
Young Writers Society

Digimon - Dawn of War

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Mon Jul 09, 2012 4:26 pm
Dynamo says...

Tyson was seventeen years old and went to St. Joseph High School. He lived in Washington DC with his mother, father, and two brothers. He was the oldest of the bunch, his two siblings were twins and attended the same middle school. His mother worked as a social worker and his father was a police officer. Tyson wanted to be like his father and join the force, too. As soon as he was out of high school he was going to apply to the police academy.

Tyson was 5'11, an average height for someone his age. He had short black hair and green eyes like his mother. He wore a blue Star Wars T-shirt, blue jeans that were starting to fade around the edges, and a new pair of white running shoes he had bought a few days ago. Winter was slowly creeping its way around the corner, so the days were starting to get colder. It wasn't cold enough for the school to turn on the heating yet, but Tyson brought his black leather jacket with him to each class so he could slip it on if it ever got too chilly. It was his favourite jacket, too. It was the same biker jacket Arnold Schwarzenegger wore in the movie Terminator 2. He bought it on a family trip to Universal Studios in Orlando, and he wore it any chance he got. His girlfriend didn't care for it too much, but she never pestered him about wearing the jacket.

Tyson wanted to jump with joy when the bell rang, signalling the end of school. The teacher was droning on and on about science stuff that he couldn't care less about. He might have fallen asleep at his desk if the bell didn't go off when it did. He gathered his things and filed out of the room with the rest of the students before heading to his locker.

As he walked down the hall he spotted a group of kids huddling around their lockers. One of them spotted Tyson, then whispered something to the rest of his friends that made them all look, too. They started muttering in hushed tones as Tyson walked by, but he didn't need to hear anything to know what it was they were talking about. There was a rumour going around that Stephanie, his girlfriend, was screwing around with other guys behind his back. The rumour had started a month ago, and it made Tyson mad every time he heard about it. He knew there wasn't a single grain of truth to the rumour, he knew Stephanie would never cheat on him. But after a month of hearing it over and over again there was a niggling doubt in the back of his head that wouldn't let it go.

He decided he had put it off long enough. He needed to know the truth, and he needed to hear it from his girlfriend's mouth. His locker was next to the computer lab, and a quick peek inside the room told him the lab was empty. He didn't want to have this conversation in public. He grabbed his backpack and closed his locker before taking his phone out of his pocket. As he went into the lab he sent Stephanie a text message that said, "Meet me in the computer lab. I need to ask you something."
Chicken <-- Egg <-- Rocket Powered Fist
Take that, science!

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Thu Jul 12, 2012 1:08 am
AyumiGosu17 says...

Stephanie was your average high school girl. She was sixteen, and she looked it. She kept her hair long and straight, even though the brown curtain was naturally curly, and she had bangs blocked off to hide her forehead and fall just to the line of her brow. She kept a thin layer of makeup on, with lightly bronzed cheeks, smoky brown shadow, and cotton-candy pink lips...that tasted like cotton candy. It was one of her favorites, a set of three flavored glosses - brown sugar, cotton candy, and peppermint. She almost always wore a scarf and jewelry set to match her look - blue, green, pink, red, violet, brown, gold, and white.

Stephanie had one older sister, who was out on the east coast, at Boston College. How fitting. Mom and dad didn't know, but Katrina had gotten a bit of a wild streak in her since she left. She never would admit it, but Stephanie knew all of her sister's secrets and personally envied her. She sounded like she was having a blast over there, more than 3000 miles away from home.

Stephanie was sitting at the back of the classroom. She hated history...why did it have to be her last class of the day? Most of the time, she would doodle on her notebook, drawing funny pictures or writing miniature poems or lyrics all over the front and back covers, and inside them when the covers were full, and other times she would browse the internet by hacking into the school's servers through her Smart-phone.

She was aware of the two girls to her side, whispering. She glanced up at them, catching their gazes hurriedly looking away. She had hear Tyson's name mentioned... It was probably the same old rumor that had circulating for the last couple weeks. She sighed, shaking her head, and continuing to browse her favorite website, Seventeen.com.

The bell rang, finally relieving her from the boredom, and she slipped out the back door into the hallway. She went to her locker and began to load her bag with all her books. That was her routine, anyway...ignore the lectures and just read when she got home. She felt her phone vibrate in her purse. It was from Tyson.

Meet me in the computer lab. I need to ask you something.

She frowned, puzzled, and shrugged. "Okay, then..." She slugged her bag up over her shoulders and began to walk up the hall, against the flow of students, and spotted the computer lab. She pushed the door open gently, peeking in. "Tyson? What's up?"
"Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery." Timothy 4:14 KJV

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Thu Jul 12, 2012 1:19 am
Dynamo says...

"Hey Stephanie," Tyson said when she came in. He couldn't quite meet her eyes, and a part of him wished he hadn't called her to the computer lab in the first place.

Stephanie noticed his unease and asked, "Tyson, what's the matter?"

Too late to back out now, he thought. There was no good way to ask her, so he decided to get it out and over with quickly, like ripping off a bandaid. "Stephanie, I need to know the truth from you. Have you been seeing other guys behind my back?"
Chicken <-- Egg <-- Rocket Powered Fist
Take that, science!

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Sat Jul 21, 2012 8:07 pm
AyumiGosu17 says...

Stephanie stared at him for a moment, his words sinking in and hitting her like a punch. She felt her mouth open slightly in shock, her gaze hardening coldly.

"Excuse me?" she asked bluntly, harshly.

"You heard me."

"Who do you think I am?" she whispered, beginning to shake in fury and heartbreak. "A cheerleader? One of those rich girls that can have anything and anyone they want? Is that what I am to you? A wanna-be popular-girl who's forgotten her sense of morality?!" She inhaled and let it go sharply, looking away from him as tears came to her eyes. "We've been together how long, and you just now begin to question the trust in our relationship? Question my loyalty?!"

She sniffled, wiping at her face and smearing the thin coat of makeup. Tyson spoke softly. "Steph, it's hard... It's really hard when half the school is talking about you."

"Well, the school can go to hell! And you can to, if that's how you feel about it. If two years hasn't taught you to trust me that I would never betray you, then I don't know if we can keep going! I really don't."
"Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery." Timothy 4:14 KJV

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Mon Jul 23, 2012 2:11 pm
Dynamo says...

Her words hit him like a bullet piercing his heart. "Wait, what?"

"You heard me, Tyson." Stephanie's eyes radiated with fury, but through it there was pain and sadness. "You're not the only one who's been suffering from this rumour. How do you think I feel having the whole school spreading lies about me behind my back? I was able to handle it for this long because I thought you trusted me enough to know that's all that they were, lies. If you can't even trust me, then I think it's time we cut this off."

"Stephanie, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to question your loyalty, I just... I just wanted to hear the truth from you." What had he done? He never intended to drive this wedge between them. All he wanted was to hear the truth from his girlfriend's own mouth to put his heart at rest. Now he was losing his girlfriend over a stupid rumour.

Stephanie shook her head. "I'm sorry, Tyson. We can't go on like this, not if you can't trust me."

She turned and reached for the door. As Tyson reached a hand out to stop her, a loud crackle from one of the computers caused them both to stop in their tracks. They turned and found one of the computers in the row closest to the door had turned on. The screen flashed red and white as it displayed some kind of strange code. The device beeped and whirred like its hardware was on hyperdrive.

"...I thought all the computers were shut off," Tyson said. He glance at Stephanie and noticed she was just as baffled as he was. Absently, they both walked over to the computer to investigate. The fight they just had seemed to fade from their memory as they watched the computer continue shooting out its code.

"What is it doing?" Stephanie asked. "I've never seen any of the computers do this before."

"Maybe it's a virus," Tyson suggested as he switched off the computer's power switch. Strangely, the computer didn't turn off. "That's weird."

"Maybe we should get one of the teachers to look at it," Stephanie suggested.

The screen suddenly flashed with a light bright enough to sear retinas. They both used their arms to shield their eyes from the light as the computer hummed and vibrated. Tyson felt something press against his palm. His hand closed around it out of instinct, and the moment it did the light faded. Tyson lower his arm and saw a a strange looking device in his hand. It was light blue with rounded edges an a short stubby antenna sticking out from the corner. The screen in the middle displayed the same random code as the computer. There were three buttons next to the screen, but when he pressed them nothing happened. When Tyson turned to Stephanie he saw she was also holding a device, only hers was light purple.

"What the..." Tyson started to say, but was cut off when the computer screen started flashing again. The devices in their hands started beeping, their screens glowing as well. Two beams of light shot out of the computer screen and connected with the devices. The devices dissolved into particles that were sucked into the screen, along with their arms. The rest of their bodies followed, and before they could react or try to scream, they were gone...
Chicken <-- Egg <-- Rocket Powered Fist
Take that, science!

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Thu Oct 11, 2012 2:10 pm
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Dynamo says...

He felt as though he had been asleep for ages as awoke. When he opened his eyes he was met with a blast of sunlight. It took him a moment to let his eyes adjust to the light, and when they finally did he realised he was outside.

Tyson lay on his back. Looking around he discovered he was surrounded by grass and trees. When had he gone outside? The last thing he could remember was having that fight with Stephanie, then seeing one of the computers malfunction. After that everything was a blur.

He returned his gaze skyward as he tried to piece together whatever happened to him in that lab. His train of thought stopped, however, when something in the sky caught his eye. He rubbed his eyes for a moment because he wasn't sure if he was really seeing what he thought he was seeing. Looking again, he realised it wasn't his imagination. The sky was... different. He swore he saw designs in the sky behind the clouds and the blue tone of the atmosphere. It looked like some intricate circuit board, faded enough behind the blue to be missed at a first glance.

He shook his head as he got to his feet. Maybe he was sick, maybe his mind was playing tricks on him. He needed to get home and rest, maybe get his mom to get him an appointment with the doctor. As he looked around to get his bearings he nearly tripped over what he thought was a root sticking out of the ground. But when he looked down he saw it wasn't a root at all, but a cable. Looking around he saw even more cables, all of them popping in and out of the ground like a jumbled mess of uprooted tree roots all over the forest. Then he saw a fallen tree, but instead of roots in the bottom of it there were two metal prongs sticking out of what looked like a metal base. Just a few feet away from it was a large round outlet in the ground where Tyson assumed the tree had originally stood.

"Where am I? What is this place?" Tyson felt a panic attack approaching, but before it could take hold he was distracted by a high-pitched beeping. Looking down he saw a light blue device by his feet, and just seeing it made him remember being sucked into the computer. Reaching down he grabbed the device and examined it closer. The screen blinked and flashed with strange lines of data as the device itself seemed to vibrate in his hand.

The device let out a sudden metallic screech that startled Tyson and caused him to drop it. It tumbled back onto the ground as the screen gave a sudden flash of bright light. A beam shot skyward from the screen, followed by a stream of numbers and symbols. The data coiled and curled in the air above the device until it created an egg-like shape. The data turned into a wire frame, which started to radiate with bright light. After a few moments the light faded, and before Tyson floated a white egg with two horizontal yellow stripes.

Tyson stood stunned, completely speechless at the sight he had just witnessed. It was the largest egg he had ever seen. For a moment he thought it might be some kind of ostrich egg, then realised it was far too big to even be that. It looked big enough that he'd at least need a whole arm to cradle it in order to carry it.

As he stared at the egg he felt some kind of longing for it. He wanted to hold it, to feel the weight of it in his arms. Tentatively he stepped forward and reached out for it. He took it with both hands and brought it to his chest. It was warm to the touch, and it felt like something was moving inside. He felt content and happy as he held the egg, as if it had been made just for him. At that moment he knew he wouldn't let anything happen to it.

He glanced down at the device that still lay on the ground. He cradled the egg in his left arm to free up his right so he could reach down and grab it. The screen that had originally displayed nothing but nonsensical code and symbols now had a single 16-bit image of an egg.

"If have no idea what's going on. Man, wait until Stephanie hears abou-" He stopped in mid-sentence, realised Stephanie had been sucked into the computer just like he had. "Stephanie!" He looked around but couldn't see her anywhere. He had to find her. He tucked the device into his jacket pocket and shifted his egg so he could hold it with both arms. "Stephanie, where are you?" he shouted as he dashed further into the forest.
Chicken <-- Egg <-- Rocket Powered Fist
Take that, science!

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Sat Oct 13, 2012 5:14 pm
AyumiGosu17 says...

Stephanie moaned, her head rolling to the side softly. She sighed as she felt the brush of grass against her face.

Grass?! she realized, forcing her eyes open. She blinked until her vision was clear, and she looked around her. She was lying partially on her back, a little sprawled out, in a clearing. The grass extended forever, even beyond the trees and their strange roots, if you could even call them roots. They looked like cables of some kind, like those you plug into power sockets. She pushed herself up into a sitting position, studying the area around her. The forest seemed endless.

"Tyson? Tyson, are you there?" she called. There was no answer. "Come on, Tyson, this isn't funny! Where did you take me?! Tyson!"

Something beeped near her, and she gasped, looking down. The purple remote-thing was by her side, screen up. Words and codes were scrolling across the screen rapidly. She frowned, picking it up and trying to read it, but it was too fast, and foreign.

"What the hell...?" she whispered, hesitantly touching one of the three buttons. Nothing happened at first, then it screeched, hurting her ears. She cried out, dropping it and covering her ears with her hands. She gasped, then remembered the computer's screen and the pigments dissolving away to vanish into the screen... "Am I...inside the computer?"

A flash of light drew her attention back to the device. She watched, amazed, as an egg began to take shape on the screen, with an exact replica forming midair over the remote. Her eyes widened as the final coat encased the egg, the shell white with purple, perfectly round spots adorning it.

"Is this...for me?" she asked it, knowing it wouldn't be able to answer her. She reached out to touch it, half expecting it to just be a hologram; her fingers touched it, and her heart melted. She smiled softly, wrapping both hands carefully around it and pulling it to her. She gasped, cradling it like a small child. It was large enough to be a newborn baby, and that baffled her. "What are you?"

She looked up and around the woods again. "Tyson?" she called again. "I wonder where he is... I hope he's okay..." She shifted and rose to her feet, cradling the egg in one arm and grabbing the device with her free hand. She began to walk.
"Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery." Timothy 4:14 KJV

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Mon Oct 15, 2012 2:31 pm
Dynamo says...

"Stephanie? Stephanie, where are you?"

"Tyson, is that you?" Stephanie called when she heard the boy's voice. "I'm over here!"

"Don't move, I'll come to you!"

She waited a bit as she Tyson waded his way through the brush and into the tiny clearing. Right away she noticed the egg in his arm. It was the same size as hers, but instead of purple dots his had two yellow stripes.

"Good, you're safe," Tyson said, his face relaxing with relief. "I thought something might have happened to you." He then noticed the egg in the girl's hands. "You got one, too?"

She nodded. "It just came out of that remote-thing we got from the computer." Frowning, she said, "Tyson, where are we? Where did you take me?"

"Me? I didn't take us anywhere. I'm just as confused as you are," he said defensively before rubbing his eyes. "Look, I don't know where we are, but we've got to find some way out of this forest. Maybe we can find someone who can help us get back-" He paused, looked down at the egg in his arm.

"What's wrong?" Stephanie asked.

"My egg, it's moving. I mean, it was moving before, but now its shaking."

Stephanie's egg started to do the same. Looking at it, she said, "So is mine. Do you think they're about to hatch?"

"Maybe." Tyson knelt down and gently placed his egg on the ground. Stephanie did the same, and together they watched the eggs move about as whatever was inside started making small keening noises.

"What do you think is going to hatch from these eggs?" Stephanie asked.

Tyson shook his head. "I don't know, but I think we're about to find out."

They watched in awe as the shells started to crack. Little by little the cracks grew and the keening within got louder. With one strong push the newborn creatures broke free, and the rest of the egg shell shattered around them.

The one that came out of Tyson's egg looked like some round red gelatinous ball with eyes. It had three feeler-like things growing out of its head. The one that came out of Stephanie's egg was a ball of blueish-purple fur with a patch of white fur around its jagged mouth. It had two cat-like ears.

They keened as they hopped over to their respective owners and rubbed their faces affectionately against Stephanie and Tyson's knees.
Chicken <-- Egg <-- Rocket Powered Fist
Take that, science!

You can't blame the writer for what the characters say.
— Truman Capote