
Young Writers Society

After Dark | Dead - Please Archive

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Sat May 17, 2014 8:41 am
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ScarlettFire says...

Welcome to the Real World, Kiddos. It's not very nice at all.

Plot: Welcome to small town of Waterville, Ireland. The town is a haven to the supernatural of all kinds, from vampires and mages to the Fair Folk. It's served as such for many years. Waterville is majority-owned and run by the Ginealach, or the Clan as many residents call it. Life is good in Waterville; non-supernaturals are looked after, and looked after well. They're also protected from forces outside of the little village.

The Ginealach sends clan members, also known as Guardians, out every year to seek indivuals, whether human, mage or otherwise, and bring them back to the Clan's home in Waterville. These "wards", as the Ginealach calls them, enjoy a semi-priveledged lifestyle. They are sent to school, taught how to hone their abilities, and eventually (especially the humans) are given the choice of becoming immortal or staying mortal. Some of them come from certain bloodlines that are more inclined to the Clan's abilities, and their lifestyle. Most of these wards, once of age, chose immortality, but the risks are high and not all make it through the transition.

Then a mysterious illness strikes the manor, incapacitating several Guardians and many Wards. No one knows the real source of it, although many suspect magic as the real culprit, and rumours among the Wards say that it might be coming from one of their own. Some say it's driven by forces outside Waterville and the Clan's reach, others say it's beyond understanding. But all agree; it's hurting the wards and the Ginealach. Who is behind the illness? What secrets will be uncovered? And why has the First been missing for so long?

- Usual YWS/SB rules.
- ALL posts must be readable, co-relate to previous posts and have correct spelling. That means no chat speak.
- 800 characters minimum or about 165 words for those of you using MS Word or other writing programs. Use this if you're not sure.
- Swearing; it's allowed just don't overdo it. And keep it reasonable; No F-bombs!
- Romance is allowed but no sex scenes; No one needs to read about details.
- Can claim up to 3 characters and No Characters Under 16--without permission.
- Fantasy creatures are not allowed. Supernatural are, but they're limited.
- Don't God-mod. Please, it's not fair. And no Mary/Gary Sues either. They annoy me.
- Please don't double post unless there have been no new posts for at least 24 hours.
- Please have a name and place at the top of each post. Such as Name | Place OR, for example; Mia | Town.
- Please do not kill another person's character without permission; it's unfair, and not to forget mentioning, godmodding. We really don't like that. And besides, no one likes it when they're randomly killed.
- All NON-SB posts to the DT please people.
- The SB is run by Me (ScarlettFire). Listen to me or I'll eat you.

Spoiler! :
There are very few races other than human in the world, and those include Mages, Vampires, Werewolves, and various others, including shapeshifters and faeries. The majority of those in the world and her various courties are human and have little to no magical powers, if any.

Humans: Humans can be found throughout the world and have little to no magic. Any magic they do have is limited and uncontrolled. Humans make wonderful soldiers, though.

Mages: Mages and humans are two sides of the same coin. Mages are usual humans with magical abilities. They sometimes wander the world or settle down in one place. There are Light and Dark mages, along with every shade between these extremes. Mages have magic in their veins, quite literally, while humans are usually magicless. They are similar to Sorcerers in many respects, but unlike Sorcerers, the magic often represents as psychical abnormalities such as unusual eye or hair colour, and sometimes even runes that appear naturally on the skin. It is also less dark than their Sorcerer brethen.

Sorcerers/Sorceresses: Unlike their human or mage cousins, Sorcerers or Sorceresses deal in the very dark magic. Like mages, they are born to their abilities and are literally made of magic, in a way. Their abilities are often things like necromancy, curses, hexes and the like; things to do with harming others. When a mage becomes a sorcerer, they lose any unusual eye or hair colour and distinctive markings. Some consider this option better than remaining a mage. Sorcerers are essentially mages who have gone rogue.

Vampires: Vampires are a kind of subspecies that derives from humans. They feed on blood and have no apparent weaknesses apart from sunlight, though beheading and then burning the body is known to work very well. They are mostly known for their cruelty and their thirst for blood and violence, though that's not always true. They govern themselves and rarely interfere in the affairs of others.

Rumour goes the first vampire was an ancient queen who was cursed by a young mage boy she sought to possess. Apparently he wasn't very keen on the idea and decided that a curse might help change the woman's mind. What he hadn't counted on was her finding a way to turn him several years after the curse had changed the young queen. Eternally young and beautiful, the woman-turned-vampire began to build an empire of immortals. When her only son died without leaving an heir, the reality of her new life hit her hard. She decided to set up a clan, or a
Ginealach as she called it, and began to watch over those who caught a vampire's attention. She became a ruler of sorts, guiding her kind with a gentle yet firm hand throughout the centires. Recently, a new elder vampire has appeared as the leader of the Ginealach. The first's location and wellbeing are unknown.

(Ginealach: Irish, means pedigree, lineage. Essientally describes all vampires originally from the First's lineage, her bloodline, though there are many smaller "clans" around now.)

Werewolves & Shapshifters: Werewolves are not the same as shifters. While both turn into animals, werewolves are usually tied to the moon's phases. They can change at will, but during a full moon, the change is forced on them and they can often be unpredictable, and especially violent. Also, the lore on them is pretty accurate. If a person is bitten, they become a werewolf themselves. Newly-bitten weres are especially violent, more so than one that's been a werewolf for a while. They're also extremely unpredictable. Female werewolves are also barren. Reproduction is male were and female human, or a female of any other species and/or sub-species that can be found. A male were and female were will produce nothing; the monthly change more often than not triggers a miscarriage, so there's really no point in trying in the first place. They have a severe allergic reaction to silver, but otherwise can heal almost any injury, excluding those that severely compromise their healing alibities. For example, silver posioning combined with a serious injury will most likely kill the were. Also, diseases and illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, neurological disorders, autoimmune disorders and STDs, among others, can severely compromise their healing abilities.

On the other hand, shifters are very different. They, like their werewolf cousins, can turn into animals, but their change is not tied to the moon's phases. They can switch forms at any time they wish, and like the werewolf, they can be violent and unpredictable, though it is to a lesser degree than their cousins. Unlike some lore that can be found, they do not pass on their ability by biting or sctraching another. Being a shape-shifter is genetic, and since they can reproduce with any difficulties related to their change, the chance of a miscarriage or barrenness is greatly reduced. Children born of shifter and non-shifter pairings have a 50% chance of being born a shifter or a human. Unlike the werewolf, shifters have less to worry about. Silver still causes an allergic reaction, but less so than a were's reaction. Most injuries will heal, though extremely severe ones will most likely kill a shifter. Like their werewolf cousins, diseases and illnesses such as the ones mentioned above can compromise a shifter's healing abilites.

The Fair Folk: The Fair Folk are a race of mysterious supernatural beings, also known as Faeries. To most people, they are made of legend and myth, and there is a lot of lore on them. Most agree on a few things; faeries are very beautiful, even so that it may be painful for human eyes, that they posses magic of various degrees, including glamour*, and they have a wicked, playful nature, prone to tricks and pranks. The lore also warns one off making a deal with a faerie; they will almost always try to find a way to turn the deal sour. Faeries are experts at this. They also most often must tell the truth, though they are excellent at dancing around it and hinting at it, giving you just enough truth so that they're not spilling their guts but enough riddles and mind-play that you can't tell the difference. In some lore, if you find out ther true name, they must grant you whatever you wish, and/or can be summoned if you call that name thrice (three times). A faerie will do everything in its power to keep this name hidden, and will often use a variety of aliases and nicknames.

They are weak against cold iron (or just iron, 'cold iron' is an archaic term for iron), some charms, certains herbs and trees/wood, especially rowan. They will try to avoid these at all times, especially the iron. Iron is like posion to the Fair Folk, and will melt their skin, bones, etc. Faeries also like to steal human children/babies and replace them with changelings. They also have a fondness for creative people; artists, muscians and the like, for they have no creativity of thier own (according to some lore/legends). They may also steal older people, most likely because the person has the Sight; a gift that allows them to see the Fair Folk, usually in their glamourless state. Faeries also live for a ridiculously long time, much like the vampire, despite their weakness (if either species were to manage to remain unharmed indefinitely, they would truly be immortal, though this is very hard to do), though there are reports of the Fair Folk simply ceasing to exist; for a faerie, to Fade is to cease to exist, and no sane faerie would wish to Fade.

* Glamour; a type of magic that allows a faerie to hide their true image behind a fascade made of pure magic. Iron will disrupt this magic, unless the faerie is very powerful. Weaker faeries and theri glamour will faulter and wilt under the poisonious effects of iron.

Fade/Fading; a state of being where the faerie or faeries ceases to exist. It is one of the few things a faerie truly fears, for when they fade, they are also forgotten. (And none wish to be forgotten, do they?)

- The First - NPC for the moment: please ask if you feel up to the challenge.
- Current Leader - Nicholas - Vampire - NPC (?).
- Guardian 1 - Emilian Magnus - Vampire - @ScarlettFire (Me).
- Guardian 2 - Oren - Faerie - @Leahweird.
- Guardian 3 - Caireen Reinvouth - Faerie (Seelie) - @SubtleSanity.
- Guardian 4 - Sheila Lyndon - Shifter - @pandabear7.
- Guardian 5 - Noah - Werewolf/Vampire hybrid - @AlmondEyes.
- Ward 1 - Walter Heenan - Vampire - @Shadowlight.
- Ward 2 - Brynn Taite - Mage - @ScarlettFire (Me).
- Ward 3 - Aida Murphy - Selkie - @StellaThomas.
- Ward 4 - Zana Auld - Sorceress - @Noelle.
- Ward 5 - Vincent Roth - Mage (Dark) - @queerelves.
- Anti-Bloodlines Leader - Damien Aú Veloré - Sorcerer/Shifter Hybrid - @Aquestioning.
- Anti-Bloodlines 1 - Caireen Reinvouth - Faerie (Seelie) - @SubtleSanity.
- Anti-Bloodlines 2 - Brie Bell - Vampire - @HighTop.
- Anti-Bloodlines 3 -
- Anti-Bloodlines 4 -
- Other/Solitary - Temperance Nightshade - Shifter/Mage Hybrid - @AlmondEyes.

Character Slots may be added/removed as needed.

Character Sheet:
Code: Select all
[b]Name:[/b] (First AND Last, if known)
[b]Age:[/b] (16+, please)
[b]Gender:[/b] (male or female, or other if applicable)
[b]Race:[/b] (Human, Vampire, etc)

[b]Appearance:[/b] (description and picture)

[b]Personality:[/b] (Include likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses)

[b]Flaws/Weaknesses:[/b] (You must have at least one)

[b]Power/s:[/b] (If you have one/any (mainly non-humans or vampires)

[b]History:[/b] (At least two four line paragraphs. And none of this “I don’t remember” stuff. Your character has a story, so give us a glimpse of it)

[b]Up For Love?[/b] (yes, no, orientation, conditions)

[b]Other:[/b] (Anything we’ve missed?)
Last edited by ScarlettFire on Tue Oct 07, 2014 10:48 am, edited 4 times in total.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Mon Jun 16, 2014 7:23 am
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Leahweird says...

The self-proclaimed Lord of the Wood lounged in one of his trees as if it were a comfortable chair. A ways away he could hear voices pitched excitedly, though not what they were saying. Oren dropped to the ground easily and padded over to the edge of the trees.

Peering from behind some branches, he could see a fellow guardian who was much more conscientious of his duty leading two young folk to the main house. One was clearly thrilled to be there, likely responsible for the noise that disturbed him, while the other was slumped dejectedly. That dynamic might prove interesting later.

Cautiously he stepped out of his claimed territory and into the open. Those two seemed to be the only newcomers, but he felt that it was time to check on some of the others.
He wasn't sure how long it had been since he last checked in, and perhaps something of note had taken place while he wasn't paying attention.

With one last glance around, he slowly worked his way across the grass to loiter around the doors.

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Tue Jun 17, 2014 3:50 am
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queerelves says...

Vincent Roth | Outside the Manor

It was well into the evening, cold, and windy; as far as Vince was concerned, it was the perfect time to take a walk. He lacked a jacket—or even a shirt with sleeves—but he had the most important thing: his flask.

He made his way through the woods, slowly but far from carefully, only stopping when he heard a noise coming from the clearing. Whooshing, crackling, footsteps. He swore quietly and sighed. Nothing about the noises sounded inviting, but he stomped towards them anyways.

Vince had a moment of panic when he saw fire: purple fire, red fire, fire a rather nice shade of teal. It took him too long to realize that it wasn't a forest fire, or even a terrifying trick of the light: it was Temperance—who may have been worse than a forest fire.

"Hey. Hey, Tempi." He tried to keep his voice quiet, but it was closer to a shout than a whisper; at best, it was a hiss. He staggered forward but didn't get more than a few feet before he yelped, saw a bright purple flame coming his way. His slurred reflexes didn't let him react until it had gotten close enough for him to feel the heat, but it didn't come any further. "Christ, don't kill me."

"That's what the hell you get for walking around in the forest at night, then shouting while I'm concentrating on my training, you dumb ass!" She came towards him, the purple flames engulfing her hands.

Vince waved his hand in the air, accidentally sloshed vodka from his flask. "No open flames within ten feet of me, I'll catch on fire." He chuckeled and took a swig of his drink.

"Maybe that's a sign you should drop the bottle or stop, drop, and roll." The flames receeded, forming a ball in her palm as she looked at him. "Your choice."

"Calm down, I'm not trying to rain on your firey parade." Vince laughed at his own joke, waited for a smile and sighed when he didn't get one. Temperance looked at him over the blazing flames, and Vince knew he wouldn't be getting that smile anytime soon.

"You broke my concentration. I hate when people break my concentration."

He shrugged. Under different circumstances he would have gotten frustrated, angry. He would have lashed out and fought back—but not now. The alcohol, when he drank enough of it, made him just passive enough to avoid throwing blows at everyone who made him mad. Instead, he said, casually, "Didn't mean to. Just out for a walk."

"A walk that could have ended with you being Barb-B-Que for the creatures that inhabit the forest," Temperance said frostily.

His frustration boiled, but he was tired enough, drunk enough, that all he wanted was to put an end to the situation and go insite. The cold was harsh, and it bit at his skin despite the fire that was close by. "Yeah, yeah. Didn't mean to." But he had already said the wrong thing.

Flames engulfed the flask he held, heating the metal and burning his hands. Vince's first reaction was to throw the flask, getting it as close to Temperance as he could. After he yelped, gasped, swore, he yelled, "Son of a bitch! What the hell is wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me?" she said, unflinching. "You walking around here drunk. You're lucky I knew it was you, or I would have roasted your ass like a marshamallow."

"And they said I had anger issues," Vince scoffed, and he knew the sting that his words would have. Her lip twitched at that, but Temperance said nothing. Vince smiled, took his opportunity and raised his fist to hit her. He ignored the pain, but, for once, didn't ignore the voice that told him that hitting her was a bad idea. His hands were burned, and he could barely keep his fingers wrapped into a fist.

There were better ways to get revenge this time.

"You wouldn't have landed that blow," Temperance said, taking Vince's hand in hers, but he yanked his hand back, put his best efforts into elbowing her in the jaw. She grabbed his elbow, twisting it behind his back. "Have some common sense, Vince. Throwing a bow at me isn't a smart thing to do while you're drunk."

"I'm always drunk; I win plenty of fights," he spat, bitter. "Now get the hell off of me."

"Not with with me you don't," She glared, "and if you'd stop acting like an idiot, I could have healed your hand."

"Do you really think I'd let my pride go for that?"

"I thought maybe you wouldn't be stupid. I guess we were both wrong." Temperance frowned.

Vince swore, screamed at her just a minute more before turning back in the direction he had came.
This account proudly supports lgbt* rights.

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Wed Jun 18, 2014 9:37 am
ScarlettFire says...

Emilian Magnus - Guadrian | Top of the Stairs Overlooking the Entryway:

Emil leaned against the bannister, one hand resting lightly on top of the other. Two of his fellow Guardians were downstairs, waiting just inside the doorway. He watched as a third Guardian ushered two young ones into the house. From where he was, Emil could tell the girl was human, a mage, but that the boy was a shifter. Specifically, a prey shifter. He couldn't tell what kind yet, but he was sure it'd be interesting to find out which one.

"That one is going to be trouble," Nicolas said from beside him. Emil glanced towards the older vampire. Tall, dark and handsome was definitely how to describe the current leader of the Clan. Nicolas turned towards him. "Keep an eye on him, will you?"

"How much trouble?" Emil asked, competely ignoring the other man's request. Nicolas turned to look at him and raised an eyebrow. "Alright, alright. I get it. I'll keep an eye on the new shifter kid."

Nicolas turned away again, frowning. Emil sighed, watching him for a moment before the older vampire pushed away from the bannister.

"How's Elsa?" he asked, turning to lean his hip against the bannister. Nicolas paused.

"Much the same," he replied with a sigh. "No change. Still sick."

"Damn," Emil muttered, turning away. Nicolas shrugged and headed back towards the Guardians' rooms on the first floor. Emil waited a moment before he, too, pushed off the bannister and then headed downstairs to greet the new wards.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Fri Jun 20, 2014 6:34 am
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NicoleBri says...

Sheila Lyndon-Guardian/shifter--Outside near the woods

Standing outside, I couldn't help but smell the sweet sweet smell of burnt wood. It was a little chilly out but nothing I couldn't handle. "Shey!" I heard a female yell. Twirling my hair, I walked back up to the manor. As I stepped in, Emilian was at the top of the stair well talking.

"How beautiful." I say as I walk past the stairs quietly to not be seen. There was a door under the stairs and that was where I stayed. I even had a bed there, I didn't quite move in like I was suppose to. "Miss Lyndon? Is that you?" a male asked. "Who's asking?" I question. "Well I heard someone say they saw a female slip into the door under the stairs.

"Well I am a Guardian. Please, let yourself out." I say and there he went. "I never get a break." I mumble.


After falling asleep, I awoke an hour later. My throat was hurting and I began to sneeze. This sort of scared me because I randomly feel ill. Immediately, I walk to the guardian room to speak with someone about this.
Words are a lens to focus one's mind.

- Ayn Rand

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Tue Jul 01, 2014 6:09 am
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Leahweird says...


Oren stood in the shadows glaring at the children who nearly set his trees on fire. He’d advanced on the situation the moment he sensed the flames, even if they were magic, but the two were already fighting with each other when he arrives. The two seemed oblivious to his vengeful presence while he debated what to do.

He made himself into a creature of fangs and claws in an effort to seem intimidating. He missed dealing with the boy though, as he stomped of. The girl swore at the space around, putting her hands on her hips and sighing. Her head turned slightly to the right.

"Are you just going to lurk about? Or come out and face me?" she turned around in Oren's general direction.

“I don't need to face you ” He snarled. "This is my forest. You need to explain what you're doing here."

She gave a little laugh. "Your forest, huh?"

Yes," He hissed, circling her. “It was mine long before these lands were claimed by mortals. I don't like children putting it in danger.”

"One, I'm not a child," she moved closer. "and two. You don't know what I'm doing, so you can stop right there and back it up."

Oren loomed over the girl, trying to impress on her how little he cared that she was a ward. If she hurt his trees his status as guardian would not stand in his way.

“Almost everyone is a child to me. And you were playing with fire.”

"Like I said," she raised her voice. "that doesn't make me a child, old man. Also, I don't play with fire, so don't tell me what I was doing."

Oren leaned in to show off his glamoured teeth. "I don't care what you think you were doing, or how careful and mature you think you are. I don't want any fire here."

"I couldn't give two shakes of a Rat's ass what you want," She growled, her canines lengthening, glinting in the moonlight. "I don't know how long you've been around, but I've been doing this here, in this spot, for years. Don't come over here acting like you know me from Eve, or what I was doing, because you don't. You can quit with that dumb ass Glamour too, because that crap doesn't work on me."

Oren blinked, indeed dropping the glamour.

"Not like that you weren't," he said, though he was far from sure. He was missing time again. It was entirely possible she'd been here every night while he'd been occupied elsewhere. But he was fairly sure it hadn't been so similar to those nasty fireworks before. Mostly sure.

"Tonight was a special occasion," she replied stonily.

"What could warrant that?" Oren wrinkled his nose.

"The idiot who just left," her lip twitched in irritation.

Oren glances in the direction the boy had stormed off in. "He is not a special occasion."

She rolled her eyes. "He pissed me off. I make poof poof with fire. Get it now?"

"I get it enough," he replied, drawing himself up to his full height though it was much less impressive in his true form. "You lost your temper and became a danger. You can see why I have cause for concern, can't you?"

"Yes, but what you don't see is that I have safe guards put up that would prevent the fire from ever reaching the tree line, and then more so to prevent them from spreading further should that ever happen." she sighed like she was talking to a child who wasn't getting the message.

"I do not trust your safe gaurds," Oren sniffed. "Not with something this important."

"I couldn't care less what you do or don't trust." she shrugged non-nonchalantly. "The wards I have set up have lasted for years and will continue to for years to come."

Oren eyed her. She seemed confident enough. Perhaps too much so. Still, she was making an effort to be careful, and he did approve of that.

"You may stay," he said, imperiously. "But if any trouble happens I will deal with you myself. Perhaps I will have you banished."

He very much doubted he had the clout to do that, but that was beside the point. Physical threats didn't appear to phase her.

She nodded her like she understood, but I doubted she was done. "Whether or not I have your permission doesn't matter in the least to me, because you have no authority over me, no matter what you think. I've lived here in these tree without any problems. No one bothers me, I don't bother them."

"And I have been here for centuries. I am the ultimate authority as far as these woods are concerned. Remember that."

"Remember that I don't give a damn," she replied, looking straight at me.

Oren simply shook his head and walked past her, just barely resisting the urge to shove her as he passed. He found himself a spot far enough away to not be spying, and endeavoured to stay focused. Nothing else would happen in his territory tonight as far as he was concerned.
Last edited by Leahweird on Tue Jul 01, 2014 9:07 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Tue Jul 01, 2014 6:45 am
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Carina says...

Emmeline Mansel

Emmeline stared out into the open window and into the night sky, taking in the view despite seeing it so many times before. The galaxy was chiseled in the dark abyss above, hanging there with each end every faraway speckle that most people would call stars. They were supposed to be a symbol of hope and desire, but Emmeline saw them as a symbol of the past. After all, the light emitting back to her was from many light-years ago, and it made her seem so small, so insignificant...

"Can't sleep?" a voice said from behind. Emmeline glanced back, but it was only Brie.
"Nah. It's much more peaceful when everyone is asleep. Better not waste it," she replied back half-heartedly, still looking out.
Brie chuckled, beginning to walk away. "You're really like an owl, you know," she said while yawning. "I'm going back to bed."

An owl...

"Hey, Brie?" she called out.
"If anyone asks, I'm on my usual spy run." In a blink of an eye, she shifted from her usual human, scraggly self to a majestic owl flying off into the distance.

Brie looked out the open window, smirking a bit. "Typical. So, so typical."

~ ~ ~

Emmeline took the high skies, letting the brisk night air whip around her ruffled feathers. Of course, she wasn't really going to spy on the Clan and the Guardians; she just needed some good fresh air before another pounding headache accompanied with a migraine disturb her again.

Abruptly, she angled her wings downwards to swoop in, pretending to be an owl catching a mouse which she liked to do time-to-time to amuse herself—it was so much more interesting than being in her measly human form, anyways—but a sudden gust of wind threw her off guard, and red flags seemed alert her night vision as she was heading straight towards some shrubs.

Oof! She landed on it with full power. Ugh, she really had to practice flying as an owl more.

Tufts of feathers flew out as she changed back to her human form with loose pieces of clothing, which she had learned to manipulate after many, many years of awkward shifts returning naked. "Damn, that really hurt," she grumbled, grasping her arm as she fumbled her way out of the shrubs.

Suddenly, in one quick motion, Emmeline was whipped around, being snatched by the shirt off of the ground to come face-to-face with a woman who didn't look too happy to see her. She looked as if she was on fire...literally. The woman had purple flames that swallowed her unoccupied hand to hold Emmeline off of the ground, straining her neck. Goddamn, this woman was strong.

"What the hell do you think you're doing here?" she asked in a manner so calm, it made the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end.

But still, Emmeline hides the intimidation. "What am I here? What are you doing here? You were in my way." Obviously this was very wrong and very untrue, but her stubborn side holds strong, and she sure wasn't going to tell this fiery woman her business.

The woman's glare fails to unease as her grip tightens. "I don't know what the hell you're doing here, but my temper's been warn way too damn thin tonight. I know you're not from here," she said. "Now, what the hell are you doing here? I won't ask again."

Irritated more than anything that this woman was so demanding, Emmeline slipped right through the woman's fingers and shifted into her sparrow bird form—a form she could definitely fly and escape in. And she did just that, whisking and flying away into the night sky with a smile that showed through her beak of how much she fooled that woman, but all of a sudden, WHAM, something hot and bright seared her wing.

Horrified-sounding squawks ripped the air, and Emmeline as the little bird slowly drifted down with a charred wing, once again landing near the shrubs. If one could understand bird language, obscenities and phrases similar to, "What the hell, you burned me! You burned me!" were thrown out.

"You should have answered the question, and this wouldn't have happened. I gave you a chance to answer me, but you didn't take it," the fiery woman answered back, shrugging as if it were nothing.

"That doesn't mean you burn people!" Emmeline cried out, letting the exasperation leak into her voice. "How am I going to go back now?" Signs of worry were laced into her voice, and for the first time since meeting this woman, she dropped the stony expression and showed fear—not of the woman, but of the siutation. Without working wings, she was as useless as a human.

"I told you my temper wasn't at it's best, and you didn't listen," the unnamed woman said, shrugging once again. "And as for how to get back, I don't know what to tell you. You could call someone."

Emmeline paused for a long, long time as the crickets filled in the silence. "I don't have anyone to call," she said dully and choppily as if it were words she was forced to throw up.

The firey woman sighed in agitation, running a firey hand through her empty hand and extinguishing the flames. Apathetic, she walk over to her and picked her up off the ground like she weighed nothing, setting her on her back.

"Just tell me where to go and I'll get you there," the woman said.

Despite the sudden generosity, Emmeline silently cursed to herself, knowing that that wouldn't work either. She could just tell her where the Anti-Bloodlines were. For all she knew, this woman—she didn't even know her name, for heaven's sake—could be part of the Clan.

"That way," she said without thinking, aimlessly pointing at some random direction.

The woman nodded, saying nothing as she began to walk, leaving Emmeline alone in her thoughts:

Why, oh why, did I have to go for a fly?
chaotic lazy

the queen of memes

secret supreme overlord of yws

saint carina, patron saint of rp

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Sun Jul 06, 2014 4:21 am
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AlmondEyes says...

Temperance|In the Forest

Spoiler! :
Finally the time has arrived for me to do my first post!! Enjoy you guys xD

What a damn dummy, I thought as Vincent stormed away. It was best to leave him alone right now and let him cool off. He was always a tad bit on the dense side when he got drunk. He also pissed me off even more, because he acted like more of an ass. When he realized it was me, he should have just left me alone. He knows how I get when someone breaks my focus. I hate it when people break my focus, especially when i'm on a roll. I get unpleasant. I ended up staying well through the day, and most of the night. I checked the time on my phone, realizing how late it actually was. I looked up at the now ripe moon, and sigh. Some one had been watching us. I didn't knwo for how long, but i guess it didn't really matter. I turn my head slightly to the right.

"Are you just going to lurk about? Or come out and face me?" I turned in the general vacinity of where I knew who ever it was had been perched up in the trees.

I'd come out to the little clearing i'd found and began using it as a place to practice. When I woke up this morning and had breakfast, I came here straight after, only meaning to spend a few hours here.

“I don't need to face you ” He snarled. "This is my forest. You need to explain what you're doing here."

I gave a lttle laugh. "Your forest, huh?"

"Yes," He hissed, circling me. “It was mine long before these lands were claimed by mortals. I don't like children putting it in danger.”

"One, I'm not a child," I moved closer. "and two. You don't know what I'm doing, so you can stop right there and back it up."

He loomed over me, trying to impress on me how little he cared.

“Almost everyone is a child to me. And you were playing with fire.”

He was starting to get on my nerves with his attitude.

"Like I said," she raised her voice. "that doesn't make me a child, old man. Also, I don't play with fire, so don't tell me what I was doing."

The old man leaned in to show off his glamoured teeth. "I don't care what you think you were doing, or how careful and mature you think you are. I don't want any fire here."

"I couldn't give two shakes of a Rat's ass what you want,"I growl, my canines lengthening, glinting in the moonlight. "I don't know how long you've been around, but I've been doing this here, in this spot, for years. Don't come over here acting like you know me from Eve, or what I was doing, because you don't. You can quit with that dumb ass Glamour too, because that crap doesn't work on me."

Oren blinked, indeed dropping the glamour.

"Not like that you weren't," he said, though he seemed far from sure.

"Tonight was a special occasion," I repliy stonily.

"What could warrant that?" he wrinkled his nose.

"The idiot who just left," my lip twitched in irritation.

The man glances in the direction Vincent had stormed off in. "He is not a special occasion."

She rolled her eyes. "He pissed me off. I make poof poof with fire. Get it now?"

"I get it enough," he replied, drawing himself up to his full height . "You lost your temper and became a danger. You can see why I have cause for concern, can't you?"

"Yes, but what you don't see is that I have safe guards put up that would prevent the fire from ever reaching the tree line, and then more so to prevent them from spreading further should that ever happen." I sighed like I was talking to a child who wasn't getting the message.

"I do not trust your safe guards," he sniffed. "Not with something this important."

"I couldn't care less what you do or don't trust." she shrugged non-nonchalantly. "The wards I have set up have lasted for years and will continue to for years to come."

What he didn't know, was that I always redrew the wards I had placed twice a week, though they could last for years. I lived in these woods and took every precaution I could.

He eyed me for a moment.

"You may stay," he said, imperiously. "But if any trouble happens I will deal with you myself. Perhaps I will have you banished."

I nodded like I understood, but I wasn't done I didn't give a damn who he was, how old he was, or power he thought he had over me. This was my home, and I would stay here, no matter who thought they could tell me otherwise"Whether or not I have your permission doesn't matter in the least to me, because you have no authority over me, no matter what you think. I've lived here in these tree without any problems. No one bothers me, I don't bother them."

"And I have been here for centuries. I am the ultimate authority as far as these woods are concerned. Remember that."

"Remember that I don't give a damn," I replied, looking straight at him..

The man simply shook his head and walked past me, and I barely tamped down the urge to stick my foot out of shove him as he walked by like some high and mighty ass. H e was finally gone off somewhere in his far too high horse, and I hope he fell off of it into Horse sh*t. I checked the time on my phone, realizing how late it actually was. I looked up at the now ripe moon, and sigh. I wasn't tired in the least, so I looked down at my weapons, picking a pair of Sai that looked particularly enticing. I gave them a quick go, throwing few swipes out and refamilairizing myself with the weight of them. It didn't take long before I was able to find my center, moving like i'd never stopped.

Early on when I started learning fire magic, I spelled my weapons to withstand fire to avoid destroying them. I had to learn the hard way that fire and metal didn't always get along very well. It was times like this that i'm happy I did so, cutting and slicing through the air with my multicolored flames lighting the way as I did. It was something that I always took pleasure in seeing. Then, once again, my concentration was broken by a ruckus nearby.

"What the hell is going on in the woods tonight?" I snap. "Dammit!"

I turn to go find out what the hell is going on this time.


How the hell did I end up in this mess? Walking through the forest with a girl whose name I don't even know, and her sending me on a wild Goose chase wasn't what I signed up for. I should have Bar-B-Qued her ass while I had the chance. None of this would be happening if she'd just answered my question the first i'd asked this, Then part of her wouldn't have been extra crispy from my flames. I gave her fair warning about my mood, and now this has happened. I'm not saying that none of this is my fault, but dammit.

I had no idea where we were going, and I had no idea why she was pointing in random locations. Why was she lying to me? She was wasting both of our time with this bull. Why?

Alright. This is f*cking stupid. I stop walking. "Why the hell are you lying to me?"

"I'm not lying," she said defiantly.

"If you're not lying, then you were purposefully leading me in circles," I snap. "for the fifth time."

She spoke softly at first, then transcended into choke. "Has it ever occurred to you that I don't have anywhere to go?"

"Has it ever occurred to you that I know you're lying?" I answer. "So why don't we try this again?"

Emmeline dropped the lying act, narrowing her eyes down at the ground. "I don't even know your name, lady. Why should I trust you?"

Not at any damn time.

"Because if I had wanted to kill you, you would be dead right now, and I also don't know your name either. Two for two."

"You can call me Emme."

"Tempi," I returned.

"What are you doing in the woods?"

"I told you what I was doing here." I shrugged. "To ask again would be redundant, I believe."

"But why the woods?"

"I could ask you the same thing." I say.

She would know if she were from around here, but since she's asking, she's not. I don't know what the hell she was doing here, but asking all of these questions made no sense to me. She also wasn't in any position to be asking.

She paused for a long, long time knowing that there was no way to go around this. "I can't tell you where I should be."

"Alright then," I drop her from my back."Then I can't help you."

"No, no, no," she says quickly. "Since you can detect lies, that's the truth. I can't tell you where I should be, so I'll tell you a place that I can be."

I didn't move to pick her up, but instead waited for her to explain. "My silence is your cue."

"Well..." She was really fumbling for words now. "What do you want me to say?"

"You said you would tell me where I could take you," I look at her like she's stupid. "I'm waiting."

"The highest tree in the forest," she said bitterly.

I roll my eyes and hoist her up before heading for the tree. We don't talk the entire way their, but thank the powers that be it didn't take too long. I set her down on the ground. "There you are."

She doesn't say anything but stare down at the ground, refusing to say or do anything.

"By the way, I can heal you." I told her.

Emmeline stared at her for a long while. "What?!" she bursts out, yelling. "And you tell me this now?"

"Yea..." I looked around, then back at her. "I actually just remembered, so..."

Wow am I a dumb ass. Who the hell forget they can heal people? Obviously me. I almost laughed at my own stupidity. When I thought about it later, I most likely would.

She took a deep and heavy breath as if she was breathing out the annoyance and irritation. "Well, what are you waiting for? Heal the burns you set on me." She nudged down to her singed arm and leg.

I rolled my eyes as I drop down to one knee beside her. Placing one hand on her leg and arm, I took a deep breath and concentrated on the energy around me, humming through the air like static electricity, building and building-

"Any day now," Emme griped, breaking concentration.

"Maybe if you closer your mouth and had some patience," I glare at her. "You broke my concentration.

"Oh," she said said like I had committed some atrocity that had offended her. "Excuse me."

I took another deep breath, waiting for the tell tale tingle that began in my palms and turned into a slow burn, spreading from my hands.

"Ow!" Emmeline yelped, taking her hands away in natural instinct. "That hurt. Why didn't you warn me?!" she yelled loudly. Being fragile-boned and vulnerable, it was understandable to see how she could be offended by the lack of warning.

"That's because I didn't realize this would happen. It's your negativity and attitude. If you would just relax, this would be a lot less painful." I glared.

"Alright, fine," she grumbled, letting her take her hand again.

I began again, letting the heat burn higher. Emmeline grit her teeth as she lets me heal her arm and leg. Screaming in pain, she tries to pull away once more, but the grip I had on her must have been stronger than I thought. I was so focused on getting this done, I was paying no attention to what was going on behind me. At the brink of being finished, I was wrenched away by two sets of hands and thrown to the ground. What the hell?

I dropped down into a vertical split, and slipped right between their fingers unexpectedly. Popping back up, I turned to face them, snarling wildly at them, and almost shifting on spot.

The fact that it was cold out only registered to me then, seeing my breath fan out in front of me as I huffed. "Someone wanna tell me what the hell is going on?"

The air around me thickened with something, becoming almost heavy with what felt like... Some darker kind of energy or magic. It made the short hairs on my body stand on end and my feline growl and snarl in fear, as well as outrage and fury. An enormous man stepped out in front of the other two, his eyes glowing Amber. Everything about this man said power. From the width of his huge shoulders to the bulging muscles I could see rippling throughout his body at this moment.

"That's what I'd like to know," the man rumbled in a voice so low it had me feeling... Odd.

Holy hell am I in some deep sh*t.
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."

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Sat Jul 19, 2014 4:39 am
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AlmondEyes says...


I watched as Nick paced the length of the room, hand rubbing his jaw. Something he did when he was deep in thought. The sound of his boots on the hardwood floor were one of the most familiar things about the man. He'd talked to Emilian earlier, and the news must not have been good. Some unknown illness has appeared and was making our people sick. We didn't know how it started, or where, or why. They weren't getting any better, but they weren't getting any worse once they were sick. Like they were in some kind of Suspended Animation.

"What are you thinking, Nick?" I sat forward in the swivel chair i'd been reclining in at the Oval table here in the Guardians' room, resting my elbows on my knees.

Nick stopped pacing to look at me and sigh. "I don't know what i'm thinking. Some mysterious illness has shown up out of the blue and no one knows anything about it. Even our healers are stumped."

Nick ran a hand through his hair and then scrubbed his face, and I finally noticed how tired he looked.

"How long has it been since you slept?" I stood up,leaning my hip against the desk.

"I don't really know." Nick grumbled.

I sighed. "Human or not, you need sleep old man."

"Don't worry about me, Noah. Worry about our people who are sick." Nick dropped his heavy body down into one of the chairs, causing the it to squeak in protest as he reclined.

"I am," I roll my eyes. "just not like you are. You worry too much, and you won't be of use to anyone. Old and senile people your age need their rest."

Nick barked a laugh. "You're not that much younger than me, so watch it."

I snort at him, slapping him on the shoulder as I pass him on the way out of the room. "Don't kid yourself."

"I could say the same to you!" he calls after me.

Just as I round on the stairs, two of my men come over to me. They were both still fledglings. I couldn't remember their names, but it would come to me eventually.

"Sir," one said. "I was told to let you know there was a motion sensor that was tripped a few minutes ago."

"Find Raphael and Joshua and tell them to meet me outside." I head out.


I stared at the woman in question, then looked down at Emme. "You ok?"

She stood up stiffly. "I'm fine."

"You sure?" I look back at the woman, hey eyes alight like a freshly lit flame, and they were the brightest i'd ever seen.

She snarled again as the wind picked up slightly, wafting her scent towards me. My nostrils flared as I caught her smell, and the Wolf in me howled. I grumbled low in my chest. "Who the hell are you, and what the hell are you doing here?"

"Giving her a lift," the woman snapped. "My job is done, i'm leaving."

She turned and walked away without another word, not even making a sound.

"Fiery little lass, Aye?" Joshua smirked.

Raph just laughed as they both turned to head back. I watched as she disappeared into the trees, then turn back to Emme as she walked past me. Seeing the burnt holes in her clothing, I stop her. "What the hell happened?"

"What hell happened with you?" she glared.

I glared back. "Don't bullshit me. I heard you on my way over here. You sounded like you were in pain."

"Oh yea?" she crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm in pain over this conversation right now."

I growled at her, and she stiffened. Instead of pushing her anymore, I decided to let it go. For now. I looked back in the direction that woman had disappeared in. I had her...unique, I should call, scent now. I could find her if I wished. The Wolf inside me howled again at the thought, which unsettled me. Emme took the opportunity and shuffled passed me. After a long second, I turned and took my leave as well.
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."

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Tue Oct 07, 2014 10:49 am
ScarlettFire says...

*bumps* This is dead.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Tue Oct 07, 2014 2:57 pm
AlmondEyes says...

Which sucks. I really liked this SB :(
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."

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Tue Oct 07, 2014 8:34 pm
NicoleBri says...

Sheila Lyndon

I felt my throat tense and that was enough for me. I had to run to the bathroom. I guess maybe it was the flu coming on which was something I never got.

My head went over the toilet and out it came. "Dammit!" I mumble under my breath.

Once. Twice. Three time and I was done. My stomach was quenching and it hurt so bad. I sighed and sat against the wall. "Sheila?" I heard someone say. It had to be one of the guardians, they were the only ones aloud back here.

"Are you okay?" they asked.

"Fine. Please leave me be. I need to get to bed." I tell whoever it is. I wait until the foot steps pass and I get up to go back to my room. I definitely was feeling under the weather.
Words are a lens to focus one's mind.

- Ayn Rand

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Wed Oct 08, 2014 5:37 am
ScarlettFire says...

@AlmondEyes I know, but it hasn't had activity for ages.

@NicoleBri this is dead, please don't post anything else.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Wed Oct 08, 2014 12:23 pm
NicoleBri says...

@ScarlettFire why don't you want to try and revive it?
Words are a lens to focus one's mind.

- Ayn Rand

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Wed Oct 08, 2014 12:28 pm
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ScarlettFire says...

Because I'm going to be really freaking busy while I write like mad to try and get my novel done by my Feb deadline so I can send it in to my publisher. That's important, because it means I'll be published. *falls over*
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

It takes as much imagination to create debt as to create income.
— Leandro Orr