
Young Writers Society

The adventures of Killy, L and Hitsugaya! #1, #2 & #3

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Wed Sep 20, 2006 8:44 am
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tinny says...


This is an amusing story by my pal Beth and me. It features all our favorite characters from our favorite mangas. It's compleatly stupid but also very humerous and probably full of mistakes. Enjoy!


It was a stuffy, hot Saturday afternoon. Inside the lair Killy groaned and staggered up off the rickety wooden chair next to the table. He was so bored that all he could do was wait for the next meal to start! He grabbed a muffin-in-a-mug from the cupboards when he shuffled towards them, and shoved it in the microwave with impatience.

He scratched his head and watched the muffin spin round and round in the microwave. It made an annoying whirring noise as it worked. He gritted his teeth. As soon as he was taught how to use a microwave he hated that stupid noise. And the food spinning round in front of you was intimidating! He wanted
that muffin!

Finally it bleeped, and he punched the small door open and grabbed the muffin.

"Finally! That took..." But as he grabbed it with his bare hands, he realized the heat was burning his skin. He yelped and dropped the muffin on the rocky floor. It splattered into muffin mush.

He looked at his hand. That wasn't the only thing steaming, his head was gradually reddening like a tomato.

"I hate MICROWAVES!" He shouted. He went for his gun, but suddenly a hand grabbed his shoulder.

"Don't even think about shooting the microwave!"
Killy turned round and caught the cheeky glare of Toshiro. He frowned and let the gun slide out of his hands.

"Don't you ever get angry with it?!" He asked angrily, pointing at the slightly ajar microwave. Toshiro shook his head and gave a sly smile.

"I know how to use it! And I wait for the timer to run out, unlike some!"


"We must abide by the law of the microwave!" Toshiro hushed, almost like the microwave could hear them. "L didn't say what might happen if we stop the timer! Anything could happen..."

Slowly Killy looked round and the microwave. Toshiro had a point. None of them had tried it, and he knew this microwave was an evil one!
They both watched the microwave for a while, like it might jump any second, until L came through the door, and scratched his head in confusion.

"Is the microwave about to do a trick?"
Both Killy and Toshiro shrugged, but were glued to the microwave and didn't give L even the slightest look. He walked over to them, and looked down at the messy floor. "Did someone try to cook a muffin-in-a-mug and fail? Miserably?"

Killy nodded his head, and letting his friends carry on with what they were doing, L left to go upstairs.

Upstairs was the cafe, where they made all their money! It was a small cosy place, with a yellow border outside. It was 'LKH tea room.' As obvious as it was to them what that stood for, no one else seemed to question it. They got quite a few customers, because their tea was quite famous in the little town they lodged in.

People who came often asked what they put into their tea to make it so nice. But they never told anyone. At first neither Killy nor Toshiro knew why their tea was so good, but they soon found out that L was putting over 10 spoonfuls of sugar inside each cup of tea, and then pieces of banana inside.
It sounded gross, but it was actually incredibly nice, and felt like the tea was dancing on your tongue!

Of course they weren't always there to work in the coffee shop. That's why they employed some friends sometimes. L skipped up the stairs and peeked round the wooden door into the kitchen of the tea room.
It was a little busy, but it was nearly closing time anyway. He caught sight of a friend of his walking round the wall separating the kitchens from the cafe, and caught his attention.

"Psst." He hissed. They noticed this, and walked towards him quickly, making sure no one else saw him do it. L came closer and whispered in his ear. "We'll be gone for a while."

The man nodded his head, and a little grin appeared on his face. He always liked to know the stories after they'd came back. He walked off towards the tea rooms to serve an elderly couple, and L raced down the steps into the gloomy, dark lair that hid itself under the vibrant, warm rooms above them.
But he preferred it down there. It was dark, and there were many rooms with hardly anything inside. Down in the corner was the long, old table and the counters. It was like a little kitchen area.

Killy and Toshiro seemed like they had snapped out of their trances, and they watched L slowly walk towards them.

"Ok." L smiled, clapping his hands together, "We need to go to the sea."

They had all got into the orange Volkswagen campervan, and began their journey to the coast. It was a little crampt, because they had collected so much junk from previous visits to places. They had a chunk of Big Ben when they managed to save people from an attack there, and somehow L had managed to get it into the camper. That was a complete mystery. They also had one of those huge ice creams you get outside of ice-cream shops. They only had that because Killy had argued with the ice-cream man, and took it in anger. He said he was going to burn it but he hadn’t got round to that yet.

Apart from junk they did have other things to help them. They had weapons other than Killy's gun for him to use, and Toshiro's Hyourimaru sometimes had to stay in the camper, because Killy didn't like swords. L kept a laptop somewhere inside, but he would have to dive in to the mess to find it.
Finally they got there and took a breath of fresh sea air as they fell out of the camper.

They coughed a little bit, and seagulls came to greet them, but were immediately scattered by Killy screaming at them all.

"Do you have a problem with seagulls?" Toshiro asked Killy.

"Seagulls are evil! Pure pure evil!"

Toshiro shook his head and continued to walk down onto the sand. There was a beautiful sky for 5 in the afternoon. The sun was setting just on the horizon, and gave off a purplely red glow. The clouds rippled like a mirror image of the water, which was still sparkling in what light was left. The sand was silk like, and as they walked they nearly sank into it. The murmuring sounds of the sea were a little overpowered by the cawing of those darn seagulls, but Killy vowed he'd kill them one day.

"So why are we here?" Toshiro asked L in bemusement. L kept his eye on the sea, and didn't reply. He was waiting for something.
But waiting wasn't good enough for Killy. Even though Hitsugaya had accepted that the answer would come soon enough, Killy wanted to find out sooner.

"If it’s in the water, I’ll get it!" He announced. He began running crazily towards the water. Toshiro tried to run after him, and held his hands out.

"IDIOT! You can't swim!"

But it was too late; Killy had plunged into the water without thinking it through. He managed to get so far, but looked round to them both on the sand, and started to sink.

Toshiro jumped in after him, and L stood there, still watching, but this time at Killy and his pathetic attempt to swim. He shrugged his shoulders and started to eat a random banana.

Toshiro grabbed Killy and swam back to shore like a true lifeguard. He threw him onto the sand, and instead of resuscitating him, he kicked him in the stomach! It worked, and Killy shot water out of his mouth.

"You fool! Learn to swim next time!"
Killy got up, a little shaken and glared at the sea. He grabbed his gun and pointed it towards the water.


"There it is!" L suddenly interrupted. They both looked at him with clueless faces, and followed where L was pointing. He meant a boat, coming across the sea. It was quite big, and must have carried quite a few people.

"Why does it need help?" Hitsugaya asked.

"Because there is a lunatic who hijacked that boat."
They stared at him unimpressed.

"Hijacked a boat." Toshiro sighed.

"Pirates?" Killy asked.

"Not likely." L replied, "I don't think there are many pirates anymore."
They stared at the boat and sighed all together like a choir.

"Well, L knows best, let’s go." Toshiro leaded. They started to fly to the ship. Wheeee.

Once they landed, they ran up towards the top, where the captain would have been if he was actually in control of the boat.
L made his way up to communications, along with Killy. Killy was cursing under his breath because he hated the sea, and seagulls, and microwaves so much.

They had to climb up some ladders to get there, and so Killy went first and L second.
But he kept cursing about each step!

"Killy..." L explained, "Each step is exactly the same!"
Killy nodded, and started to climb faster.
They made it to the top, and a bunch of guys on smart looking computers stared angrily at them both.

"How did you get up here?" One man growled.

"We flew." L explained.

They looked even angrier with that statement, so Killy jumped in front of them and pointed the gun at them all.

"Don't even think of coming closer, or your dead men!"

The man, who must have thought himself the leader of the crew, walked forwards. He had a red and black bandanna and black, dangling earrings. His face was huge and grumpy, and he had a huge nose that was about the size of both L and Killy!

"I don't think that dumb gun will kill any of us!" He grunted, laughing afterwards.

L shut his eyes, and sighed.

Boom, just as he expected.

Killy started shooting everyone who made their way forward, which by a few minutes was everyone.

Boom, boom, boom, bodies were flung over the sides of the computers and into the walls.

L ran towards one of the computers and looked angrily at Killy.

"Once again you managed to kill everyone! Why don't you use any of those less-harmful weapons?"

"Because beams work best I tell you."
L sighed and started typing away manically at the computer systems of the ship. It turned out that those men were blocking the boats communications and its co-ordinates. But only to certain places. There were others where the information leaked out.

One of those places was the area it was hijacked, he was sure of it.
Killy watched as L put a microphone to his mouth and started talking into it while typing at the same time.

He got a bit bored so he shot a mouse.

"Are you at the location yet?" Came a rather muffled voice. L frowned, because his theory was right.

"Close enough." He replied.

"I heard something going on, what happened?" The voice asked.

"Some idiot lost our coordinates." L explained, quick thinking, "We need them again."
The man gave an angry sigh.

"That's the second time! Well its 125,563, got that?"
L checked up on a nearby map and nodded, even though the man couldn't see what he was doing.
It was at one of the points where the communication was still working. L hung up on the man and started typing again.

"What ya doing?" Killy asked in curiosity.

"Creating another boat on their signals at the same time I block out this one from them." He explained, it will fool them for long enough."
Killy nodded, and wondered what Toshiro was getting up to.

"So, pirate, where are you going?" He asked smugly at the doorway of the cabin.

The old man swivelled round and his fat cigar dropped from his mouth to the deck. This man had a blue bandanna and a stripy shirt on. He really did look and smell like a pirate. He held tightly onto the controls, and started to stammer.

"I'm the captain of this ship!" He shouted, "You can't stop me!"

"Oh really?" Toshiro asked. Suddenly men ran into the cabin and tried to lunge onto Hitsugaya. He held out his hand and let loose level 60 demon art without calling it. The beam forced them both back, and into the wall, denting it a little.

"Err, err, you're not going to kill me are you?" The pirate asked. Hitsugaya stared at him, and the man began to get a little freaked.
Toshiro unsheathed Hyourinmaru, and the man raised an eyebrow. “Well I knew you dressed weird for a kid but this is ridiculous!"
After that remark he stabbed the man in the shoulder. He clutched onto the wound, which was leaking badly.

"I won’t kill you, it’s not worth it." Toshiro sneered. He pressed a little yellow button on the controls called 'communication cabin' and grabbed hold of the microphone.

"L, Killy? You got it covered?"

"Yeah." Came the raspy voice of L through the speaker. "All we have to do is get the boat back home."
And so, Toshiro put in the coordinates for the landing spot and the boat made its way to the shore.

Killy jumped onto the sand and sighed. It was nice to be on land again. Plus he was still shivering from being in the sea! Both L and Hitsugaya jumped down after him, and people began flowing off the boat and onto the beach.
A camera crew and a reporter were waiting for them, and smiled sweetly when they caught sight of the 3 of them.

Toshiro blinked a little, and looked to his left. Both of them had run away leaving only dust trails! L didn't want to be on television, and Killy knew he'd end up getting angry with the reporter and shooting him/her.

So Toshiro was left with the job of talking to the reporters, there to squeeze every last drop of information they could get off him.
He sighed and solemnly started walking towards them.
Killy and L waited at the camper, and L gave Killy some tea for his shivering.

"I still hate the sea." Killy explained.

"Yes, I know." L sighed.

L waited in silence as Killy drank the last drop of tea. He said he hated it, but he mustn't have if he drank it all the time!
Toshiro came back, a little angry.

Behind him were hundreds of women throwing confetti over him, and with banners saying his name.

They screamed and yelled for him, messing up his efforts to look normal.

"You always get to be the popular one!" Killy moaned.

"Well if you did more interviews you'd get known more! At least I have fans!"
He jumped into the van, and it sped off like lightning to get away from the crazy fan girls still throwing confetti over them...

..."Well, let’s get home." Toshiro sighed, "I'm sure Matsumoto has cooked something nice for dinner!"
Last edited by tinny on Thu Oct 05, 2006 11:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
please grant me my small wish; (love me to the marrow of my bones)

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Wed Sep 27, 2006 1:37 pm
tinny says...

#2! With guest star Light Yagami from Deathnote!


It was one of those mornings where you get up and your legs don’t seem to move. You’re glued to your mattress and paralyzed quite continently from the stomach downwards.

But Killy had forced himself to walk from his bed and into the lair. Even if he did resemble a zombie, he managed to shuffle towards the rabbit cage in the far left corner from his room.

Killy's rabbit was one of the main reasons he got up in the early morning! If he didn't get up to feed him, L would be there (as he never slept anyway) to poison the poor rabbit with different kinds of candy.

Killy rubbed his weary eyes and gave a giant yawn. It was so big that when he lifted his arms to stretch he almost fell over backwards! But as the haziness began to waft away from his vision, he noticed to his horror that the rabbit wasn't breathing.

He fell down to his knees and opened the cage.

"CIBO!" He screamed. "NO! YOU CAN'T BE..."

But as he lifted the poor rabbit, its body was lame and loose like a puppet whose strings were cut. Its floppy ears were now dangling in a lowlife form. Its eyes, even though they were always completely black, looked empty and placid.

Killy snivelled, managing to block his tears.

At that point Hitsugaya entered the lair through his room’s door, and gave a short yawn.

"What’s wrong?" He asked sheepishly, looking at Killy grovelling near the rabbit cage in the corner. "I heard shouting!"

"Cibo...dead!" Killy cried.

Hitsugaya shrugged it off and went over to the counters to make some tea.

But Killy was having trouble holding in his emotions. He felt his strength erode away and finally he gave in. He blurted out tears and held Cibo in the air.


Hitsugaya stopped making tea, with the kettle in one hand and a mug in the other. He stared at Killy for a bit with an unimpressed look, and sighed.

"I knew we shouldn't have got him that rabbit."

L came waltzing in, and looked over at Killy weeping on the floor. He bit his lip and tiptoed over to Hitsugaya.

"Oh...yeah, the rabbit died." He explained hesitantly, and as lightly as he could.

Suddenly, Killy started to move slowly round to Hitsugaya and L. They both flinched, as they saw Killy's danger-red face. He shuddered, and growled.

"IT WAS YOU!" He wailed, pointing sharply at L, almost taking his arm out of its socket. "IT HAS TO BE YOU!"

"I wouldn't kill a rabbit." L grunted, "Think about this logically."

"This just wasn't 'a rabbit' L!" Killy muttered, making actions with his hands when he mimicked L, to show he was nattering on. "This was Cibo! Hmmm, that name always rang a bell and I don't know why..."

Killy mused for a bit, and Hitsugaya and L looked at each other puzzled.

"Killy." Hitsugaya interrupted, "Why don't we take Cibo to the vet and see what caused his death. Then
we can play the stupid blame game."


So Killy agreed, and after some much needed breakfast, they went out to the vets. Of course, the tea room stayed open. It would be disastrous if it closed, hat would their customers think?!

The vets was a stinky place, and the disinfectant of a hospital was mixed in with animal fur and peepee.
The waiting room was sky blue with little shelves round the side selling pet foods and collars. The desk was old, with pine edgings round it. A young woman was sat there, her face lit up by the light from the computer, and she was reading a magazine.

They all sat on 3 spare chairs next to each other, and they looked a little odd. L was messing on with a pencil he brought with him, Killy was staring at Cibo, his lip wobbling still, and Hitsugaya was watching every second on the clock move.

Finally, the vet called them in, and Killy shot forward. He stunned the other 2, and they skulked into the small room behind him.

The vet looked like a very charming man. His face was podgy and welcoming, and he reminded L of Santa. You could tell because he wouldn't stop staring at his little white beard.

The room was just the same as the waiting room, but there weren't as many chairs, and there were funny posters of dogs insides.

Killy was staring at a cat’s bone, until the vet took Cibo off him.

"Hmm." The vet inquired. He examined the rabbit, and they watched him expectantly. He moved his glasses up his nose and looked at Killy. "What was the rabbit’s position when you found her?"

"Dead." Killy grunted. Hitsugaya nudged him to get him to put in a bit more effort. "Ok, she was on one side peacefully."

The vet nodded slowly and sighed. He wiped his glasses and gave a little smile.

"I think Cibo here died of a heart attack. Was she old?"

"Quite." Killy sighed, "I’m not sure how old. Maybe 50."

The vet chuckled, and took Cibo into the room behind the one they were in. A tall grumpy nurse came and took Cibo away.

L put his hand to his chin and made thinking noises.

"What's wrong?" Hitsugaya asked.

"This kind of death rings a bell. I hope it's not.... Oh!"

"No." L mumbled, not affected by Killy's outrage, "It's Light Yagami who killed your rabbit!"

"Light Yagami?" Killy asked. "Who is he?"

"Someone I know." L explained, in the least amount of detail he could. Hitsugaya traced back to when L might have leaked clues about Light Yagami, but he couldn't really find much.

"Is he a friend?" Hitsugaya asked.

"I wouldn't say so myself." L mumbled. He stood up and made his way out of the door.

"L! Where are we going now?" Killy asked. L looked round and gave a look as if 'isn't it obvious?'

"To Light Yagami."

He continued to walk out of the vets. Hitsu and Killy were a little puzzled. How would L know exactly where this Light guy was at that very moment?

They didn't think it over too much; they had to trust L's judgement. He was a very smart guy.

They flew all the way to Lights house, which was almost on the other side of the country! When they plummeted on the small road, they had to take a few breaths. Killy was the last one there, because he kept shooting birds and getting left behind. He gasped for air after trying to catch up, and dragged behind both Hitsugaya and L as they approached the covered door.

"L." Hitsugaya called, "How did you know Light Yagami would be here?"

"It's very simple." L explained. "Soichiro Yagami takes 10 minutes to get to work if he walks, and the

school Light attends is 5 minutes away from there. That means it takes approximately 15 minutes for him to walk. He probably does walk seems so it’s close. Plus its 8 o’clock. School starts at 9, so he wouldn't set off until later, and plus..."

The clues went on for a while, and Hitsugaya was slowly deflating as he recited them all. Yes, ok it was simple once you thought about it in L's point of view, and by the end of that announcement Hitsu felt like it had been drilled into his head.

L stood there for a while, waiting for them to sink the idea into their heads, when suddenly Light opened the front door.

He closed it slowly, and all three cringed whilst he locked the door. Light looked round, and jumped at the sight of L, Hitsugaya and Killy outside his house.

"What are you doing here?!" He cried.

Killy ran up to him and grabbed his blazer.

"YOU KILLED MY RABBIT!" He yelled in his face, spitting in his eyes. Light pushed him off and straightened his jacket.

"Ok, ok maybe I did but it was for a good reason."

"I don't think there is a good reason for killing a rabbit!" L tutted. Light frowned and clutched his side bag.

"I had a rabbit too." He explained, "But it deceived me! One day I was feeding him, and he bit me! I couldn't believe it! I was so angry I killed all the rabbits I could remember. Including Killy's rabbit Cibo, who I remember so well after Killy made her bite me too!"

"I did?" Killy asked in astonishment. "I can't remember that at all!"

Light glared at Killy for a while, and rewound to the time it happened.

"Your rabbit was about to eat my death... I mean diary! My dear old diary! So you laughed, and told her not to eat the diary, but to bite me instead!"

"I remember you now!" Killy laughed! "You’re the weird kid who was writing in that dumb old book like a crazy man!"

"I am not crazy! And I'm not a kid! An imbecile like you wouldn't understand!"

Killy pointed and laughed.

"Ha-ha you're a crazy death kid!"

Light started mumbling to himself angrily, and rummaged in his bag whilst Killy kept laughing. He grabbed the death note and started writing manically.

"Damn you Killy I’ll kill you yet..." His mumbling was interfered by Hitsugaya jumping onto Lights back and grabbing his pen. He jumped off again and fiddled with it.

"Ha, you can't do anything without your pen!"

"SHOOT!" Light shouted.

"Light, do you remember your rabbit?" L asked. Light nodded his head, and shed a silent tear.

"Yes..." He sobbed, "Mr Snuggums... He was so cute and fluffy."

"Remember how he used to do that cute thing crawling up into a ball?" L asked.

"Yeah, he was so... Wait how you know that?!"

"Ahem..." L cleared his throat. He pointed at the small unidentifiable camera hidden by the doorbell. Light pointed upwards like he had just remembered.
Do you miss Mr Snuggums?" L asked.

Light nodded his head slowly, and put it down to the floor. He really did regret killing the cute little rabbit. He wiped away his tears and pushed past them all.

"I have to go to school now." Light cried. He walked off down the street rubbing his eyes.

L smiled and took a sigh of relief. Hitsugaya threw the pen away and Killy kept giggling.
Suddenly, out of the bushes near Lights house, reporters jumped up to greet them. L gave a girly scream and jumped behind a convenient tree, and Killy began to whistle and walk away.
Hitsugaya sighed and looked at the keen men and women with microphones held out to him.

"I guess you want to talk to me?"

..."So L, you don't think Light will kill anymore bunnies will he?" Killy asked.

L thought about it and bit his thumb.

"No, but he has a hamster, parrot and a dog to get through now!"
please grant me my small wish; (love me to the marrow of my bones)

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Thu Oct 05, 2006 11:51 am
tinny says...


It was rush hour in the tea room.

Rush hour was always 2 o'clock in the afternoon, without fail. People would bombard the door sand squeeze through like a tube of toothpaste.
Behind the counter, L, Killy and Hitsugaya were sat behind counters, in a line which led up to a man at the till.
The furthest away was Hitsugaya, who put the teabag in the cup, filled it with boiling water and passed it down to Killy. He wiped his forehead. It was hot, hard work with all this steam!

Killy would let the teabag brew for a few minutes, and then add the milk. He was tempted by the milk, but managed not to give in. But each cup he sent to L was given an angry mutter of French.

L was the last one, sat in an awkward position, and adding tonnes of sugar. After he did that, he dipped Kira's banana like hair into the cup of tea like a teapot!

He pulled him back out, and passed the tea to the till.

"Is this necessary?" Kira asked a little worried about the state of his hair. L nodded silently, and quickly pushed Kira's head into the next cup. He always had hold of the back of Kira's head, and he always pushed him down without any warning.
"If people found out about this they'd sue!" Kira cried.

"They’d understand." L explained, "Plus it gives a great effect to the tea." He quickly pushed him back into the tea.
"Do you take a breath every time your hair goes in?" Hitsugaya asked with an unimpressed tone. Killy looked over at him, holding a cup of tea in one hand, and the milk in the other.

"Does your hair breathe?"

"NO!" Kira cried. "Are we done yet? I wish Taichou was here!"

"Hey! Hurry up! We can't slack!" The man from the till cried. Steam started to come off them all as they moved quicker than ever to get the tea down to the tills. Kira was being pushed into the cups without a minute to spare. One time L pushed his head down a little too far, and he hit his head off the table. There was a loud, lumpy bump, and a little whine from Kira.

"Why did you do that?" Kira moaned. L shrugged, and pushed him into another cup of tea.

Finally they were down for the rush hour. People started milling out of the door, and the buzzing slowly drowned down to just a few mutters from random tables. They all gave a sigh and sank down into their chairs.

"At least that’s over." Hitsugaya smiled.

"Until tomorrow." L mumbled. Killy took a quick swig of milk, forgetting about his restraint. He slammed the milk onto the counter.

Hitsugaya and L started top snigger. He shook his head, wondering what they were laughing at.

Suddenly, there was a strange tap at the door.

They all popped up from the till, in canon with each other. Outside the front glass door...was none other than a...

"Pikachu?" Hitsugaya shrieked. L gave a girly scream and ran down the steps, and into the lair. He slammed the door behind him.
The Pikachu was smiling wildly into the tea room, and pushing his cheeks up against the window. Killy raised an eyebrow.

"What do you think it wants?"

Suddenly, the Pikachu ran into the shop, and sat on one of the chairs, expectantly slamming his paws onto the table.

"Do you think it wants tea?" Killy asked.

"I don't know if we serve...Pokemon." Hitsugaya cringed. He hopped down the steps, and reluctantly tapped on the door.

"L? Do we serve Pikachu’s?" He asked.

"Anything to get it away." L replied, muffled through the door.

Hitsugaya looked up to Killy, and nodded his head. Killy took a deep breath, and prepared a tea for the Pikachu.

Slowly, he brought it out to him. He took another swig of milk so that he was prepared for the event.
He laid the cup on the table, and the Pikachu gratefully took it.
But then he started to giggle. Killy screwed up his face, but other people were doing it too!
An old woman pointed to her upper lip. Killy raised an eyebrow, wondering what she was doing.

"Son! What have you been drinking?" Came a mans voice from behind him.

"I don't know!" Killy cried. He looked back at Pikachu.

"Pika pika!"

"FINALLY SOMEONE EXPLAINS IT TO ME IN A WAY I UNDERSTAND!" Killy shouted. He wiped the milk from his moustache and walked away to Hitsugaya.

Hitsugaya was stood there, with a magnifying glass. He walked out towards the Pikachu, and started observing him. Killy watched, a little infuriated by the sudden action made by his friend.

"What are you doing?" Killy mumbled.

"Seems so L is scared of Pokemon, I think it’s the logical choice to have me as the new L!"

Killy turned round, and took a tray from the counter to clean away. He started smoking out of his head. He put his fingers together and started nattering to mimic Hitsugaya.

"'I'm the logical choice! I'm the new L!' What does that make me? The new Hitsugaya?"

There was a slight tap from the door down the stairs. Killy noticed it, and went running down the steps. He almost ran into the door, but stopped himself.

"Is that Killy?" L asked quietly.

"Yes. Well, no technically I’m the new Hitsugaya."

"Whatever. Just do as I say, and go to the poke skyscraper."

Killy frowned. He didn't like the look of that place. It was where pokemon was broadcast to almost everywhere in the world. But he took orders, and walked back up to tell Hitsugaya.

They flew to the poke skyscraper, with Pikachu in Kills arms. He kept looking down to the cute little rodent, who was playing with his gun.
"Aww, look he loves the gun!" Killy grinned as they landed next to the building. Pikachu smiled, and as he did that a few dead birds fell from the clouds. "What a good Pokemon!" Killy laughed. "You remind me of...CIBO!"

Suddenly Killy started weeping in the middle of the road. Hitsugaya left him, and looked up at the building.

It was a pink building, with yellow borders round each level. At the very top was a huge pokeball, stuck at the end where the building pointed upwards. It span sometimes, but it was normally broken down.

They entered the building. It was strange to have such an eccentric building outside, and have a terribly workplace area inside. The walls were grey, and offices lined up the first floor.

They walked up to the receptionist at the front desk, and she smiled sweetly.

"Hello. Can I help?"

"Yes, can you explain this?" Killy asked. He shoved the Pikachu in her face, and he gave a loud Pika as he saw her. She screamed, and fell off her chair. Killy looked down to see if she was ok, but she got up and sorted out her hair.

"Please sit over there." She explained, pointing to a line of people.

They sat down with the, There was 2 people with a squirtle, a woman with a charmander, a man with a geodude and a whole family with a ponyta, which kept burning the dad.

Suddenly, Killy started to feel trembling from the ground. He thought it was an earthquake, but they looked up, and a huge man was tumbling along to them, with a fat cigar, dollar notes in his front pocket and a monocle.

"I was hoping you would come along!" He laughed in a jolly fashion. He took hold of Killy arm, and shook it vigorously, and did the same with Hitsugaya. They looked at each other and cringed.

"What's the problem then?" Hitsugaya asked. The man bit his lip, and asked them to follow him.
They bundled along, and he took them to a lift. Inside there was another woman in a business suit, waiting to go up to the same level as them. Number 22.

She smiled down at Hitsugaya and gave an 'awww' noise.

"Hi!" She smiled, "What are you in the poke skyscraper for?"

Killy shoved the Pikachu in her face, who gave another pika howl.

She screamed and flipped back onto her butt.

"Thanks." Hitsugaya whispered to Killy, "We should do that more often!"

The man finally got off at the right level, and the doors opened to reveal the first room’s name.
The TV room.

"This is the problem." He explained, "In here is the evil TV. We made it so we could change some things about the pokemon we saw on TV quickly. But it turned evil. It bit you, changed the channel, and even hid the remote."

Killy and Hitsugaya gasped.

"One night, there was a huge boom from this room. For a very long time now the TV has been releasing pokemon from its screen! We don't know how, and we can’t get to the TV ...3 people are in hospital after trying."

Killy gave a little smile, and whispered 'cool!' under his breath.

Hitsugaya mused to himself and stroked his chin.

"How long has this been going on?" He asked.

"A week I think." The man chuckled. "Can you do anything?"

Suddenly, the weather outside got really bad. There was a boom of thunder and light filled the room as lightning struck. Hitsugaya and Killy ran to another room, burst through and looked through the window.

A huge cloud was forming outside. They watched it in awe.

It turned into the shape of L! He was sitting like he normally did on top of a dark grey cloud.

"Hitsugaya, Killy." He boomed.

"Wow! That’s incredible L! How did you do it?"

"I can’t tell you." He boomed again, "Other people can hear me, like I can’t tell you that Lights pen is hidden in our drawers."
Suddenly there was a distant cry from the other side of town.

"Dang it!" L cried. He knew it was Light ready to raid their closets now!

"Tell us what to do!" Hitsugaya cried.

"Ok." L cleared his throat. "Use Killy as a diversion. He can come through the door, while Hitsugaya comes through the window."
Killy frowned.

"Why am I bait?" He asked.

L shrugged, and ate a rather cloudy banana.

"Remember...Remember...Take out the plug!...Remember..." Slowly the cloud started vanishing.
Killy looked at Hitsugaya bedazzled.

"Do you remember that scene from somewhere?" He asked.

"Come on, let’s do what he said!" Hitsugaya cried. He pushed Killy away to the other room, and he stood there, hesitant to go inside.

He scratched the back of his head and started laughing.

"How bad can a murderous TV be?" He asked himself.

With a shaking hand, he went for the door handle.

Hitsugaya was making his way out of the window. He climbed onto a yellow ledge, and started to edge across to the next window.
He shuddered as he looked at the fall.

"If I fall, that’s it!" He cried. "Oh wait a minute! I can fly!"

He jumped off the ledge and started floating in mid air. He put his finger to his chin. "Why didn't I think of that?"
Meanwhile, Killy slowly opened the door. It gave a creepy creak. The room was completely dark, except for the outline of the window in that background.

Killy gave a sigh of relief. At least he couldn't see the evil TV.

But suddenly, a square screen fizzed up, and black and white lines appeared on it. It gave off that muffled buzzing a broken TV would.
Then 2 red eyes appeared on the screen.

Killy yelped, and closed the door so that the TV wouldn't get out. It lunged for him, and Killy did an action roll to the left. He grabbed his gun from its holster, and pointed it at the TV.

"DONT MAKE ME SHOOT!" He shouted. The TV's eyes narrowed.

It kept lunging for him, but Killy just kept dodging each attack. One got his leg slightly, but it was only a small cut. He looked down at the blood.

"You made me bleed my own blood..." Killy growled.

Suddenly, Hitsugaya jumped through the window. Glass shattered everywhere, and the TV gave a menacing howl.

"Quick! Killy! Switch it off now I have hold of him!" Hitsugaya cried, whilst wrestling with the TV.

Killy ran round, and pressed the on/off button on the TV'S front.
But nothing happened!

"Wait!" Killy shouted, "L said something about the plug!"

Killy edged backwards a little, and the TV caught sight of him.
It growled, and lunged for him again, this time, he was ill prepared.

He put his hands in front of his face.

But the TV was yanked away! Hitsugaya had stood on the cable! He leant back and took out the plug swiftly.
The TV fell to the floor, and gargled a little. Then, little by little the light went off in the screen.

"And that was that." Hitsugaya sighed, swirling the plug round his fingers. Killy got himself up, and brushed himself down of glass.

After their encounter with the manic TV, there was one more easy job. They had to go round killing all the pokemon. Apparently they wanted to keep the Pikachu for advertising reasons. But otherwise, Killy had a brilliant day.

He was shooting so many Caterpies he could have cried in happiness. Hitsugaya was killing the odd pokemon, whilst trying to kill a few hollows who were trying to pull themselves off as pokemon to get to spirits.

Then, finally L came out of the door. He was shaking a little, but he finally got used to the fact the pokemon had finally gone...

But he came out one night to find tonnes of reporters at the door!

Just before they could take a shot from a camera, he jumped into the room again, and slammed the door. He sat in front of it so no one would come in.

At the same time, Light came round the corner with his pen in his hand.

"Yes! I found...WHAA!"

They stared at each other for a while, scared about who would take the next move.
please grant me my small wish; (love me to the marrow of my bones)

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12 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 890
Reviews: 12
Mon Nov 06, 2006 7:57 pm
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L says...

man i am so prousd you out it on my pal!
i forgot about it copletely!
need to write more!
but i tells ye, its not all incredibly good, but focus on the story line! THE STORY LINE!

ah thank ye again
Siggys' suck, I don't know what to say about myself. Doopeydoo...

here is the deepest secret nobody knows (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a treee called life; which grows higher than the soul can home or mind can hide) and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)
— e.e. cummings