
Young Writers Society

Jedibook | Permission Only - Starts August 16th

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Mon Apr 09, 2012 3:34 pm
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ScarlettFire says...

Welcome to a realm full of mysterious forces, ancient legends and heartbreaking betrayals.

Plot: Nearly a thousand years have passed since the war against the Sith, and peace has returned to the many galaxies of the universe. The Jedi have rebuilt their order and kept peace since that last war against the Sith, and have claimed a planet for their own, rebuilding their Temples and finding new children to raise and to teach in the ways of the Jedi, though their ways have changed a little since the time of the Old Empires. Ever since Emperor Palpatine was betrayed by his subordinate, Anakin Skywalker, or more well-known as ‘Darth Vader’, there have been no more Sith. And no more massacres of innocents.

Or so the Jedi thought.

There is a darkness rising in the far reaches of the universe, a force to rival their own. And it’s been influencing many, many people, species, planets and even entire galaxies. The fragile peace they’ve held for centuries now no longer seems so stable. War is now whispered throughout the universe, and it’s raging in a far-flung corner of the universe, between the planets Synaria and Asyteria in a galaxy known as the Syna-Teria System.

Now the Jedi have heard about the so-called war, and are planning on interfering--Only, they’re not meant to interfere.

And so, with the balance thrown to the Dark Side of the Force, yet again, their only hope is to find a group of new Jedi to train. Children of an ancient Prophecy, told long, long ago. However, the Sith are plotting something of their own, and are close on the tails of the Jedi. How will this story end? Which side of the Force will succeed this time, and which will fall? Only time will tell...but we all know how it will begin, don’t we?

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

- Usual YWS/SB rules.
- ALL NON-SB posts to the DT please people.
- ALL posts must be readable, co-relate to previous posts and have correct spelling. That means no chat speak.
- As this is Permission Only, please PM one of the co-mods of this SB or post in the DT BEFORE posting anything in the SB thread--especially a profile which has not been accepted or a comment that can go in the DT. Anything you do see posted has probably already been approved or is something myself (Scarlett) or Celtica are posting.
- 800 characters minimum or about 165 words for those of you using MS Word or other writing programs. Use this Wordcounttool if you're not sure.
- Swearing; it's allowed just don't overdo it. And keep it reasonable; No F-bombs!
- Romance is allowed but no sex scenes; No one needs to read about details.
- Can claim up to 3 characters and No Characters Under 14--without permission.
- Fantasy-esque and Sci-Fi creatures are allowed, but be reasonable. This is Star Wars at war, and lots of open universe, not LOTR (Lord Of The Rings)! There is bound to be some new species around, so feel free to create a race or world as you see fit.--as long as you discuss it with myself (Scarlett) or Celtica first.
- Please Don't God-mod. It's not fair. And no Mary/Gary Sues either. They annoy us.
- Please don't double post unless there have been no new posts for at least 24 hours.
- Please have a name and place at the top of each post. Such as
Name | Place OR, for example; Mia | Town.
- Please do not kill another person's character without permission; it's unfair, and not to forget mentioning, godmodding. We really don't like that. And besides, no one likes it when they're randomly killed.
- The SB is co-run by
Me (ScarlettFire) and CelticaNoir. Listen to us or we’ll either eat you or feed you to a Sarlacc. I don’t know which is worse, though. But hey, it’s your choice.

Important Links/ Info:

Use the following links for reference, if possible.



Original Planets, Races and Ships:
Spoiler! :
Emera: A planet devoted to training Jedi. Mostly forest and lakes with some grasslands. The main space-port is Almera, which happens to double as a Jedi Temple and training ground--in fact, the entire planet is a Jedi training ground, along with most of the others in the Yerria-Emera System.

Synaria: A war-devoted planet in the Syna-Teria system, trying to wipe out the Asyterians. Mostly rock, sand and some trees with a large ocean. The main city/space-port is Ayrns.

Asyteria: A mostly peaceful planet, also in the Syna-Teria system, currently at war with Synaria. Earth-like in climate and landscape. The main city/space-port is Asytern.

Altakian System: A small system of planets with a main space-port on Cryo. Normally neutral, depending on the current ruler’s disposition towards certain things. Currently under the control of a power-hungry, war-devoted leader by the name of Synas. Cryo is cold and covered in ice and snow.

The Arwen: An Emeran spacecraft in the control of the Emeran Jedi Forces. Sleek, faded grey in colour and fast. It’s a beautiful, large and very well-designed ship. (The Arwen is also the ship your character/s may end up on.)

Character Slots:
- Jedi Master - Claimed by ScarlettFire.
- Jedi Master - Claimed by JabberHut.
- Jedi Knight -
- Jedi (Padawan) - M - Sabine “Santa” Durand - Claimed by CelticaNoir.
- Jedi (Padawan) - F - Cassandra “Cassia” Farland - Claimed by ScarlettFire.
- Jedi (Padawan) - F - Skyy Kradres - Claimed by LoyalHeart.
- Sith Lord (Master) - M - Claimed by ItalianIlluminist.
- Sith Lord (Apprentice) - F - Claimed by ScarlettFire.
- Sith Lord (Master) -
- Sith Lord (Apprentice) -
- Other (Bounty Hunter) - Claimed by JabberHut.
- Other (Bounty Hunter/Rogue Force User) - Claimed by Ego.
- Other (Zabrak/Iridonian/Captain of the Arwen) - Niah Yolf - Claimed by Betheny.
- Other -

Character Slots may be added/removed as needed.

Character Sheet:
Code: Select all
[b]Name:[/b] (First AND Last, if known.)

[b]Age:[/b] (14+.)

[b]Gender:[/b] (Male, female, both or none? Depends on race.)

[b]Race:[/b] (Human, Other, etc.)

[b]Rank[/b] (Jedi, King/Queen/Emperor/Empress, Sith, etc.)

[b]Allegiance:[/b] (None, Self, Jedi, Sith, etc.)

[b]Appearance:[/b] (Description; at least a 100 words here.  AND a picture.)

[b]Personality:[/b] (Include likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses.)

[b]Flaws/Weaknesses:[/b] (You must have at least one.)

[b]Power/s:[/b] (If you have one/any. The Force if Jedi/Sith.)

[b]History:[/b] (At least two four line paragraphs or 250 words. And none of this “I don’t remember” stuff. Your character has a story, so give us a glimpse of it.)

[b]Up For Love?[/b] (Yes, no, orientation, conditions.)

[b]Other:[/b] (Anything we’ve missed?)

Link to DT: Click Me!
Last edited by ScarlettFire on Fri Aug 10, 2012 3:01 pm, edited 13 times in total.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Mon Apr 09, 2012 3:35 pm
CelticaNoir says...

Spot reserved~
I am the workingman, the inventor, the maker of the world's food and clothes.
I am the audience that witnesses history.
- Carl Sandburg, I am the People, the Mob

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Mon Apr 09, 2012 3:35 pm
ScarlettFire says...

Placeholder for Le Profiles~
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:05 pm
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Betheny says...

Scarli aproved :)

Name: Niah Yolf, Captain Yolf
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Race: Zabrak/Iridonian
Rank: Captain of The Arwen
Allegiance: Jedi

Appearance: Niah has pale tan skin and faded green eyes, her tattoos are simple and are unusually light in colour for her species. Her hair is a very light, mousey brown colour (bordering on blonde) which is about medium length usually tied up in a bun with some strands hanging loose. Niah’s vestigial horns are actually quite small in comparison to many others of her species, even the females, over which she wears a decretive item of jewellery silver in colour. She is approximately 5’9”, and weighs about nine stone in weight although she looks considerably thinner. Niah appears a very delicate and graceful creature.

Personality: She is very stereotypical of race in the fact that she is very single minded and determined to finish whatever she starts. Niah is also a very proud person, especially of her ship, and it’s dangerous that you knock this confidence she’ll only knock your confidence back, but not in a nasty way. She’ll make you doubt yourself sub-consciously.

Niah likes to tend to her ship making sure it still runs smoothly and that it looks as beautiful as it can be, but on the flip side she hates anyone who even speaks a word against The Arwen.

When it comes to strengths, Niah is a top shot with a blaster pistol as well as an awesome pilot regarding any space going vessel, and, for her, the bigger the better. Her main weakness is her love of The Arwen, most times she will feel more strongly about the ship than most other living organisms. The quickest way to her heart is through that ship, so if you want to severely cripple her you need to severely cripple the ship.

Flaws/Weaknesses: The main flaw clinging to Niah is an inability to understand the bonds that sentient beings tend to form, whether it is a friendship or a relationship, leaving her isolated and lonely.

Power/s: Like all Zabrak/Iridonians, Niah has an increased resistance to pain.

History: Niah was born and raised on Nar Shaddaa, right next to one of the many space ports. She had very few friends and even those she had she wasn’t very close to, they never had the same interest in the spaceships that she did and still has. Eventually she was left just about friendless which initiated her lack of understanding of sentient social and emotional bonds because she had none. By the time she was eight, her parents were an absence in her life, usually found down the local bar, which only deepened her detachment to everyone else around her.

At about twelve years old, Niah had discovered that she had a favourite ship that regularly frequented the docks, The Mire, a galactic republic cargo ship. After a few years the captain of The Mire began to notice this strange girl watching his ship and began to interact with her, talking with her and expanding her knowledge of how star ships actually work and the deeper mechanics behind them. Eventually, when she turned fifteen, Niah was invited to travel aboard The Mire as the captain’s second in command as she actually knew more about everything star ship that anyone else on his ship. A few months later, The Mire arrived at an in space docking station to pass on the supplies it was carrying where she was recruited to The Arwen much to the sadness of The Mire’s captain.

Despite her previous position on The Mire, Niah had to start at the bottom of the food chain and work her way back up to the top. In doing this Niah expanded her knowledge of star ships even further so that she knows every single in and out of how everything works on The Arwen.
Eventually she was presented with the position to be captain of The Arwen as her nineteenth birthday present, and she quickly became one of the best captains The Arwen has ever seen. As well as one of the youngest.

Up For Love? She’s straight and technically single but not looking for love, you might say she’s married to The Arwen.

Other: N/A

Here's a link to a page regarding her race: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Zabrak
Here's a link to a page regarding Nar Shaddaa: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Nar_Shaddaa
And this is what she looks like
imagesCAM56JZN.jpg (7.81 KiB) Viewed 6004 times
"The world existed to be read. And I read it." - L.S Schwartz, Ruined by Reading

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Sun Apr 22, 2012 2:58 pm
ScarlettFire says...

*bumps* If I get enough people, this should start by May 5th-ish.
"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Mon Apr 30, 2012 6:32 am
JabberHut says...

Well, I was starting to question it since no one else was posting. xD But here are my two profiles:

EDIT: Also, I won't be able to start posting until the 7th. Busy weekend!

Name: (First AND Last, if known.) DK-85

Age: (14+.) 83

Gender: (Male, female, both or none? Depends on race.) Designed with male anatomy.

Race: (Human, Other, etc.) Droid

Rank (Jedi, King/Queen/Emperor/Empress, Sith, etc.) Assassin Droid turned rogue.

Allegiance: (None, Self, Jedi, Sith, etc.) Self / None

Appearance: (Description; at least a 100 words here. AND a picture.) This assassin droid is, in actuality, a human replica droid. However, he has remained unfinished since he turned rogue during one of his creator’s testing runs with him. He has very pale, off-white skin now, and he wears black clothing. He has a red-colored energy powering his system which can be seen through his torn skin and his eyes, and his expression is always that of contempt and/or ferocity. The image doesn’t show, but he does carry a series of weapons, among them two vibroblades for dual dagger-play in melee combat and a man-made blaster on his hip.

Spoiler! :

Personality: (Include likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses.) DK-85 is an assassin HRD, so while he may have the emotional programming of a human, he prefers to not fluctuate his emotions as a human. He remains as sinister as he appears. Not only is that the only behavior he knows but because he finds joy in what he’s programmed to do: assassinate. Therefore, he hates cheerfulness and such happy emotions. He finds them incredibly annoying, mundane, and useless. Also annoying.

Assassin droids are specifically programmed to be more clever than your typical droids since the masters they serve can fluctuate. Thus, DK is certainly a clever assassin. He knows his job, though. He doesn’t care about politics or society. As long as he has a victim, he’ll know what to do. He is skilled in many if not all weapons as his computer systems can calculate all the information he needs in order to operate them efficiently. His preferred method of assassination is a single stab with a vibroblade.

Flaws/Weaknesses: (You must have at least one.) He’s heavy, so his agility is not as high as one would imagine an assassin to have. This would mean he’s not only heavy but also loud and, thus, sneaking around is not very easy, though it is possible. (It just takes more effort than he cares to admit.) Also as a droid, he behaves only to his prime objective, implying that he does not do well in taking orders from anyone and, thus, can be uncontrollable on the battlefield. Do not expect to team up well with him. Only the “master,” or the one who gives him his prime assassination objective, can tell him what to do. Additionally, he requires occasional maintenance to keep himself fit for future missions, so if he doesn’t keep up with it, he could slow down. Finally, he has an off-switch in his lower back, but no one knows this except himself and his creator. Who died.

Power/s: (If you have one/any. The Force if Jedi/Sith.) Just his weapons. Two vibroblades, a blaster, and a built-in blaster on his left arm, though this one is not as powerful as his man-made blaster.

History: (At least two four line paragraphs or 250 words. And none of this “I don’t remember” stuff. Your character has a story, so give us a glimpse of it.)

I don’t remember.

Jaykay. DK-85 started out as a HRD (Human Replica Droid), primarily designed and created by Dash Rendar. DK was not intended to become an assassin droid until a customer specifically requested the DK-85 to be made as such. Said customer was an undercover member of the Sith.

After modifications and some tests, Rendar felt he had finally perfected the model. Within its last stages, the DK-85 was sent into one final experimentation -- a test of the DK-85’s maximum strength. Unfortunately for Rendar, the DK-85 was too strong and too clever. Not only did it pass the test with flying colors, it didn’t stop when commanded to. The DK-85 had used all its energy into the battle, working up his adrenaline, mental capacity, and learning abilities enough to where he developed a sort of consciousness of his own. DK realized he was imprisoned by this professor and broke free from the laboratory. Rendar and his fellows managed to turn him off and adjust some of DK’s modifications, but time was up before another test could be made.

DK-85 worked for the Sith after that, and so the droid learned its sinister act(s) from them. However, Rendar’s final modifications did little to control DK’s learning module. Not only did DK-85 learn to develop a thirst for assassinating the enemy, he learned that he had no friends. How does one expect a computer to figure this one out but to turn on the Sith. After quite some destruction and many casualties, the DK was shut down once again and thrown out.

After a couple decades, the DK-85 was discovered by a young engineer working in the junkyard. He took the DK in with his many other mechanical experiments and friends, made his own adjustments, and put the DK-85 back into action. The DK was an improvement in his self-control, and he found he was confused by this boy’s compassion, but the boy’s master found this particular android too frightening to keep in his shop -- it scared away the customers! -- and so he sold it to the nearest hutt.

Ever since, DK-85 was commissioned as one of many Wubb the Hutt’s assassins. He did his job as well as he ever did, and he never once turned on his Master Wubb. His final mission from Wubb was to assassinate a Sith, however, which turned the tide for DK. The Sith talked the DK into doubting his Master Wubb’s intentions in hopes of saving his own skin, and while it seemed to be working, the DK eventually gave in to his prime objective and killed the Sith. However, he never returned to Wubb the Hutt after that. He was imprisoned and controlled when leading his own life could be much more... exciting.

DK-85 is not a rogue droid, has been one for a few decades, and doesn’t plan to side with anyone else.

Up For Love? (Yes, no, orientation, conditions.) ...No. Please, no.

Other: (Anything we’ve missed?) Nope!


Name: (First AND Last, if known.) Ardana Saron (Birth name: Ardanas’aron)

Age: 35

Gender: (Male, female, both or none? Depends on race.) Female

Race: (Human, Other, etc.) Twi’lek

Rank (Jedi, King/Queen/Emperor/Empress, Sith, etc.) Jedi Master

Allegiance: (None, Self, Jedi, Sith, etc.) Jedi

Appearance: (Description; at least a 100 words here. AND a picture.) Ardana is a rare Rutian Twi’lek, giving her many unique features from that of your typical human and even your typical Twi’lek. Rutian Twi’leks have blue skin, Ardana’s being a particularly cerulean color, and her eyes are an impressively light shade of green. As with all Twi’leks, Ardana has a pair of lekku, also known as “brain-tails” or “tchun-tchin” (term used by the Twi’leks), which are of an impressive length for a female, indicating respect and admiration from her own people. Finally, Ardana wears form-fitting clothing as most female Twi’leks do -- and considering this flirtatious aspect of her culture, Ardana’s dressed rather conservatively.

Spoiler! :

Personality: (Include likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses.) Ardana’s a skilled Jedi Master, rather obviously put. She can wield one or two sabers, though she prefers only one-handed swordsmanship so as to utilize other talents with her free hand. Nonetheless, she knows a couple styles of swordsmanship, as will be explained in her history. Ardana’s also quick and agile as expected of a Twi’lek.

She absolutely abhors sexism, as will be explained in her history. While she’s in full favor of equality, she will sometimes, without realizing, play devil’s advocate to encourage female roles in society or even accuse others of favoring males -- all depending on the situation.

As a person, Ardana can be summed up as quiet but deadly. She doesn’t smile more than the occasional smirk of amusement, relying on her Twi’lek skills in communication to portray her emotions. Characters will notice the occasional twitch or movement of her lekku. This indicates that she’s muttering something in Twi’leki, her native tongue, which consists of words as well as lekku movements.

She’s a born leader, but she stays out of conversation unless her input is absolutely required. She prefers to lead by example, and her answers are straight to the point. She relies on herself, her own knowledge, and is quite secretive since she doesn’t trust others all that much.

tl;dr -- quiet, down-to-business, deadly combatant, rigorous [self-]trainer, leader, supporter of equal rights, excellent communicator

Flaws/Weaknesses: (You must have at least one.) lulz. Well, she doesn’t talk unless she finds it significant pertaining to the discussion. She’s not one to make friends -- just acquaintances -- so her trust in others is flimsy at best. Being extremely independent is a fatal flaw during cooperative missions and team battles. She’s also very critical of others, but she doesn’t usually voice her concerns.

Power/s: (If you have one/any. The Force if Jedi/Sith.) The Force.

History: (At least two four line paragraphs or 250 words. And none of this “I don’t remember” stuff. Your character has a story, so give us a glimpse of it.) Born on Tatooine after many more enslaved Twi’leks were brought there over the millennia, dear little Ardana was, in fact, enslaved alongside her mother. Female Twi’leks are commonly used as such, even children, and she served Gooda the Hutt until she turned fourteen. She never met her father, but the moment he died, the two of them were sold to the nearest Hutt. The sight of her Master Veruna Panaka changed everything.

Master Panaka found her on one of his missions, requiring to speak with Gooda the Hutt. He had stumbled over her by accident and, initially, paid no heed to her and the other slaves. However, battle struck, and Ardana, out of self-defense, force-pushed the oncoming guard. After the battle storm settled, Master Panaka (unscathed) took on dear Ardana with her mother’s permission as his new padawan (by special permission of the Council and after the required testing -- all of which she passed after hardcore studying).

Jedi Padawan Ardana traveled with her Master for many years, tackling missions and quests together. Learning the history of the Jedi Order is understandably required, and ever since she has been told about Aayla Secura, Ardana has idolized the Jedi Master. Training picked up four times as usual, wanting to succeed as much as Master Secura had. This includes learning multiple styles of swordsmanship, studying languages and history, and tackling many missions by herself just as Master Secura all had.

She inevitably became a Jedi Master after many more independent missions, among them being diplomatic and cataclysmic. She fought pirates and smugglers, discussed treaties and politics, reformed governments, and rescued hundreds of lives. One of her most well-known achievements is winning the freedom of many slaves (motivated by freeing Twi’lek, yet resulting in more species’ freedoms as well) and organizing laws that confirm their freedom. (FYI: Twi’lek have never officially been declared free from slavery in the current Star Wars legacies. So in this case, Ardana is one of the founders of Twi’lek civil rights and suffrage, so to speak.)

Her next goal is to become Grand Master of the Jedi Council -- a rank that’s rightly difficult to achieve since only one or two have ever reigned at once.

Up For Love? (Yes, no, orientation, conditions.) Sure! Straight.

Other: (Anything we’ve missed?) Abilities besides the Force include: quickness, agility, fluent in many languages, an uncanny ability to learn languages.
I make my own policies.

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Wed May 16, 2012 4:30 am
ScarlettFire says...

Okay, as you can see. This is now in the SB Archives because it died on me. If you want to ask me about it or something, PM me. DO NOT POST HERE. If you want me to get it moved out of the Archives, PM ME, DO NOT POST ON THIS THREAD.


"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Thu Aug 02, 2012 10:49 am
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ScarlettFire says...

Double-posting, but whatever. This is now active again. If you want to join, PM me, ask via my profile wall or look for me in chat!

"With friends like you, who needs a medical license?" - Paimon, Aether's Heart

“It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission.” - Grace Hopper.

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Thu Aug 02, 2012 10:51 am
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KingLucifer says...

Placing a reserve post for a possible female padawan?
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

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Sat Aug 04, 2012 1:06 pm
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KingLucifer says...

Name: Skyy Kradres

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Rank: Currently Padawan

Allegiance: Jedi Order
Spoiler! :
This is Skyy.

Appearance: Skyy is shorter than most women, standing at about 4'7. Her Jedi tunic is a pure white and her hair is soft gold and short except for her braid. Her eyes are sea blue with spots of green, she has a normal complex and is olive looking skin, she weighs in a exactly hundred pounds. The only other thing she tends to wear is a small bracelet that has words written on it. “To stare death in the face it makes most panic those who stare it in the eye calmly redefines who they are and why they are there.”

Personality: Skyy is a smart and a clever girl. She has a mind for military stuff and she’s very good with strategy and combat. Tho she sooner uses the lightsaber at her waist than a blaster any day. Off the battle field she’s a kind, caring girl, who learns quite easily and is held in high regards among the other Padawans as if she were an old friend. She tends to train on her own when her Jedi master is not around at the time, normally taking extra classes at the temples.

Flaws/Weaknesses: Her main weakness is easily her arrogance tho she is knowledgeable in many things, and tends to follow Jedi code. She does get arrogant and cocky, when in combat and she believes she has the battle won. She’ll toy with her enemy believing they can’t do a thing to escape, tho she gets tongue tied easily around the one she has a crush on, making communication difficult. Most don’t see this her chats are with the guy are very rare due to both of being padawans and being taught by there masters. Her third and final weakness is the constant voices of temptation in her ear, ones that tempt her to join the Dark Side (Explained in history.)

Power/s: The Force

History: Skyy grew up on the plant of Tatooine she stayed there until she was just a few days from turning fourteen, when she was thirteen she discovered she could use the force. And she did so right in front of her parents unaware of what would happen after she blew her father against the wall when she high fived him. She was taken to Emera to be trained as a Jedi she met lots of people and even now her skills in battle and her knowledge are undeniable. She does sometimes long for her home into which she wishes to see her mom and dad once more and the two suns that she loves to see set every day, but now she has a friendly rivalry known as Cassandra “Cassia” Farland. But she has never said the name of her crush yet. But ever since her sensitivity to the force has been known, whispers of power and control have played in her ears. She doesn't know where they come from or what they might cause her to do, but one thing is for certain they can't be good. Now Skyy is but a week away from becoming a Jedi Knight she looks to settle things with Cassandra, before she becomes a Jedi Knight in one final clash to end there rivalry and see who truly has the strength to carry on within the Jedi Order. And admit her love to that special someone, and the revelation will be shocking indeed.

Up For Love? Aheck no, she has a crush on someone.

Other: (Anything we’ve missed?) Nope.
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

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Mon Aug 06, 2012 1:04 pm
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Caesar says...

Name: Travis Vassilij, or "Darth Cain"

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Rank: Sith Lord

Allegiance: Self, Family, his disciples

Appearance: He's a traditional-looking Sith. He wears a tight black shirt, pants, and highly-polished knee-length black boots. Over the shirt, he has a leather robe, split in the middle, which falls back like a cape, black with red insides, held in place by a red-and-silver sash, where he keeps his lightsaber. He also wears black arm-length 'gloves' that leave his shoulders uncovered, where he has several Sith symbols tattooed in black ink. The length of his gloves are to cover the network of scars and damaged skin tissue that cover his arms, due to his aggressive and persistent experimentation with Force Lightning. Like all Sith, his once black eyes lightened to a shade of pale gold when he turned nineteen, although his hair remains unchanged, albeit gelled to a side in a crest.


Personality: He grew up somewhat spoiled by his mother, but rigorously disciplined by his over-imposing father, who marked the course of his life and still looms like an ever-present shadow. He was taught the ways of the Sith, making Travis manipulative, and impulsive. However, he still remains a tad childish at heart, and has odd mood swings. He enjoys the respect, admiration, and more often fear others have in him. He likes commanding being in a crowd, although whenever he tries to genuinely make a friend, he always pulls back, his father's lessons coming back to him. "A Sith isn't supposed to be friendly, nor try to make friends. People are there to serve you." And so he does. He tries hard, although there are times where he's not so convinced of his methods.

Flaws/Weaknesses: Well, we've mentioned father issues, and there are times when he'll hesitate in carrying out a plan. He doesn't mind killing, stealing, or otherwise acting amorally, but he fears contradicting his father's orders teachings. His Force Lightning, whilst exceptionally powerful, is also dangerous to his health in the long run and quite painful in the shorter run.

Power/s: the Force

History: He grew up in a rich, upper-class family of politicians in Coruscant, so he was immediately involved in the whole decision-making business. At the age of five, he was shipped off for elite schooling. At the age of ten he began physical training and lessons in military strategy from his father.

During his early teen period, he rebelled somewhat, and often used his money and influence to travel around the Galaxy on his whims, at times seeking adventure and thrill, others relaxation. He frequently visited the Syna-Teria system, and is quite well-known in some areas of Asyteria. However, when he hit fifteen he began training in the way of the Dark Side with his father, and there was no time for travels. He was taught how to manipulate people's desires and emotions, or "sway a crowd", as his father put it.

It was then he began recruiting others to his cause, namely, the restoration of the glory of the Sith and, more specifically, the power of his family.

At seventeen, he was sent, alone, with a limited number of supplies, to Adega, where he forged his own lightsaber. Deciding it was time for more adventure, instead of returning directly to his family, he traveled to planets in the Outer Rim for "experience", as he later told his father.

When he returned, he set about acting as a politician and ambassador to other planets. It was in this period of time he met Cassandra Farland (who still calls him "Travis", to his partial annoyance) and later her master.

He now wishes to manipulate the growing conflict and political tension to his advantage.

Up For Love?: Why not, although he's somewhat fickle and unpredictable.

Other: He has a sister, Catherine, who acts more like a socialite, schooled by her mother.

His father, in Sith mode
vulgus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur

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Tue Aug 07, 2012 6:28 am
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Loller65 says...

Name: Stannis Vondar

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Race: Epicanthix

Rank Jedi Knight

Allegiance: Jedi

Appearance: Epicanthix are tall, and Stannis is no exception. Standing at seven feet, he towers over most of his opponents on the battlefield. Like most Epicanthix, he is tan and dark haired. He is also muscular, but this is not due solely to his heritage. He has trained himself physically to be a seriously tough opponent. He keeps his hair close cut, and tends to constantly have stubble as he is too lazy to shave every day. As for his dress, he is fond of simple leather tunics of any color, so long as he feels he can move freely in them while in combat.

Spoiler! :

Spoiler! :

Personality: Stannis believes himself to be a sort of determinator. he simply refuses to stop. He is headstrong to a tee, and loves combat, even going so far as to actively practice form VII, Vaapad. Whilst in combat, it becomes all he can focus on, and battles on relentlessly. Outside of combat, he is one of the more nosy Jedi, constantly wanting to know battle strategies and plans. He is talkative and will carry on a conversation with anyone, and tends to generally like most people, provided they are willing to put up with him. To those who do not know him, he can seem a shade arrogant and too self-assured in his abilities in the field. To an extent, this is true, he does know he is an excellent fighter, but he desperately tries not to let it bloat his ego.

Flaws/Weaknesses: Stannis is brash, and tends to either not care about or not realize the consequences of his actions. This can occasionally land him in a tight spot, where his reckless nature has him out manned and outgunned and in extreme danger. Also, due to his size, the small cockpit of a star fighter is nigh impossible for him to fit comfortably in, and as such is an absolutely terrible pilot, though he knows how to fly (barely) and can if he absolutely must, but he does despise it. Stannis is also not one for diplomacy and tact and talking things out. If left to his own devices, all matters of importance would be settled with a duel, in lieu of talking the situation out. His peers are concerned this attitude is going to send him into an early grave.

Power/s: The Force!!

History: As a child on Panatha, Stannis displayed Force-sensitivity from an early age. Once his parents recognized this ability, they promptly contacted the Order and had a knight come and evaluate their son's potential for a position as a Jedi knight. He was deemed as acceptable for entrance into the order and began his training immediately upon arriving at the headquarters on Coruscant. As a student of the Academy, he excelled in combat as was almost thought too aggressive when fighting to be a Jedi. However, he was accepted into the order under the condition his master would try to temper his temper.

As a padawan, he continued to excel in combat, though his master discovered that, due to his large stature stemming from his Epicanthix heritage, he would need a long-handle lightsaber. As his master was not proficient in such a weapon, he became another Jedi's padawan, and began to learn how to effectively use the weapon, eventually becoming proficient in in Vaapad with it. During his time as a padawan, he and his master gained a reputation across the galaxy due to dispensing their own unique brand of justice, one that more often than not involved the need to draw their sabers and fight, their preferred method of settling disputes.

Upon earning his Knighthood, Stannis began striving for his ultimate goal, attaining the rank of the Jedi Order's Battlemaster. He continued to practice regularly on his form, and began volunteering for combat operations whenever possible. When news of the conflict in the Syna-Teria system was reported, he was among the first to volunteer himself to help restore peace and order to that particular section of the galaxy.

Up For Love? Yeah, I guess. Straight.

Other: Not to my knowledge, but if worse comes to worse I can just edit this post if something springs to mind, right?
"There are no absolute rules of conduct, either in peace or war. Everything depends on circumstances."

-Leon Trotsky-

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Fri Aug 17, 2012 4:41 pm
Shadowlight says...

Spoiler! :
(hopefully this works well-- if I need to edit Scar or Celty- please just Pm me and I will gladly work something out. :3 )

Name: Trance (he has no last name.)

Age: 22

Gender: male

Race: He is a Re'em, a dimly humanoid Alien Race recently discovered in the last thirty years on a seemingly uninhabitable moon. And they have been up till now only viewed as animals, trainable like dogs but animals. They have no spoken language and are thought to be incapable of audible speech as other races use, but use many animalistic sounds which only solidified their view as animals. But now as this race has more contact with the rest of the Galaxy it is now known they are a proud and tribal people- resistant to the influence of the worlds around them, preferring their prehistoric lifestyle and customs.

Rank Recently promoted Jedi knight.

Allegiance: Jedi and his race

Appearance: Like all his race he is very human like and yet not. He is taller then a human- seven foot but with a lithe an willowy lean build. His face is very human but with stronger lines and angles- one might call it chiseled. He has a strong nose, a stronger jaw and devilish eyes. The skin tone of his race is a odd color- it is a human tan but frosted, as if the person has been in the cold for too long, the extremities are often blue tinged as are the lips. His eyes are a Autumn moon Orange and his hair is a fiery auburn which he wears long in a loose braid falling over one shoulder, loose strands of hair often frame his face. His physical appearance is in a word striking. But beyond all aforementioned characteristics it is the long frosty blue ringed tail that above all get him noticed. All his race sport a tail. It is a long thin prehensile affair ringed in the frosted blue of the lips and extremities. It is extremely sensitive and the Re'em are very proud of their tails and individuals within the culture are often judged on the length, strength and appearance of said tail. It is said the darker the blue rings the more virile a Re'em, and so dark tail rings are a sign of beauty.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Trance is very much the Alien version of Curious George. Trance cannot get enough of learning and observing EVERYTHING. To many he may seem very innocent and childlike, in awe of life and world around him, but watch him long enough and you will see the intelligent, ferocious Male Re'em he really is. He is quiet by nature, not easy to anger or to fight back- he would rather avoid confrontation, but when cornered he he shows his warriors colors. He is a light hearted young male, and has a stunning smile. He can usually find the good in everything and everybody and has told his masters that he would rather go through life laughing then crying. He is the kind of person who somehow manages to endear himself to all he comes into contact with, with his innocence and sweet temperament. This all being said he is a stubborn, doggedly loyal male who once you have his trust and friendship he would willingly die for you. He carries out his missions from the Jedi council with determination- no matter what stands in his way. His warriors will and moral code is not only that of the Jedi but that of his own people which makes him stunningly disciplined.

Flaws/Weaknesses: Trance has no ability of verbal communication, his people do not poses the vocal dexterity to speak out loud beyond animal like sounds- So in short he is mute. Trance can become too attached to people and feels loss very keenly. The Re'em are a very close knit people, and personal relationships are not easily broken. He needs to feel a part of a “tribe” as he is a social creature, and when alone for extend periods can become depressed or even destructive. He is innocent, and this can get him into trouble as he has little street smarts. But ironically enough his innocence often lets him do things others, more jaded, would think impossible.

Power/s: Trance has the ability of all his people of mind to mind communication- or Mind-talk as they call it or Mind-speech as the more civilized galaxy calls it. It takes time to touch another mind and begin to communicate so when he is just needing to say something quick he usually will write it down or type it out on his little handheld device-- Trance is a tech-geek. Because of his home planets natural habitat Trance is very agile and dextrous. He was nicknamed Monkey by one of his instructors at the academy and truly will live up to the nickname with some of his acrobatic antics. He of course can use the force and is a wizard with his twin light sabers as his physical build lends itself easily to swordsmanship.

History: Trance was born into a tiny tribe on the coast of a great lake. his tribe were fishermen and he grew up playing by the shores with his many brothers and sisters and innumerable cousins.
He had a uneventful childhood until age nine- when a small star cruiser crashed on the shores of the lake due to a malfunction in the engine shields due to impact with the asteroid belt surrounding the moon. Inside the cruiser were a diplomatic delegation from the planet the Re'em moon orbits. And along with the Delegation were the Jedi knights assigned to guard them. The Re'em tribe rescued crew from their burning ship and took them into their Village, where they cared for the wounded and buried the few who had been killed.

Trance was kept running errands for his Grandmother who was the sage and healer of their tribe and so he came into contact with the elder of the wounded Jedi- who took a liking to the gangly boy, and sensed potential,

After three weeks when all the crew of the downed ship were well enough to travel, the Re'em tribe took them to the others of their kind who ran a mining outpost- for the Moon was rich in mineral and ore deposits. The mining post was high into the mountains and and through the thick nearly impenetrable rainforest that covers the Re'em moon.

The Delegation shocked beyond words that the Re'em were actually sentient beings at once moved to send word to their home planet and to the council and began treaties with the tribal people. Several Re'em agreed to go to the planet and the Elder Jedi knight asked if he could take Trance to the academy, to train as a Jedi knight. The tribal elders agreed and Trance started his journey across the Galaxy to the rebuilt academy where he adapted easily to a very structured lifestyle.

The years went by quickly for him and training hard he quickly learned what was required. His Master was a seasoned Jedi who was as hard as nails but a good teacher and Trance thrived on their varied life. When his master died it was concluded that he was indeed old enough, and qualified to be a Knight, no longer a student. As of now he is teaching classes in the academy on mind-speech- trying to show the young-lings it is very much a form of the Force, just channeled differently.

Up For Love? Sure why not! And he is straight at they come.

Other: Trance is left hand dominant. He also has an addiction to sugary confections of any kind. And he likes his music loud and with a beat.
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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Thu Aug 23, 2012 11:05 am
TheClosetKidnapper says...

Name: Eli Arie

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Rank Sith Apprentice

Allegiance: Sith

Appearance: Eli has an average complexion, somewhere in between pale and bronze, with fair skin and a curved scar on the righthand corner of his forehead. He has amber, almost golden protruding or prominent shaped eyes, and sleek black hair with a single streak of metallic white on the side. His hair is cut short, but wavy and thick on the top. Eli is about 5'11'' with an average weight of approximately 150. He's thin, but has a slight muscular build that makes up for most of his weight. As for clothing, he prefers to wear a black sleeveless tunic with black pants tucked into his boots. He also has a black hooded cloak he wears whenever in the presence of a stranger.

His face:
Spoiler! :
Just with amber eyes and a metallic white streak on the side of his hair.

His clothing:
Spoiler! :
Just with a black tunic rather than the red shown above.

Personality: Eli is a skilled apprentice, though he knows he has much to learn. He's cocky and always questions what he can get out of a situation before acting. He is wise but often lets his emotions rule him, making him short tempered and quick to act. He prefers solitude and hates competition, though he feeds off of the latter more than he realizes. As much as he believes in what he's doing, he often times doubts and questions his actions in remembrance to a lost loved one (explained in history). He has a soft spot for the troubled and confused, and is against all authority with the exception of his Master.

Flaws/Weaknesses: He lacks complete confidence in himself. As stated above, he believes he is on the right side but often doubts or questions his actions due to previous teachings (explained in history).

Power/s: The Force.

History: Eli was born in the lower quadrents of Coruscant and raised by his half- brother Rian. His father, a worthless thief, chose fame and earnings over his children and left the two to fend for themselves at age seven. His mother disappeared soon after his birth as well, Rian's mother having passed in childbirth with a younger sibling which did not survive. Rian, a good ten years older than Eli, brought up his half-brother as if he was his own child. He became a small-scaled assassin to support Eli and dragged him around everywhere he went. Along the way, Eli and Rian heard of the ancient teachings of both the Jedi and the Sith and with them formed their own morals of which fell under neither category.
At the age of twelve, Eli was left in the care of a former Sith apprentice who concealed herself in the depths of the outer-rim, while Rian disappeared into riskier jobs requiring his full attention. During his stay, his benefactress taught him the ways of the Force and that of swordplay. Two years later, Eli could use the Force at will and put up a nasty battle with the pair of lightsabers given to him by his benefactress. Rian returned and outright showed his disapproval of the path Eli had taken. Before a choice could be given to him, Eli watched his brother slayed by an unknown being of whom his benefactress claimed was of Jedi rank. Rian died in his half-brother's arms and left Eli to fulfil his promise of revenge.
For the next year, Eli traveled across the many galaxies and used both the Force and Rian's skills in search of the man who killed his brother. He found the man on Rian's birthday, on his deathbed on Tatooine. Eli, instead of slaying the man like he first imagined, left the man to suffer instead of putting him out of his misery. Empty and without a purpose, Eli seeked out refuge among those like him and stumbled across news of recruitment of Sith on his home planet a year later. He set out for it and was accepted into the Order as an Apprentice.

Up For Love? Yes, straight.

Other: Not at the moment.
I'm never what I like
I'm double sided
And I just can't hide
I kind of like it
When I make you cry
'Cause I'm twisted up, twisted up

twenty one pilots

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you.
— Maya Angelou