
Young Writers Society

Big Brother...what if

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Thu Dec 07, 2006 6:11 pm
xlilxzox says...

As Charlotte Church stepped out of the limo, the crowd went wild, fans screamed her name, and boys wolf whistled, she was wearing the most flattering gold dress, showing off her curves, which she was clearly proud of. She walked to the stage and waved to her fans, she blew kisses to a group of rather good looking men...as she walked up the steps to the Big Brother house, she heard the clicking of cameras as photographers took pictures of her...she just hoped that one person wasn't going to be there... and she had made it perfectly clear in the papers who and why she didn't want to see in there. The doors opened to the house and she ever so Gracefully walked down the steps and pushed open the door... sat at the table was 1 rather good looking man and one female and another male, not so hot...
'I'm Charlotte...' one guy stood up and shook her hand...obviously knowing who she was, what with her looks and accent...there's only one person I can think of...
'I'm Danny...' now with that Bolton accent... she recognized him straight away, he was Danny Jones... Mcfly
'I'm Ade Edmondson' She also knew this man, he was a comedian, quite funny actually... they were in for a few laughs along the way...
'And I'm Eve Myles...' said the other woman, Charlotte vaguely remembered her cousin mentioning her...Torchwood or something... Welsh accent, you know the one...
Suddenly the door flew open again... and in walked Girls aloud singer Cheryl Cole... the girl Charlotte really didn't want to see...
'Hi...I'm Cheryl!' she said, she was looking so skinny, not at all pretty, Charlotte sat down totally ignoring the fact that she would be spending at least a week with this girl, Cheryl took a seat opposite Charlotte and opened her mouth to try and speak, but Charlotte got in first
'Look, I hate you...you hate me, we've got to spend time together, let's just stay out of each others way...

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Thu Dec 07, 2006 7:14 pm
Cpt. Smurf says...

I hate Big Brother, yet I thought this was very good. I actually want to find out what happens while they're in the house! The dispute between the two women adds a feeling of mystery, and made me really want to find out what happened. Hope you continue the story!
There's always been a lot of tension between Lois and me, and it's not so much that I want to kill her, it's just, I want her to not be alive anymore.

~Stewie Griffin

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Sat Dec 09, 2006 9:31 am
xlilxzox says...

PART 2........
Cheryl looked Charlotte in the eye and shook her head,
'What people want to see is a bit of conflict, so let's give them a good time...' Charlotte shook her head and stood up...and went to join Danny, who was at the fridge, with a can of beer...
As other contestants joined, some who Charlotte knew, some she didn't, but she couldn't help wondering if Cheryl was right, maybe they could cause trouble! The last person to arrive was the non celebrity they had been promised, as she walked in, thefirst person she introduced her self to was, Danny...she obviouly lovd Mcfly, then she turned to Charlotte,
'Hi, Charlotte, I'm Libby...' the girl said, as Libby was looking around the room, her eyes stopped on one perticular person, and her face dropped, she looked at Charlotte,
'Yeah, that's what I thought, not a fan of her...?' Libby shook her head,
'Naa, I went to see her in concert, well, the band, and while the others were speaking to the audience, she was too busy making herself look good, hated her even more after that!' Cheryl started walking over to where Charlotte and Libby were standing,
'Hi, I'm Cheryl, sorry, I didn't catch your name...' Libby raised her eyebrows at Cheryl,
'I'm Libby...' there was a lot of silence between the three after that, which was broken by Danny,
'Hey, Libby, how 'bout I play you a song?' Libby nodded, and Danny led her to the bedroom, where his guitar was,
'Turning contestants against me, isn't going to get me out!' Cheryl hissed when Libby was out of ar shot,
'She's not a baby, I'd like to think she can make her own decisions!'

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Mon Dec 11, 2006 6:43 pm
xlilxzox says...

Cheryl turned her back on Charlotte... not that she cared much, she couldn't wait to see what everyoen else thought of Charyl's evil little plan!
'Oh... and Charlotte...maybe now that you're in here, you might lose a little bit of weight!' Charlotte felt the rage boiling up inside her, she felt like grabbing Cheryl, but instead, she keppt calm,
'Atleast I don't look like a llolly stick, unlike you...' Cheryl walked ot the diary room...
'Big brother, you have put me in a house with that fat bitch... we'll never fit in the bedroom, not with her, I can't tell you how much i hate her, slagging off the band, and then my singing, at least i dont sound like a dying cat!' Cheryl screamed...
'Cheryl, do you think Charlotte willpick arguments with you in the house...; big brother asked,
'Of corse she will,a dn I'll tell you something, ill get the blame, she'll turn them all against me! Stupid cow...she should be out, im amazed that she could fit through the door...' In the house, charlotte is unpacking her clother, talkign to Libby,
'Libs, she told me that we're supposed to argue, just to get the public to like us, its ridiculous! I'm not going to survive with her, i hate her guts, making remarks about ym weight, who does she think she is... skinny bitch!'

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Gender: Female
Points: 890
Reviews: 11
Wed Dec 20, 2006 6:12 pm
xlilxzox says...

The next day in the house... the housemates are paired together to complete a task, Danny is given a list of the teams...
'The teams are Libby and Eve
Ade and me
Matt(Diangalo) and Keisha(sugababes)
Noel(clarke) and Zoe(wanamaker)
Vernon (Kay) and Angelina (Jolie)
Charlotte and Cheryl...'
'Can we switch...?' asked Charlotte immediately,
'Let me finish...the pairs will be working together for the next week, there will be no switching...pairs have been chosen at random...'
'Random my arse...' said charlotte, getting up to go to the diary room...
'Hello Charlotte...how can big brother help you...'
'Let's get straight to the point...I am not working with that Tweeny head...I want to switch with Eve...and go with Libby.'
'Big Brother has made it clear that there will be no swapping, Big Brother apologises Charlotte.' Charlotte sighed,
'It's ok, I'll survive, even if it is as whole week...' When she came out Danny had them gathered around,
'You didn't let me finish...the team with the most points will get their suitcases...they will be able to choose 1 person everyday to get their suitcase, these people will also have special access, to the gym and spa!' the girls started screaming... 'And shopping centre!!!!!!!!!!!'
Charlotte and Cheryl looked at each other and Libby gave charlotte a hug, to show sympathy.

Every empire tells itself and the world that it is unlike all other empires.
— Edward Said