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A Pokemon Fanfiction!? No way!

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Tue Feb 06, 2007 11:12 pm
Bobo says...

Pokémon: The Story of Slash

Author's Note: Okay, so when I wrote the first version of this story I was, like, twelve or something, so that’s definitely not what you’re reading here. What you are reading is a sort of remake of that old story, inspired by how poorly written and badly dialogue…ed it was. In true Pokémon fashion, I have more or less kept the bad dialogue, since it’s to be expected anyway. Besides, these kids are like ten.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Pokémon, obviously, so Ash, Misty, and all those other stupid characters are copyrighted and stuff of their prospective owners. The cool characters and pure, untamed brilliance belongs to me, though. Oh, and the plot and story belongs to me, too. And Slash… belongs to all the little children who wanted to be programmed into Pokémon when they were little, too. :D

Also, the events in this fanfiction have pretty much no continuity with the actual show itself. So if you’re trying to find the continuity, then you’re wasting your time.

Chapter 1

“Ash, this is all your fault!” Misty cried out in obligatory accusation. Ash twitched, responding angrily despite the obvious uselessness of arguing with the self-possessed redhead.

“Oh, like you could do any better!” Ash recited. Oh yeah, he thought smugly, that’ll sure teach her to mess with me! It didn’t.

“Yeah, I probably could!” Misty said. Of course, that’s probably not true, thought she, but I’m not about to admit it in front of the boy of my dreams who I will also never admit to be such. Wow, I think with strange words…

“Well,” Ash stuttered for a response, having already used his one comeback, “what is all my fault again?” Misty sighed, laughing inwardly at Ash’s adorable cluelessness. This being the perfect lead into the premise of the story, I’ll narrate the rest of this redundant conversation.

Ash and Misty had found themselves on their way to the Pokémon League (no one knows how they got on the way, they just found themselves there), and are now predictably lost on Victory Road. I mean—it’s no big surprise; Victory Road’s a freakin’ maze in some dungeon-like cave. It’s really not so much of a road as it is a labyrinth. And the Final Four wonder why the League never sells many tickets for spectators…

So Ash and Misty—oh, and the obligatory third party member, I think it’s Tracey right now—are lost in some friggin’ cave on the way to the Pokémon League Championships, in which for some reason Misty won’t be participating, and Ash is taking all the blame for it. I mean, it is his fault, seeing as he tore up the map that Professor Oak gave them—he had spent years to create it, but that’s just dramatic irony that is in a level far above Ash’s big head—but the point is, Ash and Misty aren’t getting along, and Tracey is probably off drawing rocks. Meanwhile, someone is missing…

“Pikachu!” Ash exclaimed, scaring the red out of Misty’s hair and the graphite out of Tracey’s drawing pencil (“It’s okay, I have like fifty more in my back pack,”), “is missing,” Ash continued, making sure that his outcry was undeniably labeled with a reason.

“Yeah, thanks a lot for that, Ash,” Misty shivered as her hair regained it’s color, having made the same comment about an hour earlier. Then, suddenly, villainous music played out of the convenient Team Rocket® speakers located just out of sight, and two regrettably familiar voices pierced the short length of silence that they had been waiting behind a local rock for for the last twenty minutes. It’s not like they have much else to do beside time their entrances right…

“Prepare for trouble!” said Jesse, her unnaturally brick-red hair slowly emerging from behind the rock (it was a black velvet curtain in her mind).

“And make it double!” James added dramatically, emerging from the same rock (which to him appeared to be a patch of tall daisies, to which he was allergic).

“To protect the world from devastation!”

“To—AAAAAACHOOO!!!” James excavated his nose all over Tracey’s drawing of a stalactite.

“Yeah, guys, that’s a good place to stop,” Misty stated, overwhelmingly bored with the whole introduction.

“But—sniffle—Meowth hasn’t said his one line of dialogue yet!” James replied indignantly. Then he looked around and made a statement similar to Ash’s startling discovery.

“Pikachu’s gone!” he cried in disbelief. I had to stand in that patch of daisies all that time for nothing!

“What?” Jesse looked around, suddenly realizing they were standing on a rock rather than center stage. “What did you twerps do with him!”

“Wow, ‘twerps’?” Misty mocked, “how original.”

“Shut up, you, you… TWERP!” Jesse shouted, flaunting her redder-than-Misty’s hair.

“Now that you mention it, we really should come up with a better insult,” James observed.

“Oh, shut up,” Jesse said as she walked away, losing her fire as she realized that Pikachu was missing. “Let’s go find Meowth, James.” And they walked away unharmed, since Pikachu was the only Pokémon that Ash would use against them. In the distance, Misty heard James saying something about Meowth quitting for not having enough lines (Ash didn’t hear it because he’s stupid).

“Well,” Misty sighed, “Now that that’s over, we should try to find Pikachu.” She turned to walk away, but Tracy stopped her.

“Oh, Pikachu? He’s right here,” he said, as if stating some obvious fact.

“Pikachu!” Ash cried, running towards his furry little friend, “where have you been?” He hugged Pikachu, who sighed and said something that sounded an awful lot like, “Pika-pi! Chu!” Then he started speaking in Pokelanguage.

“I was taking a whiz, Ash, no big deal.”

“What’s that, Pikachu?” Ash held Pikachu out at arms’ length as if he were some 5-year-old girl’s stuffed bear, “You were lost? That’s so sad!”

“Well, no, that’s not at all what I said,” Pikachu replied, “but, eh, close enough I guess.” And so Ash and the gang continued on their journey, having learned a valuable new lesson about Victory Road. The End.

Just kidding, there’s actually more to the story than that, although any normal episode of Pokémon would have probably ended right about there. So anyway, the three kids and Pikachu, and Togepi who has suddenly been added to the cast as an active character, continued through Victory Road, following the signs and skeletons of those who had passed through before on their path to victory. Or death, in the case of the skeletons. They had do make waiver forms at the front of Victory Road because of those careless deaths.

Several minutes later, our heroes emerged from the mouth of an especially small tunnel into what was clearly the last room of Victory Road, considering the opening ahead of them read “Pokémon League Pokémon Center” in large, redundant lettering. Unfortunately, the last room was also the most dramatic room for Ash and the others to be stopped by another opponent, so soon enough there were two idiots reciting some anthem they had created in their spare time.

“…To unite all peoples within our nation,” James quoted.

“Wait, what?” Jesse said, about to begin the theme.

“Well,” James replied, “I figured we’d start where we left off, y’know…”

“Oh, forget it,” Jesse said, “We’re here to attempt to capture Pikachu; you know the drill.”

“Meowth, that’s right!” Meowth popped up from behind a rock, “And we’re going to steal him using this electricity-proof… thingy…” he sighed, realizing that his explanation was quite obvious by now. “Quick, into the Meowth-based robot!” Jesse, James, and Meowth jumped backward, and a giant Meowth head with a drill for a tongue emerged from the ground. Soon, Pikachu was caught in an obvious nonconductor, but tried to electrocute his way out anyway.

Ash was about to send out another Pokémon to save Pikachu so that Pikachu could take care of Team Rocket, but another voice cut spoke first.

“Gosh, this is getting annoying! Bulba, take care of those dorks!” Seconds later, a flurry of leaves cut the robot into shreds, leaving Team Rocket mysteriously unharmed as they “blasted off” (again) into their own hole. Ash stared at the hole, then looked up as another boy walked toward it.

“Hey, that was my job!” Ash yelled at the hero, who twitched in surprise, “I always get to defeat Team Rocket!”

“Dude,” said the other boy, “I just, like, saved you from Team Rocket. Although that’s not saying much—those two are retarded.” Misty nodded in agreement, while Ash just shrugged.

“Well, as long as you let me defeat them next time—I’m not too important without them to defeat, at least.” Misty nodded in agreement.

“So,” said, the boy, stepping into the light so that Ash, Misty, and that other guy could see him. He looked about Ash’s age and height, with short, spiky blond hair and bright blue eyes. He was wearing a black blazer with silver buttons and a green t-shirt saying “Pikachu and DIE!!!” and long, baggy tan cargo pants. His shoes were apparently unimportant. He scratched his head and continued to speak.

“So… what was I saying again?” he blinked, “That long description totally threw me off. Oh yeah—” Ash and Misty exchanged strange looks—or rather, Misty exchanged a strange look, while Ash just looked strange, wondering what they were exchanging looks for—and the boy continued, “My name is Slash.” Ash recognized the name, then realized it sounded like his and that was it. Misty smiled and extended a hand in greeting.

“I’m Misty,” she said as he shook it, “and this is Ash, and this is Pikachu, and that’s… um… oh yeah! That’s Tracey.” Hearing his name, Tracey looked up from his drawing of Team Rocket’s hole and realized that Slash was there.

“Who are you?” Tracey asked, acting more like Ash than usual. Pikachu slapped him.

“So hey,” Slash let go of Misty’s hand, wondering why they had been shaking hands for so long, “Are you guys going to the Pokémon League Championships, too?” Ash suddenly perked up, hearing words that he understood, for once.

“Yeah!” He jumped forward, knocking Misty to the side, “I’m gonna be the next Pokémon Master!!!” Slash raised an eyebrow as Ash stood in his signature, two-fingered “Victory!” pose.

“A-anyway…” Slash replied, looking to Misty in order to avoid the flame in Ash’s eyes, “Do you want to come with me? I mean, there’s not much further to go, but it’s the thought that counts, right?” Misty nodded quickly, and Tracey shrugged, standing up and following the rest of the group as they walked with Slash into the Pokémon Center. Ash trailed behind the group, reflecting on how awesome he thought he was.


"Togepi's gone!" Misty exclaimed several minutes later as Ash and Slash retrieved their fully healed Pokémon and began planning their final team for the championship. Tracey looked up from his drawing of a badly burned Jigglypuff, then decided he didn't care and continued drawing. Ash shrugged and continued planning. Slash looked at the two uncaring figures and then to Misty, who seemed to be waiting for someone to comment on her discovery before doing anything else.

"Uh, guys?" Ash and Tracey looked up as Slash turned back to them, "Don't you, like, care that Misty's lost her Pokémon?" Tracey shrugged, then Ash spoke.

"Yeah, well Misty loses Togepi all the time; I guess I'm just kinda desensitized to it now." Tracey nodded in agreement. Misty scowled. Pikachu chewed his food. Ash blinked. Slash dropped his forehead into his palm and shook his head in wonder.

"Alright, then," he said, looking up, "I'll help you find Togepi, Misty." He stood up, still shaking his head, and walked out back into Victory Road. Misty quickly followed. "Let's make this quick," Slash said as Misty caught up, "the battles start in an hour and I still need to trade out some of my Pokémon."

"She couldn't have gone too far," Misty replied, looking around, "she's probably in this-OH CRAP!" Slash looked over just in time to see Misty's shoe clear the mouth of the hole Team Rocket had created earlier.

"Y'know," said Slash, "In hindsight it would have been a good idea to fill that hole earlier. Oh well, I guess I'm just gonna have to jump..." He did. Fortunately, the hole was a smooth, rounded incline, and Slash simply slid down gently, until finally he landed on top of Misty. "Thanks for breaking my fall," he said.

"Don't mention it," Misty groaned, trying to stand up for a second time. Adjusting her ugly red suspenders and dusting off her shoulders, Misty looked around. Slash followed suit, then sighed as he saw where they were.

"Well, we're back at the entrance to Victory Road," he observed.

"It's like a game of Chutes and Ladders!" Misty replied. Slash glanced at her.

"What are you, five?" he asked. Misty grunted, making a face.

"I'm eleven and a half, thank you very much!" she retorted smartly. Slash laughed inwardly.

"Well," he said, "if we're lucky, Togepi took the same tumble you did." He smirked at Misty, "Maybe your little trip was actually a stroke of genius instead of stupidity." Touché, thought Misty.

"Shut up!" she retorted quickly. Then, cutting off Slash's next remark, she turned to look for Togepi. Slash glanced around then turned back to look at the hole they came out of.

"Y'know, I bet we could fly back up that," he observed.

"What about Togepi?" Misty growled. Slash chuckled.

"What about her?" he said, "she's been in your backpack the whole time." Misty deflated. Togepi chirped out of the bag as if laughing at Misty. Slash was laughing at Misty. Misty hugged Togepi, alternatively fuming at Slash and smiling at her Pokémon.

"So why did you come to help me if she wasn't really gone?" Misty asked. Slash ignored her, grabbing a pokeball from inside his blazer. Tossing it casually to the ground, he turned and smirked again. Misty gasped. The Pokémon that emerged was a huge bird, feathers made of red-gold flames, which blinked as it observed the girl.

"Meet Flammie, the Moltres," said Slash, chuckling at the stolen nickname and at Misty's blank stare.

"You caught a Moltres?" she squeaked, dropping Togepi. The little egg Pokémon chirped as it landed on a conveniently-sloped rock and softly rolled to the ground.

"Go ahead, you can touch it," Slash urged, grinning widely at Misty's incredulity. Misty nodded absently, and raised her fingers to stroke the hot feathers. Then Slash grabbed her about the waist and tossed her onto the bird.

"I think he'll let ya ride it now!" he said as he grabbed Togepi and hopped on behind Misty. "Up that tunnel, Flammie!" he shouted, and within seconds they were back at the end of Victory Road. Slash returned Flammie, dropping a stunned Misty to the ground as her seat disappeared. She blinked, then followed Slash as he returned to the Pokémon Center.

"Now that was a pretty retarded trip..." she said.

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Wed Feb 07, 2007 10:43 pm
Jennafina says...

Haha, I remember how hard it was to get through victory road. It took me like ten hours and then I was totally creamed by the Elite Four. I mean-- *cough.*

I don't have a critique. Your story made me laugh out loud quite a few times, especially because I know exactly what you're talking about. I loved the part with the hole.

Ash and Misty exchanged strange looks—or rather, Misty exchanged a strange look, while Ash just looked strange.

I think this is my favorite.

Dude,” said the other boy, “I just, like, saved you from Team Rocket. Although that’s not saying much—those two are retarded.”

Or this. :D

Are you going to add more? Please?

Jennafina's Love Your Body Already Dammit Campaign


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Wed Feb 07, 2007 10:50 pm
Wiggy says...

I used to be obsessed with Pokemon. Literally. This story was hilarious! And yes, you truly did portray Ash and Misty and Tracey as for who they really are. Loved it!
"I will have to tell you, you have bewitched me body and soul..." --Mr. Darcy, P & P, 2005 movie
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Wed Feb 07, 2007 10:54 pm
Snoink says...


I loved it.

Though I forgot about Brock/Tracey/what's his face, so that was really funny. And DUDE. Moltres? We used to come up with or own pokémon fanfic, and of course we always had one of those birds. I had a moltres and articuno.

And haha. Team Rocket! We love them. :) But why is pikachu the only pokémon who can handle them?

Despite what you said, I adore the cheesy dialogue. It makes it THAT much more awesome. :D

So yeah. Yay! The memories are coming back. :)
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Wed Feb 07, 2007 11:56 pm
Bobo says...

Awesome, thanks for the reviews. Chapter 2 is actually done, but I, uh... left it in my other pants. Haha.

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Fri Feb 09, 2007 1:54 am
Bobo says...

Chapter 2

Author's Note: You may have noticed by now—in fact, you should have noticed by now—that Slash is one of those signature Fan Fiction heroes; he's way cooler than the other characters, has caught at least one legendary Pokémon which he flaunts right at the beginning, and pretty much took center stage as soon as he came into the story. Well, obviously this story is about him, so it makes sense, but I just wanted to point out that Slash is pretty much the epitome of a Pokémon Fan Fiction hero. Carry on.

"Round Three, begin!" shouted the announcer as Ash and his opponent picked their beginning Pokémon and took ready stances. The first two rounds were boring, so it will suffice to say that there are eight trainers left in the running, with Ash and Slash obvious and expected shoe-ins to win. Currently, Ash was facing a girl cleverly named Flarea, who unsurprisingly used fire-types exclusively. The battlefield is a large pool of water with several platforms, some floating and others completely solid. See why Ash is a favorite to win?

"Go, Squirtle!" Ash tossed a pokeball, containing that turtle Pokémon that for some reason hadn't evolved yet. Flarea ran a hand through her bright orange hair, which stood up in the back (like fire—imagine that!), and fetched a pokeball from her belt.

"Well, in that case," she said, "I'll just have to choose... Blaziken!" She tossed the pokeball forward, where it landed on a platform and released the chicken-man Pokémon. After a few well-placed spouts of water which, for some reason, actually do damage to Pokémon, Blaziken was down and out, and was soon followed by a Magmar and a Charmander.

"Man, that was the lamest battle ever," Ash said as Pikachu and he left the arena to watch the rest of Round Three from the seats. He didn't even bother taking Squirtle to the Pokémon Center, since it hadn't been hurt at all. Two more battles followed, just as boring as Rounds One and Two except that Gary almost lost his battle. Finally, Slash was up—and, of course, this battle will actually be exciting.

Slash strolled onto the arena floor, hands in his pockets in that cool, nonchalant way that FanFic heroes always seem to have. His opponent, a young teenager with floppy, emo-style blue-black hair, entered from the opposite end, walking resolutely, his pitch-black eyes focused on Slash. He wore a dark green trench coat, with a black ribbed t-shirt underneath. His tan cargo pants were covered with zips, buttons, and buckles. Slash straightened his blazer and pulled out a Pokeball.

“Well folks,” the announcer began, “we're down to our last battle for Round Three. It's been an exciting round—” <i>No it hasn't, thought Ash</i>, “—and we're almost ready for Round Four."

"Get on with it," Slash muttered under his breath. The field in front of him was somewhat of an obstacle course for this match. It was a big dirt arena, with plenty of pits and sharp rocks sticking up. There was a large, dead tree structure in the center, and several pools of water spread about the field.

"The first trainer in this match is Derrin. You may remember him from last year, where he made his way to the final round before losing a match. It was a close battle, and now he's ready to go all the way." There was some cheering in the audience, but not much since most people were watching from the safety of their own home.

"The second trainer in this match is Slash. This is his first year in the Pokémon League Championships, but he's put up quite a challenge in the first two rounds. Who knows what Pokémon he'll reveal this match!" Slightly less cheering came from the audience, and Slash shrugged at his lower level of fanship.

"Remember, three Pokémon only, stay in the arena, and no attacks against trainers!" the referee announced. <i>Why didn't I get a referee?</i> Ash wondered. "Ready?" the referee continued, "Go!"

Both trainers threw down their pokeballs and started shouting commands. Slash sent out Bulba, his signature Pokémon who had never evolved despite being highly trained; Venusaur looked too ugly to Slash to let it evolve. Derrin released a Gengar, its red eyes glowing in excitement.

Following their trainers' commands, both Pokémon moved right away. Bulba fired off a quick Leech Seed and dived behind a rock. Gengar released a wave of Hypnosis which was diffused by the rock, making Bulba only temporarily sluggish. Gengar took the full force of Leech Seed, but was able to dodge Bulba's sluggish Vine Whip and release another wave of Hypnosis, which caught Bulba midway between two rocks and a pool of water. Bulba tripped and rolled towards the pool, then fell asleep directly in front of it. Gengar rushed forward with a Dream Eater attack, while Slash yelled for Bulba to wake up. Gengar's attack was too fast, though, and soon Bulba was tossing in his sleep as the attack took effect. Gengar rushed forward to attack again, but Bulba had rolled into the pool and the cold water woke him up in time to shoot a flurry of razor-sharp leaves, which threw Gengar back as Leech Seed continued to sap Gengar's energy.

Cursing in frustration, Derrin urged Gengar. He hadn't expected Bulba's attacks to damage Gengar so much; it seemed more like a compressed Venusaur than a normal Bulbasaur.

Bulba began charging a Solar Beam, and Gengar rushed through the tree, scratching itself but dislodging the energy-sucking seeds. Bulba focused its energy, trying to absorb enough to release the attack before Gengar could retaliate. He was too slow, however, as the ghost Pokémon released yet another wave of Hypnosis, dissipating the Solar Beam as Bulba drifted off to sleep a second time. Slash yelled at the top of his lungs, but a second Dream Eater left the Bulbasaur completely unconscious.

Slash let out a long sigh as he withdrew Bulba, calming his nerves as he considered his next choice. He had five other Pokémon to choose from, but only two would be able to battle. Derrin had the advantage of being able to choose his second Pokémon after Slash, so Slash would need to choose a Pokémon that would be less likely to be weak to Derrin's next fighter. Slash had been paying attention in the first two rounds, however, so he knew most of Derrin's team. His opponent had Gengar, which he had used each round, a Gyrados, a Scyther, an Alakazam, and a Typhlosion. His sixth Pokémon remained a mystery, and could be about any type, but Slash expected an Electric type, judging by Derrin's focus on combining power with status ailments.

Slash, on the other hand, had used only two Pokémon so far: Bulba and a Farfetch'd named Dux. The first two opponents had been weak, and had misjudged the strength and speed of the two Pokémon. He knew that he had the advantage in predictability, but he also knew that Dux wouldn't cut it for this match; he'd have to reveal two more Pokémon this round.

Finally, Slash reached inside his blazer, drawing out another pokeball; this one was silver with a green four-leaf clover symbol on the top. Tossing it forward thoughtfully, Slash nodded, knowing it had been the correct choice. Derrin watched, looking bored despite his excitement, as another Gengar emerged, but something was different about this one. Nicknamed Inviso, this Pokémon appeared not to be solid in form, but looked more like a half-visible liquid. It had a slight blue tint, and rather than red slits for eyes, it had bright white orbs that could be seen from all angles. Inviso smirked, and its opposing Gengar drooped visibly. Gasps could be heard throughout the audiences, and whispers broke out, wondering what kind of Pokémon this was. Slash echoed Inviso's grin, and the battle commenced.

Derrin, slightly paler than before, ordered Gengar forward, and Inviso phased through several rocks as it made its way slowly toward Gengar. The solid ghost Pokémon stepped slowly forward, eyes wide and darting left and right as Inviso jumped from inside one rock to another. Derrin ordered Gengar to use Hypnosis, but Inviso was moving too fast and too erratically to target. Inviso slipped into a rock about twenty feet away from Gengar, then stopped its rock-hopping. The stadium went completely still as both Derrin and Gengar glanced quickly over the whole arena, looking for a sign of the ghostly Pokémon. Nothing moved. Gengar crept over to the rock where Inviso had been previously, preparing a Hypnosis attack as soon as the creature appeared.

Gengar was about at its wit's end. It was tired and completely unnerved by those shining, empty eyes that it had seen before. It tried to pick out Inviso's location by feel, but it was no use. There were no lights, no movements, nothing that would give away the Pokémon. Gengar could feel itself shaking. Then, suddenly, Gengar could see nothing. The area around it was completely black; it felt as if there was no light left in the whole world. Gengar shot out attacks at random, trying to shake his invisible attacker, but to no avail. Then, as suddenly as the darkness had appeared, two bright orbs blinked into existence, a few feet in front of Gengar. They flashed, as if the creature behind them was laughing. They drifted closer, bobbing and blinking as they crept towards Gengar. It tried to move, to escape, but the eyes had Gengar locked in place. They just kept getting closer, until they were right in front of Gengar...

"Wow!" the announcer boomed, breaking the lifeless silence and causing several watchers to jump out of their seats. "It appears that Gengar has been confused!" Gengar was thrashing around, shooting off attacks in rapid succession, which bounced harmlessly off of random objects. Derrin shouted, cursing Slash as he tried to get Gengar's attention back into the real world. It was all in vain; soon, Gengar had worn itself out and was left rolling and twitching on the ground as it tried to ward of its invisible attacker. Seconds later, it had fainted. "And Gengar is out!" shouted the announcer as Derrin recalled his Pokémon. Inviso shimmered into visibility near where Gengar had fainted.

Now, it was Derrin's turn to choose his second Pokémon. He knew very little of Slash's team, so he would have to make a wild guess as to which Pokémon would be best. Alakazam and Scyther were out right away, so his choices were limited. He made his decision quickly, then tossed the pokeball to the ground with so much force that it stuck into the dirt instead of bouncing back to him. Out of the Pokeball emerged Typhlosion, fire burning angrily from its thick neck. Inviso grinned, and the match began once more.

Typhlosion was completely unfazed by Inviso's appearance, and proceeded to open fire on the ghost immediately. Inviso dodged a slow Fire Blast, but was knocked backward as an Ember attack sprinkled him. Inviso returned the fire with a strange blue fire of his own, which Typhlosion quickly sidestepped as he fired off another Fire Blast. Inviso puffed into bluish-white smoke, dissipating around the blast and then reforming back where it had been before. Typhloshion snorted and released a Fire Spin attack, but Inviso had already released his blue fire attack, which hit Typhlosion full on. Typhlosion flinched, but appeared unharmed. In fact, as soon as the fire hit him, it seemed to just disappear, rather than burning or sticking to the fire Pokémon. Typhlosion roared and released another bout of flame, trying to trap Inviso, but Inviso sank into the ground, out of sight.

Typhlosion grunted in frustration, looking around for the ghost Pokémon to reappear. It released several spurts of fire, just in case. One of the flames hit something, and Inviso blinked back into view. Typhlosion ran forward, using Fire Spin to engulf Inviso. The ethereal Gengar struggled, but was trapped in the flames. Typhlosion roared as he released more flames, thinking the battle almost won, but then the flames stopped. The fire on the back of its neck smoked and disappeared, and Inviso was set free from the Fire Spin attack. Typhlosion shuddered and shook its head, trying to make the flames appear again, but nothing happened. Inviso smirked as the fiery beast began to nip and scratch itself, trying to bring its flames back out into play.

Derrin shouted for Typhlosion to ignore its missing flames and stick to physical attacks, frantically forgetting that this opponent was not solid. Slash laughed as Typhlosion charged Inviso, only to find itself running straight through the ghost and into a rock behind it. Inviso looked backward without turning, its glowing white orbs seeing all directions at once. Typhlosion tried to focus its blurred eyes, watery from the pain in its head, but could only see those bright lights shining back at it.

Inviso floated back towards Slash, standing as if ready to fight the next Pokémon. Derrin looked confused, and ordered Typhlosion to get up. The beast rolled over, and shook its head, trying to release the confusion it was attached to. Its flames returned, and Derrin cheered, but his cry was cut short as the flames turned blue. They burned brighter, higher, and stronger, and Typhlosion began to stumble and roar in pain and confusion. Flames shot out in all directions, settling on the ground and sputtering out. They had gone white, and Typhlosion itself was looking pale. Finally, blanching in worry, Derrin recalled Typhlosion before anything worse happened to it.

“What did you do to my Pokémon!?” Derrin shouted, clenching his fists in rage, as if about to throw a punch all of the way across the stage at Slash.

“Nothing, really,” Slash answered, “Inviso just made Typhlosion think it couldn’t call its flames. By the time my Pokémon’s attack wore off, yours was trying so hard to bring its flames back that they exploded out of it and it lost control.” Slash shrugged, and Derrin drew out his final pokeball, shaking with anger. He looked at the blue Ultra Ball in his hand, and his expression softened into smug confidence.

“I’ll wipe that grin off of your faces,” Derrin said to himself as he tossed the ball onto the field. Inviso rose up into the air as his new opponent emerged.

“Uh-oh,” said Slash, and the crowd gasped. Ash shouted in surprise, and Tracey whipped out his sketchbook and started drawing like crazy. Inviso shuddered and glided backward involuntarily.

Derrin laughed.

“Go, Zapdos!”

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Mon Feb 19, 2007 7:26 am
Wiggy says...

More, more, more! *chants*
"I will have to tell you, you have bewitched me body and soul..." --Mr. Darcy, P & P, 2005 movie
"You pierce my soul." --Cpt. Frederick Wentworth

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Mon Feb 19, 2007 8:10 am
Snoink says...

Hahaha... but! No Team Rocket!

Dang it, why did you have to leave us now, Bobo? *dies*
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

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Tue Mar 20, 2007 8:39 pm
paper-kimono says...

OMG! Pokemon used to be the greatest thing ever! I mean, there were trading cards, sticker albums and don't even talk to me about the countless episodes of it that I missed cos we didn't have satelite back then!

Ok, yeah, so I was obsessed. With pokemon.

Anyway, this is so cool! I would've never ever remembered pokemon if it wasn't for this! I knew like all of the characters and then I realised how sad I am. It's really funny! I always thought I was the only kid in my class who thought that Jesse and James were desperately stupid.

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Tue Mar 20, 2007 9:04 pm
_fallingstar_ says...

OMG, that was so funny, you made me revert to chatspeak! :lol:
My high school senior mascot is a dragon. Take that, monkey!

Blackle.com--saving energy one search at a time.

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Tue Apr 03, 2007 11:49 am
cheeb says...

Lol, I wonder where you got the idea to name Farfetch'd "Dux"? =P

Loving it. XD
the user formerly known as chibibo

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Wed Jul 21, 2010 10:11 pm
greenwitch94 says...

omg, thats so funny when you said what pickachu says in the pokemon languge!!

If you know what the tip of a shoelace is called, Congratulations, you watched Phineas and Ferb!
— FireEyes