
Young Writers Society

Continuation of Breaking Dawn (twilight saga)

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Points: 1040
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Thu Dec 16, 2010 8:04 pm
missfrancesca says...

This is something i wrote a while ago- i reckon about a year ago or so. So i'm not sure how good it will be but i really hope you enjoy it as much as i enjoyed writing it. I especially like the introduction; i was quite proud of myself (: for all the twlight fans <3 Please comment xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I appreciate it a lot :') THANKS

Red Crescent: The twilight saga continued...

Through unpathed waters and undreamed shores love shall venture, but when you are forced to roam the earth forever more; is just love really worth living for?
With a life intertwined with such cruel fate, surely death should eventually initiate?

Chapter 1: Adversity
The red tainted morning light streamed through the window; ardently stirring my thoughts. A flicker passed by the window as if someone had ran past but I didn’t move, and instead clung myself to Edwards perfect body. I ran my fingers up and down his chest. I wanted in that moment to turn back time and experience that glorious night again: where we had placed our daughter in her crib. How she had smiled had made my heart burst- well if it hadn’t already... Edward and i had blissfully traversed into the bedroom. I had tried to use the skill that Zafrina had given me: I had put my hands on both sides of Edwards face and had closed my eyes in concentration. I hadn’t done very well with this when Zafrina had tried to teach me before, but i had known that after the meeting in the clearing, that i knew my shield better now. I understood the part that fought against separation from me, the automatic instinct to preserve self above all else. It still wasn’t anywhere near as easy as shielding other people along with my self. I felt the elastic recoil again as my shield fought to protect me. I had to strain to push it entirely away from me; it took all my focus.
“Bella!” Edward had whispered in shock: i knew it was working then. I went through the sharp memories of the way it felt when he held me, when i saw him for the first time, when i ran through Rome to save his life and in turn my own, those precious moments from the island, how it felt when he touched our baby through my skin, and mainly the endless dawn of immortality with the only one I loved... that first kiss... that first night...
“Bella?” he whispered into my ear. I tilted my head up and he kissed me softly and serenely; our lips moving in perfect synchronization. His tongue skimmed against my lips and I sunk into his arms not wanting to ever move, not if he was here. “Bella, not now” he laughed. I sighed he knew I just couldn’t resist him; how am I meant to leave this bed when my beautiful Edward lay here. He gently nudged me off his chest; i instantaneously sat up, not wanting to feel rejected, whilst still maintaining contact with his skin. Edward laughed soothingly, with an untroubled smile. He reached his hand up to my face then let his gentle palm relax on my neck. I looked into his melting golden eyes and smiled; i felt complete, a whole part again. It made me shudder just to think of the times just yesterday when i thought we would no longer be here together. It wouldn’t have been the end of the world, just the end of Edward and I. “What’s wrong Bells?” He asked noticing the shudder down my spine and my eyes which had momentarily strained to look at him.
“Its- it’s nothing; I was just thinking of... no its okay, im fine”: apparently my lying hadn’t improved since becoming a member of the supernatural world. Though i was happy about that, because at least I wasn’t perfect- I would always have that one flaw to remind me of my human life. The life in which Edwards and my journey had began. Useful, no not really- but important: definitely. Edwards face strained into a worried and concerned smile that a psychiatrist would give to their patient jumping up and down on the sofa giggling maniacally, I giggled at that thought.
Edwards face was no longer worried, but his smile underlined a hint of concern which came from a lifetime of insecurities. He thought i was laughing at him. “Its not you- its, its, everything’s good Edward, everything is blissfully perfect.” It would appear that I had convinced him enough, his face relaxed; his taut cheeks resting into his naturally beautiful crooked smile. The smile which should remain there always. My raging desire to just melt into him took over all else and i was there inhumanly fast. Inhuman. That word pretty much summed me up.
Without warning Edwards body suddenly jolted, i instantly and extremely quickly recoiled back like an elastic band. To see his face- the burning man again. What was wrong? In the moment that he remained on the bed i caught a glimpse of his face. Frozen, his eyebrows creased together and on his forehead shaped a sharp line. But his eyes told the most: he was terrified, my mouth hung open as i stared at him urgently. My instincts were sending me mixed signal, something had happened- something terrible. But what, what had i done wrong. Or wasn’t it me, it couldn’t have been Renesmee. She isn’t even here with us...
“RENESMEE...!?” I screamed. I couldn’t hear her... heartbeat! Her heart is one of the constant drumming in the background I hear when she’s near. The regular thrilling of blood being pumped around her delicate body: Where IS RENESMEE! I shot to Renesmee’s bedroom: ripping the bed cover as i went. I FROZE. She isn’t in her cot. Edward was suddenly by my side...
A knock on the door

Alice entered the room swiftly with her head down and she stood their while Edwards face rearranged itself into fury. He roared, i heard a smash of bricks and he was gone- leaving a huge hole in the wall.
“Alice?”, I asked my beautiful sister, “where’s my baby, Alice? Where’s my Renesmee, please tell me she’s okay, please Alice...?” My body convulsed and i slipped to the floor in a crouching position with my back against the door. I looked up at her pleadingly, i had no strength left, i wasn’t expecting anything i felt nothing. I was numb. My face was twisted and looked questioningly to Alice’s face. “My baby...?”
She said one word.....................
I stood instantly in shock and as it sunk in i felt the raw strength thrilling in my limbs. My hair fell into my face, i swiftly scraped it back, as i did so i noticed my wedding ring glimmering in the light. It reminded me of Rosalie’s perfection. Mistaken perfection: I felt fury and the urgent and motherly feeling to protect my child. I threw my fist back, not caring that it broke the wall. I pulled myself up, lifted my chin up arrogantly, my eyes closed to stop the effect of the walls closing in on me. I had nothing in me but fury. I was no longer numb; anger engulfed me as I looked at the cot where my daughter should have been sleeping serenely when I awoke.
Realisation hit me. “Don’t expect Rose to come back alive” I roared and flung myself out of the window and charged through the trees faster than I had ever experienced. It was faster than I had seen even Alice or Edward move, faster than I had seen anyone move. I raced through the trees, the wind breezing in my hair; throwing it back. The swirling dress that Alice had presented me with for my honeymoon flew behind me and the wind hushed it away to safety. Its floral curls rippling angrily. I just couldn’t seem to move faster, even with the strong force of the wind and the rain it didn’t slow me down in the slightest. Pure and infuriating angriness and despair that pushing me forward, the trees whipped past me unimaginably quickly, from my sides i could just see a dark green haze. I could hear no heartbeats; my presence had chased away every species in the forest. All I could see in my mind was Renesmee’s beautiful face, her soft curls that framed her face and her chocolate brown eyes; uncannily similar to my own in my human life. She is so alike to me she technically is me, or a part of me at least. Rosalie had stolen that part.
My brain drummed inside my head and im sure my heart would have too, if it hadn’t have beat for the last time a few months ago. Edward had once said that when you were a vampire your mind would have the capacity to be preoccupied; “easily distracted”- that was how he had put it. But all I could see was my Nessie face; I can see how hard it is now being a vampire. The feeling to cry overwhelmed me but my eyes were dry, as if my own human body was being suffocated in my new vampire skin- too much of a monster to show human emotion
Someone was near, i stopped abruptly and took a deep breath in, smelling any traces of Rosalie--, none. No the scent was- Edward, “Edward...?” I questioned. A flash of movement raced from the left side and he was in front of me with all his wonder and admirable glory.
“Bella love, are you okay...? I know you’re disorientated. But Renesmee’s alright. Everything is fine.” He said quickly staring deeply into my eyes trying to read my emotionless face.
“Im- Im fine Edward, I just need Renesmee. Is she safe? Please say she’s safe” I begged still slightly shocked from his sudden appearance. He pulled his hand up to my face and kissed my head adorningly.
“Renesmee is fine Bella, of course she’s fine she’s with Rosalie”: I sighed and began to chew on my lip. Edwards face twitched unexpectedly- something he wasn’t telling me. “There’s too much to discuss, she took Renesmee last night and she is back at the house now Bella. Renesmee’s fine but Rose is....” he struggled for words, “Rose is really, Rose is in a bad state Bella. She needs someone to talk to maybe you could do that for us she won’t talk to anyone else...? Not even Esme.” I raised my eyebrows and looked down at Edwards feet, feeling slightly embarrassed that i was planning on killing her.
Bella, she loves you. She took Renesmee because she’s jealous, she wants a child and seeing the bond between you both was, well it was- hard for her; that’s all she has ever wanted and dreamed. Im not gonna pretend im not furious with her love; but she needs family right now she obviously would never let any harm come to Renesmee and we should be thankful for that.” Edward always seeing the best in everyone was typical, except when it came to Rosalie I didn’t understand?
Bu-” I said thoughtfully deliberating, chewing my lip again. I didn’t know what to say, so I went along with it “Your right Edward. Im sorry I overreacted I-“
“No Bella; you didn’t at all, I was acting just as you had until I heard what everyone was thinking from the house. You’re a mother Bella, were parents, we should react like this. Were a family and I love you, so just relax and come back to the house with me...” his soothing voice was too question like to put me at ease. More defined than the calmness he tried to place upon me. Before I could give that one more thought Edward threw me lightly onto his back. I took a deep breath in; I didn’t need it but it helped, made me feel normal- if that was possible. I held myself closer to Edward, entwining my fingers round his. We flew through the trees in a green haze, everything was moving so ferociously yet it felt still. As if Edward was standing and the forest was moving instead.
“I love you Bella Cullen” Edward sighed, I let love engulf me, let it hug and wrap around me squeezing me tight. I wanted to think about Renesmee and Rose but it was difficult to think of anything while i was with Edward like this. Being in love with Edward felt like falling; not caring. Yet thinking of other things would be like dragging myself up a cliff face; so much easier to fall, no worry, no stress just warmth and--....Edward.
“I love you Mr Cullen” I replied lowly with a grimace. I may have been imagining it but I’m sure he warmed by a few degrees...
I gingerly and shyly peeked round Rosalie’s pearly white door; she was sat, curled into a corner, her face pressed into the rose petal wallpaper. I froze, shocked. The pain she was enduring looked horrific. Her slender pale fingers digging into the cream carpet: easily making a dent as if she was running her hands through silky cool sand. The room suddenly looked fragile in comparison to her twisted body. “Rose? I-“ I strained through bitterness.
“I’m so sorry Bella, Im so ashamed” I flinched as she turned around and i saw her face for the first time. Her eyes were gold but were full of pain, every part of her was twisted and tormented. She looked like she was being burned alive. A sear of cold shuddered through me suddenly! I forgot that she was a vampire for a moment, too human like, too imperfect for her usual mesmeric vampire form. I tried to remember her perfect face; the memory of it seeming dim compared to this... this unusually human- like Rosalie. Her agony was profound and was clearly going to be a long suffer. She saw my face twist- stunned and aghast by her expression. She despairingly looked at me through beauteous eyes and reached out a hand towards me. I shot across to her and gently held it, quietly and sat down opposite her feeling tensed up.
“Rose, I don’t understand.”
“Bella, don’t be nice to me I don’t deserve your kindness. I am disgusted in myself, I’m evil- a monster” she burst into a new flurry of tearless sobs. I tried to reply but I couldn’t find the words. “Right there Bella, just now, you should hate me. You should be shouting and screeching; you know that’s what i deserve, what i need. Im deluded and ugly, not skin deep but inside im disgusting, i actually repulse myself. You took my hand and you’re willing to love me as a sister, I don’t deserve anything. I don’t think I can take your kindness. Just- just leave me alone!”
I mentally looked back at just an hour ago when Alice had whispered Rosalie’s name. I never imagined that I would be here now acting as a companion towards her. Despite my struggles with Rose I had never hated her; I had always felt impelled to make an effort, then it had changed when i had become pregnant with Renesmee. Rose had cared for me and supported my decision. I mean Renesmee would probably have never been born if it wasn’t for Rosalie’s help. She protected me from all that could harm Renesmee, and for that could she not blame me for being forever thankful and in her debt?
“Rose, I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done, can you imagine a life without Renesmee? You did that Rose its down to you, so no you shall take my kindness because that is all I have ever received from you. Im not leaving Rose, I’m staying right here!”
“Bella, how could you forgive me, I stole your child from you for god sake...”
I scrutinized and considered many reasons; whatever it was it had to be logical. I skimmed through the depths of my brain for those few moments we sat in silence. Then i came to one definite decision, it was the complete truth.
“I have trusted you with my life and now i trust you with Renesmee’s.” I said genuinely, “If there’s one thing I know about you Rose, it’s that you would never hurt Renesmee, you love her just as I do. What else could I ask from you?”
She looked up, cocking her head to the side thoughtfully. The corners of her mouth tilted up into a pained but relieved smile. Then I gasped, taken aback as she was suddenly embracing me. I hugged her back, raising my eyebrows, yet happy that this was over so soon and that Rose was finally at peace with something I had done. For once.
As we walked out and I closed the door behind me I felt free from my worries, I felt as if I’d just welcomed a new member permanently to my new immortal family. Someone who would finally reciprocate the love I gave. I felt happy that Rosalie was joyful again, in turn I felt joyful also. I could see the happiness in her tear filled eyes. I could appreciate that.

I also have another chapter but i won't publish that until i see what people think. I really do hope you enjoy it! and i apologise for any mistakes i didn't have time to go over it and check it before i submittec
Thank you for reading xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx soo much (:

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82 Reviews

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Reviews: 82
Thu Dec 16, 2010 8:38 pm
Celticmusicgirl says...

ok Overall this is great I love this. Just a couple of misspellings here and there but hey everyone does that. I noticed in a couple of spots you kept switching tenses. You need to watch out for that. Overall this is the best Breaking Dawn Add on that I've seen so far. I think you can find your mistakes if you will take the time to edit and proof read. Please lemme know when you post more.
Maith Adh,
"No life is forever. We found and fought here. We loved and died here... The crops whither and the bones of hunger walk the sunken roads... The land has failed us... In dance and song we gift and mourn our children. They carry us over the ocean in dance and song.
-American Wake by Riverdance

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85 Reviews

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Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:02 pm
Eniarrol says...

This was brillient please post the next chapter :)
A hero isn’t defined by winning. Loads of heroes die in the effort. Most of them never get any recognition. No, a hero is just somebody who does the right thing when it would be far, far easier to do nothing.

~Previously SweetMoments

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Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:15 pm
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Charlii101 says...

Gosh this is long i would shorten it down a bit then post the next bit to it. over all i love the emotions and the diction flowing through this story of yours :) i think it's a good continuation and Stephein meyer would be proud of your work. to improve again shorten it a bit and check your grammer. i still love you though ;) i really doo love this what you have written it really speaks about Edward and Bella and how perfect their life is now they have found each other.

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Tue Jan 25, 2011 12:35 am
niclie says...

I'm really liking this add on. It's very well thought out. The only thing is i felt like you rushed through Bella and Edward's panic. You could have spent a little more time on that. Overall i really liked it and i wish you would post more. Keep up the writing and the good work!

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Sun Jun 05, 2011 8:30 pm
dasiamari says...

Red Crescent: The twilight saga continued...

Through unpathed waters and undreamed shores love shall venture, but when you are forced to roam the earth forever more; is just love really worth living for?
With a life intertwined with such cruel fate, surely death should eventually initiate?

Chapter 1: Adversity
The red tainted morning light streamed through the window; ardently stirring my thoughts. A flicker passed by the window as if someone had ran past but I didn’t move, and instead clung myself to Edwards perfect body. I ran my fingers up and down his chest. I wanted in that moment to turn back time and experience that glorious night again: where we had placed our daughter in her crib. How she had smiled had made my heart burst- well if it hadn’t already... Edward and i had blissfully traversed into the bedroom. I had tried to use the skill that Zafrina had given me: I had put my hands on both sides of Edwards face and had closed my eyes in concentration. I hadn’t done very well with this when Zafrina had tried to teach me before, but i had known that after the meeting in the clearing, that i knew my shield better now. I understood the part that fought against separation from me, the automatic instinct to preserve self above all else. It still wasn’t anywhere near as easy as shielding other people along with my self. I felt the elastic recoil again as my shield fought to protect me. I had to strain to push it entirely away from me; it took all my focus.
“Bella!” Edward had whispered in shock: iNeeds to be "I" knew it was working then. I went through the sharp memories of the way it felt when he held me, when i Same thing here saw him for the first time, when iand here ran through Rome to save his life and in turn my own, those precious moments from the island, how it felt when he touched our baby through my skin, and mainly the endless dawn of immortality with the only one I loved... that first kiss... that first night...
“Bella?” he whispered into my ear. I tilted my head up and he kissed me softly and serenely; our lips moving in perfect synchronization. His tongue skimmed against my lips and I sunk into his arms not wanting to ever move, not if he was here. “Bella, not now” he laughed. I sighed he knew I just couldn’t resist him; how am I meant to leave this bed when my beautiful Edward lay here. He gently nudged me off his chest; i instantaneously sat up, not wanting to feel rejected, whilst still maintaining contact with his skin. Edward laughed soothingly, with an untroubled smile. He reached his hand up to my face then let his gentle palm relax on my neck. I looked into his melting golden eyes and smiled; i felt complete, a whole part again. It made me shudder just to think of the times just yesterday when i thought we would no longer be here together. It wouldn’t have been the end of the world, just the end of Edward and I. “What’s wrong Bells?”Not really something wrong, But Jacob calls her Bells not Edward. XD He asked noticing the shudder down my spine and my eyes which had momentarily strained to look at him.
“Its- it’s nothing; I was just thinking of... no its okay, im(I`m) fine”: apparently my lying hadn’t improved since becoming a member of the supernatural world. Though i And here was happy about that, because at least I wasn’t perfect- I would always have that one flaw to remind me of my human life. The life in which Edwards and my journey had began. Useful, no not really- but important: definitely. Edwards face strained into a worried and concerned smile that a psychiatrist would give to their patient jumping up and down on the sofa giggling maniacally, I giggled at that thought.
Edwards face was no longer worried, but his smile underlined a hint of concern which came from a lifetime of insecurities. He thought i was laughing at him. “Its not you- its, its, everything’s good Edward, everything is blissfully perfect.” It would appear that I had convinced him enough, his face relaxed; his taut cheeks resting into his naturally beautiful crooked smile. The smile which should remain there always. My raging desire to just melt into him took over all else and i was there inhumanly fast. Inhuman. That word pretty much summed me up.
Without warning Edwards body suddenly jolted, i instantly and extremely quickly recoiled back like an elastic band. To see his face- the burning man again. What was wrong? In the moment that he remained on the bed i caught a glimpse of his face. Frozen, his eyebrows creased together and on his forehead shaped a sharp line. But his eyes told the most: he was terrified, my mouth hung open as i stared at him urgently. My instincts were sending me mixed signal, something had happened- something terrible. But what, what had i done wrong. Or wasn’t it me, it couldn’t have been Renesmee. She isn’t even here with us...
“RENESMEE...!?” I screamed. I couldn’t hear her... heartbeat! Her heart is one of the constant drumming in the background I hear when she’s near. The regular thrilling of blood being pumped around her delicate body: Where IS RENESMEE! I shot to Renesmee’s bedroom: ripping the bed cover as i went. I FROZE. She isn’t in her cot. Edward was suddenly by my side...
A knock on the door

Alice entered the room swiftly with her head down and she stood their while Edwards face rearranged itself into fury. He roared, i heard a smash of bricks and he was gone- leaving a huge hole in the wall.
“Alice?”, I asked my beautiful sister, “where’s my baby, Alice? Where’s my Renesmee, please tell me she’s okay, please Alice...?” My body convulsed and i slipped to the floor in a crouching position with my back against the door. I looked up at her pleadingly, i had no strength left, i wasn’t expecting anything i felt nothing. I was numb. My face was twisted and looked questioningly to Alice’s face. “My baby...?”
She said one word.....................


I stood instantly in shock and as it sunk in i felt the raw strength thrilling in my limbs. My hair fell into my face, i swiftly scraped it back, as i did so i noticed my wedding ring glimmering in the light. It reminded me of Rosalie’s perfection. Mistaken perfection: I felt fury and the urgent and motherly feeling to protect my child. I threw my fist back, not caring that it broke the wall. I pulled myself up, lifted my chin up arrogantly, my eyes closed to stop the effect of the walls closing in on me. I had nothing in me but fury. I was no longer numb; anger engulfed me as I looked at the cot where my daughter should have been sleeping serenely when I awoke.
Realisation REALIZATIONhit me. “Don’t expect Rose to come back alive” I roared and flung myself out of the window and charged through the trees faster than I had ever experienced. It was faster than I had seen even Alice or Edward move, faster than I had seen anyone move. I raced through the trees, the wind breezing in my hair; throwing it back. The swirling dress that Alice had presented me with for my honeymoon flew behind me and the wind hushed it away to safety. Its floral curls rippling angrily. I just couldn’t seem to move faster, even with the strong force of the wind and the rain it didn’t slow me down in the slightest. Pure and infuriating angriness and despair that pushing me forward, the trees whipped past me unimaginably quickly, from my sides i could just see a dark green haze. I could hear no heartbeats; my presence had chased away every species in the forest. All I could see in my mind was Renesmee’s beautiful face, her soft curls that framed her face and her chocolate brown eyes; uncannily similar to my own in my human life. She is so alike to me she technically is me, or a part of me at least. Rosalie had stolen that part.
My brain drummed inside my head and im (I`m)sure my heart would have too, if it hadn’t have beat for the last time a few months ago. Edward had once said that when you were a vampire your mind would have the capacity to be preoccupied; “easily distracted”- that was how he had put it. But all I could see was my Nessie face; I can see how hard it is now being a vampire. The feeling to cry overwhelmed me but my eyes were dry, as if my own human body was being suffocated in my new vampire skin- too much of a monster to show human emotion
Someone was near, i stopped abruptly and took a deep breath in, smelling any traces of Rosalie--, none. No the scent was- Edward, “Edward...?” I questioned. A flash of movement raced from the left side and he was in front of me with all his wonder and admirable glory.
“Bella love, are you okay...? I know you’re disorientated. But Renesmee’s alright. Everything is fine.” He said quickly staring deeply into my eyes trying to read my emotionless face.
“Im- Im I'm-I'mfine Edward, I just need Renesmee. Is she safe? Please say she’s safe” I begged still slightly shocked from his sudden appearance. He pulled his hand up to my face and kissed my head adorningly.
“Renesmee is fine Bella, of course she’s fine she’s with Rosalie”: I sighed and began to chew on my lip. Edwards face twitched unexpectedly- something he wasn’t telling me. “There’s too much to discuss, she took Renesmee last night and she is back at the house now Bella. Renesmee’s fine but Rose is....” he struggled for words, “Rose is really, Rose is in a bad state Bella. She needs someone to talk to maybe you could do that for us she won’t talk to anyone else...? Not even Esme.” I raised my eyebrows and looked down at Edwards feet, feeling slightly embarrassed that i was planning on killing her.
Bella, she loves you. She took Renesmee because she’s jealous, she wants a child and seeing the bond between you both was, well it was- hard for her; that’s all she has ever wanted and dreamed. Im I'm not gonna pretend imI'm not furious with her love; but she needs family right now she obviously would never let any harm come to Renesmee and we should be thankful for that.” Edward always seeing the best in everyone was typical, except when it came to Rosalie I didn’t understand?
Bu-” I said thoughtfully deliberating, chewing my lip again. I didn’t know what to say, so I went along with it “Your right Edward. Im I'm sorry I overreacted I-“
“No Bella; you didn’t at all, I was acting just as you had until I heard what everyone was thinking from the house. You’re a mother Bella, were parents, we should react like this. Were a family and I love you, so just relax and come back to the house with me...” his soothing voice was too question like to put me at ease. More defined than the calmness he tried to place upon me. Before I could give that one more thought Edward threw me lightly onto his back. I took a deep breath in; I didn’t need it but it helped, made me feel normal- if that was possible. I held myself closer to Edward, entwining my fingers round his. We flew through the trees in a green haze, everything was moving so ferociously yet it felt still. As if Edward was standing and the forest was moving instead.
“I love you Bella Cullen” Edward sighed, I let love engulf me, let it hug and wrap around me squeezing me tight. I wanted to think about Renesmee and Rose but it was difficult to think of anything while i was with Edward like this. Being in love with Edward felt like falling; not caring. Yet thinking of other things would be like dragging myself up a cliff face; so much easier to fall, no worry, no stress just warmth and--....Edward.
“I love you Mr Cullen” I replied lowly with a grimace. I may have been imagining it but I’m sure he warmed by a few degrees...
I gingerly and shyly peeked round Rosalie’s pearly white door; she was sat, curled into a corner, her face pressed into the rose petal wallpaper. I froze, shocked. The pain she was enduring looked horrific. Her slender pale fingers digging into the cream carpet: easily making a dent as if she was running her hands through silky cool sand. The room suddenly looked fragile in comparison to her twisted body. “Rose? I-“ I strained through bitterness.
“I’m so sorry Bella, Im I'mso ashamed” I flinched as she turned around and i "I"saw her face for the first time. Her eyes were gold but were full of pain, every part of her was twisted and tormented. She looked like she was being burned alive. A sear of cold shuddered through me suddenly!Do you need the exclamition point? I forgot that she was a vampire for a moment, too human like, too imperfect for her usual mesmeric vampire form. I tried to remember her perfect face; the memory of it seeming dim compared to this... this unusually human- like Rosalie. Her agony was profound and was clearly going to be a long suffer. She saw my face twist- stunned and aghast by her expression. She despairingly looked at me through beauteous eyes and reached out a hand towards me. I shot across to her and gently held it, quietly and sat down opposite her feeling tensed up.
“Rose, I don’t understand.”
“Bella, don’t be nice to me I don’t deserve your kindness. I am disgusted in myself, I’m evil- a monster” she burst into a new flurry of tearless sobs. I tried to reply but I couldn’t find the words. “Right there Bella, just now, you should hate me. You should be shouting and screeching; you know that’s what i deserve, what i"I" need. Im I'mdeluded and ugly, not skin deep but inside im I'm disgusting, i 'I' actually repulse myself. You took my hand and you’re willing to love me as a sister, I don’t deserve anything. I don’t think I can take your kindness. Just- just leave me alone!”
I mentally looked back at just an hour ago when Alice had whispered Rosalie’s name. I never imagined that I would be here now acting as a companion towards her. Despite my struggles with Rose I had never hated her; I had always felt impelled to make an effort, then it had changed when i had become pregnant with Renesmee. Rose had cared for me and supported my decision. I mean Renesmee would probably have never been born if it wasn’t for Rosalie’s help. She protected me from all that could harm Renesmee, and for that could she not blame me for being forever thankful and in her debt?
“Rose, I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done, can you imagine a life without Renesmee? You did that Rose its down to you, so no you shall take my kindness because that is all I have ever received from you. Im I'm not leaving Rose, I’m staying right here!”
“Bella, how could you forgive me, I stole your child from you for god sake...”
I scrutinized and considered many reasons; whatever it was it had to be logical. I skimmed through the depths of my brain for those few moments we sat in silence. Then i came to one definite decision, it was the complete truth.
“I have trusted you with my life and now i "I"trust you with Renesmee’s.” I said genuinely, “If there’s one thing I know about you Rose, it’s that you would never hurt Renesmee, you love her just as I do. What else could I ask from you?”
She looked up, cocking her head to the side thoughtfully. The corners of her mouth tilted up into a pained but relieved smile. Then I gasped, taken aback as she was suddenly embracing me. I hugged her back, raising my eyebrows, yet happy that this was over so soon and that Rose was finally at peace with something I had done. For once.
As we walked out and I closed the door behind me I felt free from my worries, I felt as if I’d just welcomed a new member permanently to my new immortal family. Someone who would finally reciprocate the love I gave. I felt happy that Rosalie was joyful again, in turn I felt joyful also. I could see the happiness in her tear filled Tear filled? You just said tearless eyes. I could appreciate that.

I really like this. You have some errors in capitalization, and I got some but there may be more. I really like this. XD ( I LOVE TWILIGHT!)
Know that she's back in the atmosphere I'm afraid that she'll think of me as a plain old Jain told a story 'bout a man who was to afraid to fly so he never did land. ~Train

Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity.
— Charles Mingus