
Young Writers Society


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Reviews: 516
Mon Jan 01, 2007 10:13 am
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Riedawriter23 says...

"If you want to be a great journalist, you'll go." Jenna's fingers froze as she press every key on her keyboard at once. She wasn't a great journalist already? She would have to do this?

"Will you fire me if I don't?" she asked instead. She gave advice, she didn't go off into the physical field and play interview with a vampire with even scarier sex-offenders. Her boss Rebecca gave a hotty laugh and squeezed the edge of her desk like an impatient customer.

"How does demoting sound? This is what you need to move on, nobody takes advise anymore, if they did then this world would make some damn sense, which it doesn't in the slightest. You just go to the houses I've provided, ask a range of questions I've written and there you go, your story is pretty much layed out you just need the facts." Her hands closed on the desk tighter so that her knuckles took of a sickly white color and she released it with Jenna surprised she didn't leave indents.

"Is it legal to demote people because they won't risk their lives for a story?" The woman's eyes grew cold and she stepped behind the desk swirling Jenna's swivel desk to face her.

"Is that a threat that you'll report me?" she said is a way that made Jenna shiver all over. Yes, yes, yes it was! I'll report you and I'll make your sorry ass work as a waitress for your whole life and, and then I'll be the boss, and I'll do what I want! She thought modestly. Modestly being the main word, her real reply was a little different.

"No, not a threat by any means. I want to be a good journalist." She waited as the woman hovered over her still waiting for a certain majority of unwanted words to spill from her lips. "And, I'll do it. Give me the questions, I guess I have no choice." She smiled and backed away from her throwing the papers on her laptop and closing her current article in the process.

"You'll make a wonderful journalist Jen, you just need a little motivation. Now remember that I have a 72 hour time limit for a preview of your article and that you don't put your name on it. If I catch you doing that one more time I'll, well I'll report you." She stretched her mouth into that unusual position once more and then closed the door leaving Jenna to read the questions she had sprawled in front of her.

'Do you enjoy raping children or adults?'
'Did Jail have any affect on you?'
'When was the first time you ever got caught?'
'How many people would you say you've raped ever?'
'Do you go under a false name?'
'What is this false name?'
'Were you aware that this agency knew where you lived?'

The questions went on and on and became more absurd, Jen was almost CERTAIN that she wasn't going to make it out of the first house, and that was if she even got in. This was a death sentence and she would be better off spending the most of her time writing her Will. She wanted her mother to have her savings. Her brother to have her house. Her nephew to collect his presents that still sat in her garage from Christmas pasts that she hadn't visited.

She shook the thoughts from her mind and looked down at the list of people. This first was of a man. Jack Renderose'. 25 years of age. Caucasian male with black hair and 6ft 2in, strong build and athletic. Accused rape of a 22 year old college student, tried for 2 counts of manslaughter and proven unguilty. Currently going through trials. Never been to jail.

She looked over the picture and frowned. He looked very familiar, extremely familiar. She knew she had never been raped, hadn't had a date in more than 3 years and never with a man so hansom as the one she'd have to interview. It seemed almost impossible that she had ever crossed his path after she found he lived in San Fransisco and her in New York City.

But she could almost swear that they had known each other, Really known each other.

She shoved the paper in her organizer and shut down her laptop. She would interview this man first. He seemed the most interesting, and, she could believe she was thinking this but, the most safe. She had 72 hours until her first preview and it was 7 pm right then. She could go, now.

That, sir, is the most frightening battlefield in the world: the blank page.
— Larry McMurtry, Comanche Moon