
Young Writers Society

When do you write?

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Sun Aug 20, 2006 1:17 am
Wiggy says...

What time is your best writing time? I love writing throughout the day, but my best is late at night, when it's all quiet and my brain is on a high for thinking. I've lately been staying up till like 4 in the morning to just pour out my thoughts on paper. lol

Also, do you have any particular writing habits? I chew on pens when I'm writing. Don't ask. :P
"I will have to tell you, you have bewitched me body and soul..." --Mr. Darcy, P & P, 2005 movie
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Sun Aug 20, 2006 1:52 am
Cassandra says...

I tend to have lots of creativity flowing through me after I exercise (in the morning). Being able to sit down and write throughout the day is great, but a rarity for me (unfortuantely my mom thinks that having me vacum the floor is more important than my writing). And writing way late at night is great. :D

As for habits, I always think that you can tell when I'm bored with a certain part of my story: if I'm writing with pen and paper, I'll doodle in the margins when I can't think of what else to write. So naturally some scenes are covered in hearts and stars, while others are blank. O.o

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Sun Aug 20, 2006 4:27 am
Skye says...

I can write at any time of the day (time permiting) but my really inspired stuff always hits me between 12am and 4am, lol.

I don't know if this counts for a habit, but when I'm handwriting something my normally neat handwriting turns into an illegible scrawl. I don't know if this is because it's usually so late or because I don't want anyone to read it, but it can become quite annoying when I have to translate it from paper to hard drive!
"A poet in love is best encouraged in both capacities or neither." ~ Jane Austen, Emma.

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Sun Aug 20, 2006 4:40 am
Sam says...

I like writing in the very early morning or late night- when my mind's least aware. The subconscious mind is fun! :wink:


I tend to write in sloppy Cyrillic (even when I start in, say, cursive), even though that's not what I'd naturally do. And I bit the inside of my mouth when I've got a particularly good scene coming along- permanent scars have ensued. :P
Graffiti is the most passionate form of literature there is.

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Sun Aug 20, 2006 1:32 pm
Ohio Impromptu says...

Late at night is great for me too, but I don't get to do it very often. Mid-morning (like 10 onward) seems to get me going aswell, but only if I've slept well.
I guess it comes down to what I'm writing. When I wrote short stories frequently they'd all be done when I should've been sleeping. Now that I'm writing a novel daylight serves me better. Not sure why.

I can't write if I'm cold.
Handwriting causes me to put violent teethmarks in my pen.
I can't write on my computer if I can't get an internet connection. (Manifestation of the sad fact that I can't get anything done if there's nothing to poetentially distract me from it)

And that's all I have to say about that.
Gone, gone from New York City,
where you gonna go with a head that empty?
Gone, gone from New York City,
where you gonna go with a heart that gone?

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Sun Aug 20, 2006 2:45 pm
Chandni says...

good question ! I have thought ment to be put on paper througout the day..best thing for me would be having a notebook and pen with me all day ! When I basically try to search those thoughts up later can't seem to find myself lol But other than that late at nite in all silence is the best ;)

As for habits, I HAVE to write with a pencil lol no pen ! I write very very ugly when writing haha normally at school or something I don't
I should not keep on, I'll just creep on creepin'on.

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Sun Aug 20, 2006 2:51 pm
Cassandra says...

Skye wrote:I don't know if this counts for a habit, but when I'm handwriting something my normally neat handwriting turns into an illegible scrawl. I don't know if this is because it's usually so late or because I don't want anyone to read it, but it can become quite annoying when I have to translate it from paper to hard drive!

I do the exact same thing. For school work and stuff I usually write in print, which is the only handwriting of mine my teachers can read. And even that's chicken scratch! But when I'm writing I usually use cursive. The words seem to flow better. But anyway, I think my handwriting is illegible for two reasons:

A) I have so many ideas teeming around my head that I need to get out on paper, so I write very quickly and messily.


B) I don't want anyone to read it. Not that people can usually read my handwriting anyway, but sometimes I'll consciously write messily so that no one can read what I've written.

It sure is a pain to type up, though!

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Sun Aug 20, 2006 6:11 pm
Dream Deep says...

I tend to write best at night, after we're done watching a movie and everyone goes to sleep... lol, except me, of course. I seem to be having a long flirtation with insomnia, because I find it very hard to sleep, and so I usually end up writing.

I tend to write very very small, so small in fact that I can fit two lines of print in a single college-ruled line. Hahaha... parent's have bad eyesight. Protects my nerves. :wink:

I also have the habit - when writing - to bite my lip. Hard. Constantly. Not sure why. ^_~

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Sun Aug 20, 2006 7:50 pm
niteowl says...

I usually write late at night. It tires my brain out a little so I might actually be able to fall asleep.

Yesterday I randomly felt inspired in the middle of the day, so I wrote. I have a little notebook in my purse so I can write when I'm out and I have time.
"You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand." Leonardo Da Vinci


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Mon Aug 21, 2006 2:39 am
Bjorn says...

Dream Deep wrote:to bite my lip. Hard. Constantly. Not sure why. ^_~

I'm sorry, but I can imagine that! :lol: My friend does it when he's gone silent for more than a few seconds. Just the thought of him doing it...anyway, me being a big meany is over!

Let's see, I write at night. I suppose it's just cause your alone, and all's quiet (except the headphones you have blasting...*ahem*). Sometimes during the day, usually only if inspiration hits.

Habits or the like: Pencil and paper. Computer comes after, maybe; pen, never! (Unless of course it's a good copy, which rarely to never happens). If I'm writing something continuesly, it has to be a mechanical pencil (with preferably a comfort grip). Mostly because of not having to sharpen it, but also it means legible writing, and now also because it's a habit. I tend to stray from what I'm writing rather quickly (sometimes) and that leads to doodling. Finally, I'll find myself writing in runes (only some letters and/or words here and there). :o
Killing For Peace Is Like F#@%ing For Chastity
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Mon Aug 21, 2006 2:54 am
Harmony'sSake says...

I write best late at night. I also read at this time so I switch between the two. I like writing at night because there are none of the daytime distractions and my little brother is sleeping so he doesn't bug me every 5 minutes!
I don't think I have many habits when writing except for maybe chewing on my pen and doodling when I can't think of anything to write.
"You should have died! Died rather than betray your friends as we would have for you!" Sirius Black

You know you are obsessed when you know enough quotes that you could use a new one everyday for almost a year!

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Mon Aug 21, 2006 4:13 am
Cameron says...

I don't really have a predictable writing schedule. I've had months where I haven’t been able to formulate a coherent sentence, and than there have been periods where it seems I find inspiration at every turn. I think though that I stumble upon better ideas late at night—I’ll awake suddenly from a dream, having had some profound revelation and I tell myself I’ll write it down the next day…and I usually do…but I find it’s never quite as good as when it first came to me.
The individual leads in actual fact a double life, one in which he is an end to himself and another in which he is a link in a chain which he serves against his will or at least independently of his will.

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Mon Aug 21, 2006 7:16 am
Griffinkeeper says...

*Moved to Fiction Discussion*

I haven't been writing, which isn't good.

I'm usually more alert at night, so I'd probably write then.

The best way to write consistantly is to plan it out. This way, you can't use the excuse that "You have no time for it."
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Mon Aug 21, 2006 8:00 am
Poor Imp says...

I write...at night the best. During the day, my thoughts wander, or things bother me - and I don't think straight. Sometimes I can write wonderfully during college classes; though that bars paying attention to the professor... -_-''

DD bites her lip? I hope not through @_@. I tend to chew my lip though as well...ah, sometimes it's bloody and I don't know why later. Perhaps a bad habit. But not as bad, certainly, as Sherlock Holmes cocaine...
ex umbris et imaginibus in veritatem

"There is adventure in simply being among those we love, and among the things we love -- and beauty, too."
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Fri Aug 25, 2006 6:54 am
Elelel says...

Um ... I don't know. I don't think I've ever noticed any links between time and good writing for me. Late at night maybe? But really when I did NaNo last year I wrote as soon as I got home and just didn't stop until something intruped me that was, unfortunately, important. Such as dinner or homework. But then before I went to sleep I'd write again.

Habits? I tend to write in the dark if I'm typing. Odd, huh? I might have a little reading lamp, but otherwise the curtains are drawn and the lights are off and it's warm and cosy and the rest of the world doesn't have to exist if I don't want it too. You can't even tell if it's day or night. I sometimes do that for pen and paper, but it's not as necessary.
Oh, you're angry! Click your pen.
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A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
— Steve Martin