
Young Writers Society

Saving Heroes

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Mon May 10, 2010 5:57 pm
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Gladius says...

Prison gates won’t open up for me.
On these hands and knees I’m crawling—
I reach for you.

Dust and stone debris rained down on his blond head and prone body, grinding his wounds more deeply into his nerves. A tortured yell escaped him as he covered his head.


As the masonry settled around him, the warrior opened his eyes to search for an escape, but there was hardly room enough beneath the heavy stones for him to wiggle out from under a particularly painful rock that had his leg partly trapped.

“Link, are you alright? Link!”

The Hero answered the frantic calls with “I’m alive—just help me get out of here!”

I’m terrified of these four walls;
These iron bars can’t hold my soul.

Darkness enveloped her everywhere she turned. She couldn’t even be sure she was turning, except that her nerves were connected to her brain, and they were adamant she was spinning in place.

The girl reached a hand out, looking for a wall or torch bracket of some sort, but was only rewarded with an eerie, ghostly force pressing back against her palm. That force translated into fear, and she made a frantic retreat only to feel the same force touch her back.

Terror made a grab for her throat, but she closed her eyes and fought it off with a vengeance.

All I need is you—come, please, I’m calling.
I scream for you—hurry, I’m falling.


“Tanya! I’m coming!”


“Hold on! Tanya!”

Show me what it’s like to be the last one standing;
And teach me wrong from right, and I’ll show you what I can be.

There was a flurry of smacks and clicks, a forceful thud, and one combatant was lying on her back in the dust.

The wooden point retreated from the hollow of her neck, and next a gauntleted hand entered her field of vision. Tanya looked up into sparkling crystal eyes and the Hero’s grinning face; she couldn’t resist smiling back.

“How come I can never seem to get you down here?”

“’Cause it’s better to be the last one standing. That way I can do this—“

She had already put her hand in his. He took advantage of that to yank her up on her feet and trap her against him.

Say it for me, say it to me
And I’ll leave this life behind me—
Say it if it’s worth saving me.

“How bad is it?”

“You’ll be fine, we just—”


He averted his gaze, unable to look into those knowing emerald orbs as he forced the truth between his lips.

“Bad.” His voice was barely a whisper. “Possibly fatal.”

The girl sighed and laid her head back into his cupped hands. “Wonderful.”

“Well…” The Hero cracked the tiniest sliver of a smile and bent over her bruised face to watch her expression. “I could always say it’s not, and you could believe it’s not. Then maybe it wouldn’t be.”

“But would it be worth that?” After a moment of quiet thought, Tanya smiled mischievously. “Well, it would be worth one thing…”

Heaven’s gates won’t open up for me—
With these broken wings, I’m falling.
All I see is you.

The purest white light, brighter than she had ever imagined possible, flashed before her eyes. She flinched and made a futile attempt to shade her eyes, but her eyesight was already shot for the next ten minutes at least.


“That’s my name—don’t wear it out,” Tanya requested sarcastically.

“This is no time for levity; you have a task to complete.”

The girl snorted. “Uh, that’s a bit of a problem. You see, I’ve already failed it—obvious enough when I’m even having this conversation with you.”

A figure resolved before her, a mere shadow to the girl against the blinding backdrop. “Kellyanne, you will return, and you will complete your task. I have that power, and I will use it—you cannot afford to fail in your task. But be warned: I cannot do this again.

“You have one last chance.”

These city walls ain’t got no love for me;
I’m on the ledge of the eighteenth story.

Menacing stone rose up on all sides, a formidable maze to him in his present condition. Sounds of fighting echoed back against them from all over, disorienting the warrior further. His breath came in agonizing gasps, burning his lungs and throat as he darted in ever-slowing sprints through the maze.

Finally, he reached his objective—the looming central tower of Hyrule Castle.

Up there was where his final battle was to occur. The Hero braced himself before continuing his pilgrimage to the moment of destiny.

I scream for you—come, please, I’m calling.
All I need from you—hurry, I’m falling.

“Link! Where are you?”

“Tanya, no! Get out of here!”

“Forget it—I’m getting you out of here! Where are you?!”

“Tanya—just hang on. Don’t—“

“—Be ridiculous, Link. Tell me how to get to you, and I’ll come!”

Show me what it’s like to be the last one standing;
And teach me wrong from right, and I’ll show you what I can be.

There was no room to spare—either time or space. Every half-second counted in this duel, every inch of maneuvering room he could make use of.

No thinking, no qualms, no hesitation—no mistakes.

Link would be the last one standing, or…well, he’d be dead anyway, so killing himself over it (even metaphorically) would be beating a dead horse.

But there was just one complication he hadn’t prepared for:

Tanya being cornered by the ledge.

Her scream for help cut through him like a dull but large knife. His spine did more than tingle—for a second it made him shudder spasmodically. It was almost all the second Ganon needed to ensure his victory.


Say it for me, say it to me
And I’ll leave this life behind me.
Say it if it’s worth saving me.
Hurry, I’m falling.

Link instinctively parried the blow—probably more viciously than he needed to, but it accomplished what he needed. Ganon’s enormous weapon seemed to leap from his hand like a scalded cat, giving the Hero his chance to aid his cornered partner.

Tanya’s expression was a cross between fear and determination as she clung to one of numerous crenellations around the tower wall with one hand. With the sabre in her left, she was swinging ferociously at the monsters seeking to pull her down.

“Tanya, hold on!”

The Hero charged into the fray with a vengeance. Anything that moved got a sword through its chest, or whatever limb happened to be within reach.

The next time he looked up, though, everything seemed to slow down until the only thing he could feel was paralyzing horror.

All I need is you—come, please, I’m calling;
And I scream for you—hurry, I’m falling.

Her cry of utter terror—of his name—tore him to his core. The Hero blinked, his mind frantically trying to deny what his eyes were telling him, but the truth was harsh and cruel.

Tanya was falling off the high tower, and he was too far away to save her.

Show me what it’s like to be the last one standing;
And teach me wrong from right, and I’ll show you what I can be.

He struggled through the monstrous crowd anyway, blasting away the living blockades with magic despite his fatigue. In desperation he clung to the last shreds of hope that any one of his few inhuman qualities could just possibly help him save her.

Link broke from the crowd of monsters in time to see her tip completely over. Her hand was the only limb barely within reach…

Her fingers just brushed his before it was too late.

Say it for me, say it to me
And I’ll leave this life behind me.
Say it if it’s worth saving me.

But then, there was a triumphant roar from somewhere nearby—from a dragon. Link jerked his head up hopefully, searching the skies.

A jubilant cheer rang out as the amethyst dragon swooped low over the tower, hovering only long enough for her single passenger to lightly drop to the stone floor beside him.

The Hero returned Tanya’s triumphant but pale-faced grin with one of his own.

“You didn’t seriously think they’d get rid of me that easily, did you?”
Link rolled his eyes but laughed with relief.

Amidst the bloody remains of an ongoing, desperate battle, the two heroes indulged in a tight embrace.

“I did think I’d lost you…I didn’t know Vanessa would return so quickly,” he murmured into her hair.

Say it for me, say it to me
And I’ll leave this life behind me.
Say it if it’s worth saving me.

With the fight against his greatest nemesis won, Link let the Master Sword clatter to the stones and turned his attention toward Tanya. She grinned at him and also let her blade fall.

“It’s over. It’s finally over.”

Link quickly closed the distance between them as she moved toward him; they met in the center of the tower. Her eyes sparkled like sun-drenched meadows in her blood-smeared, ash-coated face. The warrior had never seen anything more beautiful in his life.

Gently he cupped her face in his bloody, gauntleted hands and drank in the emerald beauty of those eyes.

“What are you thinking?” she asked quietly, wrapping her arms around his neck. The boy smiled impishly.

“About how much I love you.”

Link caught her lips in a deep kiss, precluding any vocal answer she might’ve given.
Posted by request of MissGamer8.

Yet another fanfiction piece (this time what's called a songfic) loosely based off this story (read: these scenes are not part of the story but might appear in some slightly-altered way in the currently-unwritten portions; otherwise, treat the characters/vague plotline-ish sequence as its own piece). And that's where I'm gonna leave this author's note for now, 'cause I have to go soon. xP

Disclaimer: italiziced lyrics (from Saving Me) are copyright to Nickelback
Last edited by Gladius on Wed May 19, 2010 6:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.
When Heroes fall and the Sacred Blade is captured, can Evil be stopped?~The Wings of Darkness

I'm also ZeldaMoogle on Fanfiction.net!

"Funny is a formula for which there are a million variables, and it is impossible to backtrack unless, possibly, you make a living out of it."~Rosey Unicorn

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Fri May 14, 2010 9:03 pm
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Seraphina says...

Absolutely amazing! A perfect blend between the song and the story, it perfectly fits! Well done!

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Sat May 15, 2010 12:54 am
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Rosendorn says...

Let's get this off works with 1 reviews, shall we? ;) (Yuh-huh, those are taking priority right now)

The girl sighed and laid her head back into his cupped hands. “Wonderful.”

I can't picture her leaning her head into his cupped hands. Cupped hands= two hands, in my mind. And I'd think he's holding her body with one arm? Which mean it'd be one hand.

probably more viciously than he needed to, but it accomplished what he needed.

I'm wondering why he would even consider a blow to his greatest enemy too vicious. If he's trying to conserve energy, and he'd only want to do what was needed, I get that, but you have to say that he's only wanting to do what was needed. Otherwise, it looks a bit odd and out of place.

Ganon’s enormous weapon seemed to leap from his hand like a scalded cat, giving the Hero his chance to aid his cornered partner.

Wait, what? He doesn't take the chance to kill him? Why? It doesn't make much sense to me that he leaves his opponent to fight another day, not to mention possibly knife him through the back.

Link broke from the crowd of monsters in time to see her tip completely over.

I thought she was already hanging off the edge? Before, you'd said she was clinging to the crenellations around the tower wall with one hand. Which meant I thought she was hanging off the edge.

But then, there was a triumphant roar from somewhere nearby—from a dragon. Link jerked his head up hopefully, searching the skies.

A jubilant cheer rang out as the amethyst dragon swooped low over the tower, hovering only long enough for her single passenger to lightly drop to the stone floor beside him.

This, and the rest of the scene, confuse me a bit. I thought he was laying on his stomach to save her, and still needed to pull her up. Or, he couldn't actually grab her and the dragon needed to swing under the tower to catch her.

I think it's the "but then" that's confusing me. It implies that the last scene didn't finish completely, that Link needed somebody else to save Tanya. Or that he was about to get a knife through the back because he did, after all, turn his back on an evil army.

And it's odd how Vanessa just shows up and doesn't say anything, when I thought she was dropping down pretty much right next to them.

The rest of the scene pretty much reinforces that Vanessa saved Tanya, yet there's no actual mention of it in the scene. Which makes that little segment confusing.

she asked quietly, wrapping her arms around his neck.

The "bloody" descriptions you used before make me wonder why she'd be wrapping her arms around his neck.


I enjoyed this, despite not having read GP (yet!) It was a cute arc and captured the arc between the two characters well. It also fits the song well.

Very hard to comment on the content of this because of how much it relies on a story I haven't read. What I can say is, your characters seemed pretty real (although there were times I found Tanya a bit too sarcastic, but she was consistently sarcastic so I chalked it up to her character) and you've managed to be sweet without being cliche or overly sappy.

All in all, I enjoyed this and found it to be a nice read.

Drop me a line if you have questions.

A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Wed May 19, 2010 2:28 pm
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Gladius says...

(Sorry about the delay! lol I meant to reply to this, like, a week ago and never got around to it... ^^; )

The girl sighed and laid her head back into his cupped hands. “Wonderful.”

I can't picture her leaning her head into his cupped hands. Cupped hands= two hands, in my mind. And I'd think he's holding her body with one arm? Which mean it'd be one hand.

Her head is in his lap, if that helps any. He's not holding her up, per se; just letting her rest on him like a pillow. Does that make more sense?

Link broke from the crowd of monsters in time to see her tip completely over.

I thought she was already hanging off the edge? Before, you'd said she was clinging to the crenellations around the tower wall with one hand. Which meant I thought she was hanging off the edge.

You know the space between crenelations? Yeah. She's standing on that with one hand on the stone beside her for support. Maybe I need to make that a little clearer...

But then, there was a triumphant roar from somewhere nearby—from a dragon. Link jerked his head up hopefully, searching the skies.

A jubilant cheer rang out as the amethyst dragon swooped low over the tower, hovering only long enough for her single passenger to lightly drop to the stone floor beside him.

This, and the rest of the scene, confuse me a bit. I thought he was laying on his stomach to save her, and still needed to pull her up. Or, he couldn't actually grab her and the dragon needed to swing under the tower to catch her.


And it's odd how Vanessa just shows up and doesn't say anything, when I thought she was dropping down pretty much right next to them.

Note the bold part. Vanessa never "showed up", per se; she's in the area, but didn't go with Teresa. She's fighting on the ground while Teresa works in the air. I guess that needs to be a little clearer, too...

As for the actual rescue bit--yes, Teresa swung alongside the tower to catch Tanya. And you were correct in where Link would be; that doesn't seem to be an issue. Umm, I don't know if what I'm saying is making any sense, haha... ^^;

If you still have questions, PM, Chat, or reply here, doesn't matter to me. :P Thanks for the review! You're always so helpful. ^_^
When Heroes fall and the Sacred Blade is captured, can Evil be stopped?~The Wings of Darkness

I'm also ZeldaMoogle on Fanfiction.net!

"Funny is a formula for which there are a million variables, and it is impossible to backtrack unless, possibly, you make a living out of it."~Rosey Unicorn

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Wed May 26, 2010 12:16 pm
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Rosendorn says...

I also meant to reply to this about a week ago... xD

I can't picture her leaning her head into his cupped hands. Cupped hands= two hands, in my mind. And I'd think he's holding her body with one arm? Which mean it'd be one hand.

Her head is in his lap, if that helps any. He's not holding her up, per se; just letting her rest on him like a pillow. Does that make more sense?

Yes, indeed. But as I said in Chat it's not clear that he's given up on her dying. In fact, the dialogue here, where he says if she pretends, makes that an even less-likely possibility. There'd need to be much darker undertones, strongly hinting that she's dying and there's nothing Link can do about it, for the scene to make perfect sense. And you still might need to make it "cupped hands in his lap" for the complete picture.

I thought she was already hanging off the edge? Before, you'd said she was clinging to the crenellations around the tower wall with one hand. Which meant I thought she was hanging off the edge.

You know the space between crenelations? Yeah. She's standing on that with one hand on the stone beside her for support. Maybe I need to make that a little clearer...

Yeah, lol, you do. The line that made me confused was this one:

With the sabre in her left, she was swinging ferociously at the monsters seeking to pull her down.

"Pull her down" makes me think she's not exactly on the edge, but hanging/being somewhat easy to pull down. I think if you add that she was slashing at flying beasts who could reach her easily, or if she was just slashing at their hands as they tried to pull her down from a lower tier, then we'd know that she was on somewhat level ground.

You might have to add that she was clinging to the side of one, not the edge.

Note the bold part. Vanessa never "showed up", per se; she's in the area, but didn't go with Teresa. She's fighting on the ground while Teresa works in the air. I guess that needs to be a little clearer, too...

If Vanessa showed up on the back of Tressa, then you're probably going to need to make the transitions for what Tressa does clearer. Right now, the transition (roughly) reads as this:

Dragon comes from somewhere, carrying Vanessa (Link says "I didn't expect Vanessa to be back so soon," hence this), dragon swoops down by the base of the tower, dragon drops only passenger by Link.

By that logic, "single passenger"= Vanessa, as to me she's never left the dragon's back. So, that little bit of scene should be expanded ever so slightly to account for Vanessa dropping to fight at the base of the tower, and Tressa swooping down to catch Tanya.

Hope that helps!

A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

With great power... comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later.
— Rick Riordan, The Heroes of Olympus