
Young Writers Society

Adventures of the SPEW Gryphon

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Fri May 18, 2007 1:39 am
Griffinkeeper says...

The space station was the size of the planet. It was around a planet. Suddenly, without warning, a gigantic green laser formed, and hit the planet, blasting it into dust.

The image froze in place.

"Grif, we've arrived at YWS," Watcher said.

"Sorry Star Wars, you'll have to wait," Grif said.

The SPEW Gryphon and the YWS Highwind were flying straight towards YWS. YWS was different in appearance to TW. Where TW was a circular station, YWS was shaped like a gigantic banana.

Nearby was a large ring, where SPEW existed, and an asteroid which the CCF stayed. The three objects orbited in odd patterns, and occasionally YWS and CCF would be inside the SPEW ring, before leaving again.

Several civilian ships came parallel to the Gryphon, perhaps checking out the damage the Gryphon had suffered from engaging pirates.

The Gryphon and the Highwind broke formation, each heading to its respective docks. The trip to YWS was quiet. Incan spent his time reviewing some of Grif's poems, of which only one was deemed "Adequate."

By the time Incan was done, Grif was ready to shove him out of an airlock too.

The docking was completed and the two moderators departed the Gryphon and went into YWS. A large crowd had gathered to welcome them.

"Hi everyone!" Grif said.

"HI GRIF!" the crowd said back.

"Thank you for coming. Incan is safe and back home!" The crowd waited expectantly.

"...and holo-vids of the battle with the pirates will be available shortly at the low price of $14.95."

The crowd began screaming in excitement. Grif and Incan moved through them. As they made their way through the station, they were greeted.

Adam caught up with them.



"Fantastic rescue!"

"You bet it was," Grif said. "We were going to see the Admiral. You coming?"


The walked a few feet and arrived at the Admiral's Quarters. Grif knocked on the door."


Grif opened the door. Nate's quarters were large and luxurious. He was busy working on a Sudoku puzzle.

"Sit down," Nate said, staring at the puzzle. They sat down quietly. Without taking his eyes off the puzzle, Nate spoke.

"Tell me what happened."

"http://www.youngwriterssociety.com/post235959.html" Grif said.

"I see," Nate said. "Your ships have the latest threat boards. I take it that Grif will want to repair his ship. How long will it be down?"

"Depends on how busy the SPEW yard is. I take it the YWS yard is still occupied?"

"It will be a few more weeks before the Caldwell will be ready for action. Thank you for asking," Nate said, filling in a square. "I'd like to speak with Incan alone. You and Adam may go."

Grif and Adam got up and left.

"I'll meet you at the Captain's Club," Grif said to Adam.

"19:00 sharp," Adam replied.
Last edited by Griffinkeeper on Mon Aug 27, 2007 4:56 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Fri May 18, 2007 2:53 am
Poor Imp says...

Always fun to read, Grif. The most amusing bits, doubtless, had to be "Grif's" reaction to Incan's 'adequate' response; and the SPEW and CCF orbiting objects. ^_^

Understated response there. It's hilarious.

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"There is adventure in simply being among those we love, and among the things we love -- and beauty, too."
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Fri May 18, 2007 3:10 pm
M.B.Author says...

It was fun. I liked it. Keep up the good work. :D

-- M.B.Author
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Fri May 18, 2007 7:22 pm
theron guard says...

Nice! very intersting. The Grif guy is very funny, I like him. Waiting the read more. :D
Ohhhhhhh YEAH!!!!!!

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Fri May 18, 2007 11:33 pm
Via says...

Haha awesome. It wasn't quite as hilarious as some of your other works, but it is funny just the same! :D
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Sun May 20, 2007 6:46 am
Alteran says...

Adam walked down the clean shining silver halls to the closed sector of the Station. The Highwind was safely docked and it was time for Adam to check in. He placed his hand on the seemingly ordinary wall panel. It scanned his hand with a beep and the floor light up. The transporter activated with a click and sent Adam to the CCF Asteroid Base.

“About time,” said DD, “The Boss is getting annoyed you better hurry up.”

“It’s not like I can just run over here all the time,” sighed Adam. DD gave him a sympathetic smile before he went into the main hall. From the inside it was impossible to tell you were inside an asteroid. The rooms even had view screens to act like windows.

Adam walked down the hall, saying hi to his family members as he passed. It was nice being in one big family. The Cabassi Family. The door at the end of the hall opened and the Boss came out. He breathed deeply as he saw Adam.

“Hurry up, we need to get this done,” he said as Adam passed him and entered the office. A few other members were there. The Boss sat down and looked at them. “So, we have a working prototype then?”

“Yeah,” said Prosithion, “I managed to reverse engineer a SPEW artificial intelligence computer we obtained after the last mission. It’s ready to be tested.”

“Good equip it to the Belias…”

“Absolutely not!” said Adam, “Boss, you cannot put that thing in the Belias. It might not even work.”

“What would you have us do then?!”

“Put it in a shuttle or something. Not in the Flagship.”

“Very well, the only reason I’m not having you flogged fro this, Adam, is you designed the Belias. Your opinion is highest in the matter.” The Boss looked at Prosithion, “Put that thing in one of the shuttles, contact me when you’ve finished.”

“Right, Boss,” said Prosithion.

“You can all leave.” Adam sighed and looked at his watch. It was 5 minutes to 19:00! He couldn’t be late to the Lounge. With a hurried bye Adam bolted for the transporter room.
"Maybe Senpai ate Yuka-tan's last bon-bon?"
----Stupei, Ace Defective

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Sun May 20, 2007 8:12 am
Griffinkeeper says...

The Captain's Club was an interesting place. Pictures of old ships and people which had gone "Missing In Action" made the Captain's Club a place for nostalgia.

Jennafina and Grif sat at a table waiting for Adam to arrive. They sipped on some soda as they talked.

"The advanced search option you included for the Peregrine? Well, it's giving back high efficiency ratios. Where we'd have a million wasted results, we now can narrow it down to ten."

"Not even Yahoo engines have a search ratio below 500. This exceeds all expectations."

"Doesn't it? This makes the Peregrine the fastest ship in the galaxy."

"It's not very well armed though," Grif pointed out.

"True, but it can run to get help," Jenna said.

"Sorry I'm late. There was a problem with the transporter," Adam said.

"Are you missing an eyebrow?" Jenna laughed.

"That's not funny!" Adam's face turned red.

"Have a seat Adam. You've met Jenna before?"

"Who hasn't? I didn't know she was a Captain though."

"Then let me introduce you two. Jenna, this is Adam, Captain of the YWS Highwind. Adam, this is Jenna, Captain of the SPEW Peregrine," Grif said.

"A pleasure to meet you," Jenna winked.

"Can I get you something?" A waitress asked.

"The usual," Adam told her.

"I never heard of the SPEW Peregrine. When did it come out?" Adam asked.

"It's been in and out of the SPEW Shipyards for several months now, but it only got commissioned a week ago."

"I didn't hear about it on the Squills issue though..."

"We don't make a big deal out of them. I think Nate is planning on throwing a huge celebration when the Caldwell leaves the YWS Shipyard." Grif said.

"What happened with Incan and TW?" Jenna asked.

"The short story is that the mods there didn't like his poetry reviews and decided he should suck vacuum. I rescued him and got him back here," Grif said.

"Very short," Jenna smiled.

"You wouldn't believe the longer version."

"I didn't think Nate was very happy with Incan. He seemed moody," Adam said.

"No, he gets that way every time he plays sudoku."

"Maybe he is agitated about the break in that happened," Jenna said, sipping some juice.

"What's that?" Grif and Adam said.

"One of the YWS technology departments was broken in two nights ago. Nate has been tense ever since."

"What did they steal?" Grif asked.

"They got away with one of the SPEW AI's we gave Nate."

"Which one?"

"They just got away with Fred," Jenna said.

"Isn't that the AI we developed for-"

"The very same," Jenna said.

"What-" Adam attempted to get a word in, but was cut off by Grif.

"Why would they take Fred though?"

"Maybe it was dark."

"Let me get this straight, you're saying that they have the technical strength to break into a secure area, but not the mental ability to bring a flashlight."

"They could have had night vision goggles for all I know. Point is that Fred is missing."

"Aren't AI's popular nowadays?" Adam asked.

"They are, but they are extremely expensive. SPEW is the only one that is able to make them at the quality and quantity needed though," Jenna said.

"Heck, the Gryphon is practically run on AI's," Grif admitted.

"No way."

"It's true. I'm the only human on the crew. Everything else is handled by AI's."

"That doesn't sound safe," Adam said.

"In many ways it is better than having a human crew. You don't have to pay for extra food and life support, you save a bundle because AI's don't need paychecks, and they are much more accurate and vigilant than human beings. Nothing ever goes wrong on the Gryphon since I got the AI's."

"Doesn't mean it won't though," Jenna said.

"Maybe, but it is very unlikely," Grif said. He looked down at his watch and frowned.

"I'll need to leave soon. The Gryphon will be getting a shipment of fighters and they won't let an AI sign for them. I'll talk with you guys later," Grif said.
Last edited by Griffinkeeper on Sun Jun 10, 2007 4:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Mon May 21, 2007 1:01 pm
Twit says...


AI= Artificial Intelligences?

:lol: Very funny. . . .
"TV makes sense. It has logic, structure, rules, and likeable leading men. In life, we have this."


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Tue May 22, 2007 6:49 am
Alteran says...

Adam Dashed for the transporter. He had to stop them from using....Fred. He placed his hand on the steel wall. An error message appeared: "Your comment is either to complex or too simple for me to process.

"Crap! He's infecting the entire CCF network." He punched in a code to the Highwind, "Emergancy Override Alpha theta six."

"Acknowledged," said a cold computer voice in response. The Highwind was only a few decks up. It wouldn't take to long. He had to get to the base. There was no telling what an AI like Fred would do to them.

One floor after another. Just a few more steps. There it was the open airlock to the Highwind. He raced in, passing his fellow Crew members as he cut a trail for the Hanger.

All eight fighters sat nicely in place. Each fresh from recently being serviced. Adam approached a wall and placed his hand on it.

"Identity verified. CCF Ragnarok, Prepared for departure." said the computer. The floor split and the shining red fighter rose up into the main bay. Its slender body made it faster than almost any other fighter. Only Bubbles had ever managed to best Adam.

He hoped in and turned everything on, The Fighter bolted straight up and out of the electromagnetic shielding. He shot around the YWS Station and straight for the CCF Asteroid. It seemed to be altering its orbit. red lights flashed all across the cockpit. The Ragnarok was being targeted by the Asteroid.

It weaved in and out of pulse laser fire, missiles, and all manner of beam cannon. It was very easy. as if who ever was targeting had no idea how to aim. The situation was far worse than Adam had first realized. He sliced through the camouflaged hanger to darkness. The lights were gone.

"DD," Adam tried on the radio, "Prosithion? Imp? Anyone!?"

"Adam," rang the Boss' voice through the cockpit, "I'm afraid we are all being kept in my office. Prosithion's experiment was a failure. He reverse engineered an AS."

"AS?" inquired Adam.

"Artificial Stupidity."

"Crap, Have you tried over riding it?"

"We just get the same response, 'your comment is either to complex or to simple for me to understand.' Any ideas?"

"Which Shuttle was he installed into?"


"Thanks, I'll radio back when I have any info." Adam patched into the Shuttle, "Fred?"

"Hi," said a pleasant male voice, "I've been waiting for you." The voice dropped to a deep rich tone and sounded a bit....uhh...Use your imaginations!

"Can you turn on the lights?"

"I am programmed with over 22,000 response but non match your original statement."

"Ug...this is like talking to a Windows Vista...." Hours passed as Adam did everything possible to shut Fred off. Finally after 24 hours, He managed to teach Fred on thing. "Good night Fred."

"Good bye." All the lights came back on. Atmosphere circulated into the base again.

"Thank God," Adam sighed. Now that he could see he set the Ragnarok down in an empty place. He marched for the Boss' Office. It was time they listened a little closer.
"Maybe Senpai ate Yuka-tan's last bon-bon?"
----Stupei, Ace Defective

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Sat May 26, 2007 7:49 am
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Griffinkeeper says...

Back Aboard the Gryphon, Grif watched as the fighters were loaded onto the Gryphon.

"Tact?" Grif asked.

"Yes Grif?" the AI said.

"Give me the relevant information on these fighters."

"Hornet heavy interceptors. They're a little slower and less maneuverable than some of the other fighters available, but they've got a lot of bite."

"Thanks Tact."

"Incoming PM," Comm said.

Hey everybody!

First off, the Annual SPEW fundraiser is on Thursday, so don't forget to bring your pigs.

Also, Intel told us that the CCF managed to get a hold of Fred, but they did nothing but create an AS. Isn't that great?

Finally, Nate said something to me about getting the SPEW fleet to attack something somewhere. I'll tell you more when I feel like it, or maybe Nate will take care of it.

Yeah, whatever.

-Admiral Snoink.

"Another PM!" Comm said.


1. Rendezvous with SPEW Shiva, SPEW Peregrine, YWS Buchanan, CCF Belias, YWS Highwind.

2. Proceed to suspected Pirate Base at attached coordinates.

3. Destroy any pirates in contact.

4. Hold position while SPEW Commandos enter the base.

5. Cover the extraction of the SPEW Commandos.

6. Destroy the Pirate Base.

7. Report back to base for debriefing.


"All the fighters are aboard. We're ready to move out," Watcher said.

"Proceed," Grif said.
Last edited by Griffinkeeper on Fri Jun 08, 2007 6:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Tue Jun 05, 2007 6:57 am
Poor Imp says...

Both installments, Grif's and Adam's - are hilarious. ^_^ AS? Dai, amici, non faccio niente senza ...pensando, eh? I wonder who in the CCF was mad enough to start Fred up and stupidity? #_# ^_~

Snoink's PM - wasn't written by her in person, was it? ^_^

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"There is adventure in simply being among those we love, and among the things we love -- and beauty, too."
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Fri Jun 08, 2007 2:45 pm
Dynamo says...

This has been my first review since... well... as long as I can remember. I've been pretty busy with Japan and everything and I've got to sign up for school, summer school, colleges, all that crap. On top of that I've been working on my own work so I barely even have time to post in the storybooks anymore.

Anyway, I thought it was about time to give back to the community. Grif, great job, love the story. Same with you, Adam, I love the cooperation put into this. I especially liked the Star Wars bit at the beginning. I noticed that all the characters are people from this site. I'm just wondering, how popular do you have to be to appear in this particular story? Do you have to be a mod to get recognition? It'd be cool if I was put into this story, maybe as a villain or something...

Anyway, I can't see anything wrong with the story except for one thing. Adam, in your first post of this story somewhere you spelled "from" as "fro". Just thought I should point that out.

OK, keep up the good work, and... I'll read it again when you post something new.
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Sun Jun 10, 2007 4:29 am
Griffinkeeper says...

Imp, I did ask Snoink about it, but I ended up writing it. I'm glad the Snoinkness of it al came out.

Dynamo, it isn't popularity that is putting people in the story. Most of the "characters" are from the main organizations involved (CCF, SPEW, Big Brother, etc.)

Be careful what you wish for! It might come true!
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Sun Jun 10, 2007 4:50 am
Alteran says...

Adam’s Messenger flashed red. He was meeting with the Boss and the other CCF members involved in the Fred incident. He glanced at it to see the words: Priority One Message from Nate. He looked up at the Boss, gave a slight wave an exited quietly.


Meet the SPEW Gryphon, SPEW Shiva, SPEW Peregrine, YWS Buchanan and CCF Belias, at these coordinates. Our investigations have found the Pirate base where the attack on you and the convoy came from. Eliminate the base and try to take as many prisoners as possible. I don’t want a blood bath.


Adam read the message twice before signaling the Highwind to prepare for launch. The base was located between Barsila and Lackon, over 1000 light-years away. A day and a half trip at maximum speed, thought Adam, maybe more. Why’d they have to be so far out…And why would they set up a base in YWS jurisdiction?

It was troubling, something wasn’t adding up.

Two Days Later

“Roya, Open a channel to the Gryphon,” said Adam.

“Channel open,” said Roya with a quick flick of the buttons.

“Griff, Are you ready?”

“Yeah,” replied Griff, “The Shiva is right under them and waiting for us to close in. Firestarter should send the signal soon.”

“Right, See you in there. Highwind out.” Roya clicked off the communication. “I hope we can do this without any casualties…”

“Wishful thinking,” said Rick. The ship shook violently, sending Adam and several others flying from their chairs.

“Computer! What happened!?” yelled Adam, the Ship shook again/

“We are under attack from three Spammian Destroyers. The Pirate base and ships have all been destroyed. All YWS fleet vessels are under Spammian Attack.”

“Damn,” Adam said under his breath, “Rick target the nearest Spammian Vessel and open fire!”

The Highwind fired volleys of blue energy pulses at the Spammian Ship. Its shields absorbed every hit. A solid Beam fired from one of the main cannons slicing through the shields. It jumped away before Rick could finish it off.

“Try and get the other two! Computer, What is the status of the other YWS ships?” Adam was maneuvering the ship as random as possible, evading the powerful torpedoes.

“The Shiva and Peregrine have escaped the battle, sustaining heavy damage. The Gryphon is in battle with eight destroyers while the Buchanan is under fire from a Battleship.”

“This was a trap!” cried Alice. Adam had to think fast, things were headed down hill fast and the shields wouldn’t last forever.

“I’ve got it! Roya send a secure transmission to the YWS Beta Station. Tell them to position as many ships in the Talday Cloud Nebula as possible. Then send a message to Griff and Firestarter telling them to head for the Nebula as well.” Adam moved the ship around the Destroyers and forum jumped. Just as he thought the Spammians were following.

“Are you crazy!” said Nutty, “We’ll be blind in the nebula, and we wont see them coming!”

“Neither will they, I need you guys to man a few turrets. If we manually target we should be able to destroy them.”

Adam’s console flashed red, messages from Griff and Firestarter. The first was from Griff: I run on AIs, It should be no problem. Then Firestarter: My crew has manned every turret I have, I hope we have enough.

“We’re approaching the Nebula,” said Alice. They dropped from Forum Jump. The two Spammian ships were right behind them. They opened fire at once, colliding with the shields. The Gryphon appeared just outside the nebula followed bye eight destroyers. Then came the Buchanan. It was being hit hard by the Spammians.

“Everyone hang on!” yelled Adam. He headed full force into the nebula. The particles swirled around the shields as they went. The radios went dead along with the sensors. Adam was flying by sight now. Pulses zipped through the nebula. The Gryphon and Buchanan were in. the Spammians were not going to stop firing. They couldn’t detect them in the nebula. It was a perfect shield.

The Highwind stopped. The crew watched for any signs of movement from the great green gas cloud. It was still. The sensors could still pick up echoes but it was scrambled.

“Oh my god!” screamed Nutty. A red torpedo shot across the hull and collided with the starboard Jump Engine. The ship turned on its side as the explosion rippled through the cloud.

“Open fire!” cried Adam. The badly damaged Highwind unleashed everything it had into the green space sea. A shock wave pushed the Highwind a bit indicating they had hit their mark.

As the ship rolled two more destroyers became visible. They were preparing to dock!
"Maybe Senpai ate Yuka-tan's last bon-bon?"
----Stupei, Ace Defective

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Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:41 am
Areida says...

This is great, you two!

I love Brad's comment that only one of Grif's poems was "adequate." How very Spock-like. ;)

And... pirates? Ohh my, sounds like a perfect time for Dusky and Crysi to show up... They would make lovely pirates. hehe
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