
Young Writers Society

Hacking YWS - I

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Sat Dec 26, 2009 12:52 am
Elinor says...

AN: This piece is a work of satire. I have great respect for YWS and the rules that it pulls into play.
When her seventh period English bell rang, Allie Fredrick gave off a small smile, because she knew that she would be able to apply her newfound knowledge to good use. Their teacher, in preparation for their short story project coming up in May, had told them about a website that might be of interest. It was called Young Writers Society.

“It was one of the top ranked websites on Writer’s Digest,” the teacher had told them. Allie had been very happy to hear this, because she loved writing. All of Allie’s friends and family and told her that she was an awesome writer who could probably outdo J.K Rowling. Allie just couldn’t wait to post her stories and amaze everyone.

When she got home, she saw that her mother had made chocolate chip cookies. She grabbed one and dashed into her room, not saying hello to her mother. She was too anxious to join Young Writers Society.

She booted up her computer and typed in the web address. The website had loaded up in no time, and Allie found herself disappointed. The website was completely ugly. The font was stupid and the colors were dull.

“Does the creator of this site have no taste?” She wondered out loud. She slammed her first against the desk and screamed in frustration. Allie hovered her mouse over to X the website out. That was when she saw a button that said ENTER OUR CHATROOM in big black letters. Allie screamed again. She loved chatting! Maybe this site wasn’t going to be so bad after all. Allie quickly registered and soon entered the chat.

Alyson222 has entered the chat!
Juniper: Hi, Alyson
Kamas: Hi Alyson
JustDance: Hey!
Alyson222: Allie, plz
Juniper: Well, hi Allie and no chat speak please ;)

Allie stared at the screen with a blink. NO CHATSPEAK? What kind of dumb demented site was this anyway? Allie sighed. It was only a few days before April 1st. Maybe this ‘Juniper’ was playing an early April Fools Joke. She decided to reason with her.

Alyson222: wtf do u mean no chtspek?
Kamas: No chatspeak is chatspeak, Allie, it’s a rule that you’ll have to get used to. Welcome to YWS, by the way!
Alyson222: ty
Kamas: ...
JustDance: Okay, Allie, Kamas and June are mods, they can mute you if you don’t listen to them. I’d be careful.
Alyson222: this site sux kamas u r a loser!!!!
Kamas: Exuse me?
Allief2323: U SUX !!!!!!
Welcome to the lounge, Nate!

Juniper: Hey Nate
Nate: Hello everyone.
Nate: Allie, what seems to be the problem?
Allief2323: this st3 sux
Nate: Listen to the mods. They know better then you.
Allief2323: did u mk ths st cuz it is U-G-L-Y as hck
JustDance: Allie, seriously.
Allief2323 has been muted by admin for breaking rules!

Juniper: There are some rules that you’re going to have to get used to.
Nate: Allie, please learn to be respectful. Until then, goodbye.
Allief2323 has been kicked from the chat!

Allie frowned in frustration. It wasn’t fair! This site was evil. But Allie already had an idea. She would hack into the account of this ‘Nate’ and then she would completely redesign the site! There would be lots of pretty colors, pink, and chat speak! YWS would become what she wanted it to be!

To Be Continued ;)
Last edited by Elinor on Tue Jan 12, 2010 12:26 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Sat Dec 26, 2009 1:56 am
cheez_burger says...

Wow, Ellie! Great story plan! I absoloutely LOVE how this is going! I believe you should add some more people in chat the next time the MC logs in...or hacks in! Maybe RainingSunshine,Ellyphant,Bolt,Snoink...maybe throw a few other common people you see in chat there, too. I must say, though, the chatspeak it just a bit too hard to read, and you also forgot to say the MC was unmuted by Admin :D! I can't wait to read the rest! ~Cheez_Burger~
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Sat Dec 26, 2009 7:20 am
Juniper says...

Not bad, Pepper!

Do I really seem like that in chat? Haha, fanfics that involve me always surprise me because I never really pay that much attention to how I write. It's usually just a matter of getting the words out for me.

But, not bad! How is Allie going to hack into YWS, though? She'd have to be experienced in hacking and such, because, you have to remember that YWS is pretty hack proof to an extent. ;)

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Wed Dec 30, 2009 9:19 am
GreenGiraffe says...

hehe, I'd like to see how this pans out...
I had a hearty chuckle at the chtspeek part
I guess you're a pretty epic skillzor hacker then?
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Sat Jan 09, 2010 8:10 pm
Lydia1995 says...

Wow I love it. WRITE PART 2!!
It's great I love the way its written and everything one thing when in the chatroom someone says 'so' but you just put an 's' so that needs correcting :)
Other than this I love it!!
:D :D
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Mon Jan 11, 2010 11:25 pm
Pretty Crazy says...

Wow, why didn't anyone else think of writing a story about this site? I enjoyed it very much. *stars* :smt003
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Tue Jan 12, 2010 6:55 am
MeadowLark says...

Haha, awesome Ellie!

Very entertaining, but then again, most YWS fanfics are. I like this new approach you took on writing a fanfic. From an outsiders point of view. Unless there were others like this and I missed it somehow...

Anyways, as was mentioned, the chatspeak is hard to decipher. But I wouldn't change it. Adds to it all.

Can't wait to see how she manages to hack into YWS and what happens then. Shall be amusing. Oh and...

Alyson222: wtf do u mean no chtspek?

Nice way of reasoning :P

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Fri Jan 15, 2010 4:47 am
Lsph99 says...

Scary. :shock: Ooh, that would be so horrible if she managed to actually hack into his account. But anyway...

Midway through the chat dialogue, you changed from Alyson to Allief. Very confusing. So which is the real one?

Also I have a question--do you think Little Miss Attitude will write her short story with her 'incredible writing skills' about hacking into YWS? Now that would be kinda weird, but also interesting.

I agree with MeadowLark--keep the chatspeak. Most of it I can understand perfectly what it means. And with cheez_burger--you should definitely add more people like in the forums or the chat area in part two. Can't wait to see it! :D
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Fri Jan 15, 2010 5:17 am
Lava says...

Hi Elinor!

I love this YWS fanfic. Definitely something different. Yup, you should add more people to the chat and continue the "chtspek"
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Fri Jan 15, 2010 5:22 am
Kamas says...

Lawl, I'm such a back seat driver XD
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Tue Jan 26, 2010 11:44 am
ToritheMonster says...

Tee-hee. That was cute. Make sure to post part two! And I wonder how you'll manage to hack through the fire wall...
Anyway, nice story. Be sure to post more, and can you PM me when you do? Thanks, because I don't visit this forum very often,so I wouldn't know when you would post it.


P.S: Which are you, Alyson222 or Allief2323?
Last edited by ToritheMonster on Mon Feb 15, 2010 2:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Sun Feb 14, 2010 10:35 pm
BlueKangaroo says...

Cute, and very amusing.

Alyson222: wtf do u mean no chtspek?

Hee! I do use chatspeak on forums, but I keep it to a minimum and make sure that it is understandable. I've had conversations with people that made my head hurt!

Looking forward to seeing what this mischievous young lady comes up with next!

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Fri Feb 19, 2010 10:18 pm
cheez_burger says...

Well Elli, here's how I hack facebook and such. Okay, start off with Alli trying to hack Nate's email and the security question pops up. Then, have Alli warm up to Nate and pull the info about that out, after that's done, have Alli log in as Nate and have her click Forgot Password. Then she'll put in Nate's email and hack into THAT by answering the security question. She'll then have his password, and then BAH- BAM! He's hacked. Watch out Nate! Alli's coming to get you!

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