
Young Writers Society

Star Wars: The Chatroom: Episode I

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Sun Aug 30, 2009 1:49 am
Elinor says...

Here is the first episode in the epic saga of Star Wars, as if the characters had expierencied these events in a chatroom.

Cast of Characters

Qui-Gon Jinn - 1337jedi
Obi-Wan Kenobi - LearnerBoy
Padme Admidala - Pampered_Princess
Anakin Skywalker - RacingChamp
Jar Jar Binx - Jarrrr
Mace Windau - Purplerox
Yoda - LittleGreenPwner
Darth Maul - redsoldier
Palpatine - master_in_disguise
Viceroy - Ilikeevil


LearnerBoy has signed in.
1337jedi is online.

1337jedi: Hello, Obi-Wan. Yoda messaged me and told me we should get in a group chat with the Viceroy and negotiate with him about the funny stuff that’s going on.
LearnerBoy: ok
1337jedi: We must proceed with caution, however. I have heard rumors that the Viceroy is evil.
LearnerBoy: you sure?

Ilikeevil has entered the chat.

Ilikeevil: I’m evil

Ilikeevil has signed off.

1337jedi: Does that answer your question, Obi-Wan?
LearnerBoy: Yes.
LearnerBoy: OMG! Change your background to the "Naboo" one! Its so cool.
1337jedi: This is alright, I guess.

Jarrrr has entered the chat.

Jarrr: pllz add me I ned freinds
LearnerBoy: …
1337jedi: Be nice, Obi-Wan. We’ll add you, Jarrrr.
Jarrr: YAY!!! :-D
LearnerBoy: no
Jarrr: plz plz plz I cn giv u da queens sn!
LearnerBoy: o rly
Jarrrr: yea im inviting her in th cht

Pampered_Princess has entered the chat.

Pampered_Princess: Hi <33
LearnerBoy: Hey
Pampered_Princess: I’m Padme.

LearnerBoy is offline.
1337jedi is offline.

Pampered_Princess: okk

LearnerBoy is online.
1337jedi is online

LearnerBoy: sorry. Computer died
1337jedi: mine too
Pampered_Princess: Let’s find someone who can help! :)

RacingChamp has entered the chat.

RacingChamp: I CAN HELP!!!1
1337jedi: Okay.
LearnerBoy: Cool.
1337jedi: gtg
LearnerBoy: me too

LearnerBoy is offline.
1337jedi is offline.

RacingChamp: hi ur rly pretty I like ur sn
Pampered_Princess: Aww, thanks! *kisses cheek*
RacingChamp: <33333
RacingChamp: hey can I show u something
Pampered_Princess: sure
RacingChamp: I made a smart robot account! He even sends messages to you! Watch!

Threepio is online

Threepio: I am C-3P0, human cyborg relations!
: I like it.
Threepio is offline.

Pampered_Princess: Hey, that’s cool! We should give him a friend. What should we call him?
RacingChamp: R2D2!
Pampered_Princess: Hey . . .um, whats your name?
RacingChamp: Anakin.
Pampered_Princess: I gtg. Bye!
RacingChamp: Bye <33

PamperedPrincess is offline.

LearnerBoy is online
1337jedi is online.

1337jedi: RacingChamp, what is your real name?
RacingChamp: Anakin!
1337jedi: You’re the chosen one.
RacingChamp: ???

Purplerox has entered the chat.
LittleGreenPwner has entered the chat.

Purplerox: you think he’s the chosen one?
1337jedi: yes
Purplerox: o rly
RacingChamp: What if I am? >.>
LittleGreenPwner: An apprentice you already have, qui-gon
Purplerox: chill dude
LittleGreenBoy: For your apprentice, this boy you may take
Purplerox: he’s too old >_>
1337jedi: …
Purplerox: FINE

Master_in_disguise is online
Redsoldier is online

Master_in_disguise: hey maul
Redsoldier: sup?
Master_in_disguise: well my high score on saber battles got knocked off by obi-wan and qui-gon. I started saying swear words so I got banned. Can you do me a favor and play on your account and knock them of the high score list?
Redsoldier: I can. I will not fail you

1337jedi is online
LearnerBoy is online

Redsoldier has challenged 1337jedi to a game of saber battles!

Accept! Decline!

1337jedi: I have no idea who this is.
LearnerBoy: Just Accept. I’ll watch and be your back-up if you die :P

1337jedi has accepted the challenge!

1337jedi: Hello.
Redsoldier: your gonna die lol
1337jedi: noob. You’re SOOO scary.
1337jedi: omg -__- he just killed me
Redsoldier: :D
1337jedi: I wish they would give you another life. Obi-Wan, take over for me.
1337jedi is offline.

LearnerBoy: k
LearnerBoy: there
Redsoldier: hahah im gonna kill you
Redsoldier: lol
Redsoldier: lol
Redsoldier: lol
LearnerBoy: Not Today *slices in half*
Redsoldier: you just drained all my life -_-
Redsoldier is offline.

RacingChamp is online.
Pampered_Princess is online.

Pampered_Princess: You’re a hero, Obi-Wan. *smiles at Anakin*
RacingChamp: <3333


All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

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Tue Sep 01, 2009 4:08 pm
GryphonFledgling says...

Omigosh, I love it!

Yeah, not much intelligent to say from me. The sheer awesomeness that is this fic has drained it all out of me.

Actually, one thing: I love the screennames you gave everybody. Yoda and Windu were the best by far.

Also, did these chatters hang out in the YWS chat room for a while? They seem so much more intelligable than some other chatters I have seen elsewhere. :)

: I like it.


It looks like something got moved around there. The line comes before the person's tag.

Anyway, very nice. It's rather clever. I need to go read the next one now... Peace out.

I am reminded of the babe by you.

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42 Reviews

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Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:33 pm
Alec Laine says...

Quite honestly the best edition of Star Wars: Episode I that I have ever seen. INCLUDING the movie. No, but really. This was epicness! I'll read the rest too, you can be sure of it.
"SHAMAN" is a action/adventure fiction novel I'm writing, following the adventures of Marcus Lee. Marcus finds a book with a peculiar symbol engraved on the cover. As Marcus digs deeper into the mysteries of the book, he learns about controlled reincarnation.

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Wed Sep 23, 2009 11:17 pm
GregPugn says...

Yup, that's Star Wars right there. The one thing that I think that you missed out on was changing Padme's screen name in the chat because when she is on Tatooine she is incognito. I'm sorry, I'm a Star Wars nerd! Anyway, good fanfic. I really enjoyed it.

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Tue Sep 29, 2009 2:25 am
blackpencil says...

That was HALARIOUS!!!I meant to spell that wrong, yes... That's pretty much Star Wars I in a box. Good job! I love how Qui-gon called Maul a noob... n OMG IT'S NOT LOADING!!!!
If you're learning from your mistakes, you shouldn't be making the same ones again.

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Mon Nov 23, 2009 3:20 am
LordLoredaen says...

That was hysterical!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't breathe I was laughing soooo hard!!
Am fear nach gleidh na h-airm san t-sith, cha bhi iad aige 'n am a' chogaidh.

* He that keeps not his arms in time of peace will have none in time of war.

(This pretty much means "If you want peace, be prepared for war")

It's easier to come up with new stories than it is to finish the ones you already have. I think every author would feel that way.
— Stephanie Meyer