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Pseudonyms/using fake names online...good or bad?

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Sun Apr 29, 2007 6:28 pm
AWritersFantasy says...

First, I should say that this does, in fact, go in this section because it ultimately has something to do with writing.

I was just wondering what people's thoughts are about those who use fake names online for protection or whatever other reason. I ask because...well, I'm one of those people. When I first started coming online and going in to chat rooms at twelve years old, I was told to use a fake name and not give out any information beyond that fake name, an age, and the state I live in. Because of that, it's just stuck with me to continue doing so, and I hate that. I'm twenty-one, now, so I feel like I'm old enough to know whether or not it's safe to use a real name and stuff.

I think it's ultimately screwed me over as far as...sharing my writing goes. Because I want to be able to start posting my writing as...myself, but there are places that I've posted as my "fake self" in the past (such as here, but I've only posted one piece of writing here, so it's not that bad), and I'd have to either post as my "fake self" or...well, not really post it at all. o_O Does that make any sense?

So basically, what're your thoughts on it? Anyone have any idea as to how I should go about dealing with this from now on? I suppose the most I can do is, when I join a new board, just post...as myself, I guess. o.O

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Sun Apr 29, 2007 6:34 pm
Emerson says...

I go by a fake name.

It's less security and more I enjoy the mystery of it. It started out as security, but I don't care who knows my name from that stand point anymore. I'm just Claudette here. 'Dettie. Clau. Claud. Heck, Till even!

As for posting stuff? I don't think your name should matter. Just think of it as a pen name. It's still you no matter what, just under a mask. (Ah, I feel like quoting, "Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth." Oscar Wilde.)

So, just post. It's still you who wrote it.

And I'm kind of confused about why this is here but perhaps I won't move it....
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Sun Apr 29, 2007 8:00 pm
Sureal says...

I don't have a problem with people knowing my name, although there aren't that many people here who do know it.

Don't think anyone knows my surname though.

Honestly though, what could anyone possibly do with 'Jonny'? It's not like anyone could track me down.

... having said that, I do have a picture of me as my avatar. XD
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Sun Apr 29, 2007 8:17 pm
Sponson Light says...

We use a fake name right now.
Sureal? Sponson?
Thats my pseudo name, my login name.

If I wanted to put down my real name, I'd either sign it with "- by "My Name"", or I'd just sign the drawing or something.

Its simple. If you created a fake name for your fake name, then just put "aka this is my real name "Your Real Name"".
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Sun Apr 29, 2007 8:51 pm
McMourning says...

I ask because...well, I'm one of those people. When I first started coming online and going in to chat rooms at twelve years old, I was told to use a fake name and not give out any information beyond that fake name, an age, and the state I live in. Because of that, it's just stuck with me to continue doing so, and I hate that. I'm twenty-one, now, so I feel like I'm old enough to know whether or not it's safe to use a real name and stuff.

Hello, Danielle!
I pretty much have the same story as you. At 13, I don't feel comfortable even letting my first name be known (not even to my email provider). Here, no one knowns anything other than McMourning. But, elsewhere, I've gotten closer to users, and let them call me by my nickname.

If you want to be more honest, going by a nickname (not a pseudoname) would be fine. You're not revealing your real name, but you're not lying either. But, I guess that depends on what your nickname is. If it's "Matilda" not "Magic"...
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Sun Apr 29, 2007 8:55 pm
Via says...

Yea. In my dorm there are three people with my name, all spelled the same, just in my hallway.

My feelings is pretty much: good luck tracking me down! =]
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Sun Apr 29, 2007 9:11 pm
Sponson Light says...

McMourning wrote: Here, no one knowns anything other than McMourning. But, elsewhere, I've gotten closer to users, and let them call me by my nickname.

I put John Smith for everything, because there is only one John Smith.
You shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, instead, you should read every single book to see what every book is about before you even come close to judging its viability.

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Sun Apr 29, 2007 10:29 pm
Snoink says...

Mmmm... I don't really want people to know who I am, I guess. So that's why I'm using a fake name for my book.
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Sun Apr 29, 2007 10:32 pm
Via says...

If I ever get a book published my name will be changed for the sake of the book. If I published it with my real last name, no one would ever be able to spell it and find my book. I almost changed my last name two years ago when I turned 18 to something actually pronouncable. Plus, it is kind of a nice feeling to know that no one reading your book actual knows who you are from your name.

However, I never really thought about what name I would use....what's a good pen name for me? :)
Last edited by Via on Sun Apr 29, 2007 11:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Sun Apr 29, 2007 10:37 pm
Trident says...

When you're younger (I would say younger than 17-18.), it's best to use a username. I would suggest never giving out your actual name.

At first I thought this thread was going to be about literary pseudonyms, like if you were actually published. I don't have much stock in these. In these days, they don't really help an author. There are exceptions, I suppose.
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Mon Apr 30, 2007 4:14 am
AWritersFantasy says...

Claudette wrote:And I'm kind of confused about why this is here but perhaps I won't move it....

Oy. :roll: See...I would've replied to this a lot earlier, but my laptop got this random blue screen error, so I ended up losing what I had started to reply with.

I think that when I went to post it, I saw the "discussion" portion of this section and my mind just thought this would be the best place to post. o.O So if you need to move it, you can, since I kinda doubt it still belongs here.

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Mon Apr 30, 2007 4:23 am
AWritersFantasy says...

McMourning wrote:If you want to be more honest, going by a nickname (not a pseudoname) would be fine. You're not revealing your real name, but you're not lying either. But, I guess that depends on what your nickname is. If it's "Matilda" not "Magic"...

Mm...I could easily do that, and I think I'd feel better doing it that way, and I think that it's a nickname that could go along with a number of different names, so it would be a little hard for people to guess what the full version of my name is....or at least, I'd think so.

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Mon Apr 30, 2007 4:41 pm
Cpt. Smurf says...

McMourning wrote:If you want to be more honest, going by a nickname (not a pseudoname) would be fine. You're not revealing your real name, but you're not lying either. But, I guess that depends on what your nickname is. If it's "Matilda" not "Magic"...

I'm not sure pseudonyms count as lying, do they? I've never seen a pseudonym, such as with Lemony Snicket, and thought "OMG, he's lying!"

If you want to use a pseudonym, that's entirely up to you. Nobody's going to think any the worse of you for wanting to keep your name private.

As to pseudonyms for books, I've always thought that the best way to do it is borrow names from your family, such as cousins, etc. Not the whole name of course, but perhaps one name from one family member, a couple more from a couple of others.
There's always been a lot of tension between Lois and me, and it's not so much that I want to kill her, it's just, I want her to not be alive anymore.

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Mon Apr 30, 2007 4:49 pm
Sureal says...

If you're gonna have a pseudonym, you should pick a cool name. 8)

I know that if your first two or three published books sink comerically (ie. don't sell well), your publisher may want you to use a pseudonym for any future books you publish, cos otherwise bookstores won't stock you.
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Mon Apr 30, 2007 4:59 pm
Nate says...

I've almost always gone by real name just because it's too weird for me to go by a pseudonym. Plus, when I have gone by a pseudonym, I get sick of it fast. For instance, my first screen name was lukesky12 (huge Star Wars Fan at age 12). But after six months, I wanted to switch to Theseus14 (also a big Greek mythology fan back then... I was a HUGE dork, albeit a very funny one!). Then I wanted to switch to some other godforsaken screen name. Eventually I settled on one that used my real name; that way I would never grow tired of it.

In any case, for anyone under the age of 16, I highly encourage the use of pseudonyms for internet safety purposes. For ages past that, it's really up to you.

And of course, if you happen to be a webmaster, then your entire name along with your address is out there in the public record...

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