
Young Writers Society

At what age did you start writing and

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Thu Feb 22, 2007 8:13 pm
Wiggy says...

Hmm...prolly when I was 4. Or maybe I never just begun-I always have been. I remember I was at my grandma's house, and she was telling this story about an 8 year old who had just gotten published. I piped up with, "I'm going to get published too and write a really big book!" Yup, the dreams of childhood...

I've been writing ever since. I had a "novel" of 48 pages in 6th grade, plus countless other stories of the three bears. Basically, my whole journey up through 8th grade is posted under nonfiction under "The Journey of a Writer." Check it out (it's in my portfolio :D).
"I will have to tell you, you have bewitched me body and soul..." --Mr. Darcy, P & P, 2005 movie
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Fri Feb 23, 2007 3:40 pm
Cpt. Smurf says...

I think I started writing when I was about six, but the first thing I can remember writing was when I was eight. That story shames me, as it was a complete rip-off of the Chronicles of Narnia, so I will not elaborate on the plot. It was excellent grammatically, though.
There's always been a lot of tension between Lois and me, and it's not so much that I want to kill her, it's just, I want her to not be alive anymore.

~Stewie Griffin

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Sat Feb 24, 2007 12:36 am
BrokenSword says...

I started reading by myself at age five. I wrote my first ever story at around age 9. It was about two cats who built a boat and went sailing. I wrote my first big story at around age 10 or 11, I think. It was called "The Adventure in Salobaria", and it was about this guy named Robert and his friend Shawn. They discovered a dragon egg in their house and it hatched a small green dragon that could talk. Then they went to this land called Salobaria and met this whole family of dragons and had various adventures with them, LOL.

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Sat Feb 24, 2007 12:47 am
McMourning says...

I think I started writing in Preschool. My kindergarten teachers disbelieved that it was really my work. They suggested to my mother that I was only mimicking her actions.

But, that wasn't serious writing, just short sentences. Dreams, perhaps?
Semi-serious writing began around the fall of the Twin Towers: third grade.
Even more serious writing began last year, and it gets more and more like a profession, each and everyday. The weird thing is that I don't envision it becoming my occupation, I see it still as a hobby.

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Fri Mar 23, 2007 12:13 am
snap says...

I wrote my first poem in first grade, about spring. Been writing ever since!

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Fri Mar 23, 2007 12:31 am
Sumi H. Inkblot says...

I began writing when I was like 3 1/2, when I first started to sneak into my mom's room to use the computer to write "The Tamed Dragon". From there there was "The Drawing of Despair", "The Guardian of Reeka" (don't ask). From there I wrote a few poems for my own amusement, showed them to a co-op poem instructor, and she was raving about me having talent. From then on, I've been writing. (Thank you soooo much, poetry instructor! :mrgreen:)

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Tue Mar 27, 2007 2:33 am
BFG says...

When I was little my dad was working on his disertation, so I was too, of course. I would scribble on sheet after sheet of scrap paper, telling everyone that I was writing my disertation (according to my mom). But I didn't learn to read and write til I was four. From then on I've got a pretty well-documented history of my writing career - poems about monkeys from when I was four, journal entries from 5-7... I think my first story I have a copy of is from when I was seven. It's about a balloon farm, where this girl and her grandpa grow balloons. When I was in second grade I started my own newspaper, for which I learned to type and wrote articles, stories and poems. I just wish I had that much time and motivation now!
β€œIt is one of life's bitterest truths that bedtime so often arrives just when things are really getting interesting.” - Lemony Snicket

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Tue Mar 27, 2007 2:53 am
Dynamo says...

Ya know, there's quite an interesting story behind my history of writing.(If you can call it that.) I began writing about three or so years ago, before that I was your typical everyday gamer who loved video games and hated anything that involved using a pencil or reading anything that was written on paper. Of course, after watching the anime show Inuyasha for a year and reading a book called Eragon that was recommended to me by my mother I started to think, "Hey, that gives me an idea!" So I began writing, for fun, my rough draft of the story I am now trying to perfect for publication. I even drew some pictures in the story and made a map for it. The only thing different about my rough draft and Inuyasha were the different names for my characters and the abundance of dragons. The writing format for my rough draft was basically this:

Main character 1: "What are you doing?"

Main character 2: "Looking for gold."

Main character 1: "You're pillaging from a dead body, you monster!"

Main character 2: "Hey, he's not going to be needing it where he's going."


Hilarious as this may be, the grammar, spelling, heck the whole format of the story, to say the least, sucked. So once I finished my rough draft and had a solid idea of the flow of the storyline I began writing the real thing on my mother's old laptop. Due to my being in Japan for a year I haven't been able to work on it... at all. But once I get back home and start fixing up the first book hopefully it'll be something to put on the shelves of every bookstore in the country, nay the WORLD! I may be asking for much, but my motto is, and always has been, "Aim high, shoot high. Even if you miss your target you'll still go pretty far." Which is why I started writing in the first place.
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Tue Mar 27, 2007 3:40 pm
Meep says...

I've written (seriously) on and off for almost as long as I can remember. I've been writing in general pretty much since I could write, and telling stories before that.
I've been role playing* since I was eleven. I put a lot of work into those. (It's why I'm good at character development, but I suck at plots.)

The first thing I can remember writing was a short story called SUNday, about, well, a rainy Sunday and a mopey protagonist. I was ... five, I think. When I started taking my writing more seriously, around fifth grade, I wrote a Redwall [s]inspired[/s] knock-off and a Harry Potter Mary Sue. :oops:

*when I say "role playing," I mean "role playing," which involves work and research and grammatical skillz, not just silly play-by-post stories, although I do those, too.
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Tue Mar 27, 2007 3:46 pm
Sureal says...

Dunno if I've answered this already. Too lazy to look.

Started, I believe, when I was thirteen, with a Warhammer fan-fic. Also at that young age, I also had a go at writing a piece of fantasy (I still have the idea - it's just changed beyond all recognition, save for a single character name and the presence of swords). So I've been writing for around five years - just a baby compared to many others on this site.
I wrote the above just for you.

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Tue Mar 27, 2007 5:14 pm
Goldenheart says...

I've been making picture books since I was six, but only seriously writing since I was eleven. My first story is impossible to pin down, there have been so many of them. I look back upon them all and blush.
"I hate the word 'Truce'. It means 'Fun's over'." ~My little sister

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Thu Mar 29, 2007 3:51 pm
Writersdomain says...

I started writing Kindergarten. We had these blank booklets that my brother and I doodled on and I wrote my first story in one. It was called Snowflake and the Bare Tree... about a unicorn who was told to land on the ugly tree and make it pretty. It had spelling errors!!! :x Kind of creepy because almost every single story I've ever written includes that premise of something terrible becoming beautiful like in the Snowflake story. I think my mom hid it somewhere so I don't rip it up because of spelling.

I still have a few of my other old stories, which are completely hideous. The first one I typed was called the Never-ending Story, a fanfiction of Lord of the Rings where the main character almost died every other paragraph. :shock:
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"All I know, all I'm saying, is that a story finds a storyteller. Not the other way around." ~Neverwas

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Thu Mar 29, 2007 4:04 pm
ElvenChild02 says...

I've "written" stories (IE: told stories to anyone who would listen, and I still do...I'll corner someone and tell them all about the politics and geography of my imaginary world...) since I was about four-or-so... The first story I can remember writing is about a girl who went underground (Alice, anyone?), rode some unicorn thingys, found a magic seashell, returned to a fairy castle, etc. etc. etc.... and the sad thing is I can remember most of it.

I've started probably hundreds of short stories over the years, but they all ended up being to long for a short story (I tend to get very involved in my characters heads and lives). So I'd drop them, thereby filling up my computer with half finished word documents. I've only ever finished two short stories. I've never yet finished writing/drawing a webcomic, but that's a different thing entirely...

I think I started writing poetry...well, as long as I can remember...the first one was about leaves in autumn...how original, I know...

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Sat Mar 31, 2007 7:23 pm
Leja says...

Wrote my first stories in first grade (and got laughed at when the teacher read them aloud), decided I wanted to be a writer in fourth grade, when I was invited to a writing group (that disbanded within a few months, and where I got funny, often bored, looks when I read my stories aloud), became obsessed with technique in eighth grade, and started seriously writing and revising my stories this past year.

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Sun Apr 01, 2007 12:45 am
AWritersFantasy says...

Mmm...MAYBE fourth grade for me. I think I REALLY got in to it in fifth grade, when I got in to Star Wars.

There's a horribly written Mary-Sue/Stu filled 400 page story I have on one of my oooold computers that's unfinished and is the longest thing I've ever written. Sadly I've never been able to get myself to rewrite it, because I love the character it's about (even though it's a Mary Sue) and I'd love to write her story someday but I don't think it'll happen. I used the same plots OVER and over again, too. It was a Star Wars story using a character I had created named Danielle Skywalker.

Unfortunately neither of my parents remember how old I was when I started writing, so I have to guess. Fourth grade is probably the right age.

I took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of my heart; I am, I am, I am.
— Sylvia Plath