
Young Writers Society


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11 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 890
Reviews: 11
Mon Dec 18, 2006 7:32 pm
xlilxzox says...

This isn't one of my best pieces, but its about Mickies life, and what happens when 'supernanny' comes and sorts out her family...

My Life

The life of Michaela Leanne Tracey Beauchamp!

Ok, so like normally, I wouldn’t be seen dead writing a diary, but this, this is a special time, my mom asked me to do it, just me, not Caprice or Sydney.

The…super Fam!

Day 1 Preparation day
Well, I don’t suppose it’s day 1 yet, because, it doesn’t happen until tomorrow, so today is like a preparation, I’ll go back and change it…
There, so yeah, first, you’ll wanna know what’s going down… well, a few months ago, my ‘rents wrote in to ‘Super nanny’ and, some how, they got in, so now, Jo Frost is coming to our house, invading our space, to sort out my sisters.
My fam’s pretty complicated, first there’s my ‘rents, Connie and ‘Michael‘ (not our real Dad), then there’s my sisters, Lilia, 4, Tally, 2, Paris, 5 Caprice, 8 and Sydney, 10, and me of course, I’m Michaela, 14, and I’m only 1/6 of my ‘rents probs!
So, this morning, there was a big rush, to get the little ones to school, I walk with Sydney and Caprice to school, because they’re at a separate school form us lot(They go to privet school, and wear little red suits and hats!)
There’s always a big rush to get to school for the little ones, first, Lilia decides she’s hurt her ankle, then runs around screaming the place down, Paris decides that she wants breakfast, after saying no about 6 times, then little Tally is screaming at everyone and crying because she hates the noise, and then my and Caprice and Sydney are at the table, eating our breakfast, and then Mom asks me to get Paris cleaned up after she spills orange down her, then Sydney loses her Maths book, and Caprice can’t find her coat!
Then when I get out of the house with Caprice and Sydney, all we can hear is Tally crying, so we end up taking her to the cresh at our school, with everyone fussing over her on the bus!
Schools not bad, but this isn’t about school, this about at home, so, I’ll leave that out!
After school’s as bad at the morning, when I meet Caprice and Sydney from school, I get called into the heads office, where I’m greeted by a crying Sydney and a moody Caprice and two girls who I have never seen before, so then I get to sit in the heads chair, and she tells me this,
‘Michaela, you’re sisters have had a terrible day, I’ll start with Caprice, she’s failing in maths and forgot to bring her guitar for practice today, and then she got into a fight with Rhiannon and now Rhiannon’s got bruises on her arm, and Caprice won’t talk to anyone…’ That was my signal to step in,
‘Caprice! Come on, stop being moody, you’ll end up like me, now please apologise to Rhiannon, and then, Rhiannon, could you apologise to Caprice as well?’ Caprice shook her head, but Rhiannon nodded,
‘Caprice, you’ll never get anywhere if you’re like this, don’t make me call Mom, she’ll be mad at everyone is she as to come home from work early, you know what she’s like!’ My Mom’s like really rich, se’s a surgeon and it

feels like she works 24/7, my Dad’s a builder, so we can’t ever phone him at work, or he gets soooooooo mad, but my mom does as well, but you never wanna see my Dad mad, he’s really scary! So back to Caprice….
‘I wanna be like you Mickie!’ wailed Caprice, she can be such a drama queen when she wants to be,
‘Yeah, but Caprice, I almost got kicked out of here, which is something I REALLY regret, after that I was a little angel’ I said, which was all true, I got into too many fights in years 3 onwards, then in year 5 I almost got kicked out, got put on report, and changed! ‘If you want to be like me, then, dress like me, like the same stuff as me, hang around with me! But don’t copy my behaviour! Please Caprice!’ She smiled, and looked at Rhiannon and smiled at her, the she whispered, loud enough for everyone to hear,
‘Sorry, Rhiannon!’
‘Sorry, Caprice!’ said Rhiannon, and they smiled, I’d find out what went on when I got home, but that’s just what I wanted to do! ‘Now, Sydney, she got caught cheating and talking in a test, so she got disqualified, so then she took it out on Alyssa, and then they both started crying, now we’re prepared to let Sydney re-take the test, but we want her to apologise to Alyssa first, your sisters are as bad as you for apologising to people, you were so stubborn, Michaela!’ I sat down next to Sydney and put my arm around her,
‘Syd, are you gonna tell me what happened in the test?’ Sydney looked at me and then she whispered,
‘Alyssa was talking to Me, and then she wrote a note, and I was looking at what it said, and she told miss I was cheating, so at break I threatened to batter her, then she punched me, so I punched her back, it’s called reflexes!’ yeah, Sydney can also be such a drama queen when she wants to,
‘Sydney, please apologise to Alyssa, I don’t want a fuss like every other time!’ Every other time Sydney has been in trouble, she refused to apologise to them and they always end up crying!
‘I’m sorry, Alyssa!’ she said it without hesitating for once! I sighed and after Alyssa apologised to Sydney, I had to go and talk to Alyssa and Rhiannon’s parents!
I’m not gonna go into detail for that… it’ just boooooooriiinnngggg!
So I got onto the bus with them, and guess who I happened to bump into on the bus…yeah, you got it, my worst enemy, Natalie, and her stupid mates! My mom said write about this, so I will…
I get on the bus, and My sisters drag me upstairs, and she’s there, with her stupid friends, its not like I’m scared of them, because I’m not, I could batter them all, if I wanted to!
‘Oh, god look what it Is!’ they say staring at me,
‘Yeah, it’s looking at us, Mickie, get it away!’ says Caprice, she’s such a cool little sister!

‘How sad, her sister is standing up for her, it’s ok ickle baby, come to Natalie!’ she says, looking straight at Caprice and Sydney,
‘No thanks, you’re ugly and fat enough from here!’ says Sydney and one of Natalie’s friends, Ashlin sniggers, Ashlin is also my friend, but she is Natalie’s BEST friend, like I care, I’ve got my mates at Torchwood!(about Torchwood later!)
‘Ashlin, stop being a traitor!’ screeches the other one Shelby,
‘Sorry…’ she mumbles, they take advantage of her, they use her, to get at me, it doesn’t work though! So we sit at the front of the bus, and we keep hearing them giggling, so how thrilled do you think I am when my best friends Jorja and Louisa, the twins, get on the bus!
‘Jorja, Lou!’ I scream, and hug them both, while their little sister and brother, Darius and Melissa, start messing around with Caprice and Sydney!
‘Hey Mickie,’ they chant, and I nod to the back of the bus, and they look,
’Hiya, Cassie!’ says Louisa, Cassie is another one of them, and Louisa and Jorja’s cousin! They shut up after that!
‘Did you see her face, Lou, that was brill!’ I say when we get off the bus,
‘Yeah! Thanks!’ she says,
So I head off home, and Louisa and Jorja go the other way, home, and when we get in, guess who’s there, Jo Frost, I’m so excited, she’s like my idol, don’t ask why, so I run up to her, with the camera on me, and give her a massive hug!
‘Mickz, she’s only just got her, let her settle in!’ says my mum
‘Right, so I take it you’re Michaela…’
‘Yeah, and these are her sisters, Caprice, Sydney, Paris, Lilia and Tally! And this is their Dad, Michael…’
‘Yeah, have you noticed, that if you add an A onto his name, it makes my name!!!!!’ I say sarcastically! ‘Oh, and he’s not my real Dad,’ I say, and shoot Mom and evil look, she won’t tell me who my Dad is , and I want to know, she tries to tell me it’s Michael, but I know it’s not, because I have blonde hair, and my Mom and Michael are both natural brunettes, also, I have blue eyes, and my mom has blue eyes and Michael has brown eyes, and my friend told me that I should have green eyes if it’s true, and I look like my mom, and nothing like Michael.
‘So, tomorrow, I just want you to act like the camera, and I aren’t here, so I can see what a normal day is like…’ oh god, we look like a normal family, but we’re not!

Hi everyone who clicks on my profile!...Um, not quite sure what else to do here. Yup, definitely new at this! XD
— Magebird