
Young Writers Society

Unexpected Love... SSBB Peach, Marth, Ike, Zelda

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Sat Oct 24, 2009 2:21 am
Twilightzoner85 says...

This is a story I wrote for my friend on her birthday. She really wanted me to do a fanfic about SSBB so I tried my best. Hope you like it!

Princess Peach was taking a walk along the kingdom when she experienced a great moment. A sight so wonderful, only the most beautiful of souls could ever embrace it.

She saw the most handsome, kind, and loving guy she had ever interacted with. His name is Marth, he knew peach but met with her far less frequent these days because he was already in a relationship.

Her name was Zelda, she is pretty, polite, and sweet... most of the time. Zelda is very charming but she can be nasty if you get on her bad side. Peach just did not believe they were compatible.

"Heah Marth, can we talk?" Princess Peach asked as she approached the young man, shaking at the thought of having to speak with him.

"Oh, hello Peach. Of course we can talk." Marth answered, laughing at the fact that she was shaking immensely.

"So Marth, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the kings royal ball with me and watch the performances together. Would you like to do that?"said peach as she tried to calm herself enough to get a single average sounding word out.

"Oh, I would love to go with you but, Zelda and I were going to go together, why don't we all watch the performances together?" asked Marth.

"Oh um, we uh we can most definitely do so, I will see you guys there." said Peach enthusiastically, trying to hide the wave of disappointment she has been covered with.

As Peach put on her silk embroidered royal design gown, she could not stop thinking about Marth. She wanted to be the one he would love and care for, but that dream was far away from ever setting foot into any ones world.

Peach met Marth and Zelda at the ball and mingled shortly before the show began. "So Zelda, Marth, how are you guys doing, in your relationship? Any troubles that you need to talk about, any complaints?" Peach asked the couple, realizing she was completely invading their boundaries in their lives as each word escaped from her mouth.

"Not at all, we have just been full of compassion and joy" said Zelda not letting one word penetrate from Marth's mouth, and scowling at Peach after she made her vivid remark.

The performances started to take place in the ball room and we all quietly took our seats. Peach heard Marth and Zelda whispering and giggling to each other happily as they watched. However for Peach, happiness was nowhere near her mind. She quickly ran to a different room, leaving Marth looking terribly confused and Zelda with an evil grin on her face.

As Peach expressed her sadness over the separate room, she heard a growl. When she turned around, there was a gigantic and hideous creature was was lurking behind her. Peach screamed at the frightening sight, loud enough for the whole building to hear her.

Suddenly, Marth ran into the room and swung Peach into his hands, as she was frozen in the fear of the retched monster. Running out of the room, Marth and Peach fell in the middle of the floor and, for a single moment, felt a slight connection as they lay on there backs.

Zelda helped them both to their feet and said, "Marth, are you okay? Peach, why would you make such a horrible noise and upset all these...". She became silent, as the creature burst out of the door. A massacre struck as it made a terrible amount of destruction through out the building. Marth, Zelda, and I dashed out of the door before we were injured. That night, we all had to rest in the wood along the royal hall, trying to avoid the all the excitement.

The Next Day
We all awoke silently and headed back to the royal hall and to the town. We looked around to see building windows and walls shattered. Bent message boards and rummage scattered everywhere, the ground was completely covered with parts that were once precious items. It was all the most horrible thing they have ever seen.

"MONSTER ATTACKS ARE OCCURRING THROUGH OUT THE TOWN! CITIZENS BRAVE ENOUGH SHALL TRAVEL TO CRESTELLA ISLAND AND HELP DEFEAT THE DESTRUCTION!", it said on flyer local citizens handed out after the massacre was revealed to town."We need to go and save our town from being completely demolished!" said Marth courageously as Peach and Zelda nervously inspected the damages.

They all began there journey to the island together. After a couple hours, they started to get tired and hungry." Marth, I can't walk anymore, we need somewhere to sleep!" Zelda complained with Peach rolling her eyes at the sight of her immaturity, even though she was feeling the exact same way.

"Okay girls, I've heard of a place that will be able to give us full comfort. It's just a couple blocks away!" said Marth cheerfully.

The three citizens entered the small, well decorated village. There was a man sitting on the couch, reading a creative poetry book. When he noticed us, he smiled and said, " Hello, you can come over here if you want. The crowd is all in the back celebrating the Kings royal ball." They scurried over, feeling as though they would collapse if they did not hurry.

"I'm Ike by the way! It is a pleasure to meet you." said Ike as he moved to the side to make room.
"So why are you guys coming here at such a late time?" " You didn't hear? There is some sort of hideous monster running a muck all over town. We decided to go after the source of them." answered Marth.

" That sounds exciting! Would you mind if I tag along? My life can be pretty tedious here in this village, my only form of entertainment is all of my poetry books." said Ike with an eager tone.

"You write poetry? Could you read us a poem?" asked Zelda, sounding traumatized at Ike's talent, but in a good way." Sure! This is a love poem I wrote about a month ago,' My eyes are never to be healed again, from your beautiful features, they have been shocked into the wonder, the wonder of love. They will never forget your glistening skin, or those charming words that will never be forgotten, and never be left behind. My eyes are the key to my soul, and soon, my soul will be the key to your heart." recited Ike with a passionate tone.

"Oh my goodness, that was beautiful." said Zelda, looking as though she was trying to comprehend the deep and intense words into something more. " We better get to sleep now if were going to continue our journey in the morning." said Marth. They all walked to the bedrooms and got themselves settled to go to sleep.
In the morning all four of the young teenagers headed away from their village to soon finish their journey. They soon came across a new town about 4 miles away from Crestella Island. They seemed to be having a celebration of some sort. There was people dancing and a lot of catchy folk music. It was impossible for them not to embrace the excitement.

As they danced, Peach and Marth quickly grabbed onto each others hands to dance, in all the festive excitement, but let go and awkwardly thought of something. When they were both on the floor, the night of the monster discovery, they had that slight connection, only this time, it was deeper...much deeper.

Peach suddenly felt very happy, and realized that maybe, just maybe, she and Marth could be together. In that instant, there was a stroke of hope going through her body.

" We uh... we better get going, no more fooling around, lets move on team!" Marth yelled through the abundant crowd. They started walking again, and met up with a kind sailor nearby who can give them a boat ride across the river to get to Crestella Island much faster.

Water was very fierce on that particular day, and the boat was shaking forcefully, they were starting to regret ever stepping foot on it.

Suddenly, they heard a loud splash in back of them. Peach had fallen out of the boat trying to wash her face with the water! "Help! HELP!!" Yelled peach as she struggled to keep her head in the air! Ike screamed to the sailor to stop the boat while Marth jumped into the water to help Peach, leaving Zelda behind not to do a single thing but watch.

With a great sigh of relief, Marth climbed back onto the boat carrying Peach who was shivering, but still okay.

That night, on the boat, Zelda was lurking behind Peach as she tried to sleep."Wake up now!!" Zelda said to Peach, nearly frightening her into an injury.

"I know you love Marth, Peach. You CAN'T deny it! That is why you pulled that stunt on the boat, you wanted him to be your knight in shining armor and save you!" Zelda exclaimed to Peach violently. "WHAT? I did not pull any stunts! I was just trying to wash my face and the boat just kept shaking!" Peach yelled back, almost like she wanted her words to punch Zelda in the face!" Well that does not even matter because Marth is my boyfriend and you will never be able to have him!" Yelled Zelda. " Yeah, because you smother him every second on your life, he'll never be able to be in a different room than you..." Peach said in a hushed tone, hoping that Zelda did not hear.

"Did you JUST say that I SMOTHER him?! You are going down now princess!". Suddenly, Zelda threw a forceful punch at Peach face! Peach tumbled out of her chair and then complemented that punch with a kick in Zelda's leg! Sooner or later, the girls were having an all out wrestling match on the boat.

Thankfully, they stopped beating each other up once the heard one of the guys coming, it was Ike, and although she didn't show it, Peach was disappointed that Marth did not care to see what was happening.

"I wanted to show you something Zelda." said Ike. Peach suddenly had a huge grin on her face, feeling very safe that she was away from Zelda in fear of getting hurt again.

The two villagers went to the bow of the boat and Ike pointed in front of them. In that direction, there were glistening stars watching over them, and to Ike and Zelda they seemed to be in the shape of words. "My soal will be the key to your heart." the saw shining in the moonlit sky. Zelda was very quiet as she looked at the spectacle, and as they got closer together, their lips finally met and Zelda and Ike were learning about the same connection that Peach and Marth had as they went through this surprising conclusion.

"Oh no, Ike I can't do this! I'm already dating Marth, I'm sorry." said Zelda as she jerked her head away from his. She ran off into the boat and Ike stayed there all night, thinking about Zelda, and realized something very important to him.
The boat was docked on Crestella Island and they all got off and thanked the sailor for his help. Then they saw it, the creature reeking havoc onto there city."Okay you girls go and find some weapons while Ike and I try to distract it!" Marth whispered to them.

Marth and Ike went up to the creature and started saying things like "Come and get us" and "We will eliminate you!!!!!!"while they made kung fu movements, trying to act brave, even though they were freaking themselves out.

Zelda came back with some large thick rope and Peach had a bow and arrow with her. Peach fired her arrow and it hit the monster right on its' back. Peach was so proud of herself she did not even notice the monster lunging for her!

"PEACH LOOK OUT!" Marth screamed at the top of his lungs. When she turned around, the monster threw his hand around her body and picked her up with a strong grip. Marth was about to save her when, The monster kicked Zelda into a ditch that was exploding with flames! Zelda quickly grabbed onto the side of the ditch and scream for help! Marth did not know what to do, then he finally decided. He ran up to the monster and stuck the arrow into his neck and ripped off his fingers to quickly get Peach out of harms way.

"Peach are you okay?" he said fearfully as he looked at the girl in his arms. " I'm okay... you saved me....but why would you choose to save me?" she asked Marth. "Because Peach, I love you....I wouldn't ever want you to get hurt. You are my only soul mate." he answered.

As Marth was trying to heal Peach, Zelda was still hanging from the side of the ditch. She was jut about to hit the fiery bottom when her hand caught something, a rope! She heard a faint voice from up above her."Zelda I'm going to pull you up, just hold on!". It was Ike trying to save her. When she reached him, first she lay on the ground and then said, "Ike, thank you, that was so brave of you."
"Zelda I have to tell you something, I wrote that poem I read to you, to help me find my perfect match... I think it was for you." he said.

In the end all was well again, the town was restored, and Peach and Marth got married a few years later. Lastly, Zelda moved into the village to live with Ike and they all lived happily ever after.

THE END (applaud)
Oo Ifire where is he I'll get him!! *runs around with a spatula*

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Sat Oct 24, 2009 5:00 pm
Mogay Ryt says...

Hi ya, just for the record I applauded!!!

Your story held me spell bound and I think it was really nice that you wrote it for someone. It was really well written.

I think my only arguments with your story are, I had already guessed how it will end. There were some parts that you said "we". This means your supposed to be one of the characters and I couldn't figure out which you were simply because there was no connection between you and any of them. So I'm assuming it was a grammatical error.

Will be looking out for more of your work.

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Fri Nov 13, 2009 4:04 am
Fruits_Basket99Tohru says...

Wow...good job. I was hooked through the whole story. But as Mogay Ryt said, you sometimes used 1st person pronouns which made the story a little confusing.

I also spotted a few other grammatical errors, but with that long a story, it's understandable.

Anyway, my favorite character in SSBB is Zelda, so...I don't know, I'm a bit offended at you making her out to be whiny and sissy-like. But I guess both Zelda and Peach are somewhat like that. Still, awesome story! Hope you do another one! :D
Last edited by Fruits_Basket99Tohru on Sat Nov 14, 2009 8:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"We're all born with selfish desires, so we can all relate to those feelings in others. But kindness is something made individually by each person...so it's easy to misunderstand when others are trying to be kind to you."
--Fruits Basket Book 1, page 134

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Fri Nov 13, 2009 3:31 pm
Nutmeg says...

Oh my goddesses, thank you so much for writing this as a birthday present all those times ago! ♥ I truly can't thank you enough! /glompifies/ =D

I thought it was very fluffy (in a cute way =3) and the writing was simply lovely. Chivalrous!Marth (XD) was quite enjoyable, and your take on Ike's personality was rather interesting; I never thought he'd be one for poetry! :O

As for the girls, you did a great job on Peach's portrayal, although I can't say the same for Zelda. Perhaps you could have developed her character maybe just a bit more...? As Fruits_Basket99Tohru mentioned, (By the way, I love Fruits Basket!) I think you didn't really take the time to define her personality, and sort of just chose to illustrate her as an irritable person... I'm sorry, please don't kill me! D:

However, I thought the way Ike seemed to almost "calm" her obnoxious demeanor was very sweet! =3 I adore Ike/Zelda! ♥ Though, I found it odd how Marth and Zelda sort of "forgot about each other" towards the end. I had to go back and check if there were any subtle hints of their break up, but I couldn't find anything. XD Zelda seemed to constantly claim Marth was hers and not Peach's, yet at the end her and Ike end up together (without Marth knowing...?).

Overall, I adore this story and I really hope to see more from you! Fantastic job~♥ /hugs/ :smt038

- Nutmeg =3
"I pray for the day when a chicken can cross the road without having its motives questioned." - A dear friend of mine ♥

- Nutmeg =3

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Sat Nov 14, 2009 10:00 pm
Fruits_Basket99Tohru says...

Hi, it's Fruits_Basket99Tohru again. Here are some more suggestions:

Twilightzoner85 wrote:Princess Peach was taking a walk along the kingdom when she experienced a great moment. A sight so wonderful, only the most beautiful of souls could ever embrace it.

To begin, what does the phrase 'along the kingdom' mean? And this opening is a little awkward--maybe change the wording a little bit for the 2nd sentence. Also, you go from the word 'moment' to 'sight,' so that's a little confusing. (Question: how do you 'experience' a great moment?)

Twilightzoner85 wrote:She saw the most handsome, kind, and loving guy she had ever interacted with.

In this case, 'interacted' doesn't fit the sentence. You might instead say: 'She saw the most handsome, kind, and loving guy she'd ever seen.' Or 'she saw the most handsome, kind, and loving guy on the face of the earth.'

Twilightzoner85 wrote:Marth answered, laughing at the fact that she was shaking immensely.

'At the fact that' is a little wordy here. (In other words, this story is somewhat prolix.) You can just say 'because' in place of 'at the fact that'. And 'shaking immensely' doesn't make sense, so consider changing that.

Don't forget about some basic grammar rules--I noticed that Peach's name wasn't capitalized a few times, like here:
Twilightzoner85 wrote: His name is Marth, he knew peach but met with her far less frequent these days because he was already in a relationship.

Punctuation was sometimes incorrectly used as well.

And you sometimes switched verb tenses, like you went from past tense (was) to present tense (is).

Twilightzoner85 wrote:he knew peach but met with her far less frequent these days because he was already in a relationship.

'Less frequent' doesn't make sense here. Settle for a simple 'less' or 'less often.'

Twilightzoner 85 wrote:"Heah Marth, can we talk?" Princess Peach asked as she approached the young man, shaking at the thought of having to speak with him.

Did you mean 'hey'?

Also, instead of talking about Marth's other relationship and going straight to talking about Zelda, make it more clear in the beginning that she's in the relationship with Marth. Because you say 'Her name was Zelda,' your readers get confused. I did. It took me a little bit to figure out that you meant Marth was going out with Zelda.

Twilightzoner85 wrote: "Oh, I would love to go with you but, Zelda and I were going to go together, why don't we all watch the performances together?" asked Marth.

To make the punctuation more accurate, you might say: '"Oh, I would love to go with you, but Zelda and I were going to go together. Hey, why don't we all watch the performances together?" asked Marth.'

Twilightzoner85 wrote: said Peach enthusiastically, trying to hide the wave of disappointment she has been covered with.

I like the analogy here with the 'wave' of disappointment, but 'she has (should be had) been covered with' is wordy and somewhat unclear. You might consider changing it to: '...said Peach enthusiastically, trying to hide her disappointment.' It leaves out the awesome analogy, but it's concise, to the point, and simple.

Twilightzoner85 wrote:but that dream was far away from ever setting foot into any ones world.

What did you mean by this? :?: I'm confused over what you were trying to say her...try another analogy so that your readers don't get confused.

I noticed some pretty sudden scene changes. For example,
Twilightzoner85 wrote:"Oh um, we uh we can most definitely do so, I will see you guys there." said Peach enthusiastically, trying to hide the wave of disappointment she has been covered with.

As Peach put on her silk embroidered royal design gown, she could not stop thinking about Marth. She wanted to be the one he would love and care for, but that dream was far away from ever setting foot into any ones world.

You suddenly switch from Peach and Marth talking (with Zelda jealously watching xD) to Peach in her palace putting on a gown!

Twilightzoner85 wrote:Peach met Marth and Zelda at the ball and mingled shortly before the show began.

Mingled with who? And is this a drama performance or some other type of show?

Twilightzoner85 wrote:said Zelda not letting one word penetrate from Marth's mouth

The word 'penetrate' is out of place in this sentence. Instead, you might consider saying: '...said Zelda, not letting Marth squeeze in one word...' or '...said Zelda, not letting one word come out of Marth's mouth...' (first choice is better :D)

Twilightzoner85 wrote: When she turned around, there was a gigantic and hideous creature was was lurking behind her.

Describe this monster more. I mean, you used good adjectives, but they don't tell the readers enough. Is goo dripping from this monster's limbs? (if it even has limbs) Does it have 100 pairs of squishy green eyes? Give us some more detail, please! (And, you used was three times in that sentence...)

Twilightzoner85 wrote:Suddenly, Marth ran into the room and swung Peach into his hands, as she was frozen in the fear of the retched monster.

Take out a 'the.' You don't need the 'the' in front of 'fear'. Also, 'retched' was spelled wrong. Did you mean 'wretched'?

Twilightzoner85 wrote:Marth and Peach fell in the middle of the floor and, for a single moment, felt a slight connection as they lay on there backs.

What do you mean by a 'slight connection?' The tweens and teens (hopefully) understand what you mean, but what about the younger kids? SSBB isn't just for tweens and teens, you know.

Twilightzoner85 wrote:A massacre struck as it made a terrible amount of destruction through out the building.

How can a massacre strike? And what is 'it'? You should consider saying instead: 'As the massacre of thousands was carried out by the hideous monster, Marth, Zelda, and Peach dashed out of the palace as fast as possible to avoid getting injured.'

Twilightzoner85 wrote:That night, we all had to rest in the wood along the royal hall, trying to avoid the all the excitement.

There's a forest in the royal hall, part of the palace?! That's not possible, because you just said that the monster was totally destroying everything in its path 'throughout the building,' which means the royal hall would be included. And a forest can not be found in a palace. Sorry to put you down, but it's true.

Twilightzoner85 wrote:We looked around to see building windows and walls shattered.

The word building doesn't fit in this sentence. Take it out. And how can walls be shattered? Perhaps you could say: 'They (not first person--remember you're not one of the characters in SSBB) looked around and saw signs of the monster's destruction everywhere. Windows were completely shattered and walls were almost totally demolished.'

Twilightzoner85 wrote:With Bent message boards and rummage scattered everywhere, the ground was completely covered with parts that were once precious items.

Add bolded word. And you might want to choose a better word than 'parts', because that makes the readers think, what parts?

Twilightzoner85 wrote:It was all the most horrible thing they have ever seen.

Take out the word 'all'; it isn't needed in this sentence. And change 'have' to 'had'. (Correct verb tenses, as I mentioned before!)

Twilightzoner85 wrote:"I'm Ike by the way! It is a pleasure to meet you." said Ike as he moved to the side to make room.
"So why are you guys coming here at such a late time?" " You didn't hear? There is some sort of hideous monster running a muck all over town. We decided to go after the source of them." answered Marth.

Hit Enter to put some space between Ike and Marth's lines; and take out the huge empty space between Ike's words, like so:
'"I'm Ike, by the way! It's a pleasure to meet you," Ike said as he moved to the side. "So, why are you guys coming here late at night?"
"You didn't hear? There is some sort of hideous monster running a muck (muck?) all over town. We decided to go after the source of them," answered Marth.'

Try not to use the word 'said' more than 15 times in the story. (No more than three times in one paragraph, too) I mean, there are thousands of ways to replace 'said'. For example: cried, shouted, exclaimed, yelled, answered, replied, asked, muttered, whispered....

OK, I know I'm being nit-picky, so here's another little tidbit. (Sorry! :( )
Try to keep your format consistent--you used 'The Next Day' and 'THE NEXT DAY' in your story. Consistent spacing also might help.

But, Peach's character was very well-developed; everything she said or did made sense. You might even consider doing this story from her perspective! You did well with Ike, too--I don't think he seemed awkward or unnatural in any way. (It's interesting that he's into poetry!)

I had a question about Marth, though. If he loved Peach, then why was he going out with Zelda in the first place? It's apparent he had some feelings for her even before going out with Zelda.

Anyway, you had a great ending; it summed up the story and brought it to a true end. Thank you for the great, heartwarming story. I'm sure that if you fixed some of the grammatical errors it would be even better. So, thank you for your time and effort on this story, and for listening to me ramble on and on. xD Please write more SSBB Fan-Fiction stories!! :) (And remember, you don't have to follow my advice...most of these tips are just my opinion!)
"We're all born with selfish desires, so we can all relate to those feelings in others. But kindness is something made individually by each person...so it's easy to misunderstand when others are trying to be kind to you."
--Fruits Basket Book 1, page 134

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Poetry is like a bird, it ignores all frontiers.
— Yevgeny Yevtushenko