
Young Writers Society

United we Stand

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Gender: Male
Points: 3103
Reviews: 3
Fri Feb 12, 2010 3:02 am
ColdZero says...

Hello everyone. This was my first real Fan Fiction I wrote, it was written over a span of 6 months. It seemed to grip the Battlefield Heroes community, so I decided to post it here also and see if you all will enjoy it.

Chapter One: Missing in Action

The Game has changed, all of a sudden people started dying and not re spawning, people would die and stay that way, everything that happened was made permanent. I wasn't sure whether it was a glitch, or something new, but days passed and nobody could leave, the servers begun merging as did the maps. As for the soldiers, they came from all different servers, all merged together into this....world. I wasn't sure what was going wrong, but I couldn't just stand and let the Nationals be slaughtered, I had to do something. We had to stand together, because now this is more than a game, this is a war!

All around me I could already notice the toll that this war was having on the Nationals. The night darkened, above me I could spot the thousands of stars which seemed to represent the souls we've already lost. Pulling my coat over me, I tried to enjoy the rest but nothing would calm my nerves, nothing would take my mind off today's losses. This isn't a game, I could tell from the way I could glare into the eyes of the men I kill, and see their life draining away, this wasn't right. Somebody had changed this, it was more than a game now, this is a war.

I turned, Dyabolik and several other men approached me, their faces held a grim look, I could tell something was afoot. "Whats happened?" I stared Dyabolik in the eye, he looked at me and uttered the most spine chilling words, "Cheesewoo and ElectroNoob, their plane went down today. We've not received any word were, but a small platoon of soldiers in the Village spotted a plane crashing in the nearby hills, it's the best we can tell you...for now at least". I nodded, then stood up. Trying to hold back any emotions that were trying to break through, I picked up my Rifle, a Sharpshooter. I pulled on my trench coat and tied by bandanna around my face, then finally pulled my black sombrero over my head. "Men, I'm going to find out what happened to Cheese and Electro. Keep this area secure, kill any Royals on sight as usual. As for you Dyabolik, try keep a scout for any other surviving Nationals, so many seem to end up in the Buccaneer Bay, and we can't risk any more losses"

Chapter Two: The Inconvenience of War

I threw on my stealth and took one more look at the small group of men I was posted with, I gave them a final salute and strode out of the walled area. The nights air set fire to my senses, I used to love it, sitting somewhere and embracing the night, but this was no time for reminiscing. Seconds past and I reached the stone bridge that gaped the chasm that divided the Nationals with the Royals. I crossed it quickly, and arrived at the small outcrop of rocks I would use as my vantage point against the Royals, I scrambled up onto the outcrop on the right of a small gap between the two, just to get a better view.

What I saw destroyed my hope, what I saw crushed my very soul. The Royals had massed an army that we could not stand against, eight tanks could be spotted at the farm. Over fifty Gunners sat posted around the ship and all entrances to the Royal Base in the Bay. "This is impossible, I can't go through this" the darkness of the night was then illuminated as a giant mass of Soldiers made their way out of the Village all carrying lanterns. This could spell the end for us Nationals, I had to rescue Cheesewoo and ElectroNoob, but if I ignored this army and didn't report it the Nationals would be attacked unprepared and unready for what lies ahead. Are last hope was a plane, It was on the Runway at are final base, located at the far opposite side to the Farm where the Royals had massed in hundreds. If the Nationals base in the Bay was attacked, I'm not sure what would happen, I'm only aware that our main base is situated on the Coast and that the Royals are heavily situated in the Village. This was now a complete and total war, this was it. There was no more small assaults, this is finally what we've worried about, this is finally a battlefield. I needed to tell the others, we could take them to the plane, hopefully another has spawned in my absence, but we had to evacuate the Bay, it was are only hope of survival.

I ran, down the outcrop of rocks and back to the secondary base, puffing and trying to explain.
"Dyabolik, it's the Royals. They've got a massive army prepared to attack, we must evacuate the Bay immediately. Get your men to the other base, there is hopefully two planes there. Load them up, get as many as you can onto each plane and fly north of here, you should pass over the Village sooner or later so I want your word you'll do your best to find Cheese and Electro".

"NoobsFTW, if this is true. We must evacuate now, and yes I will give my word to you that we will try and locate ElectroNoob and Cheesewoo" Dyabolik was serious, he would evacuate are men "But what are you doing, your coming with us right?".

"You will be flying over a large Royal force, I have to make sure you are going to be safe and not get shot down. It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make, it's for the Nationals" I saluted Dyabolik and his men "One day, you will be faced with a force you cannot imagine. But it is not this day, today you will save what remains of this National force and join the Coast's Nationals". Without looking back I ran once more, I've done all that I could to prevent the Royals killing them all. I arrived once again at my outcrop which I scrambled up to the top and set up a vantage point, waiting for the roaring engines of the National Planes to fly by to safety. As I lay on my stomach waiting, it begun to rain, the cold wet droplets soaked my in moments, causing my clothes to cling to my body and chill me to the bone. I looked up ahead and I saw the National planes, two of them come flying over the Shipwreck. I peered through my scope and looked for anybody attempted to shoot them down, and as expected they did.

I stood up and unleashed hell, killing five Royals with my first clip before reloading and killing another five. I continued for what seemed like hours, but really it was only around five minutes but I had killed around 20 Royals, and as I stood up for my final round I was struck in the shoulder, I'm guessing by a Sniper. I collapsed and let the cold embrace my body, I started to feel sleepy and darkness crept through my body, is was dying. I could feel blood dripping down my body, and I knew it now was a matter of seconds before I would be swarmed by Royals, so I mustered my strength and got to my feet. Before I could be shot again I threw stealth on and jumped, making a run for it to the jeeps outside the towns back entrance. Royals begun to scramble up the Rock and I watched as they came to realize I wasn't there anymore, smiling slightly I start the engine and drive the jeep through the darkness. I'd stopped the Royals killing the Nationals of the Bay, now I had to find Cheesewoo and Electronoob, they were my priority from now on in.

Chapter Three: Dreams? or visions!

The nights air wasn't something I was fond of anymore, it was only a burden. The stars shone upon me, my body felt weak but my spirit strong. Everywhere I looked I was once again brought to the faces of the men I killed, just like me, defending their people. Propped up against my jeep, I tried to sleep but every time my eyes closed shut the faces would flood in, their eyes watering, the last gasp of air leaving their body. Nothing was and will ever be the same, this war has scarred these men so deeply the wound cannot be repaired. Even through the layers of clothing the cold bore deep into my body, even through the protection of skin I could feel myself being lifted from my body, my eyes closing...

I awoke in a strange place, I felt strange, like I wasn't anchored to this world anymore. I could see Cheesewoo, ElectroNoob and my other Comrades, IvoryBlade, TerrenVa, Bubblebut and Dyabolik. They stood alone, they did not see me. The wind and rain poured down and blew them around, but in front of them marched a giant flood of Royals, my Comrades stood proud, nothing but courage flowed from their bodies, I could sense it. The wave of Royals neared, and they yelled, Cheesewoo and Terren lead the War cry with a scream of anger, then Cheese stepped forward and uttered words that chilled me, that made me shiver. "My friends, today we are faced with odds nobody would even risk their chances. But we are not anybody, we are the Nationals, and men remember this...Without fear, we can have no courage and without courage we wouldn't be here" and with that they charged, into the glorious army of Royals, they charged...

My body returned, the cold air bit at the arms and legs. The moonlight flooded my vision and I awoke, still propped against my jeep. I picked myself up and hopped into the jeep. Tonight I would rescue my friends, tomorrow I will unite the Nationals and then we will fight. But that dream, it felt so real, could it be the future of the Nationals, could we prevent it? As I drove down the beaten path, I could notice something coming into view, a lighthouse maybe? Was I nearing the Seaside?

Chapter Four: The Seaside Skirmish - Part One

Ah, the seaside. I made my way to a small collection of houses on the outskirts and parked my jeep. I then quickly made my way towards the front of the collection, throwing on my stealth to keep safe.

I peered through my rifles scope, getting a vantage on the village that was directly opposite my position. I could see two Royals sitting on a piled heap of Sandbags, smoking and laughing heartily. I didn't like this, I couldn't stand watching Royals enjoy themselves while the Nationals struggle, surviving against all the odds, I would of killed them, but as I placed my finger on the trigger, a third Royal came walking through the walls gap with a Commando tied up by the hands. It was IvoryBlade, a National Sniper I'd made good friends with throughout fighting, and he must have been captured. The three Royals formed a circle around Ivory and started taunting him, this pushed the line for me, I couldn't let this happen. I pulled the trigger and my stealth flushed off me, a loud crack broke out and one of the three Royals dropped, I pulled the trigger twice more, killing the surprised Royals. I then gestured to Ivory to run over to me, before more Royals come, and he used Elixir to dash across the field. Just as more Royals came to the sound, I dashed behind a collection of boxes and waited for Ivory to make arrive. He came over to me, panting but safe behind his stealth, I grinned and gestured that we move into the small courtyard where we can avoid the Royals.

Inside the courtyard we could relax slightly more than out in the open, after a minute I re-applied my stealth and could relax to the full extent of what was possible in this time of war. "Ivory, whats the status of the Seaside?" I knew it wasn't the best conversation starter, but I really had a need to know whats happened in places other than the bay. "Hm, I was separated from my squadron about a day ago, I was then captured by some Royals, only a few hours ago. But on my last check, we've got a substantial force pinned down at the Hillside farm and then a small force backing the farm at the small village behind it" This was quite pleasing, at least in the Seaside the Nationals are having less trouble here than in the bay "Well, the bay has became Royal territory now, the last of the Nationals evacuated in planes, I drove and ended up here'' Ivory shot me a confused look. "You mean you drove from the bay, to the Seaside, instead of flying?" Ivory was obviously confused "It's a choice I made, for two reasons, one because the Nationals needed a distraction, and two because I needed to go to the Village to find Cheesewoo and ElectroNoob".

Just as I expected Ivory to ask what had happened, we were interrupted by Royal voices nearby. It was obvious they would come and check here, to find their comrades killer. I quietly walked from my sitting spot and crept around to the edge of the wall to see what we are up against, to my luck it was only four Royals, but they were approaching quite fast. I ran back to Ivory "Okay, take two each. Your knife should do the trick, just wait till' they come into the courtyard then we both unleash hell, easy eh?" Ivory nodded, and he scrambled to his feet. We both got into position and waiting silently, until the first two Royals popped around the corner, we both dashed at them, ready to fight....

Chapter Four: The Seaside Skirmish - Part Two

My Knife ached for blood, Royal Blood and it's thirst was to be quenched. As the two Royals saw us come into view, the attempted to shoot but it was too late. Before a single bullet left their guns, Ivory and myself had stabbed them, killing them both instantly. Adrenalin begun to take over, my body felt fiery and I felt capable of anything. "Ivory, two more Royals are approaching, grab a shotgun from one of the two dead soldiers and we'll blast are way through them" I bent down and grasped the cold wooden handle of a Royal Shotgun, it felt good to hold a weapon that I wasn't trained to use, strangely enough. Ivory did the same, and together we crouched behind a pile of boxes, waiting for the next two to foolishly walk to their death. They ran around the corner, and Ivory lent to the right and fired four shots, I followed with a brutal yell and fired wildly at the two Royals. They returned fire, but we seemed to catch them by surprise, and after only a few seconds they too dropped dead, filled with lead bullets.

"If that doesn't draw attention I don't know what will, take the shotguns and get in the jeep. We've gotta find somewhere safe" it was stress now, more Royals would be arriving any second and in minutes we'd be under fire. Ivory followed me to the jeep and I took the drivers seat, and with a loud rumble the motor kicked into action and we were off. "NoobsFTW, we need to get to Hillside Farm, to get to the remaining National force in the Seaside" Ivory was right, making it to the Hillside farm would be our best bet, it's safer if we have Nationals to provide defense from our Royal pursuers. "Okay, I can do that".

We drove straight past the farm, catching the Royals attention as we past. Bullets tore up the ground just behind us, which was indicating we are out of range. From there we took an off road drive to the small path coming from the Village, but as we made it to the Village we were hit by a rocket. The jeep tipped to one side, I was cut on the side of the face by flying pieces of metal, but I couldn't pay attention to that though, I needed to see if Ivory was okay. The jeep caught fire with Ivory unconscious inside, this wasn't good, I couldn't fend off an army of Royals with an unconscious Commando, but I could try. Ivory wasn't trapped luckily, I could get him free quite easily, but his body was limp and there was no way he could struggle. Then I went for a shotgun, picking it up from the backseat and slinging Ivory onto my back, I made a dash for any sort of cover. Behind me was the Gunner that had shot are jeep, he didn't shoot though, instead he stood there yelling for reinforcements, stupid really. With my heart almost bursting out my chest, I darted through the door of a house, putting Ivory down and quickly making a barrier to hold the door out of a cabinet and two wooden chairs that occupied the house. I sighed, it wasn't the easiest of things, but I made it, I was safe for now and could give IvoryBlade some needed rest.

Five minutes past and nothing happened, I could hear voices outside but nobody had noticed I was in here, hopefully. As I sat, back against the door all the faces of my friends flooded back to me, all the people close to me that I have lost, that I will loose as this war continues to rage on. Though I fight the Royals with a lust for blood, I cannot help bring myself to the fact they are in the same position as I, fighting for what they believe is right, to them we are the evil ones. My life wasn't much, but fighting for the Nationals has given me a purpose, I've made countless friends that I will not bare to loose, are lives are too precious. I turned to Ivory, he was coming around, but not completely, I had to give him more time, time that I would have to spend sitting backed against a wall, the only defense between me and an army of Royals.

I wonder what Cheesewoo and Electronoob are doing, maybe their pinned down in a house like this, I'll save them though, I'll unite the Nationals and win this war, I promise myself I will. As I hung my head something started to bang on the door, then voices started yelling, the Royals have found us. "Open this door up fool" I heard one Royal growl "But sir, somethings backed against the door, I can't get it open" the second voice sounded softer, it was the voice of an innocent man, just another soldier caught in this war. My time was now, I had to protect Ivory. The banging on the door got more fierce, I had to get to my feet to hold the barricade. "Ivory, get up stairs, I'll hold them off, you should try escape through a window" I knew in his weak position he couldn't fight, so I would buy him some time, I'm not letting another friend die. As I watched him, he got to his feet and pulled his Rifle from his back and get in a stance ready for combat "Today, we fight together. Whatever happens, it's been an honor knowing you NoobsFTW, and now we fight..United we Shall stand"....

The banging stopped for a second, but then the a violent blast cracked the door open, and I could see twenty or more Royals standing outside ready. I ducked down behind the cabinet, bullets smashed against the wall behind Ivory. I then stood up, firing the shotgun into the crowd, hitting several Royals, before grabbing one by the collar and pulling his gun from his hands. Ducking down once more I threw the SMG to Ivory, it would be more effective than a Sharpshooters rifle. "This is for the Bay" I screamed as I unleashed hell on the Royal crowd with my shotgun, not bothering to duck but shooting rapidly at the crowd before reloading "and this..this is for my friends" I stuck the shotgun to a Royals chest and squeezed the trigger hard, releasing the deadly iron bullets into his body, killing yet another Royal. As I continued my rampage, I was hit by several bullets, my body beginning to feel cold, that strange icy feeling crept through my skin as I fought on, taking more Royals down. My legs felt weak, I couldn't support myself anymore and I needed to collapse before I injure myself further. I returned to my position behind the cabinet where I fired blindly at the crowd, but as the cold gripped my very life, I felt dizzy, something inside of me though made me keep going, stopped me from closing my eyes.

"Nationals do not die like this, we must push forward" Ivory grabbed my hand and pulled me over the cabinet and out into the open. I looked down the path towards the lighthouse and more Royals opened fire but Ivory pulled me to the side of the house and we both headed up a dirt path, I lost my feet halfway through the track though, collapsing. But Ivory wouldn't let go, he picked me up and focused his mind and activated his Elixir, giving him the speed to run, but as I watched the blue light form around him, my eyes closed, the pain had got to much.

I blinked, I awoke in a dimly lit room, I was on the floor still but I felt much better. I looked up, a National wearing a Tank Commanders hat took a long draw on his cigar and puffed smoke into the air. "Murpoz?" I asked, I thought I knew him from somewhere. He grinned "Yeah, who else could it be?"

Chapter Five: Into the thick of it

My body ached against the cold floor, but I wasn't dying anymore so I was pleased. I looked up once more, and Murpoz walked over to me and outstretched his hand. I grasped it and he pulled me up, before calling two National Soldiers to come support me in case I fell. Looking around the room I saw pictures and maps across the walls, and spread out on the desk Murpoz was sitting at previously. "NoobsFTW, this is more serious than I or anybody else could imagine. The Royals are going to bleed us out if it's the last thing they do. They want us dead, they are desperate for victory" within his tone I could spot severe seriousness in his voice. I knew what he was going to ask me, it was something he wanted me to do, it was obvious "You require my assistance don't you Murpoz?" He looked at me, deep into the eye before replying "Yes. It's serious. IvoryBlade lost a team of four, they are being held prisoner in the village near the lighthouse. I need you to get them out alive, I'm not risking these lives, I swore I wouldn't let anymore die under my command". I needed to rescue my friends, but these soldiers trapped are also my friends, if they are National they are my brothers "Murpoz, I'm leaving now. I will bring them back safely, but I'll need a team" I picked up my shotgun from the floor, along with my rifle and slung the rifle onto my back and made a beeline for the door. "NoobsFTW, Ivory and Darkest are waiting outside. Good luck, I'm counting on you. These men see you as a hero now" I turned and saluted before opening the door and embracing the night. Outside stood Ivory and the Commando Darkest, who until now I hadn't met. "Men, we make our voice heard, lets show these Royals" I started to run down the path next to the runway, throwing on stealth to keep safe, as did Darkest and IvoryBlade. The night air chilled me down, and I still ached from the bullets, but Murpoz had the strangest feeling I'd be okay.

In five minutes of silent running, we arrived at the end of the village, the other side of the lighthouse. We looked down the long road that divided two lanes of houses, any of which could contain a large number of Royals ready to kill us on sight. "Darkest, you scared?" I looked at the Commando, who seemed to shake at the thought of death "It's not fear. But the thought of all these men dying for their cause, I cannot bare the thought" his words touched me, I hadn't heard something like that for quite some time. "You are a brave Commando, I would give my life for you. But today, we shall rescue these Nationals. Forward Soldiers" and with that we all ran, past the houses until we came to a small alcove, covered with sandbags defending the lighthouse flag. No Royals had came until now, but as I turned the sound of an enemy Commandos stealth flushing popped in my ear and I turned around and shot randomly with my shotgun. The bullet collided with something, pushing it to the wall. I walked closer and it was a Royal Commando, his stealth flushed off, lying there in agony. I knelt down to look at him and I looked into his watering eyes...It couldn't be. "LilRepper" I asked him quietly "NoobsFTW, is that you?" my eyes begun to water, I'd shot my friend from the Royal army in my defense, and now he was dying. "My friend I am sorry" I lifted him up, and placed him in an upright position against the sandbags. "Ivory, Darkest, I need a bandage, QUICK" Darkest pulled one from out of his hip sack and tossed it to me, which I applied to Repper's wound softly, hoping it would help him. "Thank you. I'll be okay" he nodded, "hopefully".

I turned back to Repper and he pointed to the house next to him, "In there, you'll find the prisoners. They are unguarded" I smiled before running to kick down the door. It smashed open revealing four injured Nationals. "Darkest, Ivory. Untie them, I'll keep a look out" They rushed to the prisoners as
I peered out the door and out down the street, ten Royal Soldiers came marching up. I clutched my shotgun tight, and walked back into the house "Stealth on Ivory and Darkest. I need you to get these Nationals outa here asap. We have a large amount of Soldiers coming up the road, hopefully they'll tend to my old friend Repper, but you have to escape out of the back. I'll make a distraction" my heart pounded against my chest, once again I was offering my life in return for the Nationals safety. "Noobs, you'll be outnumbered" Darkest was showing a great deal of concern, but I couldn't let him get injured, he needed to tend to the Nationals, who now where on their feat, ready to leave. "Nationals, once again I salute you. I will buy you some time, don't worry or look back. I promise I'll be okay, but from now on in I'm going for my friends, ElectroNoob and Cheesewoo. Don't expect me back anytime soon, but I will return. It's been an honor serving with you all" and with a salute I threw on my stealth once more and charged out the door. All the Soldiers stood around Repper who was attempting to make a cover story, pointing in another direction, but they were not stupid, they noticed the door open. "Somebodies taking the prisoners, search the perimeter" yelled a Royal, who looked at Repper angrily as the rest ran into the house, luckily Darkest and Ivory had escaped through the backdoor and were heading down the hill with the prisoners. "As for you, traitor. I suggest you stay still, I'm not going to let you live after you helped these Nationals" the Royal lifted a pistol, and I ran to him and placed my shotgun onto his head and whispering in his ear "Goodbye" I pulled the trigger, killing the Royal instantly. The shot broke out and more Royals could be heard approaching and I had no stealth at the moment. I could hear the Royals who started to chase Ivory and Darkest turning back, this wasn't good. "NoobsFTW, I want to come with you. Cheesewoo and ElectroNoob are my friend also, please?" I couldn't refuse him, so I lifted him over my shoulder, still carrying my shotgun I ran, running for my life with a Royal on my back.

We made it to the bridge, where I was spotted by some Royals, who started to pursue us. "Repper, this is it. I'm going to put you down by a tree then fend them off, I'll come back for you" I placed him by a tree near the bridge and dropped my shotgun and took my rifle of my back, looking through the scope I knelt down and shot at the incoming Royals. Each bullet dropped another Royal, till I emptied my clip and had no time to reload. I looked around, ten Royals approached now from the south, this would be impossible, but I had to do something. Repper got up, struggling with the pain, but he stood up and took his rifle from his back. "What are you doing" Repper grinned "Buying you some time, go!" I couldn't leave him injured, but I had to escape. "Friends stick together, I will not leave you" I reloaded my rifle and knelt next to Repper. Through my scope I peered, my anger surged through my veins and I activated my piercing shot, firing the first five bullets, I killed another five. "Repper, their down, we've gotta escape. We'll both stealth and run to the collection of houses behind the farm, I have a jeep there" Repper nodded, he threw on stealth as I did and ran for his life, past the bullets, through the battlefield we ran. The nights air tearing at are faces, this was the surge of energy that made nothing impossible.

"Oh, we made it" I fell onto the floor panting and puffing, as did Repper. "W-we better get the jeep" I stood up, and walked around to where I parked the jeep. I stood in amazement, a Spitfire Plane. "Repper, I've got us a plane, quick. Get in" I yelled as I hoped into the drivers seat, watching Repper leap onto a wing and get comfortable. I kicked the motor into action and we drove down the runway before taking off, into the air..
Last edited by ColdZero on Fri Feb 12, 2010 3:07 am, edited 2 times in total.
Cold Zero: The Sniper's term for the one shot you get at finishing the job, the final, irrevocable pull of the trigger. For some people, it is not that moment...

It is a state of mind.

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Gender: Male
Points: 3103
Reviews: 3
Fri Feb 12, 2010 3:03 am
ColdZero says...

Chapter Six: A great sacrifice

The air was cold, but whenever I flew I felt free, all of my problems would be left with me on the ground. But not today, today I had the pain of loss and future loss gnawing at my stomach and senses. To my side, LilRepper sat, concentrating at the task at hand even though I doubt he had any clue that I was taking us to the heart of the Royal Army, the Village.

Ten minutes past and I could spot mountains underneath the plane, it was beautiful, but then ahead I spotted a large assortment of houses, it must have been the village. "NoobsFTW, Anti Aircraft gun" I heard Repper scream those words before a large shell collided with the plane and sent us spiraling. The air rushed around, I grab held of the controls and tried to pull up but it was no use. The grond neared and my stomach dropped, I turned to Repper who was also screaming. We couldn't bail, and what made things worse it that we would probably die, but I wouldn't let that happen. As the wind pushed against my body, I felt the plane crunch into the ground and my body slamming against what I thought was a rock. The searing pain cut through my defenseless senses and the agonizing pain kicked in, I looked around with all my strength and I could see Repper stuck under the wing of our plane which was now burning "Repper, get up" I tried to scream, but I couldn't wake him. With all my strength I got to my feet and grabbed the wing, which had heated up due to the fire. It burnt my flesh but I didn't care, I ripped it off Repper and dragged him away, and turned back to the plane, limping towards the plane, I kicked it off the edge of the cliff, watching it explode into a house below. Then, the pain rushed to my head, I felt dizzy. "Repper. Repper, get u.." I couldn't finish the sentence, everything went white and I felt my nose being crushed into the hard ground.

Slurred words rushed into my ears, I felt dizzy. Slowly I regained my vision, everything was blurry, the sunlight rushed into my eyes. "Noobs, get up. Royals are coming, please wake up" I looked, it was Repper, shaking me awake. "H-how long have I been lying here?" I rubbed my eyes, which gave my vision a much needed boost. "Ten minutes at the most, now get yourself up. Take your rifle and fight" I mustered a smile "I've got you covered. I wont let you down" with that I grabbed my shotgun that was lying on the floor nearby, and my rifle which was lying next to it. I slowly walked over to the ridge where I kicked the plane off and activated stealth. I could see about fifty Royals walking past the church, my stomach dropped. I looked through my scope and took at shot, my stealth flushing from my body. The Royals picked up the pace, and I shot more, dropped heads with every bullet. They returned fire but Repper and I just took cover, waiting for it to stop and firing more. I was pumped, but the Royals didn't stop, they kept coming. They reached the Guard post, my heart pounded against my ribs "Repper, we run back. We must retreat back to the houses behind us, come on" I ran, jumping off the other side of the cliff and running up a hill to the house, I kicked down the door and jumped inside. Repper followed, and started to move the furniture to make a barrier, we had compiled a good barrier with three tables, two cabinets and several chairs. I turned to Repper, he was as scared as me, we couldn't survive this, and if we did there would be hundreds of Royals in the Village, probably in the houses but they would still hunt us down. I couldn't see much, I started to fade out again, it was either fear or my wounds, but I kept backed against the barricade. I looked over the top and the Royals came flooding up the hill, "This is it" I grasped my cold rifle hard, and pulled the trigger, I shot the leading Royal straight in the head, he collapsed and his comrades returned the fire, tearing up the face of the house, luckily not breaking through the barrier.

We carried on this fighting for only minutes before they approached once more, I swapped for my shotgun, back against the barrier. I sighed, I wouldn't die until I've rescued Cheesewoo and Electronoob, and until then I wont let myself be defeated. A loud crack of more gunfire broke out, not against us however, it was directed at the Royal force. I looked over, and the fifteen or so remaining Royals collapsed, dead. Behind them stood two more Royals, one holding a rifle and the other holding an SMG. They approached us, I didn't fire, neither did Repper, we just waited. They both wore a red Beret without any top and Royal Paratrooper bottoms, the Commando had a knife stuck in the waistband and the Soldier had a two large bullet belts crossed over his torso. They approached are barrier and dropped their guns "We're not here to kill you. We are rebels, discharged from the Royal Army for disobeying Goodman's orders. Your here because of the Nationals who crashed in the Village, aren't you" asked the Commando, picking up his gun once more. "Yes, I'm grateful for what you did. But we must move out, the Nationals you mentioned are my friends and I'm going to save them" I followed Repper and we jumped over the barricade. The Commando looked me in the eye and grinned "I'll help. Oh and by the way, I'm Guerrilla and this is Peanuts" this 'mercenaries' seemed nice, but I wasn't sure about them.

"Fine Guerrilla, you and Peanuts can join us. Repper and I could use the extra fire power" I smiled back, so did Repper. "Oh, I'm LilRepper and this is NoobsFTW" Repper introduced us both, he seemed happy to meet some rebel Royals such as himself. "Well then LilRepper and NoobsFTW. We should start by finding somewhere safe to rest. We have a house that the Royals don't usually search that would be ideal for a short rest before it turns dark, because that's when we should be able to find your friends" I nodded, and the mercenaries started to lead us through the Village. Repper, Guerrilla and myself used stealth, but Peanuts just cocked his SMG and laughed "Screw stealth, Burning Bullets will just tear me a safe pathway".

We arrived at a house facing the ladder that lead up to the church, Peanuts opened it and we all went inside. Guerrilla lit a lantern which gave the house light and took a seat in a red armchair "Peanuts will show you upstairs, you can get some rest if you want" I followed the Soldier upstairs and he pointed to two beds "You and your Royal friend can sleep here, I'll be downstairs with Guerrilla if you need anything" I was happy for once, it was actually nice to have some place that I could rest. Repper had already collapsed on a bed, so I took the other and fell onto it, it felt like heaven, it was something soft, my eyes closed and for once I smiled and meant it. For once the dreams of death and destruction didn't flood my mind, instead I had nothing, just a deep rest that I knew I would probably never have again.

What felt like an eternity later, I felt cold hands grasp my shoulders and shake me awake "It's night. We must go" I rubbed my eyes, and looked to who woke me. It was Guerrilla, while Peanut woke Repper. "Okay, lets go" I jumped out of the bed, ready to see my friends once more. I ran downstairs and grabbed my rifle and slung it on my back, then picked up my Shotgun waited for Guerrilla, Peanuts and Repper to come down. In no less than a few seconds they all came down stairs, all ready to leave. I opened the door, and we all left "I think I know where they might be hiding. Just down the alley there's a house I've seen two people run into" I started to walk "Lets just hope the Royals are too drunk to patrol tonight" Repper laughed, and we all walked down the alley way. As I took every step, something inside me leaped, it's been a while since I've seen my best friends and comrades and I wish for nothing else. We made it, to the house that Guerrilla had pointed out, the cold night air made the anticipation so much worse. I turned the handle and pushed the door open, inside sat Cheesewoo and Electronoob, their guns pointed straight at my head. My friends, they were safe "Cheesewoo, Electronoob. Your S-safe" I couldn't muster anything else. They stood up, dropping their weapons and smiled.

But nothing ever stays good, as I was about to drop my weapon, shouts broke out, it was the Royals. "Men, we all must leave. Run to the roadblock, there is a jeep. We can get to the coast from there" Guerrilla was a good Commander, his orders were clear. We all sprinted to the roadblock, Royals now on our tail. We arrived at the jeep and Guerrilla, Peanuts and ElectroNoob stayed out. They formed a line "Go now. We'll hold them off, there isn't room for us anyway. We can buy you some time" ElectroNoob turned to me and saluted "It's been an honor, now take Cheese and Repper and be off, I know what I must do" I wasn't just going to let my friends sacrifice themselves for me "No, we will all go. We can run, please" I started to shake, my eyes started to water "Please, we can make it, don't stay behind" they wouldn't budge, they where set on buying us time "NoobsFTW, we will see you again. But you must unite the Nationals together and win this war, for all of are sakes. This is my part in this war, making sure are hero can survive" I looked, the Royals would be here in a few seconds. "This is an order, you take Cheesewoo and LilRepper and you win this war for use. I don't want to hear any disobedience, we'll see each other again" I wouldn't defy Electronoob, he was a higher rank and a good friend. I made my way into the jeep with Cheese and Repper, and started up the engine. "Go, we will be okay. It's time we show the Royals what it means to stand united" I drove, I knew what I had to do, but all the time I silently sobbed, I couldn't just leave my friend. As I turned I watched the gunfight break out, and I saw a bullet fly straight past them all, hitting Electronoob, he collapsed onto the floor...

That hour the three brave Soldiers sacrificed all to buy time for the Nationals last hope. Guerrilla, Peanut and ElectroNoob stood against all odds and fought for their friends, there actions would hopefully bring unity to the Nationals and win the war for them. Now it was up to NoobsFTW and his comrades to write their own history, given a blank page and the ink by their friends Guerrilla, Peanut and ElectroNoob.

Chapter Seven: Orders

The night wore old and the new sun pierced through the thick clouds that lined the skies. I turned to Cheesewoo and Repper who seemed torn from the past few events at the Village, as was I. "Guys, I think we've reached the coast" they looked as we drove down a path to the roadblock at the coast. When we reached the roadblock we all hopped out of the jeep, to be greeted by two Commandos, who had their rifles aimed at Repper "Don't shoot. He's a rebel from the Royal army, he's with the Nationals now" I quickly said "Oh, well in that case. I'm Margaritas and this is Guy. If you'd please follow us we'll take you too ShadeShooter" I smiled and followed them over the barrier. We walked up to the roadblock and we past a group of Soldiers, who saluted me like some sort of hero "Why are they doing this?" Guy looked at me "Your NoobsFTW aren't you, we've heard a lot about you recently, the men think your a hero" I grinned and saluted back to the men as we made are way to the lookout. We climbed over the sandbags, and made are way down the hill.

We walked down the hill, I guessed we would be going to the cliffs. I passed another ten or so Nationals, I recognized one of them as Dyabolik "NoobsFTW, you made it" I waved and he saluted me, the nine others joined in "We must get you to Shade" interrupted Margaritas, I nodded. We continued to walk past Nationals and houses until we came to the walled off area where Shade must be stationed. I followed Guy and Margaritas into a house, it was single story with a desk in the center. A tall National Commando stood from the desk, he wore Paratrooper gear and had a Black and Red rifle slung on his back and a jagged double edge knife stuck in the waistband. "ShadeShooter, this is NoobsFTW. He's just arrived from the Village with his comrades Cheesewoo and LilRepper, a rebel Royal" Shade looked at me, before replying "Thank you Margaritas and Guy, you are dismissed. I'd like to talk to these men alone" they left and closed the door.

"NoobsFTW. I've heard quite a bit about you from the Soldiers that arrived here from the Bay and through the radio from the Seaside. You made it possible for the Nationals in the bay to escape unharmed and rescued several men at the Seaside. You have indeed made quite a name for yourself, and you'll find the men at the Coast highly respect you" I nodded "Yes, I've noticed on my way over here" I replied. Cheesewoo and Repper just stood there, listening to the conversation. As Shade was about to reply, a voice cracked over the radio "Mayday Mayday, this is Murpoz" Shade ran over to the radio and picked up the transmitter, speaking into it "This is ShadeShooter. What is the problem" Nothing could have prepared me for what was spoken over the radio next "The Royals...Goodman has compiled the Royals from all over the Seaside and has said that if we don't surrender by tomorrow nightfall he will kill every National in the Seaside. I turned and walked over to the radio, taking the transmitter of Shade "This is NoobsFTW, We are coming. We will help you hold the line, you will not be killed by the Royals, not while I'm alive, not while we have a chance to fight back" I slammed the transmitter into the table "Roger that" replied Murpoz from over the radio. Shade turned to me, he seemed angry "What was that" he asked "That my friend, was an order. Get all the men ready, we move out at noon" Cheese and Repper grinned "To the death, we'll follow ya' with pride". I then turned to Shade "These men trust you, so do I" as he walked out the door, yelling at the men. I ran after him, with Repper and Cheese following "Cheese and Repper, spread the word" they nodded and ran off. I looked, I needed something that would give us the advantage..Planes!

I ran to the backyard, where I knew they had some makeshift runways. At the runway I noticed two pilots from the bay having a drink "Men. We I need all the planes possible" they stepped to attention "NoobsFTW, we have ten planes. Thats thirty men if we have two on the wings" great. Thats the advantage we needed, if we could get Commando's to the Seaside early we could set up vantage points to take down the Royals easier. "Gather the pilots, meet me just outside of the Roadblock, where you keep the planes in thirty minutes" they nodded and went to spread the word. Now I needed to find Cheesewoo and Repper once more, I noticed them talking to a large mob of Nationals at the windmill, around fifty Nationals crowded round. I ran over and pushed through the crowd, standing on a pile of boxes so I was elevated among the crowd "Listen up, I need thirty Commandos at the top of the cliff where the planes are in around thirty minutes, suited up and ready for fighting" they all started yelling, showing high moral. "Cheese and Repper, your coming with me, we have to re-supply. We'll be flying out with them, we need to give them the advantage" we all ran to find the supply place, wherever it is.

We ran to find the Supplies, and watched as all the Nationals piled out from the houses and begun to mobilize. We found Shade by the lookout, standing by several large crates filled with ammunition and bandages "Stock up" he said, we each filled are duffel bags with ammunition and bandages "ShadeShooter, thirty of the Commandos are flying out extremely soon. I expect you'll be leaving with the remaining force soon after. Well I'll see you at the Seaside" We ran, to the roadblock where ten planes where sitting next to one another. Everything slowed down for me, I turned and I saw all the thirty Commandos marching up the hill, big grins on their faces "Were gunna' show these Royals what the Nationals are made of" they had high moral, however they have not watched their best friends die in the midst of war, as I have. In the crowd I spotted several people I knew, Bubblebut, Margaritas, TerrenVa and Guy walking up the hill, along with Ragdog and others that I knew. My heart sank, I wasn't going to let any of these men die, I would lead them into battle and keep them alive even if it meant my own life being sacrificed. They all found a plane cockpit or wing to sit. I walked to the front of all the planes, with Cheesewoo and Repper by my side. I pulled my bandanna down from my mouth so I could speak more clear "Men. Today you are flying out to defend your brothers at the Seaside. There will come a day when we face an army that will strike the fear into all of are hearts, but today we stand proud and preserve the remaining Nationals and are moral for the day will come when we need it the most, when we have are final battle with the Royals" I looked at all the faces, it was torture on me to send them all into battle but I knew it was best "The men sitting on the wings, you will be dropping near the hillside farm and setting up Vantage points using the parachutes you've all been equipped with. The pilots, you will prove air defense for the Nationals, and remember. Are mission is not to push the Royals out of the Seaside, but to hold a firm line and leave no hole for the Royals to break through and slaughter us all" I placed my bandanna back over my face and took three parachutes from the remaining plane and gave one to Cheesewoo and Repper and fitting the final one onto myself. The Commandos cheered as all the planes roared into action, we took to the air, the screams of the pumped Nationals could be heard from the air. I adjusted my sombrero and took the controls, tearing up the air we flew, united to save are brethren...

Chapter Eight: Charge

The cold air rushed past my face, blowing into my eyes and slightly clouding my vision. "Looks like the Royals will be getting quite a surprise" I laugh, talking through the radio so all the people flying could hear. "Roger that, they'll be getting quite a surprise" replied a voice, crackling through the radio. It sounded familiar, it was Ragdog's voice "Ragdog, I didn't think they could trust you to fly a plane" I joked, laughs poured through the radio speaker.

The remainder of the journey was spent in silence, which surprisingly was only around five minutes before I could spot the lighthouse in the distance. "Okay Commando's, you'll be dropping now. Set up a vantage and wait for further orders, good luck" the Commando's on the wings dropped, and then pulled the ripcord to their parachutes. "Men, we should land on the strip of ground between the two bases, see you on the ground" my orders where followed, and the planes dipped, readying themselves to land. I did the same, pulling the plane down closer to the ground. I could see several soldier waving at us, happy to see reinforcements. We touched the ground, and the landing wheels skided against the grass and bringing us to a halt. Around me, the other nine planes landed safely, and the pilots then jumped from their planes cockpit. "C'mon men. Move to the Hillside farm, Murpoz will provide you with further instructions before returning to your squads" I ordered the Commando's once more, and they listened, all running towards the farm which was only really a minute away. I followed, jogging slowly behind the rest of the group, watching as they where met by a large group of Nationals, sharing their cigars and laughing together.

I ignored the large group, and headed straight to Murpoz. He was sitting on the sandbags surrounding the flag, puffing lightly on a cigar. Next to him sat another Commando, wearing the same trench and Sombrero as me along with a white mime mask. I joined them, catching Murpoz by supprise "Well well, looks like your unstoppable" laughed Murpoz, getting up from the sandbags to greet me. "Ah Murpoz, hows it been holding on your front" I looked at the other Commando, he seemed uninterested in me, and concentrated on his cigar "Nothing apart from Goodman's threat, it's been really quiet" it was good news really, not that many small assaults and cassualties is always good. "The Commando's should be making their way too you soon. But I'm going to find my squad, I'll see you later" I saluted him, before turning around and walking off. Around the corner, where the small bit of rock protruded from the cliff face, I saw Cheesewoo and Repper standing with a reasonable large crowd. Cheesewoo and Repper approached me grinned, followed by three others who detached themselves from the group. I instantly recognized them from the Village, Guerrilla, ElectroNoob and Peanuts walked up to me, grinning "ElectroNoob, Guerrilla, Peanuts...you made it" I stammered, I couldn't believe they survived. But I was extremely happy "Well, after you left. A Gunner and Commando had somehow saved us, killing the remaining Royals and taking us to safety" ElectroNoob turned to the crowd "PhantomRenagade, Smmy, come over here" a Gunner wearing two bullet belts draped diagonally over his topless torso walked over, followed by a Commando wearing the basic Commando gear with a Red Beret. "These are the men who saved our lives" explained Peanuts. I was deeply thankful that these two Royals had protected my friends at the Village, anybody who chooses to fight against the majority, against the odds are people that I respect. I saluted them "Well done Soldiers, you've gained my respect" then turning to the crowd, scanning for more people I knew. "Royals" they all turned to me "Welcome to the squad, I think introductions are required". A Gunner stepped forward, he wore a green trench coat without an undershirt and a Red Beret "CookieChopper reporting for duty" he stood to attention, saluting. Next, a Soldier wearing extremely rugged and torn clothes stepped forward "I'm Pacgame, an ex Royal Medic" he then stepped back, and a Commando wearing no shirt, with his torso painted camouflage colors and a red Bandanna and Beret "I'm Lolzortske, I'm here to make Goodman pay for what he's done to the Royals". Then a Soldier walked up, accompanied by two other Gunners "I'm Neok" "I'm RyanStyles" said one of the Gunners, "Yeh, and I'm Deadly" said the other Gunner, who had a scarily muscular body. Finally, a lone Commando walked from the crowd, wearing a green shirt and Commando cap, along with several medals "I'm BattleHawk, ready to make Goodman pay" I saluted them all, before adjusting my Sombrero and mask "Men, welcome once again to the squad. I'm honored to serve with you all". They all started to clap, "Okay, now back to positions" I made my way to the small alcove and sat, lent against a rock.

The day grew older, night was dawning upon us and so was Goodman's army. Around me sat my Comrades, new and old. In the distance, I could make out ShadeShooter and the infantry men and the tanks driving from the horizon. Above me, the stars started to appear, as bright as they shone the night this all first started. It started to chill down, the temperature dropped as the night begun to embrace the land "NoobsFTW, do you think we'll survive" asked Smmy "Personally, I have no clue. I cannot determine the future, only convince it" my reply seemed short yet I knew I could convey the point. He did not reply, and we all sat in silence, IvoryBlade, ElectroNoob, Cheesewoo, LilRepper, Bubblebut, TerrenVa, Ragdog, Smmy, Neok, Phantom, Darkest, Ryan, Deadly, Cookie, Lolzortske, Pacgame and BattleHawk...my Comrades. The silence kept on going, until I could hear cheering from the Hillside farm, it was ShadeShooter and his men..they had arrived. Nobody got up, we just sat there and tried to relax, waiting anxiously for what awaited. I pulled my trench coat over me, to keep me warm and lent my Rifle and Shotgun on the rock next to me. The memories of everything flooded back, I could see the night I was informed about Cheesewoo and Electronoob, the night I rescued Ivory and fought over fifty Royals and held them off while we liberated four Soldiers caught behind enemy lines. My memories overwhelmed me, before I was brought back to the present. I must have dozed off, because tanks and men lined up everywhere, they all had positions and orders. I couldn't believe it, all the Nationals that remaining stood here today, not scattered around the land, but right here. ShadeShooter and Murpoz came over to me, I stood up to greet them properly. "NoobsFTW, we've briefed are men and the Royals are approaching as we speak. According to Snipers situated on another cliff, they are proceeding through the Seaside Village and should be here extremely soon, I suggest you ready yourself and your men" it was time, my stomach twisted terribly "Okay" I turned around, back to my large squad. "Men ready yourselves, the Royals are approaching" with my words everybody hoped up, readying themselves for the fight. I grabbed my rifle and shotgun, slinging the shotgun on my back and keeping my rifle to had. "Okay, at first sight we give them hell. This may be are only chance of survival, and remember men. We are playing the defensive, not the offensive".

Through the village, I could spot the heads of men approaching. "This is it" I quietly said to myself, steadying my rifle. I threw on stealth and looked through my scope, my vision was slightly shaky but I could make do. I inhaled a quick breath to steady it further, and aimed my rifle onto an incomming Gunners head. I pulled the trigger and the first bullet left my rifles barrel, the Gunner dropped. Around him the Royals jumped to attention, and started to return fire, the fight had started. "FOR THE NATIONALS" I screamed, firing four more shots before reloading my clip. Adrenalin pumped through my veins, and around my tanks fired massive shells onto the crowds and the Nationals fired at the surprised Royals. Then their tanks started to shoot back, shaking the ground and killing our men in return. My squad had taken up several positions, the Commando's doing what I was, while the Gunners rained bullets from a safe distance and the Soldiers fired their burning bullets at the Royals. I looked over my rock and steadied my rifle once more, I shot another bullet and recovered from the recoil before shooting again. Every shot I made dropped a Royal, stopping him dead in his tracks.

The battle raged on, but the Royals kept coming and around me I could see flaming tanks and corpses of Nationals that had been shot down. Luckily my squad wasn't hit, but around me I could see more and more people being killed every second. "It's no use. We've got to make a push!" I screamed, and as I turned I watched a stray bullet hit Terren straight in the head. He fell, and anger rushed through my veins, I watched helplessly as Pacgame tried to revive him, but it was no use. "Terren" a tear dropped from my eye, but no more as I turned back to the Royals and let out an almighty scream of anger. They looked at me, and started aiming directly for me, but I just ducked behind the rock, readying myself for another fire. I needed something more powerful, I needed an SMG maybe or a Machine gun, "Neok, you've got two SMG's. Throw me one" I yelled, raising my voice to overcome the gunfire. He turned and threw me a long ranged SMG. I cocked the gun, I wasn't sure if this would work but I had to give it a try. I concentrated extremely hard and activated piercing shot, before ripping the gun into action and started shooting into the crowd, it worked and I killed about twenty Royals with the clip. Still not enough though, we all needed to push harder. The Royals could be defeated, but they seemed to persevere and push back our lines. It wouldn't be long before we would have to retreat, but then my eyes slid to Terren's lifeless corpse and something inside me clicked. I reloaded the SMG, before running to find Murpoz. I found him by a tank, behind the hillside farm "Spread the word, the Nationals will be pushing forward" I then turned, running back to my squad "Men, I don't want to alarm you. But it's required that we make a final push against the Royals, to win this battle" my voice exceeded the noise of the Gunfire, barely though. "Roger that" I heard somebody yell, and they all pulled back from their current positioned. Behind me, I could see the remaining Nationals readying for the push.

"Men" I yelled, catching all their attention "Today, we fight for our brethren, not are own lives. Someday we will have to fight for our lives, to regain the world and restore it to it's original state. But not today, today we fight to save the Nationals at the Seaside. I turned away from the crowd, and slung my rifle onto my back along with my shotgun. I clutched the SMG tightly and charged, the Nationals behind me followed, cheering. To my side, Electronoob and Cheesewoo ran. I grinned at them, somehow we knew it was okay. We all ran down the hill, followed behind us by the remaining Nationals and tanks, but we lead the charge into the thick of it. I started to shoot wildly, as did Electronoob and Cheesewoo, around me I saw Royals being cut down due to their surprise attitude to our push. Something hit my chest, a bullet more than likely. The pain spanned into action, and I started to sweat and bleed immensely, but I kept on going. Around me, I saw Smmy bashing a Royal's head with the barrel of his gun and BattleHawk plunging his knife into a Royals neck. I felt dizzy, as more pain erupted in my chest, I had been thrice more. I clutched my chest, and stumbled backwards slightly, before the cold embrace of death rushed through my body, grasping my life tightly. "Me-me-medic..." I tried to call for help, but only blood rushed from my mouth, and the slightest of words. To my side, I saw Neok and RyanStyles running towards me, followed by who I thought was Guerrilla "NoobsFTW, NoobsFTW" I could hear them yelling my name but I couldn't reply. Then it all faded, I felt my head hit the ground and that was it, the ethereal cold gripped me tightly.

My eyes opened, and light flooded in. Around me, I could see cheering Nationals, and my squad standing near me. I wasn't sure what had happened, but one thing was for sure, and as I lay there, the warmth of the sunlight against my skin re-assured me that I was alive...

Chapter Nine: Only Hope - Part One

The mood was grim, my wounds ached and the news that awaited hurt also. I staggered across the runway at the Hillside farm, Lolzortske and Neok supporting my arms so I wouldn't fall. Murpoz and ShadeShooter stood outside, talking to a group of Soldiers about something that seemed serious, judging by the looks on their faces and just the mood that surrounded us all. "Murpoz" I coughed, it hurt my sore chest to talk. He turned from the crowd "NoobsFTW, there's something you should know" my stomach twisted and I felt faint "Goodman and the Royals have invaded the Coast. The minute they realized that the Nationals had banded together, he ceased the opportunity and took the unguarded village." I looked at the group of Soldiers and ShadeShooter, they nodded grimly. "You mean all we have this small piece of the Seaside, the rest is Royal territory?" it was hard to grasp, I couldn't bring myself to accept that we are cornered by the Royals. "I'm sorry NoobsFTW" he seemed dull, but found it easier to cope with the news. "Well I'll find a way" I pushed Lolzortske and Neok away and staggered off, looking for BattleHawk who had mentioned something about a Village by the Riverside that had been a rumor going around the Royal camp.

Neok and Lolzortske followed me "NoobsFTW, you're going to hurt yourself" Neok ducked under my arm and supported me once more, my wounds ached terribly, I thought I was going to collapse, but Neok and Lolzorske's support kept me upright. "Ugh..Do any of you have any information about that Riverside?" Neok turned his head "Yeah. I've got a basic idea where it might be, I'm probably the only person that only bothered to listen to the stories". This was it, if Neok could lead us into the Riverside Village, we could have a safe heaven from the Royals until we can attempt to either defeat the Royals or re-take some land. "Oi, BattleHawk and Phantom" I called the two Commando's and got their attention "I'm going need you both to tell Murpoz and ShadeShooter that we are moving out, to the Riverside. Rally all the men, bring everything we have" they nodded and ran off. Neok and Lolzortske supported me as I staggered over to the crowd that contained my squad from the previous battle, which I haven't been able to see since I woke this morning.

"NoobsFTW" called Ragdog, he had a large bandage that had been soaked with blood wrapped around his arm. "Ragdog, men.." I tore away from Neok and Lolzortske and approached them. "NoobsFTW, we've lost Terren" Guerrilla handed my his Dog tags, I snatched them from him, and put them around my neck. "I've had enough of this, no more can die. We are retreating men, we are going to the Riverside" IvoryBlade, ElectroNoob, Cheesewoo, LilRepper, Bubblebut, Ragdog, Smmy, Neok, Darkest, Ryan, Deadly, Cookie, Lolzortske and Pacgame all turned and shot me a confused look. "Why..we can still fight" asked Cookie "Because we've had enough dead. We cannot hold out....Goodman has taken the coast, if we don't retreat we are cornered"....

Phantom and BattleHawk came running, followed by Murpoz and Haunther. "Are you all ready?" Murpoz nodded, I noticed that slowly I had gained the ability to order even the leaders. "Yes, we've mobilized the tanks and jeeps. However, we cannot bring all the planes. We can only risk bringing IvoryBlade's plane" I looked around, I could see a plane that was obviously Ivory's parked on the runway. It was painted red and black, with the nationals emblem on their wing and side, "Well then, get all the men mobilized immediately. Neok, you'll lead the way won't you?" Neok grinned and nodded, I then turned to the crowd, "Follow Murpoz and ShadeShooter's orders, I'll be right behind you" they followed Murpoz, along with Neok and Haunther. I staggered off, following the crowd....

Chapter Nine: Only Hope - Part Two

We lead the convoy, the roar of the engines blocked out even my own thoughts. I shared the jeep with Neok who drove, Smmy, Pacgame and Lolzortske who sat next to me. I turned to him occasionally, swapping what few words we could before the noise would choke the words out. Around me, I suddenly realized that these men where the last Nationals and Royals that haven't been tainted by the greed and deception of war. These men had entrusted me with their lives, however I didn't expect any of this...I was like any other Commando in the National Army, following out orders that I had been given until the day that still is etched into my mind so hard that the scars couldn't heal, not in a million years.

I was with my brother, NoobPatrol. Really, we did everything together, he was my best friend until the day we parted. We where patrolling the Seaside, by the lighthouse. I remember looking away for a single second, only to hear a loud crack. To my side, I watched as NoobPatrol fall to his knees, his white shirt turning crimson from the wound on his neck. As I was still in stealth, the sniper did not notice me, but I noticed him quickly and returned fire, killing him instantly. But then, I had to deal with my dying brother. That day, as I sat by his side holding his hand to comfort him and attempting to heal his wounds, my brother died in my arms, his presence leaving me forever....I hated the Royals for this, they had taken away the most precious thing in my life, and from that moment I would never be the same...

The nights bitter air crushed my emotions further, I couldn't relax properly. I noticed that Lolzortske and Smmy where sleeping, I couldn't imagine how they could on such a night. As the journey continued, a small house could be made out in the distance. But as we approached, it became shrouded in mist, blocking our vision apart from the small beam of light emitted from the jeeps headlights. Neok kept driving, until he reached a bridge. At the start of the bridge, Neok stopped and jumped from the jeep, behind us came the whole convoy, stopping wherever they could find a spot. A figure walked out of the fog that hid what lay on the other side of the bridge, he wore tattered clothes with a worn Gunners helmet and had a gold plated Machine gun clutched tightly in his hands. As he approached, Neok's face wore an expression that would make you think he had encountered this man before, he uttered "Neanderthall...is that you?"....

Chapter Ten: Return to the Bay

By morning the fog had lifted, the suns warmth brushed against my skin as I lay across the seats of a jeep, my sombrero placed over my face so any light would not disturb my attempt to sleep that night. I brushed my sombrero of my face, light immediately blinding me for a moment. Around, I could see that my actions had been right, watching the Nationals, feeling safe for the first time. That man from last night caught my eye, I hadn't seen him as he went off with Murpoz, ShadeShooter and Neok. Me on the other hand, I fell asleep on the seat when everybody left the jeep. I pulled myself up and put my coat back on, before approaching the figure who seemed deep in conversation with Neok. "NoobsFTW, this is Neanderthall. The last of the Heroes of the Riverside" I smiled at the tattered looking man, his helmet worn and slightly lopsided "Hi" he grunted. Although he wasn't talkative, he seemed friendly. As I was about to get into the conversation, IvoryBlade ran past me, carrying a large duffel bag. "NoobsFTW, Baronen and Tuexdo..." he didn't finish his sentence, but I knew what he was going to say, I felt a strange obligation to these two soldiers and I turned from Neanderthall and Neok "I've got to leave. There is some things I must attend to" I ran off, following Ivory to his plane...

"Ivory, I'm coming" I smiled, and jumped onto the wing of his plane. He started the engine "Go ahead, I could use the extra fire power". As the plane started to move, Cookie, Smmy and several other of my comrades came rushing. "Men, I'll be back. But I've got things I must sort out" I saluted them and the plane took off. The wind pushed me, but I kept a firm grip on the plane. I didn't know where I was going, I didn't care. Wherever I was going I would leave an impression to the Royals... "Noobs, we are going to the bay. Tux and Baronen have been captured for a few days now, but I've only recived word today" I nodded, and readied a parachute onto my back that Ivory had handed me. Time passed on, I took this time to ready myself for whatever was ahead, but personally I wasn't worried about anything anymore, I merely wanted to save the Nationals. Below, I could see the lighthouse, I knew I'd have to drop soon. The bitter wind kept my senses sharp, helping me keep a clear mind. "NoobsFTW, if you drop now. You should find yourself at the Royal Base by the Farm, thats where Baronen and Tux are being held" I nodded, and slipped from the wing, embracing the wind.

I spread my arms and legs out, the wing keeping my gliding through the air, slowly falling down. Soon I'd have to pull my ripcord, but I enjoyed the feeling that was gained through free falling. As the ground neared, I regained myself and pulled the ripcord. I was jerked upwards as the parachute was released and caught the air. I had my shotgun and sniper in my duffel bag that was also slung onto my back, under the parachute. The ground neared quickly, a quick gust of wind blew me into the cliff face near the farm's runway. My skin was torn away on my arm and the side of my face, and my parachute was caught. Pain rushed through my body, but I just braced myself as I crunched into the grass at the foot of the cliff, my parachute tearing off the cliff and falling on me. "Ugh" I brushed myself off and got to my feet, scanning the area for Royals. Non in sight, which was good and I could see IvoryBlade's plane touching down on the runway beside me, I should have stayed on the wing. As I tried to walk pain stabbed into my chest, it was the wound that I had obtained in the previous firefight. Blood trickled from my face and arm as I staggered, Ivory hopped out and shrouded himself in stealth and ran over to me, catching me just before I collapsed. "God, you've gone and injured yourself again" he seemed angry, but supported my to the building near the runway "Don't worry. The Royals aren't on duty tonight, according to Cookie they all drink at the tavern in the Bay's Village in the early evening...they think we aren't much of a threat" we walked over to the house, where Ivory kicked the door in. Inside, sat two Nationals tied up and badly wounded "Baronen and Tuxedo, quickly" Ivory and myself helped them to their feet and out the building, as quickly as we could. I felt a bit better, but Ivory applied a bandage to my arm just to make sure.

I looked at Ivory, and turned away and started walking off "NoobsFTW, what are you doing" he chased after me, with Baronen on the wing along with Tuxedo. I turned "You have three seats, I didn't plan on coming back with you. I have things I must do, I've got to kill Goodman and anybody else who threatens us" he put his arm around my shoulder "But.." I started to run, my duffel bag filled with enough supplies to last me over a month "I'll come back, don't worry"...As I walked down the hill, I watched the plane take off and fly back to the Riverside, but I was driven by another motive now. I was going to retake the bay, become an unknown horror to the Royals.

They will fear my name...
Cold Zero: The Sniper's term for the one shot you get at finishing the job, the final, irrevocable pull of the trigger. For some people, it is not that moment...

It is a state of mind.

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Fri Feb 12, 2010 3:04 am
ColdZero says...

Chapter Eleven: The Unknown Terror

Rain started to fall from the sky, mixed with the bitter cold of the air made it worse. My coat was soon soaked and started to cling to my skin. However only one thing mattered, I had to strike fear into the hearts of the Royals. As I continued my walk down the hill, I could see the large outcrops of rocks that the Royal Commando's would use as a vantage point to pick of any Royals that attempted to leave the area around the mansion. I clambered up the small outcrop that overlooked the ship, and pulled my trench off before using it as a cover over the top of my body, keeping my Rifle and myself safe from the rain. I rummaged around in my Duffel Bag and retrieved my Rifle, putting it under the coat by my side. Then I pulled out another cover, a camouflage colored blanked that I had found in Murpoz's gear, I placed that over the top of me and it then activated stealth, everything becoming invisible. I closed my eyes, I was hidden safely where I knew no Royals ever go, but I had a good vantage. I kept my Duffel Bag and Sniper under the cover, along with myself. I slowly drifted off, I knew tomorrow I would hunt them all, I would reek havoc. As I started to drift, I opened my eyes to see the morning sun coming in over head, but I knew it would be best to sleep through the day, I was hidden by my stealth. Slowly I lost consciousness..everything faded out as I drifted to sleep.

Voices came from all over the place, I quickly opened my eyes. To my relief I hadn't been found, but I felt fresh and new, but my burning passion to get my own back at the Royals took over. I clutched my Rifle and took my Shotgun from the Duffel Bag. I then moved closer to the end of the rock, looking through the scope of my Rifle to gain a better view. There was a lot of Royals around the Village stairs, and the Shipwreck, most of them either drinking or smoking. I placed my finger on the trigger, I saw one Royal that looked familiar, Yarmoss. I'd seen him on the battlefield, a greedy fellow who enjoyed looting the bodies of the fallen. I grinned, nobody was near him as he sat on the was on the bow of the ship, drunk. I pulled the trigger, blood exploded from his head and he fell to the ground, a puddle of blood quickly forming. My stealth flushed off and a group of Royals ran to him, looking around for the culprit, but I was hidden. I grabbed the cover and stuffed it into the bag, before zipping it up.

I ran quickly towards the farm, no Royal had noticed me yet. I felt strange, something had taken me over, it was the burning passion to kill the Royals that have destroyed my life...I threw on my stealth again before turning back, this time I would clear more. I ran to the beach, and walked around a large rock formation with the water at my ankles. I could see a large group of Royals, crowding around Yarmoss. "Men, we have a rouge afoot. Search this place back to front, I want this man caught" they dashed off, then the man giving the orders ran to the village. I could tell he was going to the village, to get more reinforcements. I turned and ran back around the corner, a group of four Royals running towards the farm caught my eye. I started to follow them, I would kill them...

They stopped, looking around for me. I slowly crept up, pulling my knife from my pants waistband and slinging my sniper on my back. "What do you want on your tombstone" I whispered in the Gunners ear, he tried to turn but I stuck my knife between his ribs, releasing the warm sticky blood. I pushed him onto the soldier in front, giving me enough time to swing around and stick the Soldier standing to the left in the neck. I yanked the blade free and grabbed his shotgun, blasting the Commando to the right in the legs and the Soldier in the chest. It ended in a flash, only the Commando survived on the floor, groaning in agony. I turned to him, cocking my head to the side and lifting the shotgun over his face, I whispered "Only the strongest will survive.." I looked away and pulled the trigger, blood splattering over the side of my face and body, that patrol was finished. I threw the shotgun onto the floor, before taking off quickly. In a matter of minutes Royals would have flooded this area, and I needed a plan.

Stealth shrouded my body once more, I had to run to the mansion to retrieve something I had left there earlier in the war. The outside world was numbed by my thoughts, I wasn't going to stop until I had achieved my goal. I past the Shipwreck, sprinting so I didn't notice anybody, I just kept concentrating, I needed to get to the mansion. "We've got four men down by the farm" I heard a voice yell, I could hear over twenty voices replying. I ran past the trees and to the bridge, where I realized that there was a large group of Royals standing in the courtyard of the mansion. I couldn't fight them all, I had to do something else, something more devastating. I slowly walked into the courtyard extremely quietly and walked up to a Soldier, he didn't notice me because I was stealthed. I then crouched and pulled the pin from a grenade stuck on his belt, then I turned and ran from the courtyard, the twenty Royal soldiers unaware of what awaited them...

I watched from a safe distance, the grenade exploded and smoke shrouded the area. I heard screams from the surviving Royals, I un-stealthed myself and pulled my shotgun from the duffel bag. I walked into the courtyard, blood and body parts everywhere. I looked around, three Soldiers lay with their legs heavily mutilated and blood covering their bodies. "H-help" they tried to scream, but blood dripped from their mouths as they tried to speak. I lifted the shotgun to his head, he winced and I pulled the trigger and he dropped, blood exploding from his head. I then turned to the two remaining Royals, "Your next" I growled, shooting him in the chest. He screamed but didn't die, I then lifted the shotgun and shot him in the head, he dropped also. It was a bloody mess, only one Royal had survived "I'm going to let you survive. Tell your commander here at the bay that NoobsFTW's coming for you" I kicked the mansion's door down and walked inside. I made my way to the dresser and pushed it down, it revealed a bag full of Troop Traps which was what I was looking for. I picked up the bag and stuffed it into my duffel bag along with my shotgun, before walking out again.

I walked into the night once more, stealthing myself to keep out of view. I took a deep breath of the salty night air, it bit at my senses and kept me awake. The sun would rise in around four hours, I had enough time to execute my plan. I pulled a Troop Trap from my Duffel Bag, I tossed it around in my hands and made sure it was still working. I grinned and stuffed it back into the bag, before slinging it onto my bag. I made my way across the bridge past the large group of Royals without being spotted and walked down the small hill until I could see the Shipwreck. As I walked, I knew that I would make my mark, this was what I must do....

Chapter Twelve: Alone...

The mornings sun had came to overpower the bitter night, but as the darkness faded my reign of terror upon the Royals had just begun. I was stalking a tall Gunner behind the village, he had been fixing the Anti Aircraft gun that I had sabotaged that previous night. I tightened my grip around my knife, clearing the distance between me and the gunner in a matter of seconds, I was ready to kill. I stepped on a stone and he turned, but I was quicker and I pushed the blade into his throat and tore it out quickly. Blood squirted from his wound, he gasped for air but his windpipe had been severed by the cold steel of my knife. As he fell, he started to shoot, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach but it then went away as I heard voices coming from the village. He fell onto the sandbags and in a matter of seconds they became crimson, the color of his blood. "Your role in this war has been ended" I strode off, leaving the Gunner to die. As I past the end of the village's back entrance, my stealth recharged and I activated it once more. Behind me I saw the Gunner gasping, before he stopped struggling and I watched the life leave his body, never to return.

I had finished my task, every entrance and exit to the bay has been lined with Troop Traps, so any Royal attempting to escape would be blown to pieces. But now my focus was on NativeJam, the Royal Commander at the Bay. To make my mark, I must kill him. With him dead, the Royals at the Bay will soon find that they will fall into chaos without a leader to govern them, they would even be prone to any National attacks. I felt tired, my wounds still ached from the Seaside and I needed some rest. I stumbled around, I knew that my wounds still had to heal, so I clambered up onto the rock that I would always use as a vantage point and just slowly fell to the ground.

I looked around, I was lying in a pool of my own blood. "What.." I looked down, I had been shot in the stomach, no wonder I collapsed so quickly. I pulled a bandage from my Duffel Bag and wrapped it around my stomach, under my trench coat. I got up, the sun was setting by the mansion, I must have slept for quite some time. Below, at the Shipwreck I could spot NativeJam talking to a large group of Royals, I could hear what he was saying. "Men, Goodman's scouts have apparently located the Nationals new hiding place. He's ordering the soldiers at the Seaside to assault the base" I grabbed my Duffel Bag and slid down the rock face "The Royals are attacking the Riverside?" I ran to the staircase that lead into the village and stood on the ledge that overlooked the front of the ship. The large crowd disbanded and went off to complete their duties, but NativeJam strode off with four Gunners who seemed to act like body guards. I couldn't stay any longer, I had to defend the Nationals but I also had to kill NativeJam. No, I couldn't let the Royals find the Nationals, I will deal with him later.

I grabbed my shotgun from the Duffel Bag and ran to the mansion where I knew there was a plane. Across the bridge and into the courtyard still painted with blood I ran, then to the runway where I hopped onto the plane. "In their time of need, I will be there" the plane roared into action and I flew into the air, I could see Royals rushing to the Anti Aircraft guns, only to realize they didn't work anymore. In minutes I was already past the Bay, moving towards the Riverside, nothing going through my head but the horrible thoughts of what could happen if they got caught off guard. "I'm coming" I screamed into the air, swooping down when I saw the lighthouse.

Five minutes past and I could see a large group of Soldiers and Tanks going the same way we did when we went to the Riverside, I swooped down but I felt something shake the plane "Arghh" I screamed as I started to spiral, the plane started smoking and spiraling into the ground....

Pain seared through my body, but I managed to pull myself from the wreckage. The smoke from the plane cleared, and all I could see was Soldiers...marching forwards. "This is it" I sighed and threw on my stealth, before tearing an two SMG's from my Duffel Bag that I had taken at the Bay. I ran behind the wrecked plane, and screamed before pulling the triggers. As I fired into the crowd, they returned fire, bullets flying around everywhere. It was a gunfight alright, I'd killed about ten people and not been hit once yet, it looked possible that I could hold them off. I pulled a grenade from my Duffel Bag and tore the pin out before throwing it into the crowd of Royals "Grenade" I heard them yell. It exploded, throwing several Royals around and setting a tank on fire. I continued to shoot at them, but the tanks opened fire, their large shells smashing around me and causing heavy damage to the landscape. I ran out of cover as a shell blasted the plane, and looked for more cover. I found a rock and dived behind it but it wasn't enough, something hit me in the arm, blood soaking my coat and causing intense pain, I thought I was going to die.

It slowed, everything slowed right down. I realized I wouldn't survive this, I stood up and tore into the crowd once more, their blood spilling everywhere. I was shot in the leg, then the stomach twice. "Arghhh" I screamed with pain, I started to fade out when I felt a cold hand grip mine and start to pull me. I started to get dragged, I held onto my Duffel Bag and SMG's, still shooting into the crowd. The shooting stopped but I was still being dragged, I looked up and I saw a man wearing exactly the same as me, but he had his face covered by a mask that resembled a skeletons face. I tried to talk but he heaved me onto his back and started to sprint using elixir. I started to fade out once more, this time closing my eyes, I wasn't sure if I'd open them again...

Chapter Thirteen: From the depths of war, a hero will rise

The blood rushed back into my head, I suddenly regained my senses and scrambled to my feet with the pain of my wounds rushing through my body and re awakening me fully. I looked around, around me stood half destroyed buildings and blood staining the floor, it was the Riverside at it's worst. "NoobsFTW it's you" a figure stumbled over to my clutching his left arm, a blood soaked bandage covering what seemed to be a brutal wound "Lolzortske?". He nodded, he bore a grim look which reassured me something was wrong "The Royals, they came pinned us down, before taking prisoners, it seemed they where on direct orders from Goodman". It shot back through my body, like a surge of adrenalin I remembered what had happened before I passed out, I had failed to stop the Royal assault. "What about my comrades.." he looked at his feet "Captured...they took everyone of them" I turned, I had to rescue them. As I tried to storm off, but I felt a hand grip me on the shoulder "You cannot do anything in your condition, your badly wounded" I looked around to see who was addressing me. It was the man who saved me, "Who..who are you" he handed me my Duffel Bag "I'm SigmaSlugger, I've been watching the Nationals for a while now. I'm an outcast, but these dire times call require as much help as possible" I took the duffel bag and checked everything was inside. "Well SigmaSlugger, I don't know if you realize. But my friends could be killed at any moment, and I will not let injuries hinder me" I walked off, Sigma and Lolzortske trailing behind me. "Noobs" yelled Sigma "You stay here for all I care, the Nationals have been captured, I must save them" I spotted a jeep and started to pick up the pace. The pain didn't bother me, I wouldn't stop until I had rescued the Nationals, I couldn't....

I arrived at the jeep and opened my duffel bag, inside something caught my eye that I had forgotten about. It was my brothers pistol, I remeber him giving it to me before he was killed, I've kept it in my duffel bag ever since. I pulled it out, it still had bullets inside, bullets that where loaded by NoobPatrol. I pulled back the head to push a bullet into the barrel and slipped into my waistband along with my knife, "Are you coming" I hopped into the drivers seat and started the engine. Sigma and Lolzortske jumped into the jeep "I wouldn't leave you behind" the jeep roared into action.

The night encased the world once more, I was getting closer and closer to Goodman and my comrades. It will all be over soon, I will fix this world if it kills me...

Around thirty minutes later we arrived at the bay, passing through the farm area, no Royals in sight. We continued along, until I stopped the jeep as I noticed the large group of Royals standing in a large crowd watching Nationals on their knees, Goodman behind them holding two SMG's. "Lolzortske, Sigma" they hopped out the jeep "Find somewhere to hide, I'm going to end this" they ran off to the rock outcrop and I activated my stealth. "Today, we finish the Nationals. Today, I liberate the Royals from their presence by killing the leaders in the resistance". I ran closer, pushing through the crowd of Royals silently, approaching my comrades. My heart pounded against my chest, I unstealthed to show myself to Goodman. "It ends here Goodman" he reacted quickly, lifting one of his SMG's to my chest. "NoobsFTW, I've heard much about you. I know if you die, the National resistance will die also. You have been foolish approaching me".

"For years, I have not known what my place in this world was. But now I know, I've found my destiny. I will finish this and save the world" Goodman laughed, pulling the trigger of the SMG. Pain erupted in my chest, I staggered back and my comrades knelt watching, bound by rope, no way of helping me. I ripped NoobPatrol's pistol from my belt and shot Goodman between the eyes, he stumbled backwards before falling on the floor, a large flash of green light shot from his body it then stopped, but something happened. I fell my knees and the Royals stood, Cookie broke from his bonds and let everybody else free. "NoobsFTW" he yelled, running quickly to help me. The pain spread from my body, I felt dizzy. Everybody crowded around me, my vision slowly fading out...As it worsened, I saw somebody push through the crowd, tears streaming down his face. "Brother" he fell to his knees and started to sob loudly. "It worked, I had fixed the world. Goodman was dead, everything was restored, people must have started re spawning" I smiled as I watched all my friends faces from above me, their voices and screams started to fade away also, everything was blurry.

"Everybody has a destiny, this was mine" Cheesewoo knelt by my side, lifting my torso onto his knee. "You can't leave, we need you. Your my best friend" I started to cry, I knew it would be over soon. "I saved you all, it's back to normal. You don't need me anymore, I've done my duty, you all are strong, you will be fine". I started to go limp, the pain was numbed but I knew I was still dying, it was over. "Thank you all, my friends, my comrades. For sticking by my side, I salute you all. Goodbye" I lifted my arm and mustered a slight salute. Everything blackened, I felt my head go limp then nothing...

Cheesewoo stroked NoobsFTW's head as he slowly drifted off into nothing. His comrades stood, in silent salute to this man, their savior. The morning sun was rising, it's rays dancing on the ripples in the ocean, the cool breeze whispered through the trees. That day, NoobsFTW gave the ultimate gift to the world, he gave his very life to save the world. To this date, he was remembered for his deeds, uniting the Royals and Nationals together, as he used to say "United we Stand"....

Thats it, I hope you enjoyed it guys :)
Cold Zero: The Sniper's term for the one shot you get at finishing the job, the final, irrevocable pull of the trigger. For some people, it is not that moment...

It is a state of mind.

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41 Reviews

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Fri Feb 12, 2010 9:03 pm
IzumiRyuichi says...

Hey Protonoob... I mean, ColdZero. I'm not particularly here to review, but I am here to give my opinion on the story. First, this is an amazing story. I read this a while ago and followed you when you wrote it and I still love it. The detail (which I'm picky with) was great along with the plot line with the story. Overall, its outstanding besides for grammatical errors here and there, but everyone has those.
That wraps up my review, but I have one last thing to say before I finish. Put up your next story in chapters. If you do, then people will actually be able to review it and give corrections. Again, great job-
Anime <3

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Fri Feb 12, 2010 11:15 pm
ColdZero says...

Thanks Sly...I mean, Izumi.
Regarding what you said about posting it in chapters, how do I do that? Do I post different chapters in different topics or what?

Cold Zero: The Sniper's term for the one shot you get at finishing the job, the final, irrevocable pull of the trigger. For some people, it is not that moment...

It is a state of mind.

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9 Reviews

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Fri Feb 12, 2010 11:29 pm
Drago101 says...

Hey Proto, it's Cpt J Luke F on war stories. What he means by posting in chapters is put it in different topics. I haven't been able to read all of it, but will try. I wish you luck here.
"she covered her love
like stars cover the sky
hiding her heart
fearing what he would find inside
years took her away
a widow she remained
holding him deep inside
wishing she too would die
time favors no one and if we wait
we too can fall in love
a second too late" ~ Underoath

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Sat Feb 13, 2010 3:58 am
ColdZero says...

Hey Luke.
Thanks, I understand now what he meant by putting chapters in different topics :)
Cold Zero: The Sniper's term for the one shot you get at finishing the job, the final, irrevocable pull of the trigger. For some people, it is not that moment...

It is a state of mind.

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28 Reviews

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Sun Aug 28, 2011 9:19 pm
Gamergirl says...

ColdZero wrote:
Chapter Eleven: The Unknown Terror

Rain started to fall from the sky, mixed with the bitter cold of the air made it worse. My coat was soon soaked and started to cling to my skin. However only one thing mattered, I had to strike fear into the hearts of the Royals. As I continued my walk down the hill, I could see the large outcrops of rocks that the Royal Commando's would use as a vantage point to pick of any Royals that attempted to leave the area around the mansion. I clambered up the small outcrop that overlooked the ship, and pulled my trench off before using it as a cover over the top of my body, keeping my Rifle and myself safe from the rain. I rummaged around in my Duffel Bag and retrieved my Rifle, putting it under the coat by my side. Then I pulled out another cover, a camouflage colored blanked that I had found in Murpoz's gear, I placed that over the top of me and it then activated stealth, everything becoming invisible. I closed my eyes, I was hidden safely where I knew no Royals ever go, but I had a good vantage. I kept my Duffel Bag and Sniper under the cover, along with myself. I slowly drifted off, I knew tomorrow I would hunt them all, I would reek havoc. As I started to drift, I opened my eyes to see the morning sun coming in over head, but I knew it would be best to sleep through the day, I was hidden by my stealth. Slowly I lost consciousness..everything faded out as I drifted to sleep.

Voices came from all over the place, I quickly opened my eyes. To my relief I hadn't been found, but I felt fresh and new, but my burning passion to get my own back at the Royals took over. I clutched my Rifle and took my Shotgun from the Duffel Bag. I then moved closer to the end of the rock, looking through the scope of my Rifle to gain a better view. There was a lot of Royals around the Village stairs, and the Shipwreck, most of them either drinking or smoking. I placed my finger on the trigger, I saw one Royal that looked familiar, Yarmoss. I'd seen him on the battlefield, a greedy fellow who enjoyed looting the bodies of the fallen. I grinned, nobody was near him as he sat on the was on the bow of the ship, drunk. I pulled the trigger, blood exploded from his head and he fell to the ground, a puddle of blood quickly forming. My stealth flushed off and a group of Royals ran to him, looking around for the culprit, but I was hidden. I grabbed the cover and stuffed it into the bag, before zipping it up.

I ran quickly towards the farm, no Royal had noticed me yet. I felt strange, something had taken me over, it was the burning passion to kill the Royals that have destroyed my life...I threw on my stealth again before turning back, this time I would clear more. I ran to the beach, and walked around a large rock formation with the water at my ankles. I could see a large group of Royals, crowding around Yarmoss. "Men, we have a rouge afoot. Search this place back to front, I want this man caught" they dashed off, then the man giving the orders ran to the village. I could tell he was going to the village, to get more reinforcements. I turned and ran back around the corner, a group of four Royals running towards the farm caught my eye. I started to follow them, I would kill them...

They stopped, looking around for me. I slowly crept up, pulling my knife from my pants waistband and slinging my sniper on my back. "What do you want on your tombstone" I whispered in the Gunners ear, he tried to turn but I stuck my knife between his ribs, releasing the warm sticky blood. I pushed him onto the soldier in front, giving me enough time to swing around and stick the Soldier standing to the left in the neck. I yanked the blade free and grabbed his shotgun, blasting the Commando to the right in the legs and the Soldier in the chest. It ended in a flash, only the Commando survived on the floor, groaning in agony. I turned to him, cocking my head to the side and lifting the shotgun over his face, I whispered "Only the strongest will survive.." I looked away and pulled the trigger, blood splattering over the side of my face and body, that patrol was finished. I threw the shotgun onto the floor, before taking off quickly. In a matter of minutes Royals would have flooded this area, and I needed a plan.

Stealth shrouded my body once more, I had to run to the mansion to retrieve something I had left there earlier in the war. The outside world was numbed by my thoughts, I wasn't going to stop until I had achieved my goal. I past the Shipwreck, sprinting so I didn't notice anybody, I just kept concentrating, I needed to get to the mansion. "We've got four men down by the farm" I heard a voice yell, I could hear over twenty voices replying. I ran past the trees and to the bridge, where I realized that there was a large group of Royals standing in the courtyard of the mansion. I couldn't fight them all, I had to do something else, something more devastating. I slowly walked into the courtyard extremely quietly and walked up to a Soldier, he didn't notice me because I was stealthed. I then crouched and pulled the pin from a grenade stuck on his belt, then I turned and ran from the courtyard, the twenty Royal soldiers unaware of what awaited them...

I watched from a safe distance, the grenade exploded and smoke shrouded the area. I heard screams from the surviving Royals, I un-stealthed myself and pulled my shotgun from the duffel bag. I walked into the courtyard, blood and body parts everywhere. I looked around, three Soldiers lay with their legs heavily mutilated and blood covering their bodies. "H-help" they tried to scream, but blood dripped from their mouths as they tried to speak. I lifted the shotgun to his head, he winced and I pulled the trigger and he dropped, blood exploding from his head. I then turned to the two remaining Royals, "Your next" I growled, shooting him in the chest. He screamed but didn't die, I then lifted the shotgun and shot him in the head, he dropped also. It was a bloody mess, only one Royal had survived "I'm going to let you survive. Tell your commander here at the bay that NoobsFTW's coming for you" I kicked the mansion's door down and walked inside. I made my way to the dresser and pushed it down, it revealed a bag full of Troop Traps which was what I was looking for. I picked up the bag and stuffed it into my duffel bag along with my shotgun, before walking out again.

I walked into the night once more, stealthing myself to keep out of view. I took a deep breath of the salty night air, it bit at my senses and kept me awake. The sun would rise in around four hours, I had enough time to execute my plan. I pulled a Troop Trap from my Duffel Bag, I tossed it around in my hands and made sure it was still working. I grinned and stuffed it back into the bag, before slinging it onto my bag. I made my way across the bridge past the large group of Royals without being spotted and walked down the small hill until I could see the Shipwreck. As I walked, I knew that I would make my mark, this was what I must do....

Chapter Twelve: Alone...

The mornings sun had came to overpower the bitter night, but as the darkness faded my reign of terror upon the Royals had just begun. I was stalking a tall Gunner behind the village, he had been fixing the Anti Aircraft gun that I had sabotaged that previous night. I tightened my grip around my knife, clearing the distance between me and the gunner in a matter of seconds, I was ready to kill. I stepped on a stone and he turned, but I was quicker and I pushed the blade into his throat and tore it out quickly. Blood squirted from his wound, he gasped for air but his windpipe had been severed by the cold steel of my knife. As he fell, he started to shoot, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach but it then went away as I heard voices coming from the village. He fell onto the sandbags and in a matter of seconds they became crimson, the color of his blood. "Your role in this war has been ended" I strode off, leaving the Gunner to die. As I past the end of the village's back entrance, my stealth recharged and I activated it once more. Behind me I saw the Gunner gasping, before he stopped struggling and I watched the life leave his body, never to return.

I had finished my task, every entrance and exit to the bay has been lined with Troop Traps, so any Royal attempting to escape would be blown to pieces. But now my focus was on NativeJam, the Royal Commander at the Bay. To make my mark, I must kill him. With him dead, the Royals at the Bay will soon find that they will fall into chaos without a leader to govern them, they would even be prone to any National attacks. I felt tired, my wounds still ached from the Seaside and I needed some rest. I stumbled around, I knew that my wounds still had to heal, so I clambered up onto the rock that I would always use as a vantage point and just slowly fell to the ground.

I looked around, I was lying in a pool of my own blood. "What.." I looked down, I had been shot in the stomach, no wonder I collapsed so quickly. I pulled a bandage from my Duffel Bag and wrapped it around my stomach, under my trench coat. I got up, the sun was setting by the mansion, I must have slept for quite some time. Below, at the Shipwreck I could spot NativeJam talking to a large group of Royals, I could hear what he was saying. "Men, Goodman's scouts have apparently located the Nationals new hiding place. He's ordering the soldiers at the Seaside to assault the base" I grabbed my Duffel Bag and slid down the rock face "The Royals are attacking the Riverside?" I ran to the staircase that lead into the village and stood on the ledge that overlooked the front of the ship. The large crowd disbanded and went off to complete their duties, but NativeJam strode off with four Gunners who seemed to act like body guards. I couldn't stay any longer, I had to defend the Nationals but I also had to kill NativeJam. No, I couldn't let the Royals find the Nationals, I will deal with him later.

I grabbed my shotgun from the Duffel Bag and ran to the mansion where I knew there was a plane. Across the bridge and into the courtyard still painted with blood I ran, then to the runway where I hopped onto the plane. "In their time of need, I will be there" the plane roared into action and I flew into the air, I could see Royals rushing to the Anti Aircraft guns, only to realize they didn't work anymore. In minutes I was already past the Bay, moving towards the Riverside, nothing going through my head but the horrible thoughts of what could happen if they got caught off guard. "I'm coming" I screamed into the air, swooping down when I saw the lighthouse.

Five minutes past and I could see a large group of Soldiers and Tanks going the same way we did when we went to the Riverside, I swooped down but I felt something shake the plane "Arghh" I screamed as I started to spiral, the plane started smoking and spiraling into the ground....

Pain seared through my body, but I managed to pull myself from the wreckage. The smoke from the plane cleared, and all I could see was Soldiers...marching forwards. "This is it" I sighed and threw on my stealth, before tearing an two SMG's from my Duffel Bag that I had taken at the Bay. I ran behind the wrecked plane, and screamed before pulling the triggers. As I fired into the crowd, they returned fire, bullets flying around everywhere. It was a gunfight alright, I'd killed about ten people and not been hit once yet, it looked possible that I could hold them off. I pulled a grenade from my Duffel Bag and tore the pin out before throwing it into the crowd of Royals "Grenade" I heard them yell. It exploded, throwing several Royals around and setting a tank on fire. I continued to shoot at them, but the tanks opened fire, their large shells smashing around me and causing heavy damage to the landscape. I ran out of cover as a shell blasted the plane, and looked for more cover. I found a rock and dived behind it but it wasn't enough, something hit me in the arm, blood soaking my coat and causing intense pain, I thought I was going to die.

It slowed, everything slowed right down. I realized I wouldn't survive this, I stood up and tore into the crowd once more, their blood spilling everywhere. I was shot in the leg, then the stomach twice. "Arghhh" I screamed with pain, I started to fade out when I felt a cold hand grip mine and start to pull me. I started to get dragged, I held onto my Duffel Bag and SMG's, still shooting into the crowd. The shooting stopped but I was still being dragged, I looked up and I saw a man wearing exactly the same as me, but he had his face covered by a mask that resembled a skeletons face. I tried to talk but he heaved me onto his back and started to sprint using elixir. I started to fade out once more, this time closing my eyes, I wasn't sure if I'd open them again...

Chapter Thirteen: From the depths of war, a hero will rise

The blood rushed back into my head, I suddenly regained my senses and scrambled to my feet with the pain of my wounds rushing through my body and re awakening me fully. I looked around, around me stood half destroyed buildings and blood staining the floor, it was the Riverside at it's worst. "NoobsFTW it's you" a figure stumbled over to my clutching his left arm, a blood soaked bandage covering what seemed to be a brutal wound "Lolzortske?". He nodded, he bore a grim look which reassured me something was wrong "The Royals, they came pinned us down, before taking prisoners, it seemed they where on direct orders from Goodman". It shot back through my body, like a surge of adrenalin I remembered what had happened before I passed out, I had failed to stop the Royal assault. "What about my comrades.." he looked at his feet "Captured...they took everyone of them" I turned, I had to rescue them. As I tried to storm off, but I felt a hand grip me on the shoulder "You cannot do anything in your condition, your badly wounded" I looked around to see who was addressing me. It was the man who saved me, "Who..who are you" he handed me my Duffel Bag "I'm SigmaSlugger, I've been watching the Nationals for a while now. I'm an outcast, but these dire times call require as much help as possible" I took the duffel bag and checked everything was inside. "Well SigmaSlugger, I don't know if you realize. But my friends could be killed at any moment, and I will not let injuries hinder me" I walked off, Sigma and Lolzortske trailing behind me. "Noobs" yelled Sigma "You stay here for all I care, the Nationals have been captured, I must save them" I spotted a jeep and started to pick up the pace. The pain didn't bother me, I wouldn't stop until I had rescued the Nationals, I couldn't....

I arrived at the jeep and opened my duffel bag, inside something caught my eye that I had forgotten about. It was my brothers pistol, I remeber him giving it to me before he was killed, I've kept it in my duffel bag ever since. I pulled it out, it still had bullets inside, bullets that where loaded by NoobPatrol. I pulled back the head to push a bullet into the barrel and slipped into my waistband along with my knife, "Are you coming" I hopped into the drivers seat and started the engine. Sigma and Lolzortske jumped into the jeep "I wouldn't leave you behind" the jeep roared into action.

The night encased the world once more, I was getting closer and closer to Goodman and my comrades. It will all be over soon, I will fix this world if it kills me...

Around thirty minutes later we arrived at the bay, passing through the farm area, no Royals in sight. We continued along, until I stopped the jeep as I noticed the large group of Royals standing in a large crowd watching Nationals on their knees, Goodman behind them holding two SMG's. "Lolzortske, Sigma" they hopped out the jeep "Find somewhere to hide, I'm going to end this" they ran off to the rock outcrop and I activated my stealth. "Today, we finish the Nationals. Today, I liberate the Royals from their presence by killing the leaders in the resistance". I ran closer, pushing through the crowd of Royals silently, approaching my comrades. My heart pounded against my chest, I unstealthed to show myself to Goodman. "It ends here Goodman" he reacted quickly, lifting one of his SMG's to my chest. "NoobsFTW, I've heard much about you. I know if you die, the National resistance will die also. You have been foolish approaching me".

"For years, I have not known what my place in this world was. But now I know, I've found my destiny. I will finish this and save the world" Goodman laughed, pulling the trigger of the SMG. Pain erupted in my chest, I staggered back and my comrades knelt watching, bound by rope, no way of helping me. I ripped NoobPatrol's pistol from my belt and shot Goodman between the eyes, he stumbled backwards before falling on the floor, a large flash of green light shot from his body it then stopped, but something happened. I fell my knees and the Royals stood, Cookie broke from his bonds and let everybody else free. "NoobsFTW" he yelled, running quickly to help me. The pain spread from my body, I felt dizzy. Everybody crowded around me, my vision slowly fading out...As it worsened, I saw somebody push through the crowd, tears streaming down his face. "Brother" he fell to his knees and started to sob loudly. "It worked, I had fixed the world. Goodman was dead, everything was restored, people must have started re spawning" I smiled as I watched all my friends faces from above me, their voices and screams started to fade away also, everything was blurry.

"Everybody has a destiny, this was mine" Cheesewoo knelt by my side, lifting my torso onto his knee. "You can't leave, we need you. Your my best friend" I started to cry, I knew it would be over soon. "I saved you all, it's back to normal. You don't need me anymore, I've done my duty, you all are strong, you will be fine". I started to go limp, the pain was numbed but I knew I was still dying, it was over. "Thank you all, my friends, my comrades. For sticking by my side, I salute you all. Goodbye" I lifted my arm and mustered a slight salute. Everything blackened, I felt my head go limp then nothing...

Cheesewoo stroked NoobsFTW's head as he slowly drifted off into nothing. His comrades stood, in silent salute to this man, their savior. The morning sun was rising, it's rays dancing on the ripples in the ocean, the cool breeze whispered through the trees. That day, NoobsFTW gave the ultimate gift to the world, he gave his very life to save the world. To this date, he was remembered for his deeds, uniting the Royals and Nationals together, as he used to say "United we Stand"....

Thats it, I hope you enjoyed it guys :)

It took me a while to read all that but I got there! Hahha! Loved it! Your writing style, dialog everything! Thought it was a well writen story and enjoyed reading it! Some grammar mistakes here and there. :) Hope this helps!
"Is the glass half empty? Or half full?"

"Well, if I turn on the tap I can make it full!" ~ me.

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5 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1090
Reviews: 5
Sun Aug 28, 2011 9:26 pm
MissingAngel says...

I really liked it! Your writing style is great and this was very well written. There were a few spelling errors here and there but overall it was really good! :)

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Points: 1224
Reviews: 6
Sun Aug 28, 2011 9:31 pm
Hiroku says...

I'm sure someone might have suggested this, but something you could do is post it as a novel? If it has as many long chapters as your story has, it should be posted as a Novel. I don't have the time to read it all, but I already like what I see. I've read the first few chapter and must applaud you. If you decide to submit this as a Novel, by all means, message me so I can read it all and review it much better for you. :D

As if you were on fire from within. The moon lives in the lining of your skin.
— Pablo Neruda