
Young Writers Society

Listen To My Thoughts, Even When Speaking

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Sun Dec 25, 2011 12:48 pm
Abid155 says...

Can I Borrow Your Ear For A Moment? 

She said: 

"Listen to the recollection of all the memories of my past relationships
Allow your eyes to make me feel precious as a lunar eclipse 
Answer the questions of my life with silence, allow me to engage you in a conversation without naming drugs,bitches or violence 
I don't want a angel or a push over 
Just a man who elegantly drives 
his love in my heart like a blissful chauffeur 

You don’t need to remove my issues and make my mistakes right.
Even the earth permits the sun to sit 
in the darkness at night.
I'm bright when alone, 
I just need you to be there. 
Just enough support and care for me to be aware of the freedom
you allow me to posses like air
Be here when I don’t know it
Love me, even when 
i don't want to show it
Allow us to be the passengers of love which travels
around this world Like a orbit 
Be the beat of my pulse, the light which allows my eyes to glow 
Take me to burrows of your borough 
And show me where you grew up 
to have such a tender soul 

I just want to know that I can count on you,
So as i plus you like math to the equation of my life. 
Remove the fractions and multiply 
our feelings which can only equal to an invaluable price.

Co-write the story of my decsions 
When you direct me
tattoo yourself to my wishes 
so I can reserve you into my dreams
Sleep with me so we can share the same dream
let me be the woman worth waking up to when 
you awake from your sleep
Sew me into the fabric of your fantasies, but hold me until we reach the climatic altitude of reality 

Send me a lulled stare 
as you transport your thoughts 
with such tender flair
Talk to me with a kiss 
Miss me even when I'm with you
Allow us to reach an eternal bliss 

Resist the enticement to touch me and yet still caress me
switch your working hands to be gentle
Endorse me, treat my body like a temple 

Devote within my roof as I take you through a spiritual adventure
allow our past to be the guide to our future
Allow our bodies to experiance warmth at the coldest degree 
As you Stand in the next room 
And yet have the same notion 
so you can still feel me 

Rehearse me like poetry 
when you picture me into existence
Yet still give me space so we can still keep a admirable emotion 
even when distant

With love my honour falls 
into your trust 
So Make me your adjective 
and effortlessly describe us."

She wanted me to listen
Thank God That I did. 
Last edited by Abid155 on Wed Jan 11, 2012 12:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Mon Dec 26, 2011 11:18 pm
creativityrules says...

Hello there, Abid! Rose here to review!

I really like this piece, although it is a bit wordy for my taste. My favorite parts of it are the charming little details that you slipped in here and there. They really made this piece worth reading.

Just a man who elegantly drives
his love in my heart like a blissful chauffeur.


Even the earth permits the sun to sit
in the darkness at night.

If I had any advice for you pertaining to bettering this piece, it would be to make sure that it's clear throughout the entire poem that the person saying the poem is female. I understand that you started off the poem with "She said," but I feel like there needs to be more femininity in the tone of this piece. If I were you, I would think about how to convey the feelings in this piece in a softer way.

When it comes to creating pieces about love, the writer is always walking the fine line between refreshing love and overly sweet, sappy love. One of the main reasons I love this piece is because it hasn't fallen into the overly sweet rut that many pieces have. So when I say to make this piece softer, I don't mean to make it sweeter. I just want to feel more like I'm listening to someone talking rather than poetry.

Allow us to be the passengers of love which travels
around this world like an orbit.

See what I mean? I can't really see somebody saying this. Personally, I find thoughts like these running through my mind all of the time, but I don't talk the way I think. If you simplified this just a tad, I would absolutely adore it.

Always keep writing, Abid! :D

“...it's better to feel the ache inside me like demons scratching at my heart than it is to feel numb the way a dead body feels when you touch it."

-Brian James

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Tue Jan 10, 2012 8:43 pm
BluesClues says...

Once again, good job with the rhyme scheme - so subtle that it's hardly noticeable, and yet it's there and not awkward (except for the "chauffeur" line, I found that a bit weird).

I do think, however, that you need to break up the lines a bit more in the beginning - that first full stanza was awfully wordy. I'm okay with long poems, but a lot of long lines in a row like that is too much. I felt out of breath just reading it! Don't be afraid to whittle lines down or too break them up more - you did start doing that later in the poem, which made it more breathable and gave it a simpler feel.

This was a little redundant:

"recollection of all the memories" - you should pick one, either "listen to the recollection of my past relationships" (which probably works best) or "listen to the memories of my past relationships."

And then there were several spots where I felt confused:

"precious as a lunar eclipse" - maybe "precious" isn't quite the right word. I don't know about lunar eclipses being "precious," but they're infrequent (I think), so maybe you could go with something more like "rare," "unusual," um...well, I don't actually have a replacement word for you that I'm happy with - maybe you could just say "to make me feel like a lunar eclipse" and leave it at that?

"Take me to burrows of your borough" - NO idea what is meant by this. I know what each individual word means, but taken all together I'm clueless. "burrows of your borough"?

"so I can reserve you into my dreams
Sleep with me so we can share the same dream" - I'm not sure what is meant by "reserve you into my dreams," as "reserve" means "to save, retain for future use." Also, the word "dream" used twice in such close proximity sounds repetitive.

"Send me a lulled stare" - again, I'm not sure how you meant to use "lulled." "Lull" as a verb means "to calm," so I suppose if you meant "a calming stare" this could work, but I would suggest going with "lulling" rather than "lulled" to make the line flow better and also to make it more comprehensible.

"Resist the enticement to touch me and yet still caress me" - I understood your earlier contradictions, but this one is confusing to me. If you mean "touch" in a more sexual or even abusive way, I think you need to change "touch" to a stronger, more specific word. "Caress" is a good word that puts the reader in mind of a specific kind of touch - a gentle, loving touch - but the first "touch" could mean any kind of touch, including a caress, which is why this line is confusing.

"Yet still give me space so we can still keep a admirable emotion" - I don't understand the "still keep an admirable emotion" part at all.

Okay, favorite lines:

"Can I Borrow Your Ear For A Moment?

She said:" Simple but beautiful. I love the opening lines, especially the "she said:"

"Answer the questions of my life with silence"

"Remove the fractions and multiply
our feelings which can only equal to an invaluable price." - lovely, but I would suggest taking out the "to." It's unnecessary.

"tattoo yourself to my wishes"

"Sew me into the fabric of your fantasies"

"Rehearse me like poetry
when u picture me into existence" - absolutely my very favorite lines, but PLEASE spell out "you." If this were a texting poem, that would be one thing, but it isn't, so NO TEXT SPEAK.

"So Make me your adjective
and effortlessly describe us."

As with the other poem, there were some spelling errors and unnecessary capitalizations (maybe from where you combined two lines into one?) that SpellCheck or a friend can help you fix. Also, the use of "a" vs. "an." The rule generally is: Use "a" in front of a word that starts with a consonant and "an" in front of a word that starts with a vowel.

With this line: "Allow us to be the passengers of love which travels
around this world Like a orbit" - I like the idea of it, but you could make these lines more concise by saying "allow us to be the passengers of love which orbits this world."

With the end: The rest of the poem used some good imagery and figurative language, and the beginning was so simple and beautiful, but those last two lines were just...blah. I'd really like to see this poem end the way it began, simply but beautiful, with maybe one simple line of dialogue. An example would be (since "she" is telling you all this stuff "she" wants you to do) something along the lines of "I said: / "I will" (or "Okay" or something). That's just my example, you can use it or come up with your own (or keep your current ending, again, this is your piece).

As a whole the poem is a great start. You definitely have a lot of beautiful metaphors and similes, but I think they're overshadowed by the length of the poem (and the first stanza's lines), all the "allow us to"s (you use that phrase and similar many times, and I don't care if all of this was really said, you've got to whittle it down into a poem), and all the unimaginative language. Most of this problem could be solved by drastically cutting this poem. Here's what I suggest:

1. Start off with a hard copy of the poem as is.
2. Rewrite the poem using ONLY lines that contain specific imagery/metaphors/simile (i.e, the lunar eclipse line, the poem line, the adjective line, etc).
3. See how it sounds in comparison. If you feel the need to add a little more to what you've got, find - but you don't need lines like "be here when I don't know it," which really anyone could have written. You need to make this poem more yours. Like I said, you've got a really great start, but I think you could give this a lot more. You could even take lines like "be here when I don't know it" and think up a good metaphor/simile to replace it with.

Whew! Once again, a freakishly long review. I hope you found it helpful!


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Sat Jan 14, 2012 9:20 pm
murtuza says...

Hey, Abid!

I'm so sorry I kept you waiting on my review. But I'm glad that you showed your piece to me. Creativity and Blue have given some very insightful and useful advice as well. There's a lot of good to take away from this poem. The wordings could be a bit more streamlined but is still a charming thing to read.

First Stanza:

The first stanza gives an idea of what the rest of the poem will look like. And the General idea that you portray here gives a hint that the narrator is feminine and wants to open up to her man and actually give him an idea of what her ideal man should be like. The first line starts it off well. Though I'm not too excited about the word 'recollection'. I think that using that word made this line a bit lop-sided in terms of wordy weight. Maybe using something similar like 'voices' or 'echoes' etc., would even t out.

Precious like a Lunar eclipse. That's a nice way of putting it. And there's not much to dislike over here. Though a period after the second line would be good. Now the third line is way too long and continues till the next line.

Answer the questions of my life with silence.
Allow me to engage you in a conversation
Without naming drugs, bitches or violence.

I think it flows quite well this way, don't you think? ;)

The rest of the three lines sound very good and I don't think I'd change much there. But I'm pretty sure 'an' comes just before 'angel' instead of 'a'.

Second Stanza:

The third line to me would have sounded better with a little more length. Perhaps -

in the darkness of the night

In the fourth line, I suggest you add a semi-colon (;) after aware. Since on the line just below, there's a rhyme. So it gives a hint that there's be room for rhythm.

Allow us to be the passengers of love which travels

This is a very nice line and I like the simple sentiment you've got going on here. But perhaps a bit more deep metaphoric usage would be nice. It sounds too direct and that romantic feel that you had started from the beginning doesn't come out to its fullest. Also, the next line could have been better interpreted. Using 'a' here doesn't do good for the line. Remember, only use 'an' when the following word has a vowel sounding beginning. I am terrible at explaining this. So here's something that'll help you out. Articles. The line could have also been better interpreted as -

around this world as if in orbit

Third Stanza:

I like the whole relation with Math here. Very nice. But the second line could use some re-phrasing. 'i plus you to the equation of my life' doesn't sound crisp. You could have made this sound a little bit more convincing to read. It's a cute line, but sends the message across in a very lethargic manner.
The half rhyme you've implemented here is very nice. So great job on that :)

Fourth Stanza:

All very well said. Not much to be nit-picky about. But what I was not happy to see was the lack of rhyme here.

Fifth Stanza:

Divide this stanza from the middle. Let it be like -

Send me a lulled stare
as you transport your thoughts
with such tender flair

Talk to me with a kiss
Miss me even when I'm with you
Allow us to reach an eternal bliss

Because of the rhyming structure here, I'm made to believe that 'thoughts' and 'you' are supposed to rhyme together as well. So dissecting this would make this a lot more easier to comprehend. But this is just me ;)

Sixth Stanza:

The only thing I would like to change here would be the word 'Endorse'. It doesn't fit here for some reason because it's not a common word when one speaks about sensuality and physical affection. So be a little more wary with word choice.

Seventh Stanza:

'Devote'? That's a great way to describe the scene. But somehow, it sounds odd. I'm undecided as to whether you should implement that word or change it. The verb usage is great though. :)
The spelling of 'experience' has to be checked. The last three lines don't really provide any weight for the stanza. They look like you've added them just for the sake of length. The imagination in these lines is minimal and makes it a bit boring. Try coming up with something else, perhaps? ^.^

Eighth Stanza:

This stanza is very nice. But still needs some streamlining. The last two lines lack a certain quality to it. Try rephrasing a bit. I personally feel that at the time you wrote these lines, you almost forgot the character of the woman. So now you're coming up with what she's feeling and it's as if I'm reading it from a totally different aspect that's not hers and seems made up and is forced to sound like her perspective.

Ninth Stanza:

No problems here. This is my favourite stanza. Great job with this :D

Last Words

So essentially, this poem is a very well delivered piece. I believe that with just a bit more attention to the word choice and better use of Figures of Speech, you could command this poem with effortless ease. There were places that needed more detailing. Some more description over how she's feeling. The dialogue is direct and very personal. So it does its job well of bringing in that sensation of sensuality.

According to me, this poem has a lot of potential. I would strongly recommend that you go through this poem again and again. And also, pass it through a spell-check, please. Read out each line aloud. And clearly note where and how the rhymes occur. The rhyming should be neat and consistent and not in breaks. Half-rhymes are great. With the rhymes you've used here, you've done a great job. So don't be afraid if you think you're not up to it. ;)

I've only just read another piece of yours and I feel that you're becoming a great writer the more you attempt. All you need is practice. And at the rate you're going, you'll have an unstoppable grasp at poetry. You have a very unique and stylized way of writing. Keep the ink flowing, Abid. You've got great potential and I can't wait to read more.

It's not about the weight of what's spoken.
It's about being heard.

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— TheSilverFox