
Young Writers Society


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Wed Mar 11, 2009 12:27 pm
Lionheart says...

Well, I'm Lionheart though everyone usually just refers to me as Lion, you can call me by my real name Jordan though nobody ever does. Anyway, I'm 17, male, and I'll be heading to college in the Fall majoring in Medieval Literature. I was introduced to this site through Script Frenzy in which it is my first year attempting. Actually, last November I tried NaNo but because November was when all the college application and scholarship stuff was due, I epicly failed, only getting 12 words. Getting into college was priority...

Anyway, I hope to redeem myself through doing Script Frenzy in which I'll be writting a script for an original manga. Other than that, I also plan to post other stuff I've written on this site; while of course doing reviews myself since I'm an avid critic.

Well, I guess a little about me...my favorite authors are Tolkien and Neil Gaiman, as most of the literature I read (as well as write) is in the fantasy genre. Specifically my favorite 7 favorite books/series in order are: (1) The Sandman series (Graphic Novel) (2) Lord of the Rings (3) Dark Tower series (4) Watchmen (Graphic Novel) (5) American Gods (6) 1984 (7) Death of a Salesman. I'm not much of a person for the movies, especially since I tend to pick out plot holes and compare them to books... Also, not much tv either, though it has been said I have an obsession with anime and manga.

As I mentioned earlier I plan to major in Medieval Literature, so it is rather obvious that I have a large obsession with the Middle Ages. I have more books on the subject than my local library. I also hope to be a published author, but I'm sure everyone here does as well, though mainly in comics and the fantasy genre.

I'm also an avid text-based RPer, with about 5 years of experience. In fact, it was probably RPing that got me into writing down my ideas for stories in the first place.
Last edited by Lionheart on Wed Mar 11, 2009 1:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Wed Mar 11, 2009 12:57 pm
WaterVyper says...

Hi Lion and welcome to YWS! Do you mind if I call you Jordan? Since you said that almost nobody calls you that, but it's a nice name, so do you mind? Sorry if I sound a bit rambling, but I guess this is how I am.

Just one thing before you start posting your stuff up here. Well, actually two things. Here on YWS, we have a bunch of rules that you gotta follow. Right now, you can find them here. If you feel a bit lazy, I guess I'm putting down the two most famous ones.

1. Keep the 2:1 review ratio. That means that for every work you want to post, you have to put two reviews up on this site first. We ask that you keep this ratio at all times, but 3:1 or even 73:1 is very much appreciated. This helps everyone get a review, you see.

2. Don't use chatspeak. That means we gotta use proper grammar, spelling, and capitalization at all time. We're all writers here, so that isn't too much to ask, isn't it? Most of us here are Grammar Nazis.

Well, that's it for the rules. Then, you have the other obvious stuff, like respecting everyone, and having fun! So... hiyas! *waves*

And you might have noticed that some of us here have differently colored names. It's because we have different positions.

Blue/Cyan: These are the Greeters, whose main job is to greet people and to answer any questions you have about the site.

Purple: These are Instructors, whose job is to instruct. (Big surprise there, huh?) They are the ones you go to when you want in depth critiques.

Light/Dark Green: Respectively, they are Junior Moderators and Moderators. Junior Moderators have moderating powers in certain forums, while Moderators have moderating powers everywhere.

Red: Administrators are the ones who keep the site up and running.

Orange: Distinguished members of the site are retired mods.

And that's it. You can apply for the position of Greeter and Instructor, but you have to be over a month old. You don't apply for the other positions. If you want to apply, you have to be already doing the job of the position you want to apply for. An example: If X wants to be a Greeter, X will spend a lot of time greeting people. If A wants to be an Instructor, A will spend a lot of time critiquing.

So, that's it for the colors. And yay, you like Neil Gaiman and Tolkein! I love the Sandman series, and everything up till number five. I haven't heard of the others. You like Medieval Ages? We've just finished studying that in school and we're moving on the the Renaissance. It's a bit confusing, since most of my knowledge of that period is based on what weaponry was available during the time.

Well, if you want to RP, then we have a section called Storybooks. This is pretty much test based RPing, and it's a lot of fun.

So, great to meet you Jordan. I hope to see you around soon. Feel free to PM me for anything you need, such as reviews, questions answered, or friendship. See ya!
There once was a cat.
He wasn’t particularly fat.
Fuzzy was his favorite mat.
And really, that was that.

Oh, but did you really think so?
Keep reading, it’s just the start of the show!
And as for how far this tale will go…
Well, even the cat doesn’t know.

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Wed Mar 11, 2009 1:07 pm
Lionheart says...

Thanks for the welcome, and I'll take those rules to heart and memorize them, like I do on any site that I'm on. By the way, the novel 1984 by George Orwell is where the term "Big Brother" is originally from as it is about a possible future in 1984 (written during WWII) in which the government was totalitarian and there was no such thing as privacy. Death of a Salesman is about a suicidal salesman in New York that is getting tired with life and realizing that he, nor his children, will ever accomplish their dreams.

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Wed Mar 11, 2009 6:02 pm
Rosendorn says...

Hiya and welcome!

Viper up there beat me to the main punchlines, but here are some more little things:

A review must be at least 250 characters long. Just in case you don't want to go through counting letters, that's about three lines.

Rated works are what we like to see! If you rate your work (and it's not rated R) it will show up on the front pages of YWS for all to see! You just might get more comments out of it. ;) Rated R works have the f-word and/or graphic scenes.

Manga and anime? I'll admit those aren't my things (I've only watched Cardcaptors, the old Pokemon and Digimon once upon a time) but we do have a usergroup for other manga nuts. Just hit the big Groups button in the header to find it (we also have one for Tolkin, and, um, just check them out. There are too many to list. lol)

I had no idea about the "big brother" thing. I guess you noticed the name of the mod group? ;) 1984 has got to be one of the most popular books on the site. I haven't read it though. That doesn't exactly sound like my thing. The Book Thief, however, looks interesting. (That's probably number two on "most popular books on YWS") Have you read that one?

I love history in general. ^_^ But, like Viper, my knowledge is mostly based on weaponry. Something about being a fantasy author does that. :lol: Although from my collection of reference books, I probably know more then I think. Heh, I've also got a library that rivals my local library's collection.

Fantasy is my lifeblood. lol. I've been writing it for about six years. Of course, my early works will never, ever see the light of day, but thanks to YWS I've been coming out with more, erm, readable literature? lol

I'll probably end up calling you Lion. Just easier for me to remember. And, less confusing for others. ;) So, I'm guessing you like the history around Richard, hmm, I believe it's the III?

(Yes, as you can tell, some abbreviations are okay. lol being one of them. Some others are POV, MC, brb, ftw and other phrase abbreviations)

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.

A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Wed Mar 11, 2009 9:15 pm
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God says...

umm, just to make a correction, most of us are NOT grammar Nazis,

but most of us would also be fairly offended if you used excessive chatspeak/ poor spelling,

anyhow, Neil Gaimon, American Gods... good book,

I have read it, and liked it immensely, talk about which came first, the person or the God?

hah, anyways,

yeah, Welcome to YWS, Im God,

I apologize if the name offends you, feel free to call me whatever you want, preferably not Supremo though...
(no, dont ask,)


by the way, the rules are too easy to memorize, and the color/username, unnecessary,
Don't take life too seriously, no one gets out alive

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Wed Mar 11, 2009 10:02 pm
How2EataRhesus says...

Hey Lion, I'm Rhee. :]

Glad to be seeing you in Script Frenzy! Don't worry about last year; for '08 I had the grand total of a page and a half and only one full scene. Ah well, let's hope we both have better page counts this year,
Finally, someone else who likes the book 1984. :] People who don't groan when they think of that book are few and far between.
Honestly though, I can't relate much to your love of the Middle Ages; the only literature from that period I've read is a ballad called "Lord Randall" I had to read in English last week. :) There are however quite a lot of history fans out there (I do a lot of research on the Regency period and the 1920s) who might also have interests in that period. You should check the Groups section.

Anyway, we hope you enjoy your stay in YWS; the room service menu is beside the telephone.
'Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold.' - Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald

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Thu Mar 12, 2009 12:16 am
Sare Agama says...

Hi, Lionheart! Just curious, but have you read the Warrior books by Erin Hunter? There's a character in there named Lionheart.... :D Medieval Literature? Neat! There's a forum called Historical Fiction. Maybe you could write something about the Middle Ages, and post it. You would have a critique almost as soon as it was posted. :lol: Tolkien is awesome! I have all of his movies, including the Hobbit, which we just read in my class at school. Evryone else said the rules, so I won't make you go through them again. Nice to meet you, and welcome to YWS!

Your monthly Bible quote: "Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are decietful." Proverbs 27:6

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Thu Mar 12, 2009 4:57 pm
MySunshine says...

Hey Lionheart,
welcome to YWS :D

You pretty much answered all the questions I was about to ask, and I see you've been told the rules as well ...

How about hobbies, except writing and reading mangas? Do you write anything else besides scripts?

I haven't heard of any of the books you mentioned, except Death of a Salesman and Lord of the Rings, and I only read the first one for school. Or ... who's the Dark Tower series from? I think I heard of them sometime ...

I assume you like history? I've never managed to memorize all the different time periods so I get confused a lot.

Well, I hope you enjoy it here, and feel free to ask for help ;)
♥And if you go, I wanna go with you. And if you die, I wanna die with you♥

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Sat Mar 14, 2009 1:41 am
Lionheart says...

Thanks for the welcomes from everyone, and the rules are rather simple so I doubt that'll be much of a problem. And, to answer questions from everyone:

My username is taken from King Richard I "The Lionheart" who was a famous English king known mainly from his leadership during the Crusades. Also, he has come into fame through literature, such as Robin Hood in which he plays a minor character. King John was in fact Richard's brother, though he wasn't as evil as the books and movies portray.

Fantasy is pretty much the only thing I write, even if I write another genre it will contain fantastic elements. I have always written short stories, as this April will be my first attempt at a script. I plan to write an introduction of sorts and post it here after I get some reviews done. My attempts at writing a full novel has been stopped by my laziness, though I have enough stories to write 4 novels in the series.

Also, The Dark Tower series is the magnum opus of Stephen King.

I just write poetry to throw my mean callous heartless exterior into sharp relief. I’m going to throw you off the ship anyway.
— Vogon Captain (The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy)