
Young Writers Society

Mary Sue Therapy

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Sun Sep 19, 2010 2:33 am
SporkPunk says...

Hey guys, this is my entry for Skins' contest, the opening line one. I had a lot of fun with this, and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. :smt001

“I never liked my name. Nobody with anything resembling sense would like it either. Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way, that’s my name, though sometimes I was called Enoby. I didn’t like my creator either, Tara what’s-her-face. She made me into this…this terrible creature. It was like being like Bella Swan, but a thousand times worse. I mean, seriously, doctor, I don’t even like My Chemical Romance!” The girl exhaled heavily, folding her arms across her chest. She wore a simple white tee shirt and blue jeans, with black canvas shoes. Nothing like her “usual” attire.

“Hey! You think I liked being in Twilight?” Bella exclaimed hotly, glaring at Ebony.

“At least your name made some sense! Even if your story didn’t have a plot!”

“Now, now, ladies, let’s take some deep breaths and relax. You’re both here for the same reason,” the doctor said, smiling at them. “You both feel the same way, so let’s try to keep things civil, hmm?”

Ebony and Bella nodded sullenly, both mumbling apologies. “Dr. Crane, why is it that it’s only us? Surely there are other characters who feel the way we do?” Bella asked, looking up at the balding psychiatrist.

Dr. Frasier Crane looked from his notes, to the duo, and back to his notes. “This is called dual therapy. You two are my…most interesting cases, so you’re together. Anyway, shall we officially begin? Let’s start with some basic introductions. Bella, you go first.”

“Well, I was just an innocent teen lit character, you know? Just your average brunette, pale girl, really nothing special. I thought my creator was going to write a story about self-realization or coming of age, and so I set out to please Stephenie. Whatever she had me do, I did with the utmost enthusiasm. And, Dr. Crane, I’m a very cheerful character, but Ms. Meyer made me into this whiny, boy-crazed seventeen year old! It was atrocious! I tried to fight back, show some personality besides this bizarre shell Stephenie wanted. It was useless, and now everyone in the real world thinks I’m this one dimensional, annoying girl and that I’m the symbol of everything that’s wrong with popular culture. I hate it. And when she had me fall in “love” with both Jacob and Edward, I nearly lost it! They’re two of the most unattractive characters in the saga thing! An ancient, possessive, literally cold leech-thing, and a giant wolf boy with a penchant for showing off his abs? Awful, and shameless. And what was up with me having no flaws? Come on, Stephenie. GAH!” By the time she was finished, Bella was red in the face.

Dr. Crane nodded. “Mhmm, and how does that make you feel?”

“Pretty peachy, doctor. Are you kidding me? If I ever see her, I am going to take a rusty spoon to her corneas! That’s how I freakin’ feel! Are you writing this down, Doctor Birdie?!”

Bella was now standing and shouting, a vein on her neck bulging. Ebony watched in silence, trying to suppress a giggle.

Dr. Crane merely nodded and said sagely, “It’s good to let it out.”

“Let it out? I haven’t even started yet! What’s with all that crap about vegetarian vampires? And really, Renesmee? That’s the dumbest name for a child since Sage Moonblood! God, where did she come up with this stuff? Oh! And don’t forget about Edward’s incredibly pasty white self! Does anyone else notice that it totally sounds like that Mormon guy?! JESUS!” Bella huffed and sat back down, out of breath.

Ebony laughed and quickly tried to hide it with a cough. “I’m sorry Bella, it’s just…Renesmee. And I thought I had an awful name.”

Bella shrugged. “I think yours is dumber, actually.”

Before Ebony could reply, Dr. Crane cleared his throat, and the two young women fell silent. “Ebony, if you please?”

The girl nodded. “I was created by this girl, Tara. It started off badly, and got worse. She made me into this airhead 'goff' who apparently suffered an over-inflated ego and dyslexia! And the stuff she had me wear--it was ridiculous! Only on Halloween can people get away with it! You should have seen Draco laughing at me after writing sessions! It was terrible. Then she made me act like a complete bi---witch, and made me witness all this weirdo stuff…ugh, and there wasn’t even a plot. It just went nowhere!”

“And how does that make you feel?”

“What do you think, Doc? I felt pretty bad. Still do. Everyone thinks I’m this awful emo-wannabe-gothic person with a bad taste in clothing, music, and a speech impediment of some sort. That isn’t me at all. I can pronounce the “TH” sound, gosh darn it!”

“There, there, it’s okay, Ebony,” Bella hugged the other girl lightly as Ebony began to sob.

“Well, would you look at that,” Dr. Crane began. “I think we’ve made some progress. Good work today, ladies.”

Wait!” A large brunette woman bounded into the room.

“What the--who are you?”

“I’m Bella. I mean, I’m Stephenie Meyer. And honestly, this short story is terrible. It’s missing something. Needs more…dazzle! And topaz! And god-like! Yay for thesaurus-dot-com!”

Bella’s eyes narrowed. She drew a rusty spoon from her jacket pocket. “AY-YI-YI-YI-YI-YI-YI!” Her war cry shocked Dr. Crane and Ebony.

“I’ve been waiting for this for five stinking years!” Bella ran to the woman, who tried to run out of the room, but she was too large to do much else other than waddle.

Dr. Crane whipped out a walkie-talkie and spoke into it. “We have a code topaz in effect, rusty-spoon-to-author’s-cornea in effect. Dispatch all psychiatric units to room 14A, please.”

Bella screeched to Stephenie from another room, “Get back here you twinkie-shoveling lard butt!”
Grasped by the throat, grasped by the throat. That's how I feel about love. That it's not worth it.

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377 Reviews

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Sun Sep 19, 2010 2:40 am
seeminglymeaningless says...

This was fantastic :P I loved Bella's speech, but I wish Ebony's had been better. I mean, with fanfiction like that, you could have completely ripped on Tara's writing - it would have been epic!

I didn't think the last scene made much sense, and this part:

Dr. Crane whipped out a walkie-talkie and spoke into it. “We have a code topaz in effect, rusty-spoon-to-author’s-cornea in effect. Dispatch all psychiatric units to room 14A, please.”

Sounded really weird and too made up, if you get what I mean.

Otherwise, I could find no more mistakes, and I really enjoyed reading this.

- Jai
I have an approximate knowledge of many things.

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262 Reviews

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Sun Sep 19, 2010 2:44 am
ultraviolet says...

I'm not sure I can really give this a serious review. But, as a Twilight-hater, I love this. :D Like, love this.

Bella screeched to Stephenie from another room, “Get back here you twinkie-shoveling lard butt!”

I seriously started laughing at this. Cruel to the... word-on-page-putter (I'm not sure I can justify calling her a writer) but hilarious. *likes*
"Blah blah blah. You feel trapped in your life. Here is what I am hearing: happiness isn't worth any inconvenience."


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Sun Sep 19, 2010 4:00 am
Ladynagrom says...

Alright, as a person who has a strong love hate relationship with Twilight, I love this. Bella's speech was wonderful, I think Ebony had plenty of potentiol, though she should have ripped Tara some more. It sounds like she could have done just as good, if not better. Awesome job!
"I take a long time in the bathroom. It's what girls do. Excuse me for my gender." - Me to my brother

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Sun Sep 19, 2010 9:25 am
Button says...

This was fantastic- the characters, the situation... everything was so original and fun. Loved the speeches, and especially the end. I don't really have anything to critique about this... it was just... awesome. :)
To put it really simply, awesome.

Great write. :D


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Sun Sep 19, 2010 10:33 am
Georgiexx says...

Haha, i loved it. i dont think i can make a serious review out of this, it was funny.
I found myself laughing out loud at some point in the story. Good job.

The only thing that confused me at all was the ending,
“I’m Bella. I mean, I’m Stephenie Meyer. And honestly, this short story is terrible. It’s missing something. Needs more…dazzle! And topaz! And god-like! Yay for thesaurus-dot-com!”
i didnt quite understand the god-like part, but i could be wrong and it may make sense to everyone else.

Anyway, i loved it. Keep writing.
Love Georgiexx
Today im happier than a bird with a french fry ;)

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262 Reviews

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Reviews: 262
Sun Sep 19, 2010 1:11 pm
ultraviolet says...

Edward is often described at "god-like".
"Blah blah blah. You feel trapped in your life. Here is what I am hearing: happiness isn't worth any inconvenience."


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Sun Sep 19, 2010 5:44 pm
LadyPurple says...

I love this! I kind of feel sad for Ebony now. And Bella.....
SporkPunk wrote: “I’ve been waiting for this for five stinking years!” Bella ran to the woman, who tried to run out of the room, but she was too large to do much else other than waddle.

:D :D
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You're dealing with writers. The words "normal" and "usual occurrence" do not compute.
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Mon Sep 20, 2010 1:13 pm
GryphonFledgling says...

First of all, *like*.

Ahem, now that's out of the way and I can move on to reviewing...

It's probably really telling about my fanbase tendancies where when I read "Dr. Crane", my first thought is Scarecrow rather than Frasier.

Bella exclaimed hotly

Meh. Try just "exclaimed" or "retorted". The "hotly" is redundant, because her words are pretty clearly irate.

I loved your two choices of characters. Way to take two nearly-universally acknowledged Mary-Sues and make them quite sympathetic in your story! I do kind of agree that Enoby (my personal favorite misspelling of her name) could have had a bit more to say. Bella got to talk about the other characters as much as her and how she hated their parts in the story, where all Ebony did was whine about her clothing and music choices in the story. Perhaps a bit more about how she interacted with the characters in the story. How about all the guys crushing on her? Stuff like that. Bella's complaints seemed far more intelligent and justified in comparison.

One thing I didn't like in the story was the personal attacks on the authors. Not that they wrote a bad story (we're on the same page there), but for example, drawing attention to the Mormon aspect and calling Meyer fat. It's weird, because I thought your parody of Meyer with the thesaurus-dot-com reference was hysterical, but I didn't find the "waddling" joke to be all that funny. It's sort of taking away from the Mary-Sues' roles and turning it into a childish rip at the authors, rather than an intelligent parody like it was.

"Code topaz" = *gigglesnort*

Very nice. It read quite easily and entertainingly, with some semblance of happening rather than just random events. I approve so hard of this fanfic.

I am reminded of the babe by you.

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Fri Oct 08, 2010 11:57 pm
MadameLuxestrange says...

I must say that even though I'm a hardcore Twi-tard, this made me laugh like crazy! I really think you captured Bella's "true" feelings and did a wonderful job at telling her side of the story with the speeches. What I would suggest you work on is making Ebony as dedicated to hating her author as Bella is. She needs more, for lack of a better word, sparkle. Also, make the part where Dr. Crane pulls out his walkie-talkie a little less like a bad-spy movie. I think you would be able to think of a lot of better things for a psychiatric ward.
This piece literally made my day when I read it! I showed my bestest buddy and she laughed so hard that tears came to her eyes. We're both Twilight fans and we loved this, so basically you've suceeded in making us hard-core lovers of all things Twilight see another side to the story.
All I have left to say is EPIC!!!! :-))
...or dear Bellatrix, who likes to play with her food before she eats it?
Fear makes the wolf seem bigger.
I got attacked by a swan.

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Tue Oct 12, 2010 4:59 am
StoryWeaver13 says...

Well I found this by accident but I gotta say, wow. :LOL:
Anyway, there isn't really a way to review this stuff seriously, is there? But as far as being entertaining, it was 100% hilarious, and I have to say that things like this only remind me even more about why I *hate* Twilight.
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