
Young Writers Society

Dear Nurse Joan

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Fri Nov 28, 2008 11:45 am
Luvzi12 says...

Sorry about the layout :? The double spacing sort of messed it up a bit. Hope it's okay for you all to read!

1st e-mail
Dear sister Nurse Joan,
I need medical assistance, Growlithe was in an incubator and now his breathing is very weak. What should I do? Remedy fix-it is a good idea I am going to try it.
Please reply, from your sister, Nurse Joy.
P.S I am e-mailing Professor Oak.

2nd e-mail
Dear sister nurse Joan,
Team Rocket is here! They might cause a threat at the Poke'mon centre if they succeed, in what we have heard their plans are, then they may cut off the electricity to the poke' centre and I have just received a Jolteon in an incubator, please call ASH and Misty to help!
Also, the Growlithe was just in a deep sleep, remedy fix-it worked a treat!
from your needy sister, Nurse Joy.

3rd E-Mail
Dear Nurse Joan,
Thank the stars Ash, Brock and Misty saved the day!
Also, we have received a Psyduck with a strange occurring cough which sounds more like a sneeze. Is this a side effect of Psyduck or is this an actual disease/cough?
From your desperate sister, Nurse Joy.

4th E-Mail
To Nurse Joan,
Thanks for the E-Mail, Psyduck is much better now and I have gained more confidence and knowledge on Psyducks diseases and illnesses.
Jolteon is still sick and I think he might have electric discharge which might take time for him to recover, does that sound right?
Please reply from Nurse Joy.

5th E-Mail
To Nurse Joan,
Jolteon has made no signs of recovery and I am getting worried. Is he falling back on recovery because he is in an incubator? I am afraid he might not recover so I need
some advice quickly!
From Nurse Joy.

6th E-Mail
To Nurse Joan,
You were right, he did just need time to recover. I am no longer afraid of Jolteons low-strength recovering ability. Thanks for the advice and magazine which I have now ordered weekly, is this where you get all your knowledge from or did you get yours from your training with Professor Oak?
I am still waiting for my invitation to tutor with him but it has not arrived. Will he ever tutor me? Oh, I will survive with you encouraging me.
Thank you for listening to me droning on and on.
From your hopeless sister,
Nurse Joy

7th E-Mail
To Nurse Joan,
Why of course YOUR knowledge is NATURAL! Mine still needs improving of course. I am afraid that I have nothing to report that a simple Fix-it potion can't fix! All Poke'mon healthy for today.
From your grateful sister,
Nurse Joy

8th E-Mail
To Nurse Joan,
YES!!! It has arrived! My invitation to be tutored with Professor Oak! He said something about E-Mails showing promise that must be encouraged.
You know I can't help but think that it was you that sent him those E-Mails, if you did, THANKYOU!!! I am going tomorrow and am putting a Trainee in charge
of the Poke’ Centre. I have given him a number so he can contact me in case of ER.
Preparing to leave and raring to go,
Love xxNurse Joyxx

9th e-mail
To Nurse Joan,
I am in Germany studying dangerous plants that can affect some Poke'mon, like the Flareon can go into a fit if it is even gently stroked by a 'Wigo Weed.'
Thanks for all your help love,
Nurse Joy

10th e-mail
To Sister,
Back with new knowledge, had a great time and passed the test with flying colours! An unusual thing happened today, a trainer called Spike came in with a sick Pidgey, Rattatta, Caterpie and Pikachu saying he was going to challenge Brock the gym leader! He did and then came back with all of his poke'mon injured. I gave him some of my wages to buy a Poke'ball for new and better Poke'mon to battle Brock. He came back with a Weedle!
That's all love Nurse Joy

11th e-mail
To my Sister,
That trainer Spike showed up again today. He has gone quite far in the Poke' world. He has a Raichu now! Plus, he has the determination and kind heart of a pokemon trainer. I think he will do well in the Poke' League.
Write to you soon,
Love Nurse Joy.

12th e-mail
To Nurse Joan,
Nothing much to say that I can't handle, have you got your new magazine yet? It has some interesting pointers on Oddish upbringing! I thought you might like to know this as you are quite interested in Oddish aren't you? Nothing else to report except I hope they put something about Chanseys in there, I wouldn't mind that to help me with mine!
Must dash, I have a visitor. Pidgeotto with a very bad wing, oh and two more! A Jigglypuff with a sore throat and an Eevee with a hurt paw.
I may be e-mailing you sooner then you think!
Goodbye, love

xxxNurse Joyxxx

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Sun Jun 14, 2009 9:46 pm
Luvzi12 says...

Aww no replies :( I wrote it when I was like 10 though when Pokemon was huge haha! So I guess I'm not too disheartened :P
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Mon Jun 15, 2009 12:47 pm
darkangel_05 says...

hello to you..
i can see that i am the first to comment on your work.

are you a pokemon fan, too?
you know i am addicted to it that in summer i did nothing but to watch it everyday. too bad i can't watch it now due to school pressure..

anyway, about your work: i like it because i remembered the scenes from the show.
just keep it up.

i am wondering: what is your favorite pokemon?

Sometimes B sharp,
Never B flat,
Always B natural.

I love writing songs and listening to music and books and daydreaming and coffee at five in the morning.

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Tue Jun 16, 2009 4:36 am
huggybear123 says...

I love Pokemon! (shh) I was obsessed with it when i was 4! I remember most of these LOL! Do you have anymore Pokemon things? I'll let you in on a secret...I used to think That Ash and MIsty would make a cute couple. In second grade me and shannon would find rocks and we would say they are pokemon eggs! I still make up my own pokemon. I pretend to hate pokemon, but I secretly still sleep with my plush pikachu and watch all the new movies when they debut on cartoon network (i deny my love for pokemon and yu'gi'oh to avoid torture. I openly adore most anime but not the kiddie ones ;)

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Thu May 06, 2010 3:32 pm
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Luvzi12 says...

@darkangel_05 my favourite pokemon are Eevee and Jigglypuff. I can't choose between the two hehe! I like Vulpix too :)

I don't have anymore Pokemon stories, but I do have all the first generation trading cards & all the completed Gameboy games haha!

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