
Young Writers Society

LSS: Once Upon A Time

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Wed May 22, 2024 9:52 pm
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EllieMae says...


Once Upon a time... in a land far, far away... fairytales and magic are real. In the Grimm Kingdom, fairytale creatures and characters exist together, peacefully, until an evil curse strikes the land. All fairytale life will end unless four chosen individuals from different backgrounds come together, each contributing a magical item that holds the power to save the entire fairytale species.

OOC Thread
”Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forwards (so you might as well do Duolingo ).”

Was ailah2005
Then AilahEvelynMae
and is now EllieMae

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Mon May 27, 2024 7:30 pm
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EllieMae says...


Once upon a time, in a land far far away, there was a world where magic was real. Dragons, fairies, princesses, knights, talking animals, and witches existed together, happily. The Grimm Kingdom was filled with life, forests filled with dark trees and moss, bright blue skies. And so here begins our story, a story of friendship, courage, battles, quests, and heroes!

A land of beauty, full of life,
Until a curse strook, evil entered
The once beautiful home.
The land became dark, as if the life
Had left its eyes.
Beauty turned to pain,
Ashes began to fall.
An evil force, without a body,
Seemed to plague the homes, filling them
With pure terror.

A loud, booming voice declared, to all of the land,
A curse, older than time itself:

In four weeks time, your land will die,
No more than a withered flower,
No life will prevail, what a sight.
Why seek to destroy you, why does this bring me gain?
To teach you a lesson, to end your pains.
You have gone on long enough,
Evil villains plague your land.
Heartless royalty, entitled heroes, taking all they can
While the poorest in the land suffer,
Without aid, like an orchid alone in the field.

And now you cry, “but what can be done”,
Well, let me tell you.
Let these words seep into your soul,
Hearken, and perhaps your lives will be spared!

Five villains, heroes, outcasts, and well-loved,
I call you on a quest, to save all of life in the kingdom!

Shanti, you must deliver a magic lotus,
to cure any sickness, ailment, or pain.
Luxury sundae, specific rock,
The journey will be strenuous, but the reward is great.
Sephorgrasp Emeraldblade, a special scepter,
Of pure gold and emerald.
And Blanchette Red, you must deliver
The fruit that induces death, a deathly poison,
Be cautious, one bite will kill you.
And Lynn, you must discover and capture
The most hated person in the land.

Find these objects and bring them to
Sufferers Point, at the full moon,
In four weeks time,
And I will spare the lives of all in the kingdom!

After these words were said, the darkness dispersed. Our five chosen fairytale characters found themselves in a new tale of their own. They had four weeks to find their item and journey to Sufferers Point, which was known as the peak at the tallest mountain in the land. Will the curse be lifted? Or will all life cease to exist?

And so begins the quest, Once Upon A Time…

”Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forwards (so you might as well do Duolingo ).”

Was ailah2005
Then AilahEvelynMae
and is now EllieMae

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Mon May 27, 2024 8:38 pm
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NadyaStatham says...

Princess Shanti

of Ragnapur

Once upon a time... there lived
a princess called Shanti

The name given to me,
Meaning calm and peace
The reason for this was
That i would bring back the peace
to the kingdom, Ragnapur

Birthdays Not Always Happy Days
For me mostly sappy days
Now as I was thinking back
eighteen years ago…

Born on a starry night
As innocent as a feather
In the middle of a fight
No one paid attention to the weather

But when i started crying
It all turned bitter
Rain started pouring
And everywhere there was litter

As i smiled to my fairy-godmother
She raised her hand and spoke a curse
My own mother, devastated, changed color
That was when my voice changed to free verse

How i wishes things were different
The disapproving look in my fathers eyes
Still haunts me, hoping i can make him proud
Because i’m a princess and not a prince

I was called to help
And that was my mission
Leaving behind my loved ones
I decided to gather knowledge
By going to every other powerful
Princess I knew

My first stop was Cinderella.
I knew I was not made for glass slippers
But no one knew the feeling of living
with disapproving family members
better than Ella
Last edited by NadyaStatham on Mon May 27, 2024 10:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Mon May 27, 2024 9:53 pm
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Inferno says...

Blanchette Red

10 minutes after the prophecy was proclaimed and the curse was cast…


I brought my sharpened axe down on the chunk of ruptured wood.
I exerted all my anger into each hit.
No one is there for me. No one. Everyone thinks I’m a freak.
The wood shattered into a million little splinters, projecting everywhere. A dozen ripped bits of my skin, leaving crimson claw marks. I grunted in annoyance. A bare grey rock cluttered with shreds of bark laid patiently before me. A crisp breeze swept through my wavy golden hair, embellishing it with flakes of glittering snow. The biting frigidness was bearing into me, strangling me in an icy embrace. Freezing. I chuckled to myself. It’s freezing, just like my frozen heart. Trees adorned with coats of white loomed over head, lacking all life.
With my free hand, I plucked a beige wood chip from a streaked cut. I flicked it to the side. I stared at the silver axe head, reminiscing about the old days. The days when I lived in the Village. When the cottage always smelled of warm apple pie. When my heart knew how to be happy. Before I was isolated. Before that insane curse- prophecy- thing- got spoken into being. Before Grandma… before she… she… l-left. I squeezed my eyes shut, ceasing the tears from escaping. I chided myself. Crying is for toddlers. For children who are dumb enough to waltz right into a wolf’s mouth. For Little Red Riding Hoods. I am not that girl anymore.
I hefted another cylinder-shaped wood onto the grey stone. Loose bark hanging from the chunk pierced my hands and deepened some scratches. I didn’t care. I felt too much hurt, endured too much suffering, to wince at a few scrapes. Sometimes, added pain felt like a temporary exemption. The wooden shaft was gripped tightly in my hand. My fingers were a freezing white, quivering on the handle. I brought the axe over my head.
“Blanca.” I jumped, and then flung my axe in the direction the deep, raspy voice came from. It spun wildly. A figure ducked swiftly, and the weapon trimmed off the tip of their hair. It slammed into a tree, cutting an inch deep ravine in it. The person stepped forward, and I recognized him.
He had thin, dark blonde hair that almost brushed his shoulders. He was wearing an olive-colored wool coat that matched my eyes. I hoped that wasn’t done on purpose. Slung across his back was a brown quiver of thoroughly used arrows. He wore maroon leather boots. A brown belt hugged his waist, an all-too-familiar dagger dangling from it. I hated that dagger. That little knife. Sure, it saved my life, but it didn’t exactly bring back fond memories.
“Woah, now. I thought we were past the trying-to-kill-each-other terms.” He had that soft smile that he always wore. He easily detached the axe from the tree behind him. He held it by the head, pointing the shaft toward me. He was probably the only one who could manage that without cutting himself.
I nodded formally at him. “Huntsman. Pleased to see you again.” Cordial was as close as I could get to friendly, especially with him. Even being mildly sociable was challenging.
“I also thought we were past the ‘Huntsman’ terms. For the tenth time, call me Conrad.”
I didn’t know how he could be so gracefully reprimanding. It was very annoying. I snatched the axe from the Huntsman’s grasp.
“What do you want?” I tried to say it with the same gentleness the Huntsman used. It didn’t work. He raised his eyebrows.
“I’m here to check on you. Hearing a prophecy like the one you heard, it can be-“ I cut him off.
“What? Hard? Difficult? Nah. It’s totally not hard to hear that the world is ending in a few weeks and I’m the one who’s supposed to stop it with some poisonous fruit. Yes. Not difficult at all.” My remark was as cold as the winter wind.
“My name is Blanchette.” I glared, imitating him, “I thought we were past the 'Blanca' terms. For the tenth time, call me Blanchette.” He closed his eyes and inhaled, clearly trying to stay calm. That reaction cheered me up a bit.
“I get it. You need time to process this before you go-“ I interrupted him again.
“I’m not going.”
“What?” He blinked.
“The quest. I’m not going.” I said simply.
The Huntsman looked shocked. “You’re not going… to save the world.”
“Nope.” I started hacking at a piece of wood. He furrowed his eyebrows in disbelief.
“Okay…” He scratched his chin.
Then, his deep brown eyes twinkled. Oh no. I gulped.
Then he said something, and the whole world turned upside down.
“What?!” I almost dropped my axe mid-swing. That would not have been very good for my health. I planted the axe on a hill of snow. I was quaking more fervently now, and it wasn’t due to the cold.
“W-What did you say?” I breathed, barely able to talk.
“I said, ‘I guess you don’t want to avenge your Grandma.’” My knees trembled with rage. How dare he-? How could he-?
“DON’T.” I jutted a finger at him. “DON’T BRING HER UP.” My voice cracked, “You- you have no right t-to…” I straightened. He looked down, ashamed.
“I-I’m sorry. I only meant-“ He spread his hands.
“Whatever.” I interjected, my voice completely stoic. “Get out of here.” The Huntsman frowned and shook his head. He muttered under his breath, as if scolding himself. I should have left it at that, but I couldn't help but spew out more anger.
“Why should I even care about this curse, anyway? No one cares about me. If you want to live so badly, why don’t you go save the world? Why should I? Why should I care?” I scoffed. The Huntsman’s eyes curved downward in a sad way, but he didn’t reply. I watched him as he turned his back to me and trekked away. His footsteps crunched in the sand. When he was a few yards away, he looked back at me.
“Your Grandma died from that curse.” Then he was gone.
I felt like I had just been punched. I blinked, my mouth hanging open. What? Did I hear him right? My grandma…
No. It’s a lie. Simple as that. He just wants me to go on this quest and save him and everyone else.
But truly, I didn’t believe that. The discerning part of me knew that what he said was true. None of the Village healers could find what was wrong with Grandma.
“It isn’t like any disease we’ve seen before.” They had said solemnly. That’s because it wasn’t a disease she had… it was a curse. The curse.
Last edited by Inferno on Mon Jun 03, 2024 9:13 pm, edited 8 times in total.
Don't sit down and write because you're a writer; sit down and write because you have something to say. And if the sea of ideas isn't flowing, well, just tell me about your day.

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Tue May 28, 2024 1:06 am
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LuminescentAnt says...


TW: death and gore

All I know about it is from others
They said you left with satisfaction
And you knew I could take your places
They saw the swerve of the large wooden carriage wheels
The horses whinnying it worry
And the loud
That followed
As the ropes slipped from the coach’s hands
And the carriage fell to its’ side
Splintering wood
Snapping parts
Though the crimson blood flowed from your skull
You still kept your eyes open
Saved your energy
Choked through blood-filled throats
Just to say your last words
“Take care of our two daughters
For our first born will be the greatest queen
In the history of our kingdom.”
You had so much faith in me
So much
That you said all that
And a fraction of a second later
Four eyes shut
Two hearts stop beating
And a kingdom of eyes cry
And a kingdom of hearts break
I will not let you down
I am already the greatest queen
The world has ever seen
And I will prove it
In one week’s time
At the coronation
When the jeweled crown
Is placed upon me
And I stand where you stand
You will see
Though your eye sockets are rotten
And your skin lay cold
You will see
The problem with quotes found on the internet is that they are often not true.
- Abraham Lincoln

LuminescentAnt ~ Lum ~ Ant

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Tue May 28, 2024 4:33 am
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Inferno says...

Blanchette Red

The next morning, I was packed.
Ready to leave my home.
Yet, it was never one for me, it always lacked
life. I was always alone.
And alone again, I must be.
I received forced goodbyes
that tried to hide relieved smiles.
Fake teary eyes.
Their heartless embraces cluttered into a painful pile.
“I’m proud of you, Blanca.” The Huntsman said.
I wished he didn’t say that.
Now when I fail, it will be a greater fall for Blanchette Red.
Is he being authentic?
My heart raced.
No. I don’t care if he meant it.
No one actually cares. Let’s face
it. They all just want to get rid of me.
“Good riddance.” I heard a mocking whisper,
“She’s a lonely creep,”
someone else muttered, another villager.
I balled my fists.
I was trying to save these people?
I was about to quit,
to ditch this quest,
but I was stopped by a kiss.
“Best of luck!” The Huntsman smiled.
I touched my cheek, where once rested his lips.
It was out of complete friendliness,
I tried to convince my emotions.
But it was the first time in a decade since I felt complete fulfillment.
My feelings were as strong as the most potent potion.
"So. 'The fruit that induces death, a deathly poison...'" His voice
shattered my thoughts.
"Any idea on what that is?" He was ever so poise.
My brain shrouded, fogged,
I stuttered, I spluttered,
I was much too shocked.
I blinked and murmured,
and what I said, I remember not.
The Huntsman gave a lopsided grin,
nodding, probably amused,
his smirk filling me to the brim.
Was this an illusion? Some kind of ruse?
One thing, I knew for certain:
that no matter what lay ahead,
no matter what obstacle,
this quest, I was going to tread.
Don't sit down and write because you're a writer; sit down and write because you have something to say. And if the sea of ideas isn't flowing, well, just tell me about your day.

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Tue May 28, 2024 5:53 am
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JazzElectrobass says...

Luxury Sundae

It was an ordinary day
with an ordinary girl
or so she thought she was
let me point out a few things
I'll start with her name,
It is an entire poem saying:
"She who's shadow bobs on the night of the scelenoc
as it swiftly comes upon it's prey
to devour soul and shadow"
and at the moment, she has no nicknames
Her eyes are like a waterfall of opals
in the reflected light of the steel oval
they shimmer with unparalleled beauty
stabs like bark, sickly thuds like a stone to a skull.
In normal light they are brownish red
like dried flecks of blood in a gladiator's pit
or iron filled dirt in the dale
her clothing is not of normal wear
but of men's clothing entirely
and the work she does is fit of both men and women
she's quite an odd one in her town.

But in the middle of chopping wood
a vision came down!
and when she was back in the real world
she was surrounded by nothing but trees.
Twigs and leaves stuck in her hair
and would be rather annoying to pick out.
Everything that had been on her came with
Including the axe in her hand.
But there was something new
a feeling in her gut.
I am the Timekeeper, Quote Hunter, and Grave Visitor

"Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon." — Paul Brandt

Jazz Elektrobass

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Wed May 29, 2024 12:27 am
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Inferno says...

Blanchette Red

My cheek still buzzed from the kiss it received, and I was still floating, drifting in the vast sea of pleasure. The Huntsman had given me his dagger. I took it happily. What? I said I hated that dagger? No, I would never suggest such a thing...
Anyway, the knife was encased in a tan leather sheath, its shaft made of polished acacia wood. It fitted snugly in my fingers, perfectly smooth. Engraved onto it was the head of a wolf, a sort of reminder of the victim it smote. I stared at the wolf’s head, shuddering. I remembered those sharp razor teeth that swallowed me whole. That horrid smell of spit and dead corpses. I quickly clipped the weapon to my belt, determined not to look at it any longer.
I grabbed the beige pack laying before me. It was stuffed with a month’s worth of stale bread and a full water flask that was slightly broken and worn. Yes, the villagers were very generous. It also concealed the soft blanket Grandmother knitted for me. It was unfurling, and very old, but I felt connected to it. It was the only bedding I had. Besides, I had lain in much more uncomfortable spaces. Like a wolf’s belly, for example. I wrapped my crimson red cloak around me. A sentimentally valuable thing also. I pulled the hood over my head and hoisted the heavy pack onto my back.
Here we go. I was going on this quest. I would be alone, in The Woods and whatever else awaited out there. I was probably going to die. Awesome. Let’s go find a deadly fruit.
I had an idea on where to go first. I was no expert on the other lands, but Grimm Kingdom couldn’t be too big, right? How hard can it be to find a fruit that I know nothing about (except that it can kill me, of course) in a gigantic land full of dangerous creatures?
Yep. I was definitely going to die.
At least I knew where to go first, and I was dreading it. There was a person I knew had answers about this fruit and this quest. She excels at all things magical. She might’ve even been the one who cast the curse. Burning anger sparked inside of me at that thought.
I vaguely remembered the way to her house. Follow the signs, my dear. Follow the signs… She had told me during our last visit.
The signs. Simple enough. I just need to look for some signs. Litteral signs? I thought to myself. My plan was just to trek into the Woods, and hope I find her before I get eaten alive by a monster. Ugh. I hated it when I didn’t have a structured plan, but there was no time to devise one, especially with the world “withering” away in four weeks, and everything. I walked forward, stopping momentarily to look back at my quaint cottage. The Huntsman built it for me when I insisted on being isolated from the Village. He was only 13 then, and I was even younger. The memories of those days were hazy to me, like I was living in a dream… or more of a nightmare. The meek house was somewhat of a log cabin, giving a cozy air. A blanket of hay made up the roof, and a swinging block of wood for the door. I would miss the place.
I faced toward the unknown once more, the long trail stretching out in front of me. The towering trees hovered over me, stretching their arms out as if encouraging an embrace, like, Goodbye, Blanchette, it was nice knowing you. There was a light snow fall, tiny sprinkles of white gliding down. The tranquility of the air seemed so out of place, it was almost insulting.
I took a deep breath, then started forward.
For a while, I was walking in a daze, lost in thought. I thought about Grandma, right before she died.
Her skin had turned a deadly gray, and she started crumbling slowly, turning into black dust. “No more than a withered flower” the prophecy had said. Withering away. She had withered away. I had seen the intense agony in her eyes as I sat beside her, my hand on hers. She’d tried her best to hide it from me.
“Everything will be fine.” She attempted to smile, her voice dry and parched. But I could hear her stifled grunts, and when she slept, her unsettling moans. Each time she would groan, another chip broke off of my heart. Even so young, I knew she wasn’t going to make it. All I could do was sit there, witnessing her suffer, I never wanted to feel helpless again. Ever. Soon, I stopped sitting beside Grandma. After all, how much pain could one 9-year-old bear? Even before she died, my heart hardened. I grew up too fast. Too soon. I learned to fend for myself. I learned to fight. I became so busy with my learnings, when Grandma died…
It was my 10th birthday. I had just finished an archery training session, when some frantic healers rushed up to me. Their eyes were full of pity and sadness. Immediately I knew the news they were about to bring.
“Little Red…” That’s what they used to call me. “I’m so sorry, dear.”
Tears welled up in my eyes. My heart clunked in my chest, like a weighted anchor got tied to it. My knees shook unsteadily. Then, I blacked out, tears streaming down my face. That was the last time I ever cried.

I gulped down a sob, as I continued on the road. Each step seemed heavier now, like I was treading with a purpose. I was so caught up in my feelings, that I didn’t notice how the icy air had turned strangely warm. I didn’t notice the snow melting off the trees, forming puddles at my feet. And I definitely didn’t notice the fiery phoenix swooping down towards me. When I did, it was too late. It was approaching so fast, I could feel the heat growing hotter on my face.
Duck! The not-scared-out-of-my-mind-part of myself yelled. But I was frozen with shock and fear. The flaming bird stretched out its talons towards me, flames reaching out to sear me. I shut my eyes.
Shink! SCREEEECH!!! I opened my eyes due to the clamor. I saw the vibrant orange phoenix sputtering away, struggling to stay in the air, an arrow lodged in its left wing.
“That was close.” The Huntsman stepped out of the trees, his bow in hand. “Too close.” He smiled.
Don't sit down and write because you're a writer; sit down and write because you have something to say. And if the sea of ideas isn't flowing, well, just tell me about your day.

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Wed May 29, 2024 6:26 pm
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EllieMae says...

-On a quest to find the most hated person in the land-

Anxiety/ fear/ terror/ longing/ heartache/ resentment/ desperation/ sadness/ homesickness./ How I felt when I heard my name/ the booming voice/ declaring a prophecy/ But who am I?

Lynn is what they called me,
before who i became
changed every piece of who i was and
who i wanted to be.
i was a liar,
i was untrue to every bit
of human left in me.
This is my story of how
I defeated my greatest enemy
and discovered the most hated person in all the land.
This is how I became
the Big Bad Wolf.

Before the land grew dark and ashes fell, Lynn was already on a quest. He had four more weeks to find the most hated person in the entire land, if he wanted to complete his fathers quest, by his 21st birthday. It's my last chance to become human, thought Lynn.

What a coincidence,
this curse is set to destroy all of the fairytale world
on the same day as my birthday.
Twenty eight days to save the world,
and twenty eight days to complete the quest
that will give me my hearts only desire:
to be a human, like my mother was,
before she died.

More than anything,
My heart yearns to be human.
Loved, accepted, seen.

The half wolf, half human boy,
Nothing more than always not enough
To be accepted, amongst the wolf pack.
Banished from the human village.
The weakest of the weak of wolves,
Too strong to fit in amongst humans.

My father was a hero, back in his day.
Leader of the pack, until love defeated
His pride.
My mother, a human,
Oh, she was beautiful.
Loved by many, until love
Blinded her.
”Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forwards (so you might as well do Duolingo ).”

Was ailah2005
Then AilahEvelynMae
and is now EllieMae

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Wed May 29, 2024 6:54 pm
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Inferno says...

Blanchette Red

The booming sound of my heartbeat
filled my ears.
I was still in shock, still full of fear.
“Blanca?” Huntsman said, “Take heed,

You are safe now. It’s fine.”
He clamped my shoulder.
I had never seen a man who was bolder.
“Come now, there isn’t much time.”

I’m not ready. I can’t do this.
Echoing thoughts flooded my mind,
burning it to ash and grime.
This is a mistake. A mistake. A mis-

“Hey. Stay with me.”
The Huntsman shook my arms,
which were still covered in brittle scars.
I hadn’t noticed my gaze was drifting like a breeze.

Whispers of doubt clouded
my thoughts, like humid air
choking the cool wind blowing through one’s hair.
My brain was overflowing with negativity, over-crowded.

“Come on!” the Huntsman was probably thinking.
But I was stuck in place.
A heavy coat of doubt weighing me with disgrace.
I couldn’t move my feet, I was sinking, sinking, sinking…

"Hey. Hey. Blanca. Do you know where we are?"
His voice buzzed past my head.
I did not comprehend what he'd said.
This journey is too long. Too far.

"BLANCA!" His loud voice emanated from
his mouth, shaking me out
of a trance. A trance of doubt.
"Don't you see? It has begun!

We are in the Forrest of Insecurity.
The very trees whisper suspicion.
To make you scared, run away, is their mission.
Every breeze wipes out all sense of surety."

I gasped. Those thoughts weren't mine.
There was something at work here.
A magic of sort, to bring out deepest fear.
Something not normal, something... divine.

"We need to get out of these woods."
I breathed, my voice soft.
I tried to run, but I could not.
My feet burried, not moving like they should.

I was being swallowed, swallowed by the ground.
My own insecurity was gobbling me up,
weighing me down, making me stuck.
It was eating me silently, not making a sound.

"Don't give in to it!"
The Huntsman pleaded, seeming truly afraid.
Yet I was still doubting. Doubting all the choices I'd made.
I should just give up. I can't do this.

The ground already rose to my chest now,
I was sinking more quickly,
drowning swiftly.
The Huntsman stared in horror with a creased brow.

I could feel the pressure of the earth
weighing on my chest.
I was releasing my life, releasing this quest.
Soon, when the dirt almost poured into my mouth,

the Huntsman heaved me back,
and for a moment we both just panted and sat.
My mind felt clearer somehow.
Last edited by Inferno on Thu May 30, 2024 9:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Don't sit down and write because you're a writer; sit down and write because you have something to say. And if the sea of ideas isn't flowing, well, just tell me about your day.

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Thu May 30, 2024 9:19 pm
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NadyaStatham says...


& Cinderella


Without any guards or security, she slipped through her window and went on her journey, deciding it would be best if she did it alone.

She was going after the magical lotus which could cure all illnesses and curses, Shanti decided it would be better if she travelled to Ragnapur’s neighbouring Kingdom also known as Cinderella’s Kingdom in order to ask for advice on what to do in her miserable father-daughter-situation.

Now, thou hears her plea

As I arrived at the palace
I was served wine in a chalice

Impatiently, I waited for Ella
And as I told her my tale
She smiled and said, “My Rozella,
I’ve been there”

“What do I do now?"
It’s now what, it’ how,
Cinderella explained

It all starts with believing
In oneself
My fairy godmother showed me
I was worth going to a ball

With a heart as pure
As a white dove
I stayed kind to my evil stepmother
Kindness is a path to the light

The next step is believing…
Look at my pumpkin carriage for example
A mundane object made magical

Try to find the beauty and love
In all small things around you

If you can believe it, you can do it,
My dearest Shanti
I believe in you, but do you believe in yourself?

This made shanti really think deep,
Did she believe in herself… or wait she had expectations
She could not disappoint everyone
and be a failure

Ella’s voice lingered in her head,
The question is, “Do you believe in yourself?”

Actually… I don’t know.
She thought

Ella continued,

In a storm of doubt, take a deep breath
And as your mind calms down,
Stay true to your heart and
You’ll make a choice that’ll fit the situation perfectly
Like a glass slipper fitting perfectly

Shanti decided not to hate her father,
but to understand his reasons and forgive him

She bid adieu to Cinderella
And continued her journey through the forest

On her way to another friend,
One as white as snow
With hair as black as the night
No one other than
… Snow White

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Thu May 30, 2024 9:53 pm
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Inferno says...

Blanchette Red

Then we ran. We ran for so long, my legs felt like over-cooked noodles. Nevertheless, we ran on. We sprinted until the Forrest of Insecurity was a blotch of white in the distance. When we stopped, my chest heaved, grasping for gulps of air. Unfortunately, the air was about as comfortable to breathe as sandpaper was to eat. We were standing in a dry desert with plains of snow laying out for miles in front of us. I pulled my deep-red cloak tighter around me.
Then it dawned on me. This is the third time the Huntsman saved me. That was not a record I wanted to keep going. If he hadn’t been there… I shivered.
“Thank you.” I forced the words out of my mouth.
“What was that?” He cupped a hand near his ear.
“I said, ‘Thank you,’” I muttered.
What? Say it one more time. I couldn’t hear you.” The Huntsman smirked. I glared daggers at him. He chuckled.
“Okay. Okay. You’re welcome.” I rolled my eyes, completely regretting opening my mouth.
“How did you find me, anyway? Aren’t you supposed to stay and guard the-“
“Guard the Village? How do you think I could do that if you got hurt?” He interjected. I got a ping of annoyance from the interruption, but I nodded. Then I blinked.
“Wait. You knew I was going to die?” I asked, offended.
He laughed. I was a fairly deep laugh, like a low bellow, considering he was only in his twenties. It sent a tingle down my spine.
“I had a feeling-“
“That I was going to die. Oh, great. I’m glad you think so highly of me.” My tone was sharp.
“No, I had a feeling you’d get distracted and potentially hurt. I couldn’t let that happen.”
“So, you stalked me.” The Huntsman winced.
“I wouldn’t say ‘stalked’…” He trailed off. I put my hands on my hips and gave him a look like, Really?
“I just didn’t like the idea of an 18-“
“19,” I corrected.
“-of a 19 year-old on her own out here… again…” He stopped, as if contemplating what to say next. That hit me hard. On her own… again.
“I was 8 then, Huntsman.” I said through tensed teeth, my tone steely.
“I know. I just feel so protective over you.”
“Well, don’t.”
He sighed.
“Look. Thank you, and everything for saving me, but I can do this on my own.” I nodded at him, then turned to move on. There was silence for a moment, then the Huntsman winced in pain. I rolled my eyes.
“Oh, don’t be a drama que-“ I gasped. Oh my gosh. A million rotten images flashed through my head, memories of pain, all recounted from what I saw. The Huntsman had dropped his bow. He was clutching his hand which had turned a lifeless gray, his fingertips dusty. No, not dusty. It was turning into dust. My heart leaped out of my chest and flew away. Panic closed up my throat, anxiety shook my bones.
“You’re withering. You’re-“ My voice broke off, whisked away by the morning wind.
“I’m fine. Fine.” He struggled to say the words. But he clearly was not fine. Half of his fingers were reduced to ashes. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. I closed my eyes. Oh. My. Gosh. I felt like I was still in the Forest of Insecurity, whispers of doubt clouding my mind once more.
“It’s fine.” He repeated, “I’m fi-“ He would’ve knocked his head on the ground if I hadn’t caught him. He was heavy in my arms, heavy and unconscious. I wanted to cry. That feeling had been arriving more frequently, I hated it. Helpless again. Helpless again.
Don't sit down and write because you're a writer; sit down and write because you have something to say. And if the sea of ideas isn't flowing, well, just tell me about your day.

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Fri May 31, 2024 11:33 pm
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JazzElectrobass says...

Luxury Sundae


That is my name
and I am in woods
woods I've never seen before

There's trees
and some shrubs
and rocks

There's more trees
a few critters
and creepy-crawlies

Am I in the middle of nowhere?
I think it would become rather lonely
trekking this expanse

up there!
there's a clearing
a path, which surely means civilization
might just be a few miles away
I am the Timekeeper, Quote Hunter, and Grave Visitor

"Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon." — Paul Brandt

Jazz Elektrobass

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Fri May 31, 2024 11:37 pm
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NadyaStatham says...


& Snow White


After Shanti received wonderful advice from Cinderella, she continued her journey through the woods in search of other wisdom by Snow White. As she was tiptoeing towards Animal kingdom, little birds started surrounding her.

Listen to their tale

Tjirp tjirp tjirp
Five more kilometres
And you’ll arrive

Tjirp tjirp tjirp
Snow White, our beloved friend
Escaped the devious apple
Saved by the prince

Tjirp tjirp tjirp
She’ll be more than
Happy to welcome you

Shanti looked confused at the birdies for seconds. She didn’t understand a word! She tried to communicate with them, but in vain. Maybe she was not gifted enough to understand their tongue, she thought and walked on with her head low.

Tjirp tjirp tjirp
Oh stubborn Shanti
We are birds and yet
We understand everything

No matter, Snow will explain

Arriving at Snow White’s
She was let inside by the does
Where Snow welcomed her
With open arms and a smile

Snow listened carefully to her tale
And the advice of Cinderella.

”Ah aah aha,” she fine tuned a melody
“First let me teach you
The language of the grateful beings
That brought you to me

Voices of creatures, big and small
Is what helped me in the nature
Give love and it’ll all be returned
In ways you can’t possibly think of

In a few minutes, Shanti could join the conversation
Thanking the little birdies for staying by her side
Petting the does for their warm welcome

She beamed with happiness,
for she had mastered a gift
How her family must be proud
She was lost in Happy Land

When Snow White continued,
“Shanti dear
An open heart so clear
Look out for the evil dangerous that lurk
It may look innocent, an apple

But strangers have unpredictable intentions,
Disguised in the most innocent ways,
Like an old woman selling blood red apples.

It’s alright to trust,
But never blindly

You are an angel
But a fragile one,
Look out for yourself
No one else will

As much as I love my prince
He won’t always be there to save me”

As Shanti listened to Snow White’s advice, she thought back to her Birthday, her parents had trusted her fairy godmother blindly. She also knew of another princess to which this had happened and decided to pay her a visit too.

The beautiful Sleeping Beauty.

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Gender: Cybertronian
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Fri May 31, 2024 11:50 pm
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JazzElectrobass says...

Shanti & Luxury Sundae

After a while of walking
She found a path
and on overhead branches birds were squawking

Looked like another person
was taking this very same path
Oh, the birds were noisy

Was she close to civilization?
This person could give her direction
to a town with a map, hopefully

She heard a crack in the woods
was it someone who could help?
It couldn't be, she was too far

She continued to advance
squinting as she tried to make out more details
she now questioned: human or monster?

Without raising false hopes
she decided to wave goodbye to the sound of salvation
dancing, she went through the woods

If it was a monster, oh well?
But wait, was the person getting closer?
or was it just a figment of her imagination?

Her thoughts were of her arriving at Aurora's
Would she be happy?
Meeting her?

No, the person was moving away
she continued to walk
nothing looked familiar on this path

Lost in thought
I wasn't paying attention
And fell through a bear trap, help!

Broken out of thought
a plead for help
she quickened her pace

Help! She cried out again
Wishing someone heard her
She had to leave the forest before night

She came upon someone
They had wandered into a bear trap
She knew what to do
and so she disabled the trap

She was really grateful
when she was freed from the trap
She felt like a bird once again
She turned to thank the person

She stood there, axe in hand
looking at the girl in a dress
she looked like a princess
and I am in her presence looking like this

I introduced myself
"Shanti, from Ragnapur"
I did a little bow
"What brings you here
in the thick forest?"

She also bowed, awkwardly
"My name is a little bit of a mouthful
Well, I don't quite know
where I am at the moment.
How far away is the closest town?"

"Oh well, I haven't explored
this part of the forest yet
But I think Sleeping Beauty's Kingdom is there
just around the corner, about towns I'm not sure."

"Just along this path?"
She'd never heard of Sleeping Beauty
come to think of it
she never had been to any kingdoms

"Yes, just follow the path
and you'll be fine."
Shanti wished she could stay to talk
to this new friend, but her kingdom was in danger

"Thank you!"
She tried for a smile
but she was buzzing with eager anxiety
it would be nice to get home

"Hope to see you again, soon."
Shanti said, as she waved to the stranger
She hopped further, wishing her luck
as she continued her own journey in the opposite direction

"Wait!" She called
"I have never been here either
and I fear of getting lost alone.
Perhaps I could join you to wherever you travel?"

Shanti turned around,
"That sounds amazing. That way
none of us have to travel alone"
She joined Luxury and together
they set their journey for
Sleeping Beauty's Kingdom
I am the Timekeeper, Quote Hunter, and Grave Visitor

"Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon." — Paul Brandt

Jazz Elektrobass

You can't fool me! I listen to public radio!
— Squidward Tentacles