
Young Writers Society

Hugh Laure: House [a sketch]

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Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:55 pm
Archstormangel says...

So. This is a picture I drew of House, from the really really really really really really really awesome show, House M.D.
And on a side note, I've reached 70 deviations on my deviantArt account, Archstormangel! :3

http://archstormangel.deviantart.com/ar ... e-88102944

The image code isn't working so all I can do is post the link ^^;
an Atheist, a young teen girl, someone who loves Harry Potter and hates Twilight, someone who doesn't see deepness in everything, a person who has never suffered from any diseases of any sort.
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Thu Aug 07, 2008 10:03 pm
andimlovegalore says...

That's great ^^ I love House & Hugh Laurie, that pic's awesome. I can't really crit properly cus I'm not really good at art... but I love that picture! His eyes are great, so much like his character, very intense and intelligent. That's the best part of the picture.

I love your icon too by the way =D

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Thu Aug 07, 2008 10:08 pm
Twit says...

Lol, pretty good! (Btw, you spelt his name wrong in your title)

His forehead is too high, and the nose doesn't look quite right. I think it's too thick, and the end is wonky. Try to narrow it down. The beard on the left (my left) cheek is uneven with the right, and there seem to be gaps in the beard between the right side of his mouth and cheek.

Did you spend a lot of time doing the eyes? They're very dark, and as the whole thing is black and white, it might be better to make them lighter. They're uneven too, not set straight.

I know all that sounds rather blighting, but I do think it's a very good picture. :D It's way better than anything I could draw, and while it's not unmistakeably House, its not unlike him. Maybe you could try it on a different angle? Profile or three-quarter, rather than straight on.
"TV makes sense. It has logic, structure, rules, and likeable leading men. In life, we have this."


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Thu Aug 07, 2008 10:14 pm
Archstormangel says...

TL, I used a reference for that picture. I can't change the angle *cry*
And thanks so much for the critique. Now that you mentioned it, that might be what's been bothering me. I'll try changing them.
And the dark parts in his eyes are actually the pupils. The reason it's extended is because that's how it is in the picture - you'll notice that a lot of people have complete black towards the top of their eyes in pictures. And also, I changed the levels and contrast of the picture, which seemed to affect the coloring. Next time I scan it, I'll leave it untouched.

Thanks so much for the crits!
an Atheist, a young teen girl, someone who loves Harry Potter and hates Twilight, someone who doesn't see deepness in everything, a person who has never suffered from any diseases of any sort.
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Fri Aug 08, 2008 12:58 am
Sportgurl46 says...

this is really good :) ju a couple things:

1) right above the lip, there should be a bigger dip. (that's just a little thing)

2) you should add some shading. i think that this picture would be taken to the next step with a little shading.

really like all the details. you got all the wrinkles, all the bumps, the hair on his face is great, and you just really nailed this picture :) you did great and you have an amazing talent :) i hope that helps you with what little advice i gave. :)

happy drawing :)
omg lol thx HD!

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Fri Aug 08, 2008 3:36 am
Archstormangel says...

Awww, thanks. :3
an Atheist, a young teen girl, someone who loves Harry Potter and hates Twilight, someone who doesn't see deepness in everything, a person who has never suffered from any diseases of any sort.
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Mon Aug 11, 2008 8:17 pm
Fireweed says...

House! That's pretty friggin' amazing. You captured him. ^_^ Since you are exponentially better at art than me, I don't feel like I have a right to suggest anything but I'll try.... The hair looks perhaps a bit scribble-y, maybe you could blend it a bit? And I don't know if this would work, since the eyes are already shaded in, but it would be uber cool if you gave him
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Tue Aug 12, 2008 1:56 pm
mtempleton says...

I think its a great sketch! Nice likeness, and I am obsessed with House so take that as a fine compliment.

He looks pretty young, though, not quite so wise as on TV. Don't be afraid to add frown lines!
And I'd agree that while the eyes are the best part, really deep and intense and alive, if you want to make them so dark you'd be better to deepen the tone around his chin and on his neck. Make his hair thicker too. The stubble looks great but the top is a bit whispy in comparison.

Keep persevering! And keep watching House, obviously :p

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Tue Aug 12, 2008 9:54 pm
Clo says...

Wow! That's a very good sketch.

The eyes are very bold and intense, and stand out, but the rest of your lines are rather light. I think this would look better if you kept up the same line intensity. You use bold lines and shading with the eyes, but nowhere else. Go over your lines elsewhere and increase the shading. This goes especially for the hair. It's kind of strange, to have such detail in the eyes and then to have light detail-less wisps of hair.

It's still very good though - lips, eyes are the best.

~ Clo
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Fri Aug 22, 2008 8:45 pm
Lena says...

Before we start this, I'm an amateur sketch artist, specializing in portraits, so don't say that I shouldn't be talking because I 'can't draw'.

I had to look at a picture of Hugh Laurie, because I don't watch the show.

Anyway, I start my crit.

Its a very good picture, but it looks somewhat pieced together. Do you start your sketches by drawing out a rough outline of where the skull would be, where the eyes are, where to nose is, etc? I think that would help your drawings a lot.

Do you use a smudging thingy? I forgot what they are called, but they are white sticks used for smudging and creating shadow. This would help with your hair because it looks slightly noodle-y.

It looks as though the head is turned slightly to the viewer's left, and if that is so, the left side hairline is too far in. If he isn't looking a bit to the left then all the features need to be moved to the right.

Next, the lines on his forehead. You shouldn't draw actual lines with your pencil, show the wrinkles there by making shadow. You really captured the size of his forehead, however.

His eyes are definitely the focal point, but doesn't doctor house have blue eyes? In that case, they need to be lighter. Would you mind telling me how you draw the eyes? They are beautiful. Especially the right eye. But due to the way his eyebrows are pushed down, there would be more shadow over the white part of his eyes. Also, both of his pupils are pointing different directions. He also has bags under his eyes, which you forgot to shadow in.

His ears are a tad too high and they need more shadow.

Everyone's saying that the nose is crooked, but that is actually what Hugh Laurie's nose looks like! I say you did a very good job on the bottom of his nose, but it is the bridge that needs work. Again, you need to define his nose using shadow instead of lines, although I see that you tried to blend it out. EDIT: the bottom part of the nose should be a bit longer.

The beard line is very, very good, although I think you could have shown how dark the beard is underneath his lip better.

The bottom lip is very good, but I think the top lip could have had a bit more of that V thing in it, and it should be a bit bigger.

In this drawing you made Hugh Laurie look about ten to fifteen years younger than he really is. Part of his obvious age in real life is how bony his face is. You should have given him more sucked-in cheeks.

And I'm sorry but the weird handwriting next to his face sort of ruins the picture.

Remember this is all POSITIVE criticism. It is an excellent drawing. If you want to continue drawing faces, I would suggest buying a skull. It really helps in placing all of the features. (Your supposed to draw a skull 1000 times, but I've only done like twenty and my drawings have improved LOADS.)

Good luck!!
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Sat Aug 23, 2008 8:34 pm
Archstormangel says...

Thanks so much for the crit! 8D

I dun have the blender thing. torquille smething or other. D: I need some. xD Which is the biggest problem. :O

And I suppose I should. I used a ref pictur and just sketched in the general shape of everything, which may be the problem you're referring to. I'll draw a skull, then.

LUL my handwriting is the shizzle/terrible. :O

And I was reluctant. xD To suck in his cheeks.

I need to stop that. D: xD

Okay, thanks so much!
an Atheist, a young teen girl, someone who loves Harry Potter and hates Twilight, someone who doesn't see deepness in everything, a person who has never suffered from any diseases of any sort.
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Sat Dec 20, 2008 12:48 am
Sparrow says...

Wow. thats all i can say i tried drawing house and he looked like a twelve-year-old boy. yours is so good. if you dont mind i would like to see you draw cameron she is my favorite charater.
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Sat Dec 20, 2008 11:31 am
Demeter says...

Wow, this is really good! You draw very well, although I probably wouldn't have recognized it as Hugh Laurie, if I hadn't known it was him.

But you're talented and there is many similarities, despite what I said. :)
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Sat Dec 20, 2008 11:48 am
Nutty says...

Have you considered shading him? It may make him look a little more authentic, as he has rather strong features, such as his cheekbone structure, and shading may show these features a little better.
I agree that his forehead is a little too high.
I personally think you should make his stubble rougher, as you have him as House- House is an unkempt man.
I love his eyes though, you really have captured that intensity that Hugh has. Really, it's an absolutely brilliant drawing- above comments are mainly nitpicky ideas on how to make the likeness more apparent ^^
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Sun Dec 21, 2008 8:14 am
niccy_v says...

This was pretty good! I liked it :) sooo much better than some i have seen out there.

1) Is it just me, or is his right (looking at it from front on) pupil a little tooo far to the right? It looks like he's looking in a completely different direction than to the other eye ;P

2) the left side of his nose... see how on the right side there is a line? Like to show the bottom of his cheek? Where his mostache is? There isn't one on the left, like he's gotten the left side ironed out haha.
^ Just something i noticed generally: his right side of his mouth is not crinkled enough for him to be scrunching his lips to the right so it just looks a little... odd? if that is the right word. Unbalanced, if you get me?

Also.. one last thing ... his nose isn't balanced between his lips. So his eyes and nose are furhter right on his face than they really should be.

A brilliant effort, i must say, it is wonderful! You have some talent! But basically what i mean is it isn't balanced. I don't think you'd find a face like his around hehehe ;p you need to try and keep everything centered and balanced. Get me?
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