
Young Writers Society

The Movie for Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

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Wed Nov 07, 2007 2:32 am
JackBauerHasABaldSpot says...

I'll agree that this is really stupid (I mean absolutely stupid!), but don't take it seriously. If you do, you might get sorely offended....just remember, this is strictly a parody. If you want to, just put your brain on the shelf and go ahead and read.

I like to think it's a little funny, but I could be wrong...

Scene I: Fan Fic

Script for FANGS!
(Exclamation point required)

E: (walks across the parking lot and holds out his hand) Hello, my name is Edward Colon.

B: Bella (shakes his hand, then laughs). Poor you.

E: Why?

B: Your last name.

E: What about it?

B Come on, you know...

E: No, what?

B: Well I don't know, it's your last name.

E: Yeah. Colon.

B: Don't you see it...?

E: What?

B: Your name!

E: What do you mean?

B: What do you mean what do I mean? That's worse than Stain, or Barf Bag, or McLovin'!

E: Oh, Superbad? I love that freakin' movie! "I am McLovin'!" But what does that have to do with my last name?

B: It sounds nasty!

E: How? You're making no sense!

B: You moron! Colon! Colon!

E: Yeah...so...

B: Oh, nevermind, you idiot.

E: What did you just call me? (gets mad and shoots her) Oops. (silence) Oh! I get it!

(walks away)

E: Hey Alice! Guess what this girl just told me!
Scene II

(B enters classroom)

M: Hi, I'm Mik.

B: Hi, Mike, I'm Bell--

M: Uh, it's Mik, Mik. Like prick. Or d--

Teach: Okay, class, in your seats. NOW!

B: (walks to her seat) Oh, crap.

E: Hello, Bessie.

B: My name's Bella.

E: Right. How's your leg?

B: You shot me.

E: I know. How is it?

B: You shot me.

E: Yeah. Are you okay?

B: You shot me three times. My leg almost came off. I'm limping.

E: My dad said you would. He operated on you, didn't he?

B: Yeah, so? You shot me!

E: I know! Hey...(sniffs the air) You smell good!


E: Really good!

(more silence)

E: (whispers) Hey, Bree.

(silence, taps her desk)

E: Breeee (silence) Breeee (pokes her with his pencil) Bree!

B: Ow! I'm bleeding! (looks at E) What?

E: (waves) Hi. (sees the blood) Uh-oh...
Scene III

(B enters home)

B: Hi Dad.

C: Hi.

B: Can you help me up the stairs?

C: Why? You can walk.

B: I got shot, Dad. With your gun.

C: Hey, it's not my fault he stole it.

B: Yes it is! You left it in a bathroom!

C: So? You pissed him off.

B: He's an idiot!

C: With a gun. He's the last person I'd mess with.

B: You're the sheriff.

C: Without a gun! What do you think I am, stupid?

B: (mutters) Yes.

C: What?

B: Nothing! Help me up the stairs!

C: Oh, Edward called. He says he's sorry.

B: It's about time! Is he giving the gun back?

C: Not for that, for poking you in Biology. It was an accident.

B: What? He apologizes for that?

C: Yeah...(silence)

C: What's for dinner?
Scene IV

(B sees E in parking lot)

E: Oh, hi Belinda. (smacks him)Ouch! What'd you do that for?

B: You apologize for poking me with a pencil but not for shooting me? You could've killed me!

E: It was an accident. And a pencil can't kill you.

B: Not the pencil, the gun!

E: I never poked you with a gun.

B: No! You shot me! Three times!

E: I did? (B stares while he thinks) Oh yeah! (laughs) I remember it like it was yesterday.

B: It was yesterday!

E: What? No. (shakes his head) It was a long time ago.

B: I've only known you for two days!

E: Whatever. You wanna go to Seattle with me tomorrow? (B glares at him) What?

B: You... shot me...

E: So?

B: What guys shoots a girl, then asks her out>

E: Maybe that's his way of saying he likes her.

B: By shooting her?

E: Hey, some guys flirt differently. I didn't make it that way. Anyway, wanna go?

B: I---! (rolls her eyes and sighs) Oh, what the hell.

E: Cool. See you, Britney.

B: Bella! It's Bella you idiot!

E: (turns around) What? (tries to shoot her but there's no bullets, so he throws it at her, knocking her out)


E: Oops. See you tomorrow!

And keep your eyes out for the sequels to Twilight's FANGS!:

The movie based on New Moon (FUR!)

And, of course, the movie based on Eclipse (FIGHT!)

(Heh, heh, heh, just kidding...)
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Wed Nov 07, 2007 2:39 am
Alice says...

No...just no....way too lil kidish...and that reaks of spam....it hurt part of my soul (the part that lives and breathes Stephenie Meyer lor) like really bad. Shame on you!
I just lost the game.

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Wed Nov 07, 2007 3:09 am
BigBadBear says...

Lol. I haven't read the books but I found this very very funny! lol I really liked it. I will be looking forward to reading the next ones! Hurry!

Just write -- the rest of life will follow.

Would love help on this.

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Wed Nov 07, 2007 3:21 am
JackBauerHasABaldSpot says...

Thanks, but I doubt I'll be continuing, and to tell you the truth, I didn't think ANYONE was going to like this! Pretty much everyone likes Stephenie Meyer! Even guys!
"...some birds aren't meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright."
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Wed Nov 07, 2007 10:42 pm
spiritblackwolf2705 says...

I like Stephenie Meyer alot, but you gotta admit, that was pretty funny. :D

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Fri Nov 09, 2007 4:35 am
SASSYLADY333 says...

Haha, that was so...even reading it a second time there are no true words. Awesome job comrade! :)

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Thu Nov 15, 2007 11:38 pm
Kelsey Logan says...

teeheehee. i worship that little fake script. hilarious! i've even read those books and i enjoy it greatly. YAY!

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Thu Nov 15, 2007 11:57 pm
Leja says...

I thought it was funny in general, but I also thought the parts about shooting were unnecessary as they didn't relate at all to the books. This whole thing was people getting other characters' names wrong. Which is funny, for the first scene, but became very tired after the second. But scene four was still funny since it was something different. Ex:

B: It was yesterday!

E: What? No. (shakes his head) It was a long time ago.

B: I've only known you for two days!

E: Whatever. You wanna go to Seattle with me tomorrow? (B glares at him) What?

B: You... shot me...

If it's meant as a "tribute" (however much... it deviates), I would try to stick to the storyline a little bit more. In place of the gun thing, for instance, I would maybe put something about one of the other Cullens biting her by accident maybe.

This reads like it should be satire, but it isn't quite there yet. It needs a few more elements from the original to poke fun at.

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Fri Nov 16, 2007 12:18 am
lyrical_sunshine says...

I'm not critiquing this, because it entertains me too much. I loved Charlie. Nicely done. OH! That reminds me, I've got to give my friend "Eclipse" tomorrow...
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Teacher: "What do we do with adjectives in Spanish?"
S: "We eat them!"

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Fri Nov 16, 2007 12:57 am
Sachiko says...

*giggle/snort loudly and uncontrollably* Personally, i didn't really care for her books... Please don't shoot me!
"Funniest Member -- Sachiko. Secretly the devil. Do not engage. I repeat, do not engage." -- Iggy

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Wed Nov 28, 2007 2:18 am
JackBauerHasABaldSpot says...

Thank you very much for the praise (esp. you Sassy!). I know how hard it is to get comments like these, especially in comedies, but I'd really like some more critique on this. If I wanted a bunch of pats on the back, I wouldn't post it (since I have two hands, two pats will be enough, or four if I pat twice!). Only one person has really given feedback (which I greatly appreciate), but I'd like more. My defense: I know I'M not perfect, but with enough back-whipping, I can at least TRY to be...

Anyway, crit AND praise. That'd be nice.
"...some birds aren't meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright."
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Wed Dec 05, 2007 12:30 am
Audy says...

lol! That was hilarious. I also enjoyed the Charlie bit --the gun thing was quite funny but the name bit to me is not funny at all and it gets really repetitive. It'd be better to have Edward call Bella by a different name every time and have Bella correct him once or twice at the beginning and then just give up. To me, the whole "It's Bella!" thing every time just ruins the joke. But that's just my opinion.

Also, I just want to add to what Amelia said --A parody is generally an imitation about a work of literature done in a humorous way. Key word in this case is imitation. It's easy to mock a book by doing all this random stuff, but the trick is mocking the book and still have the characters be...in character. Edward to me is a little too trigger-happy to be Edward. Bella ---Nah, I think you got Bella pretty well ;D

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Thu Dec 20, 2007 2:05 am
Kitty says...

Haha. That was funny, especially the Charlie part. I love this series. You should keep writing scripts like this one! It was great! Kudos! (Laughs)
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Thu Dec 20, 2007 3:31 am
Rigel says...

HAHAHAHAHA. I loved it. You kind of kill the name joke at the beginning though. You could cut out a lot of that and it would be funnier.

For example:
E: (walks across the parking lot and holds out his hand) Hello, my name is Edward Colon.

B: Bella (shakes his hand, then laughs). Poor you.

E: What do you mean?

B: Your name.

E: What's wrong with Edward?

B: You idiot.

E: What did you just call me? (gets mad and shoots her) Oops. (silence) Oh! I get it!

(walks away)

E: Hey Alice! Guess what this girl just told me!
If I don't get you, PM me!

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Tue Jan 08, 2008 11:00 pm
Emerson says...

I'm going to move this to fanfiction...It should probably have been moved there long ago, haha. Oh well.
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