
Young Writers Society

When Drugs Take Over

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Tue Aug 26, 2014 9:54 am
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IamTraunt says...

Thank you @etherealember for helping out!

Delphine Dawsey - 5 a.m. onwards

Before and after Johnny left, I was thinking about the same memory that had been dug up by seeing Bell drugged and unaware of what was going on. A memory that had been buried deep down in the darkest corner of my mind.

I walked down the long patch of grass that was littered with weeds, formally known as our "garden". The boys were messing around in the old, tattered green tent at the bottom. As I walked closer to the tent, I heard muffled screams.

"Brad?" I called out, "Brad!"

Ripping open the entrance, I saw all the boys are huddled around a shivering figure who was groaning out in pain.

"We didn't know, Del!" one of them cried.

Pushing past them, I held the sobbing Brad in my arms. His body shook violently and his pupils were dilated.

"You're going to be okay..." I whispered, stroking his hair.

He suddenly screamed, thrashing about. His friends shrunk back in fear.

"The guy said it was safe," another blurted out, "He said it had been tested. A-and it was really popular-"

"You can never, EVER trust a street seller," I snapped, "You don't know what chemicals are in it!"

I picked Brad up and caught a glimpse of the syringe lying on the floor, empty. My feet moved quicker than they ever had before and I ran inside. Mom was sitting on the couch, drugged up to the eyeballs, while I called the ambulance...

I'm surprised we weren't taken away from her. She wasn't a mom. She was just an empty shell that resembled a mom. The only reason we were stuck with her was because the drugs she took were legal. That's why I'm a Cath. So kids don't have to have all the responsibility I did. I was more of a mom to Brad, Elliot and Keeva than her.

I shook my head. The last thing I should be thinking about was that. But as I saw Bell, I saw Brad. Like a flash of a camera, the image of him dissolved into my head. I choked. All that guilt that I had pushed aside hit me. Why did I leave them?

Sitting quietly at the table, I held half a granola bar in my hand and rested my chin on the other. The clock slowly ticked away time, just as sleep as I was.

A warm hand was suddenly placed on my shoulder and I repulsed at the touch.

I turned around, and Kinwe shrunk a little and drew her hand away. The girl always seemed jumpy - at least when I was around. "Um, Del, Boone asked to see you in five to take over watching Wales."

I nodded, breathing out through my nose with gritted teeth. I needed to keep my self control in check for this. And a granola bar wasn't going to cut it. I strode past Kinwe who was putting a kettle to boil and opened the fridge, scanning for anything with protein. I noticed a partially eaten pie in the fridge, grabbed it, and tossed it in the microwave. Kinwe made her coffee and sat at the kitchen table, avoiding eye contact with me and taking the long way around to get to her seat. Jeez, was she scared of me?

I took the pie out as soon as it pinged and took a bite without bothering to sit. I circled the table until I stood next to Kinwe. She edged away a little.

"The others asleep?" I asked, carelessly gesturing to her. She glanced at me, probably disgusted that I was eating and talking at the same time.

"Yeah," she replied. "I couldn't sleep myself after all that drama. Bella woke up and had something," she glanced at the pie in my hand. "to eat."

"Mmm. If she was eating this I hope she could actually swallow it. Chewy as hell."

Kinwe stiffened and sucked in some air, then tightened her lips. She stood up carefully and walked to the sink, chucked her mug in with a clatter. "Gotta get showered." She mumbled, and walked out. I took another bite of the pie that Kinwe had obviously made and shook my head, smiling. Sheesh, she's sensitive, isn't she?


Entering the weapons room, I found that it was almost dark, the lights shining faintly. I could still see Wales. His fairly large figure was hunched over the table, tied up to the chair. He didn't look up until I cleared my throat. His eyes were dark and bloodshot, the lower part of his face was bristled.

He looks like a tramp. And God help me - he smells like one too.

I took a seat across from him, glaring at his fatigued face, hoping it would unnerve him. He was about to get Hell.

"You came here to question me?" he muttered.

"No," I answer. "Someone else will see to that. But don't worry - he won't lay it on you easy. He's going to make you pay."

Wales' eyes gradually met mine and all his attention focused on me. Now I've got him.

"And so am I," I continued, glancing down at my nails, "If I am ordered to, I will find the most excruciating way to kill you I can think of. And trust me, it will be nice and slow. No one hurts my friends and gets away with it. You hear me?"

Wales didn't reply. The rest of the time, we sat in silence.
Before you judge me...
Make sure you're perfect.

"Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.”
― Mark Twain

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Tue Aug 26, 2014 5:09 pm
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megsug says...

Spoiler! :
Sorry if this sucks and that it took so long XD Also, let me know if I got your character wrong.

Izzy Varela
I was quiet and out of the way when Bella and Wales were brought in, going to a small nook after I was reassured that I could do nothing that wasn’t already being done for Bella. I had no wish to be in the middle of cath business. That would mean I was actually involved which would mean I was actually a cath. At least in New Orleans, the caths could hide out in the swamps. If I was a cath here, I would have to stay in that place with those people… and take orders from Boone.
I shook my head as I sat down to jot the events that had just taken place, muttering to myself. I had a few articles to write up when I got home and after that I would have to hide them in articles the government would approve of. I was basically writing propaganda for both sides, except my government friendly articles never touted the ‘benefits’ of drugs that were obviously meant to harm. I told stories of a local girl being saved with antibiotics and a single mother of two warding off depression with antidepressants, and an entirely different story lay below that of men dying and children orphaned. One of my journalist, submitting their articles through email so they were anonymous to me and I to them, wrote an article every week about the government and what those in control were doing to shackle the American people. I have a sneaking suspicion the journalist was a government employee, I can’t prove it.
I also had legitimate employees who thought they were working for a business on the up and up while they spiked their coffees and prepped their needles. They thought they knew my face, but in reality, a man got paid to pretend to be an editor more than a real one would ever imagine.
Hints in the ads allowed readers to break the code, so they read the truth, and I didn’t have to risk showing my name or face. I thought it was all rather brilliant. I made decent enough profit. It was rather shocking what people would pay for news, especially if they thought it was unbiased. I gave a third of my profit to Father Peter.
The stories the last few weeks had been rather bland. There was nothing much to report other than the same old stories of drug induced havoc and a few somewhat exaggerated stories about the caths themselves, no locations disclosed and all names changed of course.
I should have left hours ago, to be honest, but I had been concerned about the group out and about and then concerned about Boone and Del. I had stayed instead, useless in the kitchen. I sighed, and now I was staying even longer.
Not involved with the caths at all.
I wrote the first draft of an article about the perils of using a drug you couldn't identify or weren't sure about. I had seen Hugh for a moment, but he looked busy and though I wanted to call his attention to myself and make me brush my worries away, I let him go about his work. I continued to write until the basement was quiet with only the shuffling of a few people still up.
I wasn't sure what to do or where to go really. That was the problem with being involved with the caths but refusing to play the part of a cath. You never really seemed to fit into their tight group. I got up, stretching the kinks and stiffness from sitting so long and moved to leave. This was the one reason I couldn't be a cath full time. As it was now, I could leave whenever I wanted which was a freedom easily taken for granted... I also couldn't support men and women whose ideals were as extreme as the government they fought against, but that was a conversation for another time.
I considered sneaking into Hugh's room for a quick goodbye, but it would be a little awkward if Johnny woke up, so I just climbed the stairs and left.
I breathed the cool moist air and smiled. It wasn't fresh and it definitely wasn't clean, but it was home. I'd come back later after I'd finished this week's issue or maybe slept. These days, I didn't really have a preference.
9ish and on
The basement wasn't as eerily quiet as it had been the night before. Entering without announcing myself, I padded around. I smiled at Sam who was blearily pouring cereal and kept going.
I wanted to see Bella first.
I tiptoed to her room and opened the door just a bit. She was sleeping. I was happy to see that her coloring looked much better than it had last night. I was about to leave, assured that she was going to be okay when, to my horror, her eyes fluttered open. I could have probably left in those first few seconds, and she would have only thought it was a shadow or her imagination or... anything but me peering at her while she slept. I saw those chances slip away as she blinked rapidly and her eyes focused on me. "Ah..." I cleared my throat. "Good morning," I chirped.

"Hi." She said softly. She sat up a little. "Do you know if we kept Wales here?"

I opened the door a little more and came into the room. "Ah..." I knew that Wales was here, but knowing Bella, it wouldn't be good for Wales for Bella to know he was here. "Don't you think you should worry about breakfast first?" I asked, falling into the mothering role easily as I did with most people. "You need to eat to build up your strength." I smiled as sweetly as I knew how.

She narrowed her eyes at me. "I've heard that already. And I've eaten already, thank you." At that she tried to get up but shrank back to the bed as her face cringed.

I raised an eyebrow. "You look like you're in perfect condition to take down Wales," I muttered, rolling my eyes. "Would you like for me to bring you back some food and coffee?"

"I'm not hungry. I just want to get out of this bed!" It could be slightly amusing how frustrated she looked. "Do you know where Boone is then so I can know what the hell happened to me, and what kind of sick medicine is coursing though my veins?"

I couldn't stop myself. I tried to tell myself that she was sick and wasn't aware of what she was saying, but it was out of my mouth before I could stop it. "Medicine helps people. Drugs did this to you. Boone is busy. You've got me." I wondered at myself as I stood over her, hands on my hips. "I will help you to the kitchen if you wish, but there you will be eating something. Eating with help get this out of your system quicker." I glared at her, daring her to argue some more.

"I do not need your help." She pronounced each word individually while matching my look and I saw that stuborn defiance she called confidence. "And I am not hungry." She added. Then she tried yet again to get up and I steeled myself not to help her if she fell, she managed to get on her two feet but her hand went to her head indicating she had a headache. Medicine would help you with that. I thought as she staggered past me.

I shook my head and followed her out, deciding to stop worrying about her. If she was well enough to be stupid, I didn't need to worry about her anymore. I went to the weapons room because I was curious about Wales and, depending on who was watching him, I might be able to ask a few questions. Just because I wrote for an underground newspaper didn't mean I wasn't hungry for a scoop like every other journalist. I beamed when I saw Hugh slouched in a chair, watching Wales with bored eyes. The flicked up to me, and he grinned.

"I didn't think you'd come back so soon after last night."

I stood beside him, taking his hand. "I wanted to check on Becca, and..." I glanced at the door to make sure no one had followed me before smiling mischievously at him. "I think this guy," I murmured, tilting my head towards Wales who eyed us both with sullen, bloodshot eyes, "might have a story, and you know how I like stories."

He studied me doubtfully.

I leaned against him, fluttering my eyelashes playfully. "Come on. I'm lucky you were in here instead of the others. They wouldn't have even let me in the room. No one else would have the information that he has about what's coming out and the side effects of some of the newer drugs." I met Wales' gaze evenly. "Isn't that right?" Returning my attention to Hugh who I could see was starting to soften up. "Please?"

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Mon Sep 01, 2014 12:43 am
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DiagonalBluebird says...

Boone Larazo -Leader

Boone left for the church as soon as his watch ended, carefully avoiding the others to prevent confrontation. He wanted to speak with the new recruit alone, and knew others would insist on accompanying him.

It was a cool morning. The back streets of Boston were unusually quiet, even for a weekday. The unnerving sound of sirens wailed in the distance, and a breeze rushed through the alleyways of his city.

The church was old and nondescript. Just another Catholic steeple thrown together in the late nineteenth century. Boone jogged up the steps to the back entrance, and after checking behind him, slid his key into the door and entered the church.

The air reeked of incense and old perfume. Boone blinked a few times to adjust his eyes to the darkness. Only candles and the light seeping through the window into the small back room lit his view. Boone sighed deeply, then opened the door immediately to his right and headed down the flight of stairs.

Recruiting was one of Boone's least favorite tasks, because he had only two options: to recruit the member or end their unfortunate lives. Once someone had seen his face they couldn't walk away freely. Anonymity was essential to keeping the Cath mission alive.

Boone knocked on a door at the end of a series of long hallways. He then grabbed the knob and turned it gently, entering into an even darker room.

"In a moment, Boone." Father Peter was kneeling in front of a small altar dedicated to the Virgin mother, his hands pressed together. Boone leaned against the wall on the other side of the room, and for a moment reveled in the silence. Silence was not a sound he was much accustomed to.

Eventually Father stood, and walked toward Boone with open arms. "How are you, my son?"

"Better once the interview is over. You know how I feel about them." Boone rubbed his thumb thoughtfully over his bottom lip, "You said you really think this guy's good?"

"One of the best in a while." Father Peter nodded, "Solid work ethic, seems like he'd be a good fighter, very logical... also very observant."

Boone laughed quietly, "Someone logical would be good. With the number of women we have around the fort-"

Father Peter stepped closer to Boone, his tone suddenly becoming more serious, "The women you have in your gang are very capable, Boone. And if you're going to constantly belittle their help, why keep them around?"

Boone found the corner of his mouth turned up in a half smile, "You know why."

"To cook, clean and keep your bed warm?" Boone couldn't tell whether Father Peter was mocking him or slightly amused.

"Only the second one recently." Boone sighed, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"None of them strike your fancy?" Father Peter stepped through the door, and motioned softly for Boone to follow him. They ventured out into the hallway and began to walk toward the interrogation room.

Boone thought for a moment, his mind flickering between Bella and Del. Bell, who irritated him to no end but he still wanted. And Del, who knew him better than anyone ever would... "Not specifically."

Father Peter smiled knowingly, then unlocked the interrogation room for Boone to enter, saying "I'll be back in a moment." Boone turned his back to the door, contemplating the chipping paint on the wall. He let his mind drift a moment to the beautiful woman back at the fort, who may be dying. He'd meant to check on her this morning before he left, but had been to preoccupied with thoughts of Wales and the interview before him. Someday he'd do something...get her alone...

"Boone," Father Peter brought Boone out of his trance. He grunted an acknowledgement, and turned around to face Reagan.

"That him?" Boone realized the question was idiotic as soon as it left his lips, but counted it to being broken out of his thoughts.

"Yes, it's him," Father Peter raised an eyebrow, then turned to the recruit, "Ray, in the past you've shown interest in the Caths, so I've set up this meeting between you and Boone here."

Reagan didn't respond. Boone sighed deeply, "Well come in. We've got a lot to cover."

Reagan sat down directly across from Boone, and Father Peter left the room. Boone leaned back in his chair, propping one elbow up, and looked at Reagan. The man had his hands clasped on the table, looking curiously at Boone, like he was analyzing him.

Boone cleared his throat, "Alright, to start off, what is your position on the government's recent attempts to make various high potency medications available to the general public-?"

The questioning went on for an hour. Boone was increasingly pleased with Ray - as he preferred to be called. The man showed ample fighting ability, loyalty, and very clear observation skills. Above all he was logical, something Boone craved in the recent chaos.

After a while, Boone stood, and stuck out his hand, "Ray, I like you a lot, and I'd like to offer you a position in the group. We will train you as a fighter, teach you everything we know, and above all keep each other away from the bullshit the government is spewing out. Your options right now are to either accept and leave with me now, or die here today. I know that's not much as far as options go, but I have to retain some anonymity."

Ray stood without hesitation, and shook Boone's hand, "I'd be honored to be one of you." Boone wrapped his other hand around Ray's and shook it, a smile overwhelming his face.

"I'm glad to hear that. Welcome to the Caths, Reagan." Boone walked towards the door, "Now let's go back to the fort and I'll introduce you to the others.

Boone rushed into the house, Ray following close behind him. The main room was empty except for Del, who was propped her feet up, sitting in his seat at the end of the table.

Boone looked at her, "I want a meeting called ASAP, would you help me rally everyone together?" As soon as she left the room, Boone looked at Ray- "You can sit here a moment, I'll be right back."

Boone walked off in the direction of Bella's room, praying to whatever god that Father believed in she'd be there and still alive.

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Tue Sep 02, 2014 8:38 am
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deleted3 says...

Kinwe Hawa

Kinwe was probably being overcautious when she snuck her insulin pen into the bathroom. She kept it inside a hole in her mattress, and always waited until the room was empty before taking it out. Maybe it was excessive, but she couldn’t let the Caths, a resistance group fighting drugs, know that she was Spoiled.

She had already pronounced herself a full Purist when there was a huge debate amongst them last week. Her stomach churned, not because she had to administer the shot directly into her lower abdomen, but because of the guilt whenever she thought of that bold faced lie. But she couldn’t tell them the truth now; she might get kicked out for lying in the first place. So she kept her daily insulin shots a state secret.

After Kinwe showered, she hovered around the entrance of the kitchen until she was sure that Del had left. Something about Del messed with the calm energy she liked to maintain. She had to do a few breathing exercises before venturing out. She was no stranger to living around people with turbulent energies; after all, the women’s shelters that she used to volunteer at were not exactly happy spaces. But the women there were hurting, and often meek and depressed.

On the other hand, most of the Caths took a more aggressive stance in dealing with their hurt. Anyway... Del couldn’t have known that Kinwe made that pie, but her careless criticism was not great to hear, especially when Kinwe didn’t have the ingredients to make a pie that would have blown them all away, guaranteed!

The others were up, but no one was in the kitchen so Kinwe decided to make breakfast. She knew she wasn’t going to find anything to cook here, and suddenly remembered that there was more than one kitchen in this house... Kinwe padded softly up the stairs before she had a chance to think it over, and opened the trap door a little, enough for her short frame to slip through. Father Peter wasn’t around, and Kinwe took a moment to just feel the sunlight from the window on her skin, and breathe the air above ground. She already felt rejuvenated.

She stepped silently around, heading towards where she remembered the kitchen to be, when she noticed grocery bags bunched together on the main table, and was elated. There were eggs, meat, vegetables, potatoes, and dairy galore. There was too much food to be just for Father Peter, so she figured that it must be supplies for the Caths. Father Peter might have forgotten to bring it down, or intended to bring it later.

Kinwe made quick work of moving the groceries, making several trips to carry it to the basement kitchen. She left a couple of grocery bags upstairs for Father Peter to use. She started to whistle as she put things into cupboards and the fridge. Things were closer to being right again if she could cook what she wanted when she wanted. And right now, she knew exactly what to make... an English breakfast.

As she cooked, Kinwe’s mind drifted to Hugh’s dreamy English accent. They used to say that a way to a man’s heart was through his stomach, Kinwe thought as she piled Hugh’s plate high with bacon, eggs, sausages, and fries. She was still humming when Dom entered the kitchen.

“Oooh, I’m starving,” she said, reaching for the plate that Kinwe had filled.

“Wait!” Kinwe stopped her and got a fresh plate for Dom to dish into. “That plate is reserved.” She couldn’t help the sly smile that crept across her face, to which Dom raised an eyebrow but said nothing. She sat to eat at the table and Kinwe sat next to her with her own plate. Dom murmured in delight as she ate eagerly, much to Kinwe’s satisfaction. At least someone appreciated it when she made an effort.

“Last night was pretty crazy, right?” Kinwe said.

“Yeah, I can’t believe it...” Dom shook her head as the memories came back to both of them. “Is Bella ok?”

“Well, she was ok enough to eat the pie I made, and demand a fork from me.” Kinwe couldn’t hide her annoyance. “But other than that, I dunno. She’s been resting since then.” Then something occurred to her and she looked right at Dom. “So... were you swimming last night?”

Dom froze mid bite, was silent for a minute and finally opened her mouth to speak. “Well...” the look on her face said it all.

Kinwe smiled and shook her head. “Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me. I might join you next time.” They eyed each other and giggled. The pool being off limits made it such a guilty pleasure.

“What do you think-” Dom began, but Kinwe had suddenly zoned her out and was looking at the door as Hugh entered the kitchen.

“Hugh! Good morning!” Kinwe smiled and rushed over to pick up the plate she had reserved for him, so she could hand it to him in person. “Today’s special is... English breakfast,” she said as he took the plate with a bewildered expression on his face. “Just thought you might be missing home.” Kinwe beamed at him.

Hugh gradually smiled, “Why thank you Kinwe, you’re so thoughtful.”

Kinwe could have melted. “You’re welcome!” She caught Dom’s eye who was watching the whole thing with her lips parted in a knowing smile. Kinwe sat back down next to Dom looking bashful and tugging lightly on one of her dreadlocks. She whispered from the corner of her mouth “Too much, huh?” Dom nodded, fighting to keep from bursting into laughter.

Kinwe was disappointed when she saw Hugh leaving the kitchen with his plate in hand. “Aww, where is he going...” she said in a tone that was slightly more stalkerish than she had planned.

Dom eyed her for a moment as if thinking over something. “Probably,” she said casually, dipping a sausage into ketchup, “Hugh is going to eat with Izzy.”
Kinwe looked at her. “Izzy? You don’t mean...”

Dom looked sympathetic. “They’re an item...” Dom watched as Kinwe’s face fell. “Sorry.”

She gasped in dismay. “Why? I like Izzy!” Kinwe lamented. She wondered how she could have missed the fact that her polite chivalrous crush had already given his heart away to someone else.

Del strode into the kitchen, making Kinwe sit up and pulling her out of her thoughts. She looked like she meant business and Kinwe unconsciously held her breath.

“You two,” Del said to her and Dom, “we’re convening in the meeting room, Boone’s orders.” Then left. Kinwe and Dom got up without hesitating, and Kinwe began bracing herself for the next disaster. Is this about Bella? Her heart thumped in her chest.

When they entered the meeting room, JJ was there, Hugh was just coming in with Izzy just behind him (sigh), but Tenant, Bella, and Boone were still absent. As Kinwe scanned the room, someone she didn’t recognise caught her eye. She couldn’t stop staring.

An all cheekbones, all slender, green-eyed, rugged, tall, delicious specimen of a human being was seated at the meeting table. He had a serious expression, not avoiding anyone’s eyes, but not making eye contact either. Kinwe’s mouth was released and fell at the will of gravity.

Who, thought Kinwe, bringing her jaw up and unconsciously biting her bottom lip, is that?
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Sun Sep 07, 2014 2:17 pm
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Skydreamer says...

Bella Markson

I stumbled past Izzy and made my way toward the kitchen where at the moment no one was. And ignoring the thoughts that reprimanded me for the way I spoke to Izzy I took a water bottle and drank. I just need water, I'm not hungry. Yet my stomach seemed to grumble and my face flushed, I looked around hoping no one was near me. I sighed with frustration as I quickly grabbed a granola bar and stalked off. I was feeling really uncomfortable and my stomach was starting to churn a little. I rushed to the the bathroom after seeing Kinwe leave it from a distance.

Once I got in the bathroom I threw up the little food I had eaten in the sink and spat out the disgusting taste of bile in my throat. Unable to contain my anger about my poor situation I found myself letting out a loud scream, muffled by my hands. My eyes were stinging slightly and I felt like tears were coming. I fought them furiously as I was tempted to smash my fist in the glass before me. I decided instead to try to cool down. After cleaning the sink I washed my hands and then my face. Then I figured I might as well try to get ready for the day.

The basement seemed empty and strangely quiet as everyone had something to do, or were finding something to do. It was understandable. What I had gone through probably freaked everyone out. It was not really a time of celebration. And I was glad for the privacy because I was trying to calm down and I needed peace.

I tried to think of what I had seen from his computer as I sat on the couch. There was practically nothing! Random emails, random sites, nothing the least bit connected to what we were to search. I frowned deeply. We should have known, there was just no way he would risk coming to Boston probably hearing rumors of Cath's, even if he didn't believe it, he would be cautious. He would be careful. Why didn't they think of that? Suddenly wishing I could have another look at the information, I decided to go looking for Del, or Tenant or Johnny or someone I could tolerate and talk to about this.

Before looking I decided to try to change. I took my clothes to the bathroom and took a quick shower before changing. I was still wearing the maids outfit from the previous night and it sickened me. After the shower and the change I felt firm determination to look for the asshole who put me in the trauma that I was still trying to get through. Not only that but he caused so much commotion and ruined a simple mission. He made me look like a damsel in distress and that, I was definitely not. I was anything but someone who needed saving. I did the saving.

I heard some noises from the weapons or spare room, and I saw Izzy leaving with Hugh behind her and decided that the coast must be clear. I crept towards it trying my best not to make a single sound and then quietly opened the door. There was a man sitting on the chair, his head down and his hands tied behind him who I immediately recognized as Wales. I wanted so badly to jump him right then and there but I wanted to have a little chit chat with him first. I wanted to know what the hell he put inside of me, and why the hell he did it. It was three on one, did he really think he could make an escape? What an idiot! I tried to restrain myself as I cleared my throat. He groaned but he didn't look up.

"I already told you people for the tenth time I don't know anymore!" He said weakly as if he had been the one poisoned.

"Shut your damn mouth," I snapped and he looked up to face me, fear in his eyes. I walked towards him as he looked increasingly more uncomfortable at my approach.

"What do you want?" He asked, suddenly gaining confidence as I stood right in front of him.

"What do I want? How kind of you to ask. Maybe I want to you to know how it felt, to have a needle injected in your skin, to have it pierce into your very being inserting poison into your flesh?" I sneered.

He paused a moment to have a good look at me and then laughed.

"I have already experienced that sensation honey, it's marvelous." I couldn't contain myself and before I knew it I heard the sound of my palm hitting his face. I slapped him harder than I knew I could and drew my hand back at the stinging pain. The side of his face that I hit was red and he brought a hand to it. He was smirking though. I wanted to hit him harder when I saw his smirk, how dare he?! Does he have no decency? Itching to slap him again I decided against it.

"What did you put in me you bastard?!" I practically shouted just hoping no one would hear.

"Look, I don't even know what that stuff is. I asked for the strongest hallucinate they had at the place and that was the -"

I didn't let him finish as I slapped him again, this time on the other cheek and on purpose. I felt tears brimming in my eyes.

"How dare you? Why did you put that stuff in me? My body isn't use to that shit. It's torturing me more than it would you if you took it. I threw up for the first time in eleven years!" The look of fear he originally had quickly returned to him.

"I knew it wouldn't hurt you, just stop you. I had to protect," He paused then and eyed me. He was almost saying something he didn't want to me hear. It hit me that there must have been something on him. Maybe that was why he injected me. To stop me from noticing something. That would make more sense than just him trying to protect himself.

"What? You had to protect what?" I prodded. He scowled at me and looked down.

"I don't know." He murmured. Anger boiled within me and I couldn't help but kick his chair, hard. It was brought down by gravity unable to balance and his back landed on the floor with a thud. I knew I was running out of time with that noise that anyone could come in at any moment. I quickly ran over to the other side and unlocked the weapons as he squirmed on the floor frightened. I found a gun and pointed it to him. His eyes widened.

"Tell me what you know, and I might not shoot."

"Might not shoot? Do you think I'm an idiot?! Why don't you just shoot me now?" He said, his voice somehow filled with arrogance and disdain. Without thinking I kicked him on the side of his head. Blood trickled from his eyebrow as he cursed at me.

"You deserved it." he murmured angrily.

That was it. Those three words cause me to snap. I wanted to kill him, but I wanted him to hurt. I kicked him again, harder this time and then again. I didn't care that he looked like he was losing consciousness, and was screaming in agony, I was about to kick him again when someone bursted through the door almost throwing it off it's hinges.

"Bell!" The sound of Boone's voice made me set my foot down, but not the gun. Boone stared at me and at the toppled chair and then slowly lifted his hand. His face told me he knew I wouldn't shoot him, though he quietly inched forward, when he was close enough to me, he quickly snatched the gun out of my hand. I reached for it but he held it away from me and got a look at the now unconscious Wales.

"What the hell..." His voice trailed off as he noticed how bruised the man looked. He turned to me with a hint of amusement in his eyes, "What did you do?"

"He was leading me on. Tempting me. I would've killed him." I breathed, anger still coursing through my veins. Boone shook his head at me as if I was a naughty child which one would expect such actions from and then stood uncomfortably close to me for a moment. He was staring at my face, reading my features. What was he looking for? I found my face flushing.

"What?" I snapped.

"Are you okay?" Suddenly my heart was beating faster and I was feeling nervous. Did Boone actually care? I wondered.

"Yes. How else could I beat his ass?" I smirked. Again Boone shook his head but he had a small smile on his face. Then he became serious.

"We have a new recruit, you have to be present at the living room." I nodded, and as I did I felt a sharp pain in my head. I held it for a moment cursing the man I almost killed. I was starting to feel some remorse for my actions, but the pain did not make me sorry for what I did. I was glaring at him and Boone must have noticed for he gently took my arm, instead of grabbing it like he usually would and led me out.

"It's not worth it." He said softly after we were out of the weapons room. I nodded again. Once I really noticed my surroundings I realized everyone was staring at us. Everyone including Tenant who was staring at the gun in Boone's hand, me, and the room.

"We have to move him." Boone said slightly irritated. I frowned that another crisis was being pinned on me. I shouldn't have pulled out the gun. Tenant, Boone and someone I have never seen before, who Boone had called "Ray", went back into the room to move Wales. No one outside was speaking to me. Del looked concerned and seemed to want to say something, but before she could Boone and Tenant brought forth the bleeding and bruised Wales, tied securely to avoid any chance of escape.

Then I felt all eyes on me again and I knew the thoughts they had. She did this? Is she crazy? She must have gone mad Only Del's raise of an eyebrow told me Damn girl!

I could see Kinwe and Izzy's faces glance at me with disgust but I ignored them. I held my head up and stared at some of them daring them to speak to me. No one did. It was an odd silence of shock. And my body was oddly stronger as if beating the man was all I needed to regain my physical and mental strength. But I knew that wasn't true. I kind of screwed things up. Now Wales wouldn't be kept in the weapons room. Now he could cause more harm. Who knows what?

But I knew something, and I knew something that could possibly really help. Whatever Wales wasn't telling us was on him. We had to somehow check his pockets or something in order to find it. But with all this commotion I felt it wasn't my place to speak up. Once Wales was put in the Gym tied to a chair on a corner - I had followed them to see where he would be put - I decided to try to contain whatever meaningless hatred I have toward the man and find the thing he was hiding. But when Boone saw me approaching he gave me a look that cause me to retreat my steps.

"I'm not going to hurt him." I told him as I started walking out with them.

"How do you know that for sure?" There was that mistrust I missed! I thought sarcastically.

"I know myself." He narrowed his eyes at me.

"If you know yourself then you shouldn't have pulled out a gun! What were you thinking, Bell?"

"I was thinking he screwed me up! Did you see me last night?! I was hysterical. I couldn't even get up and walk at one point and I don't remember most of it because my mind was fogged up. When I woke up this morning I had a migraine which comes and goes now, and I puked in bathroom before I could even eat anything this morning! It's all just been, been," I struggled to contain my emotions. "A nightmare. But you know I'm no idiot. We need to check him for something. While I was...in the weapons room I managed to get to him to admit there was more than just protecting himself on his mind when he injected me. He was trying to hide something."

Boone looked intrigued. He raised an eyebrow and gave me a "really?" look. I nodded.

He sighed and looked annoyed. Leading us back to the living room, I noticed that we all had gathered together. Everyone was here. That was when I finally really noticed the new guy. He was handsome to say the least. He was also tall and looked like he didn't give a shit about anything that was going on. Boone looked ready to introduce him. I wondered who he was and if Boone was even thinking about replacing my leadership. If he was I'd definitely make him regret it.

Spoiler! :
This was written by me but helped and edited by @etherealember. Also I am not 100% sure about my post, but I think it's alright and I didn't want to keep you guys waiting for too long. Thanks!
I believe in that, which is not seen.
I call it truth, faith, hope, life.

~~~~Sometimes life beckons us to be different~~~~

I used to be known as thewritersdream, but now my dreams have taken flight

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Sun Sep 21, 2014 5:22 pm
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SpiritedWolfe says...

Ray Thompson

It's not a far walk from the church to what was called 'the fort'. Though, the set pace was brisk, as it seemed Boone was quite eager to get back. For what reason, I haven't a clue. Even now, as we approach said base, there isn't much of a chance to examine the area since Boone promptly ushers me inside.

With the quick glance I can get, the house looks smaller than my expectations. Of course I wasn't assuming the place would be large, or even the amount of members being large for that matter, just a little more inconspicuous. It makes sense that much of the space would be underground and put of sight.

To confirm my assumption, inside I'm lead down a small flight of stairs and into a long common room. Everything was so quiet one would assume the entire floor is vacant. Instead, I spot a woman sitting at the edge of the only set of furniture in the room, a table. She sat in an odd manner, lounging back carelessly with her feet right on the table.

"I want a meeting called ASAP, would you help me rally everyone together?" Boone instructs her. Part of me expects her to snap back, but she follows the order without a word. It's interesting how it was directed as a question, but is still blatantly obvious 'no' is not an acceptable answer.

He then turns to me and says, "You can sit here a moment, I'll be right back." Without even waiting for a sign of confirmation, he turns and tries to casually walk into another room, attempting to seem nonchalant. I would say otherwise, from his shorter steps. Though, this all isn't quite my business yet, since I have yet to even meet the other members.

Mere moments later, others start to file in. First an older looking boy, who I would've thought was only in his teens at first glance, followed by a pair of an older man and woman. Immediately after, two other women join the group. My first instinct is to scan each of them head to toe, but I instead refrain, trying not to appear anxious.

One of the 'newer' women notices me almost instantly, which is indicated by a sudden drop of her jaw. It also appears that others have recognized my presence as well. Well it might have been a while since they have gained a new member, so I just mentally shrug it off, fixing my gaze straight ahead.

The woman Boone first instructed when we had first arrived finally comes back, another man right behind her. It seems like everyone’s here, besides Boone. I’m not exactly sure what I was expecting from the group, possibly a more uniform bond, but instead they are scattered around the room, talking quietly amongst themselves.

Not too much later, a commotion can be heard in another room, which doesn’t sound like it’s too far away. The whispering ceases when Boone walks in with a gun in one hand and leading a woman in with the other. A fire of rage burns in her eyes, but now diminishes.

“We have to move him,” Boone growls and motions towards me, “Ray, Tenant.” Move who? Apparently their actions aren’t all passive aggressive, though I didn’t think they would be. The man who had come in last walks over to Boone, as do I.

Leading us back from where he came, Boone instructs quietly, “We’ll take him to the gym.” Inside the room, I see an unconscious man strapped to a chair, blood smeared on his face. Obviously the work of a rage, which is something I know all too well.

I assist the other two in lifting the captive and carrying him to wherever said gym is. Once again, we pass the common room, exposing the waiting crowd on what the commotion was before. Everyone’s eyes go back towards the culprit once more. I can almost sympathize with the woman, and a curiosity sparks in me on what drove her to act the way she did.

The other two men lead the way, since I, of course, have no knowledge of the layout of this floor. Though this man isn’t excessively heavy, even after such a short trip, I can start to feel a strain. Eventually, we reach the gym and deposit the captive in a corner. They obviously don’t see him as much of a threat.

As we continue back to start the long awaited meeting, the woman appears and walks back with us. She mutters something to Boone, of which I try not to listen to. Once again, this isn’t my business… yet. I am now a part of this organization, but it would still take time to become accustomed to it all. It is definitely not easy to just drop lifelong habits of alienating oneself.

Soon their little conversation finishes, and Boone picks up the lead. The people gathered before now stand around, anxiously waiting what the purpose of this all is. Since that drama is finished, all eyes turn back towards me.

Addressing the entire ‘crowd’, Boone announces, “Now that that’s been put aside, I’m sure you’ve all noticed a new face. This is our new recruit, Ray Thompson.”
[insert really cool and fun quote here]
Check out my novel shenanigans.
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Sat Oct 04, 2014 9:38 pm
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DiagonalBluebird says...

Sorry this has taken so long- I'm an engineering student who has been swamped with work these past few weeks~ From here I'd like a verbal (maybe even slightly physical) fight regarding purist/spoiled beliefs to break out among the gang members.

Boone Larazo-Leader

Boone felt his heart drop when he saw Bella's bed empty. He let out a deep breath, and headed to the weapons room. With any luck she'd be there, he wasn't in any mood for a wild goose chase.

Boone opened the door, and nearly closed it again, his brows furrowing and the corners of his lip plummeting into a scowl, "Bell! What the hell..." Boone looked at Wales, who was bleeding out and nearly unconscious. It was hard to believe Bell had been barely alive only yesterday, "What did you do?"

"He was leading me on. Tempting me. I would've killed him." Bella was angry, more than Boone had ever seen her. For a moment, every fiber of his being wanted to reach out and draw her in, to stop the anger he knew coursed through her. To give her peace for a moment. He felt himself step toward her. He looked at her, eyes tracing every curve of her face, wondering how she'd react-

"What?" Bella snapped, and the moment was gone.

Boone cleared his throat, eyes darting from Wales to her, "Are you okay?"

"Yes. How else could I beat his ass?" Typical Bell.

He shook his head and began to walk toward the door, "We have a new recruit, you have to be present at the living room." Boone looked at the anger still on her face, and reached out to lead her gently out by the arm. Though she'd just proven she'd recovered physically, Boone wasn't about to see her break again. "It's not worth it." Boone felt the words come out almost as a sigh, wary of the eyes of the others in the room. He removed the bullets from the gun and slipped it into his jacket. Aware of the continued stares, Boone barked out an order. "We have to move him."


“Now that that’s been put aside, I’m sure you’ve all noticed a new face. This is our new recruit, Ray Thompson.” Boone stood at the head of the table, Ray seated immediately on his left, Tenant on his right side, and the others at their usual positions around the table. Bella seemed less than thrilled to have fortified her spot to the new recruit, but he figured her anger would pass.

Boone smiled, "Ray here is fighter, and according to Father Peter he's good at understanding people's skills and knowing how they can be best utilized. You're all smart enough to know I'll be taking advantage of that. He's also apparently a logic man too, and with the number of you ladies around here- some logic is going to be a welcome relief-" There were some chuckles around the room, mostly from the men. Boone made eye contact with Del, who looked away immediately, a hint of something he couldn't catch in her eye, "That aside, I'd like to have him start training as soon as possible." Boone turned and looked at Ray, then pointed to Del, "Del over there is Head of Defense. She'll be training you. You're in good hands with her. She's the best. That girl could probably kick my ass if I gave her the chance-"

"I probably should have a couple times-" Boone caught a hint of a smirk on Del's face.

Boone laid one hand on the table, and with the other began to point around the room, "Isabel over there isn't technically a Cath, but has been helping us for years, and I am forever indebted. Tenant here is one of my best fighters. He gets sent out on almost all major missions. Johnny over there-" Boone chuckled, "is the most hyper little bastard you'll ever meet," Boone heard Johnny laugh, "but a great asset. Dom over there is one of the few of you all that I can say always listens to me. And she's a hell of a lot stronger than she looks. Kinwe-" Boone smiled again, "best food you'll ever eat, and with her stealth absolutely has hints of ninja in her blood. Hugh's another great fighter. He's a man you want around if you get in a tough spot. And Bella-" Boone locked eyes with her for the briefest second, "is my second in command, and one of the most stubborn people on the face of this planet-"

"Fuck you, Boone-" Her glare was tangible. Boone chuckled and threw her the grin he mastered in his youth that had been used exclusively for pretty women in the bars of downtown Boston. The grin was half warm, and half a challenge.

"I think that's everyone, would you care to introduce yourself a bit Reagan? See if anyone has any questions for you?" Boone sat down and leaned back, motioning for Ray to stand before shoving his own hands deep in his pockets.

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Sat Oct 04, 2014 11:20 pm
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Ciblio says...


Spoiler! :
This is actually longer than I intended, but oh well. I haven't posted in forever, and Diagonal reminded me that I needed to finish this one up, since I actually started on this post a long time ago.

Taking in a deep breath, I stared at my feet as I walked back to my room, ready to go back to bed, ready to escape from this terrible place called earth, and enter the most desired hopes in my head. Ready to dream of living on a quiet hill, not having to worry about drugs, the government, everyone except my family. Racing down the hill with my siblings, as my mother watched at the top, smiling brightly, sober.

Of course, that's a hope that'll never come true...but it's still nice to dream of what it would be like, right?

"If only..." I mumble to myself, listening as a few distant voices discussed something that was none of my business. Though, I couldn't hear anything interesting.

As I entered my room, I glanced up at the empty bed that belonged to Kinwe, and cleared my throat, throwing myself onto the slightly uncomfortable bed.

Shutting my eyes, I went back to the memory of my mom singing to me every night, the lullaby that I used to think was so stupid. As I concentrated with my eyes shut tight, the image of her soft face and light brown hair came into view, her mouth moving slightly.

"Golden slumbers kiss your eyes,
Smiles await you when you rise.
pretty baby,
Do not cry,
And I will sing a lullaby."

Her voice was beautiful, I remembered telling her that she should become famous, and vaguely remember her laughing quietly, and kissing my forehead.

I so badly wanted to reach out and stroke her cheek, just one last time. I just wanted to lay in her arms again, and feel the warmth of her comforting hugs.

"Cares you know not,
Therefore sleep,
While over you a watch I'll keep.
pretty darling,
Do not cry,
And I will sing a lullaby."

As her voice faded away, I started to drift away into the darkness, entering my imagination.

8 am

Kylee sat on my lap, her head on my chest, and her fingers running through the hair that was strewn across my back. I pat her back softly, holding her to me as if her life depended on it.

We sat in the dark, Kade passed out next to us, wondering if our mother would make it.

"Ky," I whispered, putting my hand down. "Ky...I have to go to work."

I heard a quiet whimper, and watched her as she lifted off of me, the light shining through the sheets put up on the window, revealing the dark bags under her eyes. Such a pretty girl, but such a terrible life.

I kissed her forehead, and accepted a comforting hug from her.

As we both stood up, I waited until she laid next to her twin before I bent down, kissing both of them.

Ky sniffled, and pulled some of the heavy blanket Kade was using over her small body.
I smiled one last time, before I slipped on my worn out shoes, and left the house quietly, heading towards the building that was over a mile away from my house.

I awoke with my hand tangled up in my hair, and my legs thrown over each other.

Kinwe snored softly, barely audible.

I thought of the dream I'd just had, feeling a pang of sadness hit me. Well that's not what I wanted to dream of.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed, and used my hand to smooth my messy hair down, yawning loudly.

Forgetting of the sleeping girl above me, I slapped my hand over my mouth quickly, and glanced up. She didn't move.

"Phew," I muttered, getting up.

Quietly, I left the room, and walked to the kitchen, trying not to drag my feet. It didn't seem like anyone was awake, since there was absolutely no sound, except for my feet sliding across the floor, and my breathing. Stopping, the images of Belle's limp body popped into my brain, filling my with concern. Was she okay?

With curiosity filling my every thought, I found my way to her room, and stopped at her door, wondering if I should go in. Blinking, I opened her door, and stared at the girl laying on the bed, looking more her color. Shaking off my concern, I left, and went back to the kitchen.

Rubbing my eyes sleepily, I opened the fridge door, and stared at the scarce amount of food that sat on the shelf's.

Shaking my head, I shut the door back, and went back to the room.

Kinwe laid in what looked like an uncomfortable position, with her torso twisted sideways so that half of her was facing me, and her legs facing the other way.

I stretched my arms out, and sat on my bed.

It was pretty dark, considering the fact that we didn't have any windows, and I didn't want to turn the light on, fearing that I might wake up my roommate, so I just laid back down.

Recalling the memory of my mother from my brain, I fell into a trance as she sang her sweet lullaby, and put me to sleep. I dreamt of my most inner desire, what I'd kill for if it meant I'd be able to have my siblings, and mother, back.

"Mama, mama, watch me!" Kade said excitedly, rushing out into the yard. I stepped out onto the porch, taking in the view before me. A view above the trees, from the top of a hill.

My mom stepped up beside me, a little taller than myself. I smiled up at her, and watched as she gazed at her son as he did a somersault.

Kade ran back up, and stared up at her, waiting for her to tell him how great he did.

"Baby, that was..." She started. "..that was amazing! Where'd you learn to do that?"
She crouched down, and pulled him into a hug, laughing joyfully.

I glanced behind me, and caught a glimpse of Kylee. She usually sat inside, coloring in her coloring book. But why waste your day inside, when you could explore the wonderful outside?

I jogged inside to her, scooped her up, and ran back outside with her.

She moved around in my arms, but started giggling. "Dom, put me down! I wanna color!"

I shook my head, laughed, and spun around with her. "Why would you want to be inside on a day like this?!"

My eyes shot open, and I quickly looked around the room. Why am I awake?

There were faint footsteps creeping around outside of the room, but that couldn't have been the reason I woke up. I wasn't even asleep for long!

Throwing my legs over the side of the bed, I pushed myself up, and rubbed at my eyes. There was no way I was getting back to sleep now.

Once I'd opened the door to the room, the scent of food filled the room, instantly making my mouth water. I then wondered if I woke up because I was hungry. It wouldn't be the first time that happened. Mostly, I tried to eat normally...but who could do that, when every time they looked at food, they thought of their starving siblings?

I'd tried my best to feed them, but all the money, which wasn't much, that I'd gotten from my jobs went to pay for the small place we stayed in. And after I paid the bills, I only had about $10, maybe $15 dollars left, which had to last until the week after next, when I got paid again.

I usually bought fruits, sometimes a gallon of water, cheap things. I'd go without eating for days, wanting to give them all the needed to be as healthy as I could make them.

But in the end, it wasn't enough. They did get sick. And with the low amount of money I was paid, I didn't have enough money at all to pay for medicine. So, they died. And it was my fault. All my fault. Everyone in town made sure to convince me of that.

But I tried. I tried so hard. But I guess...I didn't try hard enough.

I was snapped out of my thoughts once Kinwe came into sight. She stood in the kitchen, with food laid out in front of her. So she made breakfast? How sweet. How terribly sweet.

I walked in, and she looked up at me. This time, right now, I'll shove my thoughts away, and not think of the guilt I feel in the pit of my stomach as I go to eat some of the food she'd prepared.

“Oooh, I’m starving,” I said, reaching for the plate that Kinwe had filled, hoping I'd sounded convincing enough. Hoping that I actually sounded like I wanted it.

“Wait!” Kinwe called, forcing me to look up at her. She quickly made up another plate, and handed it to me. “That plate is reserved.” She said with a small smile. What was she up to?

I passed it off, picked up my plate, and went over to the table to eat. "Mm," I murmured, after taking a bite of a sausage. Was it bad that when I was eating, I pushed away the guilt long enough to enjoy? This couldn't eat me up all the time, right? I wasn't selfish for not wanting to think of what I'd done in the past?

“Last night was pretty crazy, right?” Kinwe asked, bringing me back.

“Yeah, I can’t believe it...” Dom mumbled, as I shook my head. “Is Bella okay?”

“Well...she was okay enough to eat the pie I made, and demand a fork from me.” Kinwe replied, and it was almost impossible to miss the annoyance in her tone. “But other than that...I dunno. She’s been resting since then.” She was quiet for a moment, before she looked back up at me, and asked me a question that shocked me, with it's un-expectance. “So...were you swimming last night?” She asked, her voice hushed.

I head the fork near my mouth, not sure what to say. I couldn't lie, since she'd obviously know I was. I wasn't really the best at telling lies. “Well...”

Kinwe smiled and shook her head. “Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me. I might join you next time.”

We both looked up at each other, and giggled.

“What do you think-” I started to say, but stopped when Kinwe's eyes drifted into a gaze, as someone walked in.

“Hugh! Good morning!” Kinwe grinned, jumped up, and rushed over to the plate I'd tried to eat earlier. Wait as second..“Today’s special is...English breakfast!” She said, as he took the plate from her, confusion crossing his face. “Just thought you might be missing home.” Her grin widened up at him.

Did she...no, she couldn't! Aw, I had to tell her.

Hugh smiled a bit back. “Why thank you Kinwe...you’re so thoughtful.”

“You’re welcome!” She exclaimed, gazing up at him.

Kinwe sat back down next to me, still in her daze. She tugged at one of her dreadlocks, and whispered over to me, “Too much, huh?”

I nodded, and held back a laugh. Instead, I smiled sympathetically, which she probably didn't catch, seeing as she was staring at Hugh, who was leaving the room, his plate settled in his hand.

“Aw, where is he going...?” She murmured, her tone startling me slightly. She sounded as if-

I stared at her for a moment longer. Did she not know that Hugh was.. “Probably,” I said simply, as I picked up a sausage, and aimed to dip it in the ketchup on my plate, “Hugh is going to eat with Izzy.”

Kinwe's eyes widened a bit, and she opened her mouth to speak. “Izzy? You don’t mean...”

I looked back at her, bringing the sympathy from earlier back up. “They’re an item...” I said to her, immediately regretting it. The look on her face was enough to make me feel bad for her. “Sorry.” I whispered sadly.

She gasped, as if she didn't have a problem at all. “Why? I like Izzy!” Kinwe exclaimed. I wouldn't have believed her for a second.

Del came in, eyeing the two of us. I set my fork down, glanced over at Kinwe, then back at Del. After a second, she spoke up. "You two," She started. "we're convening in the meeting room. Boone's orders."

She left, and Kinwe and I stood up quickly. Was this about what I thought it was about? Did something bad happen? Is Bella okay?

The questions filled my mind, as we both left the kitchen, and went to the meeting room.

The others were already in there. Though, there was an unfamiliar face sitting amongst the people I'd come to know.

I took notice of Kinwe's dropped jaw, her eyes fixated on the person neither of us knew.

The others in the room were staring too, all wanting to know who this stranger was, and what he was doing here.

My eyes drifted away from him, and landed on the wall across from me. There was no particular reason I was staring at it, I mainly just needed somewhere to look.

It wasn't until Boone's voice broke the silence in the room several minutes later that I looked away from the wall.

“Now that that’s been put aside, I’m sure you’ve all noticed a new face. This is our new recruit, Ray Thompson.” He announced to us. I didn't need to look at the person, I'd already seen him. If this meeting was called just to introduce him, then there was no reason I needed to pay attention, more or less be here. I liked observing people from afar, that way I could know how they actually were, instead of being told who they were and what they did. Just in case, though, I listened to what my leader was saying, since it would be disrespectful if I ignored him.

I looked back over at the wall, and waited until he spoke up again.

"Ray here is fighter, and according to Father Peter he's good at understanding people's skills and knowing how they can be best utilized. You're all smart enough to know I'll be taking advantage of that. He's also apparently a logic man too, and with the number of you ladies around here- some logic is going to be a welcome relief-" He paused, as some of the guys laughed. "That aside, I'd like to have him start training as soon as possible. Del over there is Head of Defense. She'll be training you. You're in good hands with her. She's the best. That girl could probably kick my ass if I gave her the chance-"

"I probably should have a couple times-"

"Isabel over there isn't technically a Cath, but has been helping us for years, and I am forever indebted. Tenant here is one of my best fighters. He gets sent out on almost all major missions. Johnny over there-" Boone let out a small chuckle, "is the most hyper little bastard you'll ever meet, but a great asset. Dom over there is one of the few of you all that I can say always listens to me. And she's a hell of a lot stronger than she looks." I blinked, but didn't look away from the wall. Don't look at me. Just go on. "Kinwe-best food you'll ever eat, and with her stealth absolutely has hints of ninja in her blood. Hugh's another great fighter. He's a man you want around if you get in a tough spot. And Bella-is my second in command, and one of the most stubborn people on the face of this planet-"

"Fuck you, Boone." Bella cut in.

It amazed me how just yesterday she wasn't even completely responsive, but now, oh, now she could be with us again, and be her full-on self.

I focused on a mark on the wall, it looked like someone has thrown something right there, put a small dent in it.

"I think that's everyone, would you care to introduce yourself a bit Reagan? See if anyone has any questions for you?" Boone finished.

I didn't have any questions for him. Thankfully, now that Boone was done talking, I could zone out again, and not have to listen anymore. Thankfully.
'we have lingered in the chambers of the sea /
by sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown /
till human voices wake us, and we drown'


You, who have all the passion for life that I have not? You, who can love and hate with a violence impossible to me? Why you are as elemental as fire and wind and wild things...
— Gone With the Wind