
Young Writers Society

In a HOTEL Room

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Wed Mar 21, 2007 2:42 pm
MJs_Magic_Pen says...

this is a fan fiction about the german band Tokio Hotel

and I will already excuse any spelling mistake, misuse of words, and grammar mistakes, I am not a naitive speaker of english, in fact I've only had lousy english teachers... not that I should blame them.. I try my best


She left the concert a little early, she believed in taking chances you know.
And she had been at their last concert, and the one before that, and the one before that, so…
She fancied Bill and Tom, well you can’t just fancy one of those guys can you? They were identical twins, yet they were so different, different styles, different behaviour.
She felt a bit crazy going up to the hotel room, wearing her makeup and clothes, people always stared at her, even others with almost the same style, she took it all a little further.
In front of the hotel room stood other girls, who like her wished for the same thing, being invited in.
She swallowed, she felt stupid now, what was she doing here?
“Hey” she forced herself to say to one of the girls, she just shot her a look and giggled to her twin sister in German
“wer ist sie?” (Who is she?) Gosh, dress a little less like a slut next time she thought, keeping her head up.
“Bill!” one of them squealed all of the sudden.
Bill poked his brother in the ribs and pointed at the girls, they both laughed. The other 2 guys just looked at them.
They all started talking to Bill, she just kept quiet, all of the sudden her German skills were gone. Bill smiled at her, he noticed her among the girls, for once someone serious. He thought. They went in the hotel room and closed the door behind them, all the girls were disappointed.
Yet she wasn’t so disappointed, after all if she had been let in she had just done something silly.
The other girls walked away, she stood for a while, she got a text on her phone, she flipped it open and looked at it.
“What was the concert like?” her friend was asking.
“Awesome! Just like all the others :-D” she replied, she took a deep breath and started walking away, he smiled at me! she sighed, then she slapped her own cheek, she hated to act like a teenage fan.
She didn’t notice a guard had come out of the room, he started talking to her in German, she didn’t respond as she had no idea he was talking to her. Finally she understood. She turned around and smiled
“I, I don’t speak that much German” she told him in German.
He led her inside, all the guys smiled at her.
She started shivering, what was she doing?
Tom with the dreadlocks patted on the sofa, he made room so she could sit between him and Bill.
Bill asked her for her name, she stammered:
“Cla, Clara” she said, she could have hit herself so hard,
“Don’t shake like that, we don’t bite” Bill told her in German placing a hand on her shoulder and laughed.
“My German isn’t that good” she told them, they just smiled.
“I understand it well though” she hurried telling them.
“So where do you live then?” Gustav, the drummer broke in.
“Denmark” she said, they smiled at her.
“Nice!” Tom said, thank god their hairstyles were different, else she would have trouble figuring out who was Bill and who was Tom
“Danish girls are pretty, aint they Bill” Tom teased his brother, his brother threw a pillow at him so his cap flew off.
“okay this means war!” he yelled standing up, sitting on his brother and they started wrestling, they were laughing like crazy, the other 2 guys just looked at them
“You need help Tom?” they asked in union
“No, no, help me!” Bill said, he was the one underneath Tom.
guys! she thought inside herself watching the scene of 3 guys trying to lay on top of Bill
“Clara help me” he said reaching out a hand to her, she took it and tried to pull him out under the guys, she succeeded, his black hair was all messy now.
“Gosh, you’re strong” Georg said to her catching his breath.
“Yes I am, so don’t try me” she said, she felt less nervous now, and she could remember more German words and sentences.
“Wait a minute” Bill said putting up a finger, as if to stop the moment
“You’ve been at almost all of our concerts, haven’t you?” he asked her, she nodded
“Almost” she admitted.
“oh, you’re some rich kid?” Tom told her poking her ribs, she just shook her head
“I wouldn’t say that, I’ve been saving up for years to this, when this tour is done, I’ll be broke!” she told him laughing.
“Oh man, tats no good” Bill told her laughing at her, he had a contagious laughter
“But it’s worth it, the concerts are awesome” she complimented them.
“Thanks” almost all of them said in union.
“Oh it’s so sad we only have 4 bedrooms” Bill said, she didn’t know how to react on that
“I mean you could stay with us tonight then, and you could go to the concert with us, if you don’t have any plans that is” he said, taking off his black pinstriped jacket, by now he realized she was wearing one just like it, he pointed at her jacket
“That’s funny” he told her, she just smiled.
“She would need her bags, don’t you think Bill” his brother told him making a funny face, Bill reached over her and hit his brother lightly.
“actually, my bag is over there” she said pointing at a school bag, all she had in it was 2 other sets of clothes, accessories, a little makeup, actually her only makeup was: eyeliner, lipstick, mascara, and eye shadow. And of course she had clean underwear in the bag too!
“oh” Tom pouted, they all laughed
“I like you, you’re cool” Bill told her, taking her hand to shake it
"There's something rotten in the state of Denmark"

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Reviews: 9
Wed Apr 11, 2007 5:57 pm
MJs_Magic_Pen says...

I'm really sorry to double post... but since there's already 12 parts of this, I better get posting..


“You, you are cool too” she stammered he just giggled.
“I think she fancies you” Tom teased Bill, he wouldn’t stop
“Fancy me?” he said acting all shocked
“Yeah I know how you feel, how could anyone fancy anyone as ugly as you” his identical twin blurted out in laughter.
“Are they always like this” she asked Gustav, he nodded.
“But where is she gonna sleep… guys!” Georg stopped their laughter
“I’ll be fine on the couch” she said, in fact it was more than fine with her.
“Or she could sleep with you” Tom said in a nasty way to Bill.
“Hey, hey, she’s cool alright, why don’t we all jam a bedroom, give her the bed and we’ll sleep on the floor” Bill suggested, they were all in for it.
Here she lay under the covers, with 4 guys sleeping around the bed, she couldn’t sleep, it felt too weird, like it was only a dream.
She was wearing her black satin nightdress, not appropriate when strange guys are around you, she knew that!
In the morning they were all woken up,, yet most of the guys complained, it was much too early, they fell asleep again. She got up and walked out to get her bag and hurried the bathroom she hurried getting dressed, wearing a long black skirt and a black shirt. She put on her favourite necklace, with a huge silver spider on. She hurried getting on makeup and she was out, by now the guys had finally stumbled out of bed.
Bill threw the T-shirt he had been wearing as he slept, not caring that Clara was in the room, staring at his body, his hair was messy and laying flat. He ran a hand through his hair.
“Good morning” he said, and then he turned around.
“TOM!” he yelled at his brother.
“What?” his brother said coming out, fully dressed already.
“Have you seen the Green Day shirt I was gonna wear today?” he asked his brother just grimaced at him.
“And you think I stole it?” he said placing his NY cap over his bandanna
“No, but maybe you had seen it?” he suggested.
“No I didn’t, you could wear something else” his brother giggled, looking at Clara.
“How old are you anyway?” Tom asked her.
“17” she replied.
“Good, good” he replied, the twins had just turned 18
“You don’t like me, do you” she smiled at him
“I think you’re cool, sorry this is just the way I treat everyone” he said laughing at her.
“You’re not the average fan” he told her, Bill had found a T-shirt and went out to the bathroom to get a shower.
“Oh I’m not?” she asked sitting down on the couch, playing with her necklace.
“I mean you aren’t like “oh my god!!!!” and all that” he said acting like one of the rude girls from the day before, she laughed at that.
“I’m just having a great time, you’re some really nice guys” she said, he had to laugh at that. Bill came out of the bathroom 15 mines later, wearing makeup, nail polish, clothes, necklaces, he was ready.
She let out a small gasp, he looked awesome!
“Ready to go?” a man came in and asked.
“Are you?” Bill asked her, she nodded
“Of course!” she said and they all left the hotel room, she put the bag on her back.
They sat in the tour bus just once again joking around.
“Hey guys, do you mind if I practise my vocals a bit?” Bill asked they were all okay with it, Clara sat next to Bill.
“Actually, Clara, pick a song!” he asked her, she smiled at him
“That gotta be ‘Spring Nicht’ it means a lot to me, I can relate” she said, she bit her lip… that information was sorta personal… the song was about suicide.
“Wow, really?” he asked her, she gave him an uncertain smile
“Yes” she replied scratching her cheek.
He started singing the song, she bit her lip, this was a bad choice, she started crying. He stopped singing as he realized she was crying, all the guys stared at her.
“What?” she giggled drying her eyes with the back of her hand
“damn she’s weird” Tom said.
“I know I am” she said laughing “it’s sorta my style”
“So, you’ve been depressed?” Bill asked her seriously.
“Still am” she said, yet sounding cheerful
“Oh, I’m sorry” he told her, she still smiled
“I’ll live, if not I’ll die” she joked
“True” he said smiling
She sang a bit of the song, when she was done she told him
“That makes so much sense you know, I can really relate to that” she said, he looked at her.
“Did you take singing lessons?” he asked her, he just had to
“Hey guys, we’re here” Gustav broke in, the tour bus had just stopped
A lot of female fans stood ready to greet them.
The guys were on their way out but Clara waited, she wanted to blend in with the crew instead, what would the girls out there be thinking?
“Clara, are you coming?” Bill called out to her.
“oh yeah” she said making her way down the stairs.
She swore she was about deaf now as she was inside the building with the guys and a few other people who followed them. Gosh these girls sure had some voice.
“please come with me, you’re late” a woman told them, showing them the way, Clara wanted to stay out, they were going into a makeup room, suddenly she realized they were at a TV studio.
“Clara!” Bill called and she went in. Bill sat on the chair and the makeup artist started working on his face.
“What are you scared of?” he asked her laughing a bit
“Please don’t laugh too much” the makeup artist begged
“Sorry” he told her.
“You didn’t want to come out of the bus, and get in here, I told you, we don’t bite” he said, she just giggled.
“Bill... err, first of all, I don’t see what business I have here, and also, those girls are like wild animals” she said, Bill broke down laughing at that
“Please sit still will you” the makeup artist hissed.
“Clara, I like having you around, you’re so crazy” he said as the makeup artist, who had almost given up put another layer of powder on his face.
“oh thanks!” she said, pretending to be offended
“That’s what I mean, you’re so cool! Most people we meet are stupid, I’m getting sick of all those girls thinking they can date me. You aren’t like that, you’re just in it for a good time” he said, then he couldn’t say more, the makeup artist wanted to put lipstick on his lips, he stopped her with a gesture.
“Do I look like a girl to you?” he said in a funny way, she just shook her head and found some dark eye shadow.
oh, we’re just gonna be friends… I can live with that… I suppose she thought inside herself.
“Actually, why don’t you go with us on the tour? Seriously! What do you guys say?” Bill asked the others.
“Yeah, something prettier to look at than you lot” Gustav joked
“this sounds awesome, but I don’t wanna be a problem” she said, standing, shifting the weight on her feet.
“you aint” they all said in union
"There's something rotten in the state of Denmark"

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Fri Apr 13, 2007 11:48 pm
Twit says...

A few spelling errors, but it's good! What is your first language, then?
"TV makes sense. It has logic, structure, rules, and likeable leading men. In life, we have this."


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Sat Apr 14, 2007 7:02 am
MJs_Magic_Pen says...

^^ my first langauge is Danish, most of my english skills are selftaught... only a bit of it have I learnt from school

part 3

Clara placed a lock of her hair behind her ear.
“You can sit with the audience” one of the men following the guys around said.
“Thanks” she replied nicely. They hurried showing her to her seat and she sat down.
She twitched a bit looking at the girl sitting next to her. She was wearing a tight, tight pink blouse, unbuttoned so you could see a little too much.
She stared at Clara in the most bitchy way, as if to tell her:_
“That is so out of fashion, eeew!” Clara could have broken down laughing at her, but instead she acted like she hadn’t noticed. After all, who do have time for snobs?
Clara placed one leg over the other; the snob saw her red shoes and giggled to herself. Clara laid her left hand on her knee, the snob stared at her ring in envy, it was huge and looked very posh. (in fact it was a cheep crystal) the snob found something on Clara she could envy.

“Please welcome, Tokio Hotel!” the female host announced after a while. All the girls started to scream like crazy, this would soon start hurting her ears, or worse, cause deafness.
The guys came in smiling and quickly jammed the couch, wanting the best seat.
“Welcome” the woman, Clara hadn’t heard her name, said as soon as she could hear her own thoughts.
“Thanks” they said nicely. After a while of chatting she started with some more serious questions.
“Do any of you have a girlfriend?” you could almost hear what the girls were thinking.
“No, not right now” Bill answered not even shy over a personal question like that.
“What about the girl who came in with you?” she asked, Bill smiled
“Oh, that’s just Clara” just Clara??? she thought.
“Who is she?” the woman asked, Bill pointed her out. She felt she had all eyes on her now, even the snob’s, it felt a bit uncomfortable.
“She’s a Danish girl we met yesterday, she’s really cool” he explained.
“Aw cut it off, you like her” his brother teased.
“Not like that” he answered smiling.
“Yes you do”
“No I don’t”
“Admit it”
“No” everyone was laughing at that.
As the interview was done, she hurried out to meet the guys again.
“please have the dork excused” Bill said pointing at Tom
“it’s not me who’s in love” Tom replied crossing his arms. They ended up chasing each other around.
“they do love each other” Gustav said behind her. she nearly jumped 11 feet off the ground, she was busy looking at the guys making a fool out of themselves.
“I’ll kill you!” Bill shouted
“I can see that” Clara said laughing.
“We don’t have time for this, we gotta leave” someone said and they left. They sat in the tour bus again, still making up jokes, at a point the fun ended, they were hungry and tired.
“Hey Clara” Bill said, sitting next to her, she looked into his brown eyes, she swallowed, those eyes she thought, but she woke up.
“Yeah?” she asked, she couldn’t let him know that she had feelings for him.
“You haven’t told us much about yourself, tell me about your family” he said, she just looked at him, her hands felt a bit sweaty, she hated talking about her family.
“Well there’s my mom…” she said and stopped.
“Oh you’re parents are divorced? Ours too” he said but she shook her head.
“it’s a long story” she said, Bill could hear there was something wrong about this.
“oh I’m sorry, if you’d like to talk about it, I’m here” he said putting a hand on her shoulder. A single tear found it’s way down her cheek.
“I don’t really have any family now… my mom cut me off, and I don’t have a father” she said, he gave her a light hug.
“It’s okay, you have us, don’t you” he said smiling at her, she smiled too.
“I suppose” she said, her face lit up, her eyes sparkled again.
“we’re soon at a McDonald’s , gosh I’m soo hungry” Bill cried
"There's something rotten in the state of Denmark"

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5 Reviews

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Fri Jul 23, 2010 2:36 pm
TokioHotelVampire says...

This is great! I love Tokio Hotel and to see there's actually some fan-fictions about them on here is so cool. I'm writing one too. This story has given me some ideas for it also. I'm definatly going to keep on reading. It's very good. =)
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Gegen mich
Wie'n Alien in mir
Ich steh auf
Dreh mich um
Alles blutverschmiert
Ich schau in den Spiegel
Und da steht geschrieben

Someday, everything is going to go right for you, and it will be so wonderful you won't even know what to do.
— Hannelore Ellicott-Chatham, Questionable Content