
Young Writers Society

G'day, Hello and 'Sup to all!

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Sat May 02, 2009 5:15 am
SplitPin says...

Hey, I'm new to the forum as you've probably already guessed.
Anyway, a bit about myself...
I mainly enjoy writing modern sci-fi/fantasy and Disaster/Apocalypse stories, but sometimes I may choose to venture into other genres.
I'm excited to join a forum where I can chat with likeminded people.
For those of you who are a little short-sighted, the writing in my avatar says 'Fear the Splitpin' in case you were wondering.

Stupid avatar size restrictions...

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Sat May 02, 2009 5:25 am
peanutgallery007 says...

Yeah, I hate the size restrictions. I wanted to use a picture I had taken for my avatar, but they are all too big. :(

Anyway, hi! Welcome aboard :D

OK, lets lay down the "wonderful" ground rules before we get started.

:arrow: No chat speak. This isn't hard for most people, but we still have to warn/ tell some :)

:arrow: Rate your works. Let others know what they are getting into. If it has bad language, adult situations, ect then rate it accordingly please :)

:arrow: Here we have a 2:1 ratio. For every piece you post, you have to review two of other people's things! It's actually fun, and you'll get used to it after a while.

Well, I hope that helps! I want to be the first to welcome you to YWS. Welcome :D

PM me anytime, whether it is a question, review, or just someone to talk to that is needed, I'll be there!

Have a peanut =)

Try your hand at my poetry contest!

Proud LGBT supporter.

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Sat May 02, 2009 7:48 am
Snoink says...

Ha! No, your genres sound completely awesome. or at least I like those sorts of genres anyway. I shall have to check your works out! :D

And... what exactly is a split pin? Or is it supposed to be funny?

Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

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Sat May 02, 2009 9:10 am
SplitPin says...

Well, I'm also a member of MR UK, a forum for fans of the Maximum Ride book series of books. We use a lot of grammar, punctuation and spelling etc. there, so you won't need to worry about that stuff.

A split pin is a weird pin-sorta-thingomabob that you poke through two pieces of paper and fold outwards. It allows those two pieces of paper to spin around on eachother. Can't explain it very well myself.

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Sat May 02, 2009 9:16 am
Snoink says...

Weird... I thought it was a word that started with a b?

Why is your avvie that? :P
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

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Sat May 02, 2009 9:37 am
SplitPin says...

I honestly have no idea.

It's just something I use as my username in a lot of online things.

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Sat May 02, 2009 9:42 am
Snoink says...

Huh! Okay. :P

So, how do you like YWS so far?
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

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Sat May 02, 2009 2:11 pm
Dreamwalker says...

Hey there :D. I'm The.Dreamwalker but must people just call me dreamwalker or DW. You can call me whatcha like :D.

If you havent already guessed, there are a lot of colourful names on YWS XD. Some colourful in words like helpful mchelpfulpants but some like mine and snoink which are coloured literally.

Here, this should help if you dont know about the colourful names ^_^

Blue: Greeters
Purple: Instructors
Light green/Green: Junior mods/moderators
Red: Aministrators
Orange: Distinguished members.

The blues, like me, are here to help the new ones get used to YWS and help them sort of get around. If they need any help with anything they just ask us and we are quick to oblige. Basically speaking, being a blue, I am overly... jumpy in getting to meet new YWSer's XD.

Theres then the purples who are literally reviewing machines. They just go and go and go. It's insane really, and they leave the most wonderful critiques to. They dont just give you an 'oh thats sooo awesome', And then leave. Nah, these guys are the ones to go to if you really need some help with your writing. Dont be shy to ask them either. They are awesome people :D.

Next is the light green and greens like Snoink. They are our moderators and juniour mods. They make sure that the website is running smooth as silk for they take care of all the forums, the junior mods usually assigned to specific ones. Keep on their good sides. They have the ability to band ;).

Then there are the reds. These guys are our admins and they basically make the website we know and love. Of course, our YWS God is Nate who is the absolute creator of this site. Basically speaking we worship him XD.

And then theres our oranges. They are the distinguished members who usually dont come on anymore but still have some privledges since they former mods who dont much care for the responsibility anymore XD. They are awesome people though and they tend to be fairly good writers as well from what I know XD.

Well hopefully that explained enough LOlz.

From Dreams to Reality
Suppose for a moment that the heart has two heads, that the heart has been chained and dunked in a glass booth filled with river water. The heart is monologuing about hesitation and fulfillment while behind the red brocade the heart is drowning. - R.S

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Sat May 02, 2009 4:33 pm
Rosendorn says...

Hiya and welcome!

You might have noticed my blue name, but I'm also purple underneath! That means you can come to me for anything.

Some ways YWS helps people's writings:

~ Instructors- As Dream mentioned, the Instructors/purples are those you go to for critiques. But you can also come to us for help on critiques. Just come to us and we'll gladly help you improve reviews. Look around your preferred genres to find purple names that post there. You'll get better help overall. ^_^

~ The Knowledge Base, found by right-clicking Resources in the header and selection the Knowledge Base option, is a database full of tips on poetry, prose and general YWS stuff. Poke around to see what you can find. There's great stuff in there. (All YWSer written!)

I would also like to draw attention to The Completely Evil Plan. It's members are going to prank a member by writing uplifting works for her. It's totally sweet so check it out!

If you need anything, PM me.

A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Sun May 03, 2009 5:02 pm
mimimac says...

Hey, welcome to YWS I'm Mia. :)
I think the main rules have been explained to you, here are one or two things that I think will help you out some more!

Even though we look down on chat speak (so dnt tlk lke dis), we do allow term abbreviations such as: ect, lol, brb, MC (main character).

We have an amazing chat room here that holds loads of members at one time! Go on the home page and towards the bottom left hand side you'll find it. There are however one or two rules:
NO ALL CAPS. (Please... it's painful and sounds like you're shouting)
No chat speak (At all! Nada. xD Except for the one or two I pointed out above)
Don't over exagerate like this: heeellloooooo!!!!!!!!!! (You get the point.)
Obey the chat moderators. These are the people whose names are in green and at the top of the who's online list. They basically tell you to stop if you're breaking a rule, if you don't listen to them and break a rule multiple times over, they can kick you out of chat. Beware of the mighty chat mods. :P

We have awesome usergroups! Click on groups at the top of the page and join one that takes your fancy. To join, click on them and simply click 'join', it's very simple and an awesome way to make new friends. I would suggest joing a usergroup called 'the completely evil plan', it's a prank which involves lots of writing! Check it out. :)

PM me if you have any questions or need any reviews.
-mors aut honorabilis vita-

Forget the prince with a horse, I want a vampire with a volvo.

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Sun May 03, 2009 5:14 pm
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Musicaloo7311 says...

Hi Pin! I'm Music, and I've used a split pin before. :D

Welcome to YWS! I'm sure you'll really enjoy it. It's helped me improve my writing so much.

I'll go over the point system with you. To post a piece, you need 150 points. Reviewing is a great way to earn points. We also compete with each other to see who can get the most points. :)

Also, join those usergroups you're interested in! You'll make good friends fast, my dear.

Hope to see you around the forums!

Any questions, concerns, or just the urge to talk randomly? PM me. XD

Click-ity click! Reviews here. :)
The Completely Evil Plan.

"You treat me badly; I love you madly."
Formerly known as music_lover_7311.

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Mon May 04, 2009 3:59 pm
Pippiedooda says...

Hello and welcome to YWS! :D Split pins are pretty cool! I remember using them when I was younger to make puppets in art as it meant you could bend their arms :P (sorry if that sounded completely stupid)

Anyway, I think the rules have been covered so I won't repeat them. How have you been finding YWS so far? It gets pretty addictive I warn you! If you did want to post more information about yourself or read about other member interests, then I'd recommend visiting the About the Author forum, it's a good way of getting to know people :)

YWS also has so much more to offer than writing and reviewing, there is help for any homework you have, exchanging writing tips, playing word games and discussing anything you can think of really! It's a brilliant cure for boredom ;)

I thought I'd just mention as well that if you wanted to earn some extra points and were up for a challenge there are always some good contests going on (under Community), they also mean you can win some in depth reviews for when you need them.

If you need anything feel free to PM me, hope to see you around! ^^
"Your mother is a hamster and your father smells of elderberries"
-Monty Python and The Holy Grail

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Mon May 04, 2009 5:02 pm
Schemilix says...

Yay a fellow escapist reader/writer! We seem to have similar tastes. Ever heard of science fantasy?
'We must break from this cycle! We must free ourselves from this captured legacy! And for that, we must embrace our end! In death lies freedom! - Evadrael
Ber Tataimel!

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Tue May 05, 2009 4:45 pm
Juniper says...

SplitPin! Hi! Welcome to YWS!

=D I'm springrain, but you can call me June. Juniper works as well, or Grain is acceptable, although it's really spring and rain. =P Anyway! I'm excited to have you here. =D As long as you post works for me to review, I'll be happy. :P

You write Sci-fi! That's so cool! Not many people actually write sci-fi, but I love to read it. I haven't tried writing it at all lately, but I'm pretty confident that I won't do so good at it, haha.

Anyway! You have an awesome username. But, I think the split pins you speak of are called brads, right? Because split pins that I normally see are like, skinny, skinny pin-like things. (*googles a picture for good measure* http://www.partridges.uk.com/catalog/im ... -Pin-S.jpg << Right, so there's a split pin). I totally kept misreading your username as spilt pin. :P Don't know why.

Anyway! If you need any help around YWS at all, you can drop me a PM or leave a message in my guestbook. I'm seriously almost always on here, so I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible. And, if I don't get back to you in 24 hours or more, feel free to bug me again, because sometimes I miss a message or something. =P

Now post some stories! I'm absolutely eager to review them. :D Welcome to YWS!

Juniper ;)

So, yes, yes, welcome to YWS! Enjoy your stay. We don't bite. =D
"I'd steal somebody's purse if I could google it and then download it." -- Firestarter

It's a pity the dictionary has only one definition of beauty. In my world, there are 7.9 billion types of it- all different and still beautiful.
— anne27