
Young Writers Society

Tabooboo - A parody of Taboo

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Mon Dec 27, 2010 5:34 pm
Sins says...



Love is like a heart. It's read and stuff, and it's shaped like a spike with two lumps at the top. ~ The mad cat lady

I was all up for another addition to the family. Bringing home a puppy, kitten, rabbit or a bloodthirsty tiger, some sort of playful animal was what I had in mind when my mother decided she wanted to brighten up our home. I never thought she'd bring home some kid who was muscular, but not that muscular, no matter what the Tabooian stalkers think.

He was fricking miserable, I'll give him that. I mean, was this a funeral or something? He was my age, seventeen, and damn hot too, despite his semi muscular, not muscular frame. He was dressed like one of those models you see in catalogues, just as pouty too. I liked his face.

After dad snuffed it the other day, mom went all mental and shizz. I mean, seriously? Adopt a kid? Yep, that makes sense. Nutter. It was okay though because Lucas was as hot as hell - pun intended. The second he stepped into the house, I knew that Lucas would have me captivated. Did I mention that he was georgous, despite being semi muscular, not muscular?

Mom had her arm around his shoulder. Keeping my hand on the doorknob, I stepped back to allow them into the house. He wasn't smiling, just kind of like staring at the floor, probably at where the neighbours cat had left a puddle of urine. His wild ginger hair flopped over his face, greasy and gleaming. There was something about the way his right eye constantly stared at the ceiling, while his left one spun in circles that just had me fixated on him.

“Welcome home,” Mom said with a warm voice. Turning her emerald eyes in my direction, she gave me a quick wink. “I finally brought your brother home.”

From that day onwards, my life changed forever. Lucas didn't speak at first, and it was odd. No matter how hard I tried, he would say nothing, only nod and shake his head, speaking in a monotone way whenever he did so. Freak. He mumbled some shizz, but that was about it.


Peas. ~ President Obama

I don't like peas.


Those who have faces and mouths, say things. Luke has a face and a mouth. He says f*** all.

I went to a party the other day, right, and oh my fricking God, shit happened. Hunter was all ARGH! ARGH! Then Lucas was all, Nooooooooooooooooo! Then Olivia was all OMG! OMG! And Chase was like GIVE ME THE HONEY, MOMMY! It was fun.

Oh, but before that, Luke had some mental spazm, right. Luke is Lucas, by the way. Isn't it clever what I've done there? Anyway, I was at work and Luke was sitting at the corner table of the restaurant thingy I worked in. There's me, innocently talking to him and funnily enough, there's thunder and stuff outside. He gets this huge blob of something on his lip, so as you do, I go and wipe it off for him. Oh, no! He didn't like that. He went all mental, stormed up to his room when we got home, and played his Justin Bieber music full blast. Boys.

Anyway, as I was saying. Hunter and I went to Chase's party, yeah, and it was crap. There were a load of teenagers trashing the place, as well as Chase's pet meerkat. It was hot though, even if it was semi muscular, not muscular. As Hunter and I were talking on his tricylce, he suddenly shoved his lips onto mine. As well as needing to use some lip balm, his lips were heavy on mine, pushing me down. I couldn't breathe, couldn't think. Then Luke came. And boy, did he beat the crap out of Hunter.


Gingers have hearts too. ~ Michael Jackson

I spoke to Chase the other day, and he seemed cool. At first, I'd assumed that he was just another bad ass loser, but I now realised that there was more to him. He appeared to really like Olivia, so he must have had some kind of heart. That was not what caused my heart to twist into a knot, or make every emoiton inside of me boil until breaking point. Liliah did that.

When I kissed her.

She tasted like cat. It was glorious. As I wrapped my semi muscular, but not muscular arms around her, every single one of my dreams had been fulfilled. That was why I'd shut my yapper for so long; I was busy staring at her... She was so... beautiful. Her stumpy legs, her unbrushed hair, her third nipple... All beautiful.

I couldn't let it be like that though. It was wrong. Liliah was my sister, and Dianne was my slightly deranged mother. I had to leave. They had to forget about me; I had to remove every trace of me from the house. That was obviously going to make them forget about me completely... duh. I ripped out all of the photos from the albums, even the one of me threatening to murder Liliah. You know, the one where I had a knife pressed up against her throat? Apparently, boys weren't allowed to like Justin Bieber. Well, stuff her. I ripped the photo out, shoving it into my bag.

And like that, I was gone. Forever.

(For six years)


When your mother is insane, laugh in her face. ~ A pigeon

I'm engaged to a bloke called Jesse now. Long story, so don't ask, and bog off. All of Punk's die hard Taboo fans doesn't like him because he isn't Lucas/Luke/ginger nut, but to them, I say bah humbug. Mom was looking for Luke throughout my engagement party like some mental freak. It was rather amusing really.

It turned out that Olivia's baby died. I told Chase not to kick her stomach whenver the baby kicked, but did he listen? No. I was going to check on her later, to see how she was doing. Maybe if I told her how amazing everything with Jesse was going, informing her on how utterly perfect my life was, how we could have a baby whenever we wanted to, she'd feel better?

That was the biggets mistake I'd ever made.

As well as making Olivia cry even more, I met Luke. He was a doctor. Not the kind who looks after nutters, but the medical kind. He was still as ginger and hot as ever. I hated him though. I wanted to ram his face into the elevator door, gauge his eyeballs out, sit on his greasy face, decapitate his limbs, slice his hands and feet into a milli- I was upset.

But, oh, I loved him. I loved him dearly. I had to call him, I had to declare my love for him. I may have hated him, but my love was even stronger. I had to tell him. I had call him. I wanted him like Jacob want Bella - just in a less stalkerish, not so hairy way.


If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. ~ Me.

I'm gay.

Chase and I are currently living in a family cottage in England, making sugar coated ponies, adopting ginger babies. We have six, so far: Edward, Elton, Elise, Eliza, Eddie, and Jeff. They're lush.

Liliah called me before Chase and I ran off together. She told me that she loved me, and I laughed in her face (across the phone.) I had to tell her that I didn't like girls, only semi muscular, but not muscular men. I once believed that I may have loved her. I thought that it was her that twisted my heart into knots and sent my mind spinning out of control. That wasn't her though. That was Chase. He was damn hot.

So here we are, Chase, the ginger kids, and me. There's a lovely family that live next door to us - the guy who lives there is absolutely georgous. He claims not to be gay, but I will turn him. I am determained to. I don't tell Chase that though. The guy's name is Ollie, and he's just as cool as me. Blonde too. As for the girl who lives next door, she's called Tori. It's Ollie I'm interested in though. He's YUM.

And I was like, baby, baby, baby, oh!
Like, baby, baby, baby, no!
I thought you'd always be mine!

I <3 U JB.


Dang, don't ya just love it when there's a gay after you?

Spoiler! :
This is a Parody of PinkShearwater's novel, Taboo. Unless you've read Taboo, you probably won't understand this. As for the very end, unless you've read my novel, A Shot of Arrogance, that won't make much sense to you either. You've got to know your stuff, basically.
I didn't know what to put here so I put this.

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Mon Dec 27, 2010 6:12 pm
Button says...

This is freakin' amazing.

"She tasted like cat. It was glorious."

You are a god.

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Mon Dec 27, 2010 6:14 pm
Tigersprite says...

...I was laughing as I was reading. This was so...bad. :P And so hilarious. And then so bad. And then so hilarious again. What with the semi-muscular, not muscular thing, and the gingers, and the gay couple and Justin Bieber music.. :P I honestly don't know how I'm supposed to do this. I won't I guess.

I hate to use such language but...LOL Skeensy. Just LOL.
"A superman ... is, on account of certain superior qualities inherent in him, exempted from the ordinary laws which govern men. He is not liable for anything he may do."
Nathan Leopold

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Mon Dec 27, 2010 6:25 pm
Shearwater says...

*love it x infinity*

Wow, this was amazingly terrible but so entertaining that it makes me want to seriously hut "hug" (typo) you. Here, have an internet hug, like seriously! =D


Alright, so I'm not really going to nitpick this because its a total parody of my novel and I must say, you've done it epically well. (However I did notice some weird slip ups like the first quote said 'read' instead of 'red') I like the fact that Luke's POV was just...peas. The end. And wow, Justin Bieber music? For realz??! You must be kidding me, that nearly had me rolling on the floor. Note to self, do not read this again in public place for you will look like a freak. Yes.

I like how you made quotes for all the POVs too, it's dang epic, I say! Those quotes are all just made up too, aren't they? HAHA. God, I can't believe you made him ginger...actually I can. :/ I would quote every sentence that had me laughing but then I'd just end up quoting the whole thing. =(

Also! I love that you put Ollie and Tori in there from SOA. That was brilliant and I heart'd the ending. :3
So happy. I'm in love. I love it like Luke loves Justin Bieber! =D

-Your Punky PR friend/twin.
Pink. =3

P.S. I wish it was longer! D':
There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.
-W. Somerset Maugham

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Mon Dec 27, 2010 6:47 pm
theotherone says...

Whoa! That just literally made my day. :)

It was amazing, and I laughed the whole time... Well I guess I'm not the first one to say this, but I just had to comment.

-Other One
Behind every mask, lies a man that can't live in his own skin. - Woe is Me <3
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Mon Dec 27, 2010 7:52 pm
ToritheMonster says...

ahhhh.... I'm still laughing...... awesome job, you nutter!
Honey, you should see me in a crown.

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Tue Dec 28, 2010 12:09 am
borntobeawriter says...

Ah man, Skinsy, this was awesome.

I think what made me laugh the most was when he said, "I was gone forever" (until 6 years later).

Oh. And Ginger. Of course, Ginger! Then, he was gay.

I was sitting in my parents living room, reading on my ipod, laughing so hard people stopped all around asking what was so funny. I couldn't explain because they wouldn't get it but my sister walked into the room and I told her everything. Meh. Good thing she was around!

Oh. And Bloodthirsty Tiger? What in the world??

You crack me up.

*loffs* ;)


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Tue Dec 28, 2010 8:51 am
Waterlilygirl says...

I was crying from laughing. This just made my week!
Well done,
your now my idol

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Tue Dec 28, 2010 10:54 am
Caerulean says...

This was just EPIC Hilarious! XD

I told Chase not to kick her stomach whenver the baby kicked

- That was one of the tons that made me laugh. :D

And, what!? Luke's gay?? What the- !? You surprised me with that. xD Also, I loved how the song 'Baby' fit in the end. Amazing.

All of the characters seemed to be like total psychos like those in Vampires Suck did. XD
“(...) and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” - Gandalf, The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring

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Tue Dec 28, 2010 6:16 pm
Justagirl says...

I laughed the whole time I was reading this. I can't even stop now... Oh gosh, running out of air.

Keep writing!!
"Just remember there's a difference between stalking people on the internet, and going to their house and cutting their skin off." - Jenna Marbles

~ Yeah I'm letting go of what I had, yeah I'm living now and living loud ~

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Thu Dec 30, 2010 1:02 am
Flux says...

Tell me again -- why are you amazing?

Oh, I know why -- because even though i haven't read any of this (amazing) stuff, it still made me laugh! You're brilliant!

When your mother is insane, laugh in her face. ~ A pigeon

I forgot how wise pigeons were! I must listen to them more often!

And-and-and, another favourite quote:

We have six, so far: Edward, Elton, Elise, Eliza, Eddie, and Jeff. They're lush.

Silly Jeff -- he's such a freakin' ginger!

Anyways, that was the best, most classic example of horribly funny writing I've ever read! Not only are you an awesome writer, you're also horrible!
"Man is least himself when he talks in his own person.

Give him a mask and he will tell you the truth."

-- Oscar Wilde

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Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:37 am
Ashley529 says...

Literature is suppose to entertain. You've done exactly that. Sorry, I can't review this, I'm too busy lmao-ing.

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Sun Jan 02, 2011 4:33 am
fruityfortissimo says...

Oh my gosh you are just a genius!!!!! I could not stop laughing the entire time! Immediatly I could tell this story would be immensly hilarious and it was! The third nipple part made me spit up Dr. Pepper I was laughing so hard. In a creepy and demented way, I thought Lucas was meant to be gay. Justin Beiber kind of gave it away but I still was surprised when he said he was. That was the ultimate twist to the story!!!!!!!!!! I literally laughed out loud the entire time and could not be torn away from this story! The only suggestions I have are one: work on your grammar (sorry I am a grammar nut, unless it was intentionally bad grammar I couldn't tell) and two: EXTEND IT! This story is most entertaining and needs to be added to!
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"At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet."

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Sun Jan 02, 2011 11:25 pm
RachelW says...

Pure love for this. Absolutely hilarious :']
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Tue Jan 04, 2011 12:39 am
Renn says...

This is absolutely hilarious! OH MY GOD!!!! XD
'Evil exists in all of us Torak. Some fight it. Some feed it. That is how it has always been.'

"There is always a choice," said Torak, and he backed off the cliff.

Cheat your landlord if you can and must, but do not try to shortchange the Muse. It cannot be done. You can’t fake quality any more than you can fake a good meal.
— William S. Burroughs