
Young Writers Society

I'm Your Puppet

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Points: 890
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Fri Nov 17, 2006 3:41 pm
Half-Note-James says...

I’m Your Puppet
Yu Yu Hakusho
Ashley Haines

Pull the string and I’ll wink at you…. I’m your puppet.

Cerise tendrils swayed back and forth over the fox’s back as he walked down a deserted street. The yellowish sun was setting on the distant horizon. Brilliant emerald eyes scanned the far off skyline feeling rather at ease. It was quiet and soothing. He walked slowly with a book under his arm. With his free hand he ran his fingers through his locks, brushing them from his face.

I’ll do funny things if you want me too…I’m your puppet.

In the depths of the shadows, sitting perched on a tall building sat the raven. He stalked his prey. Long ebon strands fell in his face and his dark optics scanned over the fox. Long stripes of his coat fluttered freely in the warm breeze filling the air. A twisted smile was hidden beneath a silver mask. “Kurama….” He muttered in a low voice.

Shuichi stared at the path ahead of him; his mind was swimming. Thoughts of his past were presenting themselves. Foolish thoughts…and why would he think of them? He felt eyes burning into him; it made him discomforted. He peered around the empty streets feeling very uneasy; the good feeling he had just had was beginning to disappear. He kept walking, at this moment he wished he didn’t stay so late at school. But why was he scared. His body overwhelming with fear… It was unlike him, to worry so much…

The raven watched the worried fox with enjoyment spreading throughout his soulless body. He chuckled slightly and leapt from the tall building onto a near by lamppost. He watched the fox unbeknownst to him. The moon had made its entrance long before, darkness was ascending. “Why are you afraid, my fox?” The Raven whispered.

Shuichi jumped startled by the hissing whisper. That’s when he noticed the voice was behind him. He turned to face the voice only to see a shadow atop a lamppost. The post was beginning to click on when glass suddenly shattered, causing the small light to go out. The voice chuckled softly.

“Show yourself!” Shuichi ordered. “You’re really a fool aren’t you, Kurama…” The figure leapt from the post and reappeared from behind him, clasping clammy hands around the fox’s neck. “Seem familiar?” The raven whispered.

Kurama’s eyes widened, “K-k-Karasu…” He uttered with a frightened voice.

I’m yours to have and to hold…

“I’m glad you haven’t forgotten, “Karasu hissed as he tightened his grip upon Shuichi’s neck. Shuichi immediately lashed out; he swung his fist at Karasu. The raven leapt before Kurama’s rage made contact. Karasu fluttered in the air and landed in front of the Kitsune, only a few feet away. “I didn’t realize that you like to do reenactments…don’t worry this time will be different…” Karasu whispered as he slowly approached the frightened fox.

Kurama began trying to hide the fear that was slowly taking control of him. He backed away having a stern look gleaming in his emerald optics.

“This is truly exciting; shake in fear my Kurama…” Karasu laughed sinisterly. He lifted his hand out to Kurama, “My innocent toy….” He muttered. Shuichi dropped his book to the hard cement walkway. At this Karasu smirked…

“Why have you come back? You should be rolling in your grave…” Kurama said with chills in his voice, he was unable to move; his legs were threatening to betray him.

“Illusions are witty things aren’t they? You see Kurama; some things aren’t always what they seem…” Karasu’s eyes pierced themselves into Kurama’s equally narrowed eyes.

“You mean to tell me that you never were really…” Kurama paused as his eyes widened.

“Yes Kurama, I was never slain by your perfect vessel. I was merely detained to deal with agony…” Karasu said softly.

“But it doesn’t really matter…I will have my way with you,” Karasu said seductively. Karasu was now within an inch of his fox; he stared down at the speechless Kitsune. He quickly grabbed Kurama’s arms and thrusted him into his chest. Kurama gasped and began to struggle. Karasu dug his claws into Kurama’s arms, “Yes Kurama resist…”

Darling you got full control of your puppet…

Kurama let out a slight yelp, “Karasu…” he muttered as he glared up at the raven.

“Remove it…” Karasu hissed into Shuichi’s ear.

Shuichi glared into Karasu’s nocturne eyes. ‘It would be foolish to refuse his request.’ Kurama thought to himself. Kurama shaking reached behind Karasu’s hair and gripped the clasp on the cold mask which he wore. Karasu was in a frenzy of pleasure. It was almost as if he were the fox’s puppet.

The mask slowly slid from Karasu’s face and dropped to the cement with a slight clanking noise. Karasu’s hungry lips were revealed. His claws cut deeper into Kurama’s arms. Kurama grit his teeth, he didn’t want to give Karasu the pleasure of his scream. Karasu narrowed his eyes in disappointment. Karasu released one of Kurama’s arms. He lifted his hand to Kurama’s face and rested it upon his soft cheek. Kurama pulled away on instinct but was quickly drawn back by Karasu’s claws. He was Karasu’s puppet and he knew it.

Karasu leaned forward quickly and pressed his lips to Kurama’s. Kurama’s eyes widened, but he was transfixed, unable to move even. It was pleasurable yet completely unwanted. Karasu bit Kurama’s lip gently; Kurama winced slightly and tried to pull away. Karasu tightened his grip upon him once again.

Pull another string and I’ll kiss your lips…I’m your puppet…

Karasu released Shuichi’s lips. He narrowed his eyes at the fox. “Utterly amusing…” He mumbled pulling a thorn from his lip. Crimson liquid ran down his face. Shuichi glared menacingly at the raven. Karasu wiped the blood from his lip and placed his bloody finger upon Kurama’s mouth He smeared the liquid upon the opposite male’s lips. Kurama jerked his head away from Karasu’s fingers. Karasu smirked; this feeling was immeasurable. It was a rush throughout his fingers and filling him up with joy at every tip of his body.

“Your lips are even softer than I imagined them to be…” Karasu said towering the cowering fox. Karasu ran his fingers through soft silk locks that hung low in Kurama’s face. “It feels like I’ve waited an eternity,” The raven said softly. “An eternity to hold you and an eternity to end you life…”

Kurama suddenly became infuriated at Karasu’s cynical words. Kurama narrowed his eyes at Karasu and quickly lashed out at him with his free hand. Karasu flipped back wards, as Kurama came at him with a full assault of hard blows with his feet.

Snap your fingers and I’ll turn you some flips…

Karasu jumped backwards repetitively with a sickly grin spread across his face. “Enough…” Karasu said as he swished his wrist at the fox’s assault causing a large explosion to form at Kurama’s waist. This caused him to wince and slump to the hard ground below him. Kurama glared with fire burning in his eyes. “As much as I thoroughly enjoy your loss in self-control, I wouldn’t want the puppet to think he had become the strings,” Karasu said as he stepped forward; closing in on Shuichi.

“I’m no mere toy Karasu!” Kurama shouted as he held his side. He could feel the anger swelling in the pit of his stomach; he was ready to unleash it, but was finding himself all too weak. Karasu stepped forward once again and knelt down next to Kurama. Violet eyes stared dangerously into emerald. “Yes Kurama…You are…” Karasu said this with a slight grin.

Your every wish is my command all you got to do is wiggle your little hand…I’m your puppet…I’m your puppet…

Karasu lifted a steady hand to Kurama’s shoulder; he forced his fox down to the hard stone below him. Kurama’s mind was in a stir; He knew he was defenseless against the raven’s fiery wrath and his unceasing determination to take full advantage of his fox. Karasu had Kurama in a bind; Kurama was his puppet.

Karasu pushed himself atop Kurama…Their hearts were racing both for different reasons. While Karasu enjoyed the pleasure that was being bestowed on him, Kurama was trembling in fear of what was to come. But Kurama wasn’t ready to give up on his thread of hope. The thread of hope was floating in front of him, all he had to do was snatch it, but fear devoured the thread. Kurama wanted so badly to prevent the inevitable. “I know what you’re thinking my dear Kurama…” Karasu whispered as a sinister grin spread across his face.

The raven leaned forward; Karasu could feel the warmth of Kurama’s breath slowly drifting across his cheeks. Their noses brushed sending a sensation like no other down Karasu’s spine. “You can’t prevent this,” Karasu said softly closing his eyes and resting his forehead upon Kurama’s chin. Kurama gasped slightly; which drove Karasu into a sensational frenzy.

I’m just a toy, just a funny boy who makes you laugh when you’re blue…

Karasu eagerly tore at Kurama’s coat unable to resist him any longer. Kurama winced lightly; he wanted so badly to prevent the raven’s actions. “Karasu please….” Kurama uttered slowly. Karasu stopped and looked up at the fox…he was such a tease.

“Yes my dear Kurama…” He asked slowly.

“Stop…” Kurama muttered.

Karasu laughed, he looked into Kurama’s emerald eyes and laughed… “You are a tantalizing fox…” Karasu smiled sinisterly. Karasu ran his fingers over Kurama’s shirt and began cutting the fabric with his claws. Kurama’s breathing increased as his broad chest was being exposed. Without thought Kurama quickly grabbed Karasu by his jaw and pushed him away. Karasu let Kurama come at him fully enjoying his actions. Kurama then kneed his pursuer in the ribs, causing Karasu to wince slightly and jump away from his fox. Kurama slid back across the ground.

“I won’t make this easy for you Karasu…” Kurama said panting loudly. Karasu was on his knees with his hand on the solid ground beneath him and his claws eating away at the cement. “I hope that you won’t Kurama…but look at you, you’re already tired and we’ve just begun…”

“This time I will tear you apart…piece by piece… limb by limb you fall and fade into nothingness.” Kurama said this as he lifted himself slowly to his feet. He looked rather cumbersome under his own weight. “Those are merely empty threats…”Karasu replied to the fox’s well thought out words. “I wonder though,” Karasu said lifting his hand to his chin and caressing it, “how long did it take you to come up with all that.” A small grin was pulling at Karasu’s lips and he let out a chuckle.

“I see your habit of mocking me has yet to cease…” Kurama said this as he ran straight at Karasu and calling out a weapon, “Rose Whip!” Karasu stood still; Kurama and his whip were no threat to him. Why should he even put out the effort to move? Kurama’s whip quickly lashed at his chest and wrapped itself around the demon. “You’re a fool…” Karasu said gleaming into Kurama’s eyes. Kurama pulled tighter on Karasu’s bindings. “I’ve had enough lets end this…Trace eyes…” Karasu said as his winged creatures appeared from the demons emerald energy and quickly took flight with their eyes set on Shuichi. Shuichi let Karasu’s bindings loosen which let the raven escape.

I’ll be wonderful, do just what I’m told, I’ll do anything for you I’m your puppet…I’m your puppet

‘These winged creatures are deadly on contact, but can be easily avoided, now that I have obtained some of my truest form’s power since my last transformation I can see the beasts with ease.’ Kurama thought this to himself as he leapt backwards with his whip still at hand. Karasu watched Kurama eagerly, “Oh the bliss…” Kurama began swinging his violent weapon at the one- eyed monsters. The trace eyes began to self-destruct as they came in contact with the whip. The large explosions caused great light to fill the dead street.

As the brightness of the light ceased, Kurama stared dead on into murders eyes. Karasu quirked his head slightly and grinned menacingly. “You’re underestimating me once again, Karasu,” Kurama said as he dropped what was left of the scorched whip. “I would never dream of that Kurama,” Karasu said this as he stepped forward, “My dear puppet, I know you all to well, did you really think I wouldn’t notice.” Kurama gritted his teeth, ‘he knew…’ Kurama thought to himself.

Karasu reached up to his chest and lifted a seed from his skin, “No new tricks for my fox I see…” Karasu laughed. Kurama’s eyes narrowed. “I despise you…” Kurama said this as his anger mounted, he knew his words were empty and useless he just hated his master so much and would give anything to cut the strings that bound him.

Karasu laughed, “Oh that’s rich Kurama, what a tongue lashing, though thankfully I’ve escaped your words unscathed.”

In one quick motion Karasu ran forward and grabbed the startled fox roughly by his arms and lifted Kurama off his feet and brought him to his chest. Karasu let his claws dig at Kurama’s skin. Crimson ran down Kurama’s side and in between Karasu’s fingertips. Karasu then drove one hand into Kurama’s side. Shuichi let out a piercing scream. Karasu’s ears tingled from the sound of Kurama’s howl.

Pull them little strings and I'll sing you a song, I'm your puppet
Make me do right or make me do wrong, I'm your puppet

Kurama’s head slumped onto Karasu’s shoulder. His soft green eyes were half sealed and his arms were numb by the claws that held him so tightly. Karasu loosened his grip and slowly wrapped his fingertips around Kurama’s waist. The smell of Shuichi’s long cerise tendrils tantalized the raven’s nose.

The fox’s unmistakable cleverness and soft skin captivated the raven. “You have no idea…Kurama…what you’ve put me through…what you do to me.” Karasu muttered slowly into Kurama’s ear. Kurama cheek rested on Karasu’s shoulder and he could feel himself getting weaker by the second. Kurama’s breathing grew heavy and he could feel defeat catching up with him.

Treat me good and I'll do anything
I'm just a puppet and you hold my string, I'm your puppet
Yeah, I'm your puppet

“Karasu,” Kurama muttered softly. Karasu slumped to his knees and let the fox lie against his chest. The raven lifted his loose hand to Kurama’s limp neck and gently nuzzled the red head. “Question me, my…Kurama,” Karasu said softly feeling a great satisfaction and almost regret. Kurama lifted his head slowly and looked up into Karasu’s piercing eyes. “What is it that I do to you…Karasu?” Kurama coughed softly and red liquid poured slowly from his mouth and ran down his exposed chest.

Karasu’s eyes soften ever so softly as he took his hand he had placed about Kurama’s neck and wiped the crimson from Kurama’s pale face. Karasu closed his eyes and thought for a moment. Kurama stared at Karasu; anticipating the answer Karasu was about to give.

“You control me,” Karasu said slowly. The raven weakly smiled as he opened his nocturne eyes.

Walking, talking, living, loving puppet
I'm hanging on a string, I'll do anything now

Kurama’s eyes hardened, “Then I’ve made my decision…” Shuichi lifted his hand slowly as he winced. He slid his hand gently into his pocket. Karasu watched him with great interest. Kurama slowly took his hand from his pocket. He clenched something tightly in his dead-like hand. He loosened his hand and revealed the item to Karasu.

A tiny seed was within his hand. “Kurama,” Karasu muttered softly. “Thank you…Karasu…for loving me so,” Kurama said this slowly with a sad tone. He quickly took the seed to his mouth and swallowed it whole. Karasu’s eyes widened. “It’s the least I could do, Karasu,” Kurama smiled weakly.

I'm a walking, talking, living, loving puppet, and I love you

“Although I’ll most likely die before the seed takes effect, but I…I had too, because you control me, and I had to make sure,” Kurama said as he smiled brightly and closed his eyes and rested against Karasu’s chest.

Karasu’s heart dropped into the pit of his stomach. He could feel his fox’s life energy fading fast. “Would you just hold me here Karasu,” Kurama said softly trying his hardest to open his eyes.

“Anything for you, Kurama,” Karasu whispered as he smiled. He held onto his fox with a great satisfaction mounting. Moments passed quickly and soon the fox was dead. Karasu grinned sadistically. He stood slowly still holding Kurama in his arms. Relief and regret flooded Karasu’s heart. Karasu’s strings were cut and the raven was free of his master.

I'm a smiling happy face when you want me to
even make you happy when you're feeling blue

Karasu walked slowly away from the blood bath. He held Kurama’s limp body tightly within his arms. Karasu’s eyes widened. He stopped in his tracks. Karasu winced and a great pain shot through him. He looked down at the peaceful fox in his arms. “I should have known…damn you Kurama,” Karasu muttered softly.

In an instant deadly vines began to seep from Karasu’s chest and wrap themselves around Karasu’s body. The grayish branches squeezed him tightly causing him to gasp. He could feel Kurama slipping from his arms. “No…even if I die I’m not letting you go,” Karasu said as he clenched Kurama tightly. The vines were encasing him, and there was no escape for the fractured demon. “I’m no fool Kurama, your sinning tree…how very sadistic of you…I’ll choose death before it takes hold of me completely.

A green light formed at Karasu’s chest and his mad bomb instantly took effect, taking Karasu’s life. Karasu slumped into the vines still weakly holding the red head. The vines embraced the two like strings holding up limp puppets.

I’m your puppet…I’m your puppet…
I Want To Hear Your Song...

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Gender: Female
Points: 890
Reviews: 4
Fri Nov 17, 2006 4:07 pm
Half-Note-James says...

sorry for mistakes...I haven't proofread this... I wrote this two years ago.....-.-
I Want To Hear Your Song...

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8 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 890
Reviews: 8
Wed Dec 20, 2006 6:53 am
fanatic_dadaism says...

I liked this, and i dont really like fanfic. but its a good story. Nice job I love the whole style and set up, and well you know about the mistakes so i wont say anything more about it. Good job.
Rejoice in the Burning.

She conquered her demons and wore her scars like wings.
— Atticus