
Young Writers Society

Naruto vs Sasuke: The Final Bout (Spoilers)

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Fri Nov 19, 2010 10:08 pm
AceWolf says...

Sasuke vs Naruto: Final Bout *Spoilers*

"Sasuke..." Everyone watched from above, Konoha positioned on the left of the great waterfall of The Valley of The End, and Akatsuki to the left. Naruto and Sasuke down below stood fifty yards apart, facing each other, their eyes piercing one another.

"Don't do this!" Naruto's face shriveled into a frown, his eyes closed. "Tobi is just using you... and you're letting him. Please don't make me fight you, not like this, at least... Look around, can't you see, Konoha is your home, you have a place here with us."

The villagers and Akatsuki watched from anxiously.

"Heh..." Sasuke closed his eyes also and sighed. "Naruto, I told you, your village, YOUR friends! They mean nothing to me. Because of YOUR village, my brother and the entire Uchiha clan has been exterminated... My pain... you couldn't understand it. You've never had anything: no family, clan, a prestigious family like me..." He chuckled deviously. "From the beginning you had nothing... SO STOP TRYING TO TELL ME MY WAY IS WRONG!"

There was no getting through to Sasuke with words, Naruto knew this. Darkness had clouded the young Uchiha's life, with the help of Madara. The one and only way to communicate with his friend was through fist...

Naruto shook his head in disdain, the answer provided was not one he wanted to hear. Deep down Naruto wanted to connect with Sasuke, fighting him was never planned, but it seemed fated.

"I'm sorry Sasuke..." Naruto clenched his teeth. "I couldn't save you... SO WE"LL BOTH DIE HERE!" Naruto eyes opened and his pupils showed of him being in Sage Mode. The red around his eyes were dark, Sage mode was a complete success.
"I told you, Naruto..." Sasuke opened his eyes as well, revealing a new sharingan, one only Madara has been able to achieve: The Enternal Mangekyo Sharingan. "The only one who will die today..." Sasuke dashed forward. "IS YOU!"

Naruto copied Sasuke and ran toward his avenge-driven friend, with his hands flailing behind him. In one of his hand, chakra began to form inside of it, taking the form of a Kunai Knife.

They met in a fury of attacks. Naruto swung his chakra blade, missing as Sasuke dodged and flung a kick directly for Naruto's face, which Naruto blocked with his forearm. Sasuke spun around throwing another kick toward Naruto's face; Naruto successfully dodged that attack.

With chakra in his hands, Sasuke used them to jump back putting some distance between them. Taijutsu was difficult against Naruto, sage mode increased his fighting capability. Madara told Sasuke everything he needed to know about this Sage Technique. Close-combat would be deadly, sage chakra had the ability to be controlled even when outside of the body. It was like a form of Hyuuga clans ability, but on a whole different level. In order to win, Sasuke would have to use long-range attacks.

Hand signs... they were to fast. Sasuke shot a Grand Fire Ball Jutsu toward Naruto. The amount of chakra put into this technique was unbelievable. The fire ball's diameter alone was ten times the normal size.

The size didn't scare Naruto, it was not one of the major concerns here. The real problem was getting rid of the Fireball so it wouldn't harm the villagers. He held up his hand, a spiral wind started to form within it, growing larger and larger, forming a giant Rasengan.

"Sage Art: Giant Rasengan!" Naruto yelled!

Up above...

"What is he doing?!?!" Kakashi said in panic. "Rasengan will only strengthen the Fireball..."

Naruto grinned and threw his hand forward, casting the Rasengan into the water, creating a wave slightly bigger than the fireball itself.

The clash was as expected, water had beaten fire, casting steam unto their fighting grounds... It was a decent amount of steam, neither Konoha, nor Akatsuki could see past it, but Naruto and Sasuke's eyes were better than the rest. The fight continued.

Sasuke cast yet another Jutsu. The hand signs were still very quick. He leaned down and placed his hand in the water beneath.

Naruto sensed what was about to come, his Sage Technique allowed him to sense all forms of chakra, and right now a huge amount was coming towards him from the water's surface. Naruto quickly created a shadow clone, who pulled him back, just in time, and swung him around before releasing the ninja into the air. Once again a spiral wind formed within Naruto palm. Suddenly, Naruto sensed more chakra coming after him. A blade of lightning pushed through the steam, piercing Naruto straight in his chest.

A strong wind blew, blowing away and clearing the steam. Once the areana cleared, everyone fell in shock. Sasuke's chidori extension technique was a success. He beamed a glare straight at Naruto's hung body, before closing one eye.

Black flames, hotter than the sun, sought out Naruto's limp body. Amertasu is said to be the hottest of all flames, nothing could extinguish the flames, not even water.

Naruto caught ablaze, black flames dancing around his body as if they were alive, eating away at his flesh. Sasuke had accomplish what many Akatsuki members had failed to do. Their audience gasped as Naruto's body was engulfed in flames. The battle between Kyuubi and Uchiha was...

"RASENGAN!" The Naruto caught within the black flames vanished. Sasuke turned his head slightly, catching view of Naruto in his Sharingan. The jutsu landed, sending Sasuke hurling backwards. Sasuke caught his balance, yet he wasn't fully in a stance, his body knelled and with susanoos's first stage activated. A bone type structure circled is body...

Sasuke looked down, examining the place Naruto came close to hitting. "That was close," He stood up. "My eyes never lie, that Naruto was the real one. It's no way you could make such a replica of yourself..."

Naruto smiled. "It was simple. Once you learn how to control and extract your Biju's chakra, it's really nothing you can't do. You've fought Killer Bee, the 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki, right? So you have an idea of what I'm capable of."

The memory of the 8 Tail surfaced Sasuke's mind. He remembered Killer Bee sneaking past is his eyes.

Uchiha grinned. "You never cease to amaze me, Uzumaki Naruto." He looked into the sky, a rain drop pelted against his cheek, making his smile widen. "I was instructed not to kill you, but..." There was a brief pause... "I don't really care about Akatsuki's plans! I just want to kill YOU!"

Naruto flinched. "If that's the way you want it! Fine!" Naruto held his hand above his head, chakra and wind mixed and matured into his palm, creating a shuriken-like rasengan. "Wind Style: RasenShuriken!!" Naruto yelled before tossing the whirling wind and chakra infused technique at Sasuke.

"He threw it??" Sasuke said, jumping over it.

The Rasenshuriken went straight for the waterfall, but it didn't collide, instead, the technique cut up the waterfall and charged after Sasuke once again. This time he wasn't able to dodge it, being off the ground left him defense-less. Just in the nick-of-time, he released Susunoo's final form. The Rasenshuriken collided with Susunoo's outer body, failing to hit it's target, Sasuke.

Sasuke turned to face Naruto, who now had a look of satisfaction. It pleased Naruto to see Sasuke use Susunoo; him using it only meant that for the first time, he has accepted Naruto as a worthy opponent. But that ideal vanished.

Susunoo slowly faded away and left Sasuke unguarded.

The rain started to come down harder, lightning flashed, and thunder roared. This was the perfect scenario for Sasuke's Jutsu, one he and Orochimaru favored.

"Naruto..." Sasuke's hand hovered over his head and chidori flashed around it. "It's over..." The chidori shot straight in the sky. Everyone looked up, awaiting this technique, all anxious and scared, all except Naruto.

Out of the sky, lightning, in the form of a dragon appeared, beaming down.

"Kirin..." The dragon rushed down, and in the blink of an eye, it hit Naruto dead on.
Konoha Villagers gasped. They knew if someone was hit by such an attack then it would be the end. Uzumaki Naruto was...dead.

Tobi looked down at Sasuke with his Sharingan eye. "S-Sasuke...y-you...idiot..." He whispered under his breath. With Naruto dead, Akatsuki's plans were ruined. Without Naruto, the Kyuubi could not be extracted from his body, hoping there was a body even left...

Smoke covered the spot Naruto stood just moments ago. That attack, Kirin, was one strong Jutsu. Sasuke and Orochimaru worked on it and created the technique from scratch. Sasuke needed a thunderstorm to complete the Jutsu. Usually he would create one himself by casting fireballs into the sky, but since Naruto destroyed his fireball, creating steam which evaporated into the air causing a storm itself, Sasuke didn't have a need to waste chakra or time.

Kakashi, who was watching from above, knew that Naruto had been killed, he came prepared for either, or both, of them dying today. He knew if Naruto died in battle then it was up to him to put Sasuke to rest.

"I'm going to..." Kakashi was saying before someone interrupted him.

"No need to Kakashi." Karin said, looking at the place Sasuke sent his Kirin. She stared at the spot, her eyes fixed on that simple place, in shock. "T-that chakra..."

Kakashi drove his attention back to the fighting grounds. The smoke washed away with the wind, revealing a large hand. "That's the..."

"Impossible..." Sasuke went wide-eyed, his Mangekyo picked up on a new chakra, one that he was familiar with. A memory flashed throughout his head, remembering the last time he fought Naruto at this place. The menacing chakra that poured from his body was unforgettable.

The fur-covered hand began to get smaller as it retracted back into Naruto's body. Naruto stood completely unharmed.

Inside Naruto's mind...

"Thanks Kyuubi...I could have been finished back there."

"Don't mention it kid, just get back to the fight. You might want to end it now, that Jutsu seemed like it was hard to control and would drain the average ninja. Maybe you can finish it...."


Red chakra flowed around Naruto's body, his skin started to peel away until he was covered in the kyuubi's nine-tailed cloak.

Naruto dashed with intense speed. Sasuke's Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan wasn't even capable of keeping up with his flashy movements. Sasuke did the only think he could think of: he released Susuanoo 2nd stage, quickly shooting an arrow at his opponent.

The arrow closed in on it's target, Naruto. Naruto let out a loud roar and deflected the attack.

"No way...wait, where did he go...?" Sasuke had lost track of Naruto. He was distracted by someone reflecting Susunoo's arrow.

Naruto's blinding speed helped him move behind Sasuke, and once he was in his blind spot, Naruto opened his mouth. Chakra started to gather at his mouth's entrance, creating an attack stronger than the RasenShruiken. It didnt' take long to gather the energy needed for the attack. Once it finished, Naruto launched the attack.

Sasuke turned around just in time to see the jutsu break through Susuanoo...
Sasuke did not have time for any movements, let alone a jutsu. The powerful technique, a beam of red chakra, burst through Susuanoo's defense, something no one though possible, and landed a direct hit on Sasuke.

Time went by and the attack became smaller until nothing was left. Konoha and Akatsuki watched in anticipation. Surely Sasuke was hit... Was he alive? Naruto reverted back to his normal state, the red chakra sealing itself within Naruto. In the middle of the Valley of The End was Sasuke Uchiha, face down in the water.

Naruto walked to Sasuke's body, but once he arrived, the body vanished slowly.

"What tha..." Naruto said as the body disappear.

"It's not over Naruto!" A mysterious voice said. Everyone looked around to find where the voice came from, until one person noticed.

"There he is!!" Someone from the village said pointing at the middle of the waterfall.

There, Sasuke stood, completely unharmed.

"Naruto...you never stood a chance against an Uchiha possessing the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan." Sasuke explained." I won't be beaten... not by you, or anyone in this pathetic village. Everyone will fall before the Uchiha clans." Sasuke beamed down at Naruto, below.

"How did he do that???" Kakashi asked in disbelief. He saw with his own eye, Sasuke was hit with Naruto's beam. It should have taken him out.

"It's the same move as Danzo...." Karin said, staring at Sasuke. "That Jutsu..."

"What are you going on about, girl?" Tsunade demanded.

"No...not that!! It's a forbidden jutsu!" Tsunade looked at Karin with fear present on her face. "Impossible..."

"The Uchiha's forbidden Jutsu, Izangi?" Kakashi asked. "That jutsu is said to turn anything into a genjutsu, a technique that can even turn death into a mere dream... Could Sasuke use something like that?"

"I wouldn't doubt it. He has been with Orochimaru and Madara, there is no telling what that kid is capable of..." Tsunade turned her attention to the fight. "We just have to have faith in Naruto!"

"He's grown so much, hasn't he Kakashi? Tsunade?" A voice, none of the village was familiar with, said. Kakashi and Tsunade turned around to find Madara. Kakashi quickly withdrew his Kunai Knife, but Madara showed more speed, appearing behind Tsunade and Kakashi. "I'm not here to start a fight, calm down predecessor of the White Fang. You'll have your chance to die in the war."

Madara's speed shocked Kakashi. The copy ninja didn't stand a chance against the one they call Mizukage.

"What are you after, Madara?" Kakashi glared at Madara.

"My goal will be achieved in due time. For now, enjoy the end of this battle. For two generations I've waited for this fight, and now...it all happens before me..."

Sasuke stood at the top, his next move was surely going to finish this.

"Hey, Naruto. What do you say we settle this once and for all? Uchiha versus Kyuubi, the final blow." Sasuke grinned. "Chidori and Rasengan...just like old times."

Naruto looked up with the same goofy smile he always give, this was just what he was waiting for. He knew what had to be done, this clash would show Sasuke the truth. It wasn't about winning, all Naruto wanted to do is save his friend.

"Let's go!" Naruto yelled with enthusiasm. The RasenShuriken formed in Naruto's palm once again, but this time he fused the Kyuubi's chakra within it as well.

Sasuke hand suddenly glowed of dark lightning, his chakra no longer had it's original color. Choosing the dark path made his chakra cold and dark, but gave him more power.

"Let's do this!" Sasuke and Naruto said in union. They dashed forward holding their Jutsu's: Sasuke ran down the waterfall; Naruto used his Sage Chakra to increase his speed. With the extra speed, the attacks were more powerful.

"Chidori Latment!"



Naruto and Sasuke stood face to face, they were surrounded by nothing, just the two of them. The battle ground they once fought never existed, this was the one place they could really fight.

"Why do you pick this route?" Naruto looked at Sasuke with sorrow in his eyes. "Come back to the village, I can make things better for you. Everything you ever did can be forgiven..."

"HAHAHA!" Sasuke started to laugh hysterically. "I don't want your forgiveness. You and your village can go to hell! Do you have any idea what Konoha did to Itachi...to my clan? They took everything from me! The Uchiha clan was made a fool of... but today... today I will cleanse the Uchiha name!"

Naruto finally understood. Sasuke was never going to change, not for him, or for anyone. Sasuke had turned to the world of darkness. There was only one thing Naruto could do to save his friend, Sasuke.

"You want your clan back?" Naruto faced the floor beneath him. "That is something...I can't give to you. But I have the next best thing for you though..."

"What is that?!" Sasuke scolded.

Naruto looked back up at Sasuke. It wasn't the same Naruto from before, a drastic change had taken place. As Naruto gazed at Sasuke, Sasuke noticed that change.

"I-is that..." Sasuke staggered.

"This is," Naruto beamed at Sasuke with different eyes...the Mangekyo Sharingan. "Itachi's final gift to you!"

Everything went from white to black. Sasuke's head turned left, then right as he was sucked into the darkness, something he was quite familiar with already. Images begin to play in his head, memories of his family and clan: Good ones of his brother and mother, and the time his father complimented him; bad ones of the day he found his clan dead.

All of a sudden, Itachi appeared between Naruto and Sasuke.

"Naruto... you did well." Itachi said.
Itachi faced Sasuke, his Mangekyo Sharingan activated. The brothers stared at one another, Sasuke, speechless, just stared at Itachi in disbelief. Itachi's ghost had appeared before him, or was this some sort of genjutsu?

"Sasuke," Itachi smiled. "It's good to see you, but I didn't want to meet like this..."

Sasuke continued to stare at his brother with a blank expression. He wanted to say something, anything, but the words were misplaced, his blank expression remained. Seeing his brother gave Sasuke mixed feelings. Was it a trick? Naruto was never good at genjutsu, yet he has grown since their last fight; anything is possible.

Sasuke started toward his brother. "Itachi...is that....is that really you?"

Itachi placed his two fingers at Sasuke's forehead and smiled wider.

"It is really me, Sasuke." Sasuke feel to his knees as he gazed up at his older brother. Tears cut down his cheek, Sasuke, The Avenger, had fallen to his knees and cried. Naruto just watched from behind, not saying a word, as if he didn't exist.

"You have to stop this Sasuke..." Itachi looked down at his younger brother. "Stop trying to attack Konoha."

"Why?!" Sasuke said through the tears. "They have taken everything from me...I'm alone now."

"You're never alone." Itachi placed a hand on Sasuke's head. "The only way you'll truly be alone is if you continue following the path of an avenger. You have friends in Konoha, they all risked their lives for you, just as I did."

"No!" Sasuke was getting angry, his tear subsided. "They made you kill our clan, and they allowed me to believe you did it so I can take revenge on you! How could someone make a person kill their parents? I must kill the elders and cleanse the Uchiha n..."

"Sasuke...my brother." Itachi patted Sasuke's head. "Is that what Madara told you?"

Sasuke tilted his head, confused. "Huh?"

"Everything Madara told you was a lie," Itachi started. "I knew he would take you after our fight and feed you lies, him and Danzo both. Those two worked together for many years before I met Madara, I wouldn't doubt they had something planned for you."

Sasuke's eyes grew wide, interested in what he was hearing.
"If you're telling the truth, then prove it!" Sasuke blazed-out.

Itachi nodded. "That is why I'm here..." He closed his eyes and reopened them.

Naruto proceed to watch the brother. Once Itachi opened his eyes everything went quiet, Sasuke just stared up at his brother, wide-eyed. They stayed in the same position for a few moments before Sasuke slowly stood up; he closed his eyes.

"So...that's the truth..." Sasuke said quietly.

Itachi placed a hand on his brother's shoulder. "You know what you have to do Sasuke..."

Sasuke nodded and turned to Naruto. "Naruto..." He stared at the yellow haired ninja.

"Right!" Naruto said, balling his fist.

The clash caused massive waves, and it started yet another storm. Lightning struck, thunder clapped, filling the sky with heavenly roars. The clash caused mother nature to react as appropriate. Wind and lightning caused a storm, and in the middle of the storm is were Naruto and Sasuke stationed.

The villagers and Akatsuki stared at the spot Naruto ans Sasuke clashed, watching as an orb of lightning and wind fought for dominance. Wind and lightning were thrown in all directions, lucky for the villagers being so high up or the attack could have caused the damage.

Madara looked down at the battle areana, quite pleased with his view. His eye had never seen so much power, it was like a reincarnation of the fight between himself and the first hokage. For two generations he waited for this moment and finally, Uchiha's were going to have their rightful place in the world, on top.

The orb caused by the chidori and rasengan started to become more fierce, wind ripped up and lightning followed, turning the massive orb into a tornado like cone. The spectators all gasped when the attack became larger and deadly. Lightning blast down the cone and the Tornado disappeared. Everyone looked down, Madara more excited than others.

At the bottom stood Naruto and Sauske both staring up, looking at a particular person, Madara.

Madara couldn't believe his eye, both Naruto and Sasuke were alive, and what shocked him the most was that neither were fighting anymore.

"Madara!" Sasuke cried as him and Naruto ran up the Valley's wall toward Madara.

The two ran side-by-side. Sasuke's old path had been changed by Itachi's truth, his goals were no longer in the shadows, with the help of Naruto and his brother, Sasuke had found new light. Naruto and Sasuke's rivalry had died and a new friend ship was reborn.

Reaching the top of the Valley, Sasuke dashed after Madara with his chidori, with Naruto right below him, rasengan at ready.

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Sun Nov 28, 2010 6:53 pm
Nate says...

Unfortunately, I've never watched Naruto so I was a bit lost. Regardless, I think you did a good job of introducing the action and of what was going on. You also have good pacing.

What you need to work on, though, is just proof-reading as well as sentence structure. Take this for example:
Sasuke continued to stare at his brother with a blank expression. He wanted to say something, anything, but the words were misplaced, his blank expression remained.

The first sentence is good; it's the second sentence where it falls apart. "He wanted to say something, anything" is a complete sentence and it should've ended there. Then start a third sentence with "But, the words were misplaced." If you don't like starting sentences with "but", replace it with "yet." Lastly, you don't need to say "his blank expression remained." You've already told the reader about the blank expression, and one assumes it's still there. Repeating it is just extra verbiage and a bit repetitive.

The "his blank expression remained" also demonstrates something else you do, which is to add extra description at the end of a sentence. That can be a good technique, and it's something that definitely distinguishes your writing style from others. For instance, I thought this was good:
Lightning struck, thunder clapped, filling the sky with heavenly roars.

There, the extra description adds something that wasn't there before. So as long as you're adding something to the story, I think it works well.

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Sun Nov 28, 2010 10:09 pm
JabberHut says...

Hey, AceWolf!

I thought I'd stop by and read since no one besides Nate has commented, and after reading this myself, you definitely deserve some feedback! I enjoyed this piece thoroughly. I love action stories, and this flash-fic is exactly that: an action-packed, anime-feel battle scene. Very cool!

The main thing that I think you will want to look over is your grammar. Nate pointed out a little bit when he elaborated on sentence structure, and that's basically what I want to point out. With battle scenes, there's some styles that just don't quite work. Long, comma-filled sentences can actually drag your battle scenes into a slow, step-by-step, Battle between Naruto and Sasuke for Dummies battle scene. (I think I need a few more adjectives there, don't you think? xD) This kinda ties in with working in description (another technique Nate mentioned), but let's hit the sentence structure first:

A common technique is short sentences or sentence fragments. It sounds like it would be choppy and messy, but that actually helps the scene feel like it's moving so quickly that there's no time to talk in full sentences! Do you see what I mean? When Naruto or Sasuke is running, they'll be breathing faster than when they would have been if they were just standing there. When you run the mile, it's hard to talk in a full sentence with proper grammar. So that technique with battle scenes is very effective. Even a professional ninja-fighter anime character has to pay attention to his/her breathing patterns. Hyperventilating is a very bad thing--especially when saving the world! For example:

AceWolf wrote:Naruto sensed what was about to come, his Sage Technique allowed him to sense all forms of chakra, and right now a huge amount was coming towards him from the water's surface. Naruto quickly created a shadow clone, who pulled him back, just in time, and swung him around before releasing the ninja into the air. Once again a spiral wind formed within Naruto palm. Suddenly, Naruto sensed more chakra coming after him. A blade of lightning pushed through the steam, piercing Naruto straight in his chest.

Here's a way to rewrite it:

Naruto wasn't fooled. As Sasuke's chakra broke the water surface, Naruto formed a shadow clone of his own. Naruto was instantly flung into the sky by his own twin. Sasuke was too distracted to notice Naruto's quick actions. With all his strength, Sasuke sent the blade of lightning straight into the clone's chest, finally ending this battle...and Naruto.

Granted, I didn't mention the spinning or any minor details, but the reader can insert those in themselves, especially since they probably know the characters anyway and how the minor details would play in.

Another way to keep the battle scene interesting is using fewer words when describing. Now, we don't want to sound like poetry in a paragraph, but we do want to keep it brief when describing something specific. For example, in your text:

AceWolf wrote:The clash caused massive waves, and it started yet another storm. Lightning struck, thunder clapped, filling the sky with heavenly roars. The clash caused mother nature to react as appropriate. Wind and lightning caused a storm, and in the middle of the storm is were Naruto and Sasuke stationed.

I think it's safe to assume that the reader knows how a storm works, so that bolded sentence is probably useless. If you want to mention the wrath of Mother Nature (which is, honestly, a really cool method here since we're also watching the wrath of Naruto and Sasuke), then you can rearrange the sentence to include her, but not dedicate an entire paragraph in the middle of the battle scene just to a thunderstorm. For instance:

Massive waves erupted from the lake as soon as the two ninjas struck each other full force. Mother Nature roared her anger with clapping thunder. Almost instantly, a flash of lightning illuminated the battlefield to reveal the two ninjas stationed on the ground, gasping for breath. [insert more description of whoever speaks next or is the subject of the next paragraph]


So they're two rather nit-picky points, seeing as how elaborate I was, but they can be easily reviewed by editing. Don't think that what you have isn't good 'cause it really is good! Most of it is worth keeping. With some tweaking, you'll be able to make it. It'll also help define exactly what kind of writing style you're interested in. What I pointed out can be seen as two different styles, depending on how you incorporate them into your work.

Overall, I think this is brilliant. I can honestly say that you held my attention, and the action was very cool! I always enjoy a good cheesy anime battle scene, so this pleased me to no end. (And I have never seen Naruto!)

Keep writing!

Jabber, the One and Only!
I make my own policies.

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Sun Nov 28, 2010 10:38 pm
Jagged says...

Hey Ace,

Nate and Jabber have already covered the problems with grammar and sentence structure, so I'm not going to rehash it all to you :P Just remember, spellcheck is your best friend, and reading over your story can't hurt, as some mistakes won't be caught, like writing "to" instead of "too", stuff like that. Just cleaning those up make for a much nicer reading experience.

Now, I've watched/read Naruto, and some fanfic of it (even if I stopped after the Chuunin arc, bad me), and there are a few little things that bothered me here. Tiny insignificant things like your writing "Kunai knife" when just "kunai" would work, or spending a whole paragraph explaining the origins of techniques/jutsu. It does come in handy when people unfamiliar with the canon read, but fanfiction is usually designed to be read by those who like the show/manga, and to those people these expository parts just seem to drag on and on.

I must say I'm also vaguely confused as to how exactly the characters came to be where they are at the moment of this story. Why are the Leaf-nin away from Konoha, leaving it open to attack? Why are the Akatsuki just sitting opposite them twiddling their thumbs? Why is no one taking advantage of Naruto vs Sasuke, round 1,157 to wreak some chaos and kill enemies? If I were one of them, that's what I'd do; maybe take a potshot at either Naruto or Sasuke to distract them while I was at it. That you give no reason as to why they're not doing this makes it seem completely surreal, and so takes away from the credibility.

Also, the Itachi thing 1. comes out of nowhere, 2. is such a deus ex machine and 3. while Sasuke has terrible family issues related to his brother, I doubt he'd accept so easily. If he's shown us anything, it's that he is terribly one-track-minded when he's set on something, and so he'd require a stronger argument than just an apparition.

Still, nice start. Keep it up ^^
Lumi: they stand no chance against the JAG SAFETY BLANKET

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Sat Dec 04, 2010 2:33 am
AceWolf says...

Jagged wrote:Hey Ace,

Nate and Jabber have already covered the problems with grammar and sentence structure, so I'm not going to rehash it all to you :P Just remember, spellcheck is your best friend, and reading over your story can't hurt, as some mistakes won't be caught, like writing "to" instead of "too", stuff like that. Just cleaning those up make for a much nicer reading experience.

Now, I've watched/read Naruto, and some fanfic of it (even if I stopped after the Chuunin arc, bad me), and there are a few little things that bothered me here. Tiny insignificant things like your writing "Kunai knife" when just "kunai" would work, or spending a whole paragraph explaining the origins of techniques/jutsu. It does come in handy when people unfamiliar with the canon read, but fanfiction is usually designed to be read by those who like the show/manga, and to those people these expository parts just seem to drag on and on.

I must say I'm also vaguely confused as to how exactly the characters came to be where they are at the moment of this story. Why are the Leaf-nin away from Konoha, leaving it open to attack? Why are the Akatsuki just sitting opposite them twiddling their thumbs? Why is no one taking advantage of Naruto vs Sasuke, round 1,157 to wreak some chaos and kill enemies? If I were one of them, that's what I'd do; maybe take a potshot at either Naruto or Sasuke to distract them while I was at it. That you give no reason as to why they're not doing this makes it seem completely surreal, and so takes away from the credibility.

Also, the Itachi thing 1. comes out of nowhere, 2. is such a deus ex machine and 3. while Sasuke has terrible family issues related to his brother, I doubt he'd accept so easily. If he's shown us anything, it's that he is terribly one-track-minded when he's set on something, and so he'd require a stronger argument than just an apparition.

Still, nice start. Keep it up ^^

A lot has happen since you left the series. Naruto and Sasuke are grown up, have new jutsu's, the 4th Ninja war has begun, and Sasuke is be lead by one of Konoha's most feared villian -Madara Uchiha. You'll have to read the Manga to understand what is happening here.

Obsessing over what you regret won't get you anywhere.
— Steggy