
Young Writers Society

Star Wars: The Chatroom: Episode I

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Sun Aug 30, 2009 1:49 am
Elinor says...

Here is the first episode in the epic saga of Star Wars, as if the characters had expierencied these events in a chatroom.

Cast of Characters

Qui-Gon Jinn - 1337jedi
Obi-Wan Kenobi - LearnerBoy
Padme Admidala - Pampered_Princess
Anakin Skywalker - RacingChamp
Jar Jar Binx - Jarrrr
Mace Windau - Purplerox
Yoda - LittleGreenPwner
Darth Maul - redsoldier
Palpatine - master_in_disguise
Viceroy - Ilikeevil


LearnerBoy has signed in.
1337jedi is online.

1337jedi: Hello, Obi-Wan. Yoda messaged me and told me we should get in a group chat with the Viceroy and negotiate with him about the funny stuff that’s going on.
LearnerBoy: ok
1337jedi: We must proceed with caution, however. I have heard rumors that the Viceroy is evil.
LearnerBoy: you sure?

Ilikeevil has entered the chat.

Ilikeevil: I’m evil

Ilikeevil has signed off.

1337jedi: Does that answer your question, Obi-Wan?
LearnerBoy: Yes.
LearnerBoy: OMG! Change your background to the "Naboo" one! Its so cool.
1337jedi: This is alright, I guess.

Jarrrr has entered the chat.

Jarrr: pllz add me I ned freinds
LearnerBoy: …
1337jedi: Be nice, Obi-Wan. We’ll add you, Jarrrr.
Jarrr: YAY!!! :-D
LearnerBoy: no
Jarrr: plz plz plz I cn giv u da queens sn!
LearnerBoy: o rly
Jarrrr: yea im inviting her in th cht

Pampered_Princess has entered the chat.

Pampered_Princess: Hi <33
LearnerBoy: Hey
Pampered_Princess: I’m Padme.

LearnerBoy is offline.
1337jedi is offline.

Pampered_Princess: okk

LearnerBoy is online.
1337jedi is online

LearnerBoy: sorry. Computer died
1337jedi: mine too
Pampered_Princess: Let’s find someone who can help! :)

RacingChamp has entered the chat.

RacingChamp: I CAN HELP!!!1
1337jedi: Okay.
LearnerBoy: Cool.
1337jedi: gtg
LearnerBoy: me too

LearnerBoy is offline.
1337jedi is offline.

RacingChamp: hi ur rly pretty I like ur sn
Pampered_Princess: Aww, thanks! *kisses cheek*
RacingChamp: <33333
RacingChamp: hey can I show u something
Pampered_Princess: sure
RacingChamp: I made a smart robot account! He even sends messages to you! Watch!

Threepio is online

Threepio: I am C-3P0, human cyborg relations!
: I like it.
Threepio is offline.

Pampered_Princess: Hey, that’s cool! We should give him a friend. What should we call him?
RacingChamp: R2D2!
Pampered_Princess: Hey . . .um, whats your name?
RacingChamp: Anakin.
Pampered_Princess: I gtg. Bye!
RacingChamp: Bye <33

PamperedPrincess is offline.

LearnerBoy is online
1337jedi is online.

1337jedi: RacingChamp, what is your real name?
RacingChamp: Anakin!
1337jedi: You’re the chosen one.
RacingChamp: ???

Purplerox has entered the chat.
LittleGreenPwner has entered the chat.

Purplerox: you think he’s the chosen one?
1337jedi: yes
Purplerox: o rly
RacingChamp: What if I am? >.>
LittleGreenPwner: An apprentice you already have, qui-gon
Purplerox: chill dude
LittleGreenBoy: For your apprentice, this boy you may take
Purplerox: he’s too old >_>
1337jedi: …
Purplerox: FINE

Master_in_disguise is online
Redsoldier is online

Master_in_disguise: hey maul
Redsoldier: sup?
Master_in_disguise: well my high score on saber battles got knocked off by obi-wan and qui-gon. I started saying swear words so I got banned. Can you do me a favor and play on your account and knock them of the high score list?
Redsoldier: I can. I will not fail you

1337jedi is online
LearnerBoy is online

Redsoldier has challenged 1337jedi to a game of saber battles!

Accept! Decline!

1337jedi: I have no idea who this is.
LearnerBoy: Just Accept. I’ll watch and be your back-up if you die :P

1337jedi has accepted the challenge!

1337jedi: Hello.
Redsoldier: your gonna die lol
1337jedi: noob. You’re SOOO scary.
1337jedi: omg -__- he just killed me
Redsoldier: :D
1337jedi: I wish they would give you another life. Obi-Wan, take over for me.
1337jedi is offline.

LearnerBoy: k
LearnerBoy: there
Redsoldier: hahah im gonna kill you
Redsoldier: lol
Redsoldier: lol
Redsoldier: lol
LearnerBoy: Not Today *slices in half*
Redsoldier: you just drained all my life -_-
Redsoldier is offline.

RacingChamp is online.
Pampered_Princess is online.

Pampered_Princess: You’re a hero, Obi-Wan. *smiles at Anakin*
RacingChamp: <3333


All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

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Tue Sep 01, 2009 4:08 pm
GryphonFledgling says...

Omigosh, I love it!

Yeah, not much intelligent to say from me. The sheer awesomeness that is this fic has drained it all out of me.

Actually, one thing: I love the screennames you gave everybody. Yoda and Windu were the best by far.

Also, did these chatters hang out in the YWS chat room for a while? They seem so much more intelligable than some other chatters I have seen elsewhere. :)

: I like it.


It looks like something got moved around there. The line comes before the person's tag.

Anyway, very nice. It's rather clever. I need to go read the next one now... Peace out.

I am reminded of the babe by you.

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Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:33 pm
Alec Laine says...

Quite honestly the best edition of Star Wars: Episode I that I have ever seen. INCLUDING the movie. No, but really. This was epicness! I'll read the rest too, you can be sure of it.
"SHAMAN" is a action/adventure fiction novel I'm writing, following the adventures of Marcus Lee. Marcus finds a book with a peculiar symbol engraved on the cover. As Marcus digs deeper into the mysteries of the book, he learns about controlled reincarnation.

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Wed Sep 23, 2009 11:17 pm
GregPugn says...

Yup, that's Star Wars right there. The one thing that I think that you missed out on was changing Padme's screen name in the chat because when she is on Tatooine she is incognito. I'm sorry, I'm a Star Wars nerd! Anyway, good fanfic. I really enjoyed it.

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Tue Sep 29, 2009 2:25 am
blackpencil says...

That was HALARIOUS!!!I meant to spell that wrong, yes... That's pretty much Star Wars I in a box. Good job! I love how Qui-gon called Maul a noob... n OMG IT'S NOT LOADING!!!!
If you're learning from your mistakes, you shouldn't be making the same ones again.

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Mon Nov 23, 2009 3:20 am
LordLoredaen says...

That was hysterical!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't breathe I was laughing soooo hard!!
Am fear nach gleidh na h-airm san t-sith, cha bhi iad aige 'n am a' chogaidh.

* He that keeps not his arms in time of peace will have none in time of war.

(This pretty much means "If you want peace, be prepared for war")

— looseleaf