
Young Writers Society

Why write?

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Sun Apr 02, 2006 10:27 pm
James T. Frugo says...

First off, I love life. I love existence. I don't love pain, but I'm lucky enough that I really don't live in a world of it, anymore. So I love things. I love rain and puddles and fog and schoolbusses grunting through it, and language is, with the possible exception of certain drugs I'd rather not have, the fastest way to travel through it. And I'm in control when I write, which I doubt I really would be while drugged. The beauty of life is revealed to me through writing...and I learn so much when I write...so much about life...about people, feelings. Stories are very much like The Sims for me; you create characters, you create the "house" in which they live (their world), and then, you just let them go, and see what happens. You have some control, but it's best when you minimize it, and let them just live their own lives. When I really write, I am free, and I have that to look forward to, throughout the day. It...makes me feel like the universe loves me. It makes me believe it.

That's my poetic reason. The other reason is that it is more fun than anything else I have ever done or experienced in my entire life.

The third reason, of course, is for the endless money all writers make.

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Sun Apr 02, 2006 10:48 pm
Lymphatic_rebellion says...

I agree with Mr. Frugo it that I too love rain, puddles, fog and grunting schoolbuses.

But the question "Why do I write?" That...is a question. I write because I exist. Even if I don't write much on paper or a computer screen, which I really don't do very much at all, I am still a writer. I have written a complex, imaginative, and captivating story. This story that I speak of is my life. It may not seem all that interesting, especially to someone such as yourself who doesn't see all the details. But oh, it is quite a story. So I write because I exist...inherently, everyone is a writer, of course not everyone is good at putting their writting on paper, but everyone is writing a story...so yeah, rock and roll.

I also write because it takes my mind off of things. Today was a really depressing day so I wrote a story about F'ing/killing my mother and I feel a lot better now.

Maybe I'll see a GD rainbow tomorrow.
"Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative." -Oscar Wilde

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Mon Apr 03, 2006 4:12 am
Meshugenah says...

I ditto Jack, El, Bubbles.. yeah. writing itch coupled with OCD and an inane desire to torutre those that by some miracle were published. Yep. Did I mention I've been known to edit published books? wait.. this is writing, not editing.. moving on! Poetry just happens, and I just can't stand to lose a thought, so I write it down; most of the time that turns into poetry, at some time or another. like this one I need to post was sparked by a comment I heard "rommantics annoy me". I had fun with that. For stories.. I just have these character sketches.. ask crysi! lol, for a while there, we were playing the question game using out characters, it was great. that's where was reacquainted with Kyle and Kylie Damon, and thier crazy friends. Such pranksters and incorrigibles and.. fun.

But mostly, I write becuase I might spontaneously combust if I don't (and I still can't spell. But that's another problem.. and firefox hates me and I have to figure out how to turn off the pop up blocker so I can hit the spell check box. arg).
***Under the Responsibility of S.P.E.W.***
(Sadistic Perplexion of Everyone's Wits)

Medieval Lit! Come here to find out who Chaucer plagiarized and translated - and why and how it worked in the late 1300s.

I <3 Rydia

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Mon Apr 03, 2006 7:36 am
Jiggity says...

is for the endless money all writers make.

Are you under the delusion, that we writers are a wealthy bunch? Perhaps, if your a truly successful writer/author, you may make a good deal of it, but endless amounts? Now it si you who lives in a fantastical world, not the characters.
Mah name is jiggleh. And I like to jiggle.

"Indecision and terror, thy name is novel." - Chiko

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Mon Apr 03, 2006 7:49 am
Bobo says...

Some us write to escape the reality that we are stuck in. Others write to attack the reality we live in. I write to improve the reality that we live in.

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Mon Apr 03, 2006 10:56 am
James T. Frugo says...

that was, most definitely, sarcasm when I said that.

I'm not that stupid.

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Mon Apr 03, 2006 7:21 pm
Poetriez says...

I believe I write to teach myself to write better. I have a disability and to over come it I have pushed myself to write. This is for me to say yes I can. It is also to show people That a writing disability is minor and is an easier task to over come than many other things.
War is war
Nothing else
Nothing more

-J.G. Follett

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Mon Apr 03, 2006 7:57 pm
k3pt says...

It's odd... I don't write as much as I used to. Occasionally things will come to me, and I'll put them down on paper. But not as often as in the past. I'm trying to get back into writing, though.

I started writing right before I went to school, I guess. I was around five. We weren't that wealthy, my mother and I, so I didn't have much to keep me entertained. I'd read all the books around the house, played as many solitary sports that I could play, and I needed something to do to keep me from going insane. I thought maybe I could make another story for me to read. I loved reading so much. So I wrote things that I could read. Originally three or four page stories about airplanes and monkeys. Even though I didn't have much of an imagination at the time, I found it fun, creating characters and living in their world for a while. That's what got me started.

I guess I continued writing because I enjoyed it so much. It made me happy. I felt accomplished when I directed my creativity into something wonderful.

More and more I realized that I wasn't that good at expressing my emotions through speech. People became difficult to talk to. I was always a loner, and needed a way to organize my thoughts without having to join someone in aimless conversation. So I'd organize them on paper. It helped me -(cliche, I know)- vent.

And then I got into photography. Another type of art. It was all about capturing miles of beauty in a single click. There was something enticing about that. So I stopped writing and focused on my photography. But I felt weird, focusing all of my time and energy into something that was secondary in my interests.

But I was interested in the beauty of things. And I still wanted to write. Which is why I began writing about the beauty in life. Elaborating on trivial things like a petal covered in drops of water. And I loved doing that. I exceled at making things come alive.

Lately I don't write as much. Since a little over a year ago, I've lost interest in a lot of things.

Still, I'm getting back into writing. I'm happier when I'm writing.

That's all. I'm just happier with writing in my life. Language is important to me, it can convey so much, so perfectly. It's a form of self-expression, mostly. Everyone needs to express themselves, and I like the idea of sharing my ideas with others, inspiring others, making them think. That's the goal I work toward.

That's an amazing question. I've never really gotten down to actually thinking about why I write, except simply knowing that I do.

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Mon Apr 03, 2006 8:33 pm
-KayJuran- says...

Poetriez wrote:I believe I write to teach myself to write better. I have a disability and to over come it I have pushed myself to write. This is for me to say yes I can. It is also to show people That a writing disability is minor and is an easier task to over come than many other things.

It's great to know there are other peeps on the site with 'disabilities'. Myself, I have something known as dyspraxia, which mostly affects co-ordination among other things, but also affects communication. I had to have speech therapy until I was eight or nine, and I still sometimes write 'd' instead of 'g' or vice-versa. I strongly believe this is what has made me so interested in language and communication, both in English and other languages. I'm sorta making up for when I was younger and couldn't talk at all so ended up screaming, and everyone just thought I was being a bratty kid. :cry:

Is that anything like what you have, or am I completely off..? Lol, I've just started waffling now... so I'll stop. :P

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Wed Apr 05, 2006 7:18 am
Crayon says...

For me, its the idea of never being forgotten. If you write and your work is published you are never to be forgotten, years after your death children or teens, or adults will still be reading your works, maybe even idolizing you. Thats what i really love about writing, and helping people, a story can help so many people in so many ways, its really quite cool.

And i like the look of a book filled with half finished storys, notes for plots and little character Bio's, writing is exciting and i can share it with my friends! thats all the stuff i love about writing and what makes me write
Trying to survive "sweet sixteen."
<love> is sweet -suicide- and {[you]} are my LATEST a.t.t.e.m.p.t

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Sat Apr 08, 2006 10:55 am
Ohio Impromptu says...

Think of writing as a party. I'm the guy that arrived half way through and said to myself, "How the hell did I wind up here?" I decided to stay because it was a hell of a party.
Gone, gone from New York City,
where you gonna go with a head that empty?
Gone, gone from New York City,
where you gonna go with a heart that gone?

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Tue May 02, 2006 9:32 pm
Dream Deep says...

I think there are a lot of reasons people write, and I think this is a good discussion. Left to their own devices, writers probably don't go up to one another on the sidewalk and say, "Oh, I write because I had a terrible childhood" or "I write because it annoys my parents" or "I need cash".

Me? I write for a whole land-slide of reasons, but as for THE reason, I think Heather Sellers says it best: "Writing is very risky. Not for the timid... It's this kind of fear - driven manic aplomb that makes some cultures (oppressive regimes) execute artists before anyone else. Art is dangerous. And you can make art."

Hooyah. I like having this kind of power. Having the power to do what you like on paper sort of off-sets the anxiety of the act in the first palce, if you catch my drift.

... what was I saying?

Oh yeah, I write because it makes it seem as though I have the power to say something to people, something to tell them that no one else would possibly be able to tell them. I like knowing that someday someone might say to themselves, I wish I could write like that. Crayon makes a good point here. Writing is a sort of legacy to pass on.

I like this feeling very much. (That, and I like playing with emoticons: :smt117 )

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Sun Nov 26, 2006 8:16 am
Pushca says...

i write because it's why i'm not lying in the dirt right now. it wasn't ever a conscious decision, it's just something i do. i would make some lame comparisons to h potter making things explode or edward cullen glittering, but then you would most definitely have to shoot me.
"Nothing I could write would be as shocking and offensive as censorship itself." -Deb Caletti

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Sun Nov 26, 2006 3:45 pm
RoxanneR says...

I don't like to talk to people about what I think, so I write it instead. I find my notebook somewhere I can go when everything gets too much for me.

Want a faithful critique? PM me!

Luv RR*

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Sun Nov 26, 2006 4:46 pm
Pushca says...

i know what you mean.
"Nothing I could write would be as shocking and offensive as censorship itself." -Deb Caletti

I just want to be the side character in a book that basically steals the whole series.
— avianwings47