
Young Writers Society

Single Entries vs. Long Entries

Which do you prefer on YWS: Long Entries, or Short Entries?

Long Entries (with multiple chapters)
Short Entries (with maybe three posts tops)
Total votes : 19

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Sat Jan 03, 2009 2:57 am
Conrad Rice says...

Okay, before I start this, I will admit that I am a hypocrite. I have done long, multi entry stories on YWS (I'm in the middle of one, actually.) But I still think this needs to be brought up, so I'm doing it anyways.

It is my opinion that there are two many long entries on YWS. By this, I mean there are too many chapter 22s of multiple stories going up. I personally would like to see more single entries, more short stories that can be contained within about 2k to 3k words. Why? To put it simply, they're easier to review. As an Instructor, I need to go out and review things. It is hard to review when there are about ten chapter 22s and only one short story. I won't review in the middle of stories, btw, because that is ineffective. I've tried to do it before, and I always sound like a bumbling idiot who just got born. And no, I won't go back and read all the other chapters, because I do not have that kind of time.

But, enough about what I think. I want to know what you all think. Do you like long entries or short entries? Please reply to this thread. It is my hope that, with some discussion, we can bring back the shorter stories that are well loved by many.
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Sat Jan 03, 2009 3:00 am
Ducati says...

I would like it better if people split their chapters up into two parts. It's quite daunting to be faced with an entire chapter to fix up. Also the rate some people churn out work is incredible. I tried to keep up but they write faster than I can review. :lol:
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Sat Jan 03, 2009 3:02 am
JabberHut says...

I'll have to say short stories.

I enjoy them more because they're quick reads and actually, they're more fun and challenging to right. O: I know, I said challenging; but we gotta put everything into only a few pages--like poetry! So I give more kudos to short story writers by how difficult they really are to write.

And I don't feel lost when I read them. xD I review so much and so many different stories, it's difficult keeping up with a dozen novels! As much as I love them all, I'm not that braniac. *sob*

And so, I heart short stories. I wish there were more out there so I could get better at writing them. xD
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Sat Jan 03, 2009 3:16 am
Jiggity says...

There should be a third option, as I don't really mind either way.

The quality of the writing is what I care about. If its good, then great, I'll be happy to read all of it, no matter the length.
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Sat Jan 03, 2009 3:39 am
Prokaryote says...

Do I prefer short items? Yes.

Do I believe people should change their writing habits to accommodate my personal preferences? Nope.


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Sat Jan 03, 2009 3:54 am
Sumi H. Inkblot says...

I don't care about the length as long as the person who puts it up is careful about spacing. Doing a novel chapter's critique generally takes me a little bit longer because I tend to go back and check facts I'm unsure of. :P It just takes more effort. (Also *cough* there's the quality versus quantity factoid that exists in writing, but if you find the right story *morecoughLYLAcough* it's all good)

I say let the diversity be. As long as people are writing and reviewing, who cares?

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Sat Jan 03, 2009 4:26 am
Livinginfantasy says...

I never write long entries... Too much time.

I love to write, but I can never stick to one long story... the same goes for my reviewing.

Currently, I am reviewing a story with multiple chapters only because I was lucky enough to have read the prologue and become hooked, and have the author constantly ask for me to review when she gets a new chapter up (though I don't mind... I love the story).

But I do read longer entries... I'm a fan of long stories cause it gives a chance for a lot of development... I just don't review them.


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Sat Jan 03, 2009 5:15 am
Emerson says...

Since this isn't exactly writing tips, I'm moving it to Fiction discussion ^^

My thoughts: we have Advanced Crits for a purpose, and yet people rarely take advantage of this. It needs to get used more for this purpose. I also agree, short stories are lovely, and they're a great way to learn the small chain of a story process, which can then be enlarged. Why not learn how to write small before writing big? Of course, the short story comes with its own problems!

I think novellas of say ten or fifteen pieces would be fine in the regular sections but beyond that it is a headache. But, honestly, what can one do? :P
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Sat Jan 03, 2009 8:00 am
Snoink says...

Eh. I usually post part of my novels on YWS, then I stop and say to the faithful, constructive readers (if they are still there) whether they would like to read the rest of the story and give me commentary as I continue. Of course, some of the faithful readers who don't comment or don't give constructive comments sort of hate me, but... they'll be the readers of the story eventually, when it's all pretty and published. They don't need to read crap since they can't help me turn it into gold. ;)

I like short stories too, but short stories are harder to write. So I can see both ways. Still, the writer's desires go first. The readers get to decide what they want to do. ;)
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Sat Jan 03, 2009 8:11 am
JC says...

I'm going to go a different way and say I prefer the longer entries. As an instructor, it's more of a challenge, and we see more of the development. Short stories are great as well, but it's novels that we all eventually strive for (for the most part), and I think that those are two very different approaches to both writing, and critiquing.
But that is not the question. Why we are here, that is the question. And we are blessed in this, that we happen to know the answer. Yes, in this immense confusion one thing alone is clear. We are waiting for Godot to come. -Beckett

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Sat Jan 03, 2009 2:06 pm
Angel of Death says...

Yes, I'll have to agree with Jiggy. There should be a third option because if the story is written well and follows but needs help, I'll be glad to read all of it and insist with making it better. Though I can't talk because I haven't written a short story in ages and all I do is post chapter after chapter. But I agree that there should be a balance of both short and long stories just to make things easier for people to critique.
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Sat Jan 03, 2009 2:11 pm
Rosendorn says...

There should be a few more options Jig! Like if you don't mine multi-chapter stuff, but would rather people only post two, maybe three pages at one time (if that means posting a chapter in parts, fine). I usually won't review something if it's over four pages long when put in a Word document.

So, I don't mind the longer entries. With so much new stuff being posted I haven't found that many stories where I needed to go back and read four chapters (or more) to get everything. And since I have found very few short stories I actually like, I really don't mind long stuff.

Also, it you post something in Advanced Critiques, the likelyhood I'm going to see it is zilch. I like to get a single critique done in one sitting, so if it'll take me over an hour, warn me for one, or don't ask.
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Sun Jan 04, 2009 8:34 pm
Conrad Rice says...

Okay, perhaps I should explain the lack of any other options. Because, really, I want to see what people think when push comes to shove. I really wanted to see what people will choose between these two, not between these two and fifteen more(he said haughtily). Forgive me for being blunt about that, but I'm the kind of guy who sees things in black and white, not in so many shades of grey. Also, I'm too lazy to go back and add more choices.

And, as far as trying to influence people's writing style, that was not my intention. This was partly out of a desire to bring attention to this, yes, but most of it was out of a simple curiosity. I knew I felt one way, but I didn't know how anyone else felt, so I decided to ask. Plain and simple.
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Fri Jan 23, 2009 12:26 pm
Elelel says...

Well ... I voted short because, when push comes to shove, that's easiest for me as a reviewer. I tend to be very inactive, so even when I vow to keep up with something it doesn't really last.

But I wouldn't ask anyone to change their writing for that.
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Fri Jan 23, 2009 12:49 pm
Nutty says...

I don't mind, really. As long as someone will let me start at the start, and don't expect a crit on chapter 23 NOW, I can handle it. Though said person may have to bug me just a little.
But then I could just be bias- I write longer stories most of the time (when I can stick to one idea!)
I think that longer stories that are well written aren't a problem, but I prefer it if I get a little breathing space in between posts. Hence, people should ask me to crit from the start, and keep me informed as each bit goes up.

But I enjoy short stories too. ^_^
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