
Young Writers Society

When I Thought I Was Safe

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Sat Apr 24, 2010 5:02 am
borntoshop says...

This is a story i have been working on for awhile. Please tell me what you think, i know there are mistakes i just want to see if you think it is worth carrying on...
Okay! I got some good ideas from people that commented, and have decided to change my story around abit. The part you will see next after the Prologue, is in the families POV as to why they didn't hear her scream!

I was thirteen years old when I was kidnapped. I slept soundly in my bed which was on the second story of my house. Always I use to think that nobody could hurt me in my own home; I never thought I would have to shut the windows or lock the doors. Who would climb up the side of my house to get in? Who was that determined? I had opened my window that night because I was hot; pushing it out as wide as it could go.
I remember opening my eyes to the sound of scraping and heavy breathing. That didn’t bother me though; I had no reason to be scared. Sometimes my brother, Will and sister, Raea would come in at night to check on me and have a sleepover.
“Raea?” I had mumbled sleepily, she didn’t usually make this much noise. She was usually so quiet that I didn’t know she had even come in until the morning.
“No it’s not Raea, Peyton.” A strange husky voice answered, trying to keep his voice down low. My eyes had flown open with shock hearing an almost stranger’s voice in my house. But when I could make sense of the darkness and the figure standing in front of me, I wasn’t scared. This was the same man who my parents were friends with, who had just been over for dinner. I thought he had gone home already though…
“George.” I sighed, closing my eyes again. I didn’t know then that I should feel scared around him. “What are you doing in my house?” I had mumbled, groggy with sleep. There was shuffling and I could sense that he was closer to me now. I still didn’t feel scared. The soft cool breeze from the open window was blowing across my face making me feel peaceful. I was almost back asleep when he answered my question.
“You have to be a good girl and come with me. You can’t stay here anymore.” he said, almost sounding angry. I opened my eyes to look at his face, in the dim light that came through the open window. I couldn’t see much of his face, it was still too dark. But from the little light there was I could make out his eyes, they looked different; almost black and furious. I had never seen George mad before. Whenever I saw him he had funny little lines outlining his eyes that I knew were from smiling and laughing. Same as what my mum had, and she would always complain about them. This George, this angry George made me feel funny, butterflies filled my stomach, I finally felt scared. My whole body felt cold and sweat dewed up on my forehead. But I tried to hide that, I couldn’t let him think I was scared, not after we had been together so much, so I giggled; to show I thought he was being silly. He didn’t like the idea that I had laughed at him, I don’t think. I always thought that’s why he did what he did next. I didn’t know that it had been his plan the whole time.
He wrapped something around my head and tied it up at my throat. Everything was black. What was he doing? So I screamed, I screamed as loud and as long as I could. It hurt my own ears and it was impossible to imagine nobody had not heard that. George didn’t like that I screamed, he made a strange noise of anger, a sort of grunt rising from the back of his throat, and then he hit me over the head with something. A high pitched noise, rung in my ears and I felt dizzy. I think I might have fallen asleep, but I think George might have forced me to somehow. The only thing I could think of though was – Nobody heard me scream, nobody came.

David & Suzy;
“Don’t forget to set the alarm for tomorrow morning!” Suzy Smith called to her husband who was in bed already. She heard a faint groan, and then the click of the alarm clock buttons being changed.
“Thank-you, honey!” she called. She stood in front of the mirror in her bathroom, expecting the wrinkles on her face. She prodded and poked, pushing them up so they were away from her eyes. She smiled, her business-like smile, testing where they would show and where they disappeared. Her smiled dropped, and she hated the way her eyes were always outlined with black bags, and the way she always looked tired.
“I hate this mirror.” She yelled to her husband.
“What’s wrong now?” he yelled back.
“The mirror hates me.” She sighed as she flicked off the light, letting her worries of wrinkles flick away with it. Her husband, David, was half propped up on a pillow, flicking through a magazine with the overhead lamp on.
“I’m sure your imagining things.” He mumbled, not really in the conversation at all. She rolled her eyes, and pulled down her jeans replacing them with pyjama bottoms, then pulled her blouse off, replacing that with her camisole top she wore to bed.
“I’m not.” She huffed, slipping into her side of the bed. Only silence from her husband. She watched him as he flicked through his magazine, always immersed in some form of reading. His brown eyes moved across the page, reading the words on the line then fell onto the next. The face she fell in love with that had grown and matured ever since they meet when they were fifteen. His hair had got some what more spastic though. A small afro, I guess you could call it. It never wanted to be in one spot, never wanted to be told what to do. Even now, it stuck up in random places all over his head.
His well muscled body that he had when he was in his teenage years was now replaced with a bear belly, she didn’t mind one bit. She loved, and adored him with all her heart. His eyes flickered to hers.
“What?” he laughed, self-consciously.
“Oh, nothing. Have I told you I love you today?” she grinned. He smiled back, and then placed his magazine on the bedside table. He moved further down into the bed and they snuggled up together.
“I don’t think you have.” He said, kissing her gently.
“How stupid of me.” She said, once he pulled away. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” He whispered, and they both fell silent. The whole house was quiet there three children all safe and sound asleep in their beds.
“Time for some sleep, I think.” David said, reaching up and flicking off the light. The room darkened and Suzy had to let her eyes adjust.
“Have you gotten those mouse traps yet?” she asked, thinking about the mouse she had heard scuttling around in the roof the night before.
“Not yet.” He murmured.
“Earplugs again it is then.” She sighed, and then fumbled around on her bedside dresser for them. Her husband chuckled in the darkness.
“Hey, I’m a light sleeper. You on the other hand could sleep through the world ending, and you wouldn’t even batter an eyelid.” She put the earplugs tightly in her ears, already they blocked out her husbands sniggers.
“Good night.” He said.
“Night. Make sure that alarm is on. I can’t be late.” She reminded David.
“It is.” He said, sounding asleep already.
That night Suzy fell asleep thinking about all the things she had to do the next day.

Will Smith piled his bed sheets up, making it look as though a person was sleeping in it if his parents happened to come check on him. He didn’t think they would, he was seventeen for goodness sake not a five year old, but he was just taking pre-cautions. He stepped back and admired his work, and well thought out plan. Good enough. He shrugged to himself, and then grabbed his hoodie that he had chucked on the floor earlier that day. He sniffed under the arms of it first, making sure it wasn’t to dirty to wear out. Good enough, he thought again. Gently, he eased his bedroom door open, pausing when he knew it would creak.
“Will?” he heard someone whisper in the dark. He jumped at the noise, letting a cuss word slip through his lips. Peering out into the hallway he saw one of his younger sisters, Peyton, looking at him.
“What?” he whispered back, slightly annoyed she had ruined his plan.
“Can I come sleep in your room tonight?” she asked softly. “I can hear the mouse in the roof and it scares me.”
He rolled his eyes in the dark, but he loved his little sister if it was any other night but tonight he would usually say yes.
“I’m sorry sis. I’m going out.” He told her apologetically, and he watched her face fall. “You can sleep in there without me though.”
“No. I’ll be okay.” She sighed, and walked back along the corridor, disappearing into her room. No questions asked about where he was going. For a second Will had second thoughts about going to the party he had been invited to, but then he thought of what his friends had said about it being ‘the best party of the whole year’. And he was off again, easing his way down the stairs, avoiding the creaky spots. Will gently opened the front door, forgetting to lock it behind him. His friends were parked out the front and when they saw him they cheered loudly and tooted the horn.
“Shhhh! My folks are asleep.” He hissed in there direction, looking back at the house, he thought he saw his sisters curtain open slightly, letting a ray of light shimmer on the grass then disappear .
“Oooh sorry.” The boys laughed, some of them already drunk. “Get in the car, man!”
Will ran across the damp grass and climbed into the back seat, Alex his best friend, handed him a beer.
“Thanks mate.” He grinned. The cars engine purred loudly, the headlights flicked on and immulated a car across the street with a man sitting inside; he shielded his eyes from the beams. Will recognonized him, George, his mums work mate. He had just been over for dinner, he tried to wave as the car speed past but he didn’t think George saw.
Will fell out of the car when the Taxi pulled up to his house, he had been leaning on the door handle and bumped it when they stopped. He found this completely amusing being as intoxicated as he was.
“Ten dollars.” The taxi driver sighed, obviously not finding the funny side of the fall the way Will had.
“Getta sense of humour.” He slurred his words and chucked the money on the front seat. He slammed the door, finding that funny as well. The taxi speed away and was soon out of sight.
“Stupid taxi driver, taking my money.” Will murmured, fumbling around in his pockets for the keys to the house. He paused at the door and saw that it was already open; he shrugged thinking he had probably left it open and stumbled in. The sky was just starting to turn from black to a light grey.
He tripped and fell up the stairs, laughing about it.
“Will! Shut up, would you! You’re going to wake Peyton, you know she’s a light sleeper!” his sister Raea stood at the top of the stairs, looking down on him disapprovingly. Although he could see two of her, and didn’t know which one to focus on.
“Whatever, party pooper.” He laughed, trying to get up. He saw both Raea’s roll their eyes, and storm off. He managed to get up the stairs and stumble back towards his bedroom, he paused outside Peyton’s room, and he couldn’t hear a sound from inside. Still sleeping. He thought.

Raea Smith sighed, and put her head in her hands. Writers block. Stupid essay. She had to write one thousand or more words by tomorrow morning. She probably shouldn’t have left it so late, but she was a procrastinator, always leaving things till the last minute. She couldn’t concentrate for some reason, her mind kept wondering, thinking about what had happened that day at school and how she’d much rather be sleeping.
“Ugh!” she sighed, dropping her pen on the paper in front of her, which rolled and fell down onto the floor. She stood up and walked around her room, something to do to try and wake herself up, she shook out her legs and arms then hit herself lightly on face, cheek by cheek.
“Wake up!” she said angrily. Talking to yourself, never a good sign. She picked up her IPod that was lying on her bed, where she had chucked it that afternoon. She started to untangle her headphones as she sat back down; also she picked her pen up of the floor. The house was quiet, everybody was asleep, and nobody else had a stupid essay to write. But if her mum knew she was up this late, she would defiantly not be happy. Instinctively she glanced at the clock, 10:02am. To late to be up on a school night, she thought.
Once again she sat and stared at the almost blank piece of paper, expecting the words to fall in place on there own. Her music rung in her ears, blocking everything else out, but she didn’t find herself listening to the words, she just heard the beat, and thought only about her essay on World Pollution.
Like a dam breaking in her mind words began to flow swiftly in her head, words coming together, sentences, paragraphs. As quickly as her hand would let her, she wrote all her ideas down. Writing as long as her eyes would stay open, and her hand would keep moving. But eventually, no matter how hard she tried, her words became a rambling mess in her head. Slowly her thoughts of oil and gases become dreams…
Raea woke in the early hours of the morning feeling like a complete wreck, her eyes stung, and her head spun sickingly. But the reason why she had woken was still there, an annoying-to- loud–for-the-morning sound. Thumping and laughing came from downstairs. Will. Angrily she ripped her headphones out of her ears - no noise came out of them her IPod gone flat hours ago, while she slept – and ran towards the noise. She paused outside Peyton’s room, leaning her ear up against her door to check for noise that she had been woken, by Will’s thoughtlessness. Nothing.
Will was stumbling up the stairs in his drunken state, laughing and making way to much noise.
“Will! Shut up, would you! You’re going to wake Peyton; you know she’s a light sleeper!” Raea whispered down to him, irritated. He looked up at her, his eyes crossing over one another and then looking at something next to her.
“Whatever, party pooper.” He laughed, trying to get up. She rolled her eyes, storming back to her room, whatever Will had said after that was lost to her ears.

Thank-you for reading! Please if you have read this, comment! Much apprecitated! :D :D
Last edited by borntoshop on Tue May 11, 2010 8:58 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Mon May 03, 2010 4:02 am
IndisBubbles says...

I was so captivated in your story, I wished it would never end! Oh god I fell so sorry for Peyton. George seemed like a creep. Oh God, I was on the edge on the seat. I swear; I was screaming from Peyton to run faster, Mum had to come into shut me up!

Hi, I'm Indi by the way. Well here is to the few mistakes I found through your text. Only a few, nothing bad though.


I think you mean ‘disqualified'

I was laying on a backseat

Lying would fit here better.

rough laugh filed the whole car

I think you mean filled rather then filed.

Georges head light

Geogre's head light; is the correct way of saying this line.

I closed my eyes tying to

Trying, you forgot the "r".

Both chapter one and prologue were fantastic, please you have to write more! PM when you are finished! :) OOooOOoo this is really exciting I can't wait any longer!

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Mon May 03, 2010 10:49 pm
Luvzi12 says...

Hi! I'm Emma and I'll be reviewing today :) I'll analyse it bit-by-bit and then give my overall thoughts at the end

borntoshop wrote:Iknow there are mistakes i just want to see if you think it is worth carrying on...

I know you only want to see our opinions, but try not to submit things that you know have mistakes in, I'm going to assume you were trying to be humble and say there were mistakes, or you meant it was unfinished, rather than you knew there were mistakes that you chose not to correct, because that's just kind of annoying! Sorry to be harsh :P

I was thirteen years old when I was kidnapped.

Nice strong beginning. It has echoes of the beginning to The Secret Life of Bees if you know that book/film, and no, that's not a bad thing.

I slept soundly in my bed which was on the second story of my house.

I'd consider changing this to: 'I was sleeping soundly in bed on the second story of my house.'

Always I use to think that nobody could hurt me in my own home

Should be: "I always used to think..."

Who would climb up the side of my house to get in? Who was that determined

I like all thw questions, it makes the reader think about who it could be as well.

I had opened my window that night because I was hot in my bed; pushing it out as wide as it could go. I didn’t know then that I had just made it easier for my kidnapper

I'd change this a little, instead of saying 'I was hot in my bed', I'd just say 'because I was hot', or 'because it was a hot night', as we've already established she is in bed and don't need it repeated. Also, I'm not sure you need the last line about it being easier for the kidnapper, I think the reader can figure that out for themselves. Don't forget to show, don't say.

I had no reason to be scared. Sometimes my brother, Will and sister, Raea would come in at night to check on me or have something they called a ‘sleepover.’

You can just say when they 'had a sleepover', everyone knows what a sleepover is and you don't need to phrase it like that.

I wasn’t scared. This was the same man who would watch me all the time, from across the street.

I liked all the bit before it, you're really good at conjuring up an image, but I can't help but think, even if she knew George, wouldn't she be a little curious as to why he was in her room? I know she asks him in a minute why he's in the room but I find it hard to believe that Peyton wasn't feeling a little uneasy, even if she wasn't scared. Just my opinion of course, she's your character and if you don't think she would be scared then that's fine, but I know that if it were me, I would find it a little odd.

I couldn’t see much of his face, it was still to dark.

It should be 'too dark'.

My whole body felt cold and sweat dued up on my forehead.

Not sure what the word 'dued' is meant to be here... maybe 'dewed'?

I screamed as loud and as long as I could. It hurt my own ears and it was impossible to imagine nobody had not heard that.

Change to: 'and it was impossible to imagine that nobody heard', or possibly 'I couldn't believe that nobody heard', as it wasn't impossible that nobody heard, it would have just been surprising to her. Also, a note for when you continue this could be to tell the reader why nobody heard.

he made a strange noise of anger

What did it sound like? Describe it to the reader.

I think I might have fallen asleep, but I think George might have forced me to full asleep.

Firstly, it should be 'fall asleep', not 'full asleep' [I assume it's a typo] and I would probably change the sentence around a bit, maybe to:
'I couldn't tell whether I fell to sleep on my own accord or George had forced me.'

The only thing I could think of though was – Nobody heard me scream, nobody came.

Great ending to the prologue, really makes the reader want to carry on.

was the way he said ‘disqualified. He had a certain gleam in his eye like he wanted me to make noise.

Should be another ' after 'disqualified'. Also, I would remove the word 'certain'.

I was laying on a backseat of a car, every so often a street light would pass over me above my head

'I was laying on the backseat', 'every so often a street light would pass overhead' or 'every so often a street light would pass over my head'

truly scared the fear goes right to the pit of their stomach, crawls through there veins

Should be 'their', not 'there'.

I knew all the questions were rhetorical and could possible never be answered.


How could someone be so cruel to take people away from there family?


My heart bet faster as I thought what I had to do, it was the only way.

I moved my body silently so I was sitting up my back resting against the door.

Should be a comma after 'up' and before 'my back'.

George didn’t seem to notice me rearranging the way a sat

'The way I sat'

With my left hand i followed the curves and bumps along the door

The 'I' should be capitalised.

“You’re very quiet back there.” George said turning his head slightly towards me.

Why would he say this to her? He told her to be quiet, surely he wouldn't question that? I know the character says it later on, but I don't see why he would ask that? But that's just my opinion :P

It took me awhile to be able to stop my head

'awhile' should be two words: a while.

Overall I thought this was a great piece of writing! You really got inside the main character's head and too the reader with her on a frightening experience that makes the reader feel like they're actually here. I don't know where you intend to take the piece (although I'm looking forward to finding out what happens to Peyton and finding out more about what George's intentions with her were) but if you'd like some suggestions, I have some.

Firstly, after the prologue I probably wouldn't go straight onto what happens next. Prologues always work best when it's the character looking back over the whole novel, so your character starts off by talking about the night of the kidnapping, then in Chapter 1 I would go to the past a few days before the kidnapping. Write about Peyton with her family and her seeing George looking at her and smiling and how she doesn't mind and sees him as a friend. Then you could either jump into someone else's head like George's so the reader can see his intentions, then maybe go into the parent's heads to see what they were doing the night of the kidnapping and why they didn't hear her scream (maybe they both wear earplugs or snuck out for the night?) Or you could write that part from the brother or sister's point of view. Then put in the chapter that you just wrote and at the end of that one go back to her family and do it from her parent's point of view of finding her empty room and their emotions, then take us back to Peyton or George. If you write it like that then it would increase the suspense over the course of the novel.

Of course, they're just my opinions, you can keep this as a short story if you want and just carry it on as it is, but if I was writing it, that's one thing I would consider doing, so i just thought I would share that idea with you :) You're a really good writer! Keep it up! :D
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Tue May 04, 2010 9:18 am
borntoshop says...

Hi :D

Thank-you for commenting and sharing your opinions on my story. I very much apprecitate it! I'm not being lazy because i left my mistakes, it is unfinished is all. The reason why Peyton isn't scared when George is in her room all unravels later on in the story. Of course Peyton would be more scared if she didn't know George.
Oh My Goodness! I'm so terribly sorry.I thought i had changed that... Anyhoo, the part where it says... 'to have something they called a sleepover' was ment to be changed. When i first started writing this Peyton was going to be younger around five, and i got some advice to re-write it like that if she was going to be young. Of course now she isn't so i'll change it. I'm sorry, i thought i had. My bad.. :p

I really love your idea about, going back to the parents POV as why they didn't hear her scream. I actually started writing in the sisters POV first, before Peytons. But i started this instead. It's not that they didn't hear her scream (that's what Peyton thinks) it's that they didn't get to her in time, before George took her.

But i really like that idea. Would it be okay if i tried that? I know it sounded abit of, the Prologue and then first chapter straight into it. I just couldn't really think of anything else just at the moment. Also, i was thinking about writing in the sisters POV through the book as well as Peytons, but i'm also writing Peyton, 1 year back. If you know what i mean. One chapter would be in the now, and then the next it would go back in time, fill in the gaps. I guess if i did it right it would work out. Thank-you for that, you've given me great inspiration! Of to write i go...

P.S. - Thank-you for the nice comments (eg- saying you liked certain things) Sometimes i feel as though it's not good, and i really just want to delete it all. But you guys saying that sort of stuff really picks me back up again, and sets me straight. Thanks! :D

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Tue May 04, 2010 9:05 pm
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Luvzi12 says...

No problem! Feel free to use the ideas I suggested or not to use them, it's your choice :) But you should definitely keep writing and NEVER delete things, because if you're writing things as good as this then you're doing great and you should just keep going!

PM Me when you add some more either add more to the chapters you already posted or if you carry on from where you left off, I think what you've written really has potential and it'll be a great read when it's finished :)

Thanks for replying to me!
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