
Young Writers Society


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Points: 300
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Tue Dec 19, 2006 1:01 am
mz_sexii_redd says...


Young and innocent. That's what these young ladies were until he stole their innocence. Their parents sold them when they were just infants. He brought them up in a life full of danger. Taught them how to survive on the streets, taught them how to work for what they wanted. They obeyed him. If not, they knew the consequence. He knew the streets like he knew the back of his hand. A black heart was what he had.The new girl to his environment. New to the game, new to practically everything. He taught her how it was. He taught her to respect him, or she will be punished. She thought he was her friend. Obviously she had it twisted. He trusted no one, loved no one. All these women thought he was there to save them, but they'll come to find out that he's also the enemy. Owned is what they are now....Belonged to him...

August 1984

''I know you want it…Come on.’’ He smiled.

''She’s mines though.’’ The crack fiend mother said, as her eye twitched.

She stared at the bag of drugs. He smiled and stood up. He leaned on the desk and stared at the baby in her hand.

''I will give her a better life than you can and you know that.’’ He walked over to her slowly.

''I…I don’t know.’’ She said, as he waved the bag in front of her face.

''Okay, I tell you what!’’ He walked over to his closet and grabbed a black suitcase.

She watched, as he sat the suitcase on the desk and opened it. Her eyes lit up. He looked up at her and smirked.

''Now that I have your attention….’’ He stood behind her.

She ran her fingers over the pounds of drugs. He stared down at the baby girl in her hand.

''Five thousand dollars worth.’’ He stated.

''But….’’ She looked down at her baby.

He reached for the baby. The lady gave her up without any hesitation. The man smiled, as she grabbed the suitcase full of cocaine and walked out of the study. He followed, as the lady opened the door and walked out onto the wet pavement. She pulled her hood over her head and looked back at him. He stood in the doorway, rocking and shushing the baby. He looked at her and smiled.

''You did the right thing.’’

''I know I did Spectacular.’’ She walked out of the driveway.

Not once did she look back at her child. The baby begun to cry. Spectacular closed and locked the door, as he walked into the living room of his home. He rocked her and smiled down at her.

''Don’t you cry little baby. Spectacular is going to take care of you.’’ He smirked.

That was then, and this….was now.

December 1996

''Tiesha! Get your ass in here now!’’ Spectacular yelled.

She ran out of her room and walked into his slowly.

''Yes Sir?’’ She said lowly.

He sat down on the edge of his bed and stared at a piece of paper.

''What did I tell you about this?’’ He said loudly, as he waved the paper around.

''I don’t know what you’re talking about sir.’’

''This damn report card! What are you suppose to have?!’’ He yelled.

''All…all A’s sir.’’ She said lowly.

He stood up and walked over to her. He got in her face.

''What the hell does this say?’’

''Five A’s and a D…’’ Her voice shook.

''Correct. Why the hell do you have a D in Art?’’

''I…don’t know how to draw sir.’’

''After I’m done beating your ass, you gone know how to draw.’’

''No Spectacular! Please don’t.’’ She whined, as he pulled his belt off.

He looked at her, as he held the belt in his left hand. She bit on her nail, as he stood there and waited.

''Don’t Make me come and get you.’’ He gritted his teeth.

She walked over to him and stood in front of him. He hit her repeatedly on the back with the belt. She screamed and cried out, as two girls around twelve years old stood in the doorway and watched. Spectacular pushed her on the bed and hit her on her behind. She cried and pleaded with him. He hit her once more and stopped. Tiesha looked up at him and wiped her tears away. He nodded his head and she got up off of the bed slowly. He watched, as the two girls helped Tiesha to her room. Spectacular put his belt back on and sighed.

''It hurts!’’ Tiesha cried out, as an older girl around sixteen wiped her face off with a cotton swab.

''Next time, please, just try harder in your classes Tiesha.’’

''But Danielle, he hit in my face with the buckle.’’ She said lowly.

''I know he did, but it probably wasn’t intentionally.’’

''Why do we have to live here?’’

''You don’t love Spectacular anymore?’’ Danielle smiled, as she stood up and sat next to Tiesha on her bed.

''Yes, I love him very much, but he whips us for no reason.’’

''Oh, I could find a lot of reasons why he whips yall.’’ Danielle smirked.

''Okay, but....’’ Danielle interrupted.

''But nothing.’’ Danielle pushed Tiesha’s hair from out of her face.

Spectacular opened the door to Tiesha’s room and poked his head in.

''Danielle, your ride is here.’’

''Okay. See you in the morning T. Be good.’’ She hugged her and kissed her cheek.

''But, where are you going?’’

''Don’t worry about it Tiesha.’’ Spectacular walked into the room, as Danielle walked out.

He picked her up and pulled her covers back. He sat her down on the bed and she laid down. Spectacular put the covers over her and sat on the edge of her bed. He pointed to his cheek. Tiesha sat up in her bed and kissed him. He nodded and walked to her door.

''Goodnight.’’ He said, as he cut the light off and walked out the door.


''What?’’ He poked his head in the door.

''Will I get to do what Danielle does when I get older?’’

''Oh yeah. Of course you will. Don’t worry.’’ He smiled and closed the door.

Tiesha laid in her bed. Just wondering about Danielle. She wanted to know where Danielle went late at night.

January 2000

''Hey Tiesha. Come here.’’ Spectacular called from the kitchen.

''Yes?’’ She walked in and sat down at the counter.

''You’re almost sixteen am I right?’’

''Yep, you’re correct.’’ She smiled.

''That’s good and you’ve been doing excellent in school, you’re graduating next year. I’m very proud of you. What can I say?’’ Spectacular sipped on his Heineken.

''Nothing more I guess.’’ She laughed a little.

''Yeah, well, remember you used to always say you wanted to do what Danielle and Kisha did?’’


''Well, your chance is coming sooner than you think.’’ Spectacular grinned.

''What do they do actually Spectacular?’’

He laughed evilly. Tiesha looked at him like he was crazy.

''I’m serious. I want to know what they do.’’

''You will see.’’ He winked and walked out of the back door.

Tiesha watched, as Spectacular disappeared around the corner. She had always had a crush on him. Ever since she was a little girl.

Christmas Eve

''Spectacular..’’ Tiesha whispered, as she walked in his room.

It was around Midnight and Spectacular was watching television in his room. He was sitting up with his head against the headboard. He had his remote, flipping through the channels.

''What?’’ He said annoyed.

''Is everything okay?’’

''Yeah, it’s cool. I just realized, I’m old.’’ He laughed to himself and stared at television.

''You’re not that old. You’re only…Um, how old are you again?’’

He turned his head and smiled at Tiesha. He patted the spot on his bed next to him, signaling Tiesha to come sit down. She sat in front of him.

''I’m twenty four.’’

''Oh. I can’t wait to be that age.’’

''I can’t wait for you to be that age either. I have big plans for you.’’ He smiled and rubbed her chin.

Tiesha exhaled deeply, as she stared at Spectacular. She felt Goosebumps all over her body.

''Hey Spectacular.’’ Danielle walked in and smiled at him.

''What it is?’’

''Tiesha, can I speak to him alone?’’

''Yeah.’’ Tiesha stood up and took a last look at Spectacular.

''Close my door on your way out.’’ Spectacular looked at Danielle and licked his lips.

Tiesha walked out the room and closed the door, but left it open a smudge. She peeped in the small crack and watched, as Danielle crawled on top of Spectacular and pulled at his boxers. He looked up at her and grabbed the back of her head and pulled it down. She moved her head up and down, as Spectacular laid back and closed his eyes. Tiesha heard all types of noises escape Spectacular’s mouth.

''Hell yeah Danielle. Suck that shit.’’ He breathed deeply and gripped the back of her head.

Spectacular looked over to the door and saw Tiesha’s eyes on him. He just stared and let low groans escape his mouth. Tears fell out of Tiesha’s eyes, as she walked away from the door and went to bed. Her heart was broken.

Christmas Day 10:20a.m

The girls were in the family room opening up their presents and talking. Spectacular came downstairs with a white beater and his boxers on. He walked into the doorway and watched, as the girls opened their gifts and talked. He walked in and sat on the arm of the couch.

''You welcome young ladies.’’ He said carelessly.

''Thank you Spectacular!’’ A girl name Krissy said happily.

''You’re very welcome.’’

''Thank you Spectacular.’’ Danielle smiled, as she put her new headphones on.

Specatcular nodded and looked around. He stood up.

''Where’s Tiesha?’’ He asked.

''She’s still asleep I think.’’ A girl named Tony said.

The doorbell rung. Spectacular walked out and went to answer it. He opened it and a man walked in smiling.

''Merry Christmas man.’’

''Ho! Ho! Hoes!’’ Specatcular smiled, as he laughed a little.

''Yeah, I got good news for you.’’

''What Baby Blue?’’

''Three dope fiends. Trying to get up on some more drugs. Get this, they have babies.’’ Baby Blue smiled.

Spectacular put a cigar in his mouth and smiled. He walked into the kitchen. Baby Blue followed. Spectacular closed the door and sat at the table.

''Are you serious?’’

''Yeah, and like you said last month. You needed more girls.’’

''Yeah, but no more babies. They all need to be the same age as the six girls that already live here.’’

''How old are they?’’

''Thirteen through eighteen at the most. Danielle is the oldest. When she turns nineteen, she leaves.’’ Spectacular lit up his cigar and puffed on it.

''Yeah, well, I can get you some girls around that age. Don’t you think you need a bigger house?’’

''Yeah, but I got to get to work. I need some dealers also. I need them to run some of these crack houses for me and bring me my money back. Someone who I can trust Blue man.’’

''I understand. I’ll get right to it.’’ Baby Blue shook Spectacular’s hand and left.

Spectacular stood up and walked out of the kitchen. He put his cigar out and put it on the table by the stairs. He walked up the stairs and made his way to Tiesha’s room. He walked in and saw her standing with nothing but her underwear and a bra on. Spectacular stood in the doorway and stared her body down. Tiesha ignored his presence, as she made up her bed.

''Good morning to you too. You’re usually the first one to speak to me.’’

''Maybe I didn’t feel like it!’’ She yelled at him.

Spectacular laughed.

''Somebody’s on their period I see.’’

''Fuck you!’’ She yelled.

Spectacular smiled and walked over to her. He stood behind her and grabbed the back of her neck. She began to choke and gag. Spectacular bit his bottom lip and gritted his teeth.

''Fuck what? Huh! Say it again! Come on! I want you to try me!’’ Spectacular said loudly, as he tightened up his grip on her throat.

Tiesha let out tiny cries, as he let her go and she fell to the ground. He frowned and stared down at Tiesha.

''Get your ass up!’’ He yelled.

She stood up slowly. He grabbed her arm and yanked her.

''If you ever disrespect me again like that in my own house, I swear to God I will beat the shit out of you Tiesha. Do you hear me?’’ He yelled.

She shook her head yes, as he let her arm go. She stared up at him with tears in her eyes. He looked down at her behind and looked back at her face.

''Are you still a virgin?’’

''Ye..yes sir.’’ Her voice was shaky.

''Are you lying to me?’’

''No…I swear.’’

''Let me see. Take off your panties.’’

She looked up at him. He had a serious look on his face. She did what she was told and stood there with only a bra on. He lifted her up and laid her on the bed. He stood up and pushed her legs apart. He stared at her, as he put his fingers inside of her vagina. Her legs tensed up and she groaned.

''Relax. I’m just feeling it to see if you still tight.’’ Spectacular felt around.

''That hurts!’’ She cried out.

Spectacular smacked his lips and stepped away from her.

''You better had been tight, or you would have been in trouble with me.’’ He turned and walked out of her room.

Tiesha laid there with her legs still open. Daydreaming about Spectacular’s fingers exploring her vagina. She knew right then and there that she wanted him to take her virginity.

New Years Eve

Everyone went out to the skating rink. Danielle was in charge to watch the girls. Tiesha stayed home. She didn’t feel the very best. She was laying in her bed, when she heard the front door open. It was Spectacular. He was out running some errands. Spectacular locked the door back and jogged up the stairs. He walked passed Tiesha’s room. He didn’t notice her in their until he heard the television. He stopped and opened the door and stared at her.

''Why aren’t you at the skating rink?’’

''I don’t feel good.’’ She said lowly.

''Your stomach hurts or something?’’

''Not my stomach. Is it bothering you that much?’’


''That I’m still here? God!’’ She rolled her eyes.

''No, I’m not bothered. Shit I’m just asking your ass.’’ He turned and began to walk out of the room.

''Spectacular, can I come lay in the bed with you?’’ She blurted out.

He stopped in the doorway and stared out into the hallway.

''Come on.’’ He walked out of her room and went into his.

Tiesha stood up and cut off her television. She walked out of her room and down the hall to Spectacular’s room. She walked in and watched, as he took off his shirt and his pants.

''Come lay down.’’ He said, as he sat on the edge of his bed and took his chain off.

Tiesha walked on the other side of his bed and laid down. He crawled under his covers and sat up. He gave Tiesha the remote and put his arm around her neck. She felt like an older woman when Spectacular touched her. She turned on his television and flipped through the channels.

''What made you want to come lay with me?’’ Spectacular looked down at Tiesha.

''Because, I wanted to lay in this big comfortable bed.’’ Tiesha said.

''Sure you did. I know why you in here.’’

''I do too. To watch your big screen.’’

''No, that’s a lie.’’ Spectacular kissed her on the neck.

Tiesha moved quickly. She was amazed. She didn’t think Spectacular would ever try that on her. She moved away from him a little and looked at television.

''Oh, you gone play me like that? We both know what you want T.’’ Spectacular smiled, as he rubbed on her waist.

''Stop!’’ She said loudly.

''No. You know you like it when I touch you. You tense up and let out light moans.’’

Spectacular moved towards her and kissed on her lips softly. Tiesha tried to move, but he had a grip around her waist. She liked Spectacular’s sweet and soft kisses. He got between her legs and pulled himself closer to her body. She looked up at him innocently and laid back on his pillow.

''Take off all your clothes.’’ He said with a serious look on his face.

She did what he said. Tiesha laid there naked, as Spectacular grabbed a condom off of his nightstand and put it on.

''Spread your legs.’’ He instructed her.

She did what she was told, even though she was scared of what would happen. Spectacular always told the girls in the house that sex is painful for them and they would bleed if a guy did it too rough. He pulled her legs up to her chest and pushed himself inside of her. Tiesha let out a cry and clinched Spectacular’s buff shoulders. He looked down at her and went in and out of her vagina. Tiesha groaned painfully, as Spectacular picked up speed.

''Spectacular, it hurts! Stop!’’

''It’ll feel good in a little while. I promise.’’ He huffed, as he pushed himself in further.


''Don’t say ouch. Say my name.’’ He grabbed her hips and pulled her up and down on himself.

''I don’t want to.’’ Whines and groans escaped her mouth, as she closed her eyes and scratched Spectacular’s back.

''Say it!’’ He grabbed her thighs and pounded into her harder.

She screamed and moaned.

''Spectacular!’’ She yelled, as tears ran down her face.

''Say it again!’’ He grinded himself in and out of her.

''Spectacularl! Ouch….Spectacular.’’ She screamed, as she took deep breaths.

He stopped and got off of her.

''Get off the bed and bend over.’’ He sat on the end of the bed and waited for her.

''I don’t want it that way.’’

''Do like I said!’’

She got in front of him and bent over slowly. Once again, he was inside of her. He stood up and yanked her back and forth, as he rubbed on her breast and she groaned loudly. Tears escaped her eyes, as she felt something leaking. Spectacular stopped and pulled himself out of her.

''I bust your cherry.’’ He smiled and went into the bathroom.

Tiesha was in so much pain. He was hurting her so bad, she felt it inside of her stomach. He came out the bathroom and watched as she sat on the bed in tears. He walked over to her and stood in front of her.

''You’ll live T. That’s only phase one of knowing sexual positions. I got a lot more to teach you.’’ He laid her back on the bed.

She jumped up but he pushed her back down.

''I’m not going to hurt you anymore tonight. Calm down.''

He rubbed his fingers in her vagina. She wiped her tears away.

''Does that feel better?’’

She nodded. She got what she wanted. Spectaculartook her virginity.

Sunday Morning

Tiesha slept in Spectacular’s bed. When she awoke, he was already gone to do what he had to do. Tiesha got out of his bed slowly. She was so sore from last night, she could barely move. She stumbled and walked slowly out into the hallway. When she got to the banister of the stairs, the girls where looking up at her.

''Bitch!’’ Danielle said, as she rolled her eyes and walked into the kitchen.

''What did I do to her?’’

Everyone fell silent. The girls stared up at Tiesha and shook their heads.

''What did I do wrong?’’ She said, as she came down the stairs.

''Nothing T.’’ Krissy said, as she went into the kitchen.

''Why is everyone mad at me?’’ Tiesha put her head down and focused onto the ground.

''Damn it! I’ll tell her! Danielle is knocked up okay?’’ Toya threw her hands up in the air.

''But..what does that have to do with me?’’

''It’s Spectacular's baby and you….slept with him last night.’’ A girl named Liyah stated.

''What? But I didn’t know… her and Spectacular were a couple.’’

''Their not. She’s just his baby mama. A baby mama that wishes you wouldn’t have fucked her baby’s father. What has gotten into you lately? Acting like a little hoe lately.’’ Toya rolled her eyes and stormed into the kitchen.

''No I haven’t. I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry.’’ Tiesha felt tears building up in her eyes, as Liyah hugged her.

''Don’t cry. Spectacular doesn’t love that girl. He probably doesn’t even know she’s pregnant.’’ Liyah said.

Spectacular’s best friend, Pleasure, was standing at the basement steps. He heard everything. He stood there and dialed Spectacular’s cell phone number.

''Yeah P?’’ Spectacular said, as he slipped a small plastic bag of dope into a woman’s hand and she slipped a rubber band full of money in his pocket and walked away.

''Danielle knocked up.’’

''She what?!’’ Spectacular shouted, as he got into his car and drove out of the alley behind the corner store.

''Yeah, I heard the girls saying it. They didn’t see me coming from out of the basement and I guess Danielle snapped on some young girl about sleeping with you. You need to come check this shit out man.’’

''I’m on my way.’’ Spectacular hung up and frowned.

I Smell Trouble

Spectacular came in the house and slammed the front door. He ran up the stairs and walked into Danielle’s room. She was laying down with a pillow between her legs rubbing her stomach. Spectacular walked over to her bed and stood in front of her face. She smiled and sat up. Danielle put her arms around his neck, but he yanked them off and pushed her down. She looked up at him.

''What’s wrong?’’ She asked.

''You knocked up?!?!’’ He shouted.

''No!’’ She shouted back.

''Oh, you yelling in my house now? You bad now?’’ Spectacular got in her face.

''No, I’m just saying. I’m not knocked up.’’ she lowered her voice.

''You lying. I know you are! You getting an abortion. That’s the end of that.’’ Spectacular began to walk to the door.

Danielle followed and pulled on the back of his shirt.

''Get the fuck off of me! Why you lying to all the girls in this house? Telling them it’s my baby? I have never fucked you.’’


''No! Shut the fuck up! I have never had sex with you! You sucked on my dick plenty of times, but I’ve never been in you.’’ He got loud.

The girls came out of their rooms and stood in the hallway listening.

''You gone help me take care of the baby Spectacular? Please! I need you!’’

''No! You got to get out of here Danielle. I can’t have you influencing the other girls. You got to pack your shit and get out my house.’’ He walked into the hallway, but she grabbed his leg.

He pushed her off of him and gritted his teeth.

''Touch me again and you gone leave this house empty.’’ He pointed to her stomach and went into his room.

He slammed the door.
Comforting Spectacular

''Spectacular, are you okay?'' Tiesha stood in his doorway.

He was sitting on his couch, laying on his bed watching television. He never looked up once at Tiesha. He sat up and stared at the football game.

''You know? No matter how bad I beat on you, you stay loyal to me.'' He stated, as he turned his eye contact on Tiesha.

''Well, you're all I know. I grew up with you, so I can only give you the respect you deserve.''

''Is that right? Come here.''

She walked over to him slowly and stood in front of him. Spectacular looked down at her body and licked his lips. He rubbed on her inner thighs. She placed her hands on his shoulders and looked down at him.

''Spectacular.'' She said lowly.


''Have you ever had sex with Danielle?'' Tiesha blurted out.

''What the fuck?!'' He yelled, as he moved his hands back.

Spectacular stood up and got in Tiesha's face.

''So you think that's my kid too huh?'' He screamed in her face.

''No! I don't know. I mean, she was my friend!''
Tiesha's voice shook.

''No! Hell no! Get the fuck out!'' Spectacular pushed her into the dresser behind her.

Tiesha fell back and hit her head on the wooden oak dresser. She fell down to the ground and blacked out.

The Hospital

''Now, how did this happen to you Tiesha?'' Dr. Williams asked, as he looked down at her x ray chart.

''I tripped on a shoe and my head hit the dresser.''

''I see. Was your father present at the time?''

Tiesha looked at the doctor and shook her head slowly. She looked out the door of her hospital room and watched, as Spectacular spoke with the nurse. Her head was wrapped and stitched up in the middle.

''No, my father wasn't in the room. Are you trying to say he did this to me?''

''I'm not implying anything. I'm just saying.''

''Saying what?'' Spectacular walked in and leaned on the wall.

''Your daughter has a concussion. We would like to keep her for a couple days to watch and observe her. Make sure she doesn't have any damage to the brain.''

''I understand. Well, I'll stay with her.'' Spectacular stood up straight and rattled his keys in his hand.

''No! I mean, I know how busy you are dad. Go ahead and go. I'll be fine.''

''It's fine baby girl. I'll stay.'' He stared at her coldly.

''I'm just a little curious. I mean, I had to stick up a good amount of the middle of her head. I'm wondering if anyone pushed her.'' The doctor said to Spectacular.

''No sir. I assure you. None of my girls fight. They know better.'' Spectauclar smiled evilly.

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Gender: Female
Points: 890
Reviews: 3
Sat Dec 30, 2006 5:10 am
x_kayla says...

This is really good.
It's raw and gritty, which is good; it's a street story. I'm not sure why it's in the fan fiction section, but it's good nonetheless.

There were some spelling errors, and I feel the characters could be better developed and at one point it seemed there were two Danielles. It also seems a bit unfinished, I feel there's more to the story.

All in all, this is a great idea, and I enjoyed reading it.

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Gender: Male
Points: 890
Reviews: 21
Sat Dec 30, 2006 10:50 pm
Nexus says...

Apparently I shouldn't be reading R rated but i dont care lol, while i understand the title being called Owned, I think you can keep your style wih a different title.

Whatever- you should probably just ignore me.

Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto (I am a man, I don't consider anything human foreign to me)
— Terence