
Young Writers Society

Wolf. (Closed)

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Fri Jul 11, 2014 9:10 pm
ForsakenAngel says...

Edit 7/18
Anyone looking to join must PM me.

Eight young teens have been injected with a strange experimental serum that allows them to transform into wolves at will. Soon after injection, the teens are sedated and dropped off on a secluded island where they are destined to spend the next year--alone. Hidden cameras have been set up across the island so the scientists can record the teenagers for their research. Every week a care package containing (barely) enough food for the eight is dropped off on the top of the mountain overlooking the rest of the island.

Over the next year, the teens will learn to control the beasts within them, discover the importance of having a pack, and most importantly, master the art of survival.

Spoiler! :
Other than being on a secluded island by themselves, there will be challenges that they will learn to face--as a pack or by themselves.

~Food Shortage: Despite the fact that the scientists send food once a week, food is still scarce. The care packages only contain enough food to last three days--four if rationed properly. They are sent so that the teens don't die of starvation during the first few months on the island, but the longer they remain alive, the less frequent they receive a package.

~Other Animals: This is the wild, and they aren't alone. Other animals exist on the island--snakes, wild cats, rabbits, etc. These may also be food sources, if one becomes desperate enough.

~The Pack: Obviously they will form a pack, it's inevitable. The strongest of them will become alpha. Lot's of fights will break out among them, and their tempers (which have been heightened with the wolf DNA) will make them want to show off their strengths and talents. Outdoing one another will be like a sport to them.

Spoiler! :
First come first serve. Max number of characters is two.

1. Donovan Kyle Thatcher-Fade
2. David Eugene Waters, Jr.-wtppowers
3. Eken Terrensone-Kanome
4. Leon Blair-Avalon

1. Sage Frost-ForsakenAngel
2. Eleri Morgan-LittleSister
3. Alexandra Steeler-Pinkiegirl13
4. Huyana Waya-AlmondEyes

Spoiler! :

Age: (13-19)

Description: (Pictures requested but not required)

Wolf: (Pictures and description of them as a wolf required)

Personality: (Minimum of four traits)

Trinkets: (All teens were permitted one small item--watch, ring, necklace, etc.

Other: (Any additional info that you feel needs to be shared)
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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116 Reviews

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Points: 1944
Reviews: 116
Sat Jul 19, 2014 12:09 am
ForsakenAngel says...

Sage Frost

My head felt fuzzy when I finally pried my eyes open, and every part of my body hurt. I felt disoriented and it took me a moment to realize why my skin was so cold and my body was in such an uncomfortable position. My face was pressed against the dirt as I stared sideways at the world, watching the trees sway around me. There was an exceptionally painful rock pressed against my hip bone, and for a second I thought about leaving it there and going back to sleep. Then my brain caught up with me and in an instant I was on my feet, surveying my surroundings.

The sky was lighting up above me, signaling that it was almost morning and that the sun was on its way. The sound of running water drifted to me from somewhere nearby, and part of me thought about going off in search of it. I wasn't sure how long I had been asleep, but my mouth felt dry and my lips were chap and pealing from the cold. As if to prove a point, a breeze blew through the trees, bringing little flurries of snow with it.

Huddling down into the thin jacket I had been given, I began to follow the sound of the water. My muscles screamed at me, sore from whatever I had experienced while I had been sleeping. I was pretty sure my legs and arms were bruised, and for a moment I wondered if they hadn't dropped me out of an airplane without a parachute. They were cruel enough--

My feet caught on something large and heavy below me, sending me face first into the leaves and dirt below. I groaned as I pushed myself up, glancing back to see what I had stumbled on, only to discover that it was a body. It grunted and then a pair of startled eyes turned to look at me. For a moment the two of us just stared at each other before they finally opened their mouth to speak.

"Did you just step on me?" They asked, pushing themselves into a sitting position and rubbing their side where my boot had gone.

"I'm sorry," I replied, pulling myself to my feet. "I wasn't watching where I was going. I'm Sage; who are you?"
Hakuna Matata <3
RIP to all my friends who didn’t make it.

Hop freight or get lost.

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Sat Jul 19, 2014 12:42 am
wtppowers says...

Dewey Waters

I'm wet. Wet, and freezing cold.

What am I doing here?

I could see what was going on around me. It was starting to snow. I tried to move, but I simply couldn't. So I just laid there. I knew that if I didn't get up soon, I'd probably freeze to death.

I slowly found the courage to move around, and eventually got a glimpse of my surroundings. There was a small stream beside me, with some strange fish flopping around inside it. There were trees around, but they may as well have been dead. The ground was starting to get white from the accumulating snow.

Suddenly, I heard a sound. Something was coming my way. And they were coming in fast. I feared for my life. I mean, I die on my first day... wherever I was. I couldn't even think about how I got here, or what had happened to me. I didn't want to die.

The sounds came closer, and I had to act fast. I found a spot where the ground dipped a few feet away from me. It was kind of like a trench, perfect for any violent attack. I crawled my way over to the trench and hid there. The thing was coming closer, and then I finally saw its shadow. It seemed small, maybe I could kill it before it could get at me...

When it came to the trench, I made my move. I sprang up, and tripped it. The creature went flying, but not before it gave me a good bruise on my rib. I was going to go after it, but something wasn't right. The thing had kicked me, but it felt... it felt...


I immediately looked at the person, who was sprawled on the ground in front of me. She got up and looked at me.

"Did you just step on me?" I asked her. She seemed shocked to seem me. But I swear I had seen her before, so she shouldn't be so shocked. She said her name was Sage, and asked me what my name was.

"I'm David. But everyone calls me Dewey. I wonder if there are any other people here..."

"I'm sure there are," Sage began, "it's not like-"

Suddenly we heard a screaming come from a long distance away.

"Let's go check it out," I told Sage, and I began walking towards it, hoping she'd be following.

I hope she comes with me. I don't want to be alone anymore.
Queen is the greatest band of all time.
I'll be on the radio some day.
I want you to be my friend.
My blog is right here!!!!

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Sat Jul 19, 2014 4:11 am
Kanome says...

Eken Terresone
Arriving on the Island

All Eken remembered was being captured and being injected with some form of liquid inside his body. He remembered turning into something gruesome, killing the people who captured him with his bare teeth, leaving them in cold blood. He didn’t understand why this has happened to him. Once he fell unconscious, he didn’t wake up until the next day. Where his life completely changed from then on.

The day where his new life began…

The sun beamed onto Eken’s face, making his body flinch slightly in the process of sleeping. He slowly opened one of his eyes, his bright purple reflecting against the burning sun. He sat up, feeling grain-like substance on the ground. As he looked at the ground, he noticed that he was lying in sand. “What the hell…?” Eken knew from where he was from, there was no beaches or oceans. He never lived on the coast before. Ever.

He stood up from the ground, observing what kind of environment he was in. He had a strange taste in his mouth that he can’t quite put his finger on what it was, but in his mind, he felt good about this strange taste being there. He stared at his clothing, which was torn from the edges, just like in the monsters movies that come on during Halloween. He also noticed blood on his arms, which confused him to why he would have blood on him even though he is not injured.

“What the hell happened to me?”

Eken thought of what could have caused him to be here. Alone; on an island that he has never seen before.

“Ah… I remember. Those damn scientists. I will kill them when I see them!”

Eken began to run quickly into the palm trees, trying to find some means of escaping. He believed that if he escaped, he can go back to his mother: the one person who he truly cares about, despite his violent nature. He stopped running, noticing a box that was sealed. He examined the box closely, which was rather large in width, but small in length. “It looks like one of those care packages they use for the military. I wonder if I can open it…” He placed his hands on the lid of the care package, and began lifting it up, taking off the lid in the process.

He saw what it looked like small portions of food, two water bottles, and he also noticed things that belonged to him personally: His violin case and a white pendant. He first picked up the pendant, placing it around his neck. “I thought I lost you…” He then picked up his violin case, which still had his beloved instrument inside. He stared at the food and water, wondering of how he was going to carry this with him. He had a thought, which was placing the food and water inside his case to where it can fit perfectly inside. “That should do it… now to find those goddamn scientists!”

He began to walk again, knowing what his mission was in order to get off the island. Alive.
Knight of the Green Room

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Sat Jul 19, 2014 5:11 am
KingLucifer says...

Leon Blair - Nightmares and Reality

Leon cradled the girl in his arms has tears streaked down his cheeks the girls eyes were closed and she drew no breath as her stomach was stained red. Leon moaned her name between fits of sobs desperately hoping she was still alive and just sleeping. But slowly he stopped and slowly laid her body down on the ground and stood turning to meet Him. Emotion was completely wiped from Leon's face as he slowly walked forward He just smiled almost laughing even. Leon attacked with emotionless and brutal fury.

Leon awoke to the smell of the sea and the hard sandy ground beneath him. He sat upright and looked around seeing the sea as it met the sky and the sun that had climbed into the sky. Then he remembered the scientists who injected him with something, something he wasn't sure of. But it possibly just put him to sleep for awhile until they sent him to, to who knows where. He looked out to sea and couldn't help but think that Jay would have loved the view right where he stood then he shook his head remembering his dream.

Leon walked toward the tree's but soon a scream filled the air and he recognized that scream it was all to familiar, it was Her he knew it has to be her. He broke out into a full sprint running straight for the source of the scream dodging tree's left and right with speed he never knew he had in him.

"Jay, Jay, it's me where are you?!" Leon called out to his thought to be dead sweetheart.

Thoughts ran though his mind one after the other Jaycee was dead shot in the stomach and killed by a gangster. He had held her in his arms as her life slowly bled away unable to stop her bleeding and save her from her inevitable fate. He stopped quickly scanning the woods around him searching for his dead girlfriend scanning the tree and area around him until someone finally appeared. A girl who looked nothing like his dead sweetheart and a guy with a serious hair problem Leon scanned once more before taking a deep breath and exhaling turning to face the new people putting on his friendliest face possible.

"Hiya!" he said with a smile.

"Who was screaming?" the girl asked.

"Yeah we heard screaming coming from this way," the guy said.

"I heard the same but I found no one, odd ain't it?" Leon said.

The two looked at each other, "yeah I'm Sage and he's David but most call him Dewey," she said.

"Leon but most people call me Wolf," he said, "those who are scared of me," but he didn't add that last part on.

But then someone else broke though the brush.
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

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Sat Jul 19, 2014 6:12 am
AlmondEyes says...


The smell of salty sea air and ice cold water startled me awake. Finding myself laying on my stomach, I pulled myself onto my knees, surveying the area around me. Thick vegetation jutted out before me about fifty yards away, lined by semi fine-sand that stuck to me in uncomfortable places. Then the smell of sea water hit me again and I began to dry heave. Deciding not to let that happen, I pulled myself onto shaky legs and staggered away from the shoreline, dashing into the trees.

Where the hell am I?

Stopping once to smell dissipated, I slowed my steps as I took in everything. In all honesty, being here didn't scare me. I'd lived in places like this since I was young and knew how to fend for myself. I knew hot to hunt, stalk, climb, build, and anything else you would need to know to live in a place like this. The problem was, I didn't know where this was. The last thing I remember was being stuck in the neck with something none too pleasantly, and then waking up here.

The sons of bitches who did this to me are going to pay when I find them.

Climbing up a nearby tree, I looked on as far as I could, trying to get my bearings. A scream cut through the air, almost making me lose my balance on the branch i'd perched myself on. I steadied myself before moving through the trees toward the sound. Slowing as I neared the spot, I crouched down, crawling as far as I could go, scanning the nearby area in search of who or what had made the scream, only to find some guy looking around. Probably trying to locate the sound as well, when two other people appeared.

"Hiya!" the boy smiled.

"Who was screaming?" the girl who appeared asked.

"Yeah we heard screaming coming from this way," the guy she'd come with said.

I heard rustling behind me, someone moving through the brush, though I couldn't see who. The others didn't seem to hear whoever it was that was coming. I decided to wait and see what would happen.

"I heard the same but I found no one, odd ain't it?" the one who'd been here earlier said.

The two who'd come together looked at each other, "Yeah I'm Sage and he's David but most call him Dewey," she said.

"Leon but most people call me Wolf," he said.

He sounded like he wanted to say something else, but held his tongue. Just then, the person stepped out and everyone turned to look.

Spoiler! :
I'd like to keep my character hidden for the time being. She'll be following along the way until she's ready to introduce herself. So for now, just think of her as your guardian angel xD
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."

A jury consists of twelve people who determine which client has the better lawyer.
— Robert Frost