
Young Writers Society

Maximum Ride: 9/11

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Reviews: 1
Thu Feb 04, 2010 2:17 am
brittany005 says...

Halo everyone!! Just adding a side note here for no apparent reason. ^^ lol. I'm just going to add all four chapters in here since it's already finished. It's my first fanfiction, so please tell me what you think of it!! Thanks~!


I love dangerous things. This isn’t a statement; it’s a truthful and obvious fact. Prove it? Well I’m up to that challenge. In the past few months, my life has been a complete HELL. People in white lab coats have been chasing me and my five close friends (who are really considered my family members) all across the world, Erasers (mutant-freak failures, though, I really shouldn’t be talking…) have almost killed us definitely more than one time, and right now…right this VERY second, I was up in the sky at more than twenty thousand feet up in the air. How? Ahahaha…well like I mentioned…

I’m a mutant freak failure.

I flapped my wings at a steady pace, loving the feeling of wind all around me. I glanced around me and saw my friends-my flock-my family soaring with me through the sky.
Fang. My right-wing man. Dark, short and shaggy hair, piercing eyes, and jet black wings that stood out in the sunset colors around us. He glanced over at me and caught my gaze, then gave a little smile. My best friend.
Iggy. Our bomb-maker that cooks super good even though he’s blind. Same age as Fang and I. He flew at a steady pace, a peaceful look on his face.
Nudge. The talker who was like my sister, at eleven years old. She looked over at me and grinned. “Hey! Max! When are we going to land? I’m really hungry. I bet the others are also. Can we stop somewhere where there’s Mexican food? Suddenly I’m craving it really bad! I…” I’ve trained myself to tune her out once in a while when needed.
The Gasman, or “Gazzy” as we called him. Iggy’s partner in crime and mischief, and the big eater. Eight years old. “I’m also hungry!!” Of course he was.
And lastly, Angel. My six-year old cute-as-could-be little girl. I practically raised her.
Okay, we done with introductions now? Good.
“Hmmm…” I said, thinking of a place to eat. I glanced down and saw the lights of a town ahead. “There! We can stop there.”
Gazzy and Nudge cheered, and then we tilted a bit and started to descend slowly. We hadn’t seen any Erasers or any other horrible-scientist people chasing after us in a day or tow. A record for us! We always had to be high-alert when going into a town…or really…we were always on high-alert.
All of us tucked in our wings and landed on the outskirts of the small desert town. I glanced at everyone, then nodded a little and walked down the streets.
“Oh!! A Mexican restaurant!!” Nudge squealed happily. “I knew there was going to be one!! I just knew it!! Oh, Max?! Can I please, please, please have some chips and salsa? And maybe fried ice cream!! I’ve never had one of those!!”
I laughed a little. “Sure, Nugde…let’s go. Remember, stay alert guys.”
Everyone nodded and they followed me as I walked into the Mexican restaurant, lit dimly with red and green lights, foreign music playing in the background. We sat at a table, close to the window, away from the doors, and in the very back. I dug into my pockets, getting out all the cash I had out and counting it under the table. Ouch. This might be our last time eating out for a while. We’d be going back to hand-caught rodents tomorrow.
…don’t give me that disgusted look.
“What would you like to drink?” the waitress asked, looking bored. I could tell she couldn’t wait to go home.
I sighed a little. “Uh, all waters…”
She nodded and walked away, then we all took our menus out, looking at them with our mouths watering. Mmm…Mexican food, I have to say, was awesome.
After we ordered and our food came, we chowed down big time. We had to keep passing each other napkins and as I ate my taco, I kept and eye on the windows and doors. Truthfully, Texas was a pretty creepy place at night. Especially in small towns where barely any streetlights were. And where anyone could be…
That’s when I saw shadows cross the dimly-lit street and enter into the restaurant. I tensed up and Fang instantly noticed what I did, making him tense up a bit also. I tapped Iggy’s hand twice (it’s like our super-quiet-secret code) and he nodded a little, but stayed silent, eating. He did the same to Nudge and Gazzy, and they pretended not to notice anything. Angel…well she already knew what was going on. Yeah, she can kinda read minds. What? I never mentioned that before?
I looked back over and saw that three, very handsome men had sat down at a table on the other side of the room. There were barely any of people here, except my flock…and them.
They all looked over at the same time. I didn’t look away, and as soon as one of them moved a fraction of an inch, Iggy, Nudge, Gazzy, and Angel were on their feet running towards the back door. Fang and I stood up to fight them if necessary. And, of course…it was.
One of them lunged forward and ran at us, jumping over tables skillfully. We ducked and he flew into the wall, yelling and hitting it hard.
The other two ran at us, but we were already out the door. The others had already taken flight to the sky. I smiled a bit, glad they were trained well.
As I glanced behind me, they morphed in front of my eyes into furry, hideous, wolf-like beasts.
I snapped my wings out and flew up, but an Eraser grabbed my ankle and yanked me back to the ground. He threw me hard on the cement parking lot. I gasped a little in surprise, the wind knocked out of me. I jumped up quick, wincing a little but in good condition. The same Eraser lunged at me and growled, teeth bared. I ducked and kicked it in the chest, hearing a satisfying crack as a couple ribs cracked.
Fang was already in the sky and I ran and jumped, flapping my wings and following him. It was pitch black now, so it was easy for all of us to disappear into the night.
But, dangit!! Why did the Erasers have to ruin everything for us?! Sheesh…
Fang looked at me with his dark eyes, as if telling me: Now where?
I sighed, thinking. “Where to guys?”
The flock looked at me, then Nudge gasped. “NEW YORK CITY!!!”
Everyone turned their gaze to her, confused. “What?”
Nudge shrugged. “I dunno, why not? I’ve always wanted to go there!”
I laughed a little. We never really planned where we went anyways. Why not? “The Big Apple then…”


I shivered a little and pulled my jacket tighter around me as we flew over the beautiful New Jersey scenery. Trees of yellow, red, orange, and green were laid out below us, along with meadows and rivers that snaked through forests. The sky was a clear blue and the September air was cool up high in the air.
A perfect morning.
“It’s so pretty here!!” Nudge exclaimed happily, grinning. “There’s all these different colors, and the pure blue sky, and so much more!!”
“I wonder if New York City’s food is any good…” Gazzy wondered out loud.
Iggy laughed. “Of course it is!! Do you know how big New York is?! It’s HUGE!”
“How would you know?!”
“I listen to a bunch of peoples’ conversations, Gazzy.” He laughed.
I rolled my eyes and smiled, glad that everyone was enjoying themselves.
Angel gasped. “LOOK!! There it is!! I can see it!!”
Fang smiled a little as everyone got really excited.
Seriously, we’ve never been to a big city. I mean, we’ve been to them, but haven’t stayed for long. This time, I planned to stay until the Erasers found us. Ha, what do you think about THAT for caring about your family? Am I good or what? Okay, anyways…
Buildings were literally everywhere. There wasn’t a spot on the ground where there weren’t buildings! How much did these people have to build, anyways?! Oh wait! I see a park! Thank goodness!
“Let’s land there, guys!” I said, pointing.
We landed in what was called “Central Park” not a minute later. It seriously looked like a forest, which was a HUGE plus for us. All of us sat in a tree together, spread out on the thick branches.
I leaned back and closed my eyes, sighing of relief. It felt good to be surrounded by tall trees, the peaceful sounds of birds and—
“Max? I’m hungry!!”
Dang, how much do these kids need to eat?! Three or four thousand calories a day?!! Oh wait…ahaha…we really do need to eat that much a day. And that’s when it’s nice temperature, plus not getting into any fights.
“Alright…” I muttered. “Let’s rest for a couple minutes, then we can head into the city.”
As soon as they couldn’t stand it anymore from being hungry – even Fang was complaining about it! – we cautiously went out into the streets.
New York City was huge I tell ya. As we walked down the sidewalk, the buildings towering above us almost blocked out the sky. It kinda makes you claustrophobic…which would make us crazy-claustrophobic.
Gazzy came running up to me, grinning. “Look Max!! Look what I found!!” he held up a piece of paper.
Blinking, I took it. “What is it?” My eyes widened and so did Fang’s behind me. Call us lucky, but Gazzy just found us a 100 dollar bill. Wow! Hopefully we would have this luck throughout all our stay here! …psh, I doubt it.
We stopped by a hotdog vender and got five hotdogs each, and then continued on our way as the vender guy stared at us, eyes wide.
“Oh wow! That’s so pretty!” Nudge pointed at the two, very tall buildings right next to each other. Same height and I’d guess around 100. Gazzy grinned. “WOW!! That’s so cool!! Can we fly up there, Max?! Can we?!”
Fang sighed. “No, there’s probably a whole lot of tourists up there.” He muttered.
I nodded in agreement and the three youngest pouted.
“How about we just walk around for now? Okay guys?” they all sighed long and started walking in front of me again. Fang slowed down to walk beside me.
He sighed. “This place is crazy…”
“I know. I don’t think this city ever sleeps.”
Fang grinned at me. “Well that would be why it’s called ‘the city that never sleeps’.”
My cheeks flushed and I looked away. “Right…” that killer smile of his was gonna actually kill me someday.
Iggy came up beside me. “We need something to do instead of just walk around.”
I winced. What? Anyone else would have tons of fun walking around New York City doing nothing!! Okay…well, maybe not. “I know! But, what do you guys want to do?”
Fang grabbed a brochure from a random tour guide and flipped through it. “There’s a bunch of zoos…”
I smirked. “What? Go around and look at animals who were forced to be in a cage for peoples’ pleasure?”
Fang rolled his eyes, but I knew he agreed with me. He kept listing things: Boat tours, museums, libraries, churches, ice skating, and then, of course: the two huge towers that stood out like a sore thumb. The World Trade Center. The Twin Towers, to be more exact.
Everyone looked at me and Angel gave me her bambi eyes. Seriously, how could I resist that?
I sighed very long for dramatic effect. “Fiiiine.”
Fang laughed a little when everyone cheered.
I glared at him. “Shut up. You would’ve gave in also.”


So there we were. On the very top of the second Twin Tower, the South Tower. Was it thrilling? Yes. Was it a great view? Absolutely. Were there a lot of people? HECK yes and it made me and Fang so jumpy, we were almost yelling at every single sound.
Don’t get me wrong, I was really glad that the kids were enjoying themselves. Actually, it was probably the most fun they had in a long, long time.
But Fang and I were the ones who didn’t look at things whether it would be fun or not. We looked at things and asked ourselves if it would be safe, if anyone would kill us, or if anyone would trap us in a cage and start testing us with long, thick needles.
Understand why we were really jumpy now?
Nudge and Angel were at the edge, looking through those microscope-stand things that were drilled to the cement ground while Iggy and Gazzy were seeing how much damage they could do if they blew it up. Of course.
I glanced at Fang, tense. The muscles in his neck were tight and anyone could tell that he was nervous and uncomfortable. We had to get out of here soon.
“Alright kids!” I heard a father say. “It’s 8:45! We need to…”
“Max! Look!!” I heard Nudge say in an anxious voice. I ran over quick, Fang on my heels.
“What is it? What’s wrong?!”
Nudge pointed. “Is that plane supposed to be flying that low?”
I looked, then gasped a little.
Before any of us could even think, the loudest explosion in the world filled the air. The top of the building shook and I stumbled. Nudge grabbed Gazzy and Angel as Fang grabbed my arm.
The first thing that went through my mind was: Iggy and Gazzy. But then I remembered that plane.
I looked at Angel. “What happened?!”
Angel coughed as thick, dark gray smoke filled the air. “The plane crashed into the North Tower! A terrorist!”
I heard screams and stumbled to the edge of the tower, then my eyes widened in horror. A plane had crashed into the tower next to us and caused a huge explosion.
People ran screaming. They all crowded at the stairs, then the top of the building was empty except for the six of us.
My eyes burned and I breathed in ash, coughing. We had to get out of here. But the smoke was so thick even we could barely see.
“Ugh…g-get out of here!!” I yelled over all the noise. Gazzy managed to get in the air and I winced. “Everyone meet at the ocean!!” Angel managed to follow Gazzy and they disappeared.
Okay. Deep breaths. Try and concentrate.
I slowly took in what was around, above, and below me. The North Tower, right next to us, was on fire from a plane crashing into it. Iggy, Fang, and Nudge stood next to me, waiting for an idea to come to me. Below us, I could hear screaming and crying of people on the ground, plus the yells of the ones in both of the towers. Smoke was all around us, along with pieces of ash floating around.
We needed to get out of here. But how?
I looked over. “Iggy!! Nudge!! You guys jump off and trying to find safety!”
I knew Fang wouldn’t leave my side for one second as I watched the two obey the command and jump off, disappearing.
I looked at Fang and he nodded. “Let’s go.”
But before either of us could move, another explosion filled the air. This time, it was right below us. The South Tower shook under our feet and I stumbled, then fell to the cement. Fang cursed, looking around fast.
“Another one?!” he yelled, then got a mouthful of ash in his mouth and choked.
I quickly got to my feet, going over to Fang. All of a sudden, I hated New York City.
“We need to get down on the ground!” I yelled to him. He nodded and wiped his mouth. I ran to the edge of the building and jumped off, feeling the rush of air all around me. I sighed a little, then my wings snapped out and I flew away from the Twin Towers, Fang behind me.
I just hoped the others were alright. And that Fang and I would get out of this alive.


The air around Fang and I was so hot and particles of burning ash kept hitting our wings, that we were forced to land on the ground. It wasn’t any more safe on the ground either. People were going crazy. Some where taking pictures, some video-recording, and others just standing there with their mouth open, staring.
The two of us ran into an alley, hiding and ducking for cover. We folded in our wings tight. At least we didn’t have to worry about people noticing us, since the terrorist attack was, you know, kind of a big deal right now.
Right now, I was surprisingly calm. On the other hand, Fang beside me was freaking out still. We had seen bombs in our lives, of course. But not this big. Plus the people around us were making it worse.
I would say it had to have been an hour past, and then all hell broke loose.
I heard people starting to scream again and I ran out of the alley into the street out of curiosity. I gasped out loud, eyes wide. One of the towers started to collapse from the top.
Glass shattered and concrete crushed with metal. A “popping” noise sounded as ash and dust clouded around the descending building. Fang yanked me back into the alley and crouched against the wall, his body shielding me. Dust hit us hard and chunks of concrete fell all around.
Ash and debris was literally up to my knees and I coughed hard against Fang’s chest. I could hear him breathing unevenly. We needed to get out of here, and quick.
Two problems. One, there was so much ash everywhere that we couldn’t get a good running start to get in the air. Two, we couldn’t even breathe, much less fly.
I don’t know how long it was, but finally we tried to take off into the air, using the top of a building. Just as we were in the air, the other tower burst into more flames and started to collapse.
Oh just GREAT!
We managed to get into the air, but blasts of ash hit us again. We hung in midair for a minute, coughing and hacking, then got high enough where the air was clear.
I breathed hard, gasping in the fresh air. Fang stayed beside me, also breathing fast.
“I hope everyone is o-okay…” I muttered, tilting and flying off. Fang followed me and nodded silently.
Okay, so seriously. Barely anything freaks me out or gets me into a shaken state of mind. But this…this pushed me head-first into a damaged mental state. Fang and I just escaped from a huge terrorist attack by a hair, and I didn’t have a clue if everyone made it to the ocean safely.
As we flew, our lungs cleared out and we were able to breathe normally again. My eyes still stung a little, but otherwise, we were physically okay.
That’s until I realized Fang was literally dripping blood.
“Fang!! You’re bleeding!” I yelled, diving over to him. As usual, he protested and tried to tell me it was fine, but then as we landed on the rocky shore of the ocean, I found a huge piece of metal sliced into his back.
This was bad. Really bad. I knelt beside him on the sand and examined it, licking my lips nervously.
“We need to get you to a hospital…”
Fang shook his head. “N-no…”
I swallowed hard, then with all my strength (it was hard to do this, trust me…) I yanked the metal out quick.
To all you doctors out there, don’t tell me how I’m such an idiot and I should’ve taken him straight to a hospital. Didn’t you hear me mention that in the first place?! Besides…it wasn’t really bad…I think…
Fang yelled loud, his hands digging into the sand. He grit his teeth as blood poured out of the wound. “Nn…”
I quickly ripped off a thick piece of my shirt and tied it around his torso after getting the little chunks of metal out of it.
He had probably gotten the metal in him when he had thrown himself at me as the first tower collapsed.
Ugh, what was I going to do with him?!
I tore strips off my pants and also tied them around it, making a huge bandage.
“Just hang in there…” I mumbled, laying him down on his stomach on the ground. He groaned, trying to be tough. I smiled a little despite the situation.
A couple minutes later, the rest of the flock found us and I sighed of relief. They were all just fine, but in total shock. Then the shock increased even more when they saw Fang.
Nudge looked at me, worried. “We need to take him to a hospital, Max…you know we should.”
I put a hand to my head. “I know…”
Fang glared. “No!!”
I smirked at him, laughing. “Yes, we are. Let’s go guys.”


Fang eventually recovered, but it took him a couple months to start walking again. A huge, awesome scar formed on his back and he was secretly proud of it. The flock was proud of it.
I was proud of it. Proud of him.

He’s my hero…


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Thu Feb 04, 2010 2:41 am
Stori says...

All right. First thing, the narration sounds exactly like Max.
Very good job! And second, could you please post the chapters
as separate threads? I cannot read anything this long without turning pages, sorry.

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Thu Feb 04, 2010 3:08 am
Jas says...

Hey this was good but I think that you tried a bit too hard to act like MAx, you weren't as tough as she sounds and not as sarcastic. Plus not knowing Central Park or the Twin Towers...sorry that's really just to unbelievable. I liked it alot though so good job. It's fanfiction and I'm being really critiquey because I have something to compare it with, which is why I don't like writing fanfics cus it's hard to find one that's better than the original author's story :) Aanyway nice job!

~Jasmine Bells~
Peace, Love, Writing, Insanity and Chocolate
I am nothing
but a mouthful of 'sorry's, half-hearted
apologies that roll of my tongue, smoothquick, like 'r's
or maybe like pocket candy
that's just a bit too sweet.


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Sun Feb 07, 2010 8:27 am
LookUpThere says...

I don't know if you can review fanfics but... I'll try! NewHero here, I'm a Max fan.

Okay first thing, the whole idea was great.
Second thing, Max narration was good, but not great.

Nit picks:

:arrow: Firstly int he very beginning you said THIS VERY second which broke with the whole past tense thing. Watch out for that, stick to one tense.
:arrow: You left out a quotation mark when Nudge asks Can we...
:arrow: It should be cooks super well... which doesn't sound Max. So make it, cooks like a pro.
brittany005 wrote:the waitress asked, looking bored. I could tell she couldn’t wait to go home.
If you (And I don't really think you or I would mind if or not) you wanted to get people knowing this was Texas then you should have said "In a bored, Texan accent. She couldn't wait to get home."

I'd basically just read through the Fanfic out loud and check for errors.


Overall this story was pretty Max. But let's get the flock to it: Some of them were just talking because you wanted to move the story along. A simple error. Angel barely said a word and Fang wouldn't smile that much, maybe just his eyes. Iggy never spoke. Finally, I felt you were trying to make non Max people understand the story but you didn't have to. It pretty much explains itself.

You could have described them better:

:arrow: Fang. My right-wing man. Dark, short and shaggy hair, piercing eyes, and jet black wings that stood out in the sunset colors around us. He glanced over at me and caught my gaze, then gave a little smile. My best friend. (PERFECT)

:arrow: Iggy. Our bomb-maker (I don't think Max likes him being that. Try Pyrotechnic 14 year old.) that cooks like some freaking French chef even though he’s blind. He flew at a steady pace, a peaceful look on his face.

:arrow: Nudge. A motor-mouth eleven year old African-American, tanwinged sister of mine. She looked over at me and grinned. “Hey! Max! When are we going to land? I’m really hungry. I bet the others are too. Can we stop somewhere where there's Mexican food? Suddenly I’m craving it really bad! I…” I've trained myself to tune her out once in a while when needed.

:arrow: The Gasman, or “Gazzy” as we called him. Iggy’s partner in crime and mischief, and the big eater. Eight years old, sweet blonde hair, blue watery eyes. " I'm hungry too Max!” Of course he was.

:arrow: And lastly, Angel. My Angel. She and Gazzy were the only blood relatives between us. But we're all family, like I said and (don't tell anybopdy or else I'll slaughter you) Angel's my favourite. I practically raised the little devil. She had blue eyes like Gazzy and looked adorable (bloody maternal instincts).

Otherwise the characters were fine. Don't bother explaining they were like family, we can tell that from your story. Not just Max's.

This is where the apple dropped. As I said above, the character's seemed to be just talking so the story could move along. There's not too muc problem unless you don't include a few scenes which show them all talking just cause. Perhaps narrate the flight to New York. Gazzy could be singing some annoying first grade song or something (I've been working on the rail road?), Fang says a word, Iggy's quite, coasting next to Fang, Angel and Nudge are in some conversation about Barbies or Fashion or whatever and Max is just thinking, explaining the back story of everyone if you want. "We were experimented on..."


If you're posting anything more, PM me. If you've read Percy jackson, PM me. Or The New Heroes / Quantum Prophecy. Hero out.

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Mon Feb 08, 2010 4:01 pm
midnightread says...

HI brittany005,
I love the Maximum Ride series and I think that this would make a good addition to the series. The way all the characters are in your story is the way they all are in the real stories (sorry if that doesn't make much sense).
Keep writing, you have a real talent for it.
midnightread :elephant:
The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
A wise man does not need advice and a fool won't take it.

Growing old is mandatory,
Growing up is optional.

Rugby is a thugs game played by gentle men,
Football is a gentleman's game played by thugs.

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Mon Feb 08, 2010 5:11 pm
Stori says...


I'm a mutant freak failure.

Max never, EVER refers to herself as a failure!

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Mon Feb 08, 2010 5:27 pm
LookUpThere says...

Haha, true. She actually said that unfortunately, the Erasers didn't turn out as good as they did. And they were, the only successes.

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Tue Jul 13, 2010 12:26 am
jDawn says...

Okay! I thought you sounded almost like Max but It sounded a little bit that you were trying a bit to hard to sound like Max. It made it a bit uncomfortable. I really liked it! Keep writing, I think you sound like a pretty talented writer. :D
"They can put me in prison but they can't stop my face from breakin' out."

" A smile is a curve that can set a lot of things straight."

-Adam Young, My Hero <3

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Wed Nov 17, 2010 2:17 am
WrittenInStone says...

The narration was good, quite a few gramatical errors but I'm too tired to point them out at the moment. I will some other time, sorry. Otherwise, there was one very important aspect of Max that you failed to include in your story.
That is : The Voice.
The voice that Max hears in her head is like a huge character defining thing to me. It shows that she is Max and it makes her her. I don't know how to explain but you failed to include that in your text and it feels to me like your text is slightly less interesting that what it could have been. Also, I don't really think that Nudge or Gazzy would use the word : I'm also hungry, Max.
They would more likely say : I'm hungry, too! Can we eat mexican, Max? Please?

Otherwise, it was good .

Write on .
To fly away on gossamer wings, sheer as night's reflective glow, I would could I cradle child hecate to my breast.

|| Wisp. ||

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Fri Nov 19, 2010 7:35 am
Shadowhunter14 says...

Hey, I agree with a few of the suggestions mentioned above but otherwise good job! I think the way that you wrote from Max's POV was good and reasonably faithful to the books. The other characters too. i'm a fan of the books too :P

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Tue Nov 23, 2010 8:11 pm
Celticmusicgirl says...

ok so I have never heard of the series before but reading this fanfic made me want to check it out. I just happened to see this fanfic and i wanted to read it out of curiousity. Alright enough of that, now if you don't mind I would like to comment on your work here. Overall I think it would have been a bit easier to read if you posted each chapter seperately. Simply because of the fact that your eyes get tired after looking at so long a page that it makes it hard to focus. However, this was really good. I must say it has peaked my curiousity about this particular series. I didn't notice any errors right off. I think that is it for now.
Maith adh,
"No life is forever. We found and fought here. We loved and died here... The crops whither and the bones of hunger walk the sunken roads... The land has failed us... In dance and song we gift and mourn our children. They carry us over the ocean in dance and song.
-American Wake by Riverdance

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Wed Feb 09, 2011 7:56 am
SuicideCrusader says...

Quite an interesting concept I think you rushed it a bit when the towers were hit. That was a tramatic experiance and you seemed to lack that part. I do like how you portrayed Max. It could have been better in some parts. I did enjoy though. Nice job.

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Wed Feb 23, 2011 12:29 am
MOIMOW says...

Hihi! Here's what I've got to make you become famous!

my friends-my flock-my family
I'm not sure that's the type of punctuation (is it a type of punctuation?) you want there, but I don't know.
Iggy. Our bomb-maker that cooks super good

Iggy cooks well[i]. But, alas, that distinction is dying all too quickly. If that's how Max would talk, then that's probably how you should put it.
I bet the others are also.

“I’m also hungry!!”

Kids don't say also all the time. Maybe they should, but they don't. Possibly you could change it to too.
in a day or tow.

I think you mean two. ;)

Nudge. Common typo. I know you didn't mean to, and I'm being really picky picking it out, but I did.
I kept and eye

an! Sorry, I'm picky!
That’s when I saw shadows cross the dimly-lit street and enter into the restaurant

enter the restaurant? Just a suggestion.
sighing of relief.

Uh, how about giving a sigh of relief, or just plain sighing?
You would’ve gave in also

would've given in?
they had

they had had
But Fang and I were the ones who didn’t look at things whether it would be fun or not

things based on whether
The air around Fang and I

Fang and [i]me
. Yep, that's proper grammar.
Some where taking pictures

some were
Tada! All done!
I enjoyed the story. I looooooooveeeeee Max Ride, so I hope my corrections helped.
"Forget love. I'd rather fall in chocolate."

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Reviews: 4
Mon Mar 07, 2011 2:06 pm
joickjonas2118 says...

Oh my gosh...THANK YOU!!! Since I discovered "ANGEL" was released, I have been going INSANE, trying to read some new Max Ride material. And...well honey, this sounds just like how it would if James Patterson were writing it. Honest to Lee. I loved it THAT MUCH. (Sorry for the caps. I'm used to YouTube, where you don't get underline, bold, and italitac. Or spellcheck most of the time, really.) Continue! PLEASE!

Happy writing!

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297 Reviews

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Points: 2218
Reviews: 297
Mon May 30, 2011 4:15 pm
Justagirl says...

I laughed a little. “Sure, Nudge…let’s go. Remember, stay alert guys.”

Mmm…Mexican food, I have to say, is awesome.

We had to keep passing each other napkins, and as I ate my taco, I kept an ( removed a 'd' that was at the end of the word 'an' here) eye on the windows and doors.

There were barely any of people here, only my flock…and them.

I sighed, thinking. (I added a break here)
“Where to, guys?”

Same height and I’d guess around 100 feet.

Ok, not any other problems than the ones I've pointed out above...

This is pretty good. Kind of random that they'd be there at 9/11 (considering that Angel and Gazzy wouldn't even be alive at that time), but still ok.
You didn't really capture any of their personalities except Gazzy, Nudge, and Angel's.
Max is more sarcastic, Fang is quieter, and Iggy more excitable and sarcastic, and... Iggy-like.

But, it's ok anyways. ;)

Keep writing,
"Just remember there's a difference between stalking people on the internet, and going to their house and cutting their skin off." - Jenna Marbles

~ Yeah I'm letting go of what I had, yeah I'm living now and living loud ~

You are going to love some of your characters because they are you, or some facet of you, and you are going to hate some characters for the same reason.
— Anne Lamott