
Young Writers Society

A Sleepy One

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Thu Jun 04, 2009 5:06 pm
SleepyJackie says...

Hello everyone (:

My name is Nina, I'm from Switzerland & I'm 17 years old. Mhh, what else is there to say?
I'm not exactly expierenced in writing, but I have written a few things, my problem is just that I keep stopping halfway through. However, I'm now hoping to finally write a whole book, and in search for some tips I found this forum and it immediately appealed to me. So now I'm here (;

You're all probably wondering what a Swiss girl expects from an English Writers' Forum - Well, the reason for my being here is my passion for the English language: I will be studying English Litterature and Linguistics soon, in December, to be correct, and I everything I write is in this beautiful language (:

What else? My favourite colour is black, pitch black, I love horses (I'm a rider, too), cats and exotic animals. I love dark and twisty stories and characters, and books that leave me dissatisfied, confused and utterly surprised... So, if you haven't guessed it yet: I absolutely adore Edgar Allan Poe.. And my favourite book is Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë (;

Plus, I have this habit of making a comma before an 'and', but I actually like it, and I'm not going to change that :P

So, feel free to ask anything you'd like to know.

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Thu Jun 04, 2009 6:53 pm
*writewatiwant* says...

Hey Nina! *realizes Nina has already fallen asleep* Nice, hum? *pats Nina* Wake up, sleepy!
*Nina opens her eyes* Ok, so now! Before you fall asleep again. I'm Kat! Nice to meet you dear, and welcome to YWS!

Balck! O.O I loooove black. Not in a gothic darky way, but I love it. It's fashionable.
Ohhhhhh. Commas before 'and'? I do that too. A lot actually. Now, even in Portuguese I always put commas between the word that equals and. And it's grammatically wrong in Portuguese. xD

Anyway, here on YWS we have a few ground rules.

1. Keep the 2:1 ratio. That means that for every post you make, you should do two reviews. Posts in the Community forums and Groups don't count. Also,a review has to be at least 250 characters (about three lines) long to count.

2. Rate your works. Rated works will appear on the front page, exept the ones rated R. You should rate a post R when it contains adult scenes or rough language (like the f-word will immediately gain a R).

3. Chat speak is forbidden and try to keep capitalizing to a minimal. So turn off your Caps lock :D

And that's about it! Still, I advise you to check the Rules. Plagiarism is forbidden, so don't post anything that isn't yours.

Also, don't be afraid to explore the site! You can check about everything with the buttons at the top of this page (Home, My YWS, etc).

Now, some random questions! (you'll find two things about YWS users: we loove randomness and cookies, and we are addicted to YWS as you'll probably be in a few weeks time :D)

Cookies or ice cream? *glares* (I have warned you!)
PSP or Nintendo?
Firefox or Explorer?
Fork or spoon? <----- That's just ridiculous.

Have a nice day, and feel free to PM me about anything!
Piglet: How do you spell love?
Pooh: You don't spell it. You feel it.

The Buddy System Check us out!

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Thu Jun 04, 2009 7:33 pm
SleepyJackie says...

*wakes up & glares at kat*

Gee, thanks for this lovely welcome, Kat! Makes me feel at home already.

You speak Portuguese? That's just great - I love to listen to that language (: Spanish is great, too.
And black is definitely most fashionable.

Alright, thanks, I will check out all the rules.

Randomness is, obviously, veery entertaining, and I guess I can deal with cookies, too.

Although here > "Cookies or ice cream?" I will definitely have to chose ice cream!
PSP or Nintendo? Uhm, no and no. x)
Firefox or Explorer? Firefox. Duh.
Fork or spoon? Spoon reminds me of ice cream and desserts. So spoon!

But it's your turn now:
>> Your favourite Word? (;
>> Sea or lake?
>> Running or walking?
>> Coffee or tea?

A nice day right back to you!

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Thu Jun 04, 2009 9:47 pm
Shauni says...

Arg! I'm so mad with my portable!I just had written and all post for you and it's all gone!

*It went down!!!!!*

Arg! [s]mskobflqahjw bvshbsf ncjuxkkufxebghnrwhb xnghbçrsxsbrnhç
Much relief now...

*** Moving on...***

Hi there fellow ice-cream eater! :D Welcome aboard our writing-space-ship! :D
Pleasure to meet ya!

O.O You like portuguese? *.*
I can't believe someone actually knows us... - Yes, I'm portuguese too!

Exotic animals = two toms up!
By the way, I'm Shauni ( Rach for friends, and you can call me Rach. I like it very much!)

I'd be so happy if I could possibly be able to finish something! I usually get lack of ideas of just lack of enthusiasm. I'm lazy.

Kat already explain you the basics so I will just give you some more important rules from [s]my[/s] YWS World:

Some users have coloured names as you probably have already seen. That's because we have jobs. Commonly known as the YWS Staff.~

Blues: The greeters. They welcome the newbies and help the get along here.

Purples: Instructors. They will review you work and work with you to make the most of it.

Light/Dark Green: The junior moderators and the moderators. They make sure everything is running smoothly here. The medium bosses.

Orange: Distinguished members.

Red: YWS administrators. The *big* bosses.

That's it for the colors. If you have any question about becoming a Staff member, go to the Help and Support Guides or just PM me! I'd be honored to help you.

Can I answer Kat's questions? I'm juts gonna answer them...

>> Your favourite Word? Don't have but I like "atrocious" very much. I don't know, it just flows nicely to me.
>> Sea or lake? Sea, definitely.
>> Running or walking? Walking. Sports and me don't match.
>> Coffee or tea? Neither one. Don't like tea and don't dislike coffee. Maybe coffee...

And now you:

Mango ice-cream or lemon one?
Chocolate or caramel?
Beach of country?
Photographing or drawing?

Have a great day! :)

Best wishes


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Thu Jun 04, 2009 11:41 pm
Snoink says...

OMG. Horses????

I'm just beginning now. If you saw me ride, you could tell, lol. Once, when I was trying to canter, my horse, an old horse named Norm, wouldn't even go into a trot (only walk) so when I used the crop on him, he got pissy and tried to buck me off. At a canter.


So what do I do? Instead of doing what I should have done and sitting up straight, being calm and assertive, etc., I grabbed onto Norm's neck and wouldn't let go. He almost threw me!

So yeah. That was terrifying. But! I love horseback riding and I hope to learn more. :) What particular thing are you doing, being an awesome horseback rider and all?

Also! CONGRATULATIONS! You survived high school and now you get to go to college or uni or whatever you guys call it over there. That's amazing. :)

Anyway, welcome to YWS! Hope to see you around. :D
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

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Fri Jun 05, 2009 9:48 am
Meep(: says...

Wake up sleepyhead! Don't pull a Rip Van Winkle on us!
*prepares to fling a pillow at Nina, but stops at Snoink's glare*

Ooh! Switzerland! That country is made of win :D
English Literature & Linguistics O:
I'm definitely considering that. I absolutely adore the English language as well.

So... which is your favourite work from Poe? ;)
Whoa, it looks like a game of 20 (thousand) questions is going on! XD

Anyway, drop me a PM if you wish, I'd love to hear from you :)
I'll see you around hopefully, and have a fabulous day!

Edit: Snoink, Kat just mentioned to minimalise chatspeak & CAPS and there you go XD
~Liverpool F.C Supporter~
"You'll never walk alone"

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Fri Jun 05, 2009 8:26 pm
*writewatiwant* says...

Ohhhhh. My favorite word... let's see.... I have times, y'know? Some days I love just one word, others it's many. Today I feel like... completely.
That was an interesting question. What's your favorite word? ;)

Sea or lake? that's tough. To watch, I really like the lakes because they are usually surrounded by a very beautiful landscape, as commonly known as woods, and they are beautiful, relaxing and romantic.
But the sea! I love swimming and watching and hearing the sea! So, I must say it's a draw.

Definitely walking. Running is tiring and when you walk you can talk, observe your surroundings. Resuming, I'm lazy.

Neither! I hate coffee and tea. Ugh.

Now, have a nice rest of the day!
Piglet: How do you spell love?
Pooh: You don't spell it. You feel it.

The Buddy System Check us out!

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Sun Jun 07, 2009 8:53 pm
SleepyJackie says...

Thank you, Rach (notice what I just called you? :]) for this great welcome and for actually rewriting the whole post just for me!
Writing-space-ship sounds awesome, who's Major Tom? (;
Okay, just how many of you are portuguese? Quite a coincidence, but I like it.
Thanks for your explanation of all the colours, and for your nice offer - everyone's being so unbelievably sweet and welcoming, it's really great!
'Atrocious' does have a nice ring to it... Which brings us to your questions:
>> Mango ice-cream or lemon one? Very definitely mango!
>> Chocolate or caramel? Caramel. Yum.
>> Beach or country? I love the beach, the sand, the waves..
>> Photographing or drawing? I suck at drawing. So photography.

Snoink, a fellow rider, that's awesome. Old norm sounds like a little rascal! I like that (: Well, everyone has to start off, though I have to admit: I would have loved to watch that scene! Nah, sorry, that was mean.
I had to stop riding a few weeks ago, because with the finals and all I'm really stressed out, plus the horse's owner and I didn't really see eye to eye about the appropriate writing style. However, I hope to be starting again as soon as I'm settled in - I'm moving in summer, closer to the university. We'll see. I just love jumping, did some show jumping when I was younger and won a thing or two, but nowadays I just enjoy being with a horse and doing some easy and fun riding. How about you, what do you enjoy?

Rip Van Winkle :D God, I don't know why, but that just made me chuckle.
Thanks for your welcome, too, Meep.
My favourite work from Poe... That's a tough one. I love the 'Ligeia', and 'The Masque of Red Death' - How about you?

'Completely' is good, Kat - sounds like no compromise (; I love that question - My favourite word is 'Threshold'.. God, I love that word. Gosh, what do you just drink if you don't like coffee and tea? xD
I'm rather lazy, too, so I know just what you mean.

Well, thanks again to everyone (;

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Sun Jun 07, 2009 9:50 pm
*writewatiwant* says...

I agree with you, Nina. Caramel, definitely. I looooove caramel.
I drink coke! xD (or water, but.)
Threshold sounds pretty <--- speaks with childish voice. I'm not sure what it means; English is not my primary language.

Can I ask more questions? I like chatting with you ;)

-- Pop or rock?
-- Watercolor or crayons?
-- Note books or laptop?
-- Maths or physics?

Piglet: How do you spell love?
Pooh: You don't spell it. You feel it.

The Buddy System Check us out!

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Mon Jun 08, 2009 2:10 pm
SleepyJackie says...

I like chatting with you, too, so if you don't mind I'll just send you a PM - we can continue our conversation that way, how does that sound? (:
I promise I'll answer all of your questions ^^

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Thu Jun 11, 2009 3:08 am
Angels-Symphony says...

Hi Nina ^^ I'm Shina ;P Welcome to YWS. I'm another one of those blue-titled people known as greeters. It is my job and my pleasure to greet all of the new YWS members :D

Everyone just about covered the tech stuff, so I'll give you the basics:

Don't take all reviews to heart. Most of the time the instructors and critics around here are tough and will most likely tear your work to shreds, but it's all in the hope that you'll improve from their suggestions. Take their advice because no matter how great of a writer you are, you can always improve. You'll become ten times a better writer just by being active on this site.

When someone signs your guestbook, sign theirs back. It's polite :) and Nice ;)

To jumpstart your adventures here, just jump in ^^ Join a group, enter a contest, post some work.

English is a nice language to write in ^^ There's so many things you can say!

Good Luck and Have Fun
You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself into one.

The writer, when he is also an artist, is someone who admits what others don't dare reveal.

When a body moves, it's the most revealing thing. Dance for me a minute, and I'll tell you who you are.
— Mikhail Baryshnikov