry her, I'd turn gay. Blue, steak, horse, Quidditch. I like good movies, and I believe that there is a difference between a good movie and an entertaining one. I really love musicals and musicals made into movies. Broadway music is awesome, but I tend to like songs in thereselves over actual genres.

Something to share? I wish Penelope Cross was my real name, but she's just a character in a story.

To answer your questions.

I'm basically here to review, it's what I love to do, but I suppose I'll have to share something eventually.

Thanks for the warm welcome.

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Sun Jun 21, 2009 4:12 pm
Carlito says...

Hey Penelope, welcome to YWS! :D

I really like that user name. You said it's a character, is she from Wicked? That's just my wild guess cause that's your avatar. :) (At least I'm pretty sure that's your avatar. :D)

Wow. Anyway...though questions, are you ready?
If you could meet one author and ask them anything for an hour, who would you meet? If you could see any band/singer in concert and then meet them afterwords, who would you see? What's your favorite kind of berry? What is your favorite baked good? If you were a marine biologist, what animal would you study and why?

I hope you have a great time here and if you have any questions or need anything, feel free to PM me! :D

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

Ask a Therapist!
I want to beta read your novel!

Ask me anything. Talk to me about anything. Seriously. My PM box is always open <3

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11 Reviews

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Reviews: 11
Sun Jun 21, 2009 4:35 pm
Penelope Cross says...

Actually, Penelope Cross is an original character of mine.

And yes, Wicked is my avatar, I'm a huge fan. HUGE.

These are the best questions. I would have to meet JKR. I have many authors I love, but part of me will always love Harry Potter more. I've already seen Idina Menzel in concert, but with the oppurtunity to go back stage, I'd see her again. Strawberry, is that a berry? Chocolate chip muffins. I would study sharks because they are the only animals that can not get cancer.

I think that answers all the important questions.

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Sun Jun 21, 2009 5:03 pm
Carlito says...

Penelope Cross is a great name.
I think I would meet JK too. She is just too awesome for words :) (If you haven't already, check out the Groups. There are so many to choose from!)

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

Ask a Therapist!
I want to beta read your novel!

Ask me anything. Talk to me about anything. Seriously. My PM box is always open <3

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Sun Jun 21, 2009 7:23 pm
Rosendorn says...

Hiya and welcome!

Wicked is probably my favourite musical. It's a great study of how certain situations can be twisted to the advantage of the person in power. Like The Wizard did to Elpheba. I managed to see it live last August and I loved it. Who's your favourite character?

Poetry is something I have fun with. I use to use rhymes but then I found free-verse and never looked back. lol Well, I do look back sometimes, but rhyming isn't my main thing anymore. ^_^

It sounds like you'll fit right in to the sometimes mad YWS. Hope to see you around!

A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.
— Albert Einstein