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Final Fantasy IX: Return of the Weapons Pt. 1

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Fri May 12, 2006 2:01 pm
Alteran says...

Final Fantasy IX
Return of the Weapons

Part I
Call of the Summoner

The great wings of Alexander, The summon of the Crystal, glowed brilliantly before firing the wave of holy power on Bahamut, King of Dragons. Garnet Til Alexandros XVII watched helplessly as the airship, Invincible, came into view.

Garnet bolted upright in her bed. The pendent of Alexandria glowed around her neck as it did the night before. For the fifth time she had the dream of Alexander. Looking over she saw Zidane, her husband. He was sound asleep unaffected by Garnet’s sudden movement.

Sweet Zidane. I wish I knew what this means…

She closed her eyes and went back to sleep.

The next morning her duties as Queen took her mind off of the dream. Today was the day. Regent Cid, Lady Hilda, and Eiko were coming to Alexandria for the diplomatic meeting of the year. King Puck of Burmecia would be accompanied by his lead Dragon Knight, Freya. It was sure to be a joyous occasion.

It had been twenty years since their defeat of Kuja and Necron. So much had changed and these meetings were more of a reunion than anything else.

“Mommy, mommy!” cried Muroko, Garnet and Zidane’s Daughter. She had long black hair like her mother, a tail from Zidane, and a Summoner’s horn.

“What is it my dear, Muroko?” said Garnet.

“Uncle Cid’s airship is here.”

“Alrighty,” said Zidane, “Let’s give em a welcome, Muroko.”

“OK Daddy.” Garnet followed her husband and daughter to the highest tower of the castle. The great sword had been rebuilt and stood high in the air reflecting the afternoon sun. “I summon Quezacotl!” A great dark cloud formed in the air. It surged with electricity before a large bird came flying from the cloud. It cried a high-pitched note before coming to Muroko. “Give the airship a welcome, Quezy.”

The ship could be seen in the distance. The Hilda Grade 5. The fastest and most powerful airship in the entire world. Quezacotl flew high into the air and gathered its energy. As the ship reached the border of Alexandria the bird launched a blast of lightning that forked through the sky in a complicated way; filling the sky with beautiful blue lightning. Two more lightning blasts and the ship had come to a stop in front of the castle. Quezacotl vanished with a clap of thunder.

“HEY!!!! UNCLE CID!!!!” Cried Muroko as she waved over the side of the castle. Cid, Hilda, and Eiko were all on deck waving back happily.

They met on the first floor of the castle. Muroko ran up and gave Eiko a great big hug.

“Umf. Your getting pretty big, Muroko,” said Eiko. “And Quezacotl has grown a lot too.” Eiko stood to show her full height. She had grown a lot since the days of their adventures. She wore a long green dress and a tiara on her head. On her ear was the Memory Earring of her home, and around her neck was the Falcons Claw of Linblum. She had grown so much and turned into a beautiful woman. She had long blue hair and her horn had grown too. It was longer but still matched her well.

“Hey Dagger,” she said as Garnet and Zidane came down the stairs. (Muroko had beat them down stairs)

“Eiko, It’s so good to see you again.” They hugged with happiness before Cid and Hilda came in. “Uncle Cid, Aunt Hilda, It is wonderful to see you again.”

“We are happy to be here,” said Hilda. “It has been to long.” As they talked and caught up, Adelbert Steiner, captain of the Knights of Pluto, came into the entrance hall. He cleared his throat to get their attention.

“Steiner!” said Eiko. She went forward and hugged the knight. He no longer wore the rusted armor of twenty years ago but a new Mythril plate armor made by the master blacksmith in town. At his belt was the shining Excalibur II.

“Hello, lady Eiko, It is wonderful to see you again. I came to announce the arrival of King Puck and Dragon Knight Freya.”

“Wonderful, Rusty, send em in,” said Zidane with a smile. Steiner clenched his teeth and his face contorted with rage but he held it back.

“Yes my King.”

“Do lighten up, Steiner,” said Garnet, “This is a joyous occasion.”

“Yes my Queen.” He went quietly out of the entrance hall to retrieve Puck and Freya.

“Still stiff as ever, I see.” Cid was staring after Steiner. “I thought your adventures had lightened his heart.”

“He’s worse than ever since Beatrix accepted his marriage proposal,” said Zidane.

“He’s in for a bumpy ride,” Hilda wiped out her fan and smacked Cid across the face. <ribbit> “What was that for?” Everyone in the room couldn’t help but laugh.

Freya came into the entrance hall with subtle elegance. The hall fell silent at once. She bowed as King Puck came by.

“Get up Freya!” he said, “ I told you I hate it when you do that.”

“Forgive me my Lord,” she said.

“And stop calling me Lord. Puck. Puck. Puck. My name is Puck!”

“Hey Christine! You’ve gotten…big,” said Zidane.” Freya jumped up at once.

“You monkey tailed….” Again they enjoyed a laugh. Thoughts of their adventures were always pleasant.

“Shall we begin our meeting?” asked Garnet. They went off to the side room where the Alexandrian library was housed and took seats around a table. Dr. Tot came from behind a bookshelf and took Muroko off for a study session; much to the objection of Muroko.

“Who would like to begin?” Garnet said.

“I will,” said Puck, “A number of Grand Dragons in the upper regions of the mountains around Burmecia have started breeding with a new type of monster. We are experiencing difficulty taking these beasts and need assistance.”

“I shall dispatch an airship with a platoon of royal soldiers to assist you,” said Regent Cid.

“I will assign two of the Knights of Pluto to travel back with you and wait for the ship,” said Zidane.

“Thank you. That will be more than sufficient.”

“I shall go next,” said Cid, “The Technological District in Lindblum has designed a built a new type of vehicle. It is a submarine. It is like an airship but travels under the ocean. I wish to send an exploration team made of all the three nations.”

“Wonderful. I will tell Dr. Tot. He will be excited at such an opportunity, said Garnet.

“I will send my top scholar to Lindblum as soon as we return to Burmecia.”

“This is great. A joint exploration will give the continent a great morale boost.”

“I suppose that leaves Alexandria. We have been opening relations to the Black Mage Village. It will be the first intercontinental relationship in Gaia. Will Burmecia and Lindblum be willing to let go of old feelings and welcome the Black Mages and the Genomes?” asked Zidane

“I hold no hardships towards the Black Mages,” said Cid.

“I have no objections,” said Puck.

“Good. I would say we have accomplished a lot today. We will take recess until tomorrow.” They all stood up as the maids came to escort the guests to their rooms.

“Dagger?” said Eiko, “May I speak with you in private?” Garnet nodded and they set off for the Throne Room. What could this be about?She wondered as they traveled. Once in the throne room Eiko became very serious. “ Have you been having…dreams?”

“What kind of dreams?”

“Ones about Alexander. I keep seeing him and the Invincible. When I wake up my Earring and the Claw are glowing.”

“I’ve…had the same dream.”

“Could Alexander be calling to us again?”

“But how? He was destroyed by the Invincible.”

“Bahamut was destroyed too and you could still summon him in battle. This is really important, Dagger. We have to go to Madain Sari. We need to go to the Eidolon wall.”

“But Eiko, I can’t leave. How can we just up and go to the Outer Continent?”

“You have to. Wehave to. Alexander picked us. We are the sacred guardians of the
Crystal. We can’t ignore the Summoner’s Call.”

“We have a responsibility to our countries…”

“We have a responsibility to our ancestors. Our family died for us. We cannot ignore this. We have a duty to Gaia and everyone on this planet.” Garnet stared into Eiko’s eyes. She knew she could not ignore the Call. She could not leave her position of queen either. She clutched the pendent around her neck and felt the warmth radiate from it. She made up her mind.

“Let’s go.”
* * *
That night Garnet got her old Whale Whisker from the weapon vault. She grabbed a few potions, ethers, and elixirs before making her way to the entrance hall. She had to sneak so the guards would not see her.

Outside Eiko was waiting. She wore a pair of pants and a shirt making her look less elegant than before. Of course Garnet had taken on the same type of clothing to avoid drawing attention.

“Who are we going?” Garnet asked.

“I’ve learned how to pilot the Hilda Grade 5.”

“We’re stealing uncle Cid’s airship!?”

“Yep. You already agreed to go with me. You can’t back out now.”

“I’m not going to.” They got onto the ship without a sound. After checking to make
sure all the crew was gone Eiko and Garnet went to the bridge. The Ship was massive. It ran on five steam engines and a new combustion engine that ran off of a very flammable liquid.

“When I say so, hit that big red button on that panel,” Eiko instructed. Garnet went to the panel and waited as Eiko flipped switches and pressed buttons. The ship’s engines started slowly. The Rumble got louder and louder as the propellers sped up. The ship started rising into the air as the castle guards and everyone else in Alexandria watched the ship. “Now!” Garnet hit the button.

The ship’s new combustion engine kicked on and launched the Hilda Grade 5 north; to the outer continent. By now they had awoken the entire castle and town but no one knew they were gone except for Zidane.
* * *

Zidane watched the airship lift up and take off in a northern direction.

Where are you going Dagger? Zidane went to the entrance hall where Cid, Hilda, Puck, Freya, Steiner, and Beatrix were all standing around talking. When they saw Zidane silence fell upon the hall.

“Freya, Steiner, Beatrix. Gather your weapons and supplies and meet me outside the city.” He turned around and went up to the throne room. In a secret compartment under his throne he pulled out his thief sword, Ultima Weapon. He gathered his armor and supplies before going to Muroko’s room. Dr. Tot was sitting with her.

“Daddy. Why do have on all that armor?”

“Daddy has to go up north.”


“Mommy went there and I have to go meet her. You’re gonna go stay with Uncle Cid and Aunt Hilda. Okay?”


“That’s a good girl.” Zidane gave her a hug before standing and facing Dr. Tot. “You’re in charge of Alexandria. We’ll return as soon as possible.”

“Oh my. Of course, Sir.”
Zidane made his way to the gates if Alexandria where a well armored Steiner, Freya, and Beatrix stood. Freya was clutching her Dragon’s Hair while Beatrix held her Save the Queen.

“Follow me.” They ventured about five miles to a forest. Zidane led them in deep until they came to a clearing that was hidden by thick tall tress. In the clearing stood the Invincible.

“But how?” said Steiner, “I thought we lost it in Memoria.”

“No. I found it and rode it back to Lindblum,” explained Zidane, “Cid had it repaired in secret and then I hid it in the forest just in case.” They all boarded and Zidane took his place. The ship started immediately. It lifted into the air, clearing away the trees to reveal its presence. Zidane faced it north and launched at full speed.

“Do you know where they are?” asked Freya.

“I have an idea.”
* * *
The Hilda Grade was settled in the field in front of Madain Sari. Eiko and Garnet were already making their way through the ruins. It seemed to have decayed a great deal since the last time they were there. The moogles were all gone and the air was thick with depression.

“It’s been so long,” said Eiko, “My home. It’s so sad. I don’t want to lose it.”

“You wont. We learned that on our journey. Our memories will always be with us; alive in our minds and hearts. You will never lose this place.”

“Thanks, Dagger.” They came to the Eidolon Wall. The pictures on the walls were still there. Images of Ifrit, Shiva, Ramuh, Phoenix. All of the Eidolons their ancestors had discovered.

“Now what?” asked Garnet.

“When I was little, Grandpa showed me something about the wall. I never thought much of it until I started having the dreams.” She took off her earring and the Falcon’s claw around her neck. She went up to the painting of Alexander. Between his two pillar legs were four slots. She put the earring in the bottom slot and the Claw in the left slot. “Put the pendent in the top and the Desert Star in left.” Garnet did so and stepped back.

Veins of light started to spread through the wall. Soon the entire area was glowing with the light of the Crystal.

“Sarah,” said a voice from behind Eiko and Garnet. They turned around quickly to see the transparent image of a woman. Garnet recognized her immediately as her biological mother.


“Yes my dear, Sarah.” Suddenly, transparent images of people filled the room. “You and Eiko have returned the Crystal to the Wall. Within it are the memories and thoughts of all the people of Gaia. By bringing it back you have given us the chance to see you

“Oh my little Eiko. You have grown so much,” said a woman with blue hair the same shade as Eiko’s.

“Mommy? I missed you so much.” Tears started fall down Eiko’s face.

“Don’t cry little one. We must tell you… about them.” An extremely old looking man stepped forward. He wore a great white gown and had a very long horn on his head.

“I am the Elder of Madain Sari from 2000 years ago. At the time we had a very small
amount of knowledge about the Eidolons. The four lands were ruled by the Weapons: Diamond, Emerald, Ruby, and Ultima. Each one could call upon an entity with unimaginable power. The first Eidolons. They overlooked our village, however, because they considered us to be a weak force of no importance. That was their first mistake. They conquered all of the four continents and became arrogant. We had gained the power of mighty Eidolons. The ruler of our continent was Diamond. He lived in a castle in the high mountain that looked over all the land. He was the first we took. With Odin, Ifrit, Ramuh, Shiva, and Carbuncle we destroyed his castle and banished him to another dimension.

“Soon after, Ruby, ruler of the Mist Continent, came to avenge Diamond. We banished him as well. Then came Emerald from the Lost Continent. He, too, was no match for our Eidolons.

“It took five years for Ultima to come. He was the most powerful and the leader of the Weapons. In our town we housed and protected the Crystal. It was our sacred duty but even we had no idea the power it possessed. Ultima called on his great beast and attacked the village. We summoned the Eidolons but Ultima was far too powerful. We thought we were doomed. Two of our children went the Eidolon Wall where the Crystal was housed and grabbed it. Upon touching it they called out for help and Alexander was summoned. He passed Judgment on us, and Ultima. Ultima was banished and we were punished for our growing arrogance. We thought our power was great but we were wrong. Our punishment was that our Eidolons would be given the choice to use their whole power or hold back. It weakened us considerably but taught us a lesson.

“The power of the Crystal frightened us. It was far too powerful to keep anymore. The entire world watched as Alexander came. We broke it into four pieces. We kept one piece and sent the other three to the three nations of the Mist Continent. It was the only way we could keep the power safe.

“Again we were wrong. You two summoned Alexander not to long ago. He has since become far more powerful and active in the Crystal World where all Eidolons wait to be called.

“Now that you now the story we give our descendants the warning. The dimension we trapped the Weapons in was Terra. The four weapons were trapped in the planets core and that is what caused their decline. Poetic justice you might say since Garland used Gaia to try and save Terra. With the destruction of Terra the Weapons are free. With the next duel lunar eclipse, when the two moons become one and violet, the weapons will return to claim Gaia.”

“But why?!” cried Garnet. “Why wait all this time to return?”

“My darling daughter,” said her mother, “Alexander and the Eidolons have been holding them back; along with all your ancestors. We have been waiting for the Call. Alexander sounded it and at last you and Eiko have come. The many secrets of the Eidolon wall will be revealed to you soon…” All of them started to fade as the veins of light in the wall started to return to the four pieces of the crystal.

“Please don’t go!” said Eiko.

“We must,” said Eiko’s mother. “Your comrades are coming. Take care my daughter. Gaia’s secrets are about to be revealed. You are ready.”

“Goodbye Sarah,” said Garnets mother, “You are my daughter. We all believe in you. You and Eiko can do it. Have no fear…” As the Summoner’s faded away the enormous image of Alexander appeared. A great booming voice echoed in Garnet and Eiko’s mind.

“The Call has been sounded. Now the choice is up to you…. Chosen Ones…” The images were completely gone. The Invincible arrived and hovered over Garnet and Eiko.
"Maybe Senpai ate Yuka-tan's last bon-bon?"
----Stupei, Ace Defective

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67 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 890
Reviews: 67
Fri May 12, 2006 7:48 pm
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AngelBaby88 says...

This sounds really great im a final fantasy fan myself if you havent noticed, no one has let me no how im doing on mine tho...yours sounds great tho.
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