
Young Writers Society

Glee / Matt & Santana & Puck

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Fri Jan 29, 2010 10:31 pm
Lorrilrakest. says...

It's about the relationship with Matt and Santana (based on some Glee RP's on twitter) - oh and Puck.

First time i've written for Santana and Matt.

I do not own Glee, or Fox, nor do i own any of the Michael Jackson songs that are briefly mentioned.

Enjoy, fellow Gleeks :) Rate/Slate


It hadn't been the first phone call that tore Santana apart. It was kind of expected now, the endless arguments over the phone with Puck, and his obnoxious ravings about either Quinn, Rachel or himself. Never about Santana. And it broke her down.

“Babe, i'm your stud. You'd never leave me”
“What? I'm your babe, am I? You're my stud, are you?”
“Sure. I could be with five girls if I wanted, and you'd live with it.”
“No, Puck, you're wrong”
“I'm irresistible.”
“You're a jerk.”
“Look, is this argument going anywhere?”
“Doesn't seem like it, hey, we need to t-”
“Good, 'cos I need to go see Quinn, she has a scan and wants me to join.”

Santana just paused and sighed.


She cut him off. She had had enough. It was one thing to help Quinn, after all they were best friends anyway, but to smother it in her face – whilst they were dating now. She threw the cell into the back seat of her car and hit the steering wheel with her forehead.


A week later, and Puck was still treating Santana the same way, but she ignored it. His advances were rendered useless, so he had resorted to flirting with Quinn a lot more – which made himself look even worse. The Glee guys had organized a trip to the movies that weekend, and Santana decided to make her own way there; she had previously taken lifts with Puck. It was her way of sticking it to him, and saying that it was ending if he didn't do anything about it. Boy, did that piss him off.
She didn't know it, but that movie was going to be the beginning of something new, fresh and something she had never tried or thought about before. She offered Matt a lift.


They were in the movie, Avatar to be precise, and Santana was sat with Brittany (whilst she was also sat next to Mike, something special there too, by the looks of it).
“Santana,” Britt whispered, “What are you doing?”
It took a while to register with her, but she leaned over and replied innocently.
“What do you mean?”
“You know what I mean, don't play with me – I know you more than you know yourself sometimes”
“What? Really, what do you mean?”
“You. Matt. Puck. Ring any bells?”
“You! Getting close with Matt?”
“What? Me and Matt? Can't I give him a lift now and again?”
“You were 20 minutes late, what do you think it looks like to Puck?”
Santana paused. It was a good film, but somehow she thought it was an important conversation. She didn't think she liked Matt. Not like that, anyway. He was sweet, sure. But not like she liked Puck. Puck was a hardened animal – he was her type. Matt seemed a bit like a mommy's boy.
“Look, Britt” she started, “It is not … I repeat ... it is not what you think.”
Brittany shrugged and watched the film again, laughing with Mike and seemingly forgetting about the whole incident.
But somewhere, for once, she was right. She did like Matt, only a little bit. She had never seen it before, but he was a cool guy. Probably a lot better than Puck.


Wednesday came, and it was Glee rehearsals. Finally, something to loosen her up a bit. They had all settled down and Mr Schuester rolled in on his usual optimism.
“Hey guys!” He bounced across to the center with a creepy grin on his face. “I have a bit of a treat for you. For Sectionals, we are going to do …. a Michael Jackson melody.”
We all straightened up, it sounded like a lot more fun than the older Broadway classics, somehow Rachel always got the lead in those. A murmur buzzed across us.
“Sound good, eh?” He smiled. He couldn't keep still, it looked like he was excited as we were. “Okay. This is how it's going to work. You're going to be in groups of three – each group will get an awesome MJ song, and then after we have performed them, we will bunch them together to create a sort of mash-up of ideas.”
Santana immediately looked at Brittany with a grin, but it seemed that she was too involved with Mike to take any notice. Great, she thought, I lose Puck and will probably lose Brittany any time soon.
“Trust me, it will work. And to choose your groups ….. we bring back …. the hat of Fate!” He gave a mysterious humming sound and shook the hat.
“Singing “Beat It!” He plunged into the hat and revealed three bits of paper.
“Finn …. Rachel …. Quinn!”
A dilemma waiting to happen there.
“Singing “Billy Jean” He repeated it again and took out three more pieces of paper. “Tina … Artie … Mercedes!”
He did it again, “singing “Smooth Criminal...” She hoped that she was grouped with Brittany, they needed to talk about her love life now. She kept glancing at Mike and giggling like she was fourteen.
“Britt … Kurt …. Mike!”
Fate was definitely up to something. Which meant that she was stuck with Puck, and Matt singing “Man In The Mirror”. Ironic, she thought. She sighed deeply and joined her group.

The next two weeks had been a blur. If she hadn't known better, she would have thought she had been on Vitamin D again. The actual truth was that she was spending a lot more time with Matt – and whenever she was with Matt, everything was forgotten. Not that she was falling in love with him or anything, but he made her laugh! Something Puck hadn't been doing at all, unless it was a sexy giggle.

They had been rehearsing their number after school one time – having two dancers in a group was a good benefit, and they could afford to do as few hours as possible. Especially since Puck had returned to his flirty, manly, aggressive nature.
“Babe, you're dancing is hot.” He had pressed half way through, dancing up behind her and grinding.
“Oh go away, Puck.” She stopped and turned to look at Matt. “You're making Matt feel awkward.”
“No I'm not at all. He likes it. We like it.” He put his hand on her waist and moved her hips for her.
“Come on, babe, let's go to my place after rehearsal.”
Santana pushed away again, this time with her arms crossed and a demonic look on her face.
“Puck! Leave me alone! I don't want you like that anymore! I'm sick of it.” She uncrossed her arms and sighed again, “if you're willing to wait, I want to give us another chance.”
Puck calmed and smiled to Santana. Both their hearts calmed and their breathing slowed and it seemed like they were going to finally co-operate.
“Stuff that, Santana.” And he pounced on her waist, grinding and lifting his hand up her skirt.
“Stop it, Puck!” A look of terror wiped across her face, as she struggled against his forceful figure. “Puck! Noah! Noah!”
With an almighty smack, Puck flew off and landed on the piano. A red shade had appeared on his face, whilst Santana and Matt towered over him.
In the commotion, it wasn't clear who exactly had hit him. But he left the room abruptly, saying nothing and giving away nothing.

“I am so sorry you had to see that, Matt.” She had lowered her face and turned her back to him.
“No, don't be sorry. At all. If anything, I should apologize for not doing anything sooner. He was going to … y'know …. he was going to … in the choir room.”
Santana shot up and shook her head.
“No. Oh don't, Matt. Puck would never have done it without me saying so. Whatever you thought you were seeing … ignore it. Don't think that. Puck is a good guy.”
“Looked like it,” he murmured.
It was Matt's turn to go red, he looked really uncomfortable talking about sex to Santana.
“I'm sorry, Matt. That's all”
He opened his arms and invited Santana into a hug. Santana wrapped herself in his large sweater and smiled. He smelt good, like autumn, somehow.
They broke apart, but remained close enough to feel each other's heat. They both smiled. Santana could finally realize how attractive Matt was, in a different way to Puck.
“Would it be … well … would it be inappropriate to … erm … sorry … forget it.”
“No! I'd love to!” She replied as soon as he'd finished.
“Really? Want to come around to mine and …. watch … I don't know … a movie?”
“Definitely. I'd love to.”

They both laughed, and they had to admit, they had forgotten about Puck. He was just a commercial at that point.

They were very excited for their movie, anyhow.
"Who needs God when you've got me?"
- Jessica Sanders

"Didn't I throw you out a window?"
- Jessica Sanders


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82 Reviews

Gender: Female
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Reviews: 82
Sat Jan 30, 2010 4:55 am
ErBear says...


First of all, kudos for taking the characters of Glee and putting them into your own story!

I know Glee well, you really stuck with their personalities!!

I would make your sentance fluency a bit better, but other than that, YAY!!

*tay* :D
~formerly Ilovebubbles123

"There's only one thing
to do
three words
for you.
Ooh, I love you.

There's only one way
to say
those three words
that's what I'll do.
Ooh, I love you. "

For you.

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Reviews: 135
Wed Feb 10, 2010 2:56 am
ballerina13 says...

I thought that this was well written. At some parts it was a little hard to tell how was speaking though. You stuck the characters personalities very well and created your own story based on the show. Great job! :elephant:
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