
Young Writers Society

Where do you write?

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Thu Aug 21, 2008 4:15 pm
CastlesInTheSky says...

Interesting question :D

Like Suzanne says, I think absolutely everywhere. It's really important really living in your character's brain and thinking in every situation, what would they do?

I normally work on my laptop, sitting on my bed, leant against the matress. Horrendous posture, but one must suffer to be comfortable :D

Like someone else said, I'm a night worker. I find it way easier working at night when everyone's asleep, but once my mum came in and got really mad because I was up at 3:00 am. She slammed my laptop down and all my work got lost :oops: Utter nightmare! Now, I try to type softer, but that's really difficult because I type really fast, but my fingers are really noisy, for some reason :lol:

I definetly don't like writing by hand. This might sound incredibly unromantic but I just don't get inspired that way. I really wish I was like one of those people who write in treetops in a leather bound notebook, as it sounds so romantic, but ah well.


Had I the heavens embroider'd cloths,
I would spread the cloths under your feet.
But I being poor, have only my dreams,
So tread softly, for you tread on my life.

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Thu Aug 21, 2008 8:48 pm
patience_isnt says...

Normally, by hand. I feel so retro sitting in my room, at my desk, with a black and white notebook, scribbling down everything. People always say, "Well, why don't you use that computer of yours. It'd be so much easier!" I guess it would be, but writing isn't supposed to be easy, if you know what I mean.

I guess if I had my own computer, I would write all my crap on it. But I don't, and I don't like others reading what I have down until I think it's the best that it's ever going to be. I know, lame, but it's the truth. And I write fairly grown up for my age. If my little sister read a rape seen and asked me why I was writing such horrible things, I don't think I would live another day.

I find that if you're writing, you should feel the pain that your character feels. And I always make my characters go through (mental and physical) agony. It's my way of saying, "F**k you, I get to do whatever the h*ll I want!" In a way, I've gone insane with power.

So that's why I write everything out by hand.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! What are you girls doing?"

"Peeing on a stick, you wanna try?"

-My C, Nick, and MC, Kayla.

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Wed Aug 27, 2008 4:02 am
Rakun says...

Sometimes I write near a crystallized lake, a emerald park or a colorful garden.
Just write!
Don't matter what, just WRITE!

Do you YWS?

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Sat Aug 30, 2008 9:28 pm
Conrad Rice says...

I usually do most of my writing at my computer in my room. Sometimes I'll write a in a notebook, especially if I have a really good idea while I'm out and about.
Garrus Vakarian is my homeboy.

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Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:54 pm
alwaysawriter says...

For me, it depends. Sometimes I write using my laptop but other times, I just have to write by hand. At school, of course, I only write by hand so I try to continue my stories by hand if they started off that way because I'm too lazy to type them all out. :)
Meshugenah says to (18:12:36):
Kat's my new favorite. other than Sachi.

WWJD: What Would Jabber Do?

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Sun Aug 31, 2008 12:26 am
happy-go-lucky says...

In bed, on my beanbag, anywhere comfortable. There's usually music playing too.
"A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world"
- Oscar Wilde

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Sun Aug 31, 2008 8:11 am
Lord Anzius says...

On my computer. I get ideas in school (almost never write them down, but sometimes I do) from my friends. when I write I put on music just like happy-go-lucky
To copy reality is good... But to create reality is much, much better.
-Giuseppe Verdi-

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Fri Sep 19, 2008 1:18 am
Dreamwriter says...

I like to write in my room, but I get ideas from everywhere. If I happen to have a pen and paper with me, or a computer nearby, or anything I can write with then I'll be happy to write.
Insperation is like a shower; it always wears off. That's why it's recommended daily.

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Sat Sep 20, 2008 1:07 am
oneeyedunicornhunter says...

Generally I write at home on the computer. The laptop is portable, though, so i can take it outside or wherever I want and just relax, listen to my favorite tunes, and write to my heart's content. Writing by hand is slower and often interrupts my flow of thoughts. I usually only do this when I'm home alone, though, as it's quite annoying to have the parents walk over (intrude, really) and inquire about what I'm doing.

Loneliness is really the key to my writing. I do my best writing when I'm alone, and yes, when I'm feeling down. I used to have such a fluctuating mood, mostly going from depressed to very depressed, that writing was my outlet into which all my pent up emotions went.

Unfortunately, not only does inspiration for writing come slower these days, I have much less time to write. School's barely begun and already I'm being swamped with work...

Right now, I'm just waiting for something to hit me, like it did when I wrote Love and Sin (which I consider to be my best poem to date). But my puny little primate brain is incapable of conceiving an original idea. It feels very limited to things it has already written, read, or heard.

Sort of went off at a tangent there, but oh well.
Am I a one eyed hunter of unicorns or a hunter of one eyed unicorns? The world may never know.

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Sat Sep 20, 2008 9:27 am
Cobra says...

I always write at the computer, either in the study or the playroom. I don't write by hand because my handwriting's really bad and I'd just have to type it out again anyway, and that's if I actually managed to get it published.
The corpses are piled high around. Blood carpets the floor and flames scorch away the last remnants of humanity. The screams of the damned echo in my head. I smile. I am home.

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Sat Sep 20, 2008 10:24 am
Billy says...

Like someone said, I keep a little notebook with me if I'm out and about, but mostly just for ideas. If I get a whole scene down in my head while I'm out, I write something that triggers it into my notebook. At home, though, I usually write out single scenes, or overviews and ridiculous lists of information that play a part in my story, by hand at my desk. I have to use my computer for most things, though, because my imagination works too fast for me to write it out by hand. I definitely prefer writing anywhere outside, though.
He had decided to live forever or die in the attempt. - Yossarian, Catch-22

Wide-eyed stupid.

If you're gonna rule the world, you've gotta get up early! - Joel S. Dickens

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Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:48 pm
Stori says...

How can you guys not like writing? Sounds like an oxymoron. Seriously.

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Mon Oct 27, 2008 2:01 pm
niccy_v says...


but i have this daggy text book i use when mum says enough computer. I take it to my room/lounge/wherever i can and just write. I do nothing but in class essays so hand writing isn't that bad anymore.

My bus (although bumpy) is good alone time for me to write too
Writing gives my life purpose

we went from advice to meth real quick
— ShadowVyper